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When you press RETURN":"you will be in Applesoft BASIC,":"and will be able to write and":"save your own BASIC programs.":21 32,0computer user LLwLLL) `8` ԠŬLLʮq$6,⨁ K6, VtI=v!gNVt Vt  lg~TL16387< DL0,0:DL1,39:DL2,0:DL3,0:DL4,0:HLOCQ 1500:I0ī1200 DL0,39:DL1,39:DL2,39:DL3,0:DL4,0:VLOC 1500:I0ī1200 DL0,0:DL1,39:DL2,39:DL3,39:DL4,1:HLOC $1500:I0ī1200 .DL0,0:DL1,0:DL2,39st have misunderstood.":"Please type in your name again":"and press RETURN."::11 =:(4);"OPEN CALLNAME":(4);"CLOSE CALLNAME":(4);"DELETE CALLNAME":(4);"OPEN CALLNAME":(4);"WRITE CALLNAME":NA$:(4);"CLOSE CALLNAME"::T2:1 G"There aEGHIJ11% T13:B20:L1:W39:221:151 "Is your name ";NA$"?"::"Please type Y if this is correct":"or N if it's wrong.":"Then press RETURN.";:CP1:231:CP0:AN$""ė:T1:1:31 )(AN$)89(AN$)78ė:T1:1:31V 3(AN$)89ė:T1:"We mu 351{IN$"X":32,0:33,40:34,0:35,24::F$"INTRO.TEXT":321:161:101:161:101:161:101:161:101:161:331 16368,0:231:NA$AN$::T1:1:(NA$)15ĺ"That's a bit long. Please type":"a shorter name (less than 15":"characters)."::16,10,10,6,6,4,4,0,0;& 3,5,0,3,6,10,13,15,20,20,24,24X NI854861:(I);",";:IT r0& 0,5,0,3,8,8,13,16,18,22,25,28[& 6,6,28,25,22,18,15,12,10,10,6,6,3,0& 1,7, 0,0,4,4,7,7,9,9,12,12,20,20,24,24& 5,7,24,24,20,20,16,16,10,10,6,6,4,4,0,0& 2,7,0,0,4,4,6,6,10,10,12,12,20,20,24,24& 4,7,24,24,20,20,16,(4);"OPEN CALLNAME"2z(4);"CLOSE CALLNAME"N(4);"DELETE CALLNAME"h(4);"OPEN CALLNAME"(4);"WRITE CALLNAME""computer user"(4);"CLOSE CALLNAME"@I06EY:NP(Y):K0JJ1NP(Y):XY(Y,K),XY(Y,K1):KK2:31,201,141,208,35,964234,234,234,162,0,32,117S253,160,2,138,145,105,200p169,0,145,105,200,169,2145,105,76,57,213,141,02,169,141,162,1,96,201136,240,8,201,149,240,04 201,160,144,1,96,169,16056,176,192p:16302,0:16304,0 I019116384768,I<16393BHhbI768861:A:I,A:I173,50,190,72,173,51,19072,169,30,141,50,190,1693,141,51,190,32,111,253104,141,51,190,104,141,50190,96,32,27,253,201,155240,01:I,39:3200:1 I3801:0,I:3200:X A$"Please press RETURN to start."r 22:(20(A$)2):A$ A$"Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc." 24:(20(A$)2):A$;  CC1:C15C0 C:1639016300,0:16297,0:  4R46$ 9JNP(R)217 >I0NP(R)22c HTXY(R,I):XY(R,I)XY(R,JI):XY(R,JI)T RTXY(R,I1):XY(R,I1)XY(R,J(I1)):XY(R,J(I1))T \ f BORDER C0:0 I039:I,0:3200: I139:39,I:3200: I38 J(16368) 6R RO(0)0:RO(1)6:RO(2)1:RO(3)5:RO(4)2:RO(5)4:RO(6)3\ :15g R06p DC0 P1NP(RO(R)) X1XY(RO(R),DC):X2XY(RO(R),DC1) J1 X1X2ī2040 J1 IX1X2J:IXB,RO(R)YB:K020:: DCDC2::DL3,0:DL4,1:VLOC- 81500:I0ī12008 LK0:CO VKNP(R)22ī1130q `XY(R,K)XB,XY(R,K1)XBRYB eKK2:1110 jRR1:R01150 tR6:CC1:C15C1 yC ~1500 1010  J(16384) J128ī1590 J141I1re six sections on this":"disk. Unless you are familiar":"with Applesoft BASIC, we suggest":"that you go through the sections":"in order.":101::T2:1" Q"But you can return to the menu at":"any time by pressing the ESC key.":101::T2:1:"Now you're ready to begin. Press" U"ESC to go to the menu, or press":"RETURN to go to the next lesson.":928,1:101:331::(4);"RUN PRINT" [331:311 e16368,0 oP(16384):TETE1:P155341:P13121:TE225111 yP141TE0:998:P2160,2170 2(J2):6:T$;8>T$"">CkHT$""qMRT$""W\T$""afT$""kpT$""u zT$"4);"RUN RUNSAVER"0 h:(4);"RUN RUNNUMERIC"G r:(4);"RUN QUIT"M ` H(40(T$))2k H:T$q  IFVAL (CH$) < 1 OR VAL (C H$) > 7 THEN VTAB 20: HTAB 19: CALL - 868: GOTO 175 J2110,2120,2130,2140,2150,KJ:JJ1:179- (RE$)49(RE$)55195R KJ:J(RE$)48:2200:2000:170s :10:12:"Please wait...." "J310,320,330,340,350,360,370 6:(4);"RUN INTRO" @:(4);"RUN PRINT" J:(4);"RUN WORDS" T:(4);"RUN PROGRAM" ^:(J8J1 J0J7- 2200:2000:170T (CH$)81(CH$)113KJ:J7:181q (CH$)49(CH$)55170 19:35:CH$:KJ:J(CH$)48:2200:2000 19:36:RE$ (RE$)13280 (RE$)8170 (RE$)10KJ:JJ1:179 (RE$)11r, or select with the UP or DOWN ARROW key. Then press RETURN."V U140:"_";:U :"* marks a topic you have completed" 19:35:868:CH$ (CH$)13ī280 (CH$)10(CH$)11185 (CH$)10KJ:JJ1 (CH$)11KJ:JJ1 KMNOPQ <:" 4. Writing Programs"? F:" 5. Saving Programs"b P:" 6. All About Variables"v d:" 7. Quit"~ gT0 iI17 j(I927)1Ė(1):2(2I):"*" k(I927)1JI1:T1 nI sT1J1 x2000 17A :"Type a numbe 6000104,8:103,1)(21)5:5000P34,0:33,40:16368,0v :T$"Getting Down to BASIC Menu"1000U140:"_";:U:" 1. Introduction"(:" 2. Printing Numbers and Calculations" 2:" 3. Printing Words" OSE ";F$:BU32,0:33,40:34,0:35,24:331::(4);"RUN MENU"H_r} Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc.(93);:2KR0:768:J512736:X(J):X155341:X141J736:301ZX162R1jJ512291AN$AN$(X12832(X223)):301#AN$AN$(X128)-J:732,0:33,40:34,0:35,24:16368,0::A:(4);"OPEN ";F$: K:(4);"CLJ:(4);"READ ";F$:S$"":A$"":NL1:S$:S$"%"İ221:T,B,L,W:151mS$"&"āHT1B1:H:868:H813:IN$(IN$,1):IN$"^"211NL1ĢT1:1NLNL1:IN$;:18132,0:33,40:34,V:35,24::16368,0:AN$"":CP1251 M$"Press RETURN":141:Z1700:Z:M$"_____________":141:Z1700:Z:111m B:(W(M$))21:M$;: 34,T2:35,B:32,L:33,W1::BD2W1:T1:BD:"_";:B:BD:"_";BD:BDTB:BD:1:"|";:W:"|";:BD:34,T:35,B1:32,L2:33,W4:::"9K2210,2220,2230,2240,2250,2260,2270N2(K2):6:T$;fT$" Introduction "lT$" Printing Numbers and Calculations "T$" Printing Words "T$" Writing Programs "T$" Saving Programs ""T$" All About Variables "(8T$" Quit ">XI768861:A:I,A:Ix173,50,190,72,173,51,190 72,169,30,141,50,190,169 3,141,51,190,32,111,253 104,141,51,190,104,141,50 190,96,32,27,253,201,155 240,31,ETURN).":21TT15:BT24:611:TT0:BT15:621:551:471:551:471:551:471:TT15:BT24:621:1:18:"]";:10:731:255:19:19:"(Please press RETURN)":471:19:5:868:1:NU:TT0:BT15:BT:551:471:TT15:BT24:611:TT0:BT15:551GSY$(1)"+":Sike to practice using":"the PRINT statement again? (Y/N)";e oCP1:641:AN$""Ģ6:33:958:111 y(AN$)89(AN$)78Ģ6:33:958:111CP0:(AN$)89İ611:531:L:T1:"Okay, type PRINT and follow it":"with a number (remember to":"press Rers long.":21( Q(AN$,X,1)"0"Z1 [NU(FI$):NU0Z1İ631:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"You should follow PRINT with some":"number so that you can continue":"with the lesson.":21= e17:1:NU:631:"You did very well, ";NA$".":"Would you l);".":"You shouldn't use letters or":"symbols (except - or .) in your":"numbers. Please try again.":21 GE2İ631:"Although the Apple II can handle":"numbers up to 38 characters long,":"this simulation will only handle":"numbers up to 8 charact"and follow it with a number.":21 -(AN$,X)""İ631:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"You should follow PRINT with":"some number. Please try again.":21 3Z0:FI$(AN$,X):NU$(AN$,X):EN(FI$):971:E1E281m =E1İ631:"You typed ";(AN$,BSSUVWXYZ[\]^_`ab15:BT24:611:551 TT15:BT24:611:621:16:641:W38:B9:T3:L1:X1:741:E1İ631:"Please type PRINT and a number,":"then press RETURN.":21 BSX:781:E121% )741:E1İ631:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"Don't be shy. Please type PRINT": 1211IN$"X":TT0:BT24:M0:521:621::F$"PRINT.TEXT":1181:551:471:551:471:TT15:BT24:32,0:18:1:(93);:621:18:10:721:255:M3:19:20:"(You press RETURN)";:471:19:5:868:1:NU:TT0:BT15:621:M0 551:471:551:471:TTЅCj @C(-C A-CC-C CCܮCCCL@CCUCC0= @ @Cj @C(-C A-CC-C CCܮC0CC ACjjjjj` A @ A` C` C` AC @' A`L @L@LALA ACGCC<CC @ @C0-CC-C CCCCCL@CC>ʎCC @ @C(-CC-C C0CCCC A`j CC CC`HJ) h)i ` ACbCCWʎCC0= @ @p:(4);"RUN STARTUP"E} Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc. 201,141,208,35,96 4234,234,234,162,0,32,117 T253,160,2,138,145,105,200 r169,0,145,105,200,169,2 145,105,76,57,213,141,0 2,169,141,162,1,96,201 136,240,8,201,149,240,04  201,160,144,1,96,169,16056,176,192 Y$(2)"=":SY$(3)"-":SY$(4)"_":SY$(5)"*":SY$(6)"/":SY$(7)"?":SN1SY$"":TT10:BT15:611:12:641:TT10:BT15:X1:N(1)0:N(2)0:741E1İ631:"Type PRINT, then type":"a calculation with two":"numbers.":161BSX:781:E1161741:E1İ631:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"It would help if you would type":"in some numbers after PRINT.":"Please try again.":161(AN$,X,1)"-"XX1:N(1)1X(AN$)E1:171L811:SN1SY$"+"İ631:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"For this toX141J736:711!X162R1.R1701SAN$AN$(X12832(X223)):711hAN$AN$(X128)yJ:BU$AN$:NU((1)1001):2:"PRINT ";NU;:NU784:2:"PRINT 345 + 439":E0(AN$,X,1)" "771:X(AN$)E1:XX1::NLNL1:IN$;:581Y>c32,0:33,40:34,TT:35,BT::_m32,0:33,40:34,TT:35,BT:wTT0:BT10:621:541:L:T1:HT1B1:H:1:868:H:T1:(4):16368,0:AN$"":CP16611:(93);R0:768:J512736:X(J):X1551201:B:BD:"_";:BD:BDTB:BD:1:"|";:W:"|";:BDY34,T:35,B1:32,L2:33,W4::'(4);"READ ";F$:S$"":A$"":NL1:S$:S$"%"İ611:T,B,L,W:531:5811S$"&"İ541;HT1B1:H:1:868:HE813:IN$(IN$,1):IN$"^"601OTNL:1:TM$"Press RETURN":511:Z1700:Z:M$"_____________":511:Z1700:Z:481wB:M(((WL)(M$))2):M$;: (4);"OPEN CALLNAME":(4);"READ CALLNAME":NA$:(4);"CLOSE CALLNAME":334,T2:35,B:32,L:33,W1::BD2W1:T1:BD:"_";:ath symbols":"below (don't forget to start with":"PRINT).":161TT0:BT24:611:929,1:551:471:TT0:BT24:611:1191::(4);"RUN WORDS":471:1191:117116368,0P(16384):TETE1:P1551201:P13491:TE225481P141TE0:9981::"Would you like to practice":"some other calculations? (Y/N)";nCP1:641:AN$""Ģ6:31:958:421(AN$)89(AN$)78Ģ6:31:958:421CP0:SNSN1:(AN$)78461CSY$"-":631:"Okay, type in any calculation":"using one of the m48)":"Subtraction - (PRINT 20 - 2)":"Multiplication * (PRINT 4 * 12)":"Division / (PRINT 16 / 4)":B9:471:T3:B9:411SN1İ631:"And there is the answer.":"Would you like to practice":"some other calculations? (Y/N)";:431F63message. Please try again.":DE0:161Bs13:1:FS:SN1401}631:"Very good! As you might guess,":"the