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If":"someone knows of a newer version,":"please let me know and I can do this":"whole thing all over again (ugh!)." :6:"Press any key to continue ....":29::2( 13 10:"Please place the disk":10:"to be patched online."::6:"Press any key to continue ....":29::5:"Enter the slot and drive for the":12:"disk to be patched."::17:"Slot: _"; 29:K$;:33:SK:S1S7ĺ"_";:7+ ::16:"Drive: _";T 29:K$;:33:DK:D1D2ĺ"_";:9 :D$;"PREFIX,S";S;",D";D:D$;"PREFIX":A$:D$;"PREFIX ";A$:34 :12:"Place patches on:"::(20(((A$))2)):A$::13:"[Y]es or [N]o?":29:K$"Y"A14116 15% B(222):B3B6B835u :9:"Sorry, Please try again!"::6:"Press any key to continue ....":29~ :5 ::15:"Options Menu"::9:"1 - Patch AECLK.SYSTEM":9:"2 - Patch AE.INSTALL":9:"C - Change Drives":9:"Q - Quit to BASIC":9:"P - ProDOS Bye"Q X0:29:K$"C"K$"P"K$"Q"K$"1"K$"2"17` K$"P"26o K$"Q"25} K$"C"4 K$"1"İ27:24 K$"2"İ28:24 17 :6:"Press any key to continue ....":29:16  D$;"BYE"D$;"UNLOCK AECLK.SYSTEM":D$;"BLOAD AECLK.SYSTEM,A$2000,TSYS":I02:HI,P(I1)::I021:GI,P(I13)::D$;"BSAVE AECLK.SYSTEM,A$2000,L$4B6,TSYS":D$;"LOCK AECLK.SYSTEM":_D$;"UNLOCK AE.INSTALL":D$;"BLOAD AE.INSTALL,A$2000,TSYS":F,P(0):I02:EI,P(I1)::I021:CI,P(I13)::D$;"BSAVE AE.INSTALL,A$2000,L$156E,TSYS":D$;"LOCK AE.INSTALL":e:A(16384):A12830A224AA32 (16368),0:K$(A128):!K(K$):KK48:":t#B(222):"Error Number: ";B:"In Line Number: ";:Z218:(Z)(Z1)256::182,32,125,22,141,111,21,160,0,177,6,168,170,141,128,2,177,6,157,128,2,136,202,208,247,96ZZZZZ[k [U 0T VU IL2 T I,[k ****L ZZL e  X  r! ݅ r! !Ly The Zip Chip is off ... dead ... kaput ...Ya wanna hit RETURN? X! r!!@ r! !Ly Well bud, the chip's back on ....But you're gonna have to hit something to use it!{ [ ``ZZZZZ[k [U 0T VU IL2 T I,[k ****L!ZZL e   X ȅ  ! ؅ !   ! !Ly THE ZIP CHIP ISOFF ... DEAD ... KAPUT ...YA WANNA HIT RETURN?  X!J !!l !! ! !Ly WELL BUD, THE CHIP'S BACK ON ....BUT YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TOHIT SOMETHING TO USE IT!$ [ ``z{|}~ IXoύXL9 é" m@" m@#  m@ D A ?) ) # m@ " @),aL" XL9 @ ?@i@@i@@@@@> X$d m@ "$ m@$ m@ @ XL9 @ ?@@@ AA A ? A@ @ @ ? @ ?#P?%P3LLA"""4L7" A #ʈ#  m@ @),aL"L""' I' "" A"ͼ"8$ m@ @),aL"( I( X& +& L&L7" X X& +& L& %LC" X ? X& %% m@$ m@ @%\ m@ @)( ' ) L L"J(I m@`" X e"Zip Control Panel V1.4 Install ProgramCopyright 1988,89 by Palace ProductionsAll Rights ReservedPlease enter the slot and drive information for thedisk on which you plan to install ZIP.SYSTEMSlot: _Drive: _Sorry, there is no disk in Slot: Drive: Install ZIP.SYSTEM on this disk [Y]/N?ZIP.SYSTEM already exists, delete this version [Y]/N?ZIP.SYSTEM is not the first system type file on this disk, move it [Y]/N?Sorry, there is not enough room onto install ZIP.SYSTEMPress any key to exitPress any key to continuePlease try againDo you want to continue [Y]/N?Now installing ZIP.SYSTEM ....ZIP.SYSTEM has now been installedThis disk is Write Protected!Install ZIP.SYSTEM on another disk Y/[N]?0( % {L%`ߠ @ +Lz& ? @ ?@A@@AҍAAAAA A ?A'A @ ? @ ? @ ? >& +Lz& ?` . @ ?`o&`ZIP.SYSTEM X%> m@$ m@ @L L AZIP.OMNINET IXoύXZ Z /:0! !)i/[ Z  ƾ!L L!/LZ! ƾ!蹛 ̚  !L!!!!! !!!!! ! ! L!pZZZZZ[[ B"A""CB"IL"A"I\I\\ I\\L/Z,U 0Lt# * X" ( . . . / / 4/ J/ `/ v/ / / ,L,%," ,6,," $," ,,," - `ZZZZZL ],S m#,R m#,Q m#,P m#,O m#,N m#,M m#,H m#\,I 0 ,G 0 ,G 0@_,J 0ZZ`$8*` " * XU $L -$\  -$ -$˅ -$ -%! -ZZZZZK$J$ 4$,[0 4$,[ .$,T Lr- .$ /ɠ ɛLr-Lb-L!Z`ɍɠɛ)`Zip System V1.4Copyright (C) 1988,89 by Palace Productions and Zip TechnologyDo you want to modify your chip settings? y/[n]press return while booting to run start pathpress the space bar or [y]es to editescape to Quit,""& b0 % /ɊɕɍJɋ*Ɉ&ɛLu- && %&%& %LC%& %&:::%::& %LC% % %LC%& |%&|% &&&&&!&'&*&0&3&9&<&B&E&K&N&T&W&]&`&f&i&o&r&x&{&&&&&&&&&&&&&0" .L~&" .L~&" .L~&" /L~&" /L~&" 4/L~&" J/L~&" `/L~&" v/L~&" /L~&" /L~&" ,L~&" q0" `T IT `I II `G IG `H IH `M IM `N IN `O IO `P IP `Q IQ `R IR `S IS `L',/0,/L*` / "A 0 "A 0 J1(1 -(X -(o -( ' (((K ( #( /Ɋ>ɕaɍɋEɈU) &(L'J (J K K .L /` &((( #(Ls' &((:( #(Ls' &(( i L'8 L' `(i  2 .`"L (( ' -`  ' ( `Please select a new speed for the chippress RETURN to selectUse the arrow keys to change selection( -)  -)M -)a -) -)҅  -`Zip Chip (TM) Control PanelCopyright (C) 1988,89 by Palace Productions and Zip TechnologyAll Rights ReservedUse arrows to select option, press return to make modificationsUse oa/sa - S to save default parameters to diskPress escape to exit, oa/sa - ESC to skip Start Path 3`Z Z  ç*J Ȓ*B**** w*Z* ʝ*&0U* @ w* ˝* ̥*LY+L* Θ*`Y@V `@ I2 / "= 0 J1* -+! -+? - / /`The new parameters were not saved.Please consult documentation.Press any key to continue / "= 0 J1+ -+ - / /`The new parameters are saved.Press any key to continueNo Zip Chip Found!! Please press a keyLanguage Cache: Joystick Speed: Speaker Speed: Slot 1 Speed: Slot 2 Speed: Slot 3 Speed: Slot 4 Speed: Slot 5 Speed: Slot 6 Speed: Slot 7 Speed: Fast Normal On Off Current Startup Pathname: none AutoStart Status: K =--> -," ,J 0=-=-. . . . . `System Speed (% of max): ,/0,/ X ek-L1 c4ZZZZZL ],S -,R -,Q -,P -,O -,N -,M -,H -\,I 0 ,G 0 ,G 0@_,J 0ZZLX-$8*` . .` `$ [` 100 % 83 % 80 % 75 % 67 % 50 % 42 % 40 % 38 % 33 % 28 % 27 % 25 % 22 % 21 % 20 % 19 % 17 % Chip Off @`PHDЀĠ,܅ -,T "`+ -,I "`, -,G "`, -,H "`,% -,M "`,6 -,N "`,G -,O "`,X -,P "`,i -,Q "`,z -,R "`, -,S "`Lr- 2a/b/`T` !0U i !0T`T` !0Ui !0T` N0 N0 N0 S0xL#0` `8 8 `, -,"  ,J&I . .    - . `,Յ$ -`"L4Ȅ#8 ! Y1" `1!ʩ q1ʩ q1 q1#8"" Ȅ `1 q1 ! `1 q1# `1!! q1ʩ q1 q1! !!"# X` "P!