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In particular, Beagle Bros sts quality, performance, merchantability, or 75fitness for a particular purpose. As a result, this ?=software is sold "as is", and you the purchaser are assuming 4the entire risk as to its quality and performance.<:In no event will Beagle Bros te of the original retail purchase of this product.?=Even though Beagle Bros has tested the software and reviewed 64the documentation, Beagle Bros makes no warranty or =;representation, either express or implied, with respect to :8software, iriod after you purchased the software.97All implied warranties on the media and documentation, >atterns Coordinates Font APPENDIX ProDOS Pathnames Shortcuts1. Introduction?=Welcome to TimeOut Paint. Paint is a double high resolution 75drawing program and is part of the TimeOut series of Cut Copy Paste Move Clear Invert Flip Horizontal Flip Vertical Goodies Menu Grid FatBits Brush Shape Pd Quit Tools Menu Box Circle Pencil Line Marquee Paint Text Fill Eraser Edit Menu Undo Input Devices Printing Pictures Getting Started2. USING PAINT Apple Menu About File Menu New Open Save Save As Revert ClipboarRK COPIES?=Schools and businesses may call 619-452-5500 for information 'on site licensing and network copies.:Apple, and ProDOS are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION About the Disk y >TimeOut FileMaster, Copy II Plus, System Utilities or FILER. 2(Make sure you use FILE COPY and not DISK COPY!)Input Devices-------------:8Paint works with the ve made changes to it ?=since you last saved it, you will be asked if you would like >============================================================The File Menu=;The File menu has the following commands: Neesis after each menu item.)>============================================================The Apple MenuAbout... (Open-Apple-1)-----------------------=;Selecting About will show the version number of Paint, the :8name of the curren of the screen may be toggled on ?=and off with the Escape key. This makes it possible to work on the entire screen.?=A description of each of the menus and their respective menu 53items follows. (Shortcut keystrokes are listed in $parenth;and hold it down. To select a command from the menu, drag ;9the pointer down to the command and release the button. 75(Each menu item can also be accessed with a keyboard *shortcut. See the Appendix for a list.)>clicking and dragging, press the button on top of the mouse. Keyboard<:The keyboard can be awkward for drawing things other than ><3. Drag (press the button and hold it down while moving the pointer)86Here is a short description of each input device with information on its use.Mouse?=The mouse is the easiest input device to use with Paint. To =;movemouse and keyboard. Both of these >?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ"(continuation of Paint Manual A)>============================================================The Tools Menu<:The Tools menu contains all the tools that can be used to =;draw on your picture. O=====|====|========================|===========================================8} u selected Quit.9(The Paint manual is continued in file Paint Manual B.) before quitting. Your options are Yes, No, and ?=Cancel. Choosing Yes will save the screen under the current @>filename and then quit. Choosing No will go ahead and quit. =;Choosing Cancel will return you to whatever you were doing before yoecting Quit allows you to leave Paint and start another ?=application. You will be asked if you really want to quit. 86If you haven't saved the current picture since making =;changes to it, you will be asked if you would like to save =;the screen clipboard or load a picture from the <:clipboard. This feature is especially handy when used in ><(Control-X). It gives you access to those extra characters =;by re-mapping the characters from ? through ~. The number 75on the far right end of the menu bar tells you which (characters will be used when yt are 4k or smaller in size.Extra Characters<:Most fonts for the Apple II have 128 characters or less. ?