8L2C)pJJJJ IH(ȱH:=IH[H`@HcH  $ +   I/H`JLNGȄBȄF aK  haaFF  mJm# KKJ UJ )J ۈ) ;J3ȱJFȱJGJKaȄM  aaNNJFLGJL L? &PRODOS `DaElH$?EGvѶK+`L HHLy XP LM ŠϠĠӠS)*+,+`F)) (*=GJFjJJA QE'+ '== `@ STSP8QSS8 m P o R(8RQRAMIIE' 'STARTUP" +  .MEMTEST.SYSTEM!@+ +.QRAM.DRIVE.PRO0 + -QD.PRO.CUSTOM7 + . +QRAM.SYSTEMB + . /LOADQRAM.SYSTEMJ + / (COPY.ALLP + !COPY.ALL.OBJ]+ 5 +PATCH.PATCH^ + / +MRAW3.5.1.1d&I+ +MRAW4.5.1.1!>+ *BW.INSTALL+  'BW.TEXT+  .INST.BGLRT.LDR+ -QLAB.DISCLAIM# !  d::690n7208xCHOICE1:D$(4):D$;"PR#3"E:2:13"Quality Computers' Q Ram //e Memory Card Utilities V4.0"3:I079:"_";:19:I079:"_";:21:22:">> use arrow keys to move cursor" 23:22:">> use Return key to make selection"- 6:28:CHOICE1ĞS "Install AppleWorks Utilities":j 8:28:CHOICE2Ğ "Install RAM Disk": 10:28:CHOICE3Ğ "Run Q Ram //e Memory Test": 12:28:CHOICE4Ğ "Exit to System": 14:28:CHOICE5Ğ "Exit to BASIC":6 16:28:CHOICE6Ğ^ "Install BeagleWrite Autoloader":q "KEYED(49168) ,(49152)128300 6KEYED(49168) @A(49152) JA10440 TA11470 ^A13190 hCHOICE1ī1000 rCHOICE23000 |CHOICE3ĺD$;"-MEMTEST.SYSTEM"7 CHOICE4ĺD$;"BYE"[ CHOICE6ĺD$;"-inst.bglrt.ldr"e :: :2000:8:31:"Manual Correction" 10:5:"AppleWorks 3.0 does not require a patch in order to use the expanded"3 11:5:"memory on your Q Ram //e card. Many of the features included in the" 12:5:"AppleWorks Expanders on this disk are automatically included with" 13:5:"AppleWorks 3.0." 15:5:"Since the AW 3.0 expander was harder to use than the benefits it"' 16:5:"provided warranted, it has been omitted.": KEYED(49168)P (49152)128418c KEYED(49168)l 120 CHOICECHOICE1 CHOICE6CHOICE1 190 CHOICECHOICE1 CHOICE1CHOICE6 190 : 22:28:"One Moment Please"D$;"-QRAM.DRIVE.PRO"#D12:246KEYED(49168)L(49152)128660_KEYED(49168)h1201010,0:1011,198:1012,99I09:A:768I,A:768:(255)0110:10:7"*** ERROR DETECTED ***"7:"RUNNING MEMORY TEST NOW" (4);"-MEMTEST.SYSTEM"N 173,152,191,41,248,73,176,133,255,96aCHOICE1:2000x6:28:CHOICE1Ğ"Expand AppleWorks 3.0":8:28:CHOICE2Ğ"Expand AppleWorks 2.0":10:28:CHOICE3Ğ $"Expand AppleWorks 1.2 or 1.3":#.12:28:CHOICE4Ğ@8"Return to Main Menu":SBKEYED(49168)jL(49152)1281100}VKEYED(49168)`A(49152)jA101200tA111230~A131010CHOICE1ī410CHOICE31300CHOICE21350CHOICE4İ2000:CHOICE1:190)CHOICECHOICE1@CHOICE4CHOICE1J1010^CHOICECHOICE1uCHOICE1CHOICE41010(4);"-MRAW3.5.1.1"F(4);"-MRAW4.5.1.1"6:1X111 " "X+ CHOICE1:2000B 6:28:CHOICE1Ğ[ "Install Ramdisk":r 8:28:CHOICE2Ğ "Customize Ramdisk": 10:28:CHOICE3Ğ "Return to Main Menu": KEYED(49168) (49152)1283100& KEYED(49168)0 A(49152): A103200,D A113230<N A133010OX CHOICE1ī500qb CHOICE3İ2000:CHOICE1:190l CHOICE23300 CHOICECHOICE1 CHOICE3CHOICE1 3010 CHOICECHOICE1 CHOICE1CHOICE3 3010  (4);"-QD.PRO.CUSTOM"!(4);"-PATH.NAMER" !"#$%&'()*+,-./LI8 < <<.HH <<7HH <</ ȑȑHH <<-8 <<- L)ȑȑȑHHHH`H0H <=i?ȱ-  ',-',CB < =>?8 ލ Ѝq,/-Јq,Ѝ,-Ј,s`-sȱ <ȱ ==i?ȱ- ,M- --,=?<> B C à M- --΍ ЍP-/M- --P-魃Ѝv-M- --v-- s`H h) ``  ` ` sȢ ss` <`ȑiȱi ȱ ȱ ';ȑ ȱ ȱ ; ȑiȱi ȱL.0qqL.7qq L5.qqȱ `ύXXo`  L/ȱ`e`e8```` ` ``` ```     , i  H /hiL/`   )8 0. & e 4e  8` <)8*8ȑHH <<58ȱȱ :HH <</ ȑHHHHHHHHHH <> 8 #213f33   3 ? 3 ? >>@ 33333  30 ?30033333?00?003333?0 3333333>0 0880>>>>30 >333?3333333333333???3;33333?333 00003333333?!3??333337?;33333333333333033333303? 33333333333 333??3!33 33333 ?0 ?<< @88888 0>3>3333300>333>3?>33>03333 333 ++++333333333>33>003333>333 +++3 3333>0? ? >?> >>~>>,P,R+8,UL8,T,W` )  )m+8*` '8`)8` +8`ة  LMst````뭚```````ʅ`L8s``S```  8 8 < ` <`` x:L9恥LT9 ;m`m`LQ9HH <%:%;%??%? qIȌq I?%@q:%;%@?%0?%:%L":%8 0:% :%:%9%'?%':%:%9%芢 .:%9*':%@*''* # 9%'q&' #q()) " )J%iS# )p% %  ٭%JJJJP# ) !!"!"""% N%j-" :"P# P#9% 9$ 7# n%,%0 # 12)0 11>2)ɰM9$ W# &' &'12)ɰ112=%>%L">%` "LD"q<%`Ϡֱ堠㩠͠ӳı͠ӳIJϠ٠ĮǺŠӠĠӠq,,؝$$ $,(`R AM`<3 01234567012345670LXHBL,0 GF*F)=?EȄGDF<>BqO]Lå=4а i=?=< =?<>?<>L=а i=?<= <>=??<>DFhyL L=< <=* = &= &=<=i =<BO]Lå=4а i=?=< =?<>?<>L=а i=?<= <>=??<>DFhyL L=<<=*= < =h<`RAM# ' /RAMؠؠ2x ?@A  QRam.Drive.Pro Customize: by Steve StephensonV Copyright (c) 1992 bym( Steve Stephenson2QDRIVE8192: load address for /QRAM maker prgm<FAKESLOTDRIVEQDRIVE4:slot/drive to emulate /QRAM FSIZEMRAMQDRIVE5:number of 64K banks for /QRAM P: d50002 TROW22:BROW23 TROW:ITROWBROW::I:79);::TROW:::clr rows from toprow to btmrow , @400:(4)"RUN STARTUP" 23:21:"Please wait while program loading...":1:: 23:21:"Please wait while program saving....":1::!  i "/QRAM may emulate any slot and drive you desire (except slot 0)." "It may even be installed in a slot that is occupied by another hardware device." "Some combinations may not work well with some programs. Any empty slot will"W "always work. Otherwise, slot 3, drive 1 will usually work."