{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf320 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red38\green38\blue38;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl560\sa200\ql\qnatural \f0\fs48 \cf2 Apple Dot Matrix Printer: Specifications (Discontinued) \fs24 \ \pard\pardeftab720\sl360\ql\qnatural \cf2 \ I. Technical Specifications\ \ A. Printing method:\ \ -- 9-wire impact print head (user-replaceable)\ \ -- Logic-seeking, bi-directional printing\ \ B. Print speed in draft mode:\ \ -- 120 characters per second\ \ -- 70 lines per minute\ \ C. Print modes:\ \ 1. High Resolution: 160 x 144 dots per in. (6.2 x 5.6 dots per mm)\ \ 2. Normal Resolution: 96 x 72 dots per in. (3.7 x 2.8 dots per mm)\ \ 3. Draft\ \ D. Typestyles available:\ \ 1. Courier 10 pitch.\ \ 2. Prestige Elite 12 pitch\ \ 3. Gothic 15 pitch\ \ 4. Proportional space: Executive and Modern\ \ 5. Modern: 10 pitch, 12 pitch, 1/4 in., 1/3 in.\ \ 6. Classic: 1/4 in., 1/3 in.\ \ E. Typefaces available: Regular, Bold, Italic, Shadow, Hollow, Underlined\ \ F. Line spacing:\ \ 1. Minimum: 1/144 in.\ \ 2. Maximum: 99/144 in.\ \ 3. Any value in between, including:\ \ -- 1/6 in. (24/144 in.)\ -- 1/8 in (18/144 in.)\ \ G. Controls:\ \ 1. Printer Select/Deselect\ \ 2. Top-of-form feed\ \ 3. "Paper out" indicator\ \ H. Paper accommodated:\ \ 1. Single sheets, rolls, fan-fold, or forms\ \ 2. Up to 10 in. wide\ \ 3. Up to 1/16in. thick\ \ I. Number of copies: Original plus three copies\ \ J. Paper feed method: Friction or sprocket pin feed, loaded from rear top\ \ K. Ribbon: Black fabric, inked\ \ L. Driving method: Stepper motor\ \ M. Weight and dimensions:\ \ pounds kilograms\ 1. Weight: 18.7 8.5\ \ inches centimeters\ 2. Width: 15.5 39.8\ \ 3. Depth: 11 28.5\ \ 4. Height: 4.75 12.5\ \ N. Power requirements:\ \ 1. 115V +10% at 60 Hz\ \ 2. 100V +10% at 50/60 Hz\ \ 3. 220V +10% at 50 Hz\ \ 4. 240V +10% at 50 Hz\ \ O. Power consumption:\ \ 1. Operating: 180 W maximum\ \ 2. Standby: 16W\ \ P. Environmental requirements:\ \ 1. Ambient temperature in degrees:\ \ Fahrenheit Celsius\ a. Operating: 41 to 104 5 to 40\ b. Storage: -77 to +140 -25 to +60\ \ 2. Relative humidity:\ \ a. Operating: 10 - 85%, noncondensing\ b. Storage: 0 - 90%, noncondensing\ \ \pard\pardeftab720\sl360\ql\qnatural \b \cf2 Keywords: \b0 SPECSHT}