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Np#&SSHELP9`8)ADDRESSES?J& /DESKJETLNDSCAPEDvY)CHECKBOOKI z;+,NEWFUNCTIONSTM o[7@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<=== @O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===`abcdefgh(] Place the  pointer in cell A9.Use the Ditto command,  open-app le-', to-', to3 copy the label dow n the worksheet.Q Place the  pointer on cell C12   CA1NFNF P nS( DeskJet, so he offered that I could buy one, get HFAppleWorks 4 tested, and then ship the printer to him. Because of his PNgenerosity you have these new features (extended characters, 6 cpi) available to you. Enjoy them!RandyKJohn Link for SuperPatch. Quality acquired the rights so I could implement LJthem in AppleWorks 4.0. a bug showed up, but I had no DeskJet 500 to test IGwith until Will Nelken came to the rescue. Will's church in California JHdecided to get anotheris 12 cpi Letter Gothic: ABC abc 012%This is 17 cpi Courier: ABC abc 012%This is 20 cpi Courier: ABC abc 012+This is 24 cpi Letter Gothic: ABC abc 012 MKNote: The DeskJet drivers on AppleWorks 4.0 were originally developed by Mextended characters. Also, the PC-850 Fcodes can be activated with a Special Code defined as Escape "(12U".$This is 5 cpi Courier: ABC abc 012*This is 6 cpi Letter Gothic: ABC abc 012 %This is 10 cpi Courier: ABC abc 012 +This MMMMMMM<DBA printer Special Code can be defined to activate the Latin font. HFChoose define Special Codes and press Escape followed by "(" zero "N" CAand OA-Return to end it. That Special Code can then be used with DBControl-A to add still more [ \ ] ^ _@` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~@` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ IMMMMMMMKMMMMMMM;GDDDDDDDPDDDDDDD6: This is a box :HMMMMMMMM" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?B ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?B@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _B@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z P switches should be in their default positions. The IGfollowing table shows the normal text characters with their associated HFextended characters directly beneath them. The Apple codes are at the *end of the lines for cleaner formatting.B !  ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~the DeskJetNew DeskJet 500 Features HFThe DeskJet 500 extended characters 161-254 are accessible in AW 4 by FDusing the Control-A Apple code to toggle extended characters on and CAoff. Your DIUse the Ditto command to copy the S year down  the work sheet. Repeat the process in colum ns D and  E to< see all t he leap y ears starting with 1901.~| @=@ry Ball, at GEWakefield on Pope's Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia. His early NLchildhood was spent on the Ferry farm near Fredericksburg. His father died PNwhen George was 11. He studied mathematics and surveying and when 16 went to JHlive Source: 1987 World Almanac George WashingtonMK George Washington, first president, was born February 22, 1732(February IG11, 1731 old style), the son of Augustine Washington and Ma@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<=== Enter Keyboard ( Subscript   Print time ( Sticky space  Mail Merge =;Use -Z to display word processor markers assigned for use by other programs.ЖЗИЙКЛМНРСge number ;9Below are examples of the new MouseText symbols for word processor printer options./ Boldface   Print page number ( Underline   Print date , Superscript  FAO=====<====<==============<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===@ O=====<====<==============<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===N Print pas a Leap Year@@-This is a Leap Year @?D@@@This is a Leap YearThis i@-This is a Leap Year @?=@@-This is a Leap Year @?=with his half brother Lawrence, who built and named Mount Vernon. PNGeorge surveyed the land of William Fairfax in the Shenandoah Valley, keeping OMa diary. He accompanied Lawrence to Barbados, West Indies, contracted small NLpox, and was deeply scarred. Lawrence died in 1752 and George acquired his OMproperty by inheritance. He valued land and when he died owned 70,000 acres <in Virginia and 40,000 acres in what is now West Virginia.HF Washington's military service began in 1753 when Gov !"