#`T`Zh he :{$`ZH$*E JUȘJh(T${z` X1م  1L1 1 1` L /# L   L@   / U  ĵG@ 8 '  L e  By: David D. ElyWhat _are_ you looking for?,y40 3$0`xH 4 4z4}4#}444kL34̀4\L3z4x~4#~44͂4=L34́4.L3z4x)ɀd H4444hXh`83) ) {4)z4 |4лy4` 4 4 *4 4L4|4{4l{4|4` 4z4xx 4 4`,y40 h4 e\4,y40x 4 4X`07 X Ż7O)Hi/ 7Q -7} - 6 ȳ7o777+77 ʿ7T#P777L5$07)7Ħ 770ei7 7H ʿ7@橭P)ƧƨnPPХ ?` 6P ) L&5H % h*,7 6$ /ɛLU6LU6 ̹7 B7 ˅  7L5  B7 7 / ɛɋ|Ɋ ɍ LU6L6L6$ 7 6ȱ 蝀 `?  Ż7 X Z Z /ʀZ  7Lj"L6$ B7 7 ʆ L5$ B7 7  L5 XL4@  LG6$Q7 6` L i ` i({)i [ 6 `0 6 6ȱ 6L6{ [EL6Use arrow keys to mark file / subdirectoryPress return to select None - Remove StartUp Path H`P) )  @ ?@@@ AA A ? A@ @ @ ? @ ?#P?%P3LLA3 A? m@ mB B B C`Now sorting disk .... ?`m?i`8?`H@* m@hHJJJJ h }@=@ p@hH A@R m@ @`ProDOS MLI Error $at program address $Please, press any key .... @ }@` `{ [`H) ,a0,b0h`L"AAA A ?`   HPPP     ?` XA m@AÅ m@A m@B8 m@ @" X eAAhhh, knock, knock, anyone home?You just have too many files on this disk.Like 51, OK? Delete a few or forget ever getting ZIP.SYSTEM on this disk.Press any key to exit this program and 'fix' things.BBB ABSC`3 ASC A ? VCP`RbTdVf'ʽP`TCUCTC AUC Ai ?TC2TCUCé Ai ?``abcdefgሀ`0CbCʽbCC`C CdCʽdCCbC CfCʽfCCdC CdCʽdCCfC C%` C +Lz& ?` C ?`DCPCDD4I Ai)JiDCȱC DD'P(PD D)P C`   `F: m@FFF FLE" XF\  m@1i E E E E E E E Ei E EPF m@ E E E @ɋ Ɋ&ɍLE E E E E8 EL\E FL%E E E81 E Ei ELE E EL%EH XF… m@h @` F XLD)// F X`LXLD { E [/ }@ E E F  p@ }@`F҅L F1iP E1i E`Now searching ONLINE Devices ....Please select an installation Volume and press ReturnUse Up and Down Arrow keys to control selectionProDOS Error # No Volume)` IXoύXL9  X# mA$# mA$H  mA"$\ mA$| mA$ mA$ mA$ & F#$Ņ mA$ & k#j#) #J AAA AL#)i/ A @) ) $ mA # A),aL# XLy A @AiAAiAAAAA> X% mA #%˅ mA% mA A XLy A @AAAAB A @BA A A @ A @#P@%P3L@B###4L" B %%ʈ%% mA%@ mA A),aL#L##' I' ## B##8%[ mA A),aL#( I( ' d' 'L" X ' d' ' &L" X @ ' &&` mA% mA A& mA A)( ' ) L L#ɱɸ) ,ahhL#hhL j# }A`ɱɳ) ,ahhL#hhL # }A`$΅ mA8$ $j# }A$i$# }A% mA A XLy JI mA`" X e#Zip Control Panel V1.2 Install ProgramCopyright 1988 by Palace ProductionsAll Rights ReservedPlease enter the slot and driveinformation for the disk on which youplan to install ZIP.SYSTEMSlot: _Drive: _Sorry, there is no disk in Slot: Drive: Install ZIP.SYSTEM on this disk [Y]/N?ZIP.SYSTEM already exists,delete this version [Y]/N?ZIP.SYSTEM is not the first system type file on this disk, move it [Y]/N?Sorry, there is not enough room onto install ZIP.SYSTEMPress any key to exitPress any key to continuePlease try againDo you want to continue [Y]/N?Now installing ZIP.SYSTEM ....ZIP.SYSTEM has now been installedThis disk is Write Protected!Install ZIP.SYSTEM again Y/[N]?0( & $L&`ߠ A +L' @ A @AAAABdAABBB B @A(A A @ A @ A @ w' +L' @` H A @`'`ZIP.SYSTEM X& mA% mA AL L AZIP.OMNINET IXoύXZ Z /:0! !)i/[ Z  ƾ!L L!/LZ! ƾ!蹛 ̚  !L!!!!! !!!!! ! ! L!pZZZZZ[[ B"!A""CB"IL"A"I\I\\ I\\L/,U 0La# ) X" ( . . . . . / / 4/ J/ `/ v/ ,Lf%," a,6j,," $," s,y,," - `L ],S Z#,R Z#,Q Z#,P Z#,O Z#,N Z#,M Z#,H Z#\,I 0 ,G 0 ,G 0@_,J 0ZZ`$8*` " ) XU $u -$ -$  -%R  -$ -$܅ -$ -%   -% -%C  -ZZZZZt$s$ ]$,[0 ]$,[ W$,T L7- W$ /ɠ ɛL7-L'-L!Z`ɍɠɛ)`Zip System V1.2Copyright (C) 1988 by Palace Productionsand Zip TechnologyDo you want to modify yourchip settings? y/[n]press return while bootingto run start pathpress the space bar or [y]es to editescape to QuitAll Rights Reserved,""K' 0 % /ɓ1($Ɋ*ɕ&ɍXɋ8Ɉ4ɑɛL:-L' 9' C'K' %K'<&K' %L}%K' %K':::<&::K' %L}% & %L}%K' |&K'|>&X&[&a&d&j&m&s&v&|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&' '''$'-'6'f0" .L&" .L&" .L&" .L&" .L&" /L&" /L&" 4/L&" J/L&" `/L&" v/L&" ,L&" 0" `T IT `I II `G IG `H IH `M IM `N IN `O IO `P IP `Q IQ `R IR `S IS `LM',/0,/L)` / "' l0 "' l0 0(~ -( -(  -( F( e(((K ( p( /ɕ>ɊaɍɈEɋU) s(L#(J (J K K .L /` s((( p(L' s((:( p(L' s(( i L#(8 L#( `(i  -`LY(( B( ,`  F( e( `Please select a new speedpress RETURN to selectUse arrow keys to change selection) -); -)^ -){ -) -`Zip Chip (TM) Control PanelUse arrows to select option, pressreturn to make modificationsUse Ctrl-S to save parameters to diskesc to exit, Ctrl-Q to skip Start Path  ;3`Z Z  l*J W*B\*^*c*k* <*Zf* b*&0Uf* @ <* b* j*L+Lz* ]*`Y@V `@ (  / "' l0 0*Å -* -+ - / /`The new parameters were not saved.Please consult documentation.Press any key to continue / "' l0 0+X -+v - / /`The new parameters are saved.Press any key to continueNo Zip Chip Found!! Please press a keyLanguage Cache: Joystick Speed: Speaker Speed: Slot 1 Speed: Slot 2 Speed: Slot 3 Speed: Slot 4 Speed: Slot 5 Speed: Slot 6 Speed: Slot 7 Speed: Fast Normal On Off Current Startup Pathname: none AutoStart Status: K -- -," ,J 0--- - - - - `System Speed (MHz): ,L'0 ,/0,/ X e0-L1Z 3ZZZZZL ],S -,R -,Q -,P -,O -,N -,M -,H -\,I 0 ,G 0 ,G 0@_,J 0ZZL-$8*` - -` ) `$ [` 4.0000 3.3333 3.2000 3.0000 2.6667 2.0000 1.6667 1.6000 1.5000 1.3333 1.1111 1.0667 1.0000 0.8889 0.8333 0.8000 0.7500 0.6667 Chip Off @`PHDЀĠ, -,T "`+  -,I "`+ȅ  -,G "`+م  -,H "`+  -,M "`+  -,N "`,   -,O "`, -,P "`,. -,Q "`,? -,R "`,P -,S "`L7- s2a/b/`` /`` /` / / / /xL/` `8 8 `, -,"  ,JI - -    - - `, -`"L4Ȅ#8 !" 0!ʩ 1ʩ 1 1#8"" Ȅ 0 1 ! 0 1# 0!! 1ʩ 1 1! !!"# X` "P!#`Zh he $`Z$ ($z` X1[  51LZ1 P1 Z1` L /# L   L@   / U  ĵG@ 8 '  L e  By: David D. ElyWhat _are_ you looking for?Z,40 2$0HZZZZZh`xH 3 344#444kL#344\L#34x4#444=L#344.L#34x)ɀd H4444hXh`83) ) 4)4 4л4` 3 3 3 3L344l44` 34xx 3 3`,40 3 e3,40x 3 3X`0N7 X M7R)Ki/ 6 -7 - ;3 6 E7oJ7R7`7+U7V7 Q7T#PU7b7c7LN5$0b7)b7Ħ b7b70eia7 _7H Q7@橭P)ƧƨnPPХ -` 6P ) L4H % h /L5L5 K7 6 ݅  6L_5  6 6 / ɛɋɈɊɕ ɍ L5L6L46Lb6$ Y7 6ȱ 蝀 `0LX6  M7 X Z Z /ʀZ  Y7Le"$ 6 6 ʆ Li5$ 6 6  Li5 XL<4@  L5$6 6` L i ` i$)i [ 6 `0 6 6ȱ 6L67( -`Use arrow keys to mark file / subdirPress return to select None - Remove StartUp Path H`P) )  A @AAAAB A @BA A A @ A @#P@%P3L@B3 B@ mA 8C XC C JD`Now sorting disk .... @`m@i`8@`HA* mAhHJJJJ h }A=A pAhH AAR mA A`ProDOS MLI Error $at program address $Please, press any key .... A }A` ) `$ [``BBB B @`   HPPP     @` XBi mA A" X ebBAhhh, knock, knock, anyone home? You just have too many files on this disk. Like 51, OK? Delete a few orforget ever getting ZIP.SYSTEM on thisdisk. Press any key to exit this program and 'fix' things.WCWCWC BWCD`3 BD B @ !DP`RbTdVf'ʽP`D DD B D Bi @D2D Dé Bi @``abcdefgሀ`0DbDʽbDD`D DdDʽdDDbD DfDʽfDDdD DdDʽdDDfD D%` D +L' @` D @`_EDPD_E_E4I Bi)Ji`EDȱD D`E'P(P_E KE)P D`   `ZZZZZ[[R !Q SR IL/ Q I,[ZZLt em  X é  ˅ Lg The Zip Chip is off ... dead ... kaput ...Ya wanna hit RETURN?