/* * nupak.h - declarations for nupak.c * * NuLib v3.2 March 1992 Freeware (distribute, don't sell) * By Andy McFadden (fadden@uts.amdahl.com) */ /* * This has function declarations for all of the pack routines; that way we * don't have to include .h files for all of the pack code. */ /* Pack/unpack buffer size; should be as big as read() & malloc() can take */ /* Note: must be AT LEAST 8200 bytes or things may break */ /* Bad things could happen if it's less than 12K */ #define PAKBUFSIZ 0xff80 extern long packedSize; extern onebyt lastseen; extern twobyt PackFile(); extern int UnpackFile(); /* BOOLEAN */ extern unsigned int crlf(); extern void Spin(), FCopy(); extern long pak_SHK(); /* pack P8 ShrinkIt format, in nushk.c */ extern void unpak_SQU(); /* unsqueeze, in nusq.c */ extern void unpak_SHK(); /* unShrink, in nushk.c */