#$James Knox PolkPN James Knox Polk, 11th president, Democrat, was born in Mecklenburg County, MKNorth Carolina, November 2, 1795. He was the son of Samuel Polk, a farmer NLand surveyor of Z@O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<=== Adams supported the Alien NLand Sedition laws of 1798, which led to his defeat for reelection. He died JHJuly 4, 1826, on the same day as Jefferson (the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence).M In 1796 Adams was chosen president by the electors. Intense antagonism to PNAmerica by France caused agitation for war, led by Alexander Hamilton. Adams *broke with Hamilton and opposed the war.MK To fight alien influence and muzzle criticismendence. PNHe was a commissioner to France, 1778, with Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee; IGwon recognition of the U.S. by The Hague, 1782; was the first American LJminister to England, 1785-1788, and was elected vice president , 1788 and 1792.Ogainst taxation without LJrepresentation before the royal governor. In 1770 he defended the British OMsoldiers who fired on civilians in the "Boston Massacre". He was a delegate PNto the first Continental Congress,and signed the Declaration of Indep, 1735 (October 19, old style), the son of John KIAdams, a farmer, and Susanna Boylston. He was a great-grandson of Henry MKAdams who came from England in 1636. He was graduated from Harvard, 1755, JHtaught school, studied law. In 1765 he argued asuffered acute laryngitis after a ride in snow and rain Daround his estate, was bled profusely, and died December 14, 1799. !John AdamsK John Adams, 2nd president, Federalist, was born in Braintree (Quincy),KIMassachusetts, October 30 and was unanimously elected president by the electoral LJcollege and was inaugurated, April 30, 1789, on the balcony of New York's Federal Hall.NL He was reelected in 1792, but refused to consider a 3rd term and retired OMto Mount Vernon. He OMleadership. He was resourceful, a stern disciplinarian, and the one strong, JHdependable force for unity. He favored a federal government and became HFchairman of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. He helped get the OMConstitution ratifiedendence, he opposed British actions and took charge of the Virginia IGtroops before the war broke out. He was made commander-in-chief by the %Continental Congress June 15, 1775.HF The successful issue of a war filled with hardships was due to his Lto Ft. Duquesne, July 9, 1755. He helped take Ft. Duquesne from the French in 1758.FD After his marriage to Martha Dandridge Custis, a widow, in 1759, OMWashington managed his family estate at Mount Vernon. Although not at first OMfor indep. Dinwiddie of MKVirginia sent him on missions deep into Ohio country. He clashed with the NLFrench and had to surrender Fort Necessity July 3, 1754. He was an aide to NLBraddock and at his side when the army was ambushed and defeated on a march NScotch-Irish descent, and Jane Knox. He graduated from the LJUniversity of North Carolina 1818 and was a member of the Tennessee state PNlegislature from 1823-1825. He served in Congress 1825-39 and was Speaker of NLthe House from 1835-1839. He waand Malvina Stone. He graduated from Union College in 1848, MKtaught school at Pownall, Vermont and studied law in New York. In 1853 he PNargued in a fugitive slave case that slaves transported through New York were JHthereby freed. He was made c%'()*+,Chester Alan ArthurLJ Chester Alan Arthur, 21st president, Republican, Fairfield, Vermont on KIOctober 5, 1829. He was the son of the Rev. William Arthur, from County PNAntrim, Ireland f@O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===ly 9, 1850.uena Vista in JH1847. A national hero, he received the Whig nomination in 1848 and was KIelected president. He resumed the spoils system and though once a slave JHholder worked to have California admitted as a free state . He died in office Juolk declared war. Taylor was LJsuccessful at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. He occupied Monterrey in NL1846. Polk made Taylor a major general but sent many