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And you've got your money back, too.% more knowledge, because it is the REAL treasure.%Oh, oh! We've used up all of our money! We'll have to stop for now. Come back another time and we'll try again.%%a.%e now, *@@@@@@@@?%Then off we go on our next adventure.%Thanks for the help, *@@@@@@@@. Don't forget what else we found besides treasure...%I'm Uncle Max, and I wanted you to have the treasure all the time.%So long, *@@@@@@@@@. Remember to keep hunting form.%There are seven pieces to the third map, and seven clues to help us find them.%We have all the pieces of the map, *@@@@@@@@. Let's hunt for the treasure.%Oh Boy! Now we have enough money to search for the next map.%Do you want to start our next adventur` ȱ LA(@(@ȱ)@)@Ȍ-@`rm`έsma` C (@/@-@-@(&/@)@` D #D C)@0@,@*@+@ (@/@&-@&-@/@0@` #D)@0@-@,@*@+@ (@/@-@Τ&-@/@,@0@@ FZ,,b M  ' M 7("(@(@ȱ)@)@Ȍ-@ (@/@-@-@&&/@)@`@(C(C(@(C)@.@ B(@/@.@&/@)@`.@$(@p)@ C V@`@ 0 @i&@  B$@%@!@"@ LA B :  B B B#@ : B B B$@%@ : 0 B0 B B&@ : B` ` ] ` W`'@ 0 B'@ B`@ 0 B@ B`p( 8 ( h@#*]%8 0 AЩ AL@ A#@@ A`ee` LA``d 0@@m@  B`  Bc 0  B`!@"@ jA !@"@` @@ LA@LQ@LACLCLCL5DLjDLmDȌ1@*  1@L@ @B@@%8 @@!@"@ wA*#@ ] %ߥ@ ZA@@ LA@@ jA%Ц8     70:CG$K$.12030:FL$"OLD"FL$"NEW"1680H$FL$"NOT FOUND"1630v@I$"PRESS SPACEBAR TO GO ON.":SN,5:8150BK$:K$" "1602D1420^I$"PRESS 1,2 OR 3":SN,6:8150hK$:K$"1"CG$"N":1560jK$"2"I$"PRESS CTRL-U FOR GAMES R,65:8680:T300:11720Z fZM0:EN0:ML0:J$"":I$"PRESS SPACEBAR TO GO ON.":SN,1:8082 SN,2:J$"TYPE IN YOUR FIRST NAME.":8186:NM$(KI$,9)" ":SN,3:J$"TYPE IN YOUR LAST NAME.":8186:LN$(KI$,9):I$"PRESS Y FOR YES, N FOR NO.":SN,4:8150:117:PH,P4:YC60:XC727314 PN06:AN,PN:XH,(XC256):XL,XC256(XH):YP,YC:AP:::SN,4:BR,0:MR,30:8820:T50:11720 8D$;"BLOAD INTRO1.TXT,A";NL:T3N1:T4N2:8920:P3N1:P4N2:EN11382 H9100:49234,0:SN,16:BR,0:MR,60:8680:SN,17:M :T100:11720::49234,0:SN,1:BR,0:MR,25:8820:SN,2:BR,0:MR,35:8662:232,F3:233,F4:SH4:3:XT8:YT71:10000:5:XT96:10000 SH5:3:XT184:10000:T14:10100:T::49234,0:SN,3:BR,0:MR,25:8820::D$;"BLOAD PLANE.ANMGRF,A";NL:PL,P3FFTB18:VARTB21:SNVAR:MRVAR1:BRVAR2q JCWVAR3:CHVAR4:ANVAR5:TRVAR6::I12:J15:MA$(I,J):: EN0:::49234,0::D$;"BLOAD GROLIER.ANMGRF,A";NL:PL,P3:PH,P4:I15:LB%(I),YB%(I):AN,I1:XL,LB%(I):XH,0:YP,YB%(I):AP:T1400::F1N1:F2N2:8920:D$;"BLOAD ]LARGE FONT,A";NL:F3N1:F4N2:8920:D$;"BLOAD STANDARD.TXT,A";NL:T1N1:T2N2 D$;"BLOAD MAX,A$4000":8920:D$;"BLOAD MR LIGHT.PAK,A";NL:P1N1:P2N2:8920:P3N1:P4N2:TB16384:UNTB3:PATB6+ CLTB9:APTB12:FRTB15:2 214000<D$(4):DL$(8):RT$(13):SP$" ":RW0:NB0:HC0:DD0:MB0:XL224:XH225:YP226:PL250:PH251:PY60:X(6):Y(6):D(6):B$(6):R$(30)k HLB%(7):HB%(7):YB%(7):MA$(2,5):D$;"BLOAD CORNER.SHAPE,A$0800":8920:D$;"BLOAD ]SMALL FONT,A";NL          ĈЄĈ(Ĉ*ĈbˆĈ+Ĉ,ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈʈĈ* Ĉ*ȁ@ĈĈĈĈƈĈĈĈݸĈĈĈċÐ䋑ˆԊĈĈˆȐ@"ⅈĈȑ İ" İЄE܃ሐĈT܃ A(Ĉ@  DĈ@ UHĈ@"DĈ@ĸAĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ Q(@"ĈĈĈ  QĈ(A"Ĉ(䋐Ĉ ( Ĉ(Q*؈ň T*ĈĈU*ƈ T ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ ĈĈ(ĈĈĈĈ(Ĉ(ĈĈĈ Ĉ`eUĈĈ      1]2) 2]3) 3]4) 4%The entry on Glenn has his picture as well as the information you need.%You must be counting wrong.%You counted correctly, so you can count on an extra $100.%Juan Ponce de Leon,]if you want to know the truth,]found Florida instead of ]the didn't come from that continent.%That's correct. The extra money is yours.%As an American "first,"]this man won great fame.]Astronaut, senator,]John Glenn is his name.%Glenn was the first American to orbit the earth. How many people were ahead of him?]]1) years ago!)]folks came to North America]across a land of ice and snow.%Where did North America's first people come from?]]1) Asia]2) Australia]3) Europe]4) Antarctica%Look up North America's first explorers under the continent's entry.%The first Americans aqualung in tow.%What is aqualung equipment commonly called today?%Read about Cousteau or Undersea Exploration to find the modern name.%That's not the aqualung's common modern name.%You're right. The extra money is yours.%In prehistoric times](That's MANY of Vespucci made famous by a map maker?%His entry tells of the honor a map maker paid him.%Sorry, *@@@@@@@@@. That's not his famous name.%That's right! The extra money is yours.%A Frenchman named Cousteau]found a way to go]on underwater adventures]with an@(Looks like you're low on cash.%You can earn more by finding the answer to this riddle.% %Here is $100 for you!%Vespucci is his last name.]His first is known quite well]by North and South Americans.]Just ask them and they'll tell.%What is the first nameĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ݈ᢄĈ܈ĈіĈĈ؅ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ̐ĈĈĈāĈĈĈăĈĈĈܸĈĈĈߋĈĈԟĈUƈĈ$AU@ĈĈĈ䏑ĈĈĈĈ݈ĈĈĈ݈ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ(ĈĈ+!bBĈĈ+!,ĈĈĈĈĈ$ĈĈ)Ĉ,!%ĈĈ ĈĈĈĈ؈ĈĘĈĈĈ̈ĈĈĘĈĈĈĈĈăĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ,ĈĈĈĈĈĈňĈijĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈƈĈȟʈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ!Ĉ`svĈˆԊˆĈȐ(ĈĈ*ĈĈbĈĈ+     Magellan died.