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(C) 1986|i |PROSOFT SOFTWARE | |AUTHOR: | | JIM MENSCH | |THIS PROGRAM IS | |FREE FOR USE.... | +-----------------+ PRODOS FILE TYPLLwLLL) `8` ԠŬLLʮq$6,⨁ K6, VtI=v!gNVt Vt  lg~TV     T[fouu~ՠٯ* PWN*]ĿNTz @n6VC/+A>@I5gN Oz @n[Dz @nd0,~z @`$仫@v$⩔,C[B?I>孓`仫6VtCicQĿUKqtVt Nֵ#ح#׮2}q :IC@@ -!S    !C- !ABELSDFRV@@ !$(19@EüϠž(+@ABCDEFGHIKLMNPSحlHmIH٬!)RSUTD!-!P.!Q`8LL tϾξ pо־޾׾پȌھȌؾ pȩ Lp ɛɃ۾TYPE ' PRODOS FILE TYPE CHANGERO By Joe Jaworski [73307,310]_(4)"pr#3":::"***************** FILE TYPE CHANGER **********************" ::: (4);"BLOAD CHANGE.OBJ,A$300" (4)"prefix":Z$ "Enter Prefix or 08 (Q$(CT),18,3)"DIR"ĺ(4);"PREFIX";P$:4:1210>I2100WT(DCNT)xDEVDEV1:DEV0DEV(DCNT)DD1:DS(Q$(DEV400))DS7DD2:DSDS8(4);"PREFIX,S";DS;",D";DD21200034ER(222)F>T0ER8ĺ"Please " Drive: ";DD14:"Prefix: ";PFX$;(29):T$\ES0:FI1:500:FI0: Get the filenameF$"":I216:X$(Q$(CT),I,1):X$" "F$F$X$:P$PFX$F$ES1ĉ::(4);"PREFIX";OPFX$:ES2ĺ(4);"PREFIX/":4:1210ES3İ2000:4:121""1090.Q$(K)(S$,80)"84B(4);"CLOSE"dLNFK513: No. of files this directory jV Get the name of the file to be changed1000: Read the directory DS(Q$(DEV400)):DD1:DS7DSDS8:DD21::1:" Slot: ";DS:1403,01 Print the center string....G13:36,0:1403,0QCLCTZ900` Get a ProDOS catalog of this area(4);"PREFIX":PFX$(4);"OPEN ";PFX$;",T15"(4);"READ ";PFX$S$:T$:S$K513768:S$ $S$0:520 CT206CT233:520,CTCT1J19:36,0:1403,0:CLCT6S900\570 print the proper string on current line(CL255CL513)CLNF512ıNUM$(" "(CL)" ",5)CL1ĺ(NUM$,1,5(FI));Q$(CL);(29);36,0:22KEY$  move up)930ECT0CT513ĺ"";:570Q(22);iCT233CT206:520CT170CT33:520CTCT17:36,0:1403,0:CLCT6900570930CT255CTNF512ĺ"";:570(23);CT33CT1700 0CL:D930!N(X :[NFES2::D]KEY$cbKEY$(11)700: move upgKEY$(10)745: move downlKEY$(13)ĉ:pES0:KEY$(27)ES1::rKEY$" "FIES2::t(KEY$"D"KEY$"d")FIES3::v570340 $ get new file typeiCT(FTYPE):FI1CT513: CT equals current type or file p7 (NF)FIES2:5:(29);" No files this directory":I11000:::34,6:35,19CLCT6CT6"(CL(CT6))7&95: SET FILE INFO COMMANDdPARMCOUNT,7: THE INFO IS ALREADY THERE SO WE JUST CALL THE STUFFm768s(255)012100, fill q$ array with data...6X0399@Q$(X)" Unknown"JXTA,A$^A1390hQ$(A)A$rX1L:PBUFX,((P$,X,1)):X: STORE THE PATH NAMEh PARMCOUNT,10: PARM COUNT FOR GET FILE INFO CMMD,196: COMMAND NUMBER FOR GFI 768: NOW GO GET THE FILE INFO! (255)012100 NOW SET THE NEW FILE TYPE...CMMD,19 < READ IN DEVICE LIST/ =X((DNUM)16)s >I0(DCNT):Q$(400I)(((DLSTI)16)):X(Q$(400I))DEVIz ?I c5000: MAIN PROGRAM LOOP d GET FILE INFO nL(P$): GET LENGTH OF PATH NAME sL1P$"&BADPATH":110 xPBUF,L6 @u for ";Z$ "";P$- P$""25E (4);"PREFIX ":P$[ (4);"PREFIX";P$ "ENTER FILE NAME TO CHANGE FOR CATALOG: ";F$ F$""ĺ(4)"CATALOG"::26 "Enter new file type (in Decimal): ";T 768,F$,T (:(4)"CATALinsert a ProDOS disk in a disk drive. Press a key.":T$:3288:2010hHER8ER3TT1:3288:2020216,0:3288:12030 MAIN PROGRAM LOOP(4);"PREFIX":OPFX$6000: PRINT STARTUP AND DISCLAIMER300: BUILD TABLE"Press RETURN to continue";A$+12000" ProDOS File Type Changer V 1.3 20 May 87"" By Jim Mensch (c) 1986 ProSoft Software Esc: Quit"'"------------------------------------------- 177,"OBJ APW Object file"?&' 178,"LIB APW Library file"s&' 179,"S16 ProDOS 16 Application Program file"&' 180,"RTL APW Run Time Library file"&' 181,"EXE ProDOS 16 Shell Application file" '' 182,"STR ProDOS 16 Startup Load file (PermSOS"*%(' 24,"$18 RESERVED - SOS" d%)' 25,"ADB Appleworks Data Base file {/// EZ pieces}"%*' 26,"AWP Appleworks Word Proc. file {/// EZ pieces}"%+' 27,"ASP Appleworks Spreadsheet file {/// EZ pieces}"%' 176,"SRC APW Source file"&'e"#$!' 17,"RPI RPS Index file"J$"' 18,"AFD AppleFile Discard file"o$#' 19,"AFM AppleFile Model file"$$' 20,"AFR AppleFile Report Format file"$%' 21,"SCL Screen Library file (SOS)"$&' 22,"$16 RESERVED - SOS" %'' 23,"$17 RESERVED - )"3#' 10,"DA3 Business Basic Data file (SOS)"W#' 11,"WPF Word Processor file"w#' 12,"SOS SOS System file"#' 13,"$0D RESERVED - SOS"#' 14,"$0E RESERVED - SOS" #' 15,"DIR Directory file (SOS and ProDOS)"$ ' 16,"RPD RPS Data fil"' 04,"TXT ASCII Text file (SOS and ProDOS)"X"' 05,"PDA Pascal Data File (SOS)""' 06,"BIN General Binary file (SOS and ProDOS)""' 07,"FNT Font file (SOS)""' 08,"FOT Graphics Screen file"#' 09,"BA3 Business Basic Program file (SOS"+!#"That address is: 225 Union #232A"V!#" Campbell, CA 95008"\!#b!#!' 00,"$00 Typeless file (SOS and ProDOS)" !' 01,"BAD Bad Block file"!' 02,"PCD Pascal Code file (SOS)""' 03,"PTX Pascal Text file (SOS)"1rectly. Always"Z "backup your disks! I charge to do data recovery if you blow them!"`  #"This program is freeware so you are not OBLIGATED to send me One Buck in"!#"small unmarked bills. However, you are NOT RESTRICTED from doing so either!irectory as the file to change. Pressing SPACE will read the top (root)""directory and pressing D will change drives. If you have any problems,""EMail me on GEnie (ADDRESS: MENSCH).": "Note: Type Changer could be hazardous when used incorple!" X"Type Changer will let you change the File Type of any ProDOS files.""Just select the file that you want to change by using the arrow keys and""press RETURN. It is possible to move through subdirectories by selecting"J"a d"Type Changed!!!!! (Strike any key)";(11);:KEY$>5010DoLp:pz23)"ProDOS File Type Changer"28)"by Jim Mensch""This program brought to you by ProSoft Software. We write the software""that makes the grape jelly pur21::20:"Original Value"`"Type 'YES' to save change or press RETURN to cancel:";(29);k"";A$ A$"YES"A$"yes"55005010|FTYPE,CTNA15510AUXTYPE1,(Q1256)AUXTYPE,Q1((AUXTYPE1)256)20020:4ile to the type selected. NOTE: This will not alter the contents of the file"m500: get new file type|ES1501020::(26);"Press RETURN to leave the value unchanged.":(26);"Value for AuxType: ";Q1$Q1(Q1$):NA0:Q1$""NA1:turn to root directory or D to change disks."E1200: Get Filed2:1403,68:"Select File"}4:"File:";F$;(29)100"Type:";Q$((FTYPE));(29)20::"Use Up and Down arrow