of his troops to Gen. PNWinfield Scott. Outnumbered 4 to 1, he defeated Santa Anna at Be Black Hawk War in 1832, and the second Seminole War in PN1837. His nickname was Old Rough and Ready. He settled on a plantation near IGBaton Rouge, Louisiana. In 1845 Polk sent him with an army to the Rio FDGrande. When the Mexicans attacked, PLJNovember 24, 1784, in Orange County, Virginia. He was the son of Richard IGTaylor, later collector of the port of Louisville, Kentucky, and Sarah NLStrother. Taylor was commissioned a first lieutenant in 1808. He fought in NLthe War of 1812, thght") by accepting the 49th parallel and giving Vancouver to the OBritish. Polk died in Nashville, Tennessee on June 15, 1849 at the age of 53.Zachary Taylor_OM Zachary Taylor, 12th president, Whig, who served only 16 months, was born OMborder. When the Mexicans attacked, Polk declared war existed. The Mexican PNWar ended with the annexation of California and much of the Southwest as part JHof America's "manifest destiny". He compromised on the Oregon boundary PN("54-40 or fi control of all Oregon and KIannexation of Texas. Polk reestablished the independent treasury system IGoriginated by Van Buren. His expansionist policy was opposed by Clay, KIWebster and Calhoun. He sent troops under Zachary Taylor to the Mexican s governor of Tennessee from 1839 to 1841, PNand was defeated for reelection in 1841 and 1843. In 1844,when both Clay and PNVan Buren announced opposition to annexing Texas, the Democrats made Polk the IGfirst dark horse nominee because he demandedollector of the Port of New York in 1871. KIPresident Hayes, reforming the civil service, forced Arthur to resign in PN1879. This made the New York machine stalwarts enemies of Hayes. Arthur and HFthe stalwarts tried to nominate Grant for a third term in 1880. When KIGarfield was nominated, Arthur received second place in the interests of MKharmony. When Garfield died, Arthur became president. He supported civil NLservice reform and the tariff of 1883. He was defeated for renomination by lda Randall Minthorn. Hoover, grew up in Indian Territory (now PNOklahoma) and Oregon. He received his A.B. from Stanford in 1891. He worked LJbriefly with the U.S. Geological Survey and western mines. Then he was a PNmining engineer in Australia-/01234567Herbert Clark HooverPN Herbert Clark Hoover, 31st president, Republican, was born at West Branch, PNIowa on August 10, 1874. He was the son of Jesse Clark Hoover, a blacksmith, HFand Hu@O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===an as their candidate. Cleveland died at )Princeton, New Jersey on June 24, 1908.ation but he refused to interfere in business matters and OMrejected Jacob Coxey's demand for unemployment relief. He broke the Pullman KIstrike in 1894. In 1896 the democrats repudiated his administration and PNchose silverite William Jennings Bryabout by lowering of the gold reserve, circulation of paper money and NLexorbitant silver purchases under the Sherman Act. He obtained a repeal of PNthe Sherman Act and a reduced tariff. A severe depression and labor troubles PNracked his administrlaine. PNHe enlarged the civil service and vetoed many pension raids on the Treasury. OMIn 1888 he was defeated by Harrison for president, although his popular vote PNwas larger. Reelected over Harrison in 1892, he faced a money crisis brought HFin 1863, sheriff in PN1871, mayor in 1881 and governor of New York in 1882. He was an independent, MKhonest administrator who hated corruption. He was nominated for president PNover Tammany Hall opposition in 1884 and defeated Republican James G. B. He was named Stephen Grover, but OMdropped the Stephen. He clerked in Clinton and Buffalo, New York, taught at MKthe New York City Institution for the Blind and was admitted to the bar in NLBuffalo in 1859. He became assistant district attorney e not consecutive. By "individuals he is only the 22d.)OM Grover Cleveland, 22d and 24th president, Democrat, was born in Caldwell, KINew Jersey on March 18, 1837. He was the son of Richard F. Cleveland, a IGPresbyterian minister and Ann NealeNLJames G. Blaine. Arthur died in New York on November 18, 1886, of Bright's disease.Grover