} B19:29:"Enter slot and drive": LSLOT(FAKESLOT):I(SLOT16):DRIVESLOTI16:SLOTI: find current for default QSLOT7DRIVE2SLOT3:DRIVE1:range check1 V21:32:"Slot (0-7)? "(SLOT)(8);:SLOT$G `(SLOT$)131150n j(SLOT$)1(SLOT$)7ĺ(7):1110 tSLOT(SLOT$) ~SLOT$ 22:32:"Drive (1,2)? "(DRIVE)(8);:DRIVE$ (DRIVE$)131250 (DRIVE$)1(DRIVE$)2ĺ(7):1200 DRIVE(DRIVE$) DRIVE$E I0(48945): number of devices ((48946I)16)16(DR1)128SLOT161400:check for match in device list (:1500 xTROW19:BROW23:20019:"You already have a device connected here. You may use /QRAM in this slot/drive"m"but this will completely block access to the existing device. You will have to""re-boot ProDOS to reconnect the original device."(7)20:"Do you really want to do this (Y/N)? ";:Q$Q$"Y"Q$"y"TROW19:BROW23:200:10902FAKESLOTDRIVE,SLOT16DRIVE:: "If you don't want all available memory to be used by /QRAM, you may shrink it""down to a smaller size in multiples of 64K. By making /QRAM smaller, other"7"programs that are capable of using more than 128K (such as AppleWorks) may be"l"able to share your available QRam //e memory."4MAXBANKS3Ģ20:5:"INSUFFICIENT MEMORY TO SUPPORT PARTITIONING. Requires at least 192K.":32:"Press any key...":Q$::/18:" ";:COL177:"_";:::23:" ";:COL177:"_";::18:fROW1923:1:"|";:1403,39:"|";:1403,78:"|":19:3:"Memory available to programs | Total ";(" "((MAXBANKS(1((64448)0)))64),4)"K";:show total - bnks*64K - (1 less for //c)#" | Memory available to /QRAM"B20:33:"|_____________|"xMRAM(SIZE):QRAM0QRAM(MAX1)QRAMMAXBANKS1238024:10:"Use arrows to adjust the partition. Press when set. ";:Q$ Q(Q$)$ Q13Ģ22::2900%. Q21Q11Q32QRAMQRAM1:QRAM0QRAM1^8 Q8Q10QRAMQRAM1:QRAMMAXBANKSQRAMMAXBANKS1B Q8Q11Q10Q21Q13Q32Ģ22:(7):2300L APLWRKSMAXBANKSQRAM:APLWRKS1APLWRKSMAXBANKS` 20:3:30):21:3:30)Me APLWRKSMAXBANKSĢ20:3:"At this size, AppleWorks will":3:"take all memory and kill /QRAM"dg 22:1403,50:20)j QRAM1Ģ22:1403,50:"(at minimum size)"t QRAMMAXBANKS1Ģ22:1403,50:"(at maximum size)"~ 22:4:"(AppleWorks Desktop = "APLWRKS$(APLWRKS)" "(8)(8)")";> 34:(" "((MAXBANKSQRAM)64),4)"K";f 1403,41:(" "(QRAM64),4)"K"p 2300T QRAMMAXBANKS1QRAM0:0 = auto float to maxY SIZE,QRAM: banks given to /QRAM^   save/run QDRIVE$ 500:(4)"BSAVE QRAM.DRIVE.PRO,A$2000,E$2A99"C offer save to qram.system 190:22:14:"Save the custom changes to QRAM.SYSTEM also (Y/N) ? ";:Q$ Q$"Y"Q$"y"ĺQ$:3070 190:300 400:(4)"BLOAD QRAM.SYSTEM,A$1E00,TSYS" FAKESLOTDRIVE,SLOT16DRIVE:SIZE,QRAMK 500:(4)"BSAVE QRAM.SYSTEM,A$1E00,E$2A99,TSYS"U 3060] krun only|QDRIVE:300 ((105)(106)256)91(4)"BLOAD QRAM.DRIVE.PRO,A$2000"APLWRKS$(80)MAXBANKS(768):I2MAXBANKS~APLWRKS$(I)(" "(((((I1)30392943)64)(I20)(((I1)15191471)32)(I41I19)(((I1)759735)16)(I40)))"K",5):(4)"PR#3"::|1:29:"QDrive.PRO Options":"QDrive.PRO will create a single RAM disk drive in addition to the existing"^"ProDOS '/RAM' device. The name of this new device is '/QRAM'. You may specify""which slot and drive you want to emulate for /QRAM. You may also specify the""amount of your QRam //e memory to assign to /QRAM.":20:"1. Set the slot and drive for /QRAM"O20:"2. Set the amount of memory for /QRAM"20:"3. Save the custom changes and create /QRAM"20:"4. Create /QRAM without saving any changes"D13:COL179:"-";:12:32:"Please Select: "(8);:Q$ Q(Q$):Q1Q4ĺ(7):5800CQ$:14:Q1000,2000,3000,4000bTROW14:BROW24:200:5800O OqIOq IP 0O`CDEFGHIL QRAM.SYSTEMI !L3"   U X0*$pg )_ - @ȱ. ")$0-  i'i0 e"55 /4PHF OӭQKRL Gп E [L  5 `LTLTLTL 11H X" )00v# `<%=%>%:%;%??%? qIȌq I?%@q:%;%@?%0?%:%L":%8 0:% :%:%9%'?%':%:%9%芢 .:%9*':%@*''* # 9%'q&' #q()) " )J%iS# )p% %  ٭%JJJJP# ) !!"!"""% N%j-" :"P# P#9% 9$ 7# n%,%0 # 12)0 11>2)ɰM9$ W# &' &'12)ɰ112=%>%L">%` "LD"q<%`Ϡֲ宠㩠͠ӳı͠ӳIJϠ٠ĮǺŠӠĠӠq,,؝$$ $,(`R AM`LXHBL,0 GF*F)=?EȄGDF<>BqO]Lå=4а i=?=< =?<>?<>L=а i=?<= <>=??<>DFhyL L=< <=* = &= &=<=i =<BO]Lå=4а i=?=< =?<>?<>L=а i=?<= <>=??<>DFhyL L=<<=*= < =h<`RAM# ' /RAMؠؠx PFX$(PREFIX$,(PREFIX$)1): strip trailing "/" #---- BUILD TABLE OF NAMES TO SKIP ----# be sure to set SKIP in the constants I1SKIP:SKIP$(I): "PRODOS","MULTIDRIVE.PRO","COPY.ALL","COPY.ALL.OBJ" K ALL5010: skip specifics, go build array #---- BUILD ARRAY OF NAMES FOR SPECIFIC COPY ----# be sure to set MAX in the constants"COPYING SPECIFIC FILES...."I1MAX:NAME$(I): "yourfile.1","yourfile.2","etc."BNMAX:7010: skip array, goto copyingw #---- BUILD ARRAY OF NAMES FOR AUTO COPY ----#"COPYING ALL FILES IN BOOT DIRECTORY...."6N0:D$;"OPEN ";PFX$;",TDIR":D$;"READ ";PFX$:F$,F$,F$: ignore vol name, header info, and blank line ..next input is file entryA5150ENTRY$:ENTRY$(ENTRY$" ",20): keep only lock status, name, & typeF$(ENTRY$,16): keep just lock status and