{ [ `` ZIPCHIP MENU'B$(4)?C$"BRUN ZIP.DIAGS"YD$"BRUN ZIP.SYS.CHK"qE$"RUN ZIP.CONFIG"$F$"RUN DISPLAY".G$"-INSTALL.ZIP"8PRODOS1LV PRINT SCREEN HEADING`jt(12)~(21) " MAIN MENU ZIP CHIP II 2.00"P VTAB5:PRINT" Z I P C H I P I I"V q  CHECK IF ZIPCFG FILEw  FLAG1300 1300  FLAG1 B$;"BLOAD ZIPCFG" 768 3:8 "CONFIGURE INSTALLED"  8:8 (PRINT"A) RUN ZIP DIAGNOSTICS"% 28:80 <10:8P F"A) RUN ZIP SYSTEM CHECK"[ P12:8y Z"B) RUN ZIP CONFIGURER" d14:8 n"C) RUN ZIP INSTRUCTIONS" x17:8 "X) EXIT MENU"  PRINT QUESTION  21:12 "WHICH?"; A$ A(A$)$ "A90AA32W ,A64A69AA1:"FIX FOR MISSING DIAGNOSTICS] @p JWHICH OPTION?v T ^A271680 hA881680 rA651500 |A681500 1700  "BYE"   WHERE TO?  1800 A65ĺ:B$;C$ A66ĺ:B$;D$G (PRODOSA67)1900:A67ĺ:B$;E$Z A68ĺ:B$;F$` q  ERROR EXITw } & 0" PROGRAM NOT FOUND" :8 D l ZIP CONFIG v 5:11)"ZIP CONFIGURATION" 10:8 "A) CONFIGURE ZIP CHIP" 12:88 "B) INSTALL ZIP SYSTEM"C 14:8S "C) HELP"^ 17:8n "X) EXIT"w   4 >PRINT QUESTION H R21:12 \"WHICH?"; fA$ pA(A$) zA90AA32 A65A671160 WHICH OPTION? A271160*A881160=A65ĺ:B$;E$PA66ĺ:B$;G$Vu:"ZIP CONFIGURATION"::"CHOOSE THIS OPTION TO CHANGE THE DEFAULTSETTINGS OF THE ZIP CHIP." : :"ZIP SYSTEM"::< PRINT"CHOOSE THIS OPTION IF WANT TO CUSTOMIZE THE ZIP CHIP TO A PARTICULAR APPLICATION" "CHOOSE THIS OPTION IF YOU WANT TO INSTALL A BOOT PROGRAM WHICH WILL CUSTOMIZE THE ZIP CHIP FOR A PARTICULAR APPLICATION."$ :"FOR EXAMPLE:"::"IF YOU HAVE A HARD DISK DRIVE OR":y. ?"YOU WANT TO USE APPLEWORKS AND A RAMFACTOR MEMORY CARD IN ONE OF THE NUMBERED SLOTS."/ "YOU WANT TO SPEED UP A MEMORY BOARD WHICH IS LOCATED IN ONE OF THE NUMBERED SLOTS."8 :"SEE ZIP TOOLS FOR MORE DETAILS."%B 24:"PRESS ";:A$:1900L !C_" %k"l" (#M8( % ) L*"m"n" (_7, )7(P0 ( @X p 8  u"!_"f"0 ~&f"0 %o"p" (,) &q"r" ( %L*")0I0hx H( + %Щ ߩu"L! )L! 8'  )ɀ)4,- U JNT) u"Ls"t" ( !` ^"M)Fi/ b"3 h"i"j" e" iL X>"L;"ίΠ`v""""""*$ Fk%YeQP!/RB}QBiBB}\ }FEL,#> ȏ6 . ) ɘ"    L:#:#ŠϠĠԠ  m# m# J Qڨ)̰}] нȱ ̀𩠙 i V N c ɘ\   VG+ #X ɛL ' 0% '8 Jm ʈ0  0ŠϠĠ͢Š͠͠ϠŠŠϠĠخ͠ ͍B B(8`=YYZLYLYLY뿭` 8!@8` %MNЩUMߩ  L 5   8 0 8  `0 / X& & +&&7&P^&0`ŠӠֱǭԠŠҬî̠ӠĮʎ1|&… (n}&Dž (\%Tz&Lc()8= (J 8'z&'{& 3((ʎ1|&|&|&3223 ')L&18|&"m11 2H22h2舌|&|&12H)M0 h10200I20h2 (`LE%12 `_'"L  <8# ȱ)ɀ  )( ` (Xp< @( )m((.(( M(i  ``) |'(j21 z& {&!` ({&z&(i({&(( CBDFGE (r&$ 3(,}&r& … 3(ŅL&JJJJ`Ϡ'8`r&h)hrȱȱȱȱ0]cȱeem*ȱ*ȱ**ȱ**ȱ* )* * )L(`L?* *Ll) ) L( )Ll)8e` ,$`ee` `* G** c*` v* G* c*`hh8`8`***`}*`e`H)hJJ*0JJ)` (< ( < *? 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Includes: The ZIP CHIP Control Panel Version 1.2 A multipurpose tool for the intialization and control of the ZIP Technology ZIP CHIP. Copyright 1988 by Palace Productions and ZIP Technology. All rights reserved. ZIP CHIP tm is a Trade Mark of ZIP Technology (R) Apple, Apple II Plus, Apple IIe and Apple IIc are registered Trade Marks of Apple Computer Co. Palace Productions makes no guarantee or promise concerning the validity or completeness of this software and will not be responsible for the use thereof. We reserve the right to make any changes or improvements to the software described herein without notice of any kind. Update Information: New features are marked with * in the description area. Version 1.0 - Aug 21, 1988: Original Tools released. Version 1.1 - Aug 28, 1988: Updated Tools to include forty column versions of the Control Panel and FlipZip. Added the AutoStart and pause features to the Control Panel. Version 1.2 - Oct 15, 1988: Corrected a small bug in the control panel, if it was locked the updated parameters were never saved. Added the installation program, INSTALL.ZIP. This is a system program that will automate installation of ZIP.SYSTEM. Added mouse support to ZIP.SYSTEM and dialog boxes that will inform the users of the status of the parameter save. Fixed a bug in the window support routines for the unenhanced IIe. Modified several control panel operations. Added a fix for AECLK.SYSTEM and AE.INSTALL. AECLK did not originally set the Prefix according to Apple's normal guidelines. Introduction: [to Forty Column users, the commands are shown in brackets] The ZIP Control Panel was designed as a combination pre-boot, configure and mini-selector program all rolled into one. This information file will describe how each of the three sections operates, and how they operate together. In addition, the installation process will covered in detail. The current set of tools included here require a ZIP CHIP and an Apple ][+, IIe or IIc computer. Some program versions require a IIe/c and an eighty column board. Those are marked in the Files Included section near the end of this file. Please use only the appropriate version for your system. * A new program, INSTALL.ZIP, has been added. This will automate installation of ZIP.SYSTEM. The system based installation program uses block reads and writes. If you plan to install this on a network, please have the network manager install it via a manual method. The AppleShare network strictly prohibits such calls to ProDOS. In this vein, a