ClevelandOM(According to a ruling of the State Department, Grover Cleveland is both the JH22d and 24th president, because his two terms wer, Asia, Europe, Africa, and the U.S. While chief IGengineer with the Imperial Mines in China, he directed food relief for NLvictims of the Boxer Rebellion in 1900. Hoover directed the American Relief PNCommittee, London, 1914-1915; the Committee for Relief in Belgium, 1915-1919; IGAmerican Relief Administrator, 1918-1923, feeding children in defeated QOnations; Russian Relief, 1918-1923. He was secretary of commerce, 1921-1928. NL He was elected president over Alfred E. Smith in 1928. In 19a (February, 1945). 5He died at Warm Springs, Georgia on April 12, 1945.pan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, PN1941 the U.S. entered the World War II. Roosevelt confered with allied heads HFof state at Casablanca (January, 1943); Quebec (August,1943); Teheran NL(November-December, 1943); Cairo (December, 1943); Yalt behalf of the Allies. He wrote the principles of fair PNdealing into the Atlantic Charter on August 14, 1941 (with Winston Churchill) NLand urged the Four Freedoms (freedom of speech, of worship, from want, from MKfear) on January 6, 1941. When Jay. He was the first president to break the "no third term" tradition NL(1940) and was elected to a fourth term in 1944 despite failing health. He OMwas openly hostile to fascist governments before World War II and launched a OMlend-lease program on PN Roosevelt was the first president to use radio for "fireside chats". When PNthe Supreme Court nullified some New Deal laws, he sought power to "pack" the MKcourt with additional justices. However, Congress refused to give him the PNauthorit redistribution of earnings on an PNunprecedented scale. The Wagner Act gave labor many advantages in organizing OMand collective bargaining. He was the last president inaugurated on March 4 :(1933) and the first inaugurated on January 20 (1937). . Foremost was the use of public funds for relief and public works, KIresulting in deficit financing. He greatly expanded the controls of the ECcentral government over business, and by an excess profits tax and GEprogressive income taxes produced ar, threw his LJvotes to Roosevelt, who was nominated. The depression and the promise to GErepeal prohibition insured his election. He asked emergency powers, OMproclaimed the New Deal, and put into effect a vast number of administrative NLchangest Company. In August, 1921 polio paralyzed his legs. He learned to $walk with leg braces and a cane. NL Roosevelt was elected governor of New York in 1928 and 1930. In 1932 at PNthe Democratic Convention, W. G. McAdoo, pledged to John N. Garneson made him Eassistant secretary of the Navy, a position he occupied until 1920.PN Roosevelt ran for vice president in 1920 with James Cox and was defeated. NLFrom 1920 to 1928 he was a New York lawyer and vice president of Fidelity & MKDeposi04 and attended Columbia Law MKSchool but did not get his law degree. However Roosevelt did pass the New NLYork State bar examinations in 1907 and was admitted to the bar. He was in OMthe N.Y. senate for the period 1910-1913. In 1913 President Wiler 20, 1964.Franklin Delano RooseveltKI Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32d president, Democrat was born near Hyde MKPark, New York on January 30, 1882. He was the son of James Roosevelt and LJSara Delano. He graduated from Harvard in 19of the European Food Program in 1947 and chairman of the OMCommission for Reorganization of the Executive Branch 1947-1949. He founded OMthe Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University. /He died in New York City on Octob29 the stock KImarket crashed and the economy collapsed. During the depression, Hoover MKopposed federal aid to the unemployed. He was defeated in the 1932 in the EC1932 election by Franklin D. Roosevelt. President Truman made him GEcoordinator 6@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===>@AB ( DD/    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;< -----------OType a two letter option code 19K Avail. Recalculation options-------------------F RP: Recalculate before Printing