nameTYPE$(ENTRY$,18): just the type'TYPE$"DIR"5030: skip subdirectoriesp(F$)1(F$,1)" "F$(F$,(F$)1):5070: remove trailing blanksF$" "5150: found blank line after last nameNAME$(F$,2): strip off lock/unlock status, keep name skip specific filescI1SKIP:NAME$SKIP$(I)ISKIP1: set loop counter intentionally 1 too high for match flagI:ISKIP25030: 'next' will bump loop 1 higher, so if +1 then no match and fall thru, or if +2 then there was a match so skip it0  it passed all the tests, so add it to the array and continuebNN1:NAME$(N)NAME$:5030: get the next oneD$;"CLOSE":216,0:N09010: no files!X #---- COPY EACH FILE IN THE ARRAY ----#bI1N:SOURCE$PREFIX$NAME$(I):DEST$MRAM$NAME$(I)lNAME$(I): show name and copy itVvCOPY,SOURCE$,DEST$:(215)07060: no error(215)7210010: error 72= volume full D$;"DELETE ";DEST$:MRAM$;" VOLUME IS FULL!"(7):9010: if volume full, remove last (partial) file and exit w/o setting prefix!IF@ #---- SUCCESS...SEE IF WE ARE LOOPING ----#hJLOOPING8510: skip to exitTD$"CAT"MRAM$: show what's there so far..^:"INSERT NEXT DISK IN SLOT "SLOT", DRIVE "DRIVEh"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE," r"OR TO QUIT":16384,128:16368,0>|(16384)278510: exiti16648:1010: de-allocate & re-start4! #---- CHANGE TO DESTINATION PREFIX FOR EXIT ----#>!PFX$(MRAM$,(MRAM$)1):D$"PREFIX"PFX$(# #---- CLEANUP, CATALOG, SHOW PREFIX, END ----#@2#16648: deallocate pages from copy.obj (-16648= $BEF8)_<#D$;"CAT": print catalogF#"PREFIX= '";PFX$;"'": show the current prefix$:%TURNKEYĺD$"-"TURNKEY$: auto-run your program&%' #---- ERROR HANDLER ----#&'SOURCE$;" : PRODOS MLI ERROR CODE= ";(215);"N$'9010: must deallocate before exitT N:pPò Copyright (c) 1985 byZò Checkmate Technology, Inc.L5L 5B5yq6r 6x6 婺q6r 66 N67GL5L5 66 66L566Í96 66L5 Z6L6_6I6g6 H6L6 `6L6e6o6j6r6k6s6 f6;LK v6,x%66&6 $6 $6%66&6$6 $6`l6r6m6s6 n6 v6` ߠHȱȱh` 6 6x676;?T?T_`abcPatch the Patch/by Steve StephensonQRAMCOPYRIGHT1992BYSTEVEHENSW:f 1000:100"(Y/N)? ";::(78Q(Q)11);::(8);16384,128:16368,0:X(16384)(X13ZQ(Q):802X78X110Z0:80<X89X121Z1:80 F(7);:30$ PQ(Q)Z:(78Z11):* Z:@ dADDR8192:D$(4) n:"Make your copy of the Expanded AppleWorks Startup disk available," x"and press if you are using a floppy named '/APPLEWORKS'.":7 "If it is somewhere else, enter the complete path: /";:"";PFX$:PFX$""PFX$"/APPLEWORKS"N (PFX$,1)"/"140` PFX$"/"PFX$j 155 N$"/APLWORKS.SYSTEM" D$"BLOAD"PFX$N$",TSYS ,A"ADDR:216,0:160 216,0:N$"/APLWORKS.SYS":150 FIND:TABLE(6)256(7):TABLE0220 I19:Z(TABLE1I)9 Z0Z24Z234Z255230X Z16Z80I3ZZ16:250v "Unsupported version.": Z1(Z128) I8I9ZZ Q(I)Z : "Want to pause on the first screen ";:Q5:20:TABLE1Q,Q(Q)255A "Want to enter the date on the date screen ";:Q6:20:TABLE1Q,Q(Q)255 "Want to stop on the QRam //e Options screen ";:Q7:20:TABLE1Q,Q(Q)255 "Want to load all overlays (needs 180K desktop) ";:Q4:20:TABLE1Q,Q(Q)255: "Want to start with the date and time displayed ";:Q1:20:TABLE1Q,Q(Q)255 &"Want to have the memory indicator on the screen ";:Q2:20:TABLE1Q,Q(Q)255 0(64448)0ĺ"Want to restrict AppleWorks to the host card memory ";:Q3:20:TABLE1Q,80Q(Q)(8016)Z:"Want the Data Base report to offer the current date ";:Q8:20:TABLE1Q,(Q(Q)1)255D(TABLE1)19ĺ"Want to be able to enter a zero in printer commands ";:Q9:20:TABLE1Q,(Q(Q)1)255ND$"BSAVE"PFX$N$",A"TABLE",TSYS,L9,B"TABLEADDR X:"Done."::(4)"PR#3"H"Customize your Expanded AppleWorks":"REQUIRES AppleWorks 1.2 or newer and QRam //e Expander 1.0 or newer":FIND(175)256(176)81>#ȱPȱAȱTȱCȱHɿɄ`Șei`efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~TVWiUTVTWUU ;>L`PATCH,Q,T,V Й 8 r 7 % Db dL9` % ;c 4 % qBb 1 6bh  報ξL` ξ 6bLua TT - TT  startup disk報L`Cb *b X,BbB,Cb= d) ddd ddddd d *bL *b e#b0b b)ȩ/ b d˭ddd ddddd dШ *bL  c` c c` ƊcL c cLÍcc cLg dLŦ dd!ddd dLŦdddd?L dLŦ /d /dLÍ2d/d /dLg AdLŦFdMdZdUdHd GdLŦIdPdJdQd LdLŦ %L9c:c` d dLg Td YdLg dG Ȩddd ˮdLg *b`c /APPLEWORKSAPLWORKS.SYSTEM cc  4SEG.00 (d(d SEG.MN adad SEG.MRddk~ BASIC.SYSTEMd  o p O ,:cLfkфWj sj sj  }jjj}jj jjj;jAjwjktkfwkkk+k@kkkk"`f8]fQ3 #356 88(8jTxUV?WTVTUVWWTV`LOR ,@,J`T2)TT(`фTi pi pi zi~ijtiiii3j9ijiiSwkkk#k8kckky3"`f=]f3Jb'c6㍮llkۍk(#4677xxxxxxʍxx;yy yyVy yxxyyˍyy=~yyyyGyyyyyybyyyy~yiyyy莇y y̎xxxxxxxyxxxxɍЄф׆n؆چۆ Ʌʅ Ѕх܍Tvvvp&p+p.pwww!wTssss{${){.{3{8{={B{E{J{M{R{U{====L/f\۩*RR6LK ^x^ώ ۍeL!۠ ?ۈ ^L e ! Рȱ򅟢 L^LõLQff`deSdЭeieФPnendЈ`H h`^ϔP66`۩q,(SX`۪,,q((S`۩*RR6L x^ώ eSdХiL۠ ۈ He ۠ бH hLoL } AО {B Q٢}ߝ `deSdЭeieФPnendЈ`H h`^ϔP66`۩q,(SX` ܪ,q((S`Lõ,]` L$]0` б 9ߑ`$]0` <ߍH h`xHZqh`Qff`  \) ,ܭH H[ <  ,X { :L/\) {/ {1Lސ\)@R < L, &L, !