keys to change selection. Press RETURN to change"O"f------------------------------------"20:"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"20::"Use Up and Down arrow keys to change selection. Press RETURN to select file"/"to be changed. Press SPACE to reanent)"C'' 183,"$B7 ProDOS 16 Startup Load file (Removable)" l'' 184,"NDA New Desk Accessory file"'' 185,"CDA Classic Desk Accessory file"'' 186,"$BA System Tool file" '' 187,"$BB RESERVED - ProDOS 16 Load file" (' 188,"$BC RESERVED - ProDOS 16 Load file"S(' 189,"$BD RESERVED - ProDOS 16 Load file" (' 190,"$BE RESERVED - ProDOS 16 Load file" (' 191,"$BF ProDOS 16 Document file" (' 200,"$C8 ProDOS 16 Font file")' 239,"PAS Pascal Area on partitioned at most 12 characters"G @"long. Hitting return on an empty name"l J"will abort the program. When" T"decrypting, of course, you must supply" ^"the same codeword as was used" h"when the file was encrypted, or a" r"garbage file will rg., to a group"6 "of beta-testers). Of course,"c "the testers would have to be told the" "codeword that you use, and would" "be expected to keep it confidential." 600 ,"You are asked for a CODEWORD, which " 6"can be any textuld take a monumental"@ "effort to break the code without"n "the keyword. There are two envisioned" "uses. (1) To encode your own" "files to keep them away from prying" "eyes. (2) To upload files for" "limited distribution (eTVWXhe same file if"< F"the length does not exceed $8000)."E P600p n"I make no claims on the security of" x"the encryption. This is not the" "sort of algorithm you would want " "national security based on. However," "I think it wo< ::"CRYPTOR":"=======":" by Glen E. Bredon"j"CRYPTOR will take a ProDOS file of any""type and encrypt or decrypt it"("based on a CODEWORD (length at most 12"2"characters) and write it back to" <"another file (or to t and end this one5/D/ ProDOS error handler hereF/N/20:(11):i/X/(26);"ERROR:";Q$((255)256)/b/"Press Return to continue:";A$/l/54915: and clear off stack/25010: end error handlerrts the error then restarts program0..216,0b..54915: clear off the stack and start fresh..:(222)5İ2000:12999..20:(11):./(26);"ERROR:";(222);" in line ";(218)256(219);" Press to continue";./"";A$//12999:le format"1-+ 331,"Unsupported storage_type"b-+ 334,"Access error: file not write enabled"-+ 339,"Invalid value in parameter list"-+ 346,"Bit map disk address is impossible"-\+ -1,"" -. error handling routine...%.. this routine repocount"/,+ 293,"Interupt vector table full"E,+ 295,"I/O error"f,+ 299,"Disk write protected",+ 320,"Invalid pathname syntax",+ 324,"Path not found",+ 325,"Volume directory not found",+ 326,"File not found" -+ 330,"Incompatible fi 252,"BAS Applesoft Program file"N+ ( 253,"VAR Applesoft Variable file"}+( 254,"REL Relocatable Code file (EDASM)"+( 255,"SYS ProDOS System file"+* errors start here+* 257,"Bad system call number",* 260,"Bad system call parameter 6,"$F6 ProDOS User Defined 6" b*( 247,"IMG ProDOS User Defined 7 (Copy II Plus Image file)"*( 248,"$F8 ProDOS User Defined 8"* ( 249,"$F9 ProDOS 16"* ( 250,"INT Integer BASIC Program file"* ( 251,"IVR Integer BASIC Variable file"%+ (disk".)( 240,"CMD ProDOS 8 Command file"U)( 241,"$F1 ProDOS User Defined 1"})( 242,"$F2 ProDOS User Defined 2" )( 243,"$F3 ProDOS User Defined 3" )( 244,"$F4 ProDOS User Defined 4")( 245,"$F5 ProDOS User Defined 5" !*( 24esult." |600? "There is an already encrypted file on"i "this disk, so that you can try out" "decrypting a file, and so you can see" "what an encrypted file looks like." "The file is called ENCRYPT.TEST and""the codeword is TEST. The file is an"C"encrypted version of the CRYPTOR.DOC"R"file.":}"Read CRYPTOR.DOC for documentation."600"Do you wish to read this again? (Y/N)"600:(I$"Y")(I$"y")ī10N(4)"-MENU"X49168,0:I$:: rcial rights reserved ҠŮ䠠А`'+@DEFGHIJP 0AUfuɯϠ` CRYPTOR by Glen E. Bredon 1987 Comme0@hh HH`L#('((@'''' [$' 'ɭ#ҭ$ (Щ ' (L(Ӆԩ`e҅)àȱ (ɾ j$Х8аѥɀ`i@@ ɕ ɮTkɈg$"@ɋ Ɋ ( ( ' 'L'ɯ"ɍCɛA$pɠɰɺ )۰" $P $0@ 'L'`L ' LЅȱ  ` '`  ɛ)I (`L# [ B "(亠L'* * * * * *8& & & & & & e e e e e e e e eee` [ B "(庍 ȹ )ߙ  ((L$ #% '` (`L# [ B "(庠ȹ "(庠'F C H h  "( "(庠' ' "(庠' ' ' "( "(ٯ .$ A$K R$ A$K R$ .$%8 [ $L% <$ "(UH[L "(J'$J L"('$KL '''` '`L#C%` v$'I'I'I ;&$0 #%'''0($ 'a3 ;&E %ɰܥ逅ж0j$L j$ e'HH ' "(ɠ򺠤h h 0))) "( L j$ "(LI#''$0 (4G- "( %L (L#'' [$( $ j$ X "('0) 0 L# 'U$ '''0֭0׹0(0#'U* ((֍X*׍Y*ȹ)'('('((F'0( 'Z j$ /%B &CJ  ʽ) & # Y[\]^_(ҍ $ "( .$ "( (t@ȹ@ @ &CN֥O׎@@ (< C( "( ' 'L# 'eJ'\'''' [$'' '7fխ' '8(('0( L @#IXύX X .$ $ " Documentation for CRYPTOR by Glen E. Bredon CRYPTOR will take a ProDOS file of any type and encrypt or decrypt it based on a CODEWORD (length at most 12 characters) and write it back to another file (SC then you return to the start of the program. 6. If the destination file exists, you will be asked if you want it deleted. (A locked file is never deleted, that would defeat the purpose of locking it in the first place.) If not, or if you ansge file will result. 5. You are asked for the name of the destination encrypted/decrypted file. This must be a full pathname if you want it in another directory. If you hit return on the first character, the program is aborted, if you hit E asked for a CODEWORD, which can be any text at most 12 characters long. Hitting return on an empty name will abort the program. When decrypting, of course, you must supply the same codeword as was used when the file was encrypted, or a garbart of the program. If YES then the file is loaded for processing. The program will recognize whether the file is encrytpted and tells you that at this point. In that case, the file will be decrypted unless you abort the program. 4. You are could also backspace to the beginning and just type the name of the file you want to convert. 