%That's right. You get your money back.%Between Europe and Asia]two mountain ranges stand.]Across them went explorers]to see a strange new land.%The Caucasus mountains make one border between Asia and Europe. Which mountains make the other?%Lk.%The brave Magellan]set out with his five ships]to sail around the world,]the most awesome and daring of trips!%After three years, one ship made it around the globe. How far did Magellan get?%Both his article and its map will help you.%This is not where ing's trip, ]I wouldn't go. Would you?%Alexander Laing rode his camel alone over 400 miles of what desert?%His trip to central Africa is told in the entry under his name.%That's not the desert he crossed.%The Sahara, of course. You've earned your money bacead about the first moonwalker in his own entry.%No! Someone may have stepped off with your money for good.%That's a step in the right direction. You get your money back.%For an adventure to end adventures!]Try a trip to Timbuktu.]But if the trip's like Laney back. Pizarro got some of his own medicine.%On a famous July evening,](somewhere it was noon),]look, up in the sky!]There was a man on the moon!%In July of what year did Neil Armstrong take his giant step for mankind?]]1) 1963]2) 1969]3) 1972]4) 1975%Rs and gold,]and killed men who were bold.]Enemies? He had quite a few.%Pizarro died of--]]1) old age]2) tropical fever]3) assassination]4) battle wounds%Read about Pizarro (and see his picture) in his own entry.%No, that is not how he died.%You get your mo@There's money missing from your bank.%Answer this riddle correctly and you'll get it back.%Sorry you didn't get your money back. Maybe you will be lucky later%Here's your money back!%Pizarro, that nasty fellow,]he conquered rich Peru.]He stole treasure @ DU"P (U  D( P * DE A  T PT  AU@ E ET P* T A @""@ D "@D "@Q" AQT"D @(PЂ(P EQ (E   EU" *E U Ԋ(A( " (E***D*"QE"*"(Q" T Q =Ĉ(" `C'T*)-؅ E*< 5 U* EQ ( * Q""D Q"(U UĈĈň@ĈQň"Ĉ,"T*!ĈP@ D*ĈĈĈĈĈވĈĈ󅈁`OĈĈĈĈĈĈ     7th and last piece of the map!%h people sailed the KON TIKI across the Pacific Ocean?]]1) two]2) four]3) six]4) eight%Under an entry of his own, read about the man who followed Tupac's legend.%Look again, and count carefully.%You did it, *@@@@@@@@@. Six on the KON TIKI means we have our %Tupac did not rule these "New World" people.%Yes, Inca legend kept his story alive. Off I go to their land to get our clue.%Despite all the doubters,]Thor built his balsa raft.]Folks said he couldn't cross the ocean,]but he's the one who laughed.%How many@Across the Pacific and back, on a raft! Tupac Yupanqui became a legend of his people. We need to know who they were to get our next clue.%Who were Tupac's people?]]1) Aztecs ]2) Mayans]3) Caribs]4) Incas%His entry appears under the first of his names.    "TP D" T* E*p`p? »@g3 UЪ3 T? ( Ɋ@Q" Ĉ A  "Ĉ*E"Q" T"Q***Q""Q@"U"t_To go from Europe to the Orient, explorers tried to sail across the top of North America. Uncle Max traced their route to hide his next clue.%To find out about where they went, what entry should we look up?]]1) NORTHWEST PASSAGE]2) NORTH POLE]3) NEW WO     (E  Њ D*@D PA  A"PD(  T" Q"@D P" P  "U  *(D"*U "(T "D"@ @Q"A("T *@(P (U D  D*EA"*UDD( "((DPժ(*D (U A @"T  U @ " D*P  T"@"E* E @D T"(T   @( *(U DP* D"(DQA@"U D"P(@*E *"Q(T*(D @*Q("D" "@=|  pAQ@%""D(U @Q*T **(*A" T"EQP*P"P T( QA" D QT "Q*QT  D" D@Q @" D"D x (DD*PP D @ ET""AAE܁"P QQD D   T U @ T P(  E U P*U"P ( * PT"RCQQt"  @ D""DE"Ђ܋TP"؋A "B P@ D"P( R(D" E@ T@*"(U x @*U ~Q@*UBT U~D`M rPTQT* P EA T( ( AU(A"T UD("A@A*T(UpaD(  @P"E(E  MX:11580:T150::::MX1:SN,12:BR,0:MR,30:8820:11650:SN,17:8618936:MR,5:CL:8040:SN,18:BR,1:MR,55:TR,1:8680:8750:11650::10:15:"YOU MAY NOW":12:9:"REMOVE THE DISK SAFELY":14:7:"OR PRESS RETURN TO RELOAD.";:49168,0:80829000:PQQC5012=MR,20:CL:8040:AV33950SN,13:8090:I$"PRESS Y FOR YES, N FOR NO.":MR,15:CL:SN,14:8170:11770:K$"N"40402MR,15:CL:SN,15:8090:AVAV1:PQ1:AV$:2102JnSN,16:8090:AN,0:11570:I17:MX01:AN,rget again, *@@@@@@@@@. We now have five pieces of the map.% re in America is there a stone tower that might have been built by the Vikings?]]1) Rhode Island]2) Nova Scotia]3) Maine]4) New Jersey%You'll have to go to the entry on Vinland itself.%We'll have to look elsewhere for the Vikings' tower.%You're right on tagests you go exploring in another entry.%That's not their boat.%Of course, Vikings (called Norsemen) had beautiful boats called knarrs.%Columbus wasn't first ]to sail to American lands.]The Vikings called it Vinland]when they beached on American sands.%Whe@8The voyages of Eric the Red and Leif Ericsson inspired Uncle Max to hide his next clue in the type of boat these two explorers used. But I need to know what boat to seek.%What is the name of the type of boat Eric and Ericsson used?