Ф LɐАאސ  L, L3 Z`L琩L琩L琩UL HH     hUhT TTUL, T 2E x ّ   {‘ )Т $O-  E ~ ~[ x 0  { ~E ~x ~ ~, ~`QRam //e OptionsStart AppleWorks4Change Data Base limit (use before loading overlays)current maximum is: 2Load Data Base overlays (approximately 30 seconds)7Load Word Processor overlays (approximately 30 seconds)4Load Spreadsheet overlays (approximately 30 seconds)+Load All overlays (approximately 2 minutes)View clock option information --> EXPWRX S 9   ?ߎ Tp B`  L: EXPWRX !   B`  LLoading Printer information...Xp DKhyhzh c`L  C t ) _ s ݖ 4Appleworks normally loads a program module (overlay))from disk if it is not already in memory.2To avoid disk delays when a new overlay is needed,.you may load some or all program overlays now.0This will result in one slight delay now insteadof many delays later.5The overlays have been grouped according to function.6You may load one or more overlay groups, all overlays,1or no overlays according to your needs. When you5have all the overlays that you want in memory, select"Start AppleWorks".5You cannot return to QRam //e Options after selecting3"Start AppleWorks". QRam //e Options are available%only when you first begin Appleworks. QRam //e Help c[ E { " { W {( {( {( {( ؙ {( {( {(* {(D {(_ ~z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Κ ~ܚ ~ꚥ < L !L[ ߗ <  L Z`]ӝ ]  ]`,P8Y[ ƘTǘUVW VTȥWTꘅV똅W VTȥWTؘV٘W VW8TUT[H`YfWfV`@.> NY !@`@`   \ c g s#zΚܚData Base limit4Select a maximum number of records and press Return.5Note new desktop size and press Escape when finished.Desktop memory must bereserved for the largestnumber of records that areexpected. The chosen limitand the remaining desktopspace will remain valid forthe rest of this session.The limit is also saved asthe default for next time. 500 records 1000 records 2000 records 4000 records 8000 records 12000 records 16000 records 20000 records 23000 recordsL` _  7` 9Khpyhzh cL,Ae h     A .Press the Open-apple or Closed-apple key with:'{ to turn on the screen clock display(} to turn off the screen clock display)| to change the 12 hour/ 24 hour format.In the Data Base, one-key entry of the current.date or time in a date or time field with '\'. Clock OptionsP BHL!hh`h8hHHxLL'y h īxd h { +z {Kz  8Y i iLx iNmNNNmNNN8NNNNN`7k k7kL!y ihhhhLm Rq my y ?ߎ Tc Tk k  ?ߎ Tc ХXмМ,9kCk kЩL9k Ckx` AE my y ] &E EL-y E {bdxʆ`hhhhk LjLhLgrEʩ.rE;rEʩ.rErE:0irErE` E { y {y {RE {z {rE`"This file is larger than this disk&Insert the next disk, with the prefix:To continue with the file:Insufficient room on this disk.-Is it OK to delete the old copy of this file? r /krkrkr$kX` kKhyhrzhoikizRikSi h_ihi|h cX`  @   @ kllHl~lllm;mrmmmm nSnvnnnoHo`ooop7pmpwppp q9qmqqq r?rur6Files larger than the remaining space on your disk are5automatically segmented and saved over several disks..After a file fills the first disk, you will be!prompted to insert a second disk.5The second disk must have been pre-formatted with the5same volume name as the first disk. Use "5. Format a6blank disk" from the "Other Activities" menu to format4several disks with the same name before you start tosave a large file.0When you insert the second disk, select "Yes" to4continue saving the file. The file segment saved to2the second disk will have a "." and the number "2""added to the end of the file name.5If you end the original name with a "." and a letter,1the letter will be overwritten by the number "2".3If the file name is already at maximum length (15),5then the "." and a number will overwrite the last twocharacters of the name.5If you fill the second disk, the segmentation process6will continue. Each file segment, numbered one higher4than the last, must be saved to a pre-formatted disk4with the same volume name as the first disk. If the5segment number reaches "9", the numbering starts over with "2".1To resave a large file already saved over several3disks, save the file to newly formatted disks. Use-the first set of disks as your backup copies.-Pressing the ESCAPE key or responding "No" to3"Continue saving?" cancels the save. The file will2remain in memory. You may then have an incomplete5file segment on disk that should be manually deleted.5To load a segmented file, simply insert the disk with2the original file name and swap disks in ascending5order when you are prompted. Press the ESCAPE key orselect "No" to cancel loading.Large file HelpContinue savingYesNoHelp!$JYj)JJ)څX*ڙ)V   ,^0   ^8 ^  ^0I   ^ ]ڍ"^ڍ#Y8UeXeV8iT eTڙ` ٭N x >`) x `㠠L, ?ߎ Txy LxT,a0,b0`3ƶ ƶ?&ƶ:^^ʎ б? xZq َqX,Uɺ,PJUpPTP(UL_,N  \ ?ߍ َ ЩL5L5 x>LiT`T8`T 0`n h i `eTiT`n h Ti ` AE   `EE`HLkLj!8巭!鏍 r ` r L; r L jYY23000 Data Base recordslimited to 23000 records.`VW`VW`! 9ߍ Эi k*l ` $$`8 9ߑȑLХ *ii` .