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Rjz :j b"jJ j2jj 8`H 8`o L$.Vt~o$.βز$8 B ~     ':$ . ,','xdd T^ rrr|dnJTnx  BLj h '||||||| (U(U(E(Q TU(U ՠňѨԈѠŨ@Jxu,6(6@^h|5Y     a DO NOT have A. a cell wall. B. cytoplasm. C. a nucleus.    Choose the structure in which" specialized cells work together to do the same job."A. Organs B. Tissues C. Cells    ,A 'X{lllvv{gh+. 8!Plant cells are more rigid than animal cells because they have!A. chromosomes. C. ribosomes."B. chlorophyll. D. a cell wall.    8BacteripX 000&&&         pf gh i ANSWER: D. a cell wall '|*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ '|cefij 4ce 5 7fijt 2tbtefiNSWER: C.@the ability to reproduce @ Photosynthesis occurs in the`!A. chromosomes. C. nucleus."B. chloroplasts. D. ribosomes. @  v  ` ANSWER: B.` chloroplasts  @ANSWER: C. a nucleuser living cells.B. bacteria. C. atoms.  F ` ANSWER: A.other living cells Non living things do not haveA. a shape and a color.!B. the ability to absorb water.C. the ability to reproduce.  ^ @ A'i ' Organize A, B, C, and D inincreasing complexity. ]]]]A. Organs C. Organ SystemsB. Tissues D. Cells   ` ANSWER: DBAC According to the cell theory,cells come fromA. oth $D $ ' I 5I '|*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ '| 3 4 ` 5 6| 6 7 l '|*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ '|c d'd e '|  8 @D@ +>*> +P*P +[)[ + l l  +mm t+jj '|*U*U*U*U ?  t |{ b'|*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ*Uժb g'| z'|z ,A +8  +8  +8  +@D@ +@D@ t+@D@.γ.g.V8B`&0`jbDHRtC 0 : 2B"C ABDBAC Ե | @One Moment...   8`H 8` 08`8`8`8`гRj :j v"j^ jFj.j. . .o L$.Vt~o$.γس$8 B ~     ':$ . ,','xdd T^ rrr|dnJTnx  BLj`eh '||||||| (U(U(E(Q TU(U ՠňѨԈѠŨ@Jxu,6(6@^h|5Y     ~py@е?+b~Xy@/ru~rf~\y@p|xVy@ /r0yj0sWy@ʋpGs~j?W|@J/rpڕFr~?3~@ʧ&y~@b/rՕ|x~0@⧮x~~0@b/rŬ@@0?x⪪@ՔՕ`ŷ0x+"hbTu|0crʲķ|0. b 8 + EuL8+ cJ`Շķ|8+ j #/`xpu ʑ|8 +J&$zxp՝ķx,+J )>rpQuTʑ۹.0+J&Եķň~<+J?@|'xpy?{O0|y?+C<|)3xyC?+Z`+|_+z"W~jvj?W`?xjjpj?WwQ`cjj`+j?_Q@?jjL+?uuPgzj?M+?QTTu`:jvM+?EQT=@`:jvM+?TG @>jvM+ ?GW @p.jvM? ]D @p.k u \w]DwM@p.k@0]Dw]Dg@p+D`w]܁HDHFC.?}`@DALG#/?}P`PD6 GA.?T`\|v G0/?P`\|t lH.?T`\DpMx1/?T`XDpMx/?P`@dsM|/?E`ԃDtsM..?EЏ?s /:?Eӝ :q :?EWzt:?f3/?Ow]Dw Yd@@.?=]Dw]D?f"1~3/?uv]DwY`@@t@.?PDw]dv2aCD0/?A]Dwyy2aCDC.?Ew]_@^rG|/?WObG\ .?UGfCL/?}TGfANC.?u܅gDF0IF#/?u r~@@պYLf@.@.?jr~f2 f3/@lznr||Ցp~YLf@.``";nzy ׁf2 f3/pc";nsqxYLf@.E";.Gg@Րf2 f3/L#;MY@.]XDpfb f3/Gwyw|Yd@.]Dw]D?f WW}UUWP  | lb:"3h`@G|.8Hn"b"9> ?xlb:"3+@ :8Hn"b"!`Ձ jlb:"3#z~ j8Hn"bb)j|`b:"3xj?~Hn"b>j|нb:"3/@j|/@z|͎YLf@.@z|f2 f3/@~@YLf@.@ w@ՠf2 f3/@, *  )@y< p3 ** C <,n<EC @,SUZUWUgUUռUR?V5OUZvϟ~UWUUUo_~ 77U +733z33 k733v333 w33z zy734{73{ { @{ 9óITu4'ώsX'<{y𬧞>P U @T N92:6dt&lHDXП@a?a~9s {MI!@HE-I~_8?Q寢>(Vyﱠ{VO^Eɿ , /{ T BUk [z ZUUA*lU * zz@Qk ̂%̒$x͂!x͂!͂!Ȃ!Ȓφ  S'@πlwp$IϯD_S |M1l/e e a c mOuku;q;qq̷q˵qqyaw`ﱷ/X/XXF_f$0KM" &L0`lDˉ!a'@s*U(:7n??n?^``h~h`o M~ ~N~~r~ Z~b | F| | .