new method of installation that does not employ block operations is being explored and will be incorporated in future versions when ready. IMPORTANT - Always use a backup version when installing Zip Tools and keep a backup of all files included here in a safe place. Pre-Boot: As long as ZIP.SYSTEM is the first .SYSTEM file on your boot disk, it will be run automatically and will configure the Zip chip according to specifications set by you. This configuration can be modified at any time. * In addition, there is a preboot path name for use on the Control Data Corvus network. At current, this path name must be manually patched using a sector editor, but later versions will add an auto selector for this function. The program that must be used on a Corvus Network is called ZIP.OMNINET and is available directly from Zip Technology at this time. The name is actually already in the program, but the length must be manually set. This can be done by using a block editor, or from BASIC. Using a block editor change byte $9A of the file from $00 to $0B. From BASIC, perform the following: NEW CALL -151 BLOAD ZIP.SYSTEM,A$2000,TSYS 209A:0B BSAVE ZIP.SYSTEM,A$2000,TSYS This proceedure will work for both the 80 and 40 column versions of ZIP.SYSTEM. Configure: The configure section looks very similar to the BASIC ZIP.CONFIG program provided by ZIP Technology on your original ProDOS ZIP utilities disk (/ZIPCHIPII). There is a highlight bar which is controlled using the arrow keys. Select the feature you want to modify and press return. For all but the speed and startup path, the indicated status will immediately change. When changing the chip speed, you will be presented with a new menu that shows all 19 of the speeds available including Chip Off. The current speed will be highlighted. Simply move the highlight bar to the new speed, press return and the chip speed will be changed to your selection. You will then be returned to the main menu. Press O to automatically select Chip Off. AutoStart will allow the program to be run automatically without operator intervention. When AutoStart is on, the title screen will come up and stay there for about a second or two. To modify the current parameters, press space or Y. Any other key will be ignored and passed on to the next program run. Mini-Selector: Many ProDOS system programs support what is known as a startup path (or pathname) and The ZIP Control Panel is no exception. You may already be familiar with this from BASIC.SYSTEM. Every time it is run, it automatically loads and runs another file called STARTUP. In addition, several selector programs are capable of actually passing information to a system program in order to give a new startup pathname. At the bottom of the main menu screen you will see a couple of lines with something like this: current startup path: /YOUR.DISK/SUBDIR/FILE.NAME Depending on how your program is configured, you may see the word 'none' instead. That means there is no selected startup path, and a normal quit will be performed on exit. So you say, how do I change this startup pathname? One way has already been mentioned. By using a selector like ProSel you can change the pathname, but that doesn't do you a lot of good if ZIP.SYSTEM is the first file you run after booting a disk, now does it? Never fear, we do have a solution. By pressing return when the highlight bar is over the pathname another menu will show up. For those of you familiar with Better Bye, no more need be said, for the rest of you, here goes. Once again, we'll be using the arrow keys, highlight bars and return to select, so that part is familiar. The main objective here is to decide what program will be run when we exit from The ZIP Control Panel. You'll see from one to several names that correspond to .system files on this disk. You may also see some names with a '/' (indicating a subdirectory) in front of them like this: /YOUR.DISK/ ZIP.SYSTEM ANOTHER.SYSTEM /SUB1 /SUB2 Also note the Volume name up on the left. Choose either a system file or a subdirectory. If a subdirectory is chosen the program will bring up another list of files to choose from. If there are no system files in the subdirectory, you will have no names in the list. Just hit return of escape and you'll be sent back to the main menu to try again if you wish. If directed, the program will run the system file shown under the current startup path. For those of you still confused, don't worry. Play with it a little bit, it won't hurt. You'll catch on pretty quickly. Tie it all together please: OK, up to now we've left some glaring holes about what does what. When you first boot your system with the ZIP.SYSTEM as the first .SYSTEM file on the disk, a screen will come up asking if you want to do. The options are run the start path file, modify the current parameters or quit (via ProDOS). The menu at this point isn't exactly clear, so let me elaborate. To do a quit via the pathname, press escape. To perform a normal quit (no path name) press oa/sa - Escape [Ctrl-Q]. To modify the current parameters press y or the space bar. This was something used during development and it stuck. To just load your standard configuration press any other key. It says return, but you don't really need to. So, any key but esc, space or y will let ZIP.SYSTEM do it's thing. The first time you run ZIP.SYSTEM you might want to configure things a bit. This file is provided with the standard zipcfg setup and a start path of basic.system. Change it to whatever you want. That's the idea! Special configure and