` n $` n!! $3` 9ߠ$ȭ$SLЍ $$LИHh` 9ߑȱL 9ߍȱLЍcЩ 9 <ߍLө,A 2PA`誱芑LЍ <ߍL 9߱LmO`Ohh` <ߍȱLЩ,, 9 9ߍƟĞLЩ 9 9ߍ ee ƟƛƝLLPq EXMWRX PPPP PH Ph %LLOX~  ?  O' EPLBPӠԠԠˠΠPP àP hh eP`ǡ͠宠ˠٯΩ0'?x? qI?q I? 0/P?L0PZ Q0ZW12)0D2)*JJJJ(  mP132s0x.P/P.P.P/P).P.P.P PPʈȮ/P XTq.PPXT eT.P  .P %P&PP PTУqX.P+PZq T?UV݅WTVTUVWWVy䩂TAUVЅWTVTUVWWVBTIUVمWTVTUVWWVcTJUVWTVTUVWWɺVTJUVWTVTUVWWɺVq?ƶ? ,,O3? 5Р 44?,>a\?f\?f\?f\SкЍIq íL3XL90gd hd hdLÍkdhd hdLg zdLŦdddd ʍdLŦ 1gd cLg hd hdLŦÍkdhd hdLg zdLŦdddd ʍdLŦ *b`G m d ΀dhhLŦύdd ʅdhhLŦ`dddd ΀dhhLŦ ˅dhh g` 4850E nEEE3 $ A LB F PM)P)` ͷLhr e ͷL; %9 r `x EZq  TdTU?J TȽiT TXG,Yq BXLS `_V_WVVVTȄXViXT T_`` $$ GLǸX 5 .XL> x z  " 6 < U k n { G 8䅍兎i接䅀允HH OhhHHeᅁeOO OOOᅁhh P ׸#!"! .Lf G Ш  |! $12,:cL0$WXrs bfcde}~ |J |e2<=$uv{| |h |n ^ >i()01$,:c0u+.,.(()) <%=%#P%Q%5# .Ϡ/ .ď ) |.s0.1.))) ) A%B%#U%V%:# .Ԡ/ .ď ) |!. ^ ʏ4ʏ} ͏Tڏڏޏޏ⏝⏝)揝鏝쏝"q ^`   ^ So U펝nWop ^ ,:cLn67BC;<@AD%E m    !"#,u;܎n]RS^_WX\]`%a,;ᎩA䎢܎ ^/ ,:c0%&'-.m?n?֎A, .#⎋::֎ʠ, . ^LITUWiVTHVThV` ܠ &'B{+_,0 YAYB 1펝/) ^,:c04  uꌰ ^ }oV+a,o ^A^B,1U펝n ^  ,:c0Vt   } 5!O" L  O ^! ,:cL]^hipq$   |`z}䠴%,ɎL)*st"#*+$ |yhz`z}莜莡䠴%,,ώɎp ^" R ^#    ^$ ,:c0T=67$ |$à$EF3CBA:;$ |(à$IJ7 ^% ,:c0 ^&  ^)  ^`  ߢ( TT < TT  ߢ( ! QRam //e    㩠 ߢN  Π ` 堠 󠱮  ߢN  ߢN ` ߢ  䠠ߢ( TT E TT ߢB   核ˮ   L ߢ  蠠ߢ& TT G TT ߢB TT B TT  堼ξ 묠 堧Ӯͧ 󮠠堧ӮͧLB ߢ  렠ߢ& TT I TT ߢB ޣ2u  報堼ξLg N ` ߢ  렠ߢ& TT K TT  ߢB ã2u  報堼ξLg N `TT N TT  . ` ξž N  ξž ɛ`hhLxa  ξ N  غL3 N  ξ ` N  T T B TT` TT B TT`c c` L%`%`%`1`I`      砨  련, , ͠, , , 󮮮`hh 蠺  L hh 䠺 SEG.00L< APLWORKS.SYSTEM  蠺  L hh +& L *b fL hh  *b fL L hh   *b L hh 2LA`hThU TUTUHTH` [$` `§ 0 0,H h§` ç, ɛ  n `   çɈɍ ɕɠɍ ? ڊ @ccʽ)c2`  0$ 0ΐ`8Hh`TVW^UTVTWUU ;AL`PATCH ,Q,T,V  y r ` Db dL9`C `C ;cC o ` Bb l 6bh } }報ξL` }ξ ܗ 6bLua ~TT - TT } }startup disk報L`Cb *b X,BbB,Cb= d) ddd ddddd d *bL *b e#b0b b)ȩ/ b d˭ddd ddddd dШ *bL  c` c c`C ƊcL c cL⚩Ícc cLT dL dd!ddd dLdddd?L dL   ALC /d /dL⚩Í2d/d /dLT AdLFdMdZdUdHd GdLIdPdJdQd LdL` d dLT Td YdLT dG Ȩddd ˮdLT *b`c /APPLEWORKSAPLWORKS.SYSTEM cc  6SEG.00 (d(d SEG.MN adad SEG.MRdd3hT BASIC.SYSTEMd   ʍ Q ;*č+f f ffffwfffff6g<gm+g Vg;$h'h&'h;+hf.h.h3&3?@r@H@x@S@U@f@ f@͍3Q3L3fg2  TtUVBWTVTUVWWVV`your QRam //e memory QR ,@,ML0ڎڵYR't۩*RR6Lc vxaώ ۍhL9۠  Wۈ vL$h 9۠ ѱH h Ѡȱ򅟢 LvLQff`geSgЭhihФPnhngЈ`H h`aϔP66s`۩q,(sX`۪,,q((s`L,^` BL$^0` ѱ ݑ`$^0` ݍH h`xHZqh` P V ? jL L -s./ o(]) ,ۭ \ Hp! ,n o 푩LV])@H 0 אLS ْLS л L ^LS  H!p ]) ,!L' 7` T 5! l {   od ,Т O-  ! u u\ ZS[T l  o o͑`QRam //e Version 1.0 QRam //e OptionsStart AppleWorksChange the Data Base limitcurrent maximum is: Press -? for QRam //e Help 9PR ȼSÒȒВ ’9Ē˒FŒ̒G ǒ ϒ ݎ H 6` ϒ L 9PR ȼ!ҒВ ђ ϒ 6` ϒ L^Loading Printer information... KEyEzE @`hk ӓ / Op ڔ 7 n ٕ  D y  T  Q 3If you have a clock, you may have the date and time3displayed on the screen and the date or time may be'entered automatically in the Data Base.3Any time you see a flashing cursor, you may controlscreen display with these keys: -{ turns the screen display ON!-} turns the screen display OFF$-| flips 12 hour or 24 hour format"In a Data Base date or time field:$\ enters the current date or time7-------------------------------------------------------6Data Base record space must be set aside from the desk3top space before you start AppleWorks. Each record6requires two bytes. Balance your record needs and the5desktop space with the Data Base record limit option.4When you have the Data Base record limit set and are4ready to begin a session, select "Start AppleWorks".7-------------------------------------------------------6If you have enough memory (about 180K of desktop), all4of the program overlays of AppleWorks will be loaded6into your QRam //e memory as soon as you select "Start2AppleWorks". It will take about 30 seconds from a7floppy disk. You may cancel the loading any time after(it has begun by pressing the Escape key.3You cannot return to the QRam //e Options after you4select "Start AppleWorks". The QRam //e Options are/available only when you first begin AppleWorks. QRam //e Help Wn\ ! o ~ o  o( o( o(  o( 4 o(P o(j o( o( o( u֛ u u u u u u* u8 uF 0 אL L\ ] L N`WӝWT W``P8Y\ "T#UZV[W VTȥWTFVGW VTȥWT4V5W VW  \`YfWfV`@.> NY !@`@`   \' k o {+֛*8FData Base limit4Select a maximum number of records and press Return.5Note new desktop size and press Escape when finished.Desktop memory must bereserved for the largestnumber of records that areexpected. The chosen limitand the remaining desktopspace will remain valid forthe rest of this session.The limit is also saved asthe default for next time. 500 records 1000 records 2000 records 4000 records 8000 records 12000 records 16000 records 20000 records 23000 recordsP_H L!F`KD KH ` ` raXLH G,I I HթLI ILH D! ` ` Q )! #!L]`` ! o@)m)))m)))8)))))))L)r!