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Main Menu o   ntroducing the Keyboard  eyboard Basics  uild Speed & Accuracy  pecial Exercises  yping Test Z=g ELNglay Type!-Athlon Z_g ELmgisplay Graphs   esults Menu  djust Settings  HelpO Zg ELguit  Z¢g ELg= Move  1st letter or Return = Select`LGj WStages of Touch Typing $Typing Learning Recommended #Level: Goal: Exercises: $Novice learn hand Introducing  position the Keyboard  Beginner type without  Keyboard  0-20 WPM  looking at Basics  keyboard  Interme-  type without  Build Speed %diate conscious And Accuracy  20-40 WPM   mental steps  Special Exer- cises %Advanced chaining, Common Words 40+ WPM  overlapping Frequent Patterns  Custom Tests $Press any key to return to Main Menu`LZk WSpecial Exercises Home Row Individual Fingers  QWERTY Row Numbers & Symbols  Bottom Row  Frequent Patterns  Left Hand  Common Words  Right Hand  Mirror Image  Punctuation Keyboard Drills  Go to Main Menu o`Lk  Start Test Weak Letter Drill "Change Test Recommended Exer. !Length of Test Edit Custom Test  Display Graphs Go to Main Menu`Ll $Continue Lessons Weak Letter Drill $Adjust Settings Recommended Exer. "Display Graphs Go to Main Menu  o`L2m W Results Menu  Save Results  Reset Results View Past Results Progress Report  Erase Results Go to Main Menu  o  o`LDm WHelp!`  .o o` Ln WCURRENT SESSION Errors  Wrong Col &%  wpm acc  Wrong Row &%  Overall Avg %  Transpose &% Test Avg % Dropping &%  Best Test % Mirror &%  Best Game % Shifting &%  PROGRESS TO DATE  Overall Test Best Best  Average Average Test Game  wpm acc  wpm acc  wpm acc ! wpm % acc` ` Lo -o -o 8 Z `KoKo | KoKo` ]o q` `o q`,q qNo ` `湠 0 * , pLpK!q pLpLo8Lo MoMoNoNo  p;L|o Lo i @i LoLo Lp`,q pp qpp0),!# d?Lp6 66 pLp ppˮpp `,qq`qqqW SGqNqvqqq;q ʬqq q Lqq qLqq q`EqHq phq?`?L;q;BIB &-4;G&$+729@4->E"0 ) --. --   -- ---Lqyrr r8r +r 2  Gr  ryrrr ` 0 *`e)re*r 0 -` +rH Grh`  Z ~`6s u 6sMLr6s?6s6s   Lr0:6s0s6s 6sЧ6s0s0s`JKs jsH tshp)ei``sJȌs`&ss&&msms` ss` s E` spqppqpqpq`ssst t/tttttt@tSthtytHOMEHome RowQWERTYQWERTY RowBOTTOMBottom RowLEFTLeft HandRIGHTRight HandINDEXIndex FingerMIDDLEMiddle FingerRINGRing FingerLITTLELittle FingerPUNCTPunctuationNUMBERSNumbers & SymbolsCOMMONCommon WordsCOMBOSFrequent PatternsMIRRORMirror Image Words Ou>6.)u( ZLLu u , `uu muumuuuu孧u歨u 0 -uuΨu`99`L99}9999`9H9h`88888666$~$~$>> >3 30 6 {3l88888"6">>>`p83;?73  ?30 ?30038<63?00?0333?3 333333>0 ~~ < <~b0>ck{;>33?3333333333333;33333?333? ?00003333?Cg[CCC337;3333333333333?>333303? 33333333333 CCC[gC33 33333 ?0 ?00>0>3>3333300>333>3?633>03333 00000333 g[CC33333333333>003>063333333 CC[g3 3333>0? ? ժwwwc  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~  "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx| (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @` @`@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@      !!""##$$%%&&''(())**++,,--..//00112233445566778899::;;<<==>>??  !!""##$$%%&&''(())**++,,--..//00112233445566778899::;;<<==>>??((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP@DHLPTX\@DHLPTX\AEIMQUY]AEIMQUY]BFJNRVZ^BFJNRVZ^CGKOSW[_CGKOSW[_@DHLPTX\@DHLPTX\AEIMQUY]AEIMQUY]BFJNRVZ^BFJNRVZ^CGKOSW[_CGKOSW[_@DHLPTX\@DHLPTX\AEIMQUY]AEIMQUY]BFJNRVZ^BFJNRVZ^CGKOSW[_CGKOSW[_p   !!!!!!!"""""""#######$$$$LULƊ @8Hh` .