| ^|r |b||~||>|>|~|>|>|$2''''2'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r&r&&$     |c 3. `ANSWER: B. Tissues'G'Ũ@Jxu,6(6@^h|5Y@C +@ @Fj @WU?y} )?y)jA~3 #"zO L3yg3"O`3g3y@" |3gw!sOAxgg@89}pN~@WUs!2''''2'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r&r&&$>@| A;>@p|p ;>` {? {#<#~`%@d}&@p&P]&|<8zTwxj?Aho ~g W1q +~+~WL\ O?x?!W+G/x?p@<r?@u~~~p|%x%p7 z#/j#zj#;j#b;#abn"@cbl/">~cf@⧮ʬOA~@b/rŬ?~iv@@⇾`ʬ?~0@r?r`Ŭ~l0@p`ʬ~?@|??r`|~?H`|~;Hx~r@x~g;HnN@?`;H̺|p@?`;HhNxx @;HG| ;he||||||| (U(U(E(Q TU(U ՠňѨԈѠŨ@Jxu,6(6@^h|5Y´.  ܴ`bCD  BV8B` 000&&&&0'G'm!' ] +] j] \ +\ j\  dbdfԴ  .Ҵ . B? Protoplasm is the living material@ of a cell. (A? Cytoplasm is the jellylike substance that@fills most of the cell. ']*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ b ]b d+m!'f jm!' ingmaterial of a cell?@A. Cytoplasm C. Nucleus`,B. Protoplasm D. Cell membranex  (C? The nucleus controls all the@cell's activities. (D? The cell membrane covers the animal cell. (toplasm C. Nucleus, B. Protoplasm D. Cell membrane p  !What is the jellylike substance that fills most of the cell?` A. Cytoplasm C. Nucleus" B. Protoplasm D. Cell membrane  p  8pWhat is the livWhat!! Try again.. 8h#Which part of the cell controls all the cell's activities?`A. Cytoplasm C. Nucleus+B. Protoplasm D. Cell membrane p  #What is the cell structure that covers the animal cell?` A. Cyf'Yf8 B ~  F  $ .h  P  @One Moment...DB AjAFZC F((2 2<jt~~$gggZL$.Vt~<F8` 8` ִ8`.ڴ . ´. ,','xdd T^ rrr|dnJTnx  BLP` h '||||||| (U(U(E(Q TU(U ՠňѨԈѠŨ@Jxu,6(6@^h|5Y     rogram Choose a number (1-4). F K `LESSON 1# CELLS - BASIC UNITS OF LIFE MitochondriaB. ChromosomesC. Vacuoles p  h In which cell structure arerespiration wastes stored?Px`A. MitochondriaB. ChromosomesC. Vacuoles p 'G'  h In which cell structure doesrespiration take place?Px`A. MitochondriaB. ChromosomesC. Vacuoles p . 8 "Which cell structure carries theinstructions for reproduction?Px`A.f ce ۵ fPc gh+bjj jefbAd@d=c8f5j7j?nAo>m7u>x;q5s2z2{3000  h if g (B? The chromosomes carry the instructions@for reproduction. (@A? Respiration takes placein the mitochondria. (@C? Vacuoles storethe cell wastes.ce. @  ] |. $`  "i U ']*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ ]  (c d'd e'i '.V8B`&0ZBAC XYZ`bBA  C \ Z% 8 B ~  F  $ .h    @One Moment...F F(What!! Try again.ҵ  .ڵ . µ< jt ~~$gggZL$.Vt~<F8` 8` ֵ8`.ڵ . µ. f'Yf,','xdd T^ rrr|dnJTnx  BLP(` h '||||||| (U(U(E(Q TU(U ՠňѨԈѠŨ@Jxu,6(6@^h|5Y      Nuclear membraneC. Ribosomesh h What are the tiny bodies found on the endoplasmic reticulum?(x`A. Endoplasmic reticulumB. Nuclear membraneC. Ribosomesp 'G'. 8hWhich cell structure carries  substances through the cell?` A. Endoplasmic reticulum B. Nuclear membrane C. Ribosomes p " hWhich cell structure coversthe nucleus?