NoF NT: Number of Times to recalculate 1O------------------------------------------------------------------Print titles at top of each page Yes O Single, Double or Triple Spacing (SS/DS/TS) SS O F ------------------ --------------------Formatting options-------------------- O SC: Send Special Codes to printer Yes O PH: Print report Header at top of each page Yes O PT: O Line width 8.0 inches Printing length 11.0 inchO Char per line (est) 80 Lines per page 66 O O n 0.0 inchORM: Right Margin 0.0 inches BM: Bottom Margin 0.0 inchOCI: Chars per Inch 10 LI: Lines per Inch 6 O O-------Left and right margins-------- ------Top and bottom margins-----OPW: Platen Width 8.0 inches PL: Paper Length 11.0 inchOLM: Left Margin 0.0 inches TM: Top Margi8:;<=OFile: Test PRINTER OPTIONS Escape: OptioO=============================================================================M OA-Return to end it. That Special Code can then be used with DBControl-A to add still more extended characters. Also, the PC-850 Fcodes can be activated with a Special Code defined as Escape "(12U". %This is 10 cpi Courier: ABC abc 012%ThMKMMMMMMMMMM;GDDDDDDDDDDDPDDDDDDDDDD6: This is a 20 cpi box :HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM< DBA printer Special Code can be defined to activate the Latin font. HFChoose define Special Codes and press Escape followed by "(" zero "N" CAand \ ] ^ _@` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~@` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~IMMMMMMMKMMMMMMM;GDDDDDDDPDDDDDDD6: This is a box :HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM<IMMMMMMMMMM# $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?B ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?B@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _B@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ switches should be in their default positions. The IGfollowing table shows the normal text characters with their associated HFextended characters directly beneath them. The Apple codes are at the *end of the lines for cleaner formatting.B ! " CEFGMMMMMM<:rstuvwxyz{|}~the DeskJetNew DeskJet 500 Features HFThe DeskJet 500 extended characters 161-254 are accessible in AW 4 by FDusing the Control-A Apple code to toggle extended characters on and CAoff. Your DIP l@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<=== @O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===HMMMMMMMMMlleMr. Beta Coordinator3392 Glenn Spring Rd SpartanburgSC29302leason Joe GleasonPresident GleasonQuality Computers20200 E. Nine Mile RoadSt. Clair ShoresMI48080uDanielVerkade Dan Verkade Mr. VerkadeClear Night Software 51 Bowen Road(near the high school)PerrisCA92571bStevenBeville Steve BeviZip......FRandallBrandt Randy BrandtRandy 7578 Lamar CtArvadaCO80003vJosephGFirstory 1LastNameGreetingCompany1Address1Address2CityeStateis is 17 cpi Courier: ABC abc 012%This is 20 cpi Courier: ABC abc 012 ;NOTE: Underlining is now available in landscape mode. 0.00JKL1DR/     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<A@4C;$;*L  !"#$% .Adresst Outstanding Checks  P #CVS))))))))))))))))))))))))  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234566666666666666666666666666666()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>????????????????????????????? .Adresst Stubk Printing?   ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))P #CVS))))))))))))))))))))))))  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345666666666666666666666666 #$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>????????????????????????..****RS . . . .LARS ... . .. . .!. .er of____________. H!{ r!!N.r!C{s!D{ ` . Μ`.mimi`. B戎Check Printing 2C ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))s .Adresst .Citye$t ..tate$t . .SS.ipit$t . .Calancey . . BALANCE $ . .Acctgory . . . Week Ending . .Amt2nce . . .Payee2e . . .::LLARS . . X#e#I$V$No.e .ry 1Date.______Payee y) Pay to .MemogoryION .$mt1nceInvoice e s s |Forosit . Deposit $ .C/OesHJKLMNOPQR   .Toress (  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?P nCHS?? 3 TEXT: @TE XT(value)74 Returns v alues or labels as  a text result.