`id_`,` _ 8 KL BH % 7++,1"2#H ^h8 B  w2+  B    L(,H hL 'HH h h `i+8+#+8+|x#t%jf0a%.LI%L %Lى %%y"1 n` N B   ON YOUR MARK! :   GET SET! :  TYPE!  <  B '(% Q $` `L , 0)i@8``` 2pċ  ËI,0,Ë Ë)Ë o Rn LD,ËP Ë)Ë z Rn Q l 'H8 )Iim0    88h ƍ2ċp`2hhhhhh,H !`  :h] % Ĵ䵐 ?% YOU WON! < B ^ ^ B% EL` `,00LP m )+,0^ %  %m"1 /%8 oL %%,% o`,00h 8  ,,0< &m#2 "&8  oL & o`l lm @'H8 n  mn8fe ?gmeghmfhijhlm ` `kijgh 0 k`  `  ` +8V %Lꎭ 6/  %! ^%+ o`LNW + 1qHiЍ&i %h}-W %q}; ސ, ``8 ,8 1r+ %@AB ` ސre@XJאiЍieAАBk~ꍎrsqttiGޅH,יvЈuGYuGtsiGޅH s -`stm mL`יvЈuGYu)QGGtGEu)QGG`GYuG`?~|xp`@ CEDF ȱEE` "((((( .)wVddQqa{wwx|yTz,{{|wwx|yTztwbGbTz}h~h~|yLb68<~|@w@g`o`G C(((}8<<<88y@y@@`pxxx0@`px\ \ Hm`{  1 yhpx6888s @s @`"A U"B *ըõߏ0(*"B Uӯ"M *Ь̀"M U𨨬PPX}ϏϏϏ "M *վ"M U뾟"M *Ɔ"M Uđ"M *𨨬󠀀"M Uߝ"M *ժ袀" ? Uǂကđ" ? *ՎՕǏee5" ? UĀ" ? *Հ#!!" ? UΎđ" A *x|>" A UTTTĀ" A *Հ " A Uڎđ" A *Ύ" A ULJ5Ā" A *ՅÃ̀" A U۳đ" A *Հs[" A U,,8𭅅Ā" ? *Վ" ? U>ÀՕ" ? *ՀXXPֻɀ" ? U𠀀ה΄Ձ" ? *ն뾜" ? Uダ؀ " ? *Ⲳ" ? UTTTTTV" ? *՞υ" ? U퇀ۃÁ" ? *𩩬Ā" ? U}" ? *0 > s @s @`wx@pp@ppp@pppppp`?px`?px`?px`?px~@p|~@p||Ap||Ap|xq~xq~pq~pq~`~s`~s@~s@~s?~?~@@@p@p@|@|```o``?`@@@||p?pppp|?x~~~x`~~x~~x~~|~|~|~|~x~C@x~C@x~C`x~C`p~c?pp~c?pp~c?xp~c?x`?~s|`?~s|`?~s~`?~s~`?`?x`?~@~@x@p?``?`@a?@q?w??|?p?p@@~~xx`|pppp|" ? UĀ"7 #x | B  Start Game  Change Text  Raise Speed Display Graphs  Lower Speed Go to Main Menu  Goal YouwL<SwwwRwwwLwwwCwwxDwwwwww` x  Lw x  |Lw8`i8d_` B5 Zx  Hxyxexx8*xJ ex E`Type!-Athlon B | Keyboard Basics Build Speed & Acc. Special Exercises Recommended Exer.  Go back to Game MenuyL<KHyy z SyyyHz ByHyz Ryyy!z Recommended : yyw ~}Lx Gz KGz B #xLw B Home Row  Bottom Row  QWERTY Row  Right Hand  Left Hand Go to Next MenuzL<HzzzBzzzQzzzRzz{Lzz{zz/{2.*&"     Lz B  Index Finger  Middle Finger  Ring Finger  Little Finger  Common Words Go to Next Menu{L<I{{{M{{ {R{{{L{{{C{{ {{{{ B Freq. Patterns  Mirror Image Numbers & Symbols  Punctuation  Go to Next MenuZ|L<Fd||${Mn|Z|({Nx|d|{P|n|{ Z|x|x 9` B`L| Hpqpy`8Z L|    J    @}  @}8}}JJ8}}8 S} T} ` 'HH h h `$)$ !)$" $"~ B &Return = start < > to change letter ]  \  ASDLFGKJHEIRUTYQWOPNMVBCZX G~  0 8`Ώ~~ G~L}~~魏~,7 B7`~ B~H ,~hiH  m~ Z^ h `ÀՕ" ? *ՀXXPֻɀ"`x  X / +JJJJ U PP=' \P뭁IL   28jL@@^p``@+ `  / X`+&@A '=JlLJJK LLƠl`B@ ,P,R,U,W`,`L'yȱ`c wLyw  Lyw wLvww-w'w   ZLyww ΠwLyw Lww`ww` Πwd w`P8Hh`,y ww mwbxȱcxȱbxcxwVHbHJ dxbx;bx {xyww bx {xw LEx bx {xw hhyw` xwIw`| wIw wI w` Zcx ` w* ,M w  w*M wȭ w* ڥi`48 i朥C)P@)i(x8xЖ``` B` B` B`6wwbxcxwbx Zcx w w yJɑ`ww w  w y @zi w  www0 www wLy, Lqy)H w whwъ& ywIw @zimw w  wLyw @z$z wL%z yLym$zLbyw Pz mPzi`Touch typing is a skill you can master in a short time if you: - Learn the basics - Work at not looking at your fingers - Practice Press the Space Bar (or ESC to exit)The Space Bar is the bar nearest youPress the long bar near you First, check your posture. - Sit up straight, feet on floor - Hands open, palms down, over keyboard - Elbows comfortably close to body Use your thumb to press the Space BarPress Space Bar with your thumbHands open, palms down, press Space Good. Now: - Curve your fingers down - Rest your fingertips lightly on the Home Row keys: ASDF JKL; - Palms parallel to the keyboard Use your thumb to press the Space BarPress Space Bar with your thumbHands open, palms down, press Space The Home row is the "base" for typing. - When you are not using a finger, keep