computer can handle other":"operations. The box below":"shows you the symbols."T17:B23:531:T1:1:"Addition + (PRINT 23 + typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"It would help if you would type":"in both numbers. Please try again.":161U(ST$,1)"-"XX1:N(2)1:ZC1_1011:E1E2E3291:1091:DE1371(i631:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"Dividing by 0 will cause an error":"acters long,":"this simulation will only handle":"numbers up to 4 characters long.":161AAN$(AN$,X):XSL1:E3İ631:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"It would help if you would type":"in both numbers. Please try again.":161eK741:E1İ631:"You 1-E2SY$"*"İ631:"Although the Apple II can handle":"numbers up to 38 characters long,":"this simulation will only handle":"numbers up to 8 characters long.":161\7E2SY$"*"İ631:"Although the Apple II can handle":"numbers up to 38 charE1İ631:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"Please type in both numbers.":"Try again.":161r961:E1E2321#E1İ631:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You shouldn't use letters or":"symbols (except - or .) in your":"numbers. Please try again.":16";(BU$,BS)".":"You found the right key, but":"forgot to press SHIFT key.":"Please try again.":161E1İ631:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You should not have pressed the":"SHIFT key when you typed the":"symbol. Please try again.":161Z911: work, you must use":"the correct symbol (+). Please":"try again.":161dE1E2E3271E2İ631:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"For this to work, you must use":"one of the symbols below.":"Please try again.":161hE3İ631:"You typed 751 + E0:(AN$,X,1)"?"XX1:OE0:(AN$,X,5)"PRINT"XX5:!E1:TT0:BT10:631:L:T1:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"You didn't use PRINT.":"Please try again.": +J0:E0:SP1:NU$(AN$,X):SP1(NU$):A17:(NU$,SP,1)SY$(A)SLSP:A7:SP(NU$):8311 5SP(NU$)E2:A7F ?A:SP:E2871f IA17:(NU$,1)SY$(A)J1v SA:J1E0 ]901 gMS$(NU$,SL,1):MS$"_"MS$"?"E1 qMS$"="E3 {E1E2E3SY$MS$  E0:ENSL1 EN0E1:!1101:(4);"VERIFY PROGRAM.TEXT":TT12:BT24:691:13:"]CAT"::BF272:BU8:1421:TT0:BT12:691:631:521:631:521:631:521:631:ET1.TT21:BT24:691:701:23:741:W38:B9:T3:L1:X1:931:E1İ711:"You must type NEW and":"press RETURNlog the disk by":"typing CAT. Please try again.":101 o1301:E1101:(AN$,X,4)"ALOG"İ711:"Yes, the CATALOG command would":"work on an 80-column display, but":"please type CAT because you're":"using a 40-column display.":101yLD0:1231:E:521:AX,BY:1331:PF116:C10:1331:AX,BY:C13:1331:PF:521:631:521:631:521 _TT0:BT24:691:16289,0:16300,0:16303,0:631:521:631:521:631:ET19 eTT20:BT24:691:701:21:741:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:931:E1İ711:"You need to cata2:XX3:1231:E131 QTT12:BT24:701::::(4);"VERIFY PROGRAM.TEXT":TT0:BT12:691:631:521:631:521:631:521:TT0:BT24:691:16297,0:16299,0:16300,0:16304,0:10,15910,150269,150269,159:631:521:C13:AX,BY:1321W [631:521:631ped ";(BU$,BS)".":"To SAVE a program you must give":"it a name. Please try again.":31 =(AN$,X,4)"POEM"İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"Normally you could choose any":"name for your program, but this":"time you should SAVE POEM.":31 GLDcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz21:631:521:631:521:631::521:631:521:631< ET1 TT20:BT24:691:701:21:741:W38:B9:T3:L1:X1:931:E1İ711:"Please SAVE your program as POEM":"by typing SAVE POEM. Try again.":31 )BSX:1151:E131\ 3931:E1İ711:"You ty 1481cIN$"X":TT0:BT24:M0:581:571:701::F$"SAVER.TEXT":1451:631:521:631:ET13 TT(1)12:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)10:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV13:1391:15:SN1:821:891:861:" 40 PRINT ";(34);I$(1);(34):921:TT0:BT12:691:631:521:631:5";F$:"$:(4);"CLOSE ";F$:Y$32,0:33,40:34,0:35,24:1191::(4);"RUN MENU"_$$} Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc.E1SE(NU$)#93#CSY$MS$:N(1)1FIFI1H#MN(2)1SESE1^#WSY$"+"FSFISEt#aSY$"-"FSFISE#kSY$"*"FSFISE#uSY$"/"SE0DE1:1161#SY$"/"FSFISE##32,0:33,40:34,0:35,24:16368,0::$:(4);"OPEN X))4E2:&"((AN$,X))8E2:L"((AN$,X))1(AN$,X)"-"E3:e"((AN$,X))0E3:"NU$(AN$,X):SL(NU$):Y(NU$)11:(NU$,Y,1)" "SLSL1"%Y:Y1SL:T$(NU$,Y):(T$)32(T$)45(T$)46(T$)47(T$)58E1#/Y:(NU$,EN,1)" "951'!ENEN1:921-![!E0:FI$(NU$,EN):SY$"*"(FI$)4E2:o!(FI$)8E2:!Y1EN:T$(NU$,Y):(T$)45(T$)32(T$)46(T$)47(T$)58E1!Y:E1FI(FI$)! "ST$(AN$,X):E0:SY$"*"((AN$, to clear memory.":"Please try again.":141BSX:(AN$,X,3)"NEW"İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"NEW is the command you need to":"use to clear memory. Please try":"again.":141XX2:1231:E1141TT12:BT24:701:24:::::TT0:BT12:691:631:ET1:TT(1)20:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)9:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV21:1361:TT11:BT24:701:24:"]"::TT0:BT12:691:631:521:631:5219TT0:BT24:691:16297,0:16299,0:16300,0:16304,0:631:521:0:AX85:BY35:1321:631:521:631:521:168:B9:T3:L1:X1:931:E1İ711:"You need to catalog the disk by":"typing CAT. Please try again.":481"1301:E1481:(AN$,X,4)"ALOG"İ711:"Yes, the CATALOG command would":"work on an 80 column display,":"but please use CAT because you're":"":"If you SAVE your program as POEM":"you will erase the old POEM":"program. Please save your":"program under another name.":321:(4);"VERIFY PROGRAM.TEXT":TT12:BT24:701::::TT0:BT12:691:631:ET1lTT20:BT24:691:701:21:741:W3Y:E1321Y1SL1X:(PN$(1),Y,1)"/"E1:711:"You typed "(BU$,BS)".":"You shouldn't use slashes in":"program names since they have a":"special meaning. Please try again.":YSLY:E1321PN$(1)"POEM"İ711:"You typed "(BU$,BS)".^Y1SLX1:((PN$(1),Y))46((PN$(1),Y))57((PN$(1),Y))65((PN$(1),Y))90E1E1İ711:"You typed "(BU$,BS)".":"If you use characters other":"than '.') in program names":"you will get a SYNTAX ERROR.":"Please try again.":YSL  ";(BU$,BS)".":"You can't begin a program name":"with a number or symbol.":"Please try again.":321YXSL:(PN$(1),Y,1)" "E1:711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You can't use spaces in program":"names. Please try again.":YSLY:E1321(AN$)X1:(AN$,Y,1)" "SLSL1>i(AN$,Y,1)" "YXsY:PN$(1)(AN$,X,SLX1):(PN$(1))15İ711:"You typed:":(BU$,BS):"Program names can be no longer":"than 15 characters. Try again.":321i}(PN$(1))65(PN$(1))90İ711:"You typed11:"Please SAVE your program under":"some name other than POEM.":"Try again.":321oKBSX:1151:E1321UPC1:931:E1İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"To SAVE a program you must give":"it a name. Please try again.":321%_PC0:SL(AN$):Y new literal":"quote to replace the old one.":"Please try again.":261-PN2:1051:E1261:1081:E1261:1121:E12617TT12:BT24:701:24:::TT0:BT12:631:521:631:ET1WATT20:BT24:691:701:21:741:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:931:E1İ7 typing 30 and a":"PRINT statement. Try again.":261XX2:931:E1İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should follow the line":"number with a PRINT statement.":261J#1021:E1261:931:E1İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should type a1:631:ET1TT20:BT24:691:701:21:741:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:931:E1İ711:"You can change LINE 30 by typing":"30 and following it with a new":"PRINT statement.":2618SL2:BSX:1011:LN$"30"İ711:"You are trying to replace":"line 30 by521:TT0:BT24:691:TT0:BT12:701:16298,0:16300,0:16303,0:631:LD0:ET1:TT(1)20:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)9:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV21:1391 TT12:BT24:701:22:SN1::821:891:861:" 40 PRINT ";(34);I$(1);(34):921:::::TT0:BT12:691:631:52:XX3:1231:E1191TT14:BT16:701::(4);"VERIFY PROGRAM.TEXT":TT0:BT12:701:631:521:TT0:BT24:691:16297,0:16299,0:16300,0:16304,0:631:521:631:521:C13:AX238:BY60:1331:PF116:C10:1331:AX,BY:C13:1331:PF521:631:(BU$,BS)".":"To LOAD a program you must call":"it by name. Please try again.":191(AN$,X,4)"POEM"İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"The only way you can LOAD your":"POEM program is by calling it by":"the right name. Try again.":191LD3298,0:16300,0:16303,0:631:521:631:521:631:ET1TT20:BT24:691:701:21:741:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:931:E1İ711:"Please LOAD your POEM PROGRAM":"by typing LOAD POEM. Try again.":191WBSX:1171:E1191:931:E1İ711:"You typed ";using a 40 column display.":481:LD0:1231:E1481:(4);"VERIFY PROGRAM.TEXT":TT12:BT24:691:14:"]CAT"::CS1:BF271:BU9:1421:TT0:BT12:691:631:521:631 521:631:521:631:932,1:521:1461:TT0:BT24:691::(4);"RUN RUNNUMERIC": 16368,0O P(16384):TETE1:P1551471:P13541:TE225531g P141TE0:998: 'M$"Press RETURN":561:Z1700:Z:M$"_____________":561:Z1700:Z:531 1B:M(((WL)(M$))2):M$;:(!;(4);"OPEN CALLNAME":(4);"READ C you type anything after the":"program name the computer will":"try to find the wrong program.":"Please try again.": /E1İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"Please don't type anything after":"the command. It will just":"complicate things. Try agf you wish to":"to delete a line. Try again.":-LD2E1İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"Please don't type anything after":"the program name or it will be-":"come part of the name. Try again.":z.LD3E1İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"If:711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You should have typed LIST.":"Please try again.":q,E0:X(AN$)1291,YX1(AN$):(AN$,Y,1)" "E13-Y:LD1E1İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You shouldn't type anything after":"the line number ioad a program into memory":"you should begin by typing LOAD.":"Please try again.":y+E0:(AN$,X,3)"RUN"XX2:+E1:711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You should have typed RUN.":"Please try again.":+E0:(AN$,X,4)"LIST"XX3:Y,E1X1,SL):.