3. You will be shown some of the file characteristics of the file you have selected and asked if it is correct. If NO then you go back to the staat directory is displayed after a prompt for the file to be converted. You can use the up/down arrow keys to see other files in that directory. (The last one is displayed first because it is expected that that will be the usual selection.) You Just hit return to accept it as shown. Hit ESC to go to the start of the program. You MUST set the prefix to the directory containing the file you want converted. 2. The directory specified by the prefix is read and the last file in thm. At other places it usually sends you to the start of the program. Hitting RETURN on an empty filename also aborts the program as will Control-open apple- RESET. 1. You are shown the current prefix and you can type over it to change it. out of this program, but that is not likely to do anyone much good, since the key cannot easily be deduced from the algorithm and an encryption, and there are over 280 trillion possible keys. Directions: 0. An ESC at any (Y/N) prompt quits the prograeyes. (2) To upload files for limited distribution (eg., to a group of beta-testers). Of course, the testers would have to be told the codeword that you use, and would be expected to keep it confidential. Of course the encryption algorithm can be taken is not the sort of algorithm you would want national security based on. However, I think it would take a monumental effort to break the code without the keyword. There are two envisioned uses. (1) To encode your own files to keep them away from prying `bcdefghior to the same file if the length does not exceed $8000). The operation of this program is similar to the EXECUTIONER program, except that this outputs files of any type, generally not text files. I make no claims on the security of the encryption. Thiswer YES then the program proceeds to do the encryption/decryption. 7. When the file is made, you are asked if you want to do another. If YES then you return to the start of the program. If NO, it exits. This is a SYS (stand alone) program, so it exits through the "quit" routine. 8. You can use the "startup" position in the CRYPTOR file, or the startup in PROSEL or other program selectors to specify the destination file directory (or the entire pathname if you want). For example҈ՇWS!%u_Db|9KjvOeml'.=Vx35Jyݲ|* :8zr!KW$v3֯3rN.BP77\hjlmnopqrstB֠ҕџ%SV0L93h u =)>{_`QwU:a+? ,.<!~NZ7gwH=UYp' :l!r`A^;K['js/x3j%TL:+oئT'hH_aP{ҥ(9*Ɯ*.xʧ VzqegzjHd*9 ` CRYPTOR by Glen E. Bredon 1987 Commercial rights reserved m`ҠŮ䠠rogram will not be able to decrypt the file. (So hands off.) by most of my utilities). Its aux type will always be $1987 (which happens to be the present year). It will be exactly one page longer than the original and has a header of that length at the start. If this header is modified then the p, if the startup is "/HARD1/CRYPT/" then in step 5 above, this text will be placed after the prompt the cursor following it. You can modify it just as if you had typed it. 9. A coded file will be a "typeless" file, type $00 (or NON as shownufrU.RqwDZM{(ʢaZHm\LjT/<qZZ`7ͅ>J>;vl@E"?0''qQv1-Ep 07ڟ}b{?`)QD}gmJ7&ncsE$K0DbN[YT'1{KaUE bهo6AMU&VM{I(x9t_t8@E.X4 ◜}(x1^QEoyG&W_JjDЄBEI*TP+/!kƣXKV,*9J.}TŨ 03 71?X2Q^6WTWj=Mѝ0smgh,3f_O ::"CHANGE.FILETYPE AND CHANGE.OBJ":"=============== ==========":"A short BASIC and machine program that":"allows you to change any ProDOS file" "type to any other (except BIN). Run the":"program CHANGE from BASIC to get it":"star  , { @5LԨ^ @AB @ L犠@@ @` L OG"Kd:$,t\զMu҅9 f{Xya Yjkkobvĭ^y&񇏉@mhxOXܗAWJhZ} taqq36N.qԨUY1b t?<`ʗ/}[- ,C ID Vw7sDs/1 6KیN9 =yNJd2VI^h8~I ~34|iܰo 2HAD[Qe/zZ F<3 CIXC^_tthriC5${/.IkANmǂW5NJ";CW>; tk6sA7 dO>`;K'՜Mhvpz̈Oi JHHNC9,+9o>zL9ݒaGt$.m]C$<|QН$ߜzilѠ/m]oeqلO#o̴F6*JR%3Zx04R>=ym_A % 5nKL\` LV\*W6и +{_TgY;$Hch=@VqsYpy?Vyz.9}*)0N9Jub,.*R%r;ީ1BC@&YۃVrrlJ~+9\&Ht<8aMb)!3et6|1e̾wQ _o8M'`ٹik/i,Bm nd%n^ ZVgiOXzE l}V`,JtÊD7Vh^|]+R&`l:w~ʴT(111)(112)256 @TALĺFI$;" TOO LONG FOR THIS PROGRAM": B206,A(A256)256:207,(A256) DC$(FI$,12)".CR" F"% "this or type new number";A$< A$""Ĺ815,(A$)I F(FI$)e D$;"OPEN ";PF$;",TDIR"y D$;"READ ";PF$ "F$ $F$ &F$ (F$ *(F$,2,F)FI$(F$,F2,1)" "L((F$,64,8)) ,F$""ī40 .F$:F((F$,13,5)) 0D$;"CLOSxz{ the directory";> "containing the file to be processed."L :"";PF$s :" Enter the name of the" " text file to be processed "::" ";FI$ "Lines shorter than 60 characters not"; "processed. Press return to acceptD$"OPEN TEMP.DB"* 6D$"WRITE TEMP.DB"7 JY0B1C T:B$(Y)J ^Ya hD$"CLOSE TEMP.DB"g r: "TEMP TO TEMP.DB BY PETERZIAN" "DONE."  ' ::"TEXT.TO.DB":"====-==-==":~"THIS IS A PROGRAM TO CONVERT LINES OF":"COLUMNIZED TEXT INTO SEPARATE ITEMS OF""DATA FOR USE WITH APPLEWORKS DATA BASE."("THE FILE TO BE CONVERTED MUST BE NAMED":"'TEMP'." 220:"PRESS A KEY";:T$[ F$(200),S$(75),L(4),S(4):D$(4):D$"PR#3":I14:L(I),S(I):: 15,2,3,18,4,25,9,31 :18:"STORE PRODOS DIRECTORY IN TEXT FILE"::"Routine stores a File's Name, Type, Size, Modified Date and Directory Path in a TXT file for use in creating a 5 reboot if you":"accidentally try to save to a" 2"protected disk. It leaves ProDOS in":"a bad state."::"Tom Vier/Open Apple" ;49168,0 <20:"PRESS A KEY";:T$ F:(4)"-MENU" + ::"STATUS.CHECK":"============":"This file tests whether your ProDOS":"device returns the write-protect status":"correctly.""The UniDisk 3.5 interface card has this":"bug! Contact your dealer for a fix!"1 ("Meanwhile, resave and 779,69: STA $45L*780,133:781,70: STA $46x4782,133:783,71: STA $47>784,32:785,10:786,199: JSR $C70AH787,141:788,23:789,3: STA $0317R790,96: RTS\ VER INTERFACE  C 768,169:769,112: LDA #$70o 770,133:771,67: STA $43 772,169:773,0: LDA #$00 774,133:775,66: STA $42 776,133:777,68: STA $44  778,133:." THIS PROGRAM WILL CHECK THE PRODOS "] 8" DEVICE OF YOUR CHOICE FOR FAILURE TO " B" RETURN THE WRITE-PROTECT STATUS ON THE" L" STATUS CALL. PLEASE CONFIRM THAT YOU " V" HAVE SELECTED A LOCKED VOLUME. " `    DRIOUR DEVICE IS CORRECT!":70G ,CODE40ĺ"DEVICE NOT CONNECTED!":70f 1CODE39ĺ"I/O ERROR!":70 6"UNRECOGNIZED ERROR! THAT'S A BUG TOO!":70   GREETINGS  (21) : " -STATUS BUG CHECKER- " $. DO STATUS CALL CODE(791)1 CODE0290` "EITHER YOU HAVE A DEVICE THAT DOES NOT " "RETURN THE WRITE-PROTECT STATUS ON THE " "PRODOS STATUS CALL OR YOU HAVE SELECTED" "A VOLUME THAT IS NOT WRITE-PROTECTED. ":70 "CODE43ĺ"YNITSLOT16( DRIVE2UNITUNIT1286 769,UNITI CSLOT192SLOTd ENTRY(CSLOT256255)v ENTRY0210 "APPLE'S FLOPPY DRIVER RETURNS THE " "STATUS CORRECTLY. NO NEED TO TEST IT. ":70 785,ENTRY:786,CSLOT 768:  % * STATUS BUG CHECKER *< BY TOM VIERC( \21000: SHOW MESSAGEt<2000: SET UP MLIF:"CONTINUE? Y/N: ";A$PA$"Y"A$"y"ĺ:"ABORTED.":Zd"INTERFACE SLOT: ";SLOTn" DRIVE: ";DRIVEx U 7:(4)"-MENU" category AppleWorks Database." 