%6 Some Text (\F@ 6@P7 Some Text45.67 22/L F@% LC: @LC(string),& Returns s tring in all lower case. (abCDeF)abcdef, LEN: @LEN (string)*- Returns t he length  of a string./Apple Al Jonesd0@MJones? ring. If argument is a valu e, pass it on.123 559-35-9294?^@(A@@@ @_@ UC: @UC(string), Returns s tring in all upper case. !abCDeF"ABCDEFnStr@ Begin sea rching at  start. R eturns 0 if not found."understandingding Al JonesT! @?and-Al ??  VAL: @VAL (string)W Returns t he value of the sttion (middle) of a stri ng. 1st p osition i s 1, not 0. 559-35-9294$ 35@@: FIND: @Fi nd(start,  SearchFo rStr, Sea rchInStr)L Returns t he positi on of the  SearchFo rStr in t he SearchISUVWX(3 JOIN: @JO IN(string 1, string 2, stringN)+ Concatena tes two o r more stringsMr.SmithMr.Smith+ MID: @MID (start, l ength, string)T Returns a  por CA1NI NIP nS(A29831993A 5 POSTMASTERFGT/SHP 89.40 0.00X02DEPOSIT1993A 6 0.00 500.80X0 .Adresst 1opening balance 0.00 1000.00X0P nCHS  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? .Adresst Pending Depositsks / (: DATE: @DA TE(Year, Month, Day)3; Returns a  julian d ate in nu meric form.Y< Use date formattin g to make  it under standable  - oa-L, E, V, D, Format.$> $@ @ .@0?@@B ALERT: @A LERT(string)/C Displays the strin g in an a lert box.AD An edit o r recalc must occu r to disp lay the alert.-F)You must enter the number of exemptions.JG ?  <-- Ente r a zero (0)MilfordNH03055BowNH03304W. PeterboroughNH03468ArundelME04005GrotonCT06340 StratfordCT06497StamfordCT06902MillburnNJ07041RoselleNJ07203 HackensackNJ07602TeaneckNJ07orth AdamsMA01247ConcordMA01742HinghamMA02043Wellesley HillsMA02181AvonMA02322East BridgewaterMA02333PlymouthMA02360 NantucketMA02554South DartmouthMA02748CranstonRI02910Cat21Cat22Cat23Cat24Cat25Cat26Cat27Cat28Cat29Cat30ChicopeeMA01013 NCat10Cat11Cat12Cat13Cat14Cat15Cat16Cat17Cat18Cat19Cat20Citygory 1StateZip3Cat4Cat5Cat6Cat7Cat8Cat9Z\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopq (DD /yyy   !"#$|3(SOURCE.3|3'THREE.Dx3,TITLE.SAMPLEk}9)FORM.FILLs+7 .MUTUALS.WEEKLY.A&SHARESO|A)ZIP.CODES[-o; *ZIP.LOOKUPs=g; *PRESIDENTSy [,DATE.FORMATS {3(FORM.ADBSw+7 SOURCE.1|3SOURCE.2 here and see w hat happens.'H#666!Washington TownshipNJ07675 Mt. HollyNJ08060New YorkNY10009New YorkNY10016New YorkNY10017New YorkNY10024New YorkNY10036BedfordNY10506Croton-on-HudsonNY10520 Mount VernonNY10551 New RochelleNY10805SuffernNY10901 Great NeckNY11021BrooklynNY11230 Glen CoveNY11542 FarmingdaleNY11737CiceroNY13039SherrillNY13461 LancasterNY14086LewistonNY140iddleburyFL32068OrlandoFL32821 Pompano BeachFL33069 Miami ShoresFL33138MiamiFL33176TampaFL33613SebringFL33780 BradentonFL34208 Spring HillFL34609LargoFL34640 BlountsvilleDecaturGA30033RoswellGA30076 La GrangeGA30240LilburnGA30247DunwoodyGA30350CalhounGA30701 WaynesboroGA30830MaconGA31204 ThomasvilleGA31799 Green Cove SpringsFl32043 MGreerSC29651 PendletonSC29670 SimpsonvilleSC29681TaylorsSC29687Travelers RestSC29690Box 267 ChesterSC29706 Fort MillSC29715 N. AugustaSC29841BeaufortSC29902DecaturGA30030SC29601 GreenvilleSC29602 GreenvilleSC29605 GreenvilleSC29606 GreenvilleSC29607 GreenvilleSC29609 GreenvilleSC29615AndersonSC29621BeltonSC29627ClemsonSC29631EasleySC29640WoodruffSC29388 SpartanburgSC29393 CharlestonSC29401 CharlestonSC29407 CharlestonSC29412 Goose CreekSC29445 Moncks CornerSC29461FlorenceSC29501 North Myrtle BeachSC29582 Greenville9329DuncanSC29334 FairforestSC29336GaffneySC29340GaffneySC29342InmanSC29349MayoSC29368MooreSC29369PaulineSC29374RoebuckSC29376UnionSC29379WellfordSC29385ColumbiaSC29210ColumbiaSC29226 SpartanburgSC29301 SpartanburgSC29302 SpartanburgSC29303 SpartanburgSC29304 SpartanburgSC29305 SpartanburgSC29306 SpartanburgSC29307ConverseSC2rdNC28712CandlerNC28715HendersonvilleNC28739MarshallNC28753SaludaNC28773IrmoSC29063NewberrySC29108 West ColumbiaSC29169ColumbiaSC29201ColumbiaSC29202ColumbiaSC29208 CharlotteNC28226 CharlotteNC28241 FayettevilleNC28303DunnNC28334Carolina BeachNC28428 SouthportNC28461'Wrightsville Beach IslandNC28480 JacksonvilleNC28540HickoryNC28601BrevarhamNC27707WilsonNC27893 AlbemarleNC28001 HuntsvilleNC28078 PinevilleNC28134ShelbyNC28150WaxhawNC28173 CharlotteNC28205 CharlotteNC28210 CharlotteNC28217 CharlotteNC28222tersburghVA23803RidgewayVA24148 Hot