*E0:(AN$,X,4)"SAVE"XX4:*E1:711:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"To save a program to disk you":"should begin by typing SAVE.":"Please try again.":*E0:(AN$,X,4)"LOAD"XX4:W+E1:711:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"To lnd your statement":"with a second ";(34);" mark. Try again.":X)aE0:SLX21141)kE1:711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"It would help for now if you":"would enclose something inside":"the quotations. Try again.": *uSLSL(X1):I$(PN)(AN$, quotation":"mark after the PRINT statement.":"Please try again.":V(9E0:SLX1(CSL(AN$)1111:(AN$,SL,1)(34)SLSL1:1091(M(AN$,SL,1)(34)ıB)WE1:711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"Although it's not required, we'd":"like you to e)ı'%E1:Q$(AN$,X,1):(Q$)45(Q$)46(Q$)47(Q$)58İ711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You could PRINT a number here,":"but we prefer that you type":"a literal quote. Try again.":G(/E1:711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You forgot to use aE1:!&(AN$,X,1)" "10010&XX1:9416&L&LN$(AN$,X,SL):l&E0:(AN$,X,1)"?"XX1:&E0:(AN$,X,5)"PRINT"XX5:&E1:711:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"You didn't use PRINT.":"Please try again.":'E0:(AN$,X,1)(341ĺ" 30 PRINT ";(34);"I LOVE MY APPLE";(34)L%gSN2ĺ"I LOVE MY APPLE"R%q%{SN1ĺ" 20 PRINT ";(34);"VIOLETS ARE BLUE";(34)%SN2ĺ"VIOLETS ARE BLUE"%%" 50 END":%E0%PC1971%X(AN$)E1:%981&X(AN$):811$X162R1#$ R1801H$AN$AN$(X12832(X223)):811]$!AN$AN$(X128)n$+J:BU$AN$:$5SN3Ė2:"PRINT ";(34);"ROSES ARE RED";(34)$?SN1ĺ" 10 PRINT ";(34);"ROSES ARE RED";(34)$ISN2Ė1:"ROSES ARE RED"$S/%]SNй34,TT:35,BT::4#32,0:33,40:34,TT:35,BT:`#TT0:BT10:701:ET1ETET1:611:731i#621#L:T1:HT1B1:H:1:868:H:T1:#(4):16368,0:AN$"":CP1761#1:(93);$R0:768:J512736:X(J):X1551471:X141J736";:BD."m34,T:35,B1:32,L2:33,W4::x"w(4);"READ ";F$:S$"":A$"":NL1:S$:S$"%"İ691:T,B,L,W:611:661"S$"&"İ621"HT1B1:H:1:868:H"813:IN$(IN$,1):IN$"^"681"TNL:1:NLNL1:IN$;:661"#32,0:33,40:ALLNAME":NA$:(4);"CLOSE CALLNAME":X!E(4);"OPEN CAT.NAME":(4);"READ CAT.NAME"}!OI$:I$"@"I$(1)I$(1)I$:591!Y(4);"CLOSE CAT.NAME":"c34,T2:35,B:32,L:33,W1::BD2W1:T1:BD:"_";:B:BD:"_";:BD:BDTB:BD:1:"|";:W:"|ain.":/ 1/E0:(AN$,X,3)"CAT"XX3:/E1:711:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You need to type CAT to":"display the catalog. Try again.":/)AX,BYAX,BY10:AX,BYAX2,BYAX5,BY2AX5,BY4AX3,BY5AX,BY5:03C1:1321:TP175:TP:0= 85,35,110,13,120,16,130,21,140,27,150,32,160,32,170,31,178,31, 185,31,182,35,182,38,182,42,190,50,200,55,220,55,238,60,215,94, 220,55,200,55,190,50,180,42,182,38,182,35,185,31 %1G 178,31,170,31,160,32,150,32,140,27,130,21,120,16,110,13,85,35:NA151:TT0:BT24:291:611::(4);"RUN PROGRAM":A16368,0{P(16384):TETE1:P155621:P13171:TE225161P141TE0:998:M$"Press RETURN":191:Z1700:Z:M$"_____________":191:Z1700:Z:161B:M(((WL)(M$))2):M5)"PRUNT"İ311:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You should type PRUNT 50":"one time in order to see what":"an error message looks like.":"Please try again.":121320:(7);:"?SYNTAX ERROR":TT0:BT15:291:231:151:TT15:BT24:291:TT0:231:930,1:to press RETURN)":21] oTT0:BT24:291:231:151:231:151:231:151:231:151:231:ET1 yTT15:BT24:291:301:16:341:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:451:E1İ311:"Please type PRUNT and a number.":"Then press RETURN. Try again.":121 BSX:(AN$,X,ractice using":"the PRINT statement again? (Y/N)";\ QCP1:341:AN$""Ģ6:33:958:81 [(AN$)89(AN$)78Ģ6:33:958:81 eCP0:(AN$)89TT15:BT24:291:311:L:T1:"Okay, type PRINT and follow it":"with a literal quote.":"(Remember You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"Don't be shy. Please type":"PRINT and a word inside":"quotations.":31 =521:E131:541:E131:581:E131:LESL(X1)5 GVP((AN$)40):14VP:(AN$,X1,LE);:311:"You did very well, ";NA$".":"Would you like to p{}~31:151:TT15:BT24:291:TT0:231- ET1 TT12:BT24:291:301:13:341:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:451:E1İ311:"Please type PRINT and something":"inside quotations.":"Always remember to press RETURN.":31 )BSX:491:E131g 3451:E1İ311:" 631IN$"X":TT0:BT24:M0:201:301::F$"WORDS.TEXT":601:231:151:231:151:231:151:32,0:18:1:(93);:32,L:TT15:BT24:301:18:10:SN1:421:255:M3:20:18:"(You press RETURN)";:151:20:5:868:SN2:421:TT0:BT15:BT:M0$ 2SED";:39:BU;:+4:(4);"OPEN ";F$:E4:(4);"CLOSE ";F$:432,0:33,40:34,0:35,24:1461::(4);"RUN RUNMENU"44} Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc.$NO$(((NAME$,X,1))32(Y95)):X:"/"NO$::" NAME";:16:"TYPE";:22:"BLOCKS";:30:"MODIFIED"::" POEM";:17:"BAS";:27:"1";:30:"":CS1ĺ" "PN$(1);:17:"BAS";:27:"1";:30:""4:"BLOCKS FREE:";:15:BF;:23:"BLOCKS U):BB(1):TT(1):LL(1):691:701:IV:741:X1:931:E1İ711:"Please type LIST and":"press RETURN. Try again.":13912yBSX:1211:E11391:1231:E1139122NO$"":X1(NAME$):Y((NAME$,X)):Y32NAME$(NAME$,X1)"."(NAME$,X1)3NOME$"Computer User's Anon.":1421:1QTTTT(1):BTBT(1):WW(1):BB(1):TT(1):LL(1):691:701:IV:741:X1:931:E1İ711:"Please type RUN and":"press RETURN. Try again.":13611[BSX:1191:E11361:1231:E113611ey2oTTTT(1):BTBT(1):WW(1$;:T(4);"OPEN CALLNAME":(4);"READ CALLNAME":NA$:(4);"CLOSE CALLNAME":34,T2:35,B:32,L:33,W1::BD2W1:T1:BD:"_";:B:BD:"_";:BD:BDTB:BD:1:"|";:W:"|";:BD34,T:35,B1:32,L2:33,W4::2(4);"READ ";F$:S$"":A$"":NL1:S$:S$"%"İ291:T,B,L,W:211:261CS$"&"İ221aHT1B1:H:1:868:H813:IN$(IN$,1):IN$"^"281TNL:1:NLNL1:IN$;:261#32,0:33,40:34,TT:35,BT::-32,0:33,40:34,TT:35,BT:7TT0:BT12:301RETURN)";:261:18:5:868:TT0:BT12:351:261:351:ET1:TT(1)18:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)9:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV19:931 321:SN2:541:611:581:TT0:BT12:351:261:351:TT12:BT24:411:421:SN1:14:2:541:2:611:2:581:ET1r =TT17:BT24:411:421:261:L:351:ET1:TT(1)15:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)9:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV18:931:20:SN2:541:581:TT0:BT12:351:261:351:261:351:261:351:261:TT16:BT24:411v )32,0:16:1:(93);:32,L:TT15:BT24:421:16:10:SN1:611:255:18:18:"(You press 15:BT24:421:16:10:651:255:M3:18:18:"(You press RETURN)";:261:18:5:868:SN2:541:TT0:BT12:BT:M0:351:261:351:261:351:261:TT15:BT24:411:TT0:BT12:351:261 32,0:15:1:(93);:32,L:TT15:BT24:421:15:10:SN1:581:255:M0:TT15:BT24:411:TT0:351:261:351:261:351:261:351:261:32,0:14:1:(93);:32,L:TT15:BT24:421:14:10:SN1:541:255:M3:16:18:"(You press RETURN)";:261:16:5:868:TT0:BT12:BT:M0:351:261:351:261 32,0:16:1:(93);:32,L:TT 1021IN$"X":TT0:BT24:M0:311:421::F$"PROGRAM.TEXT":991:351:261:351:261:32,0:18:1:(93);:32,L:TT15:BT24:421:18:10:SN3:541:255:M3:20:18:"(You press RETURN)";:261:20:5:868:SN2:541:TT0:BT15:BT:M0 351:261:34,0:35,24:611::(4);"RUN MENU"-wW} Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc.";(34);" mark. Try again.":2EE0:SLX2ıOE1:311:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"It would help for now if you":"would enclose something inside":"the quotations. Try again.":Y:(4);"OPEN ";F$:c:(4);"CLOSE ";F$:'m32,0:33,40":"statement. Please try again.":5E0:SLX1i'SL(AN$)571:(AN$,SL,1)(34)SLSL1:5511(AN$,SL,1)(34)ı;E1:311:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"Although it's not required, we'd":"like you to end your statement":"with a second RINT"XX5:{E1:TT0:BT15:311:L:T1:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"You didn't use PRINT.":"Please try again.": E0:(AN$,X,1)(34)ı&E1:311:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You forgot to use a quotation":"mark ("(34)") after the PRINTAN$AN$(X128)'J:BU$AN$:]SN1Ė2:"PRINT ";(34);"HOT FUDGE SUNDAE";(34)~SN2Ė1:"HOT FUDGE SUNDAE"E0(AN$,X,1)" "481:X(AN$)E1:XX1:461E0:(AN$,X,1)"?"XX1:E0:(AN$,X,5)"P:ET1ETET1:211:331#A221PKL:T1:HT1B1:H:1:868:H:T1:uU(4):16368,0:AN$"":CP1361_1:(93);iR0:768:J512736:X(J):X155621:X141J736:411sX162R1}R1401AN$AN$(X12832(X223)):411:18:461:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:671:E1İ431:"Please add a PRINT statement":"to the program at LINE 40.":61 GSL2:BSX:711:LN$"40"İ431:"You should start by typing":"40, then type a PRINT statement.":"Please try again.":61hQXX2:671:E1İ431:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should follow the line":"number with a PRINT statement.":61[721:E161:671:E1İ431:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"Please follow PRINT with a":"literal quote inside quotations.":"Try again.":61'ePN1::T1:HT1B1:H:1:868:H:T1:M(4):16368,0:AN$"":CP1481\1:(93);R0:768:J512736:X(J):X1551011:X141J736:531X162R1R1521AN$AN$(X12832(X223)):531 AN$AN$(X128)J:BU$AN$:3331:381iS$"&"İ3419sHT1B1:H:1:868:H\}813:IN$(IN$,1):IN$"^"401|TNL:1:NLNL1:IN$;:38132,0:33,40:34,TT:35,BT::32,0:33,40:34,TT:35,BT:TT0:BT10:421:ET1ETET1:331:451341(L.NAME":I$(2);"@":(4);"CLOSE CAT.NAME":K34,T2:35,B:32,L:33,W1::BD2W1:T1:BD:"_";:B:BD:"_";:BD:BDTB:BD:1:"|";:W:"|";:BDU34,T:35,B1:32,L2:33,W4:: _(4);"READ ";F$:S$"":A$"":NL1:S$:S$"%"İ411:T,B,L,W:______":301:Z1700:Z:271B-B:M(((WL)(M$))2):M$;:7(4);"OPEN CALLNAME":(4);"READ CALLNAME":NA$:(4);"CLOSE CALLNAME":,A:(4);"OPEN CAT.NAME":(4);"CLOSE CAT.NAME":(4);"DELETE CAT.NAME":(4);"OPEN CAT.NAME":(4);"WRITE CAT:581:255:321:TT0:BT12nBT:351:261:351:931,1:261:TT0:BT24:411:1001::(4);"RUN RUNSAVER":|16368,0P(16384):TETE1:P1551011:P13281:TE225271P141TE0:998:#M$"Press RETURN":301:Z1700:Z:M$"_______:351:ET1:TT(1)20:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)9:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV21:961:TT12:BT24:421:22:SN1::2:541:2:611:" 40 PRINT ";(34);I$(2);(34):2:641:::::TT0:BT12:BT:351:261:351:26132,0:21:1:(93);:32,L:TT20:BT24:421:21:10:SN1lete line 30 by typing":"30 and pressing RETURN.":211SL2:BSX:711:LN$"30"İ431:"You are trying to delete":"line 30 by typing 30 and":"pressing RETURN. Try again.":211LD1:XX1:881:E1211TT12:BT24:421:24:::TT0:BT12:BTET1:TT(1)20:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)9:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV21:931:TT11:BT24:421:22:SN2::541:611:581:I$(2):::::TT0:BT12:411:351:261:351:ET19TT20:BT24:411:421:21:461:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:TT0:BT12:671:E1İ431:"Please de141:811:E1141TT12:BT24:421:24:::TT0:BT12:351:ET1:TT(1)20:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)9:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV21:961:TT11:BT24:421:22:SN1::2:541:2:611:2:581:" 40 PRINT ";(34);I$(2);(34):2:641:::::TT0:BT12:411:351:261:351":"You should follow the line":"number with a PRINT statement.":141721:E1141:671:E1İ431:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should type a new literal":"quote to replace the old one.":"Please try again.":141PN2:751:E1141:771:E1 line 40 by typing":"40 and following it with a":"PRINT statement.":141SL2:BSX:711:LN$"40"İ431:"You are trying to replace":"line 40 by typing 40 and a":"PRINT statement. Try again.":141HXX2:671:E1İ431:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".5:868:TT11:BT24:421:22:SN1::2:541:2:611:2:581:" 40 PRINT ";(34);I$(1);(34):2:641:::::TT0:BT12:351:261:351:261:351:261:351:261:351:ET1LTT20:BT24:411:421:21:461:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:671:E1İ431:"Please change(1)22:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)9:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV23:931:TT11:BT24:421:24:SN2::541:611:581:I$(1):::::TT0:BT12:351:261:351:261:32,0:21:1:(93);:32,L:TT15:BT24:421:21:10:661:255:M323:23:"(You press RETURN)";:261:23:751:E161:771:E161:811:E161oTT0:BT12:411:351:5:13:NAME$".";:261:351:261:351:261:32,0:21:1:(93);:32,L:TT15:BT24:421:21:10:641:255:M3:23:23:"(You press RETURN)";:261:23:5:868:TT0:BT12:BT:M0:351:ET1yTTSN3Ė2:"PRINT ";(34);"ROSES ARE RED";(34)f'SN1ĺ"10 PRINT ";(34);"ROSES ARE RED";(34)1SN2Ė1:"ROSES ARE RED";ESN1ĺ"30 PRINT ";(34);"I LOVE MY APPLE";(34)OSN2ĺ"I LOVE MY APPLE"YcSN1ĺ"20 PRINT ";(34);"VIOLETS ARE BLUE";(34)6mSN2ĺ"VIOLETS ARE BLUE"<wL"50 END":\2:"RUN":m2:"LIST":uE0X(AN$)E1:(AN$,X,1)" "711XX1:681LN$(AN$,X,SL):E0:(AN$,X,1)"?"XX1: E0:(AN$,X,5)"PRIN 20 1 39 One thing you need to know is that the DELETE key doesn't remove characters in Applesoft BASIC. If you make a mistake here or at any time in Applesoft BASIC, back up with the LEFT ARROW key and retype. Now, before we go any further, let's get languages is BASIC. ^ & BASIC has several dialects--you'll be using Applesoft BASIC. ^ & Fortunately, most of the "words" in this language are very easy to understand. We're going to teach you some of the BASIC words you need to start programming. ^ % 4% 13 20 1 39 INTRODUCTION So you're interested in learning to program? Well, you've come to the right place. ^ & Just as there are lots of human languages--like English, French, and German--there are lots of computer languages. One of these,0:35,24:321:1001::(4);"RUN MENU"/&Y&} Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc.TTTT(1):BTBT(1):WW(1):BB(1):TT(1):LL(1):411:421:IV:461:X1:671:E1İ431:"Please type LIST and":"press RETURN. Try again.":961%BSX:861:E1961:881:E1961%%:(4);"OPEN ";F$:%:(4);"CLOSE ";F$:)&32,0:33,40:34mmand. It will just":"complicate things. Try again.":A$$TTTT(1):BTBT(1):WW(1):BB(1):TT(1):LL(1):411:421:IV:461:X1:671:E1İ431:"Please type RUN and":"press RETURN. Try again.":931$BSX:841:E1931:881:E1931$%$,Y,1)" "E1#Y:LD1E1İ431:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You shouldn't type anything after":"the line number if you wish to":"to delete a line. Try again.":;$E1İ431:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"Please don't type anything after":"the co"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You should have typed RUN.":"Please try again.":t"]E0:(AN$,X,4)"LIST"XX3:"gE1:431:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You should have typed LIST.":"Please try again.":"qE0:X(AN$)921#{YX1(AN$):(ANain.":!+E0:SLX2831!5E1:431:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"It would help for now if you":"would enclose something inside":"the quotations. Try again.":!?SLSL(X1):I$(PN)(AN$,X1,SL):!IE0:(AN$,X,3)"RUN"XX2:Q"SE1:431: try again.": E0:SLX1S SL(AN$)801:(AN$,SL,1)(34)SLSL1:781l (AN$,SL,1)(34)ı !!E1:431:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"Although it's not required, we'd":"like you to end your statement":"with a second ";(34);" mark. Try agT"XX5:eE1:431:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"You didn't use PRINT.":"Please try again.":E0:(AN$,X,1)(34)ı E1:431:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You forgot to use a quotation":"mark ("(34)") after the PRINT":"statement. Pleaseacquainted. Please type in your first name and press the RETURN key. ^ % 3 12 1 38 PRINTING NUMBERS AND CALCULATIONS In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the PRINT statement to make Applesoft BASIC display numbers and calculations on your screen. ^ % 3 9 1 38 Let's start with numbers. To print a number, you type PRIgain.":41 =XX2:841:E1İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should follow the line":"number with PRINT A. Please":"try again.":411 G901:E141:841:E1İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should type PRINT and":"follow it with the nameT24:671:681:19:721:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:841:E1İ691:"To get the computer to print the":"contents of A, please type:"::"20 PRINT A":41 3SL2:BSX:891:LN$"20"İ691:"You should start this PRINT":"statement by typing 20. Please":"try aET";:9::"A";::471:1:TT0:BT15 611:TT15:BT24:681:17:9:"A";:11::"=";::471:1:TT0:BT15:611:TT15:BT24:681:17:11:"=";:13::"33";::471:1:TT0:BT15:TT15:BT24:681:17:13:"33";:TT0:BT15:611:471:1:611:ET1 )TT17:B:471:611:471:611:471:611:471:TT15:BT24:681:17:1:10:"]";:831:255:TT0:BT12:611& TT15:BT24:681:17:2::"10";::471:1:TT0:BT15:611:TT15:BT24:681:17:2:"10";:5::"LET";::471:1:TT0:BT15:611:TT15:BT24:681:17:5:"L 1351IN$"X":TT0:BT24:M0:561:551:681::F$"NUMERIC1.TEXT":1321:611:471:16297,0:16299,0:16300,0:16304,0a 10,15910,150269,150269,159:0:HD151159:100,HD268,HD:HD:SS15:611:471:SS:16298,0:16300,0:16303,0:611tatement to print the results of calculations. But suppose you want to print words? Press RETURN to go to the lesson on printing words, or press ESC to return to the menu. ^ 439 equals. To find out, you could type... ^ % 3 9 1 38 And the computer calculates the answer almost instantly! ^ & Now it's your turn to try an addition problem (Don't forget to start with PRINT). ^ % 3 12 1 38 OK, now you know how to use the PRINT sulations. ^ & You can use the computer to do calculations--such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division--and print the answer on the screen. ^ & Let's say you don't have your pocket calculator handy, but need to find out how much 345 plus ts you for information. ^ & Now it's your turn. Type PRINT, follow it with a number, then press RETURN. ^ % 3 10 1 38 Pretty simple, eh? Simple, but not too useful. Now let's really put your Apple II to work and get it to print the results of some calcNT, then a number, and then press RETURN. Watch this... ^ & When you press RETURN, the computer prints whatever number you type after the PRINT statement. ^ & Notice that the statement appears next to a prompt. It's called a prompt because it promp of the":"variable you want to print (A).":41 Q(AN$,X,1)(34)İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"If you enclose the variable in":"quotation marks, you will print":"the letter A rather the contents":"of the variable. Try again.":41)[SL(AN$):Y(AN$)X1:(AN$,Y,1)" "SLSL1Be(AN$,Y,1)" "YXoY:VA$(1)(AN$,X,SLX1):VA$(1)"A"İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should follow PRINT with only":"the variable name (A) to print":"the contents of A. Try again.":41yTTEW is the command you should use":"to clear memory.":"Please try again.":381jXX2:1091:E1381TT0:BT12:671:611:471:TT12:BT24:671:TT0:BT12:611:ET1BTT12:BT24:671:681:14:721:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:841:E1İ691:"Please lo71:611:471:611:471:611:471:611:ET1}TT20:BT24:671:681:21:721:W38:B9:T3:L1:X1:841:E1İ691:"You must type NEW