ʩ.r!;r!ʩ.r!r!:0ir!r!` ! o a o0a oR! oWa or!`"This file is larger than this disk&Insert the next disk, with the prefix:To continue with the file: Ei 2ЍaUiaYia\iaX` ݎ H@  Щ )bKE5yEizEFbFRFbSF E_FEF|E @  ݎ H@  ЩX`  @   @ 1bbbbcNcpcccdHd[ddddeMeeeef7fnfffggJg~ggghAhwhhhi6Files larger than the remaining space on your disk are5automatically segmented and saved over several disks..After a file fills the first disk, you will be!prompted to insert a second disk.5The second disk must have been pre-formatted with the5same volume name as the first disk. Use "5. Format a6blank disk" from the "Other Activities" menu to format4several disks with the same name before you start tosave a large file.0When you insert the second disk, select "Yes" to4continue saving the file. The file segment saved to2the second disk will have a "." and the number "2""added to the end of the file name.5If you end the original name with a "." and a letter,1the letter will be overwritten by the number "2".3If the file name is already at maximum length (15),5then the "." and a number will overwrite the last twocharacters of the name.5If you fill the second disk, the segmentation process6will continue. Each file segment, numbered one higher4than the last, must be saved to a pre-formatted disk4with the same volume name as the first disk. If the5segment number reaches "9", the numbering starts over with "2".1To resave a large file already saved over several3disks, save the file to newly formatted disks. Use-the first set of disks as your backup copies.-Pressing the ESCAPE key or responding "No" to3"Continue saving?" cancels the save. The file will2remain in memory. You may then have an incomplete5file segment on disk that should be manually deleted.5To load a segmented file, simply insert the disk with2the original file name and swap disks in ascending5order when you are prompted. Press the ESCAPE key orselect "No" to cancel loading.Large file HelpContinue savingYesNoHelpvI~IPHDID6D '`uDPm ''TUTmnɃȱTɃ8iT` HkP hG H{P ! `!$JYj)JJ)ޅX*ޙ)V   ,r0   r8 r  r0I   r ]ލ"^ލ#Y8UeXeV8iT eTޙ` ݭc l `) l `㠠L_ ݎ H`a  L`U,a0,b0`3۷ ۷/Է&۷oԷ:rrʎ #а?# xZq ݎqX,Uɺ,PJUpPTP(ULs,c  \ ݍ ݎ ЩLkLk lL]`VW`VW`{ ݍ Х i * ` NO`8 ݑȑLХ *ii`  {  ` N` !{ N`7 Ը ݠNȭOsLЍP NOsLИHh` ݑȱL ݍȱLЍfЩ - ݍLө, 3D`誱芑LЍ ݍL ݱLmC`Chh` ݎ Hs L Ը ݍȱLЩ,, - ݍƟĞLЩ - ݍ ee ƟƛƝLLR 9MR R R RR RH RhLLRT  ?  O' IRLFRӠԠԠˠΠRR àR hh eRss`ǡ͠宠ˠٯΩ0'BxB qIBq IB 03RBL4RZ S0ZW12)0D2)*JJJJ(  qR132s0x2R3R2R2R3R)2R2R2R RPʈȮ3R XTq2R RXT eT2R  2R )R*R#R$RTУqX2R/RZq TBUVЅWTVTUVWWVajTKUVۅWTVTUVWWVs݅TKUV݅WTVTUVWWVc@TMUVWTVTUVWWɺVz@TMUVWTVTUVWWɺVzqB۷B ,,8B D78E7 ЍD7 E7B,vBL,,-]Bf]Bf]Bf]VкЍIq íL'XLA0gd hd hdLmÍkdhd hdLT zdLdddd ʍdL m1gd cLT hd hdLÍkdhd hdLT zdLdddd ʍdL *b`{R mR d ΀dhhLsdd ʅdhhL`dddd ΀dhhL ˅dhh T`L6LX ()},)`x 9Zq  HdӅTU?> TȽiT HX;,QBq 6XLH `KVLWVVVTȄXViXT HK`` NO LX  {XL ø Ÿ C  ; ^ T k  Ĺ ι ֹ8䅍兎i接䅀允HH ChhHHeᅁeCC CCCᅁhh D Ը #{"{ {L)D  LILX S a av ap ajmqN}~DE  Sy9dp ) a:."#NI.J.Q# h/ h5Y%Z%8m%n%  S5 ]ŊŊ*Ɋ̊%ϊ+qҊލ `TUWiVTHVThV` SGU҉l  S)2LA&B' ҉-  SoT_[\&\',U҉Z S ‰~ lj ! SNjk a(C}]b`'ʍ $ SN afʍZ\^i ` }  ߢ( TT < TT  ߢ( ! }QRam //e  }  } }㩠 ߢN  }Π ` }QRam //e }󠲮 }󠠠 ߢN  ߢN ` ߢ  }䠠ߢ( TT E TT ߢB  } }核ˮ } } }Lܗ ߢ  }蠠ߢ& }TT G TT ߢB TT B TT } }堼ξ }묠 }堧Ӯͧ }󮠠堧ӮͧL} ߢ  }렠ߢ& } TT I TT ߢB u } }報堼ξL N ` ߢ  }렠ߢ& } TT K TT  ߢB u } }報堼ξL N `TT N TT } } }` }ξž N  }ξž ɛ`hhLxa  }ξ N  }غL  N  }ξ ` N C T T B TT` TT B TT`c c`C VVWWL%`%`%`1`I` 阢 }  }  }砨  }련  }, }, }͠, }, }󮮮`hh ~ }蠺  4 @LDhh ~ }䠺C }SEG.00L) }APLWORKS.SYSTEM  }蠺  4 @LDhh ~+& }L } *b LDhh ~ } *bC LD @LDhh ~ } } *b ܗLDhh ~LA`hThU TUTUHTH` [$` ` 0 0,H h` ,ɛ  ~n`  ~ Ɉɍ ɕɠɍ ? ڊ @ccʽ)c` } 0$ 0}`8Hh`NEW 5 ?chr$(4);"pr#3" 10 REM COPY ALL : Copy disk files program 20 REM original program by: Peter S. Gilmour 11/13/85 30 REM enhanced & commented by: Steve Stephenson 12/06/85 40 REM looping enhancement by: Ron LaMee 01/30/86 50 REM 60 REM This program can be customized in a number of ways... 70 REM It is set to copy all files from the disk that it is run from, 80 REM (except itself and ProDOS) automatically. 90 REM 100 REM --You may set SWAP to YES and you will get a prompt to swap 110 REM in a new source disk. 120 REM --You may change SLOT and DRIVE to look somewhere else 130 REM for that swapped disk. 140 REM --You may reset ALL to NO, which will cause the program 150 REM to copy ONLY the files you have specified (and skipping 160 REM the ones set to skip). 170 REM --You may set LOOP to YES to be prompted for multiple 180 REM disks to be copied. 190 REM --You may set TURNKEY to YES to auto-run the program 200 REM of your choice. Put the name into TURNKEY$. 