34,5:D$"prefix":P1$::"Starting Directory/Subdirectory: ";P$::"Output Text File Pathname: ";OP$:D$"PREFIX"P$:D$"PREFIX":P$:D$"OPEN"OP$ ("Processing "P$;:L0:D$"OPEN"P$",TDIR":D$"READ"P$:F$:F$5 2F$:(the":"TXT file, boot AppleWorks and create a" P"new data base from a Text (ASCII) file.":"Enter '5' when requested for the":"number of Categories in the new file." Z49168,0:22:T$ d(4)"-MENU" ach item of":"data. A Text file in this format can be" 2"used easily to create an AppleWorks":"Data Base file where the data can be" <"alphabetized, sorted or otherwise":"massaged to your heart's content."0 F"Once you have the data stored in 0 ::"Cat.Text Program":"By Rick Oshlo":"The Cat.Text program will read Prodos":"Directories/Subdirectories and store the""file name, prefix path, type, size and":"last modified date in a TXT file with a"9 ("Carriage Return between enly a portion of a disk to update your data base if you like. Once you have the data stored in the TXT file, boot AppleWorks and create a new data base from a Text (ASCII) file. Enter "5" when requested for the number of Categories in the new file. tory/Subdirectory to be read and the complete pathname of the desired output TXT file where the data will be stored. CAT.TEXT will read all the files in the Starting AND and any subdirectories contained in Starting Directory. This allows you to process oiage Return between each item of data. A Text file in this format can be used easily to create an AppleWorks Data Base file where the data can be alphabetized, sorted or otherwise massaged to your heart's content. CAT.TEXT will ask for the Starting Direc Cat.Text Program by Rick Oshlo The Cat.Text program will read Prodos Directories/Subdirectories and store the file name, prefix path, type, size and last modified date in a TXT file with a Carr):F:X:D$6 ZD$"CLOSE"P$:CSCC1:P$S$(C):40 dD$"CLOSE"::S1" Directories/Subdirectories, "T" Total Files (excluding Directories).":D$"PREFIX"P1$: n(F$,1)" "F$(F$,(F$)1):110 xS$(S1)P$F$"/":F$)(F$,3)"BLO"(F$,18,3)"DIR"LL1:F$(L)F$} <(F$,18,3)"DIR"F$(F$,2,15):110:I0S:S$(I)S$(S1)Ă:SS1 F(F$,3)"BLO"50 PTTL:45:4((L)))L" Files Found.":LĺD$"WRITE"OP$:X1L:(P$,2,(P$)2):F14:(F$(X),S(F),L(F)LL A IxX / AJ  \A " ! L 3J  AX = 8` ! 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A @ ?{pɛfɈ>&ɕBɉaLi?ɍPN@ I?; ȑLj> -{ {Lj> {Lj>N ?ɠ{Lj> =Lj>`m :{ THIS PROGRAM IS PUBLIC DOMAIN, DISTRIBUTE FREELY BUT DO NOT SELL. YOU MUST HAVE AN ENHANCED //e, //c, or IIgs TO RUN THIS PROGRAM. ALL THOUGH THE PROGRAM IS COMPLETED IT IS STILL IN BETA TESTING UNTIL I AM ASSURED THERE ARE NO PROBLEMS WIT | v1.11 - 04/20/87 | | | | by Floyd Zink, Jr. | |_______________________________________| _______________________________________ | | | TEX - Text File Utility | | | G 8qȪ LEvaluation Stack Overflow  Software InteruptInvalid OperationDivision by ZeroOverflow UnderflowInexact`F.F*F.F*`ZF [FZF  `  ` ȹ`ˆ`FFF,OKF i `F F`FF ie`ȱ( ȱiF` G` (?Ѕ© E EF FF E ELE#© E E F El E ELE© EF EH FhF дЕ EFF EH [Fh FȹLE LE LEHʥ˩Ѕȩh LE (llFF.F*Јҥ 8ЅЩх` D& *DLwDJ eҥeffffЈ` *DхХ҅ѥӅ҄LwDІFѐejfЈѥ) F` 8ЅЩх`Ӆҥ8ЅЩх8` FhhFiF`던Chh왔CiЅ©íCJJJJC) F©âCJJJJJJ FC)@P©âCJJJJ) F CC)  CCllC l6 F` DЅҥхөЅ`!&&&8᪥҅Ј*8eBBBLBBBBB᭸BBB-B8ЅЩх CBB 0BBBҝBBнB CНBB0B0BB8BB BB CB`' -327688 BiАѠ C` Cʍ`J  A 0`x AX`J 2ȅ#  A J `J K ` x Axx A A AX`J ZxA8 AX Az`J !Zx AA8 Xz` `H  AAh A`LBɀUȘJh(T*h`(h`     ` @ N O{ { O{ {N @`{d$ % [ .@ "L!# X` "#P!`J  Aɀ A d`J  A A d`8N{ ` ?ɠ{ ?ɠ ɯ{Lj>{ ?ɯ{ȑ )۰ɺɮ`8`{ L>{{ ?ɯ{Lj>HZ{ ?I ?zh`{ ?`(,*E jUȘJ(,T*,  @`H)0jhH, I@,@I@,H*E JH IT. PLEASE REPORT ALL BUGS TO ME. Features -------- 1) Catalogs disks 2) Appends files together 3) Strips linefeeds and ^Z's from files User Instructions ----------------- TEX has a user interface modeled after Glen Bredon's 'Cat Doctor' program which I use extensively and find very easy to use. For those of you who do not have 'Cat Doctor' and all the rest of the 'Prosel' programs I suggest you read 'PROSEL.TXT' in DL1. I highly recommend it! TEX supports a start-up pathname. |"l ("| by Floyd Zink, Jr. |":"|_____________________________________|"r - 2"YOU MUST HAVE AN ENHANCED //e, //c,":"or IIgs TO RUN THIS PROGRAM." 7 <"Features":"--------":" 1) Catalogs disks":" 2) Ap^ ::" _____________________________________":"| |""| TEX - Text File Utility |":"| |" "| v1.11 - 04/20/87 |":"| - F.ZINK file to the original file name. Final Words ----------- Again this program is in the beta stage and I welcome and encourage bug reports and suggestions for improving the program. Hope you like it!! [ Floyd Zink, Jr. ] Compuserve - 73147,2717 Genie ms. Pressing return will implement the selected task using the just picked filenames. The linefeed stripper creates a temp file with an '.S' extension. When it is done processing it renames the original file with an '.ORG' extension and renames the tempaccordingly. The left arrow will unselect an item if it was selected otherwise it will move the bar up. The right arrow will select an item if not already selected otherwise it will move the bar down. In addition a control-a (^A) will toggle all the itehe pathname shown. When prompted for a destination pathname be sure and enter a pathname for a file not a directory. After the