SpringsVA24445SwitzerWV25647 Winston-SalemNC27104 Winston SalemNC27104 GreensboroNC27419 GoldsboroNC27533RaleighNC27606RaleighNC27612Duilver SpringsMaryland20904ColumbiaMD21045DumfriesVA22026RestonVA22096ViennaVA22180ViennaVA22182 ArlingtonVA22204 AlexandriaVA22314 RuckersvilleVA22968 TallhasseeFL23308 Pe426 WarringtonPA18976RadnorPA19088 WashingtonDC20008 WashingtonDC20013 WashingtonDC20036 WashingtonDC20071St. Mary's CityMD20686District HeightsMD20747New CarrolltonMD20784"S92 WilliamsvilleNY14221BuffaloNY14226 Nigrara FallsNY14304 LeetsdalePA15056 PittsburghPA15205 GreensburgPA15601ButlerPA16001 Sugar GrovePA16350 BethlehemPA18018 GreentownPA18AL35031Vestavia HillsAL35243HendersonvilleTN37075 NashvilleTN37204Cumberland GapTN37724 GermantownTN38138 LouisvilleKY40206 WestervilleOH43081ColumbusOH43213ColumbusOH43221ParmaOH44129 ClevelandOH44130 Bay VillageOH44140 WadsworthOH44281FirfieldOH45014 GeorgetownOH45121 BeavercreekOH45432 South BendIN46637 New HavenIN46774MuncieIN47302 Birming CharlotteNC 28266-9306 CharlotteNC 28272-0138ColumbiaSC 29209-4111ColumbiaSC 29227-0801 SpartanburgSC 29301-1587 SpartanburgSC 29305-4922InmanSC 29349-7890 GreenvilleSC 29602-3088 GreenvilleSC 29001 TonawandaNY 14151-0183 Camp HillPa 17012-0001 WarministerPA 18974-2260 PhiladelphiaPA 19104-9701MohntonPA 19540-9416 WilmingtonDE 19886-1021 AlexandriaVA 22310-3143 WhitesvilleWV 25209-0444SpanawayWA98387TacomaWA98411TacomaWA98467 VancouverWA98663SpokaneWA99202PrestonCT 06365-8622CarmelNY 10512-2108 New Hyde ParkNY 11040-0352BrooklynNY 11235-3992 HicksvilleNY 11819-051 SacrementoCA95814HonoluluHI96822 BeavertonOR97005 BeavertonOR97006PortlandOR97231AlbanyOR97321LynnwoodWA98036RedmontWA98052 Port AnglesWA98362 Port OrchardWA9836620 LivermoreCA94550OrindaCA94563 PittsburgCA94565 Walnut CreekCA94596AlbanyCA94706 San RafaelCA94901 San RafaelCA94903 Corte MaderaCA94925 Mill ValleyCA94941 Santa ClaraCA950A92563OrangeCA92669 CarpinteriaCA93013 Pacific GroveCA93950 Redwood CityCA94062!South San FranciscoCA94080 San FranciscoCA94105 San FranciscoCA94110 San FranciscoCA94131ConcordCA94591706 San MarcosCA92069 San DiegoCA92117CoronadoCA92118 San DiegoCA92121 San DiegoCA92126 Desert Hot SpringsCA92240HesperiaCA92345RedlandsCA92374 VictorvilleCA92392MurrietaCTucsonAZ85715 Los AngelesCA90012 Beverly HillsCA90212 Culver CityCA90230AltadenaCA91001 Granada HillsCA91344ValenciaCA91355Woodland HillsCA91364BurbankCA91502 Baldwin ParkCA LafayetteCO80026 EnglewoodCO80110 EnglewoodCO80111DenverCO80221BoulderCO80322MorrisonCO80465LongmontCO80501GreeleyCO80631AspenCO81611OremUT84057ThatcherAZ85552TX75460 ArlingtonTX76013RR1 Wichita FallsTX76301TempleTX76502HoustonTX77055HoustonTX77074TivoliTX77990 San AntonioTX78232AustinTX78754ArvadaCO80003 BroomfieldCO80020itaKS67217OmahaNE68123NorfolkNE68701 Morgan CityLA70380SlidellLA70461Ft. SillOK73503TulsaOK74104 CarrolltonTX75006GarlandTX75041DallasTX75229DallasTX75243ParisnIL 60202GodfreyIL62035 Belleville IL62223 BellevilleIL62223 FlorissantMO63031 St. LouisMO63126 St. CharlesMO63303 Kansas CityMO64111 Overland ParkKS66207WichitaKS67211WichsIA50010Council BluffsIA51503Red OakIA51566 BettendorfIA52722 MilwaukeeWI53216 MilwaukeeWI53225MadisonWI53704MadisonWI53706Spring Lake ParkMN55432 CorvallisMT59828EvanstohamMI48011 SouthfieldMI48034St. Clair ShoresMI48080 Ann ArborMI48103 Grand RapidsMI48182CantonMI48187 Port AustinMI48467 KalamazooMI49004MattawanMI49071 MenomineeMI49858Ame607-9432RoswellGA 30076-1308OcalaFL 32671-1456MadisonTN 37115-5112SelmerTN 38375-0547JacksonMS 39236-2489JohnstonOH 43031-9313 UniontownOH 44685-9559DaytonOH 45432-3804LivoniaMI 48154-4220FlintMI 48503-4623 MilwaukeeWI 53216-1198 MilwaukeeWI 53221-2233 JanesvilleWI 53546-1327MosineeWI 54455-8922EdinaMN 55436-2025MinotND 58701-1430 Kansas CityMO 64180-0777 LeonardvilleKS 6ered automatically if found in the Zip.codes data base.ast NameZipCity Zip.codesZipZipState Zip.codesZip@ZipZip Zip.codesJohn Q.PublicJohn Q. Public123 Maple SteetChicopeeMA1013GUse oa-G to select a zip code or type in a zip code. The City and stateBwill be entCat21Cat22Cat23Cat24Cat25Cat26Cat27Cat28Cat29Cat30% First Name LCat10Cat11Cat12Cat13Cat14Cat15Cat16Cat17Cat18Cat19Cat20 First Name Last NameNameAddressCityStateZip7Cat8Cat9456Krtuvw (DRR  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<  !"