=Paint fonts (GS style fonts) can have up to 255 characters. 97Since AppleWorks has no way to let you enter up to 255 86distinct charactd of the line and the 97underscore cursor will move down one line, right below !the start of the previous line.75See Font under the Goodies menu for typing text with >============================================================The Edit Menu=;The Edit menu has the following commands: Undo, Cut, Copy, <:Paste, Clear, Invert, Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical. =;All of these commands have no effect unless the Marquee is ?=the currently selected tool, except Undo which maybe used at 2anytimebecomes black and black becomes 53white. Selecting Invert a second time will change 7everything back to its original state (as will Undo). Flip Horizontal (Open-Apple-H) ------------------------------<:The Flip Horizontal command creates a s is a handy way to erase a large section of the screen. 5Use Undo if you selected this command accidentally.Invert (Open-Apple-I)---------------------<:The Invert command changes all dots inside the Marquee to ;9their complement. White part of your picture that's ?=inside the Marquee, place the pointer inside the Marquee and +drag it to another place on your picture.Clear (Open-Apple-Y)--------------------;9The Clear command erases everything inside the Marquee. ?=Thicopies of one clipping in as many -different places on the screen as you want.Move----=;Another feature that's available when you use the Marquee, ;9although it's not in the list of commands under Edit, is ;9Move. To Move a copy of the area .to be pasted) to any position on the screen.><3. Click the button. The previously cut or copied clipping .will be placed on the screen inside the box.<:You can paste as many times as you like, which means that 97you can put multiple mmand puts back the part of your picture that ?=you Cut, or duplicates the part that you Copied. To paste a clipping into a new location:.1. Pull down the Edit menu and select Paste.?=2. Move the pointer (which is now a box the size of the . Drag the pointer diagonally across the area you want to copy.?=3. Pull down the Edit menu and select Copy. The part of the 6picture inside the Marquee will be copied to memory.Paste (Open-Apple-V)--------------------<:The Paste coe that's <:inside the Marquee, without removing it from the screen. =;The part that is copied is saved in memory so that you can <:paste a copy somewhere else on the screen. Here's how to copy:(1. Choose Marquee from the Tools menu.=;2: If you perform two (2) Cut commands in a row, the ;9clipping from the first one will be destroyed. Only the &most recently cut clipping is saved.Copy (Open-Apple-C)-------------------><3. Pull down the Edit menu and select Cut. The part of the 64picture inside the Marquee will be removetc.Cut (Open-Apple-X)------------------;9The Cut command cuts out the part of your picture that's ;9inside the Marquee. The part that is cut out is removed ;9from the screen but it's saved in memory so that you can 0paste it back if you use this command right =;away, because it only works on the very last thing you did :8(i.e. the most recent click or drag of the pointer that affected your drawing).?=For example, you can use Undo to undo fills, circles, lines, erasures, e. A description of each command follows.Undo (Open-Apple-Z)------------------->============================================================The Goodies Menu=;The Goodies menu contains commands that help you make fine >hted brush or press Escape to cancel.Patterns (Open-Apple-')----------------------->With ProDOS manual or the ProDOS Technical Reference Manual.