@A. Endoplasmic reticulum`B.plasmic reticulum.HHFB4/+))**-}0z3z<}BF <W,*;AN* &&&    ڶP  (A? The endoplasmic reticulum carries substances@throughout the cell. (@B? The nuclear membrane`covers the nucleus. (C? The ribosomes are tiny bodies found on the@endo]  ' ' ' ']*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ ']b d]*Uժ*Uժ*Uժ*Uժd jd[  +j j 罌ɪ޽ɖս̽ýcй̀cЯɯЦɯН |c}c`ҠǮ(((((|(|((< (&20 *,   *>*>    "**""&""""""""<""< ` """"|"""""**""""""< >>{ccc c|c{ccc c|c$%`|c}c {c   H  ">"6**"""""&*2""""""""""""*,"" "" ">""""""""""""""**6"""""""> >>>* <"<"""<< <"""<">0H<$$8 """" > "2*&" " >>  " 0($| > "8""|@ """"""< >> ""*:<"">""""""""""""">>>"2"""">""" ""` X RWTP`x`i`` `i `!`Щ(! "# co`o` ĠҠǮ(((((|(|((< (&20 *,   *>*>    ċ`ȱ‹`ȱ`ƋËNjċȋŋ`0 ێ)mËҋċiӋʋ ҋɋ `_ +L32 JJJJmŋˋ 0ƋËNjċŋiŋLg `ȱËȱċȱŋ`ȱƋȱNjȱȋ` ȱɋȱʋȱˋ`Ëًċڋ‹I‹`ًËڋċ0)ϋ'&enϋϋЋ‹)Ћ Ћ͋΋ ϋ .͋J̋ ` n‹) i ΋ nԋL΋‹)̋ ȭ͋ `̋ ȭ͋ `I1) Ћ`) Ћ`ËiËċ`ՋՋ  L +Le`ŋiŋƋËNj /? DOȄ JJJJJe i  ΋ċӋ)mËҋӋJJJJmŋԋӋNjҋƋƋËNjċL=Ӌʋ ҋɋƋËNjċŋiŋL=ԋȋ ȋŋL=ˋȋŋ ‹)ҋӋ8ԋԋ΋ LӋҋԋ p.xv $The cars raced 3,138 km across the#Australian continent through some$of the most desolate landscapes inthe world.Press a key to go on.  y x  !After 5 1/4 racing days, the GM"SUNRAYCERȱ̱w y %1988 GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATIONHWritten by: Verne Bauman Westlake Village, CA!DIRECTIONS: Remove the disk and# turn the computer off or press a key to reboot<   [  4. Racing with solar energy }<'"Ӱ} }  0Software program by:&Verne Bauman, Westlake Village, Ca. on behalf of General Motors. R 6 @ R@ JRJ TRT ^R ^ hRh rRr wRw |R$| R$| R$   - 2. Putting the sun to work  !3. The GM SUNRAYCER's design  HTurn the disk overand then press a key.  ' !f, 6Getting energy from the sun2. Putting the sun to work3. The GM SUNRAYCER's design4. Racing with solar energy$Press the number of your choice or"press 'Esc' to end the program.  p$1. Getting energy from the sun  赱  j '7 #This program explains the winning ideas used in designing the GMSUNRAYCER.Press a key to go on.  (`TO LEARN MORE ABOUT!1.  &&!00&::: D'DNNN1XXX2bbb3lll4qqqrr}'w was powered only by the light"of the sun. The race tested many!different ideas and designs.Press a key to go on. "}' q'pO",|$tropical city of Darwin and headed#south into the Australian Outback.Press a key to go on.  'PqHH 'P p"It was a quiet race because each#carx< } }}}}(}(}(}2}}2`}2}< ' "On November 1, 1987, twenty-four$strange-looking race cars left the`  O(͹(22<< F&Do you want the sound turned on?"Press "N" for no or "Y" for yes. FPPNZZZndddYnnnyxxx <'     ll. p#So the SUNRAYCER is a system that$converts light energy from the sun$into mechanical energy to turn its#wheels, causing the car to move.%This energy of motion is also givena name: kinetic energy. 8 = r to turn the wheels and movethe SUNRAYCER. V `p$Later, this chemical energy can be converted back into electricalenergy to run the SUNRAYCER.%Stored chemical energy is used when"the sun is behind a cloud or thecar is climbing a steep hiRAYCERwork together as a system toconvert light to mechanicalenergy. F ZpMost of the electrical energy%produced by the solar panel goes tothe electric motor.