Received: by KSUVM (Mailer R2.07) id 9074; Thu, 11 Apr 91 00:18:59 CDT Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 22:42:40 EDT Reply-To: Apple II List Sender: Apple II List From: Subject: GS Bell PIF To: "Steven E. Nelson" Here is a bell replacement I wrote for the Apple // GS. The nice thing this bell has over the built-in bell is it allows interupts to continue while the tone is generated. This is done in such a way that most interupts will not distort the tone produced by the bell. The tone is (I think!) about 1000hz, if not, it shows how well I understand sound units. In any case, it sounds nice to my ears. The length is 1/10 of a second, with or without interference. Unpack this file with binscii and put it in */system/system.setup. FiLeStArTfIlEsTaRt 0123456789)(AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz DBELL 000U00000GxW1400VB70ti13fCKq000U0WLz 000U0000U10000004O0000K000C0000G000000000000040000000S20210CQsFg K028K028QeNCK02hK028U9b80000S8A20Q1y000y0E1yCAKO00K8pkDWLlKVC8A8 rL72K3Q(7MBBpY)Do0BS20b49ycP7yWKL200r200K3Q(0xTtX3bWS6SS0MN097SW P3w1SYXXO1BS0xTp8K2Wpl4Jo0LSH3Sz1A6BLpPZf0B893w0XlLZvr6600S00000 3Er20830u3Sc70j00E1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0GKS -- ____ Y_,_|[]| Eric Mulholland {|_|_|__| //oo--OO ...!pur-ee!!ericm