Description: Apple II: No Diskless Startup Across Zones Header: Apple II: No Diskless Startup Across Zones This article last reviewed: 23 February 1989 If you are having problems starting a diskless Apple II on LocalTalk over a Kinetics FastPath, from a server residing on Ethernet, it may be because the diskless start-up capability of Apple II workstations is designed to work over a FastPath or other AppleTalk bridges -- but not across zones. If your FastPath has been set up with the Ethernet as a separate zone from the LocalTalk side, this is your problem. You should also look at the configuration of the FastPath itself. If a Macintosh can access the server normally from the LocalTalk side of the network, then the Apple II should be able to start, because the same network layers are being used for the information transfer. If a Macintosh cannot access the server properly, then you should suspect the configuration of the FastPath itself. Copyright 1989 Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: