NFl0:]04]NF<:]9]1:] wFixFontMgr601 Install this in place of all older copies of FixFontMgr601 (or install it new, if you don't have old copies; it goes in the System:System.Setup folder on your boot disk(s), of course).߹g ,@FIXFONTMGRFIXFONTMGRgK8H; [4 \$k0Ki 0iiX+hhhhkkKڢ"hI HH"; [o/)@ :àK ;ʈQ0+hhtԐԎLHHHHH ;[L>ԐԎHZZZZ ;[+NFN<:PET9]5]8] WpR mNEWFixFontDocs So, what's the problem, that this fix program needed to be fixed? Read these 8)r4x qCD0nœ)#7CL6\pAa蠁0e9 y2 09&" [FX`‹7vrd  @$ix' L2/w)CpRAc N# >J+74Ac4*A@yӓWyDCмy3lڜp(L*$oC Ȥ#̙0rv _3'ϙ݆3,N*{l[]i:u̘y7XAz1Xp9u gm`Li6ܬ]9=j "27̍( <6F7434d# 3ҠN {m7^r cCMD89#C6K%Q~v%GK4{X*> ]0i1-Ҁ)m ŘҨ4Mljeof lV!Ps9Ƽ:Θ[2LVSӷimK O S8h y6.;ҹ)p4Cd$-}&XnyOnP:6!;l#7ψApqԢ$08d!:rF(͆a h '8ꆆ\Y'N NF'q[Ƥ6N)/6 F&42k!ΕX [ª;6y`404IM`ñ@e5AE-8JYyv?+k1*٘#):H@`,d,^ 4+`ۘA/ABx_(-R;t4$э)MHI Za$TE0#I(fJB9_+43miR̵ÐlehH79.rUC"1Х Ϩ0nUN۹#ejA=ɉ5vG4䑈 0 n(FxLMp2hNHZ-aE јE4xJ0Ь* ӰE;9J@x ձZȬ19'vԀ@օ&3zLR>+,$uehK>υ0OIh@xCA1 -AYDx%3)j][,ӤD7"7d%s LgjmHw3<ʝawj%XaEJ DU6zfʰ/7$Apc7 :HP1XEHєV0^uVBjڴ?_7hۇ `RN ȈQ"./p$TP 4H%k6HP-Z#@ƀXd)"#2Q I%8x2AA0+4 @$-)iٹ02+BmI8`x,QQDF [ #d&# 쌚.A3tޖȏkNFZ\:PET9]9]4] pPTEpdos QU0.yFixFontMgr.Dox Nathan Mates' original notes. Included per his specifications on distribution.N+ I7nhM3e0F