directory(s) are selected a catalog of the source directory will be displayed. Using the up and down arrows will move the bar in the item or by using the arrow keys and pressing return. After making your selection you will be prompted for a source directory name and where necessary a destination pathname or target directory. You can use the tab key to skip to the next '/' in t151 ;enter monitor BLOAD BLU,TSYS,A$2000 ;load file 204B:XX ;XX being the new value. Higher value=lesser sensitivity. BSAVE BLU,TSYS,A$2000 ;save file ^C ;back to basic You can select a menu item by either the first letterout double clicking. The sensitivity of the mouse is at location $204B. It is currently set at $08. This means the mouse must move 8 increments to move the inverse bar. If you want to change this use a block editor or from the basic prompt enter: CALL-on from there. If you have a mouse TEX will find it and allow you to use it instead of using the arrow keys and pressing return. You still have to press return though when your selections are marked to start the procedure. At least until I can figure If you enter a start-up pathname from a program selector like PROSEL or ECP8 the program will use that pathname and strip the linefeeds from it and then exit by the quit code. If there is no start-up pathname then TEX will display the menu and you can go pends files together"S F" 3) Strips linefeeds and ^Z's from":" files."h P22:49168,0:T${ Z:(4)"-MENU" "C$"2"PD(C$):20:240: SETS NEW DRIVE<:C13360K<C21C10\>C94CC32j@C8C11BC10C11340DC10DD1:DULDMSFC11DD1:DMSDULHMSMS1J280TH0VC$"?"C$"H": HELP!XX0M0:C$(a,MS$"PRESS RETURN "CH$(M$(M,D),17):M2$"or use UP and DOWN ARROW keys":400:VT(D):EB$;i.700C13M$NP$İ450:2502C13M$PP$İ460:2504C13(M$,3,1)","ĺD$"prefix,"(M$,5):200:2506C$"2"C$"8"PS(C$):280.8C$"1$"END"BB1;B1ĺEB$:A$F$" IS EMPTY":8848:6000N ULB:DULD1_ DMSDMS1M$M$(M,D):SM$(M$(M,D),XL)EB$:300DMSDULM$M$(M,D):SM$(M$(M,D),XL)"VT(D):868:SM$$EO$:M2$"OR PRESS THE UP OR DOWN ARROW"$:M1:D1:8700&200:MS0/PN1H:: DISPLAY MENU_RF0:BMS:BBB1A$M$(M,B):A$PP$A$NP$A$F$" MENU PAGE "(PN)8848:3:EO$BB1:VT(B)(37)1:SM$(M$(M,B),XL):M$M$(M,B):M$"END"ĺSM$:M$NP$260M:X$ "M$(M,0)DR$:X1DX$:X$""M$(M,X)"END":220X252M$(M,X)"END"::"ONLY 253 FILES ARE ALLOWED":220X$(X$,XL):XSZ(XSZ)M$(M,X)NP$::XX1:M$(M,X)PP$:XX1M$(M,X)X$:XX1:210FS$:FS((FS$,14,4))CLHT(CH)G CH,HT:DU$;:70:YN0:868:C$"Y"C$"y"YN1:"YES":b C$"N"C$"n"ĺ"NO":w " (Y/N)";:180 QM0:(LN$,1)"?"ı: process "?" QM1:L1ĺCA$: CA$(LN$,L1): XL39 PX$:F$:OP$F$",TDIR":RE$F$DR$:X$ DELETE, too# L1LN$"":100; LN$(LN$,L1):100I 868::j LN$"":L3(T$): capitalize B1L3:C((T$,B,1)):C94CC32 LN$LN$(C):: X$"":X0:B1L:(N$,B,1)","XB:BL:N$(N$,X1) :: strip parms "? ";: pC31LN$LN$(C):(C);:100; rC13C10C11140s tC21C((40)(41)256(36)):110: right-arrow xC8İ60:100 Lİ60:100: left-arrow but no chars on line BK$;:C127X((40)(41)256(36)):DU$(X)DU$BK$;: backup for(37)1:HT(CH):::"OR "QT$"?"QT$" <";::"RETURN";::"> FOR A LIST OF FILESr RVT:CH,HT:90:958:Lı TT$LN$:150:190:QMĹ49168,0:80 VN$LN$: ZLN$"": get a line of input d70:C27LN$"":140: abort nL(LN$):C127130#(" 2AB0: check for abortB 4(49152)155AB1:49168,0f 6: with ab=1 if abort signal <ZZ115:S(49200)::: buzz FC$:C(C$):C3ġ:CL$:250 HC96C123CC32 JC$(C):S P:958:B14:::(37)3:"FILE NAME: ";:VT' 8856:240: INIT AND COLD STARTCD$"prefix,s"PS",d"PD:gB1M1:C$(XC$,B,1)BM1:: :L(M$(M,D)):LXLMS$CM$" IS INVALID":M2$" ":60:400::290"X$(M$(M,D),18,3)$FI$(M$(M,D),2,16)&BU$(M$(M,D),26,3):BU(BU$) M$(0,X),1)HX:XM0:CM$M$(0,H)'Z:\C$(27)6000g^HMS$C$" IS NOT A COMMAND":370:290{`30:MS$RP$CM$bM2$""dH6090,6200,6300,6400,6500,6600,6700,6800,6900,7000,7100,7200,7220,7300,7400,7500,7700,7800,7900,8000,8100,8200,8300,8400,8500,8600f6000.hCM$"RETURN":30HjX$"TXT"C$"T":340blX$"DIR"C$"P":340rnC$"E":340rM2$"":60:390: ERROR MESSAGE|MS$MS$SP$FI$~ FALL INTO HERE400:CR13:20::958: display instructionsA$M2$"":MS$"Enter target directory":400>"90:Lġ:290J"TA$LN$i"(TA$,1)"/"TA$TA$"/""(TA$)3TA$""::"INVALID TARGET":60::250" #@X$"TXT"M2$"":MS$FI$" is not a text file.":400:"do you still want to type it";:176700: GET IT!3903!D$"VERIFY/RAM/MENUO!:A$"TO RETURN,":8848{!:A$"TYPE "QT$"-/RAM/MENU"QT$:8848!22:216,0!!x!z COMMAND SPOT FOR "R"!390!7910!TA$""290!(TA$,1)"/"TA$TA$"/"!290+" 4400. 6A$"ENTER NAME TO CREATE":8848? 890:L7230R :D$"CREATE"LN$[ <250d >290j p  LX$"DIR"7510 NMS$"PREFIX":M2$"":400 P"ENTER PATHNAME TO PREFIX: ";:90:L290 RVE$LN$:FI$LN$ V380!X:D$"PREFIX"FI$:lso press a number 3-7 to setM"the current slot and 1-2 for the drive.[440:250m: i commandX: j command: k command X$"DIR"İ390:7210"380:CA$FI$:440:250*"ENTER NAME: ";:90:L290,CA$LN$ .440:250: "(FS)::1:8848:2903,200:MS0:PN1:250GMS$"HELP":390u"Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW to move"to a file, then press the first letter"of one of these commands:X0M0:M$(0,X)""ĺM$(0,X):"You can aA$FI$63506000.380:D$CM$FI$`BDDD:M$(M,B)M$(M,B1):M$(M,B)"END"BDDfsFSFSBUDD1:D1D1 EO$;:250 290dX$"DIR"MS$"YOU CANNOT EXECUTE A DIRECTORY.":370:290f380:D$"-"FI$A$"FREE SPACE$(LN$,B,1):B$"/"İ430*Z$Z$B$:I430:DD$T$(3)T$(1)T$(2)eD$"PREFIX"FI$:200:D0DD1:Y$M$(M,D):Y$"END"6370(Y$)XL635030:X$"DIR"6350LN$""6360410:CD$DD$6350"COPYING "FI$D$CM$F$FI$","T$","TA$FI$290M2$"":MS$"COPY FILES STARTING WITH WHAT DATE?":400:"(PRESS RETURN FOR ALL): ";:90:C13L06340L250H0:B1L:(LN$,B,1)"/"HH1:H2ĺ:"DATE MUST BE IN THE FORM MM/DD/YY"::6320H0:Z$"":B1L:BM$(M,D))%M$(M,D)(M$(M,D),L1)CX$" ":CM$"LOCK"X$"*"ZM$(M,D)X$M$(M,D)c280l8370:D$CM$FI$",T"X$<290TA$""MS$MS$" "FI$" to "TA$FI$:M2$"":400:170:YN6310TA$"":7910X$"DIR"6320 D$CM$F$FID$"prefix":F$9M$(M,Y0)"S"(PS)",D"(PD)" "F$EY0Y01XM$(M,Y0)"END"b6040}S0PSD0PDMS0:2506060L$(M$(M,D),1): ALTER WRIGHT PROTECTIONCM$"LOCK":L$"*"CM$"UNLOCKMS$CM$:380D$CM$FI$ L(FIX"F$200MS0:250IPDPD1:PD2PD0:PSPS1:PS7PS0WPDPD1ePSPS1kB1SZ:M$(M,B)"END":D0PD:S0PS:Y01:M$(M,0)"Volume Selection MenuER0D$"prefix,s"PS",d"PD: generate error if necessaryPNPN1:PN1PN15pX20: prefix popperEzD$"PREFIX"V|F$:X1(F$)^~H0X1X1:(F$,X,1)"/"HH1:H26050H0XX111:(F$,X,1)"/"HH1:H2F$(F$,X):X1MS$"PREFIX "F$:M2$"":400D$"PRE8,2)CD$YR$MO$DA$ =HH1:(Z$)2Z$"0"Z$VT$(H)Z$:Z$"":B$""\}A$"PRESS A KEY":8848:70: MOVE FILE NAMES FOR NEXT MENU PAGEMSUL1PNPN1 PREVIOUS MENU PAGEMSMSSZMS0MS0MS$:8848:AQĺEO$;,AC1:A$M2$:88482JDA$(M$(M,D),31,2)m(DA$,1)" "DA$"0"(DA$,1)MO$(M$(M,D),34,3)L1(MT$):B1L13:Z$(MT$,B,3)MO$Z$MO(B1)3:BL1MO$(MO):MO10MO$"0"MO$YR$(M$(M,D),30:YN250.