%Ericsson's entry sug    TP" TQ@ DP * PPE" ET""@ U EA"ED(A  U* T T*TP T@*(Ђ@@ @"PT*@" DU***DQ T @"(Q "@" Q* Q(E  *(U(*D E*T D "D U"(A DA* E(U*T*  *ET*P"*U"P*A*A*U@* D*(@(@T"P E DEDE""D(T  Q(D*AQ( Q (D "  * (AA"E D@*P* "P *@*D* "*(T*Q*PQ"A(Q"T* * T*D(T"UE*Ĉ*Q"AE*ĈDE(T *((@( T *(U*"*(E Q*"U*D"T*@T( U* @" DT P" @ T*P Ĉ Q D"D"ĈĈP"@( @Ĉ "("A*("""@ (QĈ@@**E"TQ**@U* * `}VĈ*PĈĈ@ ĈĈ*E*Ĉ@(E ĈA*EĈ T  @*P"Ĉ"E(DD"Ĉ   662:M10:M2MN101:3:8380:I$"PRESS Y OR N.":8750:* 9100:SN,13:MR,10:BR,0:8662:M10:M2MN101:3:8380:8290:T70:11720:Z 8290:b M1MN101:MNMN50:M2MN10:0:8380:MN0ġ::4200t  M1MN10:MN950MNMN50  M2MN10+936:MR,0:BR,1:TR,0:8680:11650:?ML1ĹMR,0:CLUML0İ9100:8040[kMB1ī8630u8126936:MR,0:BR,1:TR,0:8680:8750:I$"USE <-TO ERASE, PRESS RETURN WHEN DONE.":8150:11240:7 9100:SN,10:MR,10:BR,0:8260"8282:SN,SI2:8520:6260@SN,SI3:8618:TE26510UFQ0FQ1:6260k2SN,3:8618:6510HSN,SI4:8618:SN,4:8642:8330:8330:11650n12320:MB0:11820PQPQ1:2240hXL,0:XH,0:YP,20:PL,P1:PH,P2:UN:ML1:81262P$"EXTRA$$$.TXT"_8920:D$;"BLOAD ";P$;",A";NL:T3N1:T4N2:SN,1:8642:TE1İ8282:828211650:MD0:SN,2:8618:SN,SI:8594:FQ0:A$MA$(TE,RN)tMB1:SN,SI1:11370:KA$"HINT"6330KA$"RIGHT"647264208220:11770:K$"N"6MN250ī5050$ENEN1:EN6EN19RNEN:TE2:5370KMN350ī6570RN(AV1PQ4)2(AV2PQ3)3(AV2PQ4)4(AV3PQ2)5(AV3PQ4):RN06570SI5(5(RN1)):NLP2256P1::D$;"BLOAD MAX.ANMGRF,A";NL:P3P1:P4P2:P$"THIEF.TXT":TEK$:K$RT$4096;11820:NLT4256T3:EN1::1336QhAV1PQ0:MN800kjAV1AVAV1:PQ4AVn12320:11820:11490:SN,19:J$"DO YOU WANT TO PLAY AGAIN?":I$"PRESS Y OR N.":8150:11770:K$"N"4040CG$"Y":ZM1::1560 TE1:MX0:nting his first voyage, how many times did he go to the New World?%That's not the number of his round-trip voyages.%Yes, he made four trips, and you've won us our fourth piece of the map.%ECuba's where our clue awaits us.%Columbus sailed the ocean waves.]He made a trip or two]or three or four ]or maybe more....]How many before he was through?%How many round-trip voyages did Columbus make to the New World?]]1) two]2) three]3) four]4) five%Cou@Uncle Max left the next clue for us on the island that Columbus thought was Japan. Where should I go to find our clue?%What was the island Columbus mistook for Japan?%It's farthest west on the map of his voyage.%Close, but no cigar.%Bueno, *@@@@@@@@@,   *@*P"@*Jظ@P  aĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ`ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ  ,20:BR,0:250,T3:251,T4:CH,11:CW,7:232,F1:233,F2:PA:11650:{!XL,192:XH,0:YP,0:AN,MX:PL,P3:PH,P4:AP:MD1:!9100:MR,15:BR,0:8680:11650:!MD1Č936:MR,5:CL!MD0İ9100:8584!!8602:MR,45:BR,1:TR,32:8680:1161:3:8380:6 0:232,F3:233,F4:SS1:M1M2SS1 CNM1M2SS:RW(CN10):313CN130RW,14412RW::MN$("___"(MN)" ",5):I15:777I,((MN$,I,1)):I:MR,10:CL:SN,5:MR,5:BR,0:8662:H!9100:MR,15:BR,0:8680:11650:Cz!9100:MRYou'll have to look in the entry that is about the newspaper man who was sent.%Good reading...BUT...wrong newspaper.%Good news! That earns us the next map piece.%o read.%What! Livingstone's lost?]Let our newspaper find him.]"Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"]If it isn't, I'm not far behind him.%What newspaper sent a journalist to find Livingstone?]]1) NEW YORK TIMES]2) WASHINGTON STAR]3) NEW YORK HERALD]4) LONDON TIMES%Victoria Falls%You'll find that the name of the falls falls under the discoverer's name in our book.%This is not the name of Africa's great waterfalls.%Right again! He named the falls Victoria, in honor of his queen. Off I go before the clue gets too wet t@A Scottish doctor and missionary named David Livingstone discovered Africa's gigantic falls in 1855. Our next clue is hidden there.%Where should we go to find the falls Livingstone found ?]]1) Niagara Falls]2) Elizabeth Falls]3) Prince Edward Falls]4)    ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈЪ ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈPĈ@ĈPĈ@ Ĉ*Ĉ@*ЊĈЂ(Ĉ*ĈĈĈ (ĈĈ (ĈĂĈ ĈĈ(Ĉ*Ĉ*܈݈ ċĈ(񂄋((񂄈 Ļ ĈĈĈĈĈĈ@( @***(  (((Ĉ**`d@ @@(@ @"U "("E* E*U UTPP*P*   2:HT:J$;:J$""%="I$""Ĺ49235,0NB"I$""I$"PRESS SPACEBAR TO GO ON."mL"HT(40(I$))2:HT1HT1V"23:HT:I$;:20:I$"":t"250,T1:251,T2:CH,18:CW,8:232,F3:233,F4:TB: "LS256(43635)(43634):LL256(43617)(43616):NLLSLL50:0!8602:MR,45:BR,1:TR,32:8680:8750:o!8602:MR,50:BR,1:TR,32:8680:M10:M2MN101:3:8380:!250,T1:251,T2:8690!250,T3:251,T4!CH,11:CW,7:232,F1:233,F2:TB:."936:J$""87653"HT(40(J$))2:HT1HT18"2%You're terrific, *@@@@@@@@@. You've guided us to another map piece.%pved their precious records,]and guided them all the way.%What does her Indian name mean in English ?]]1) Bird Woman]2) Little Squirrel]3) Fleet Footed]4) Little Flower%You will need to follow their guide to her own entry under S.%A good name, but not hers.ngton D.C.]4) St. Louis%Look up their round-trip expedition. The maps and text will give you the answer.%That was not their last stop in 1806.%St. Louis is right, and that's where I'm headed.%On the Lewis and Clark Expedition,]a woman saved the day.]She sa@AIn 1804 Lewis and Clark set out to explore the huge territory the US had just bought from France. Uncle Max left our next clue at their final destination.%Where did Lewis and Clark end their expedition in 1806 ?]]1) Great Falls]2) Fort Clatsop]3) WashiĈĈ܈ĈĈĈĈăĈĈăĈĈĈăĈĈĈĈĈⅈĈ܈Ĉ؈ĈĈ܈ĈĈĈ@ ċĈU TĸĈT(P ĸĈ@"ĈĈ"ĸĈ"Ĉⅈ ĈĈĈĈĈ񢄈ĈċĈU*U E D݃D @*ĈP*܈**܈ U(Q E U (U*Ń *ĸĈ((Uĸ*T EĈĈ*P*İ(P*UĈĈ P*U*(Ĉ܈*P* Ĉ@ U ċU UĈU U U UĈP*U`jĈP (UĈ@*(T@(A Ĉ* P**P**     "K$(27)9034&!L#K$(27)ġ:4040,!N#`!h#XT170:YT70:9076:10500:AV3āT14:10100:f!n#!t#AV1ĹSN,7:SH4:HC3!v#AV2ĹSN,8:SH4:HC5!x#AV3ĹSN,9:SH5:HC3!z#!