and":"press RETURN to clear memory.":"Please try it now.":381Q(AN$,X,3)"NEW"İ691:"You typed "(BU$,BS)".":"Nld type in a different":"value for A so that A is":"changed. Please try again.":251,sTT12:BT24:681:24::::TT0:BT12:671:611:ET1:TT(1)20:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)10:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV21:1261:23:VA(2):TT0:BT12:671:611:6:12:VA(2)".":4251_VA$(2)(AN$,EP):(VA$(2))8İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"A number that long won't fit in":"this box. Please use a number":"less than 8 characters long.":251cVA(2)((AN$,EP))YiVA(2)33İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You shou":"variable name, but you should use":"A this time. Try again.":251UEPEP1:1161:E1İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"For this simulation you should":"follow the equal mark with only":"one number without letters or":"characters. Try again.":A = some number.":"Please try again.":251k-951:E1251:EPSL:YEP1XP1:(AN$,Y,1)" "SLSL17(AN$,Y,1)" "YXPAY:SLXPE1:291IKVA$(1)(AN$,X,SLX):VA$(1)"A"İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"Normally you could choose the2:841:E1İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should follow the line":"number with LET A = your number.":"Please try again.":251931:E1251:XPX:841-#E1İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should assign a number to A":"by typing LET :E1İ691:"You should copy the LET statement":"in line 10, but replace 33 with":"another number. Try it now.":251SL2:BSX:891:LN$"10"İ691:"You should change the LET":"statement in line 10 by first":"typing 10. Try again.":251XX 30 ends the program.":471:TT15:BT24:681:SV19:811:TT0:BT12:691::"OK, let's go on.":471TT0:BT24:671:16:2:831:" 20 PRINT A":2:821:TT0:BT12:681:611:471:611:ET1yTT21:BT24:671:681:22:CP0:721:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:841811:SV17:801:SV23:801:TT0:BT12:691:"Line 20 reads the contents of A":"(looks in the A mailbox) and":"prints what it finds there.":"In this case, the number 33.":471dTT15:BT24:681:SV17:811:SV23:811:SV19:801:TT0:BT12:691::"Line(AN$)78241T3:B10:L1:W38:TT15:BT24:681:SV15:801:TT0:BT12:691:"Line 10 creates a variable called":"A and assigns the number 33 to":"that variable. (In other words,":"it puts 33 in the A mailbox.)":471TT15:BT24:681:SV15:number. Try again.":1314XX2:1091:E1141TT12:BT24:681:24:::TT0:BT12:671:611:ET1:TT(1)20:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)10:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV21:1261:TT15:BT24:681:23:" 33":TT0:BT12:671:611CP1:8:13:958:721:521:E1191ine 30. Please try again.":131XX2:841:E1İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should follow the line":"number with END. Please try":"again.":131(AN$,X,3)"END"İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should type END after":"the line 0:BT12:671:611:ET1TT20:BT24:671:681:21:721:W38:B9:T3:L1:X1:841:E1İ691:"You should start with line 30,":"then type the END statement.":"Try again.":131"SL2:BSX:891:LN$"30"İ691:"You should put the END statement":"on lad the NUMBER program":"by typing LOAD NUMBER. Try again.":421BSX:1031:E1421:841:E1İ691:"You typed "(BU$,BS)".":"You must follow the LOAD command":"with the program name (NUMBER).":"Please try again.":421(AN$,X,6)"NUMBER"İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"The only way to load the NUMBER":"program is to call it by the":"right name. Please try again.":421LD3:XX5:1091:E1421:(4);"RUN NUMERIC2":16368,0 P(16384):TETE1:P1551341:P13491: anything after":"the command. It will just":"complicate things. Try again.":Z,o,EP(AN$)E1:,E0:YEP(AN$):(AN$,Y,1)" "E2:Y(AN$),Y:E2E1:,E0:MM0:PM0:YEP(AN$):((AN$,Y,1))461211:PMPM1-(AN$,Y, the name. Try again.":+kLD3E1İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"If you type anything after the":"program name the computer will":"try to find the wrong program.":"Please try again.":T,uE1İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"Please don't typeped ";(BU$,BS)".":"You shouldn't type anything after":"the line number if you wish to":"to delete a line. Try again.":+aLD2E1İ691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"Please don't type anything after":"the program name or it will be-":"come part ofped RUN.":"Please try again.":E)/E0:(AN$,X,4)"LIST"XX3:)9E1:691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You should have typed LIST.":"Please try again.":)CE0:X(AN$)1151)MYX1(AN$):(AN$,Y,1)" "E1~*WY:LD1E1İ691:"You ty:(AN$,X,4)"LOAD"XX4:(E1:691:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"To load a program into memory":"you should begin by typing LOAD.":"Please try again.":(E0:(AN$,X,3)"RUN"XX2:")%E1:691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You should have tyyped ";(BU$,BS);".":"It would help for now if you":"would enclose something inside":"the quotations. Try again.":'E1:691:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"To save a program to disk you":"should begin by typing SAVE.":"Please try again.":(E0ber. Please try again." &U&SL(AN$)1001:(AN$,SL,1)(34)SLSL1:981n&(AN$,SL,1)(34)ı&E1:691:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You forgot to end your statement":"with a quotation mark. Please":"try again.":y'E1:691:"You t"You should follow the":"line number with a LET statement.":"Please try again.":%E0:YX(AN$):(AN$,Y,1)"="SLY:E2:Y(AN$)&Y:E2E1:691:"You typed "(BU$,BS)".":"You must follow the variable":"with an equal sign (=) and a":"num${LN$(AN$,X,SL):9$E0:(AN$,X,1)"?"XX1:]$E0:(AN$,X,5)"PRINT"XX5:$E1:691:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"You didn't use PRINT.":"Please try again.":$E0:(AN$,X,3)"LET"XX3:V%E1:691:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":#X162R1#R1781B#AN$AN$(X12832(X223)):791W# AN$AN$(X128)h#J:BU$AN$:#!SV:1::"*";::#+SV:1:" ";:#5"30 END":#?"10 LET A = 33":#IE0#SX(AN$)E1:#](AN$,X,1)" "881#gXX1:851$q:35,BT::."32,0:33,40:34,TT:35,BT:Z"TT0:BT10:681:ET1ETET1:591:711c"601"L:T1:HT1B1:H:1:868:H:T1:"(4):16368,0:AN$"":CP1741"1:(93);#R0:768:J512736:X(J):X1551341:X141J736:791(!Y34,T:35,B1:32,L2:33,W4::r!c(4);"READ ";F$:S$"":A$"":NL1:S$:S$"%"İ671:T,B,L,W:591:641!mS$"&"İ601!wHT1B1:H:1:868:H!813:IN$(IN$,1):IN$"^"661!TNL:1:NLNL1:IN$;:641! "32,0:33,40:34,TT:NA$:(4);"CLOSE CALLNAME":R 1:(4);"OPEN CAT.NAME":(4);"READ CAT.NAME"w ;I$:I$"@"I$(1)I$(1)I$:571 E(4);"CLOSE CAT.NAME":!O34,T2:35,B:32,L:33,W1::BD2W1:T1:BD:"_";:B:BD:"_";:BD:BDTB:BD:1:"|";:W:"|";:BDTE225481$P141TE0:998:tM$"Press RETURN":511:Z1700:Z:M$"_____________":511:Z1700:Z:481B:M(((WL)(M$))2):M$;: E0:AN$""E1:(AN$)89(AN$)78E1 '(4);"OPEN CALLNAME":(4);"READ CALLNAME"2)".-"EPY,-((AN$,Y,1))45MMMM1N-MM1PM1E1:Y(AN$):1251i-((AN$,Y,1))321251-((AN$,Y,1))45((AN$,Y,1))47((AN$,Y,1))57E1:Y(AN$)-Y:I.TTTT(1):BTBT(1):WW(1):BB(1):TT(1):LL(1):671:681:IV:721:X1:841:E1İ691:"Please type RUN and":"press RETURN. Try again.":1261r.BSX:1051:E11261:1091:E11261x. / TTTT(1):BTBT(1):WW(1):BB(1):TT(1):LL(1):671:681:IV:721:X1:841:E1İ691:"Please type LIST and":"press RETURN. Try agaiuntil later? ^ % 3 9 1 38 You must use DEFERRED EXECUTION if you want to make your Apple II save statements for later use. ^ & Deferred execution means that you tell the computer to store your instructions until you give the go-ahead to execute them. ried out by the computer immediately after you press RETURN. This is called (logically enough) IMMEDIATE EXECUTION. ^ & Immediate execution is fine if you want immediate results. But what if you want to put several statements together and store them % 3 10 1 38 WRITING PROGRAMS With Applesoft BASIC, you can do things now or you can do them later. ^ & When you type a statement like... ^ % 3 12 1 38 ...the computer carries out your instructions right now. That is, your instructions are carcome to the club! ^ & There's a summary of how to use the PRINT statement in the BASIC manual. Press RETURN to find out more about how BASIC works, or press ESC to return to the menu. ^ e will show you an error message. ^ % 3 7 1 30 Why don't you try it. Type: PRUNT 50 ^ % 3 11 1 38 Good job! You successfully made a mistake when you misspelled the key word PRINT. But don't worry, programmers often make mistakes. Wele everything exactly by BASIC's rules. ^ & When you are writing programs on your own, the computer will alert you to errors with messages, but the messages won't be quite as explicit. ^ & For example, if you misspell PRINT, you'll hear a beep, and the Applur turn. Use the PRINT statement and quotation marks (") to print a literal quote on the screen. ^ % 3 10 1 38 No doubt you're already feeling like a computer pro. ^ & That's because this training program tells you what you've done wrong if you don't typ have to do is type PRINT, then put the statement you want the Apple II to print in quotation marks ("). Like this... ^ & Whatever you type inside the quotation marks is called a literal quote since the Apple quotes exactly what you type. ^ & Now it's yo% 3 10 1 38 PRINTING WORDS In addition to all the computing that programs do, they can also display messages on the screen. ^ % 3 9 1 39 For instance, suppose you have a burning desire to see the words HOT FUDGE SUNDAE on the screen. ^ & All youn.":12914/BSX:1071:E11291:1091:E11291:/S/):(4);"OPEN ";F$:m/3:(4);"CLOSE ";F$:/=32,0:33,40:34,0:35,24:1331::(4);"RUN RUNMENU"/G/} Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc.^ & To write an instruction in deferred execution, simply type a number in front of the statement. For instance... ^ & When you press RETURN, nothing happens on the screen. But the statement is stored in the computer's memory. ^ & To execute the PRINT statement, type... ^ & The RUN command causes the Apple II to execute all of the statements stored in memory. ^ & Any time you put numbers in front of one or more statements, the resulting lines are stored in memory as a PROGRAM. ^ & The number of 1661IN$"X":::TT0:BT24:M0:641:631:761::F$"NUMERIC2.TEXT":1631:TT0:BT12:751:691:ET1:TT(1)16:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)10:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV17:1571:TT19:BT24:761:19:SN2:901:931:TT0:BT12:691:5:9:NAME$".":ET1I TT20:BTl do you a favor and retype line 30 for you. ^ & There you go. Your program is back to its original elegance. ^ & The next step is to save your program. Press RETURN to go to the next section, or press ESC to go back to the menu. ^ y typing 30 and pressing RETURN. Try erasing line 30 now. ^ % 3 7 1 38 Excellent! Now list the program. ^ % 3 7 1 38 You can see that you have deleted line 30. ^ % 3 9 1 38 You may be upset that you just lost a line of your poem. Press RETURN and we'l1 38 You're doing VERY well! Deleting lines is just as easy. To delete a line, simply type the line number of the line you want to delete and press RETURN. ^ & For instance, if you decide that you don't want line 30 in your program, you can erase it b line 40 by typing 40 and a new PRINT statement. ^ % 3 8 1 38 You did it! Now type LIST to make sure that your program did change. ^ % 3 8 1 38 Notice that the new line 40 is substituted for the old line 40. ^ % 3 6 1 38 Now run the new program. ^ % 3 10 der. ^ & Changing and deleting program lines is a snap. ^ & Let's say you've decided that your rhyme could be improved by changing line 40. ^ & To change the line, just type the line number and type a new PRINT statement. ^ & Why not try it now. Change part of a PRINT statement. ^ % 3 10 1 38 But what if you want to look at all the program statements after you've typed them into memory? It's easy. You just type... ^ % 3 8 1 38 The LIST command shows all of the program lines in memory in the correct orND statement, type a line number and the word END. ^ & Your program is now complete. Why don't you run it. ^ % 3 10 1 38 The computer stops when it reaches line 50, the END statement. Notice that END isn't printed when the program is run because it isn't% 3 7 1 38 Hey, you're really getting the hang of it, ^ % 3 11 1 38 Every program should end with an END statement. The END statement tells the computer that the program is finished and that it doesn't have any more work to do. ^ % 3 7 1 38 To add the Es print in the order of the line numbers. ^ % 3 9 1 38 Wonderful! You can see that the lines were indeed printed in the correct order. ^ & Now it's up to you to finish this verse with one more PRINT statement. Please type your statement on line 40. ^ to insert a line between line 10 and line 30. No problem! Just type... ^ % 3 10 1 38 The line numbers indicate the order in which the lines are executed, so line 20 will print between line 10 and line 30. ^ % 3 8 1 38 Type RUN and notice that the line You just ran an Applesoft BASIC program. ^ & Notice that line number 10 was executed first, and line 30 was executed second. ^ & BASIC executes statements in the order of the line numbers, begin- ning with the smallest number. ^ & Now let's say you want the statement (in this case 10) is called the LINE NUMBER. ^ & You can add another line by typing another line number and a statement. For instance... ^ & Please execute the new program (the command to execute a program is RUN). ^ % 3 8 1 38 Very good! 24:761:20:CP1:2:958:801:W38:B9:T3:L1:X1:1241:BSX:E131X EPX:1471 E1İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should type only one number":"without letters or characters":"here. Please try again.":11 )((AN$,EP))8İ771:"T1TT20:BT24:751:761:21:CP0:801:W38:B9:T3:L1:X1:1241:E1İ771:"You must type NEW and":"press RETURN to clear memory.":"Please try again.":271.(AN$,X,3)"NEW"İ771:"You typed "(BU$,BS)".":"NEW is the command you should use":e you":"stored in variable N$ to be ":"printed...":551TT13:BT24:761:SV16:891:SV17:881:TT0:BT12:771:"and line 50 causes the program":"to end. Isn't that simple!"551::TT12:BT24:761:SV17:891:24:::TT0:BT12:751:691:ETnow. Try again.":211TT13:BT24:761:SV14:891:SV15:881:21:1:1071:TT0:BT12:761:771:"Then the PRINT statement on":"line 30 prints....":551;TT13:BT24:761:SV15:891:SV16:881:22:1:VA$(3):TT0:BT12:771:"Line 40 causes the nam):E1İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should type your name here.":"Please try again.":211(VA$(3))10İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"The computer can handle large":"strings, but please pick a name":"less than 10 characters long for":"24:761:SV13:891:SV14:881:20:1:1041:TT0:BT12:771:"Then the INPUT statement waits":"for you to type in your name.":"Go ahead, type in your name.":ET1eTT20:BT24:761:20:CP1:2:958:801:W38:B10:T3:L1:X1:1241:BSX:VA$(3)(AN$,BS91:551:691:551:691ACP1:6:12:958:801:601:E1171T(AN$)78261W38:B10:T3:L1:TT13:BT24:761:SN2:SV13:881:19:958:1:1011:TT0:BT12:771:"First, the PRINT statement on":"line 10 tells you what to do.":551TT13:BT601:E1141BTT13:BT24:761:SV17:891:(AN$)89ET1:61TT0:BT24:751:BT15:691:551:691:551:691:551:691:551:691:551:691:551:691:TT12:BT24:761:13:1:SN1:1011:1041:1071:1101:1121::B:551:1:TT0:BT12:761:691:551:6 40 causes the number you":"stored in variable N to be":"printed...":551TT13:BT24:761:SV16:891:SV17:881:TT0:BT12:771:"and line 50 causes the program":"to end. Would you like to go":"over that again? (Y/N)"CP1:6:23:958:801::"now. Try again.":811iVA(3)((AN$,EP))oTT13:BT24:761:SV14:891:SV15:881:21:1:961:TT0:BT12:771:"Then the PRINT statement on":"line 30 prints....":551MyTT13:BT24:761:SV15:891:SV16:881:22:1:VA(3):TT0:BT12:771:"LineYou should type only one number":"without letters or characters":"here. Please try again.":81e((AN$,EP))10İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"The computer can handle large":"numbers, but please pick a number":"less than 10 characters long for"0:1:931:TT0:BT12:771:"Then the INPUT statement waits":"for you to type a number. Go":"ahead, type a number." QTT20:BT24:761:20:CP1:2:958:801:W38:B9:T3:L1:X1:1241:BSX:E191:EPX:1471c [E1İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"1:691:551:691:551:691:551:691:551:W38:B9:T3:L1:ET1 =TT13:BT24:761:SN2:SV13:881:19:958:1:901:TT0:BT12:751:771:"First, the PRINT statement on":"line 10 tells you what to do.":551w GTT13:BT24:761:SV13:891:SV14:881:2he computer can handle large":"numbers, but please pick a number":"less than 8 characters long for":"now. Try again.":11 -VA(3)((AN$,EP))A 321:961:VA(3):TT0:BT12:691:551:TT12:BT24:751:13:SN1:901:931:961:991:1121:TT0:BT12:76"to clear memory.":"Please try again.":271G#XX2:1401:E1271-TT0:BT24:751:BT12:761:691:6:7:NAME$".":551:TT12:BT24:761:13:SN1:1131:1161::1191:1211:1121:TT0:BT12:761:691:551:691:ET17TT18:BT24:751:761:20:801:W38:B11:T3:L1:X1:TT0:BT12:761:1241:E1İ771:"To cause the computer to accept":"a flavor of ice cream, you must":"type 20 INPUT I$":311ABSX:SL2:1291:LN$"20"İ771:"You should start this INPUT":"statement by typing 20. Please":"try3,W4::U&(4);"READ ";F$:S$"":A$"":NL1:S$:S$"%"İ751:T,B,L,W:671:721f&S$"&"İ681&HT1B1:H:1:868:H&813:IN$(IN$,1):IN$"^"741&TNL:1:NLNL1:IN$;:721&&32,0:33,40:34,TT:35,BT::'32,0:33,40:5%:(4);"OPEN CAT.NAME":(4);"READ CAT.NAME"Z%I$:I$"@"I$(1)I$(1)I$:651w%(4);"CLOSE CAT.NAME":%34,T2:35,B:32,L:33,W1::BD2W1:T1:BD:"_";:B:BD:"_";:BD:BDTB:BD:1:"|";:W:"|";:BD &34,T:35,B1:32,L2:3998:W$EM$"Press RETURN":591:Z1700:Z:M$"_____________":591:Z1700:Z:561z$OB:M(((WL)(M$))2):M$;:$YE0:AN$""E1:$c(AN$)89(AN$)78E1$m%w(4);"OPEN CALLNAME":(4);"READ CALLNAME":NA$:(4);"CLOSE CALLNAME":11:BT24:761:SV17:891:(AN$)89ET1:471#TT0:BT24:751:BT15:691:551:691:551:691:551:691:933,1:551:1641:TT0:BT24:751::(4);"RUN RUNMENU":#'16368,0#1P(16384):TETE1:P1551651:P13571:TE225561$;P141TE0:statement":"from line 40 prints...":551"TT11:BT24:761:SV16:891:SV23:891:SV17:881:TT0:BT11:761:771:"...and the program ends.":"Would you like to see the":"program explained again? (Y/N)"" CP1:6:31:958:801:601:E1521/#TTT24:761:SV14:891:SV21:891:SV15:881:SV22:881:TT0:BT11:761:771:"Then it prints the contents":"of variable I$ because of line 30.":551:TT11:BT24:761:SV15:891:SV22:891:SV16:881:SV23:881+"TT0:BT11:761:771:"Finally, the PRINT 51 TT11:BT24:761:SV12:891:SV13:891:SV19:891:SV20:891:SV14:881:SV21:881:TT0:BT11:761:771:"When the program executes line 20":"it types a ? and waits for you":"to input your favorite flavor.":"You typed ";VA$(4)".":551!TT11:B:TT0:BT11:751:691@CP1:7:21:958:801:601:E1441S(AN$)78541\ET1 W38:B9:T3:L1:TT11:BT24:761:SV12:881:SV13:881:SV19:881:SV20:881:TT0:BT11:761:771:"First, the