#In the electric motor, electrical#energy is converted to mechanical$energyy. d i i j\ k k x *> - <:  4 " , Kinetic energy is changed into heat energy by friction as the wheels move.KLPPL}'P #All the parts of the GM SUNed to electrical energy. Electrical energy is a flow of$electrons that travel through theSUNRAYCER's circuits. Part of the electrical energy produced by the solar panel is"converted to chemical energy andsaved by the storage batter : x     6 @ @ J T ^ ^ h !  p$When light energy falls on a solar$panel,  part of this light energy%is convert$ 8A . 8 :R j p z      P     1z  z  : : :( 6 J T h! r r | |     6 <' ̶* q4 >q 1z  B Lz   8O = B J  8 J       t s ! ( ( 2 - - 2  <<' F Z( d   !  d <' ( Ҳ  x !     <' " ,Z'  (*>!HHR\ j t زf \pz!*<'(\pʲ!<' V  8   $ . L `(   to continue.  ((!22(<<<FFFKKP Zp'OpZ 'ӰZ 'oPZ lll( fy*y P l(ll s yy* t9 !  t9 !   O Press a key`  ++ "),45= j tL7L+LLL [ i t ~w        ~   \!,8COZdcctcgcXcIc;c9_     ame type of solarcells used by communication#satellites to get energy from the sun.Press a key to go on. ons, two$hydrogen atoms can be fused into a"new helium atom, releasing largeamounts of energy.Press a key to go on.  x#The GM SUNRAYCER uses 8,800 solar cells on an eight-square-meter panel to generate electricity."These are the s89O9@ X"It's true. Fortunately, only one$part per billion reaches earth, orwe would be incinerated.Press a key to go on.  Very high pressures and$temperatures exist inside the sun.Under these conditiittle!less mass than the two hydrogenatoms which produced it. Themissing mass has changed into#energy.Press a key to go on. lv !@JƳƷ7 8n onesecond than humans have used in all their history. (T/F) Press 'T' for TRUE orpress 'F' for FALSE. 8HPH Your answer: TRUE Your answer: FALSEv "The new helium atom has a lbll  "Nearly all of the earth's energy!is produced in the sun. All our%food, gasoline, and electricity arereally converted sunlight.Press a key to go on. J TTAKE A GUESS"The sun emits more energy i@ J'T6^^hhTrrrt|||Ff>T6@J &&0:0:DNDNXX!b'GxO ' 'Gx ' ""!,,"6667dn¹ ux '% & M_0 :WY[D N]#I[ 2 \ dnx !}'ܱ      it is much like the animal cell, has2 major differences:P 1. Chloroplasts 2. Cell Wall Pick a number (1-2) or press 3 to return to the menu.etance which fills most of thecell.: DqThe endoplasmic reticulum carries subsl and cell structure.r |'xJust as a conductor controls an!orchestra, the nucleus controls$all the cell's activities. Inside#the nucleus are chromosomes whichcarry the instructions forreproduction. $xThe plant cell, though ell Membrane 3. Cytoplasm 4. Endoplasmic Reticulum 5. Vacuoles 6. Mitochondria Choose a number (1-6) or press 7 to go on. ( 2 The cell is the basic unit of!all life. This lesson explains"both the celoped thecell theory. The cell theorysays 2 things:P! 1. Cells come only from other living cells. 