#936::ML0:MD0:"#:D$;"BLOAD AIRPORT.PAK,A";NL:XL,0:XH,:N2(NL256):N1NL256N2: (#9100:49234,0:I1PQ:XL,LB%(I):XH,HB%(I):YP,YB%(I)::D$;"BLOAD MAP";AV;I;".PAK,A";NL:PL,P3:PH,P4:UN::PQQCİ10790:9064 F#T60:11720:I$"PRESS SPACE BAR TO GO ON.":J$"PRESS ESC TO QUIT.":8750!J#K$:K$" rst cosmonaut when he died?]]1) 34]2) 41]3) 48]4) 52%It's simple arithmetic! But you will have to look up the entry on the captain of the VOSTOK I.%Unfortunately, he didn't live that long.%Your arithmetic is right and earns us the first piece of our map.%tok under the general name.%This topic is too specific to tell us all we need.%You're right again, *@@@@@@@@@. I'll look for the clue in that entry.%He was first in space,]in 1961, the best.]But often the real thing]is easier than a test.%How old was the fi@We'll have to explore space to find Uncle Max's next clue.%From telescopes to space stations--where should we look for the history of this subject?]]1) SATELLITES]2) ROCKETS]3) GLENN, JOHN]4) SPACE EXPLORATION%To get an article on a general subject, lo UTE T P(P P * P @***(@*@   U(UP@@"@"**(P@P @ *@*U(T*(((T (* U @*@  @*" (* * (   U UTU P D**T (ԂT"T @*(*@*Ԫ(@*܋P ЂP@@@*(@*((*  U * U (@*U*@**(( @*U( T P T*E P@(E*T *U *U*Ђ((E *UD U T(U*P*@*"E(Ш`#PDTU  U*U*U U"TT*Q*P*U**U((U     :PL,P3:PH,P4:9100:49234,0:UN:9076:BR,0:MR,25:8820:XT170:YT102:HC:10000o$&AV1AV2T100:11720$&AV3āT14:10100:T$&$'1:0:RW611:YYTRW12:XSXT36(RW6):CN1RW:XXS12(CN12):SHX,Y:CN:RW:P%t'RW611:YYTY60:XC727314:PN06:AN,PN:XH,(XC256):XL,XC256(XH):YP,10:AP:XH,0:XL,100:YP,PY:AN,7(PY65)(PY75):XC100(PN1PN3PN5)PYPY1:AP#$:#$11522:S$&:D$;"BLOAD SCROLL MAP.PAK,A";NL:P3(43634):P4(43635):XL,0:XH,0:YP,500:YP,0:PL,P3:PH,P4::49234,0:UN:NLT4256T3::D$;"BLOAD PLANE.ANMGRF,A";NL:SN,11:MR,40:BR,1:TR,48:8662:PL,T3:PH,T4"$YC130:XC727314:PN06:AN,PN:XH,(XC256):XL,XC256(XH):YCYC(XC140):YP,YC:AP:::PQ19410#^$:49234,0:P the happy end of our search for Uncle Max's gold map.%t Hudson's crew commit?]]1) piracy]2) mutiny]3) cheating on taxes]4) killing seals%Their action put an end to Hudson's discoveries.%No, that wasn't the crime of Hudson's desperate crew.%That's right, *@@@@@@@@@. What a terrible end for Hudson! But we are atf Capt. Hudson's entry.%I'm afraid we won't find Hudson's huge bay here.%You've found Hudson Bay. Back I go to Canada for our next clue.%The hard life of sailors]can make them so mad.]They all ganged up together ]and did something bad.%What crime did Henry@3The Hudson River was only one of the great waterways discovered by Henry Hudson. Our next clue is at the other.%Where is the huge body of water that Hudson found in 1610?]]1) United States]2) Russia]3) Canada]4) South America%Read right on to the end o*  TU TP T*P @*@*** *@* @U*T@*T*PP*P @"@ @"""**(( U UUT@P@((P( ((U  Q * **(P( P(U(@U*((U  Q P  U*(P* TPQA (*P *P*@ (" ** A((Q T P"D@*`9i *@**"E( (T"@**(E܋U"ЂE"**(     z #ؠ!Šˠ"îˠ ԳԠ ԳԠ ԳԠ ԳԠƮԠ Ԡ ȮӠ4 ԲԠ!ԲԠ"ԲԠԲԠԳԠԳԠ ԳԠ ĮԠ ԱԠԱԠ ԱԠ ԱԠ ԲԠԲԠ ؠҮƠ  Ԯˠ ŠԠ ԱԠ ϱԠϲԠ гˠ гˠ гˠ гˠ гˠгˠ гˠ ҮŠ!вˠ "вˠ вˠвˠ вˠ вˠ  бˠбˠ ҠӠбˠŮƠŮƠŮˠ Ϡ̠Ԡ ̠ЮˠخƠ ҠԮˠбˠ бˠJ K M TO MOVE TOWARD TREASURE.":8750=)*(49152)12810950|)*K$((49152)128):49168,0:K(K$):K96K123K$(K32))*K$"I"YC18SS2:11100)*K$"M"YC160SS2:11100)*K$"K"XC237SS2:11000)*K$"J"XC13SS2:11000**TTI)Y(I)D(I):HC:SHX(I),Y(I):NBY(I)25YM:D(I)(10(15(1)))(NB)NB(YMY(I)):DDDDD(I)::DD010630v():%)&*D$;"BLOAD PEOPLE.ANMGRF,A";NL:PL,P3:PH,P4:X,YC,XE,YE:T0:XCX:AN,(XXC)2:XH,(XC256):XL,XC256(XH):YP,YC:FF:I$"PRESS I XC,YCXE,YE'('):49234,0:SN,15AV:BR,0:MR,70:8662:0:1:232,F3:233,F4:RW611:XSXT24(RW6):YMYT12RW:HC:I1RW:X(I)XSI12'T)Y(I)25(15(1)):D(I)10(15(1)):SHX(I),Y(I):')DD0:I1RW:D(I)0Ē0:SHX(I),Y(I)n()Y(:8380&"(FU110330Z&2(A1ARSF:FUFU0.25:A2FU6.2381.571:10360:8290:FU110290l&Z(T50:11720:&x(XC213:YC91:RX39:RY36:SF0.1:A1A2SF0.1 '(ARA1A2SF:XEXCRX(AR):YEYCRY(AR):3:XC,YCXE,YE:T130::0:XC,YCXE,YE:AR:3:RW12:XSXT36(RW6):CN1RW:XXS12(CN12):HC1(6(1)):HC:6X,Y:CN:RWV%'&':D$;"BLOAD GAUGE.PAK,A";NL:XL,140:XH,0:YP,32:PL,P3:PH,P4:9100:49234,0:UN:A1FU6.2381.571:A2A1:10360:SN,15(FU1):BR,0:MR,70:8662:M10:M2MN101:3ܻݻݻP*лP*P*P*ЪժժժժժժU*U*U*U*U*U*U*U* U*U*U*U*U*U*U*UP*U*U*U*U*U*U*ܻݻݻлܻ߿лݿݿпл߻(лݻժ@Osq1sA@M33p3C@M33`1CЀժժժժժժժՀݻлժժժժժՀGsqaqq@Osssss@M3333CЀ@Mss3sCͻȿͻͻȻͻժժժĈĈТĈЈժժժͻͻͿԀԂŊŨĨ`j݋ݪػݪݻݪ݊     D$(4)::" [Treasure Hunter]"::" [Call]:[Warehouse Catsend]":" [716]/[681]/[7638]"::" [D] For Dox!"::" [Any Other Key to Play]"9103,1:104,98:25088,0:1012,0 :D$"MAX  -?7-m 5;7mm)>;.Mm5?7m -5?;?.-M)5?;?VIII? --???---->?.MI5;.MI5;.MI5;.m ->???w---??VIII 7 ---????.---->7mI)>7mI-???7--->;.M ?;?.-M-5?;?VIII --???---->75w--??wI)>mI)>???w---??VII----5????7----5-5??7-m -;.MI5;.---5????.MI5;.MI??7-m -5??III ?--5??7--;.>.>.>.??7--5??II5I)-->??.--757575mI5???w--?II m ?-5?7-7575757m 5???7---5???II 7-MI)5?;7-mI-??.-M-5?;?. -m5?7m)M5;7mI ??7-mI-5??IIIII-m -5??7-m>7mI)7---7mI)>7mI->????.---???III - ---???7---->7mI57mI57mI57m ->???7---???VII ---->???7---->757-->?757mI5????.---5????VIII---->???7---->757-->?757?7-5?III --???---->?.>.MI?7m -5;.mI5????---??VIII-m J:-II - - ? ? 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Pinzon sailed into the mouth of the Amazon River in the year 1500.%W 1500.%azon in 1500.% his mind.]The world's biggest river ]was my biggest find.%The captain of the NINA, who found the Amazon River was:]]1) La Salle]2) Orellana]3) Pinzon]4) Pizarro%Look for this information in the second paragraph of the article on the Amazon.%No, that i are usually listed last name first, places and things are listed first name first.%No, we won't find an entry on the Amazon River under that word.%You've got the idea, *@@@@@@@@@. We should look under AMAZON.%I sailed with Columbus ]who had a new world on@Our first clue comes from the world's largest river. The Amazon River contains more water than any other river in the world.%What word should we look for to find a clue about the Amazon river?]]1) SOUTH]2) AMERICA]3) AMAZON]4) RIVER%Although people`쁀끀ꁀ`تպ`պ`պ`Վ`Վ ~~ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ XĀĀĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĀĈĈĈĀĈĈĈĀĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈܘܘܘĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĀĈĈĈĀĈĈĈĀĈĈĈĀĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ̘   XĀĀĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ     -j,(A$)111424G-n,I$"PRESS 1,2,3 OR 4. PRESS 0 FOR A HINT.":8150d-t,K$:K$"0"KA$"HINT":}-~,K$A$KA$"RIGHT":-,K$"1"K$"2"K$"3"K$"4"KA$"WRONG":-,11380=.,J$"TYPE IN YOUR ANSWER. USE <-TO ERASE,":I$"0 FOR HINT. PRESS RETU11290;,,K$DL$(KI$)1KI$(KI$,(KI$)1):K$"":11290V,,K$RT$(KI$)011300a,,11245,,KI$KI$K$:24:10:KI$" ";:10:KI$;:(KI$)2011245,$,KU$"":I1(KI$):K$(KI$,I,1):K$SP$KU$KU$K$,,,:KI$(KU$,10):,L,GP$,A1$,A2$:YP,YC:FR::!++24:10:KI$""J++K$:KI$""K$"0"PQ0KI$"HINT":u++K(K$):K96K123K$(K32):K(K$)++K127K8:K$DL$++PQ0K21KI$"MORE":++(K64K91)(K47K58)(K$SP$(KI$)0)11290,+K$DL$(KI$)1KI$"":K$"":1:T50Ĺ49235,0:T0L**(XE14XC)(XE14XC)(YE14YC)(YE14YC)ıW**10890**49234,0:T0:I17:XXSS:XC14(X14):AN,(XXC)2:XH,(XC256):XL,XC256(XH):YP,YC:FR::+\+49234,0:T0:I17:YCYCSS:XH,(XC256):XL,XC256(XH): Intentional Educations, Inc.] all rights reserved%, Inc.]] Programmed by Byrd Kranish] with Ann Worden]] Written by ] Susan Christie Thomas and Ira Wood% with Bob Stickgold, George Sullivan,] and Peter Cook]] Artwork by Marjean Stear]] (c) Copyright 1984] se money to buy fuel for my plane. So we can search as long as our money lasts.%But there is one thing we need that only you can help me with, *@@@@@@@@@....%Do you have a copy of the book Explorers and Discovery with you?%Created by Intentional Educationse can earn each map piece by answering clues. But ... Uncle Max was a tricky fellow. He also hid the clues in all sorts of places.%But don't worry, *@@@@@@@@@. We can search for the clues because I have my trusty plane, lots of fuel and money too!%We can uUncle Max Riches has disappeared and no one knows where he is.%He has hidden the family's treasures ... silver, gold, and jewels .. in three places.%There is a map for each treasure, but Max tore each map into pieces. We have to earn them piece by piece.%Wifferently, so I can tell you apart.%I can't find your name in my list of players. You can:]]1) Begin at the start]2) Look at the list] of players]3) Quit%Welcome back, *@@@@@@@@@. Let's pick up where we left off.%Let's begin our adventure, *@@@@@@@@@. @;Hello! I sure am glad that you are here, because I need your help!%My name is Baron von Riches. What is your first name?%What is your last name?%Have you played before?%I guess I know someone else with the same name as yours. This time type your name d  ՀЪĪՂЊЪՊԢԪՊըԪժԪժժԪŪՂժժՂժժժՊժՊժՂժՀժժժՊݻݻ󁏀ݻ݈ĀňĀĈĈĈĈĈĈĈԪԊĈЊЂĈĨ` AĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈȟďܻ  s go after the family's first hidden treasure.%There are five pieces to the first map, and five clues to help us find them.%Let's search for the first clue. It is hidden in the book.%There are six pieces to the second map, and six clues to help us find them so excited, *@@@@@@@@@. Nothing can stop us now!%That is the secret face. No one knows who he is. He turns up when you least expect him.%Sometimes he will help us. Sometimes he will trick us. But we'll be okay, as long as we have our trusty book.%So let'@I'll wait here, *@@@@@@@@@, while you get it. If you can't get it now, come back another time.%You've got it! That's great, because every clue tells us only a little of what we need to know....%And the book Explorers and Discovery tells us the rest!