installation notes: In small print down there near the bottom, it says oa/sa - S [Ctrl-S] to save current configuration. This saves the entire configuration including the startup path. What it means is use either oa-s or sa-s to save. Unless you have started this program with a truly bizarre selector program, your modifications should be properly saved. We use a 4 byte id that is verified in the file before it is written to. This also means that if you don't like the name, you are welcome to change it, but during the next automated update using INST.ZIP.CTRL it will be ignored and you'll get a new version of ZIP.SYSTEM. * Installation with INST.ZIP.CTRL: Installation is fairly simple. Run INSTALL.ZIP [INSTALL.ZIP40] either from a program selector or from the basic prompt using -INSTALL.ZIP. You will be prompted for the Slot and Drive numbers of the ProDOS Volume you wish to install ZIP.SYSTEM on. After selecting the volume, a prompt will re-verify that this is the volume you wish to perform the installation on. If a previous version of ZIP.SYSTEM exists, you will get a prompt asking if you wish to delete this version. Answer no and the program will quit. If ZIP.SYSTEM is not the first SYStem type program on the disk, you will also be asked if you wish to move it. INSTALL.ZIP will then delete the old version, sort the directory (if needed) and write out the new version of ZIP.SYSTEM. Use oa-Q [Ctrl-Q] at any prompt to exit INSTALL.ZIP if you decide you don't really want to do something. All prompts default to yes, so if your answer is a string of affirmatives, just press any key. When completed, ZIP.SYSTEM will be the first file on the disk (first installation or yes to move), other wise it will be where ever the last version of ZIP.SYSTEM was located. Run and configure the Control Panel as soon as possible so that it acurrately reflects your preferences including startup pathname. When the installation is completed, you will be asked if you wish to install ZIP.SYSTEM on another disk. Press Y here if you need to perform multiple installations, any other key will exit the intaller program at this point. Installation without INSTALL.ZIP: If you place the control panel file (ZIP.SYSTEM) at the top of the root volume directory and keep a .SYSTEM extension it will work better as a preboot program. Now, if you have room, copy your first .SYSTEM file to another name, and delete the original. Now copy ZIP.SYSTEM to your disk and rename the other .SYSTEM file back to it's original name. To better demonstrate, here's a fairly realistic example (use whatever copy program you normally use): Let's say the disk (or volume) name is /WORK and a CAT,TSYS (from the BASIC.SYSTEM ']' prompt) yields: /WORK/ BASIC.SYSTEM FILER.SYSTEM CONVERT.SYSTEM We would use a copy program (or command) to: COPY BASIC.SYSTEM --> BASIC.SYS DELETE BASIC.SYSTEM Now let's say zip.system was on /ZIP.ENHANCE COPY /ZIP.ENHANCE/ZIP.SYSTEM --> /WORK/ZIP.SYSTEM On the work disk, we have one more thing to do: RENAME BASIC.SYS,BASIC.SYSTEM If we do another CAT,TSYS, we should get: /WORK/ ZIP.SYSTEM FILER.SYSTEM CONVERT.SYSTEM BASIC.SYSTEM That's about it. If you don't have room to make a cop of your main .SYSTEM file, things will be a bit more difficult and I recommend use of INSTALL.ZIP. Files included in ZIP.TOOLS.BNY ( +/- indicates 40/80 column operation): ZIP.SYSTEM - This is the main control panel discussed earlier in this documentation file. ZIP40.SYSTEM + The forty column version of ZIP.SYSTEM ZREAD - A small binary program to read the current chip status from BASIC. ZFAST + Sets up the ZIP CHIP for 4 MHz, and fast operation of everything but the speaker, joystick and Slot 2 and 6. FLIPZIP - An irreverent little utility that will switch the chip on or off based on it's current status. FLIPZIP.40 + The forty column version of FLIPZIP. KILLZIP - Not much to say. It's off. ZIPGAME1 + Many games don't take very well to playing at 4 MHz. However, this utility will set up a 1 MHz machine with the Language Card Cache turned on. This unique combination adds to the fun on a lot of those old games you once had thought you'd mastered. BOOT5 + A small utility that will allow you to reboot from slot 5 without modifying your current ZIP CHIP status. It will also allow the option of backing out once you run it. BOOT6 + Slot 6 version. BOOT7 + Slot 7 version. READ.ME - This documentation file. INSTALL.ZIP - Performs auto installion of ZIP.SYSTEM on the disk(s) of your choice. INSTALL.ZIP40 + Performs auto installion of ZIP40.SYSTEM on the disk(s) of your choice. FIX.AE.CLK - fixes AECLK.SYSTEM or AE.INSTALL as determined by user input. Using FIX.AE.CLK: FIX.AE.CLK was designed to correct a small bug in the Applied Engineering Clock driver program dated September, 1986. If you don't have this version of the driver program, please contact a Zip Representative via whatever means you aquired this software, and they will work with you to update your version. It would have been much easier to distribute a fixed version, but AE owns the program, and a 'fixer' was more appropriate. Miscellaneous Information: For the adventurous among you, here's some info on modifying the screen delay during encountered while running the Control Panel. The bytes you are looking for is in the third block of the file, at positions $37 and $38 ($437 and $438 in the file) and should be equal to $80 $0F. These bytes correspond to delay. Set these lower (but not equal zero) if you want the screen to stay up for a shorter period of time. Higher if you want