Here are two header files I omitted by error when I posted my BSDLIB compatibility library. These files should go in the directory 2/orcacdefs/sys. ------------ /* a minimalist PARAM.H file for the BSD compatibility lib Copyright 1991, Jawaid Bazyar Procyon, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to distribute this header file freely so long as the above copyright notice remains intact */ #define UT_NAMESIZE 15 #define MAXPATHLEN 128 ------------- /******************************************** ; File: Types.h ; ; ; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc.1986-90 ; All Rights Reserved ; ********************************************/ #ifndef __TYPES__ #define __TYPES__ #ifndef noError #define noError 0x0000 #endif #ifndef nil #define nil 0x0L #endif #ifndef NULL /* - */ #define NULL 0x0L #endif #ifndef NIL #define NIL 0x0L #endif #define dispatcher 0xE10000L /* tool locator dispatch address */ #define TRUE 1 #define true TRUE #define FALSE 0 #define false FALSE /* RefDescriptors */ #define refIsPointer 0x0000 #define refIsHandle 0x0001 #define refIsResource 0x0002 #define refIsNewHandle 0x0003 typedef unsigned char byte, Byte; typedef unsigned int word, Word ; typedef int integer, Integer; typedef long longint, Longint ; typedef long Long; typedef unsigned long longword, Longword, LongWord ; typedef unsigned long Dblword, DblWord ; /* retained for back compatibility */ typedef long Fixed; typedef long Frac; typedef extended Extended; typedef extended *ExtendedPtr ; typedef char *ptr, *Ptr, *pointer, *Pointer; typedef ptr *handle, *Handle; typedef Handle *HandlePtr ; typedef char *CStringPtr, **CStringHndl, ***CStringHndlPtr ; typedef long (*ProcPtr)(); /* retained for back compatibility */ typedef pascal void (*VoidProcPtr)(); typedef pascal Word (*WordProcPtr)(); typedef pascal LongWord (*LongProcPtr)(); typedef unsigned int boolean, Boolean, BOOLEAN; typedef short OSErr; typedef int *IntPtr ; typedef Ptr FPTPtr; #define String(size) struct { unsigned char textLength; unsigned char text[size]; } typedef String(255) Str255, *StringPtr, **StringHandle; typedef String(32) Str32, *String32Ptr, **String32Handle; struct Point { short v; short h; } ; typedef struct Point Point, *PointPtr; struct Rect { short v1; short h1; short v2; short h2; } ; typedef struct Rect Rect, *RectPtr, **RectHndl; struct TimeRec { Byte second; Byte minute; Byte hour; Byte year; Byte day; Byte month; Byte extra; Byte weekDay; } ; typedef struct TimeRec TimeRec, *TimeRecPtr, **TimeRecHndl; typedef Word RefDescriptor ; typedef Long Ref ; extern unsigned _ownerid; extern int _toolErr; /* bsd compatibility section */ typedef unsigned long off_t; typedef unsigned int u_int; typedef unsigned int dev_t,ino_t,mode_t,nlink_t,gid_t,uid_t; typedef unsigned long u_long; #endif -- Jawaid Bazyar | "Twenty seven faces- with their eyes turned to Graduated!/Comp Engineering | the sky. I have got a camera, and an airtight | alibi.." Apple II Forever! | I need a job... Be privileged to pay me! :-)