#BMS$"TYPING "FI$:M2$"":400@#DOP$FI$",t"X$L#FRE$FI$s#HA$" TO QUIT"::8848::34,1#JR0:R(0)0:RF1#T#^ER0:768:(49152)1558070#`RR1#b801:(37)208030#d: $fMS$"":R(R8)0MS$"UP ARROW for previous page"5$hM2$"DOWN ARROW for next page":400X$rDU$;:ES(49152):ES1288050i$tES1408050$v49168,0:ESES128:ES27ĺCL$:250$xER8060$zES10R8R81:R(R8)R:8020$|ES11İ60:8050$~R(R8)1R81İ60:80506%R8R81:RR(" TEMP.TEXT TO TEMP.DB.TEXT8 BY P.J.TERZIANI JAN. 1987O(:W2:4"READY TO CONVERT TEMP.TXT FILE TO"5" TEMP.DB.TXT FILE"6"SEPARATE SPACED INFO IN TEXT FILE"7"TO SEPARATE VARIABLES FOR DB FILE" 8208,9,201,160,208,580" 169,128,32,237,253,141,81,3V0" 200,202,208,228,96,229_0" 00"S:SćN:BSSN1:A:B,A::89420"2,138,1450/" 105,200,169,0,145,105,200,169V/" 2,145,105,189,255,1,41,127,157t/" 255,1,202,208,245,96,0/" 801,49/" 160,2,177,105,240,41,170,200/" 177,105,133,0,200,177,105,133/" 1,160,0,177,0,9,128,32,237,2530" 205,81,3, EXCLUSIONS TO FILETYPE CHECK.."M1(XC$)`."MT$"???JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC"y."NP$"NEXT MENU PAGE"."PP$"PREVIOUS PAGE"."SZ16: size of menu page."PS6:PD1: PREFIX SLOT AND DRIVE." 768,33 /" 162,0,32,117,253,160,D),R(DD)-"M$(1,DD)/-"X13:A$:8848:8-"EO$W-"A$:A$"END"İ8848:8888-"M$(M,B):M$(M,B)"END"BB1:8890-"M0B1-"M$(0,0)EP$" POP PREFIX LEVEL-"EB$-"RP$"":SP$" "-"FF$(12): FORM FEED ."XC$"FGHLMPQSU":G UNDER ProDOS-,"PDĺ"Must be ProDOS":`,"RT$(13):DU$(0):QT$(34):BK$(8):BZ$(7)y,"EP$(27):CH$"FOR ","CV37:CH36:(33)40CH1403,"(48689)3E$(5):EO$E$"O":EB$E$"B":ET$E$"T","SW(33),"M0:B0,"DD255 -"VT(DX$::8848:5:+"IN$""&+"::+"D$(4):OP$D$"OPEN":RE$D$"READ":WR$D$"WRITE":CL$D$"CLOSE":VE$D$"VERIFY":FL$D$"FLUSH":CA$D$"CATALOG":PR$D$"PR#":PX$D$"PREFIX":UN$D$"UNLOCK":DE$D$"DELETE,"(977)PD1:CA$D$"CAT": RUNNIN DIRECTORY"*|" MAKE DIRECTORY**~" 2*" @*" PREFIXL*" QUITT*" f*" SET TARGETr*" TYPE*" Use a DOS command*" END*"L(A$):H(SW2L2):H0ĹCH,H*"A$:*" MAKE A$ XX$ THEN CLEAR SCREEN AND CENTER IT+"A$Xeterson Ave.*)4""Louisville, KY 402060)6"G)8""For help, type ?R):" ENDd)`" MENU DATAm)b" /)d" ALTER PROTECTION)f" )h" COPY)j" DELETE)l" EXECUTE)n" FREE SPACE)p" GO)r" HELP)t" )v" )x" *z" LISTU version 1 B("" D($" a shareware utility by Larry SkutchanJ(&"u((""You are encouraged to copy and share(*""this program. It is requested that,(,""if you like and use it, you send the(.""author $10 for his trouble.(0")2""337 S. P"ER11ER16ĺ"SYNTAX ERROR!9'"ER10ĺ"FILE LOCKED!Z'"ER13ĺ"file type mismatch!w'"ER19ĺ"DUPLICATE FILE!'"ER5RFMS$"Use the UP ARROW":M2$"or ESC to end":400:8050'"ER5F$"/RAM/"M$(M,X)"END":230'"440'"250( " ProMEN&!: z command2&!ER(222):3288: errors9&! M&"ER3ER86080U&" m&"ER255ĺ:CL$:250~&":CL$:60:&"ER2ĺ"RANGE ERROR!& "ER3ĺ"NO DEVICE CONNECTED!& "ER6CM$"QUIT"ĺD$"SAVE/RAM/MENU":&"ER6ĺ"FILE NOT FOUND!'R8):CL$:OP$FI$:D$"position"FI$",r"R:RE$FI$:8020H%49168,0:CL$Q%250%MS$"Type a DOS command or RETURN to quit.":400%"COMMAND: ";:90:Lī250%D$LN$::8110% : v command%l : w command% : x command&4!: y command 9D$(4)# :A$(999),B$(999)) ;:X <"PROCEED TO CONVERT TEMP (Y/N):";:A$:A$o FA$"Y"A$"y"100x P400~ Z: d(4)"OPEN TEMP" n(4)"READ TEMP" x160 X1500 :A$(X) X (4)"CLOSE TEMP" 216,0 "WORKING. this program. The online command requires that 80 column mode be turned on before calling. If enough people ask I will most likely write a 40 column version but there aren't all that many people using 40 columns these days. To use online in a should allow easy setting of the Root Prefix, but they don't. A long timne ago I wrote a BASIC program module to do this but I always wanted to make it a machine language program. After I learned what was required to add a command to BASIC, I finally wrote Online is a very easy to use extention to BASIC.SYSTEM. It adds a command called ONLINE which will set up a display much like Better Bye and allow the user to set a new prefix using the up and down arrow keys. I have always believed that all programs B`CLB1iP1i`Š󠮮Ӡ򠣠)` B Bɋ Ɋ"ɍLwB B 8L6B CLB B81 iLYBLBH XCԅ Bh B` CLMA)// C X`LMA{ [ B` `ab` { [/ B C  B ɠ)Y7A 숌RSUT=APQ`8LũP 8`pn" P!# XC( BC= BCZ BnCCCC CL\B" X"C| B1in BiPC B)C@ P`ŮĠӠ΍ΠĠҠ NCH8A@ʽ@e5A6AA<=C>?B ,h` `A*AAB2B8BPB[BBB CD$"OPEN TEMP.DB"* 6D$"WRITE TEMP.DB"7 JY0B1C T:B$(Y)J ^Ya hD$"CLOSE TEMP.DB"g r: "TEMP TO TEMP.DB BY PETERZIAN" "DONE."  .."; :* Y1X1: FOR EACH LINEV :Z1(A$(Y)): FOR EACH CHAR IN LINEm ::Z$(A$(Y),Z,1) ::Z$" "255: SKIP SPACES ::ZP$" "BB1 ::B$(B)B$(B)Z$ ::ZP$Z$ :Z BB1:ZP$"" ".";:Y : : ,program, you must use the PRINT CHR$(4);"ONLINE" sequence. In immediate mode just type online in either UPPER or lower case. Please send any feedback (I would love to hear from you and how you are using this) to GEnie mail address DDELY or: David D. Ely 27 Ponderosa Park Barco, NC 27917 uJjeeȰH X , % %%Kà蠽 6% %%K򠽠h ȰH h 6%$( %%K蠽إڦ ) 6% %%K 6% %%K 6%o,0p, m, G,1a ( * #L G, eI,HH G, ,ɠ򺠤h h 0b-n-b- , L c,d, u,1GК , * ,LI# ?% ]% G,猪*&& ɶɴ * , DŽ,.@ȹ@ @ +;@@ Ƅ,B , , + +L:#.. P,xJT,oc,d, ?% h,Z P,.l,... j,q,k,r,i0j,k,N *9 X %  +$0 [$ +(  [$0# + +0,0ݩ$ ,$ ,àӠ宍 *fC [ ,ة򠶠翠 L @F:#IX.ۅύX st type the word":"ONLINE in either UPPER or lower case." d"Please send any feedback (I would love":"to hear from you and how you are":"using this) to GEnie mail address DDELY" n"or:":"David D. Ely":"27 Ponderosa Park":"Barco, NC 27917"- but":"there aren't all that many people":"using 40 columns these days." F:"(PRESS A KEY TO CONTINUE)";:49168,0:I$: P"To use online in a program, you must":"use the PRINT CHR$(4);";(34);"ONLINE";(34);" sequence."< Z"In immediate mode juow keys."