it on its Home Row base. - Look at the keyboard on the screen, not at your fingers. Type j with your right index fingerThe j is the key highlighted aboveMake sure your Caps Lock key is upj fNYou are ready to type a simple word. LEFT a s d f HAND little ring middle index --- Type f with your left index fingerThe f is the key highlighted aboveHome Row, left hand, index finger = f HAND little ring middle index f-- Type a with your left little fingerThe a is the key highlighted aboveHome Row, left hand, little finger = a HAND little ring middle index fa- Type d with your left middle fingerThe d is the key highlighted aboveHome Row, left hand, middle finger = d Good! Remember: Work at not looking at your fingers. HAND little ring middle index fad Use your thumb to press the Space BarPress Space Bar with your thumbPress Space Bar at bottom of keyboardfad ON9THJTry a word with a right hand letter. RIGHT j k l ; HAND index middle ring little --- Type a with your left little fingerThe a is the key highlighted above Home Row, left hand, little finger = a HAND index middle ring little a-- Type l with your right ring fingerThe l is the key highlighted aboveHome Row, right hand, ring finger = l HAND index middle ring little al- Type another lThe l is the key highlighted aboveHome Row, right hand, ring finger = l Great! Remember: Fingers on Home Row. HAND index middle ring little all Use your thumb to press the Space BarPress Space Bar with your thumbPress Space Bar at bottom of keyboardall 9TtMtMThe QWERTY Row is above the Home Row. Type QWERTY Row keys by reaching up from the Home Row. - Bring your finger back --- to the Home Row Type s with your left ring fingerThe s is the key highlighted aboveHome Row, left hand, ring finger = s - Bring your finger back s-- Type i with your right middle fingerThe i is the key highlighted aboveQWERTY Row, right hand, middle finger - Bring your finger back si- Type r with your left index fingerThe r is the key highlighted aboveQWERTY Row, left hand, index fingersir EMnJONExcellent! Remember: - Work at not looking at your fingers - Bring your fingers back sir to the Home Row Use your thumb to press the Space BarPress Space Bar with your thumbPress Space Bar at bottom of keyboard Use your index fingers to type the middle keys (ty gh bn). ---- Type h with your right index fingerThe h is the key highlighted aboveHome Row, right hand, index finger = h h--- Type i with your right middle fingerThe i is the key highlighted aboveQWERTY Row, right hand, middle finger hi-- Type g with your left index fingerHome Row, left hand, index finger = gThe g is the key with the g on it hig- Type h with your right index fingerThe h is the key highlighted aboveHome Row, right hand, index finger = h Very Good! - With practice, you will find the middle keys easier to find. high Use your thumb to press the Space bar Press Space Bar with your thumbPress Space at bottom of keyboardhigh fN nJON fN The Shift keys capitalize letters. - Right hand key: Left hand Shift - Left hand key: Right hand Shift - Shift with little finger. -- - Keep index finger on Home Row. Hold down the left Shift and type HLeft Shift + h = HType H while holding down left Shift - Shift with little finger. H- Hold down the right Shift and type ARight Shift + a = AType a while holding down right Shift Excellent! Remember: - Return your fingers to the Home Row. HA Use your thumb to press the Space Bar Press Space Bar with your thumbPress Space at bottom of keyboardHA fN 9TUse the Return key to end a line. - Keep your finger on the j - Stretch your little finger to the Return key Type Return with right little fingerReturn is to the right of ;Return is on the right of the keyboard zT You are ready to touch type! Remember: - Learn basics, practice, and don't look. Start with Keyboard Basics (on Main Menu) to learn the key locations. Press the Space Bar to go to Main MenuPress Space Bar with your thumbPress Space at bottom of keyboard Qz>{={@{zz!{C{;|:|=|{{|@|5}4}7}||}:}N~M~Q~}~*~T~ONT~~5p|lO@c`~ (u(t{ @17%24!3$&':8#6"@95)/0(*+,.- @!3$&'(*+,@17%2495)/0@:8#6".- @49'(".@ @ > @  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:>@1!:@738@%$#@24&'"6@95(*.-@)+ @/,@0@!@3@$@&@'@(@*@+@,@@1@7@%@2@4@9@5@)@/@0@:@8@#@6@"@.@-@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@@@@@Ax ̃  RESULTS BY  LETTER GROUP  1 Overall avg  2 Left hand  3 Right hand  4 Home row  5 QWERTY row  6 Bottom row  7 Middle keys  8 Punctuation  9 Numbers & SymbolsLw ̃  RESULTS FOR  EACH FINGER  1 Overall avg  2 L Little 3 L Ring  4 L Middle  5 L Index  6 R Index  7 R Middle 8 R Ring  9 R LittleLw  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9` Alphabet  _____________  ASDFGHJKL;QWERTYUIOPZXCVBNM,.  _____________ ASDFGHJKL;QWERTYUIOPZXCVBNM,.Lw Numbers & Symbols  ____________  1234567890!"#$%& ()+-@:=<>/? '   ____________ 1234567890!"#$%& ()+-@:=<>/? ' Lw Error Analysis 1 Wrong Column: Correct hand & 8 Z row --one column off  2 Wrong Row: Correct hand & column--wrong row  3 Transposition:  tr instead of rt  4 Dropping: cat instead of cart 5 Mirror Image: Correct column & row--wrong hand 6 Shifting ErrorLw Speed: Using Your Results - Beginners: Push yourself! !- Intermediate/advanced: To learn #chaining & overlapping, do Frequent Patterns, Common Words quickly  Accuracy:  - Aim for 90+% in all categories  &- Keyboard Drills = quick review; Key-  $board Basics = comprehensive review; #Spec. Exercises = specific problems Errors: %- Wrong Column = most common beginner $error. Watch aim, use correct finger &- Intermediate/advanced: work on elim- inating Mirror Image errors  ` Press any key to continue Type i with your right middle fingerThe i is the key highlighted aboveQWERTY RLwLd `wL<S.wwwSave results fileVNww#xView past results fileEjw.wsxErase results fileRwNwxReset all results recorded so farPwjw|Progress ReportwwwPress Return to go back to Main MenuL < !Choose filename for saved results# l zLzLw F Choose results file to view # l z Dy ty zL~Lw 6 WChoose results file to erase# l z zLw  %Are you sure you want to reset? (Y/N) uyY  BL w *` B WResults reset to 0 WPress any key to continue  BL wHH ;z hh` y`zqxrx 8`qxrx 0ؽ@ 56 ` ;zqxrx   qxrxL%zLw 0ؽ @若65  `  Lz`Ȍz | { ){H |xy { | { X{0xy { | { {xy { Bz` B Enter month (1-12): { ` B Enter date (1-31): { ` B Enter year (86-99): {Vd` -` {p`8`xyzxzzzz zzL{`xy | 0` |`/.C n Choose name for progress report# l@i鈌~ ` | Back to Program Print|L<Lw|||Press return for results menuP||t~Print progress report.C L~ D     A ! 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