The Dec.97 issue of A2-2000 will be completely devoted to Apple II and IIgs games, docs, cheats, deprotects/HD install patches, walkthroughs and reviews. To celebrate the multitude of great Apple II classic games available to the Apple II users, I've added this dazzling list of classic software jpeg titles for your review, use and enjoyment, which you can all access now from the following url's. Oh, by the way you can also find them right here in this folder :) 50 mission crush CHOPLIFTER Castle Wolfenstein MicroSoft Flight Simulator POLLYWOG Pinball Construction Set SoftPorn Wizardry1 acrojet antietam arctic fox aztec baltic 1985 battalion bismarck bomb alley boulderdash bouncing kamungas breakthrough broadsides carrierforce cartels championship loderunner computer ambush computer baseball conflict in vietnam cosmic balance cosmic balance2 coveted mirror cranston manor crime wave cryptofmedea cutthroats deadline digdug disk Arranger drol eagles earthlydelights enchanter epidemic expedition amazon f15 strike eagle facemaker fighter command flight simulator2 fortress fraction fever frogger galactic attack gemstone warrior geopolitique germany 1985 grandmas house graphics magician guadal canal gumball gunship hitchhiker imperium galactumk in search of the most amazing things kampfgruppe karateka kidwriter kindercomp knights of the desert loderunner lords of conquest market garden mech brigade minitman mission asteroid moebius music construction set mystery house normandy north atlantic 86 objective kursk ogre oilbarons oneonone panzer grenadier paper graphics pensate1 pensate2 phantasie pieman planetfall police artist presidents elect professional golf quarterback queen of hearts questron rdf 1985 reforger 88 rescue on fractalus rescue raiders ringside seat seastalker shortcuts silent service sixgun shootout snoopertroops soloflight sorcerer spys demise spys trikes back starcross starmaze summer games suspect suspended thequest thunderbombs tigers in the snow timezone transitions transylvania ultima1 ultima3 ultima4 ultima5 ulysses usaaf war in russia warpfactor witness wizardandand the princess wizardry2 wizardry3 wizardry4 wizardry5 wizplus xyphus zaxxon zork1 zork2 zork3