2. All living things are made of cells. "hThe main structures of theanimal cell are the@ 1. Nucleus 2. Cellstructure which covers the animal cell.v pThe mitochondria is the cell structure in which respiration"takes place. Respiration is the"process by which oxygen and foodare used to make energy. xMany scientists devellling friction.$Every component in each system wasdesigned and built to be aslightweight as possible.Press a key to go on.  lightweight as possible.Press a key to go on.  #( n the SUNRAYCER's shape and minimize"aerodynamic friction. Tests show$it to be one of the most efficientcars ever produced.Press a key to go on. , JThe designers selected a high#efficiency motor and hard, narrow#tires to reduce roey to go on.  !One force acting against the GMSUNRAYCER is called rolling friction. This force is caused#mainly by the interaction betweenthe wheels and the road.Press a key to go on.  #Computers were used to desigslowing force.Press a key to go on.  #( !The GM SUNRAYCER collects solar%energy and makes the electricity topower its motor to create aforward push, or force.Press a ke speed produces twice thefriction force.Press a key to go on. ^ h$Another slowing force is caused by%air friction against the SUNRAYCER.%Aerodynamic friction builds rapidlywith speed. Twice the speedproduces about four times theditions.Press a key to go on.  #If there were no opposing forces,$the car would go faster and fasterwithout limit.Press a key to go on.  "#The force due to rolling friction!increases with the car's speed.$Twice thl$shape of the car is one solution.Press a key to go on. x x!The GM SUNRAYCER is 6m long, 2m#wide, and just 1m high. It weighs#only 177 kg. A gold-plated canopy!reflects heat and light to keep the driver comfortable even indesert con2n"2n,J2nTh2nrr||2d ¹( 2$To make the world's fastest solar-#powered car, the designers had to%make sure the GM SUNRAYCER used its!energy efficiently. The unusua2 < "The GM SUNRAYCER gets its energy#directly from the sun. To win the$race, the desiits 1000 watts!per square meter on the surfaceof the earth.  SOLAR PANEL%Function: Converts light falling on the panel to electrical energy." , BATTERY Function:$1. Stores excess electrical energyby converting it to chemabout each part, use the Space$Bar to select the part you want to%learn about. Press the 'Return' keywhen ready.#Press 'Esc' to leave this section.X P Z THE SUN$Function: Produces energy forthe SUNRAYCER."Specifications: Em!!<Z&&00!::&B L#This is a diagram showing how the!GM SUNRAYCER works. To find out%more <Z<FBLεҵ!!@6@JJ!OO6TThrr6J||!r16LLV2PZ<< F'oFP"Zd,1ndnxx!d` 2 KPV   O ((!22(<<<FFFKKKLPPL}'PP Zp'OpZ '¹Z$$ .'o./8 B'LVV ``j tjt~~~ ~((~~!`} j t' A A  &3 & #)# ( !9 !0 1('?p1 8'%'d nq p(6 @, 1 C      answer:  light energy tomechanical energy?  n@   >   X X  & 1. Wheel!2. Solar Panel3. Battery4. Electric Motor }' X   1. The Wheel. A chemical explosive 1. The Sunraycer.d A candle 3. The Battery.6 A green leaf 2. The Solar Panel. Sorry.  U d' 6 xYour key to continue.  