a longer delay. Also note that any key pressed besides escape, space and y will be passed on to the next application as determined by the startup buffer contents. Those of you who have ECP8 or ProSel, might consider using the sorting utilities included with these packages to set things up 'your' way on the disk. Both packages support directory sorts of many different types including reverse (ZIP.SYSTEM, remember?). It is believed, but not absolutely verified that both packages use block writes to do the sort. This should eb kept in mind on a networked system. To those of you who were thoroughly bored, or are still completely lost, we apologize. To those who got just the right amount of help, we thank someone for a miracle! Special thanks to the following individuals who helped so much in getting ZipTools ready for use by the public: Jerry Kindall Herb Hrowal Brian Johnson Tony Vece Palace Productions David and Sarah Ely 4567 West 159th Street Lawndale, CA 90260 November 3, 1988  STARTUP"(4)"RUN MENU"  ZIP CHIP TECHNICAL INFORMATION ZIP CHIP Theory of Operation - The Zip Technology ZIP CHIP uses a patented method of micro-computer speed-up based on caching. A small cache of RAM inside the ZIP CHIP can be read from and written to at speeds up to and including 4 megahertz. This RAM is totally transparent to the user and it cannot be accessed by software because it has no prearranged address start. Data within this RAM can come from anywhere in the Apple's main memory, language card memory, ROM or from an Auxiliary memory card. Caching as used in ZIP CHIP works as follows: First a data read is initiated by the processor, (the 65C02 within the ZIP CHIP). Then ZIP CHIP looks at it's TAG cache to see if the data is in it's DATA cache. If it is not, ZIP CHIP slows down to normal Apple speed (1 megahertz), locates and reads the data simultaneously depositing it in the DATA cache. A TAG value is then placed into TAG cache for future reference. If the data is found in cache ZIP CHIP accesses it at system speed (.666 to 4.0 megahertz) and processes it. Once data is in cache, Apple memory is NOT accessed in any way. Further processing occurs within the chip at the set speed. Writes to memory always update TAG, DATA and Apple memory. Up to 30 banks of Ramworks style auxiliary memory can be cached (2 megabytes). All other memory can be accessed, but at normal Apple speed. A tap of the Apple Phase 0 clock (a 1 millisecond pulse) is available. A synchronous sequence consists of setting the system speed to normal Apple speed (1.0204 megahertz) for a specific time period. While this is not a comprehensive explanation of the internal functioning of ZIP CHIP, it should be sufficient for programmers to access and use the various features. Table 1 - Internal Structure of the ZIP CHIP The following is inside the ZIP CHIP o 65C02 Processor Chip (rated to 4.0 megahertz) o ZIP CHIP Gate Array circuitry o 8k TAG Cache o 8k DATA Cache o 16.00 megahertz Clock Control of the ZIP CHIP from software is through softswitch registers inside the chip. Extreme care must be used when changing the contents of these registers because imporper use can render a ZIP CHIP startup floppy disk functionally unusable. Each register may perform a number of related or unrelated functions. Table 2 shows the ZIP CHIP registers, how they are accessed and what each bit of the register does. An in-depth discussion of each register follows this table. Table 2 - ZIP CHIP REGISTERS Register How Address Accessed Bit/Function $C05A Write $A5 Locks the ZIP CHIP. 4 consecutive $5A write unlock ZIP CHIP. While unlocked any write other than $A5 or $5A will initiate an indefinite syncronous sequence (disables ZIPCHIP). $C05B Write Any hex byte written will enable ZIPCHIP. $C05B Read Reads the current status of the following: bit 0 & 1 - Ramsize where: RAMSIZE1 RAMSIZE0 SIZE 0 0 8K 0 1 16K 1 0 32K 1 1 64K bit 2 - unused bit 3 - Delay (for memory) 0 = Fast Mode - Delay not in effect 1 = Sync Mode - Delay in effect bit 4 - Disabled/enabled 0 = Chip Enabled 1 = Chip Disabled bit 5 - Language Card Enable/Disable 0 = Language Card Caching Enabled 1 = Language Card Caching Disabled Table 2 Cont'd.- ZIP CHIP REGISTERS Register How Address Accessed Bit/Function $C05B bit 6 - Cache Updated by data read 0 = No update 1 = Yes cache updated bit 7 - Clock Pulse - 1.0035 milliseconds Edges occur at .50175 milliseconds $C05C Read/Write Slot/Speaker set and read 0 = Set slot/speaker Fast 1 = Set slot/speaker Normal bit 0 - Speaker bit 4 - Slot 4 bit 1 - Slot 1 bit 5 - Slot 5 bit 2 - Slot 2 bit 6 - Slot 6 bit 3 - Slot 3 bit 7 - Slot 7 $C05D Write Set System Speed bit 0 - unused bit 4 - Clk4/5 bit 1 - unused bit 5 - Clk5/6 bit 2 - Clk2/3 bit 6 - Clk/2 bit 3 - Clk3/4 bit 7 - Clk/4 NOTE: bit 6 and bit 7 Yield Clk/3 $C05E Write Enable/Disable Synchronous Operation for I/O Devices bit 0 through bit 6 - Not Used bit 7 - Enable/Disable Delay 0 = Enable Delay 1 = Disable and Reset Delay Table 2 Cont'd.