#$CO 80525-2919 Los AngelesCA 90038-1451 San DiegoCA 92126-1523 Mountain ViewCA 94043-7210San JoseCA 95125-1430San JoseCA 95131-3012 Maple ValleyWA 98038-8915LongviewWA 98632-5734PalmerAK 99645-09196449-9759WichitaKS 67217-3763TulsaOK 74114-5616 Fort WorthTX 76108-3821 San AntonioTX 78209-3550AustinTX 78760-9135LubbockTX 79413-3721DenverCO 80237-1740BoulderCO 80303-5713 Fort Collins٥DD/ 3  hGsome older sources list 1830 as date of birth however 1829 is accepted./extras/files/PRES.322Grover ClevelandDemocrat Mar. 18, 1837 New Jersey188547 Jun.24, 190871Princeton, New JerseyLawyerserved 2 nonconsecutive terms/extras/files/P.Soldier5Did not complete term-served 16 months-Died in office/extras/files/PRES.221Chester Alan Arthur Republican Oct. 5, 1829Fairfield, VermontNew York188151 Nov.18, 188657New York, New YorkLawyer'V.P.-Assumed office on Garfield's deatras/files/PRES.111James Knox PolkDemocrat Nov. 2, 1795North Carolina184549 Jun.15, 184953Nashville, Tennessee/extras/files/PRES.212Zachary Taylor_Whig Nov. 24, 1784Orange County, Virginia184964 Jul. 9, 185065Washington, D.CVirginia178957 Dec.14, 179967Mount Vernon, VirginiaPlanter, Surveyor, Soldier/extras/files/PRES.12 John Adams Federalist Oct. 30, 1735 Massachusetts Massachusetts179761 Jul. 4, 182690Quincy, MassachuettsLawyerV.P. under Washington/extCategory4 a Mark Ca 1George Washington Federalist Feb. 22, 1732VirginiaMount Vernon, L  !  P nCHS OF DEATH AGE AT DEATHTHPLACE OF DEATH OCCUPATIONIONIN NOTESTE TO JOIN *TO.CLOCKClock TO.CL*BOARDData Converter*6avg 38'NO.egory 1*NAMEPARTYDOB BIRTHPLACEHOMEG.LACEINAUG. INAUG. AGE AT INAUG.DIEDExz{|}~ (RES.331Herbert Clark Hoover Republican Aug. 10, 1874Iowa192954 Oct.20, 196490New York, New YorkEngineer/extras/files/PRES.4t32Franklin Delano RooseveltDemocrat Jan. 30, 1882New YorkHyde Park, New York193351 Apr.12, 194563Warm Springs, GeorgiaLawyerHdid not complete term-Died in office; last Pres. to be inaug. on Mar. 4(K1933), first to be inaug. on Jan.20(1937); reelected in 1940 and 1944. only?president to serve more than 2 terms. elected President 4 times/extras/files/PRESDD/    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;< @?@@@8$@Wrong Date Format in A21& $@Enter year (4 digits) ? 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############################# # ) ########### # ##ts. Notice how the Address field for (Michael is truncated to fit the field.NLNote: There must be at least one space between the last # of one mail merge PNcategory and the next mail merge category. Without the space, AppleWorks will OMassume th############### # ######## < LJThis file illustrates the use of Mail Merge to fill in printed forms. The OMfile "Form.adb" must be on the desktop. Press OA-9, followed by OA-P. Select LJPrint from This Page to see the resul(@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<=== ### O@ != !=Total @ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "@$ withh ? ?1 titlesi ? ? j ?* k -@ Q+1@ 0@ q= ף00@ ffffff/@$Vl@SharespAmerican HiTech (@ q= ף(@ (\(@ Q)@ ףp= (@$@SharesoCanadian Bonds )@ ףp= +@ Gz*@ Y,AWP.GLOSSARY ;>0)BIRTHDAYSW  estment.@Uses AppleWorks 4. 0's new " 3D Spreadsheet"  feature. Zdl@>This file simply h olds a li sting of the number of>shares a couple ow ns in a n umber of mutual funds.;The file "Mutuals Weekly" a ccesses this file's?info to compute a weekly va lue for the inv@/Canadian Bonds  | Zd;OeP@2 European Wineries %C @ | 3 High Risk Equities ( g@ | , Income Fund  | m@@ Money MarketK7@@w/? |(MUTUAL FUNDS: NUMB ERS OF SHARES Wife's Acct. My Acct. Mutual Fund:!= | != != | - Asian Growth /$FB@ | +V{@0American HiTech  | 33333  CA1NHNHP nSt t o make room for a new we ek's data.from the file "Shar es", which m ust be on th e desktop as well.)KThe user would use this file by  entering th e current value ofCeach fund on a weekly basis, af ter copying the "Totals"Ncolumn one space to  the righ!=b This file illustrat es date math  (look at ce ll B2 and then the U1zj@I rest of Row 2) and also "3D" sp readsheets.  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