210 REM ++To setup the skip files: enter the file name(s) to skip in 220 REM data elements (in the 3000 series lines) just as the 230 REM first few names are set. Then reset SKIP to the 240 REM total number of names when you finish. 250 REM NOTE: if LOOPing, you may include names from any disks. 260 REM ++To setup specific files to copy: set ALL to NO; 270 REM enter the names of the files you want to copy in 280 REM data elements (in the 4000 series lines) {same as skip}; 290 REM and reset MAX to the total number of file names. 300 REM NOTE: all names must exist on each disk, so you 310 REM can't use this if LOOPing for multiple disks. 800 REM 900 PRINT CHR$ (4)"-QRAM.DRIVE.PRO": REM create /QRAM 910 PRINT CHR$ (4)"BLOAD COPY.ALL.OBJ": REM load binary object 1000 REM #---- CONSTANTS AND FLAGS ----# 1010 YES = 1:NO = 0 1020 LOOP = YES: REM NO= load only 1 disk; YES= load multiple disks 1030 SWAP = YES: REM NO= stay with this disk; YES= allow a disk swap 1040 ALL = YES: REM YES= copy all files (except those to skip); NO= copy only specific files 1050 SLOT = 6: REM slot where source disk will be 1060 DRIVE = 1: REM drive where source disk will be 1070 SKIP = 4: REM number of files to skip 1080 MAX = 0: REM number of files to specifically copy 1090 TURNKEY = YES: REM NO= exit to Basic; YES= exit to your program 1100 TURNKEY$ = "bw.system": REM put name of your program here 2000 REM #---- SETUP BUFFER, CREATE MRAM, LOAD ML SUBROUTINE ----# 2010 D$ = CHR$ (4):MRAM$ = "/QRAM/": REM MRAM$= destination volume 2020 FOR I = 768 TO 778: READ J: POKE I,J: NEXT I: CALL 768: REM allocate pages for copy.obj program 2030 DATA 169,101,32,245,190,144,1,0,133,215,96: REM 2nd data byte= # of 256 byte pages to allocate for copy.obj 2040 REM $9600-$3500= $6100 ($61= 97 pages + 4 for buffer= 101) 2050 I = PEEK (215): IF I > 53 THEN PRINT "NOT ENOUGH PAGES ALLOCATED!": STOP : REM 53= $35 2060 COPY = 13568: REM COPY= load address of copy.obj without file overwriting, COPY+3= with file overwriting (13571= $3503) 2070 DIM NAME$(51): REM pathname array (51= max # files in main volume directory) 2080 IF SWAPPING THEN PRINT "INSERT THE SOURCE DISK IN SLOT "SLOT", DRIVE "DRIVE: PRINT " AND PRESS ANY KEY...": WAIT - 16384,128: POKE - 16368,0 2090 PRINT D$"PREFIX,S"SLOT",D"DRIVE: REM reset prefix 2100 PRINT D$"PREFIX": INPUT PREFIX$: REM get prefix into string 2110 PFX$ = LEFT$ (PREFIX$, LEN (PREFIX$) - 1): REM strip trailing "/" 3000 REM #---- BUILD TABLE OF NAMES TO SKIP ----# 3010 REM be sure to set SKIP in the constants 3020 FOR I = 1 TO SKIP: READ SKIP$(I): NEXT 3030 DATA "PRODOS","MULTIDRIVE.PRO","COPY.ALL","COPY.ALL.OBJ" 3040 DATA 3050 IF ALL THEN 5010: REM skip specifics, go build array 4000 REM #---- BUILD ARRAY OF NAMES FOR SPECIFIC COPY ----# 4010 REM be sure to set MAX in the constants 4020 PRINT "COPYING SPECIFIC FILES...." 4030 FOR I = 1 TO MAX: READ NAME$(I): NEXT 4040 DATA "yourfile.1","yourfile.2","etc." 4050 DATA 4060 N = MAX: GOTO 7010: REM skip array, goto copying 5000 REM #---- BUILD ARRAY OF NAMES FOR AUTO COPY ----# 5010 PRINT "COPYING ALL FILES IN BOOT DIRECTORY...." 5020 N = 0: PRINT D$;"OPEN ";PFX$;",TDIR": PRINT D$;"READ ";PFX$: INPUT F$,F$,F$: REM ignore vol name, header info, and blank line ..next input is file entry 5025 ONERR GOTO 5150 5030 INPUT ENTRY$:ENTRY$ = LEFT$ (ENTRY$ + " ",20): REM keep only lock status, name, & type 5040 F$ = LEFT$ (ENTRY$,16): REM keep just lock status and name 5050 TYPE$ = MID$ (ENTRY$,18): REM just the type 5060 IF TYPE$ = "DIR" THEN 5030: REM skip subdirectories 5070 IF LEN (F$) > 1 AND RIGHT$ (F$,1) = " " THEN F$ = LEFT$ (F$, LEN (F$) - 1): GOTO 5070: REM remove trailing blanks 5080 IF F$ = " " THEN 5150: REM found blank line after last name 5090 NAME$ = MID$ (F$,2): REM strip off lock/unlock status, keep name 5100 REM skip specific files 5110 FOR I = 1 TO SKIP: IF NAME$ = SKIP$(I) THEN I = SKIP + 1: REM set loop counter intentionally 1 too high for match flag 5120 NEXT I: IF I = SKIP + 2 THEN 5030: REM 'next' will bump loop 1 higher, so if +1 then no match and fall thru, or if +2 then there was a match so skip it 5130 REM it passed all the tests, so add it to the array and continue 5140 N = N + 1:NAME$(N) = NAME$: GOTO 5030: REM get the next one 5150 PRINT D$;"CLOSE": POKE 216,0: IF N = 0 THEN 9010: REM no files! 