- ZIP CHIP REGISTERS Register How Address Accessed Bit/Function $C05E Read Read Apple softswitches 0 = False 1 = True bit 0 - ROMRD bit 4 - 80STORE bit 1 - RAMBNK bit 5 - MWR* bit 2 - PAGE2 bit 6 - MRD* bit 3 - HIRES bit 7 - ALTZP $C05F Write Paddle Speed, Bank Switch Language Card bit 0 through bit 5 - Not Used bit 6 - Paddle Set 0 = Disable Paddle Delay 1 = Enable Paddle Delay bit 7 - Language Card Enable/Disable 0 = Enable Cache of Language Card Memory 1 = Disable Cache of Language Card Memory ZIP CHIP REGISTERS DESCRIPTION $C05A SOFTSWITCH REGISTER - ZIP CHIP softswitch $C05A allows access to all other ZIP CHIP registers. This is done through the Lock/Unlock feature. To lock the ZIP CHIP registers write a $A5 to address $C05A. Unlocking ZIP CHIP is a little more difficult. To prevent accidental unlocking by programs, at least four writes of $5A in succession must be done. Any other program write instruction coming between the first four $5A writes will invalidate the unlock. More than four $5A writes are ignored by the softswitch. Recommended assembler code to unlock ZIP CHIP is: LDA #$5A STA $C05A STA $C05A STA $C05A STA $C05A While the ZIP CHIP is unlocked, any value other than a $5A or a $A5 will cause an indefinite Synchronous Sequence, (turns off the High Speed Mode) setting the system to normal Apple speed of 1.0204 megahertz. $C05B SOFTSWITCH REGISTER - This softswitch is used for a variety of functions. Primarily it is used to turn on the ZIP CHIP to high speed. This is done by any write to $C05B while the ZIP CHIP is unlocked. Reads of this softswitch obtain data on a variety of ZIP CHIP functions. Of particular interest to those needing a precise timing signal, is the one (1.0035) millisecond clock pulse at bit seven of this register. The bits of this register are used as follows: Bit 0 and bit 1 show the size of cache memory. Bit two is unused. Bit three is a one if the delay circuitry is active. A slot delay begins when an access is done to the I/O memory area of a slot set for Synchronous Sequence ($C0nX - where 'n' is the slot number plus 8 and 'X' is a number from $0 to $F). The access begins a 52 to 54 millisecond period during which all Reads come from the Apple to keep the computer at Normal speed (1.0204 megahertz). When the paddle or the speaker is set for synchronous sequence, a softswitch access results in a delay of 5 milliseconds. A zero in bit three indicates that no delay is in effect. When bit four is a one, it shows that the ZIP CHIP cannot cache code. This bit will be set if the user presses the ESCape key during boot or if a byte other than $A5 or $5A is entered into register $C05A while the ZIP CHIP is unlocked. A zero in bit four indicates that caching is enabled and the ZIP CHIP can run at set system speed. Bit five indicates whether or not Language Card accesses can be cached. If the bit is a zero then it is enabled. If the bit is a one then it is disabled. Bit six confirms that a data read has updated the cache memory. A one indicates that cache has been updated; a zero indicates that it has not. Bit seven is a tap on the Apple Phase 0 clock. divided by 1024. This bit oscillates at a one (1.0035)millisecond rate. The pulse edges occur at .50175 millisecond intervals. This signal can be used for precise timing applications. $C05C SOFTSWITCH REGISTER - The softswitch register at $C05C indicates and determines which slots will run at the speed set in ZIP CHIP or at normal Apple speed. The speaker is also controlled from this register. Reads of this register show the current condition of the speaker and slots. To enable a slot (or the speaker) to run a synchronous sequence, a one is written to the appropriate bit. Bit 0 controls the speaker. Bits 1 through bit 7 control slots 1 through 7 respectively. A one written to bit 0 will allow a five millisecond synchronous sequence for softswitch access of $C030. CAUTION: If an I/O device such as the Apple Floppy Disk Drive is in a slot defined for other than normal access, disks in that drive may be rendered unreadable. Be sure that a device can safely run at speeds above normal Apple speed before setting its slot to a higher speed. $C05D SOFTSWITCH REGISTER - The $C05D softswitch register can set the system speed to one of twenty values from 0.6666 megahertz to 4.0000 megahertz. The following table shows the bit patterns for bits 2 through 7 as used to select one of the eighteen available clock speeds. An 'X' in the pattern indicates that this bit is ignored by the register for this speed (i.e. 'X' = don't care). NOTE: These speeds are for cache reads and writes only. Apple accesses will still be at normal Apple speed. If a program can run totally within cache memory then the above speeds are accurate. If the program is larger than cache then the actual system speed will be different from those noted. Table 3 - $C05D Bit Patterns Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Speed (in MHZ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 4.0000 0 0 0 0 0 1 X X 2.6667 0 0 0 0 1 X X X 3.0000 0 0 0 1 X X X X 3.2000 0 0 1 X X X X X 3.3333 0 1 0 0 0 0 X X 2.0000 0 1 0 0 0 1 X X 1.3333 0 1 0 0 1 X X X 1.5000 0 1 0 1 X X X X 1.6000 0 1 1 X X X X X 1.6667 1 0 0 0 0 0 X X 1.0000 1 0 0 0 0 1 X X 0.6667 1 0 0 0 1 X X X 0.7500 1 0 0 1 X X X X 0.8000 1 0 1 X X X X X 0.8333 1 1 0 0 0 0 X X 1.3333 1 1 0 0 0 1 X X 0.8889 1 1 0 0 1 X X X 1.0000 1 1 0 1 X X X X 1.0667 1 1 1 X X X X X 1.1111 $C05E SOFTSWITCH REGISTER - The $C05E softswitch register has greatly different functions between Read and Write. A $C05E read is similar to a simultaneous read of eight softswitches (for determining whether the Apple is in AltZP or MainZP, etc.). See table 2 for the exact switches tested. Only bit 7 of $C05E is functional in a write. Bit 7 is the delay switch controlling Synchronous Sequences. If this is a zero then Synchronous Sequences are enabled. If this bit is set to one while a delay is active then the delay is terminated immediately.and Synchronous Sequences are disabled. Control of this register can ensure that a piece of code will run at set system