%I'ժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժԪʪժժժժժժժժժժժЪҪՊȪժՊժժȪժՊժժժՊժժժՊժժʂժՊժҪժժՊժҪժԪժҪժҪժҪժʪժՒҪժժՒҪժʪՂժՔҪժժժՄҪժժժՂҪժժժժԪժժժժժԪժժժժժԪժժժՂժՂժՂժՂȪժՂȪժՂȪժՂȪժՂʪժՂҪժՂҪժՂԂҪժՂԪҪժՂժҪժՂժʂҪժՊժժʪժՊժժՄՔʂԪԪҪʪՔʂժժՄժժժժՄժժժժՄժժժժՄժժԪՄժҪҪՄժՔҪժʪժȪժȪժժʂՒՄՄժժժժՔժժժժʂժժժժժժժժժժժժЪժժժЪժժժԪժժժԪժժժԪժժժԪժժժԪժժժժժժժԪЪʂժժժժժժʂЪժժЪժժЪժժЪժժժժE"(" P(*A P*D(P*" *"@" Ѫ(E"D( @Q (A"@*  P  @ U@ * P  Ђ @"""*(" *U"* D"@ ~? "pW: |pD ժՊժժՂ P  D  A U*PP*U A *(("D("T*"T @"UP     0:MN800:FU1:FL$"NEW":RC0:EM$"EMPTY":I41N/D$:D$;"READ PLAYER NAMES,R";I:B$(1):B$(1)NM$ĄB$(2):B$(2)LN$RCI:122501v/B$(1)EM$RC0RCI1/I33II1:121101/CG$"Y"FL$"NOT FOUND":122701/12500:B$(1)NM$:B$(2)LN$:1234062/0-K0:49168,030-KK1:(49152)160KT11730B0-49168,0:e0-K$:K$"Y"K$(121)K$"Y":0.K$"N"K$(110)K$"N":0.117700,.NLP2256P1::D$;"BLOAD MR LIGHT.PAK,A";NL:8920:T4N2:T3N1:-1.D$:D$;"OPEN PLAYER NAMES,L36":AV1:PQPQ;".TXT,A";NL:8920:P4N2:P3N1:S/2-:D$;"BLOAD MAX.ANMGRF,A";NL:9100:49234,0/<-XL,105:XH,0:YP,20:PL,P3:PH,P4:AP:/-T0:49234,0:8750:49168,0/-TT1:(49152)160T3011660/-T30Ĺ49168,0:/-49235,0:K$:K$" "11680/-RN WHEN DONE.":8150:KA$"WRONG":11240:KI$"HINT"KA$KI$:t.,I1(KI$)(A$)1:(KI$,I,(A$))A$KA$"RIGHT"|.,:.,NLT4256T3::D$;"BLOAD INTRO2.TXT,A";NL:T3(43634):T4(43635):8920:P4N2:P3N1:"/-NLT4256T3::D$;"BLOAD QUEST";AV;tulations, *@@@@@@@@@, we have won the Gold Treasure!%Congratulations, *@@@@@@@@@, we have won the Jewel Treasure!%now where to get the clue! Let's go!%A FRIEND!%A wrong answer costs us $50.%Our fuel tank is full now. Later we will have to buy fuel.%We have to buy fuel to refill our tank for the trip.%Congratulations, *@@@@@@@@@, we have won the Silver Treasure!%Congra@o von Riches' Treasure% Silver Gold Jewels% Starring Baron von Riches%and YOU!%MONEY $#@@@@%OH YEAH?%von Riches' Silver Treasure%von Riches' Gold Treasure%von Riches' Jewel Treasure%A hint costs $50. Do you want one?%Now I kԪЪՂĈժժժժժժժժժժժժĈժժժժժժժժժժժժĈժժժժժʊժժժժժʢժժժժժʈժժժժժҢժժժժժԈԪժժժժՔҪժժժňժժժтժЪժժժժժʪԪժժժժժ҈ЪժժժժժʔȪժժժժժňժժժժժĈժժժժժĈժժժժĈՂժժժժĈժժժժժĈժժժժժժĈժժժժժժĈժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժՒժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժԪժժժժժժժԪժժժժժժժԪժժժժժժժЪժժժժժժժЪժժժժժժժЪժժժժժժժЪժժժժժժժՔЪժժժժժժժՄЪժժժժժժժЪժժժժժʪժ(("Dʂ @"ժ DժՂ"ժʊ@ժժ"ժժժժժժ҂ɪժՂ"ժժժժժժAժժժժժժժ"ժժժժժժժՄժժժժժժժՔ P@ D D"@ @@@  @ "D@ D"@ D@@ @(""@Ք M@@"DD     (RS):RR1:(UL0R16)(UL1R16)12930L6x2R1;:4:B$(1);:13:B$(2)62:D$:D$;"CLOSE PLAYER NAMES":(UL0R16)(UL1)ĺR;" NONE OF THESE"7222:7:"PRESS -> TO SEE MORE NAMES":23:2:"TYPE CORRECT NUMBER; THEN PRESS RETURN":11240:KI$"12690 51AM$:II1:I312680&51?52K$:(K$)2112800P529100::UL05 2::" ADVENTURES IN PROGRESS ON THIS DISK"::D$:D$;"OPEN PLAYER NAMES,L36":R1:RS433:D$:D$;"READ PLAYER NAMES,R";RS:J12:B$(J)::B$(1)"EMPTY"12930,6f2R$(R)1260041RC0RC(R$).41RC(R$)ī12540H4$1R$(J)R$:JJ1:12540n481I:RSJ:FL$"FINI"R$(RS)(RC)4V1FL$"FINI"R$(RS)"":RSRS14~1J1:I1:AM$"%"41JC1:D$:D$;"WRITE PLAYER NAMES,R";I41JRS1271051R$(J):JJ1:JCJC1:JC10(AV):B$(4)(PQ):B$(5)(MN):B$(6)(FU):I16:B$(I)::124303f0FL$"FINI":12500:BLK$"EMP":D$:D$;"WRITE PLAYER NAMES,R",RC;",B0":EM$:I15:BLK$:30D$:D$;"CLOSE PLAYER NAMES":30J1:I13:D$:D$;"READ PLAYER NAMES,R";I40R$:R$"%"J36:B$(J)::(B$(4))0CG$"N"FL$"FOUND":12270{2/FL$"OLD":12500:AV(B$(3)):PQ(B$(4)):MN(B$(5)):FU(B$(6))2/D$:D$;"CLOSE PLAYER NAMES":2 0D$:D$;"OPEN PLAYER NAMES,L36":AV3PQ7ī12390A340D$:D$;"WRITE PLAYER NAMES,R";RC:B$(3)ite about his amazing travels.%hng travels.%ite his famous book of travels?]]1) in China]2) at sea]3) in Zanzibar]4) in prison%Be sure to read the whole entry on this remarkable traveler.%He had two years of time to write, but not in this place.%Yes, two years as a prisoner of war gave him time to wre from the same city.%Marco Polo did not come from this city. We'll have to try again.%You're right. Let's go to Venice, the city of canals.%Too young to travel,]some might say,]but at 17, young Marco]roamed far, far away.%Where was Marco Polo when he wro@Our next clue is hidden in the home town of Marco Polo. I'll have to go there to find it. But I need your help.%What city did the adventurous Polo family come from?]]1) Venice]2) Vienna]3) Poland Springs]4) Rome%Marco, his father, and his uncle all camժԪժժԪժժԪժժԪժժԪժժԪժժԪժժҪժժҪժժҪժժҪժժҪժժҪժժʂժժժժЪժժҒՄҪժդՄҪժդԪժդժժդłժժդԄժժդՔժժՔժժժՔժժժՔժժժՔժժժՔժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժԪժժԪժՒժՔʨժՄժՄժժʪժҪժҪժҪժԪժժժժժժժժժժժժժȪժդȪժդՄҪժՐ@ՒժʪժԪժԪժԪժժժȪժժȪժժȪժժʪժժҪժժҪժժҪժժʂҪժժҪժժՒҪժժԪժժԪժʊժժՒ  `Պ@ԪՊ@ԪP Ԫ*ԪЊԪԪժ*ժȪD*ԪȪ"ԪʪT ԪԪPժժPʂժPժPժ@ժ@Ւժ    MORE"UL(R17)(UL):12810972K(KI$):K0KR12990P72KRCG$"N":156072RC(R$(K)):D$:D$;"OPEN PLAYER NAMES,L36":D$:D$;"READ PLAYER NAMES,R";RC:B$(1):NM$B$(1):B$(2):LN$B$(2):D$:D$;"CLOSE PLAYER NAMES":CG$"Y":156086ER(222):ER?%Above Cortez' picture, read about Montezuma's mistake.%That isn't who the Aztecs thought Cortez was.%Cortez' treatment of the Aztec emperor was certainly rude, but your answer earns us another map piece.%tpiece.%Yon't find our clue in that land.%Great, *@@@@@@@@@! Cortez found riches in Mexico, where we'll find a clue to the Von Riches' riches.%Cortez struck it lucky,]due to a mistake.]Too bad the Aztecs]didn't know he was a fake.%Who did Montezuma think Cortez was@Spanish conquistadors came to the "New World" to find silver and gold. Uncle Max has left us a clue in a land they conquered.%What land did Hernando Cortez conquer?]]1) Peru]2) Colombia]3) Panama]4) Mexico%Our book has two ways of spelling CORTEZ.%We w@ D@@ | H pE ?