PRINT statements on":"lines 10 and 15 print.":5"flavor now. Try again.":411(VA$(4))20İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"The computer can handle large":"strings, but please pick a flavor":"less than 20 characters long for":"now. Try again.":411TT11:BT24:761:22:1:" "VA$(4):1211T11:751:771:"Go ahead, ";NAME$".":"Type in your favorite flavor of":"ice cream.":ET1 TT21:BT24:761:21:CP1:3:958:801:W38:B9:T3:L1:X1:1241:BSX:VA$(4)(AN$,BS):E1İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should type your favorite":10:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV23:1601:TT11:BT24:761:24::1131:1161:" 20 INPUT I$":1191:1211:1121:::::::TT0:BT11:751:691:ET1]TT(1)18:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1)10:T(1)3:L(1)1:IV19:1571:T3:B9:L1:W38:ET1:19:SN2:1131:1161:" ?":TT0:BN$,Y,1)" "YX}Y:VA$(3)(AN$,X,SLX1):VA$(3)"I$"İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You must use the variable name I$":"to get the INPUT statement to":"work. Please try again.":311TT0:BT12:751:691:ET1:TT(1)22:BT(1)24:W(1)38:B(1) the name of the":"correct variable (I$).":311_(AN$,X,1)(34)İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You shouldn't use quotation":"marks with the INPUT statement.":"Please try again.":311iSL(AN$):Y(AN$)X1:(AN$,Y,1)" "SLSL1s(A again.":311KXX2:1241:E1İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should follow the line":"number with INPUT I$. Please":"try again.":3112U1341:E1311:1241:E1İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You should type INPUT and":"follow it with34,TT:35,BT:='TT0:BT10:761:ET1ETET1:671:791F' 681s'L:T1:HT1B1:H:1:868:H:T1:'!(4):16368,0:AN$"":CP1821'+1:(93);'5R0:768:J512736:X(J):X1551651:X141J736:871'?X162R1(IR1861%(SAN$AN$(X12832(X223)):871:(]AN$AN$(X128)K(gJ:BU$AN$:b(qSV:1::"*";::u({SV:1:" ";:(SN1Ė2:"10 PRINT ";(34);"PLEASE PICK A NUMBER";(34)(SN2ĺ"PLEASE PICK A NUMBER"((SN1Ė2:"20 INPUT N")SN2ĺ"16384,0  104,8:103,15(4);"RUN MENU":5i:(4);"CLOSE ";F$:X5s32,0:33,40:34,0:35,24:1641::(4);"RUN RUNMENU"^5}5} Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc.:1361:E11571:1401:E11571(474ATTTT(1):BTBT(1):WW(1):BB(1):TT(1):LL(1):751:761:IV:801:X1:1241:E1İ771:"Please type LIST and":"press RETURN. Try again.":16014KBSX:1381:E11601:1401:E116014U5_:(4);"OPEN ";F$((AN$,Y,1))321561]3((AN$,Y,1))45((AN$,Y,1))47((AN$,Y,1))57E1:Y(AN$)f3Y:3#TTTT(1):BTBT(1):WW(1):BB(1):TT(1):LL(1):751:761:IV:801:X1:1241:E1İ771:"Please type RUN and":"press RETURN. Try again.":1571"4-BSX 22EP(AN$)E1:Q2E0:YEP(AN$):(AN$,Y,1)" "E2:Y(AN$)d2Y:E2E1:2E0:MM0:PM0:YEP(AN$):((AN$,Y,1))461521:PMPM12(AN$,Y,2)".-"EPY2((AN$,Y,1))45MMMM12MM1PM1E1:Y(AN$):15613ype anything after the":"program name the computer will":"try to find the wrong program.":"Please try again.":2E1İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"Please don't type anything after":"the command. It will just":"complicate things. Try again.":wish to":"to delete a line. Try again.":0LD2E1İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"Please don't type anything after":"the program name or it will be-":"come part of the name. Try again.":t1LD3E1İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"If you t"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You should have typed LIST.":"Please try again.":k/yE0:X(AN$)1461/YX1(AN$):(AN$,Y,1)" "E1-0Y:LD1E1İ771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS)".":"You shouldn't type anything after":"the line number if you 771:"You typed ";(AN$,BS);".":"You didn't use INPUT.":"Please try again.":s.QE0:(AN$,X,3)"RUN"XX2:.[E1:771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You should have typed RUN.":"Please try again.":.eE0:(AN$,X,4)"LIST"XX3:S/oE1:771: end your statement":"with a quotation mark. Please":"try again.":-3E1:771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"It would help for now if you":"would enclose something inside":"the quotations. Try again.":-=E0:(AN$,X,5)"INPUT"XX5:Q.GE1: A GOOD FLAVOR!", ,E04,X(AN$)E1:N,(AN$,X,1)" "1281^,XX1:1251d,z, LN$(AN$,X,SL):,SL(AN$)1321:(AN$,SL,1)(34)SLSL1:1301,(AN$,SL,1)(34)ıH-)E1:771:"You typed ";(BU$,BS);".":"You forgot toSN2ĺ" WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE"'+d+SN1Ė2:"15 PRINT ";(34);"FLAVOR OF ICE CREAM?";(34)+SN2ĺ" FLAVOR OF ICE CREAM?"++SN1Ė2:"30 PRINT I$"++SN1Ė2:"40 PRINT ";(34)"SURE IS A GOOD FLAVOR!";(34),SN2ĺ" SURE IS2:"20 INPUT N$"!*SN2ĺ"?"'*%d*/SN1Ė2:"30 PRINT ";(34);"THAT'S A GREAT NAME,";(34)*9SN2ĺ"THAT'S A GREAT NAME,"*C*MSN1Ė2:"40 PRINT N$"*W*a2:"50 END":*kSN1Ė2:"10 PRINT ";(34);"WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE";(34)!+u?" )K)SN1Ė2:"30 PRINT ";(34);"YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER IS:";(34)q)SN2ĺ"YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER IS:"w))SN1Ė2:"40 PRINT N"))SN1Ė2:"10 PRINT "(34);"WHAT IS YOUR NAME";(34))SN2ĺ"WHAT IS YOUR NAME")*SN1ĖVGTUHFDDFHEY@ n you write your program, it goes into the computer's memory. ^ & SAVE copies the program in memory onto the disk in the disk drive. ^ & Notice, however, that the program is still in memory. ^ & The SAVE command doesn't erase the computer's memory. ^ % ou know your program is stored safely on the disk as well as in the computer's memory. ^ & Press RETURN for a demonstration of what happens when you use the SAVE command. ^ % 20 24 1 38 This is a picture of an Apple II with an external disk drive. ^ & Whename your program POEM. To store POEM on the disk, type... SAVE POEM (and press RETURN) ^ % 3 9 1 38 Good job! You've just saved a program. Notice that after you give the SAVE command, the disk use light turns on. ^ & When the light turns off, yu give the SAVE command, your computer copies the program in memory into a file on the disk in your disk drive. ^ & To keep programs from getting mixed up when you store them on the disk, you must give each program a different name. ^ % 3 9 1 38 Let's ur programs each time you turn on the computer, you can use the SAVE command to save your programs on a disk. ^ & Then, when you're ready to run a program, you can use the LOAD command to load the program back into the computer's memory. ^ & When yow, your program is stored in the computer's memory. ^ % 3 10 1 38 But if you or some unsuspecting friend turns off your computer, the program will be gone forever, or at least gone until you get around to retyping it. ^ & Rather than having to retype yo% 3 10 1 38 SAVING PROGRAMS In the last section, you wrote a computer program that prints four lines of heartfelt verse. ^ % 3 8 1 38 To review what your program looks like, type LIST. ^ % 3 8 1 38 There it is! Your famous first words. Right no16384,0! 104,64:103,1<:(4);"RUN NUMERIC1"16384,0! 104,64:103,17(4);"RUN SAVER"3 9 1 38 But let's say you're basically a suspicious sort who wants hard proof that the program is really on the disk. ^ & Well, lucky for you, your disk keeps track of all the programs it contains. It keeps them in a catalog. ^ % 3 10 1 38 CAT is the command you use to display the catalog. Try it now. Type... CAT (and press RETURN) ^ % 3 11 1 38 There's the catalog. As you can see, you've only saved one program (POEM) on your simulation disk so far. (Don't worry about the numbers after the% 3 14 1 38 ALL ABOUT VARIABLES Since you're a curious person (after all, you made it this far), you're probably wondering how the computer asks for and remembers your name. Stay tuned. This section will teach you how that's done. ^ % 20 24 1 38 Th Quit. Otherwise, press RETURN to learn more about programming in BASIC. ^ nd how to load programs into memory. ^ & At this point, you may want to continue with the next section, or you may want to stop and practice writing and saving some programs of your own. ^ & If you want to practice, press ESC to go to the menu, then selectse wonderful poems published, please give Apple credit for providing the inspiration. ^ & You have learned a whole lot so far. You now know how to write and change simple BASIC programs, how to save them on a disk, how to check the contents of a disk, aem now. ^ % 3 9 1 38 Congratulations! Now catalog the disk just to make sure that both poems are tucked away safely on the disk. ^ % 3 12 1 38 Sure enough! Both programs are there. Just one small request before we go on. If you ever get either of thene program on the disk. If you were to save this program under the same name, the new pro- gram would replace the old one. ^ % 3 9 1 38 Because you want to save both programs, you should save this one under some other name. Go ahead, save your modified postill on the disk. ^ % 3 10 1 38 Now that your program is back in memory, why don't you change line 30 (press RETURN for a hint if you don't remember how to change a line). ^ % 3 11 1 38 Great job. Clearly this is a verse worth saving. You already have oBut notice that the original program stayed on the disk. ^ % 3 8 1 38 Try listing your program now (to make certain that it's really there). ^ % 3 9 1 38 There it is, the same poem you saved at the beginning of this section. And remember, the original is nd press RETURN) ^ % 3 9 1 38 Excellent! Your POEM program is back in memory! Press RETURN and we'll show you how it got there. ^ % 20 24 1 38 Your POEM program was saved on the disk. ^ & When you loaded it, a copy of the program was sent to memory. ^ & task is to get a copy of your program from the disk and put it in the computer's memory. To do this, you use the LOAD command, followed by the name of the program you want to work on. ^ % 3 9 1 38 You saved your program as POEM. So type: LOAD POEM (a memory. ^ & However, the copy of the program on the disk remains. ^ % 3 11 1 38 At this point you could start writing another program. But let's suppose that you're suddenly overcome with the desire to make your verse even more poetic. ^ & Your first e! Nothing happens because the program is gone from memory. ^ & Press RETURN and we'll show you what happened to your program. ^ % 20 24 1 38 Your program was in memory and was also saved on the disk. ^ & When you typed NEW, the program was erased fromecause it lets you make room for a new program. ^ & Why don't you try it now. Type NEW (and press RETURN) ^ % 3 9 1 38 There. Your program is no longer in memory. But don't take our word for it. Try running your program. ^ % 3 7 1 38 Surpris names. They aren't important right now.) ^ % 3 9 1 38 Since your program is now saved on the disk, you can erase it from the computer's memory and it will remain on the disk. ^ & You use the NEW command to erase a program from memory. It's called NEW be computer's memory is a lot like hundreds of mailboxes. ^ & Each mailbox can contain different information. ^ & And each mailbox has a name that sets it apart from other boxes. ^ & These mailboxes in memory are called variables. ^ & And the name given t% 3 7 1 38 Now run the program and see if you can figure out how it works. ^ % 3 7 1 38 Go ahead, enter you favorite number, ^ % 3 10 1 38 The computer accepted your number and then printed it on the screen with a message. Have you figured it out yet? doing well. We've taken the liberty of writing a number game program to help explain the INPUT statement. ^ & We saved the program on the disk under the name NUMBER. Please load the NUMBER program now. ^ nformation from the keyboard while the program is running. This involves using the INPUT statement. ^ % 3 9 1 38 First of all, please clear the computer's memory. (Press RETURN for a hint if you're not sure of what to do.) ^ % 3 9 1 38 Good job. You're les. You just learned how to assign something to a variable inside a program. ^ & Of course, the only way to change the contents is to rewrite the LET statements whenever you want to change the numbers. ^ % 3 10 1 38 The second way is to let you enter ia new one and assign different contents to A. ^ % 3 7 1 38 Now run the program and notice the new contents of A. ^ % 3 10 1 38 See, we weren't kidding. The contents of variable A changed from 33 to ^ & There are two ways to assign information to variabs program works? (Y/N) ^ % 3 10 1 38 Variables are somewhat exclusive in that they hold only one thing at a time. If you assign a new value to the variable A, the old value is replaced. ^ & Try it yourself. Replace the old LET statement on line 10 with ent on line 30. ^ % 3 9 1 38 You're becoming a first-rate programmer! Now run the program and look at the result of your work. ^ % 3 10 1 38 Congratulations! You've just written a program using variables. Would you like a bit more explanation of how thi^ & Do you know what to type to tell the computer to print the contents of A? If so, type it now on line 20. (If you're not sure what to do now, press RETURN for a hint.) ^ % 3 8 1 38 You did it! To complete your three-line program, type an END statemis to type an equal sign (=). ^ & Then type the number you want to assign to the variable. ^ % 3 10 1 38 The number 33 is now stored under the name A. Now instead of asking the Apple II to print 33, you can ask it to PRINT the contents of A, which is 33. case a number) to the variable. ^ % 3 7 1 38 The LET statement looks like this... ^ % 3 7 1 38 First, you must choose a line number. In this case, line 10. ^ & Next, you type LET... ^ & followed by the variable name. In this case, A. ^ & The next step ou must assign some information to it. The question is, how do you assign information--such as numbers, words, or equations (like 3+4)--to a variable? ^ & One way is to do this is to use the LET statement. The LET statement assigns information (in thiso each box in memory is called a variable name. ^ % 3 10 1 38 A variable name is made up of letters and numbers. For this example, we've chosen the name A (which just happens to stand for Apple.) ^ % 3 12 1 38 For the variable A to be of any use to you, yPress RETURN to see a listing of the program. ^ & Here's the program. As you may have guessed, the INPUT statement on line 20 is the key. The INPUT statement works like a mailman. ^ & When line 20 is executed, it types a ? on the screen and waits for yo8pqx8@N~@x8<pAg`x ` ;xG8`q@y8 @@9`<@wAGC`qx9xp p<px@s`@9@7 x@ < c the fundamental steps, you'll just get better the more you practice. ^ & The printed part of the interactive guide will tell you where you can go from here to learn more about programming. So good luck, and happy programming! ^ 10 1 38 You're well on your way to becoming an Applesoft BASIC programmer. ^ & Of course, there is much more to learn. You can learn how to use loops to move around inside your program and how to draw pictures on the screen. ^ & Now that you understand 38 Your program is complete. Why don't you list it so you can admire your handiwork. ^ % 3 7 1 38 Now try running it. ^ % 3 9 1 38 Very good! It did just what it was supposed to do. Would you like an explanation of how the program works? (Y/N) ^ % 3 ream. But something's missing. Do you know what it is? ^ & Of course! There's no INPUT statement on line 20. Why don't you add the INPUT statement. (Please use the string variable I$ since the PRINT statement on line 30 is already written.) ^ % 3 8 1rase this program from memory so that we can help you write one more program. ^ % 3 8 1 38 Very good! You certainly do catch on to this computer stuff fast, ^ % 3 11 1 38 OK, we've typed in a five-line program that asks for your favorite flavor of ice cring variable instead of a numeric variable. ^ & Yes, that's the secret. It may look simple (and it is), but this is how computers ask for and remember your name! ^ & Would you like to see what this program does when it runs? (Y/N) ^ % 3 8 1 38 Please et's look at a program that makes use of a string variable. ^ & Line 20 is an INPUT statement with a string variable (notice the $ after the variable name). ^ % 3 10 1 38 Line 40 works the same way as the last PRINT statement worked, except it prints a st after them. This makes it very easy for the INPUT "mailman" to find the right place to store your information. ^ % 3 8 1 38 So, the name N signifies a numeric variable, and N$ signifies a string variable. ^ & It's time to share the secret with you. Leariables only store numbers. STRING variables store strings of characters, like names. ^ % 3 10 1 38 Fortunately, you don't have to be a computer genius to be able to tell one type from the other. ^ & String variables have a dollar sign ($)'re thinking that this is how the computer can ask for and remember your name, you're on the right track!) ^ & Up to now, we've been using NUMERIC variables--variables that store numbers. ^ % 3 13 1 38 Actually, there are two types of variables: NUMERIC vu to type a number. ^ & Then the program delivers whatever number you type to the variable name at the end of the INPUT statement (in this case N). ^ & Press RETURN for an explanation of how all the lines work together in this program. ^ % 3 9 1 38 (If you@aq6 `{`c@q0<@p8`x` 8x8x0@x6`=p8| O0p p|6@x|?8c @ 8@@8q<83 0@A@6@`?x @sc<` p6\~ p? @>88<`opq3 XqFpx8<`OO@ ;<@O8<x`s g \;p xp Fp7p@s@@c3 LF<p@sN@ ;pqC^Gp8n x;@@@sAcq<@@;` ppx8<0p88@x@gAGcq<0n 8 `;p`9pqpx8@? :<@8 <<x<`x8@@ gc8@a>7@@x0 p9`C9 G|@6^oA@ NFG<8@@9`@ `s`cCy8@qp7` 8p@q @Cc`6~A{pp8| p` G@7DD |`@F#@  @a@0Ap|C@G" $"`x'> 8x`G0p8@  @qp"@ @<@x@A|x@@0@8`8"x#Dn~@ @|@a0?"9` x|`@|`@@` @@@ " `?8@@#D@AO2x??DxD2"d~ `@A9x"D p @1`078`c|Qp`D`A@ @f @ba@p08 `"D?`8`@ x @@04<"`p`XfxE@ |@A0?x p"p `0@`"`8D@AH@f p@GHC@9 x8<~GxD"@`CF @ c"D D2xq| `@Aqp& @Axx05"dpaq`p 0@ H@p?08 `~"p`0@ ` @@ 04$`A`>D c`"@  @@A0?`#Dg8`[E0`"@@x_`@|@8x `C`"`@.DC` CGD2`'d@| `c?p D`f ac@p_03xp`8~@ L @qp07`Cp#t@`D 0 @@L @1@D @`@<"<xG@AOGn`p@@0"0 |CG p`@`L"DD3?q@|8^ @ap06paCx`<@@@@ @@@`08`"@`0@  @@>05`sEfGp`x "@ p @@0@p @a`04 |dC`8@@@>@"1@Gapf `@`  p @A#040 d`0`@ @ @1 `@07``c@G>`D`@ @ @r@x08`x"x#D`@  @A@0x/$>`p.p|@|@ ` @a06104,8:103,1):(4);"RUN RN2"S Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc..:3:16298,0:16300,0:16303,0M10:12:"Please wait...."u:(4);"BLOAD PIC.MAILBOX, A$4000"(4);"BLOAD UP":4096 (4);"RUN RN3"} Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc.@@ 0:ȡHe@ hhл`Ie@҈.:3:16298,0:16300,0:16303,0M10:12:"Please wait...."s:(4);"BLOAD PIC.LOLLY, A$4000"(4);"BLOAD UP":4096 (4);"RUN RS3"} Copyright 1986 Apple Computer, Inc.