&Open-Apple Shortcuts for menu items:&--------------is 15 'characters. Here are a few examples:1 Good names Bad names5 ------------- -------------0 PIC.LANDSCAPE NEW FILE1 TEST.FILE.22 3.STORIES-----------------?=When you save a file under ProDOS, the name you give it must ;9follow certain naming conventions. All names must start ><(proportionally-spaced Macintosh) f to move through the =;different brushes, then press Return to select the current $pattern or press Escape to cancel.Coordinates (Open-Apple-W)-------------------------->yy#9Ƿy-yyls88g9燛gg{7fϼǟo {^y}yly}^LJ3و3?׏`dfy@@ p0 0g`H$fh$f` k o pg  pg pg pg`a#f#fH 1gh c 1g`b`ca` gHgH`Ahljj;kk xaa wafg᥋ { $g e fk f { w ` H xhк ͿzfgӸf8(`h e`Ldx,Ϯ ff e(`N f0g0LeɈ"a:ef8f gfgLeɕ&aeffgf0gC/fg9Ɋae#ɋ!ae8 ffb fffCx,Ϯ ff e f0 , f 0,f0 f fNfgdmdi`-He-heH eccc mc)cGccccHccc dRcdSc Rc. d Rc dLc 1gaHa Bhha 1gLc dc dc dc8d dcd dc ccccc c c cccc0`Lc{d!'~6A!!I6<`|f|>fff>||``|fff| >ffff<080006f66f<f~~ff>ffffff>|ff|``~|<`> > l8ffff|fff<ff~~ff<~0 ~   0 n;***6??6ff>ff>fffff>~>~~>|vf|fff~fff<<`````f<f66f~f~~~fffffn~vffff>ff>6f> 0`>00000>>>66666666|f0 f`  ~6|   000 ~<<~~ >`0 ``f<x >ff<~`0 > 0`0  """""""""""""$'/4=EFILQVX]_djmsy  &,17=CMSY_bgjowz 7&00 tiI ti$tŒŖoaaHah w }wLg {Lx| oa%d!` p'ʽp&&ȱ&ȱ& Oz ,| oLh - hߢi i @oe haLga L L`ac' yPlease insert thi  yTimeOut applications diski/|d/ z`Li yTimeOut Paint v2.i y(C) 1988-90 by M. Simonsei  yand Beagle Bros, Inci yPicture: zi  yFont: f| z`L&LÅ Da`LL8ndjSjTj>6wwwA]Uj6wwwwc{E_-Pfp^ntz$yMt 8tdtiI ti$t & & &8庰`aʆLwo t&Rs'~ |ȩ |Ė` |`dQ Kp轊p轊pȱȱfgtiI ti$t @>>>>>c]>>>]coW;]ntx?_ow{}~6>  !!!!!!!"""""""#######$$$$$$$%:>#'+/37;?#'+/37;?((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP | @@@x@@@p`@? $(,048< $(,048"&*.26:>#'+/37;?#'+/37;? $(,048< $(,048"&*.26:>#'+/37;?#'+/37;? $(,048< $(,048"&*.268 "B*Vp $DT,`(H(X@0PP0`      ` @@@@@@ @ @rrss!s/s=s~ndo `Z Cut `X Copy `C Paste `VClearInvert Flip Horz Flip VertGoodies Grid `G FatBits `F Brush ShapePatterns CoordinatesFontTools BoxCirclePencilLineMarqueePaintTextFillEraserqr'rKrorrr !A+0p0p3{3{0pҀ{0p{{݁0p D`LLLLǻ°Ԭ!"#$%&'12345678ACDEFQRSTUVWXY dpppGqq@ About...File  New `N Open `O Save `S Save As...Revert Clipboard Quit `QEdit  U zp z` Ll #o,U ,TdLx <=> ?<>=?` So,U #,TdLqx <=> ?><=?` tiIu`ti$u`tu`c% 8c t&Rs' v& | ` )3=GQ[e3{3{3{3{KI3{3{)~0p3{3{.M3{3{JJJ`d.` p'ʽp&&ȱ&ȱ& Oz OzhhLl,~p(d$$z0 t&Rs'. |5 o`,~pd$z0.,5p1p2p2p5p6p nLn n, z0pppp'ppp:H0ppp:pphLnѭp zp ކ$z`az @o ɍ7ɉ1ɛ0ɍ=! e f0eje f {Lj i𰫩,,e`  |d!` p'ʽp&&ȱ&ȱ& Oz xg xgaej pgpLpH pghLaH pgh$o0$$ jHjH`Lgj !Ӏ @oLŘřƐм`J`@, t&Rs)'O$P |LFx |xi֦$pd`  t&Rs'O } |xi۩ ©p z轊p轊pȱ zđ zƐ֩dLo zLOz` pʽpȱȱȱȱ Oz qz ȱȱ zƗi ᤒ`R$y t&Rs'w |$zt&Rs' w |,~p5t&Rs'v |9`,ci t&Rs' w |`h>8|~~~|8px|||xp`pxxxp`@`ppp`@@```@@?@?@?U_is}>>>8|||8pxxxp`ppp`@```@@@@łӂ$I(H$P$H  H@pp```````@?@?@?@?@?@?@?#+3;C<<<<xxxxpppp````@@@@Y[]_ace @uɁ@ @ @ @ +9qs }䷐``hgii DhLhDiiLgHJJah)]t&Rs' |Ə` 4J` KgׁG {1Ẁۀ~~~~~~~|||||||xxxxxxxpppppɦ†t&Rs) @' }  &ɐ(jǙ0Ēșvt*Rs+v8wprq%s!H ~hM'~%rM'~Lc |qsvH ~hM'~%vM'~ |Ő`Lꇦ top/kr toq)kst&*Rs') @+rpq%s }L݈ ~ |{}~|xp`@?T *T po$w)0t&Rs'0 |%ƾ P $w) |` to mnHmThL`hii DhLhDiiLg<t&Rs' | O`Mbw #,6@JT^h #t&Rs'H) S|*T|+hH)*h | 6`hhdH x hd qxLlH hХⅽ to 7 F P%0,|0 yCance` y O`5ic|i d| t&Rs'w5 |c| |d| t&Rs'5 | |c||L|t&Rs'5o |c|{L| OKLhh`ɴT a,|0e`fsll/莦l zl()5h`~" #}#}#&{&{&z'z'`<>>t&Rs' |<`h>>>>|||||xxxxxi*+qr5 t5 tt&Rs' |*i*+i qri rs 8""r""66";;OO; WL&t&Rs'*J |(jȩ }`0gOɠhhLUɈ 84'0ɕ i(#Ɋi((zpЭ{p|pL zp{p|p q#rwwݻwݻwNr?'wwwwww߿wwݾwq_kݾ}m3333|׻}D߿>UUUUժnDD_~۽~**$*$```iѥ & & &eeхaK|aJj8`UUUU3333""""""D"D"wwwwwwww"D"D X)%0   ` 厩`ҥ P Fҹ$w$% %``t&Rs'` })`ҹ$w0`) S|T|(()`Ј∹҈`Х噩ȥҙȥ♩Ȅ` FҤ0$w$%M%G04$ F F`Х卩ҍ⍫3 x 7 C $gɛL5 [ ɥ` } P XE%0EѤL|? 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