speed. $C05F SOFTSWITCH REGISTER - This register controls compatibility with bank switched memory cards and determines if Paddle accesses cause Synchronous Sequences. The two active bits in this register control the caching of language card memory and the slowing of the system for paddle use. Bit 7 (normally zero), when set to one, disables caching of language card memory. This will allow large memory cards to run with ZIP CHIP. Bit 6 controls paddle softswitch access. When set to one, accesses to $C070 cause a 5 millisecond synchronous sequence. When set to zero accesses to $C070 cause no Synchronous Sequence. PROGRAMMING HINTS Programmers are encouraged to work the features of ZIP CHIP into their code. To assist in this the following samples are provided. NOTE: $C05A to $C05D are Annunciators. $C05E and $C05F are Double HIRES When ZIP CHIP registers are accessed with ZIP CHIP unlocked, the Annunciators and Double HIRES switches are not affected provided that the code accessing the ZIP CHIP registers is executing entirely from cache. When unlocking the ZIP CHIP, the first four writes to $C05A do affect Annunciator 2. Any devices using Annunciator 2 may also be affected. The following code accesses ZIP CHIP registers completely from cache. This outline is recommended for opening and altering the ZIP CHIP softswitch registers: LDY #$5A Unlock value STY $C05A Unlock the ZIP CHIP STY $C05A STY $C05A STY $C05A LDY $C05B Is ZIP CHIP enabled? STY $C05B Always enable ZIP CHIP (Any value here will suffice) LDX #$00 256 bytes (if altering code <257 bytes) CACHE LDA ALTER,X Cache the altering code INX BNE CACHE ALTER NOP Your own code goes here Use the following code to verify that ZIP CHIP is installed in a particular system. Remember to unlock the chip first. ALTER LDA $C05C Get the slot delay status EOR #$FF Flip it STA $C05C Save it CMP $C05C Correct? BNE NOZIP No, ZIP CHIP not found. EOR #$FF Get back old status STA $C05C Save it CMP $C05C Correct? BNE NOZIP No, ZIP CHIP not found. GOTAZIP NOP Yes, ZIP CHIP found! NOZIP NOP No ZIP CHIP found. If the code gets to GOTAZIP then you are certain that the computer has a ZIP CHIP installed. A FINAL NOTE Zip Technology maintains a Technical Service Hotline to assist users and software developers with the ZIP CHIP. Direct all inquires to: ZIP TECHNOLOGY 5601 W. SLAUSON AVE #190 CULVER CITY, CA 90230 or call our Hotline (213) 337-1734 between the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific time. Zip Technology is currently has established a 24 hour dial-up message and product ordering bulletin board for our customers convenience. The telephone number is (213) 433-8694. The board operates at 300, 1200 or 2400 boud, depending upon the speed of the caller. Watch our ads for more on this exciting new service. ZZZZZ[[R -Q SR IL/ Q I,[^@_E\]Z ey   CONFIGURER FOR. ZIPCHIP II-4 2.014:GB$"ON "TC$"OFF"hD$"CACHED "|$E$"NOT CACHED".F$"FAST "8G$"NORMAL"BH$(4)LV LOAD UP SPEEDS`jL(18),I$(18)tA0:B4~L(A),I$(A) AA1 A181150 SP50!  7  OLD CONFIGURER?= E A4R 911A,0\ AA1j A01240u 1400{  H$;"BLOAD ZIPCFG" 768 000,100,032,83 ( 016,80,008,75 2 004,67,064,50 < 096,42,080,40 F 072,38,068,33 P 224,28,208,27' Z 200,25,196,22; d 160,21,144,20O n 136,19,132,17U xj  LOAD READ CODEp  A768:B144 A$ C(A$) A,C AA1 BB1 B01440 A0:B0:C3 BB(912A) AA1 A41510 B5101600 792C,234' 795C,2346 "805C,234@ ,CC1N 6C01550T @l J GET THE VARIABLESr T{ ^768 hZ(928) rY(929) |X(930) W(931) V(932) U(933) T(934) S(935) R(936) Q(937) P(938) O(939)$ N(940)1 M(941)7 P  ZIPCHIP INSTALLED?V a &(12)l 0(21)r : DZ01900 N3:10 X"SORRY - NO ZIPCHIP" b10: l WRITE CODE v A768 B160 A$ C(A$) A,C AA1 BB1 B01940 8  PUT UP THEN SCREEN> D o " CONFIGURER ZIPCHIP II-4 1.01"y 2700 2900 3100 3300 *3500 43700 >3900 H4100 R4300 \4500 f4700 p4900 u20:5w"M) MAIN MENU"z21:5$"X) EXIT ";6"CONFIGURER"<J OPTIONSP[23:1" "23:5958"OPTION?";A$"!/-\":I1(37)1:I2(36)1:384JII(I(A$))1:I1:I2:(A$,I,1);:J1SP::(16384)1282270:I1:I2:A$((16384)128):16368,0:380VL(A$)\q WHICH OPTIONS?w  L88LL32$ LL64) L13ĺH$"RUN MENU". L2424008 L12200B L122200L L2600,2800,3000,3200,3400,3600,3800,4000,4200,4400,4600,4800$V 2200*` Ej SAVE CONFIGURE DATA?Kt V~ 2560a 23:1 "(PRESS TO GO BACK)?" ?"SAVE CONFIGURATION (ESC TO RESUME)?"; "SAVE CONFIGURATION (Y/N) ?N";:(0) A$ A(A$) A89AA32  A272200 - SAVE CONFIGURE DATA3 C A892560I k H$;"BSAVE ZIPCFG,A$300,L$B0"t 768z  ( 2 ZIPCHIP CHANGE< F Y02650P Y1Z YY1d 929,Y  ZIPCHIP PRINT  5:5  "A) ZIPCHIP "; " ";( Y0ĺB$5 Y0ĺC$> 768D J a ZIP SPEED CHANGEg q MM1 M17M0" XL(M), 930,X6 941,M@ 768T ^ ZIP SPEED PRINTh r 6:5| "B) ZIPCHIP "; "SPEED ";  I$(M);" % "  1 LANGUAGE CARD CHANGE7 E W03050N W1X WW1c 931,Wi & LANGUAGE CARD PRINT0 : 8:5D "C) LANGUAGE ";N "CARD ";X W0ĺD$b W0ĺE$l   PADDLE CHANGE  V03250 V1 VV1# 932,V) < PADDLE PRINTB L 9:5` "D) PADDLE ";p "SPEED ";} V0ĺF$* V0ĺG$4 H R SPEAKER CHANGE\ f U03450p U1z UU1 933,U  SPEAKER PRINT  10:5 "E) SPEAKER ";, "SPEED ";9 U0ĺF$F U0ĺG$L Rf SLOT 1 CHANGEl$z.T036508T1BTT1L934,Tt~ SLOT 1 PRINT12:5"F) SLOT 1 ";"SPEED ";T0ĺF$T0ĺG$   SLOT 2 CHANGE&4S03850=S1G SS1R935,SX<kF SLOT 2 PRINTqP|Z13:5d"G) SLOT 2 ";n"SPEED ";xS0ĺF$S0ĺG$ SLOT 3 CHANGER04050R1RR1 936,R% SLOT 3 PRINT+6"14:5J,"H) SLOT 3 ";Z6"SPEED ";g@R0ĺF$tJR0ĺG$zThr SLOT 4 CHANGE|Q04250Q1QQ1937,Q SLOT 4 PRINT15:5"I) SLOT 4 ";"SPEED ";!Q0ĺF$.Q0ĺG$4:0N: SLOT 5 CHANGETDbNP04450kXP1ubPP1l938,P SLOT 5 PRINT 16:5"J) SLOT 5 ";"SPEED ";P0ĺF$P0ĺG$  SLOT 6 CHANGE O04650& O10*OO1;4939,OA\Tf SLOT 6 PRINTZpez17:5y"K) SLOT 6 ";"SPEED ";O0ĺF$O0ĺG$ SLOT 7 CHANGEN04850N1NN1940,N$. 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