7000 REM #---- COPY EACH FILE IN THE ARRAY ----# 7010 FOR I = 1 TO N:SOURCE$ = PREFIX$ + NAME$(I):DEST$ = MRAM$ + NAME$(I) 7020 PRINT NAME$(I): REM show name and copy it 7030 CALL COPY,SOURCE$,DEST$: IF PEEK (215) = 0 THEN 7060: REM no error 7040 IF PEEK (215) < > 72 THEN 10010: REM error 72= volume full 7050 PRINT D$;"DELETE ";DEST$: PRINT MRAM$;" VOLUME IS FULL!" + CHR$ (7): GOTO 9010: REM if volume full, remove last (partial) file and exit w/o setting prefix! 7060 NEXT I 8000 REM #---- SUCCESS...SEE IF WE ARE LOOPING ----# 8010 IF NOT LOOPING THEN 8510: REM skip to exit 8020 PRINT D$"CAT"MRAM$: REM show what's there so far.. 8030 PRINT : PRINT "INSERT NEXT DISK IN SLOT "SLOT", DRIVE "DRIVE 8040 PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE," 8050 PRINT "OR TO QUIT": WAIT - 16384,128: POKE - 16368,0 8060 IF PEEK ( - 16384) = 27 THEN 8510: REM exit 8070 CALL - 16648: RUN 1010: REM de-allocate & re-start 8500 REM #---- CHANGE TO DESTINATION PREFIX FOR EXIT ----# 8510 PFX$ = LEFT$ (MRAM$, LEN (MRAM$) - 1): PRINT D$"PREFIX"PFX$ 9000 REM #---- CLEANUP, CATALOG, SHOW PREFIX, END ----# 9010 CALL - 16648: REM deallocate pages from copy.obj (-16648= $BEF8) 9020 PRINT D$;"CAT": REM print catalog 9030 PRINT "PREFIX= '";PFX$;"'": REM show the current prefix 9400 : 9500 IF TURNKEY THEN PRINT D$"-"TURNKEY$: REM auto-run your program 9510 END 10000 REM #---- ERROR HANDLER ----# 10010 PRINT SOURCE$;" : PRODOS MLI ERROR CODE= "; PEEK (215);" 10020 GOTO 9010: REM must deallocate before exit 20000 : 50000 REM Copyright (c) 1985 by 50010 REM Checkmate Technology, Inc. SAVE STARTUP PRINT "INSTALL COMPLETE. PLEASE REBOOT" This program installs the necessary files to your BeagleWrite disk to allow it to automatically load itself to a ramdisk. While this doesn't increase the memory available for larger documents you'll find a tremendous increase in speed especially when using the spell check option. Using this program is simple. Just follow the prompts. When the installation is complete you will need to reboot your computer. Beaglewrite should now load itself to memory. After this modifaction starting Beaglewrite will be slightly different. You can load as many disks as your ramdisk will fit. The reccommended way is to load all of your beaglewrite disks. Press esc when finished loading to ramdisk. Beaglewrite will automatically be launched. As you near the end of the installation process there will be a series of "]'s" scrolling down the screen. Don't worry this phenomenon is normal. Press [Return] to continue [Esc] to quit. D$(4) $(4);"pr#3"*6(D$(4)B*L$(22)Y,D$;"open bw.text"p.D$;"read bw.text"|0T1222L$(T)4T6D$;"close bw.text"8T122:L$(T)<TPK$:ZK$(27)ĺD$;"-startup" d:"Place your Qram utilities disk in drive 1"? n"and press return. ";:K$:f x ****** Start copy Cheat to /ram D$;"bload qram.drive.pro,a$2000" D$;"bsave /ram/qram.drive.pro,a$2000,l2713" D$;"bload copy.all.obj,a$3500,l512" D$;"bsave /ram/copy.all.obj,a$3500,l512"6 D$;"bload prodos,a$3000,tsysX D$;"create /ram/prodos,tsys" D$;"bsave /ram/prodos,a$3000,tsys,l16509" D$;"bload basic.system,a$3000,tsys" D$;"create /ram/basic.system,tsys" D$;"bsave /ram/basic.system,a$3000,tsys,l10240"4 D$;"bload bw.install,a$3000,ttxt"Z D$;"create /ram/bw.install,ttxt" D$;"bsave /ram/bw.install,a$3000,ttxt,l7415" ******* Stuff on /ram. Place BW disk in drive. D$(4)  (7);"Place your Beaglewrite disk in drive 1"* "and press return. ";:K$:? D$;"prefix ,s6"e "D$;"bload bw.system,a$3000,tsys" ,D$;"create bw.system1,tsys" 6D$;"bsave bw.system1,a$3000,tsys,l9147" @D$;"delete bw.system" J ***** Start copying from ram to bw% TD$;"bload /ram/basic.system,a$3000,tsys"H ^D$;"create basic.system,tsys"x hD$;"bsave basic.system,a$3000,tsys,l10240" rD$;"bload /ram/qram.drive.pro,a$2000,tbin" D$;"bsave qram.drive.pro,a$2000,l2713" D$;"bload/ram/prodos,a$3000,tsys"%D$;"bsave prodos,a$3000,tsys,l16509"KD$;"rename bw.system1,bw.system"yD$;"bload /ram/copy.all.obj,a$3500,l512"D$;"bsave copy.all.obj,a$3500,l512"D$;"-/ram/bw.install"Scantron Quality Computers hereby releases all Q Labs Software titles to "Freeware" status. This software may be copied and distributed free of charge. It may be modified by the end user if necessary for their specific use, however at no time may any modification be made and mass distributed to others without the express permission of Scantron Quality Computers. Scantron Quality Computers Makes no claims to usability to the end user, will no longer supply customer support or written material related to the use of this software. Scantron Quality Computers will remove this software from freeware status at its own discretion. Scantron Quality Computers makes no warranties either implied or written in regards to this software or performance.