` ("All programs should allow easy setting":"of the Root Prefix, but they don't." 2"The online command requires that 80":"column mode be turned on before calling."L <"If enough people ask I will most":"likely write a 40 column version ::"ONLINE":"======":"Online is a very easy to use extension":"to BASIC.SYSTEM. It adds a command":"called ONLINE which will set up a" "display much like Better Bye and allow":"the user to set a new prefix using":"the up and down arr %%8 [ $L* % ,UH[L ,J'$J L,'$KL b, g,i,n,`LI#C%`q,r,o,p,T,R ,àà *fL( T%,ȹ, ?( 'L. (L.~ =(L.~ i$kۅ.P/$4/ 'ȱ% (ȱ  =(LE& i +(1,ȹ1, ?(0j,Ik,Iv$ P0 +($P . ?(L& 'Ea $P$0$0 a(*T# Lo$0)Ħ 0ei H @橭 )Ƨƨn  Х ?` K ) LH % h*,7 :$ ɛL2L7 ԥ ΅  eL} e  ɛɋqɊ|ɍ  Tх  . e' `S I  S `ةI éXoύX1021ʆ X ;)4i/  8 6 F o+ y put in the EXECed file. Directions: 0. An ESC at any (Y/N) prompt quits the program. At other places it usually sends you to the start of the program. Hitting RETURN on an empty filename also aborts the program as will Control-open apple- Documentation for EXECUTIONER by Glen E. Bredon The EXECUTIONER will take a ProDOS file of any type and convert it to an EXEC file for uploading. The file parameters (such as file type) will be correctlE ɠI i hhLi)`ؠ gH ]f ]jj$0E$*∱ e᰾hhLi @I`I`~ `ؠ g; : :jjEe @~ `hhLià82 0j m  i)莀/ m p& S SL Y`~ؠ g / /`e҅)àȱ V-ɾ G,Х8аѥɀ`iА`'+@DEFGHIJ"2CWhwɯϠ +@ḼŰŰ ̤ưŠŠ 0@hh HH`LI#q,o,r,p,@c,d, ?% m,֭#ҭ$ ,Щ m, ,L9-Ӆԩ ȹ )ߙ  F芨@ ɕ ɮL[ɈW$"@ɋ Ɋ V- D- + +L*+ɯɍ3ɛ1ɰɺ )۰ $0@ +L*+`L + LЅȱ  ` +`$ ,` ,Ҡ` +Ii 0LL?( [ B ,庠ȹ ,庠T,F C H h ,庠V, U, ,庠k, j, , ,ٯΩ ɛ)I (`L:# [ B ,à庍ȹC, ?( +(٥ڐ҅٥Ӆڠ҄ȱrȱȱ )iK0 *ɺ?υЩЅѱM0ѱH *hM0LI# +(L )=,ȹ=, ?(ȹ ?(L'ֆբ נ)) ֥) ɰ$ )` d'$؆JJi? ?(`LI#HJJJJ "(h) ɺi,$P$ 'L+() m,` ?()i? ?(EJJi? ?(Ji? ?(ȘJ e e`$P&Щ0Ѡ0a 8f`eЅА` T%҄ӄلڄ0C, '$0 =(L&$ ' +($ +(6,ȹ6, ?(ȹ ?(&,ȹ&, ?(k, (j, ( +($,ȹ, ?(L'!,ȹ!, ?( +( X(j, h,_` +( "(L' +( ( (m$PAHIh  f(f`jKȱ 蝀 `f    (LK( X L e ʆ L e  L XLb$ F` L i ` i({)i [ F `0 F Kȱ FLFúŠg ::"Better Bye 80":"A program by:"::"David D. Ely":"27 Ponderosa Park":"Barco, NC 27917":"BYE.80 is a selector program called from memory whenever a ProDOS QUIT or" "BASIC BYE is given. This program is based on Alan Birds' Better Byeation (or source code) write to the address given at the beginning of this file. SAVE PRODOS,A$2000,TSYS LOCK PRODOS This program is part of a series of programs that explore the QUIT code in ProDOS and is distributed with the permission of Alan L. Bird, the originator of the Better Bye selector program. For more inform The process to be used is as follows (note:always use a backup file!): BLOAD BYE.80,A$2000,TSYS BSAVE BYE,A$2054,L$300 UNLOCK PRODOS (if nessasary) BLOAD PRODOS,A$2000,TSYS BLOAD BYE,A$5X00 BCode Version Location ProDOS 1.0 $5900 ProDOS 1.1.1 $5700 ProDOS 8 1.2 $5900 ProDOS 8 1.3 $5900 ProDOS 8 1.4 $5900 thor for the right to include this program in any commercial software. For those who wish to permanently change ProDOS the following table of QUIT code locations is given: Operating QUIT System r directory name, and press return. If a directory is chosen, a new set of programs and/or directories will be presented. Pressing escape will allow you to change Volumes. This program is donated to the Public Domain, however, you must contact the auility to choose from 32 System programs and/or Directories. I wrote this version for Hard Disk users, however, all users of large storage devices will appreciate the added control. To use Better Bye, simply move the Light Bar to the desired program o Barco, NC 27917 BYE.80 is a selector program called from memory whenever a ProDOS QUIT or BASIC BYE is given. This program is based on Alan Birds' Better Bye but works ONLY in 80 columns and gives the user the added ab August 26, 1987 Better Bye 80 A program by: David D. Ely 27 Ponderosa ParkōκԠōϠӠɯϠ``  but"[ ("works ONLY in 80 columns and gives the user the added ability to choose from" 2"32 System programs and/or Directories. I wrote this version for Hard Disk" <"users, however, all users of large storage devices will appreciate the added":u want it in another directory. If you hit return on the first character, the program is aborted, if you hit ESC then you return to the start of the program. 7. If the text file exists, you will be asked if you want it deleted. (A locked fiave selected and asked if it is correct. If NO then you go back to the start of the program. If YES then the file is loaded for processing. 6. You are asked for the name of the destination EXEC text file. This can be a full pathname if yolayed first because it is expected that that will be the usual selection.) You could also backspace to the beginning and just type the name of the file you want to convert. 5. You will be shown some of the file characteristics of the file you hed. 4. The directory specified by the prefix is read and the last file in that directory is displayed after a prompt for the file to be converted. You can use the up/down arrow keys to see other files in that directory. (The last one is dispnal. 3. You are shown the current prefix and you can type over it to change it. Just hit return to accept it as shown. Hit ESC to go to the start of the program. You MUST set the prefix to the directory containing the file you want convertible that some people will have trouble with the EXEC of such files. Time will tell. For sizable files, the 4-bit compression is slightly more than twice the original file size, while 6-bit mode produces a file about 45% larger than the origi fixed.) 2. If you chose packed mode then you are asked if you want 4 bit or 6 bit packing. The 4-bit mode just removes space between hex bytes. The 6-bit mode is a denser packing in which lower case characters are significant. It is possmuch shorter than unpacked ones and are recommended for large files. The packed mode includes a checksum and the EXEC will produce an error message if the checksum is not ok. (The file will still be saved but its parameters will not have been RESET. 