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Remember the open/closed apple or the game button must be pushed (like the cntl key) to get the keypad emulation. How about a picture to clear up the ques- tions? ------- ------- --se- cond row of the keypad etc. Every thing is fine until you get to the last row on the keypad. There the sp bar is bline and -> is select and <- is enter. Depending on your keyboard the -> & <- keys may not be in a very logical place. With those two excee the buttons. When a button/open/closed apple is pushed then the keys starting with 6,7,8 & 9 form the top of the keypad. Key 6 is the blue key key 7 is the red key etc. The keys directly below the 6,7,8 & 9 and shifted one-half key to the right form the your 80 column card must handle the $16 com- mand in order for reverse scrolling to work. The //e 80 col handles this fine. The vt52 keypad has been defined using the open/closed apple. For II or II+ one will have to have a game paddle or joy stick and usMER {on/off} Turn the receive file transfer timeout on or off. 0.3.12. SERVER Enter file server mode for a remote kermit. 0.4. Vt52 emulation Vt52 emulation has been reworked and should work much better,though slow- er. One thing that is required isd displays the current prodos prefix. 0.3.10. SET DEFAULT-DISK {slot/drive/volume} number Volume is an added option. Specify it as a decimal number. Note the di- splay from SHOW DEFAULT-DISK is in hex. So volume 255 would display as "FF". 0.3.11. SET TImost ev- erything we can think of. 0.3.8. SET PREFIX path Path is the prefix name for prodos. This string is prepended to all fi- lenames and usually contains the volume name and directories which lead to the filename. 0.3.9. SHOW PREFIX This commanunction keys f1 to f5 and the help key as keys 1 to 5 and 0 with the open/closed apple and button as above. If you are on a un*x system then it would be better and faster to use one of the following termcaps and leave vt52 emulation off. ------- #From: decvax!cbosgd!cbdkc1!mww Mike Warren Mm|aepro|apple-aepro|Apple II+ running ASCII Express Pro--vt52:\ :bs:co#80:li#24:up=\EA:nd=\EC:ce=\EK:cl=300^L:cd=\EJ:ho=\EH:\ :cm=\EY%+ %+ : # The following six apple entries submitted by jtjones@nosc l $49 volume directory full $4a incompatable file format,also a prodos directory $4b insupported storage type $4d position out of range $4e file access error or file locked $50 file already open $51 dd $2e disk switched with file open $42 eight files already open $43 invalid reference number $44 directory not found $45 volume not found $46 file not found $47 duplicate file name $48 vol fulof prodos may change or update the meaning of these errors. $01 bad system call number $04 bad call parameter count $25 interupt vector table full $27 i/o error $28 no device connected $2b disk write protectethe error. In addition, the actual error returned by prodos will be displayed. You will have to reference a machine language interface manual for the actual meaning of the error. Following is a partial listing of the error and explanations. Later versions ith non apple 80 col displays that work fine at 9600 baud without fail and without flow control. 0.6. Prodos errors Since prodos has so many more error messages than dos 3.3, when you get a prodos error an attempt will be made to give an explination for g of diskettes and the many unthinking programers who have written proms that lock out interupts for all kinds of peripheral cards xon&xoff flow control is almost a requirement for the higher baud rates. The //e is especialy vulnerable, I have seen ][+'s we2e: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.5. Problems with losing characters. Interupt driven com cards have the best chance of working without loss of characters. However, due to the way apple handles the writin :bl=^G:bw:cd=4*^K:ce=4^]:cl=100^L:co#80:ho=^Y:is=^R^N:kd=^J:kl=^H:\ :kr=^U:ku=^K:li#24:me=^N:mr=^O:ms:nw=100\r:rs=^R^N:se=^N:sf=^W:so=^O:\ :sr=^V:up=^_:\ :bs:nc: ap|apple2e-p|Apple //e via Pascal:\ :cm=^^%r%+ %+ :tc=applto use it yet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #From stoner@qumix but untried. ab|apple2e|Apple //e:\ 5 UPDATES FOR APPLE DOS KERMIT K: #Hayes micro modem(lower case "poke 1784+slot,0" before calling)"medin@nosc" fm|framm|Franklin 1000/1200 with Hayes micro modem:\ :am:up=20\037:nd=20^U:so=20^O:se=20^N:tc=apple: ------- Here is a termcap that I received, we have not had a chance le: #From medin@nosc for Franklin and a Apple super serial card fr|franklin|franklin 1000/1200 with ace display and apple super serial:\ :am:so=^O:se=^N:do=^J:\ :cl=2^Z0:\ :cm=\036%r%+ %+ :\ :bs:co#80:li#24:up=\037:nd=^U:ho=^Y:ce=2^]:cd=2^2|Apple ][+ with a Videx Ultraterm card running Ascii Express Pro:\ :bs:co#80:li#24:up=\EA:nd=\EC:ho=\EH:ce=2\EK:cd=2*\EJ:cl=2*^L:cm=\EY%+ %+ : A5|app80|Apple ][+ with a Videx Ultraterm card - same as 'apple' with extras:\ :am:bw:so=^O:se=^N:tc=appe=2^]:cd=2*^K:cl=40^L:cm=^^%r%+ %+ :\ :am:bw:so=^O:se=^N: A2|app48|Apple ][+ with a Videx Ultraterm card in 80x48 mode:\ :co#80:li#48:tc=app96: A8|app128|Apple ][+ with a Videx Ultraterm card in 128x32 mode:\ :co#128#li#32:tc=app96: A4|aeproA0|apple|Apple ][+ with a Videx Ultraterm card in 80x24 mode:\ :bs:co#80:li#24:up=^_:nd=^\\:ho=^Y:ce=2^]:cd=20^K:cl=35^L:cm=^^%r%+ %+ : A1|app96|Apple ][+ with a Videx Ultraterm card in 96x24 mode with extras:\ :bs:co#96:li#24:up=^_:nd=^\\:ho=^Y:cirectory structure damaged $52 not a prodos volume $53 invalid system call parameter $55 volume control block table full $56 bad buffer address $57 duplicate volume $5a file structure damaged 6 UPDATES FOR APPLE DOS KERMIT 0.7. Com card drivers Kermit 3 has now been separated into two assemblies. The main routines and the com card routines. A vector has been set up in $93 - do xoff on the line routine returns false (P reg zero flag) if unable to do command 7 UPDATES FOR APPLE DOS KERMg has command 0 - hang up the line $0b - set baud rate $0c - set break on the line $91 - do xon on the line word main Address of the end of kermit main routine. 100b byte main Flow control is on when high bit is set 1020 3 bytes driver Jump to initialization routine. 1023 3 bytes driver Jump to command routine. A reorm $n0 where n is the slot #. 1008 byte main Force initialization flag when 0. initilization routine should always initialize when this flag is 0 & then set flag non zero 1009 unused 1005 word driver Address of a null terminated string. address should point to a capitalized string of the drivers id 1007 byte main Com slot in the f 13 - 7200 14 - 9600 15 - 19200 for example: if index is a 6 then line should be 300 baud 1004 byte 6 - 300 7 - 600 8 - 1200 9 - 1800 10 - 2400 11 - 3600 12 - 4800 address - size - provided by - function 1003 byte main This is the baud rate index as follows: 3 - 110 4 - 135.4 5 - 150 lookalike not interupt driven) p7xxhmmhex - hayes micromodem driver p8xxacchex - apple com card driver: Ike has now initialized within kermit paxxccshex - ccs 7710 com card driver (interupt driven) 0.7.1. Documentation for the vector areanot ready to output then it is checked for a character to input. All this should help prevent loosing characters. Following is the current list of drivers: p5xxsschex - super serial driver(interupt driven) p6xxmsvhex - microtek serial driver (sscrom the remote every chance you get. Note the Microtek VS-622 driver, whenever the in- put is checked for a character and has a character the character is put into the buffer immeadiatly. Also when the output is checked for ready to output, if the card is low memory for the two as- semblies to communicate. Look at the working com drivers for tips on how to in- corporate your version of the com driver. some things to note: It is probably best to buffer the input from the remote and to get input characters fIT 1026 3 bytes driver Jump to check for input from the line. routine returns false (P reg zero flag) if no character on line 1029 3 bytes driver Jump to get input character from line. routine returns character on the line in A reg 102c 3 bytes driver Jump to put character in A reg on line. 102f 3 bytes driver Jump to reset com driver. 1040 3 bytes main Jump to r drive on the end of the BSAVE(aha another test). You now run kermit via "BRUN kermitname" If you want to customize kermit for your equipment. Do all your "set's" etc and then do an "exit". Now you should be back in basic. At this point do a "BSAVE name,ou will see the monitor loading the com driver. The order of EXEC's is important. The com card should be loaded last. Next get back into basic and do a "BSAVE kermitname,A$1000,L$5f00" You may have to specify the drive to do this binary save, with a slot ox into binary. If you get beeps from the monitor its probably because you didnt get a good copy of the text file. Now EXEC the com card driver you are going to use. You will have to get back into basic(aha another test for you,try "3d0G") to do this. And y4 :4);"SOFTWARE FOR ITS LIBRARY AND D-O-M.":d :4);"THE CLUB WILL NOT KNOWINGLY ACCEPT" :4);"NOR DISTRIBUTE COMMERCIAL PROGRAMS.":::34,0 24:8::"";::49168,0:G$: ":(4);"-MENU" ,;o two separate files for mail purposes so EXEC each of the main routines. Use "3d0G" to get out of monitor back to basic for each EXEC. Your apple (or compatable) will go into monitor and show you *'s for several minutes. This is the monitor loading the hests in getting the hex files onto your disketts as a text file. But again that is a test of your creativity. If you have a version of kermit running then GET or RECIEVE the file as a text file and you are in business. We have separated the main routine inttrue indication. Currently the com driver should start its routines at address $6800. If your com driver gets too large then the bsave address would have to be changed when you are saving the binary to diskette. 0.8. Loading kermit 3 The main problem exi the routines should return with the "rts" instruction. Routines which can return a true/false indication should return with the P reg zero flag set appropiately. That is:a "beq" instruction will branch on a false indication and the "bne" will branch on a tains the character read 1049 3 bytes main Jump to routine to print carrage rtn & line feed. 104f 3 bytes main Jump to routine to set characters parity. A reg contains the character before and after All Y reg contains most significant byte of address routine does not issue a carrage return 1046 3 bytes main Jump to routine to read the keyboard. A reg conwait routine.A reg contains milliseconds routine destroys A & X regs 1043 3 bytes main Jump to routine to print null terminated string. X reg contains least significant byte of addressA$1000,L$5f00" and when you do a "BRUN name" all your setup will be remembered. Since the org is now $1000 if you have been using kermit and then went back to basic for some trivial thing (like catalog) a "CALL 4096" should start up kermit without having to reload it. In summary (where nn is the version number): EXEC p2nnmainhex 8 UPDATES FOR APPLE DOS KERMIT EXEC p3nnmainhex Choose the com card driver you will use. For example p5nnsschexD$"PR#0":D$"IN#0": PROGRAM RESUMES HERE AT END OF TERM MODE ::5:"[1] Return to Terminal Mode":5:"[2] Enter New Phone Number":5:"[3] Quit TERM"::5:"[ ] <-= Select";:6 Z$:Z$"1"Z$"3"530 Z(Z$):Z540,103,550 :D$"PR#2"AVE LOWERCASE AS IS2 "ATTD"T$: DIAL NUMBER[ "";Z$: GET RETURN CODE FROM MODEMr Z$"CONNECT"ī500 Z$"BUSY"āI1500::150 Z$"NO CARRIER"510 170 "Press Q to exit Terminal Mode.":A$"T": ENTER TERMINAL MODEB e:Smartmodem:&:Super:Serial:Card:";:"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"t i:"Enter number to dial: ";T$ nD$"IN#2":D$"PR#2": TURN ON SSC xA$"6 B": 