#@@@"DQ D @Â"DP @"D@"H @"H@p"0>"@ @  x`@" @< p@@@@ @B @ @ "D}~" D<pD@DH DD Q" @  D"@ @@"@@@P*Ă"@ @@@A @@@"@ A  nԂժժժժժP ՊD (@ (T* T*@ Ђ((Ђ @@(Ԃ     ΠĠŠՠϠΠ͠΍ŠԠŠӮ٠ǠӠ٠ՠ̠ҠӠƠŠӠԠ̠ĠՠϠŠΠӮΠՠĠŠ٬ŠŠōӠϠŮɽů ŠҠӠǠŠǠŮΠΠӬ̠έŠҬ̠ҠΠŠҍB",1,2,"N",1,4,"W",2,"ARAB","B",2,4,"N",1,"RIHL","W",3,2: 0,14,56,126 :B; "ADV3",3,7 : 0,0,9,0,0,0,0,0,77,35,0,44,77,0,112,161,0,63,126,0,8: "N",4,1,"W",4,1,"B",4,3,"W","CUBA",3: "B","KNARR",1,"W",1,"SOUTHPOLE": "W",4,3: 0,56,182,42 ;": "AMERIG","SCUB",1,2,4: 63,17,77,31,126,53,70,93,35,137: "ADV1",1,5 : 7,0,16,63,0,16,133,0,113,0,0,92,126,0,16 : "B",3,3,"N",1,4,"W",4,"GOD","B",2,1,"N",1,2: 0,70,168,84 H:; "ADV2",2,6: 7,0,0,147,0,6,147,0,86,84,0,62,0,0,45,0,0,91 : "255Ħ86ER414160;87J$"PLEASE DON'T DO THAT TO ME!"o87I$"NOW WE'LL HAVE TO START OVER.":8750:141108P7J$"I CAN'T USE A WRITE PROTECTED DISK.":I$"PLEASE FIX. THEN PRESS SPACEBAR.":87508n7K$:K$" "141909x7: 3,2,"SAHA","PHIL","URAL, this New Zealander conquered Mount Everest with his Nepalese guide. You've guided us to our map piece.% e.%h he top of Mount Everest with Tenzing?]]1) Sir Edmund Hillary]2) Sir William Parry]3) Sir Martin Frobisher]4) Sir Francis Drake%Don't forget; this historic feat occured in 1953.%This adventurous Englishman was not the one who reached the top of Everest.%Yesserves his own entry under his own last name.%No, it's higher than that mountain.%Good work, *@@@@@@@@@. Off I go to the "Top of the World."%Many had tried it]and all of them failed.]But in 1953, we made it]and by all we were hailed!%Who first climbed to t@mTo hide his next clue, Uncle Max got help from Tenzing Norkay, who took him to the top of the world's highest mountain. Where should I go?%The world's highest mountain is Mount...]]1) Etna]2) Everest]3) Fuji]4) Kilimanjaro%This famous Nepalese guide deЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍ͠ύĠʍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍЍЍЍЍЍٍŠŠōЍŠЍЍ    o^>^n pqs33ssq ?!$LLL LLL***~{}|||xq***"}~~} y|~|y~NfrfN>xss3xs3;<>}kwUUU ~gsssfUUU _____? x9KO9| /7xOgsy|~<^n~|A*** ;=9|*** ~~b^ AG OG+O?]L>~~\9UUU >???.1UUU"===3 `c g?_O?8ww8x7s?83'wx*** bffF&ff***"{ ?owpw?_O>A||L8|~~~>\cUUU ?cgf`gUUU"ҍՠӮŠϠˠҠӍþŠҠӠōʠԠϠĠȿҠŬӍϠŠĠŠĠӠϠō̠ӮՠΠӠϠōӠ٠ǠӠٮՠԠԠȠӠĠˠ̠ƠŠ̮ՠĠٍϠ٠Ҡ̬ǠӠĠʽԠ˽ԍͽ΍ϽԍԠӠŠҿΠΠӧŠؠĠōӭĬҬĠӮҠȠŠՠԠԍӠƠŠЮŠōӠϠl five pieces of Uncle Max's map.%nax's map.% ain Cook call these Pacific Islands?]]1) Hamburger ]2) Sandwich]3) Grinder]4) Bagel%The Hawaiians prefer their own name for these islands.%This may taste good, but was not COOK'S choice.%That's right. He called Hawaii the Sandwich Islands. You've got us al arrival.%Oh, no, we won't find Botany Bay here.%You've found Botany Bay. I'm off for Australia.%In 1778 he found some pretty islands,]and wanted to give them a name.]You may think he was hungry,]but he called them after an earl of fame.%What name did Capt@Uncle Max followed Captain Cook's 1770 route to Botany Bay. Can you tell me where I should go to track down the clue Max left us?%Where is Botany Bay ?]]1) Australia]2) Africa]3) Asia]4) Atlantic Ocean%A painting by E. Phillips Fox shows Captain Cook'sԪժ@ԪՂP Ԫ*ЊД@(*@h*@*rQ*@"E\a |~ ?Ca~|yselF9SVTrf^×?? |p` 3G+ www `{}|~%x|x|~|qgO?:|||<@xdL<||??'d x???C? ~`~|yrfmI0ְtea`L ~{jzjnjmuwz}?cy~~|||~w`^~`OO` `oool~xqscgg'gws{}~~|yktjM $ju*Q MJъʰͱ˳ǯ??@q|ssgd A~~~'O_5}?_?6?Ogsx~~xcO?@??@?Ogsy ooo~|xxp`@!CRFL];+#''/>>????~|qgOgsy~?~|y|~dfg x???8?_ogwscgG ~~|xrdE˰ҍɱťͅUUWWW___W__WWW___ _??xswvtqswC>>>`|rfN>~ ~~|xp`I'/U6?__ϟ__ {_WwwwW_.>~~{}>OI ~|yrflHƊڪ⢫;z;+/++kkk++/kjnjz{{{zzzj?G |LdL||{sss ~|xppb@Ð687?<***"<___< ~~cO A<|AA!~~u aNNnpzv._UUU"xwwwx ~G?=>??x|OH {sgO?? o!}}}3q try again.%Yes, IVAN IV was the ruler of Russia. Let's look at the gold map piece.%uzar opened up Siberia to the Russians?]]1) Nicholas III]2) Ivan IV]3) Boris V]4) Alexander IV%Look in Yermak's entry for the czar who made it possible for Russian groups to move into Siberia to live.%I'm afraid there was no czar with that name. We'd better at the back of our book.%He may have had that skill, but it wasn't his job.%Yes, he was a pirate. His land must be just right for hiding treasure maps.%The rulers of Russia ]were called the czars.]Said one, "Let's take Siberia.]It's in our stars."%Which c@PFor our first clue, we're off to Russia's cold Siberia, where a man named Yermak Timofeev led his fearless Cossacks.%What was Yermak's previous career?]]1) pirate]2) wild animal tamer ]3) stunt rider]4) magician%Though at the head of his Cossacks, he's FCGLX @@``0`0`  0  0p8@@`6`60f0f@@@@`0`0`0`0`q`q<~<[~@[8<lflfLC    <~?[@m@6<6fffcCCCGG000000xx||663300xxLLLL@@@@@@`@p`X p }[9``````p`xplxf l`ppXXL L Fg@@@@@``p0X @@````0` 00 0p8   t's true; Heyerdahl did not explore Iceland. Let's see that next map piece.% may have come to pray.%Which of these explorers did not explore Iceland?]]1) Vikings]2) Irish monks]3) Pytheas]4) Thor Heyerdahl%The entry on Iceland tells of people who probably DID explore Iceland.%No, we have to find out who did NOT explore Iceland.%Tha will find the names and dates of their colonies.%I'm afraid there's no clue for us there.