1. You are asked if you want packed mode. A packed file is still a text file but is compressed relative to standard dumps and an interpreter routine is written into the file so that the file can still be EXECed. Packed files are ill allow you":"to change Volumes." d:"The file BYE.80.DOC gives more detailed help, along with instructions for":"those who wish to permanently change ProDOS." :"(PRESS A KEY TO CONTINUE)";:49168,0:I$ :(4)"-MENU" "control." A49168,0:T$k F"To use Better Bye, simply move the Light Bar to the desired program or" P"directory name, and press return. If a directory is chosen, a new set of"& Z"programs and/or directories will be presented. Pressing escape wle is never deleted, that would defeat the purpose of locking it in the first place.) If not, or if you answer YES then the program proceeds to create the EXEC file. 8. When the file is made, you are asked if you want to do another. If YES then you return to the start of the program. If NO, it exits. The EXECUTIONER is a SYS (stand alone) program, so it exits through the "quit" routine. 9. Note that the created EXEC file always has a "header" placed at $E00, then the hex coL @ӱ̺ÿX#IXύXo Applesoft"d P"and type EXEC followed by the text file name. Viola! The program is recreated!" Z22:"(Viola courtesy of Reg T.)"; d" "; 49168,0:I$ :(4)"-MENU" the EXECed file.":i 2"EXECUTIONER is very handy for converting Applesoft programs to text format." <"Once in text format, you can use most word processors to edit your program" F"very easily. To turn the text file back into a program, get int) ::"EXECUTIONER":"-<>-( )-<>-":}"The EXECUTIONER will take a ProDOS file of any type and convert it to a TEXT""file. This can be used as an EXEC file for uploading. The file parameters" ("(such as file type) will be correctly put inafter the prompt the cursor following it. You can modify it just as if you had typed it. TIONER file, or the startup in PROSEL or other program selectors to specify the destination file directory (or the entire pathname if you want). For example, if the startup is "/HARD1/MODEM/" then in step 6 above, this text will be placed ong lines.) If you chose this option then previous answers to the packing questions are ignored. This is just a convenience feature so that separate means of making such files are unnecessary. 11. You can use the "startup" position in the EXECU that the data is finished. 10. If the original file is a BAS file then, after step 6, you are asked if you want a BASIC listing EXEC file. This is just a listing with spaces removed and "PRINT" changed to "?". (There is no check on too l file. This name is also in the "header" and if it is changed in the BSAVE line, the EXEC will not work correctly. In the packed modes there is an empty line before the BSAVE line. This is essential as it is the signal for the decompressor de of the converted file, placed at $1000, then a BSAVE command then a E00G or E05G as the last line. Do not modify this last line; it is essential. Also, do not modify the file name it is saved under, which is always the original name of the X $ $ m)Ҡ $ m) $ m) j)t@ȹ@ @ J(CN֥O׎@@ j)< ) m) ( N(LX# &)eJ*)\9):);)<) $I)D) >)7fխBҍŮҠӠĠ堨` CRYPTOR by Glen E. Bredon 1987 Commercial rights reserved Ҡ)àȱ F*ɾ %Х8аѥɀ`iА`'+@DEFGHIJP 0AUfuɯϠ  ` (` 0@hh HH`Lb#L)J)M)K)@9):);)<) $I) H)ɭ#ҭ$ )Щ H) )L,*Ӆԩ`e҅&  )// ȹ+ ̥+  ȹ )ߙ   @@ ɕ ɮTkɈg$"@ɋ Ɋ F* 4* ) (LZ(ɯ"ɍCɛA$pɠɰɺ )۰" $P $0@ (LZ(`L ( LЅȱI (`LX# [ B H  H ` m)亠LL(* * * * * *8& & & & & & e e e e e e e e eee` [ B m)庍 /++ C)L&` P)`Lb# [ B m)庠ȹ m)庠*)^ [ H h  m) m)庠,) +) m)庠B) A) @) m) m)ٯΩ ɛ)=)?)` )`Lb#C%` %@)IA)IB)I G'$0 &A)B)J)0K)$ H)oV G'&$0 eeE$ Heeh &ɰй逅Г0M)L)LS% & >)B$0+Q)D) C)0 P)(- m) &L g)Lb#;)<) $Q) % % X m) $ $K$?; m)EE m)ԡ m)$H $ $K $ $%8 [h$L& $ m)UH[L m)J'$J Lm)'$KL 8) H)Z % #&B 'CJ  ʽ) ' # %L % e)HH ) m)ɠ򺠤h h 0R*]*R* m) L % m)L#9):)$0 [)4G) A)DL)M)J)0K) H)0 + 0Lb# C)+U+Ġ$CA)B)A)0֭0׭0­0í0Ĺ0_)30.0+0#*)+X)_)֍+׍+ȹ +@)L)A)M)B) L)M)FJ)0K)䠤Ҡ嬠󮍍ɠ 堢 宍堢 ̠占嬠占퍠嬠򮠠ӍϬ󮠠󍠠Ӡ婠䮍䬠獠宩Ӡ宍捠䬠àĬ󍠠箠笠嬠䍠䬠Ӡ箍󍠠嬠䍠䍠占Ϡ占䮍썠à捠Ԡ占䮍􍠠Π孍Ԯ䬠򠲸󮍍󺍍àٯΩ箬󩮠嬍嬠쮍ɠ䮠󮠠󠢯ıԯ 占􍠠ᠢ 󩮠堤荠򩮠占占, 2 for side 2 "; (TPī60' *6 ,"SIDE 1: PRODOS UTILITIES"::"SIDE 2: TO PRODOS FROM DOS 3.3":" (A TUTORIAL)" -:"(SIDE 2 DOES NOT BOOT.) 215:"PRESS 1 FOR SIDE 1, 2 FOR SIDE 2 "; <49168,0:T$: FT$"1"ī100 31:(P$,I,1)"/"ĺX$(P$,I):I3- :: D$"-"N$ xT$"TXT"190:M$M$"[-] EXEC"M$"[#] HARDCOPY"M$"[SPACE] READ":160:K45190:S(K35)3(K32):S0120:140 35,21S:D$"PR#"S 216,0:D$"OPEN"N$:D$"READ"N$:40 :20 K(49152):K128160:49168,0:KK12832(K223):% I(P$)18:I32I7990:1:1:HāJ1H:(64J):y d:160:K47170:K48K55ĺX$(",D1 ,D2 /RAM,S4 ,S5 ,S6 ",4K195,4): nVK64:V1VH100:22::J1V:::1:22:958:S$"":I10251043:S$S$((I)128)::N$(S$,15):T$(S$,3):T$"DIR"ĺX$N$:r  2730:S0) (D$"CLOSE":S1ĺD$"PR#0"g 2S3Ģ23::M$"END OF FILE -- PRESS A KEY FOR MENU";:160} <(21)::::80 FD$"CAT" P216,0:H(37)2:37,H2:::"/,1,2,3,4,5,6";::" REDUCE,D1,D2,/RAM,S4,S5,S6"::P$;:23, Z:HH1:I(1055)12J::"PRESS CONTROL-C TO STOP SCROLLING":"OF CATALOG.":I12000:I 255:D$(4):M$(13):X$D$"PREFIX":X$:"";P$:X$P$:49166,0:(48707)25560:K$:C$:C$;:(37)2220::M$"[SPACE] FOR MORE OR [ESC] TO EXIT";: 160:K32150:K 宍é笠􍠠󮠠􍠠 箍亠䍠堢 婍Ҡ宠占宠殩宍獠PT$"2"ī200 Z(7):20/ dD$"-MENU":^ 20:"INSERT SIDE 2 THEN PRESS RETURN.";T$r D$"-STARTUP": D$(4)8#D$"PR#3"5216,0:222,0G D$"-TYPECMD"b "FILE VIEWER/PRINTER"tD$"CAT,TTXT""TXT FILE TO PRINT? ";F$"P FOR PRINTER, S FOR SCREEN ->";:49168,0:T$ T$"P"ĺ:"HIT A KEY WHEN PRINTER IS READY.":49168,0::"(PRESS A KEY TO CONTINUE)";:49168,0:I$@ :(4)"-MENU"0h)ύh0HHHH " ׍hhhhhhh .hh8`JIMJAYKERRY&MIKE  (LS(L i ʆ L i  XLl$ Q` L  `$ i [  0 Q Vȱ QLQ͠ҍԠ٠ΠčϠӢɯϠ`  H @橭 )Ƨƨn  Х B V ) LH X % h0,? E$ ɛL0LB ѥ ˅  iL i ɛɈqɋmɕxɊtɍ  Vȱ 蝀 [  حlHmIH٬!)RSUTD!-!P.!Q`8LL tϾξ pо־޾׾پȌھȌؾ pȩ Lp ɛɃ۾TYPE  v ɍ`I@!?!H!H H)hJJ 0JJ)&  ֹ!Hȹ!Hȹ!!I`ϠҠYiY}Zi]}[jYZi]}YiYZi]}YiYZi]}YjUZj]]jjYZj]ZjYZi]}ZjYZi]=Z$ C !:"SPACE TO PAUSE, ESC TO CANCEL.":23:I15000:Y #T$"P"ĺD$"PR#1"i 2D$"TYPE"F$ <T$"P"ĺD$"PR#0" F"ANOTHER? "; P49168,0:T$ Z(T$"N")(T$"n")ĺD$"BYE" [(T$"Y")(T$"y")ī15 \70