300 BAUD zA$"0 D": 8 DATA, 1 STOP |A$"0 P": NO PARITY }A$"1 T": LE(1): CTRL-A FOR SSC8 fD$(4): CTRL-D FOR DOS g::"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::";:"::::::::::::::::[>TERM<]::::::::::::::::";:"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::";Q h"::Absolutely:No:Frills:Communications:::";:":For:ThZ ::::::::::::::::::::7[ : :R\ : TERM PROGRAM :m] : FOR SMARTMODEM & :^ : SUPER SERIAL CARD:_ : :` ::::::::::::::::::::a : BY DAVE TOUVELL :b ::::::::::::::::::::c: dA$ now done within kermit. Thanks Ike. Appreciate bug reports, problems and comments. Thanks to Arnie Groenvel & Dave Seaman for help in getting the //c screen working correctly. - Ted. address "medin@nosc.arpa" or "medin@nosc.mil" 9 oportunity for you to write a better driver. If you do please pass it on for other prome- theus users. Some have noted the apple com card must be initialized via the "IN#x" be- fore starting kermit. Ike has now updated this driver and the initialization isdriver you might try the msv driver. The prometheus card will work with the apple com driver. However you will have to set the switches on the card for baud etc. Evidently this card can not be programed by the software. If that is not true then here is an t ("sei" in assembly language) and the program must explicitly give a "cli" for interupts to work (the super serial driver does). The microtek driver is a super serial look alike which does not run with interupts. If you have trouble with the super serial on. This allows the card to use interupts. The rest of the switches are set from within kermit. It appears to me that you can run your apple 2 with sw6-2 on and in 99% of the cases will cause no problems. This is because dos runs with in- terupts locked ouinish typing an option if it is possible. The syntax of all the commands and options only requires enough characters to make that command or option unique. 0.9. Installation problems NOTE: When using the super serial driver you must have the cards sw6-2 . EXEC p5nnsschex BSAVE kermitname,a$1000,l$5f00 And you should be in business. Remember there is the command HELP and whenever you are into a command a "?" will give you the posible options avail- able at that point of a command. The escape key will f:D$"IN#2":500 & : ::"About DAVES.TERM":"(Dave's Terminal Program)""This is a short terminal program.":"300 baud, Full duplex, 8N1.":"Read the REMS to see where to change"& ("these parameters. Works with my Super":"Serial Card and Volksmodem 12 (Hayes":"first press the ESCape key. When you press the ENTER" P"key, the program will toggle back to the receive mode. To hang" Z"up, type a control-Y."Zmpatibles. This"e ("program demostrates that a modem can be controlled with a BASIC program. It" 2"is intended to be a base from which modem games can be created.": <"INSTRUCTIONS: To send a string of data to the other computer"8 F"you must ::"About KCJ.TERM":p "It is a BASIC program that controls the Apple Personal Modem when connected""to the Apple IIGS through its built-in Modem Port. Since it was written in" "BASIC, it should also work for other Hayes Smartmodem coR#2" M$$ M$CR$ĺM$;:220- M$;6 &520E XD$;"IN#0"T bD$;"PR#2"_ l"+++"p vJ18000:J{ "ATH" J12000:J "ATH" J12000:J D$;"PR#0" N! Z"Enter telephone # ";PH$- dD$(4): nE$(27)X xEX$(25): Ctl-Y to exitf CR$(13)u MD$"ATDT" D$;"PR#2" MD$;PH$ D$;"PR#0" ,D$;"IN#2" 6I$ @I$EX$600 JI$E$500 TI$; ^310 D$;"IN#0" D$;"P to the other computer]  you must first press the ESCape key. When you press the ENTER  key, the program will toggle back to the receive mode. To hang up, type a control-Y.   Modem Port non-default values: 3=Y, 5=Y, Baud=300, 10=4 Written by Kenneth C. Jenner ([Casey] K.C.J)s This simple terminal emulation program was tested on the Apple IIGS using the built-in Modem Port connected to the Apple Personal Modem.  INSTRUCTIONS: To send a string of dataSmartmodem compatable, supposedly)."