%You've found it, and only about eleven centuries after the Vikings.%Way up in chilly waters ]brave sailors found their way.]Some sailed from southern climates.]Some @HUncle Max hid the next clue in an "icy" place that the Vikings colonized around 850. Where should we go to find the clue?%What "icy" place did the Vikings settle in the ninth century?]]1) Iceland ]2) Ireland]3) Antarctica]4) Greenland%Under VIKINGS you  ||(U*U*U*U U*U*U*UU*U*U*UT*U*U*@*U*U**U*U*P* <p| 8` 8( UU(UU U U U (U U*(UU**UT*@*T*P*P*T*P*U U*@*U*T*U**U*U*U*U* UU UU UU (UT (T (T**T**P*@*P*@*P*@*@*@*@** T (T (T (T (T ??(T ??(T  UU UU UU UU UU U UUT (T (T (T (T (T (T (T (T @(U*TJ?@(*UJ?(T (T (T (U (UU UU UU U U U UU UU UU UU UU(T (U (U T U (TU**PU *T@*T @*P(P*(P**P*@*T**T**T (U*U*T*U*U*U*U*U*U U*U*U*U(U*U*U*U *U*U*U*U*@*U*T*U*P*U U*P*U*T*T*T*P*UU*@*U U**U`; u`gfg`gfg``f``cfc`cf```gg`@cgP**U*U*@*     !QCgo7cs{!ss~?'?#i8l8l8l8j8j8j8j0brptpx||~78y}!NDLLLN&p]w]w]MwYq u]w]w~8~|lty!9)19#??:n;n;n;;n;Nn;n;np~b~Oyp\w\w]w]w]wXw]w]w]w]w~!gOg~pC_gx+xsqrssxy|9C*** |3;n;n;n;n@;n9h;c&l 3'o/L1xsgOgssg'syyyq ?_OOOMO!~>|v/pd]w]w]v]5]sEg]w]w]w]Mgmgusy|||y{csp~|}}~OLascM{|?_OOOM"||~|~*?7# . .;.;n;n;ep|~|{|xgOowx!$wUkTlTJJDDDD()DDĀ3s{}~?COGC~~~~|?_OoOGWW7豼̱;:n;n;BbnILIb6svc.(;n;.hqfow{|_np ?_Oogws{y}|~AAss~?| ~|}}fp|zzrq]w]w]w]w]pBqSgOO<=yxqvv!dG a/{xxyxyyy9Ya{`\\`>,4>?.s}n;n@ll`pz \[[;|@`wp|_`x7{9YaysggeIIL I~|yqdiJ *dHRdI'0fՄ〓́L~?aaI3go/O??? xww{|~ ys7O{}~~} ~~}~|81233~|yrteE cLf9YftPtBhGoGQt]vw]w\pt]qSG  |||| ws3FILES 1"$ :::D$"RUNGAMEH.BAS"H 20:20:"";:A$:A$"D"İ19999N [ N150:: N:D$"MON IO":D$"OPENDOX":D$"READDOX": %N20030 *N64879:20010 >N:D$"CLOSE" HN16386,0 RN(16384)12720050 \N255:5Dor your eyes."%Pedro disguised himself as ...%He wore the clothing of the Middle East.%No, that was not his "cover."%You have uncovered the right answer. I hope our map piece isn't in secret code!%df the family of Prince Henry the Navigator.%That isn't the king he served.%That's the king who hired this adventurer. And that means we're off to Portugal to get our clue.%As a secret agent, ]he put on his disguise]and sent back information]marked, "only f@"Find Covilha," Uncle Max whispered before he took off. But we need to find out the country for which this Covilha worked.%Pedro de Covilha worked for the...]]1) King of Prussia]2) King of Portugal]3) King of Spain]4) King of the Gypsies%His king was o $,,$--7?>>>656??6----%?7----5---.---%$$$$?6?<7?'<<>66.5>>.-,5.55--.-,-,%-%%%,566&#'<''?>7??>>>>?'$%%,-?6?<<?J ?>7?'<<>66.5>>.-,5.55--.-,-,%-%%%,%$$<$?<<7?>?'?L)%<-67777??  {`0/ . . : . . :/0`HH)hJJ hhhi .i .i nhi) @ih(`hh` !ut you've turned up another map piece for us.%eoliet's records?]]1) Bears attacked.]2) A storm soaked his pack.]3) A campfire burned his tent.]4) His canoe overturned.%Read about the accident Joliet had near Montreal.%No, he didn't lose his papers that way.%Joliet lost his papers in a canoe accident, bs born in 1645.%Joliet wasn't born in that province.%That's it, Quebec in New France. That's now Quebec, Canada, and that's where I'll go.%He traveled far and wide,]but at some cost.]Toward the end of his journey,]his papers were lost.%What mishap ruined J@*As a young man, Louis Joliet left his home to study in France. Uncle Max hid a clue in Joliet's home province.%What was Joliet's home province?]]1) Nova Scotia]2) Quebec]3) New Brunswick]4) Ontario%Look under Joliet to find the province where Joliet wa!!!!Ĉ* P**P*Ĉ*U (U*   @*ĈP*T ĈT "P P*@ *P (U@*(T@(A ĈĈ(Ĉ ĈĈĈ܈ (@ĈĈ @ Ń U@ ňU*ŸT@*܈ĈĈⅈĈĈĻĈܻňĈĈ(ĈĈ*ĈĈ Ĉ*ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĸ݈ĈݠĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ`/CЊ!! ! ! ! ! !!@ gsysgUUU???@_op***v~Nf sssS3sUUUdd&Gg ~LNO:}*** ?+++3ogG?_O+IHI I`ow[`_0UUU~|~?UUU ~~p~~~q xgOg~pC_gx+xsqrssxy|9C*** |3"    ted his reports and someone else wrote it all down.%That is not what Ibn Battuta's narrative is called.%Right again, *@@@@@@@@@. You're terrific.%ohis is not Ibn Battuta's place of birth.%You've got it! Let's get going to Tangiers.%In the mid-14th century]Ibn wrote a lot.]He described all his travels.]There's almost nothing he forgot.%What is the name of Ibn Battuta's account of his travels?%He dicta@To visit the birthplace of Ibn Battuta, the most well-traveled Muslim of the Middle Ages, where did Uncle Max go?%Where was Ibn Battuta born?]]1) Morocco]2) Pakistan]3) Arabia]4) Palestine%Ibn is not his first name, so he can be found under I, not B.%T"""ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈňĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ܋ĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈċĈĈĈ܈ĈĈĈňĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ܈ĈĈĈĈĈĈňĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈċĈĈĈĈĈĈċĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĸĈĈňĈĈĈĈ¢ňĈĈĸċĈĈĈĈċĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ݈ċĸĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈċĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈĈ؃ĈĈĈĈĸĈĈňĈ܈`uĈĈĈĈĈĈ"" " " " " """