VERY GOOD. Sorry. The correct answer is Press a key to review.  !performs this energy conversion. 4. The Electric Motor. A light bulb toelectrical energy? light energy tochemical energy?T ^light energy toelectrical energy? electrical energy tochemical energy? & 0!Press the number key which bestanswers the question.   Press a  electrical energy tomechanical energy? \ felectrical energy tolight energy? kinetic energy to heat energy?` jchemical energy tokinetic energy?2 <chemical energy tolight energy? chemical energy  F *    , 6J  T^  h|      *  ֶ   V *  pWhich converts     Ķ         *(  2<  FZ dx       Ҷ ܶ     ʶ    ~PU"'r|  $ .. 88 BB  *V  `j  t ( nx  @J  p z  $$t~FPZZ",,hr R   \ f  p z   X b0 b l 0 l l 0 0   '?          0 v   < * H R  LV    'o            0 X * * 4 4 >p'Op >  0 : :! D D N v v N : v      O !0vchoice. 9='='`q`(=(```==``= P,W-^.e/l0s1z2345678 $,6 @&J,S0Z4c9ط!er.#Press a key to end this section. ( 2TAKE A GUESS The GM SUNRAYCER's solar panel$produces about ]]]] of electricityin bright sunlight.A. 100 wattsB. 1.5 kilowattsC. 2.5 milliwattsD. 6.0 megawatts#Press the letter of your A photovoltaic solar cell produceselectricity when photons ofsunlight strike its atoms.Press a key to go on. Z dhThe correct answer is B.The panel produces about 1.5$kilowatts. This is about the power#needed to operate one hairdryverted to electricity, itwould be worthA. $50B. $14 C. $3,000D. 97 cents#Press the letter of your choice.  hThe correct answer is C.#It would be worth at least $3,000at today's rates.Press a key to go on.  $nutes for light energy%to reach earth. Some of this energy!can fall on a solar cell and be"converted to electricity for our use.Press a key to go on.  TAKE A GUESS If the sunlight falling on the average rooftop in a year wereconur choice. ` jhThe correct answer is A.%The sun is twice as bright today asit was 4.5 billion years ago"because of the buildup of heliumin its core.Press a key to go on.  x"From the sun's surface, it takes%only eight miday was actually made in the !sun's core in prehistoric times.Press a key to go on. . 8TAKE A GUESS!The sun is ]]]] as bright today#as it was 4.5 billion years ago. A. twice B. about C. halfD. one tenth#Press the letter of yo hThe correct answer is C.$If you could hold it in your hand,%it would weigh about three pounds.Press a key to go on.  !It takes thousands of years for$energy to reach the surface of the$sun as light. The sunlight you see!toe sunlight falling on a square mile of the earth weighs aboutA. four million tonsB. the same as VenusC. three pounds D. nothing#Press the letter of your choice. \ f`Your answer: p Az B C DV`>jtt~~@J@Jη (2<<PFFFZPZ>d TAKE A GUESS"ThH\R\*f*pz>ʷ ! $'$@J.8BBVLLL` ""!,,"66@ J'6ڷ4A4a>B>bHC   HcRD   Rd**4\>\`D  jT kR #j $3  R R }'ܱ 'GxO         ċ`ȱ‹`ȱ`ƋËNjċȋŋ`0 ێ)mËҋċiӋʋ ҋɋ `_ +L32 JJJJmŋˋ 0ƋËNjċŋiŋLg `ȱËȱċȱŋ`ȱƋȱNjȱȋ` ȱɋȱʋȱˋ`Ëًċڋ‹I‹`ًËڋċ0)ϋ'&enϋϋЋ‹)Ћ Ћ͋΋ ϋ .͋J̋ ` n‹) i ΋ nԋL΋‹)̋ ȭ͋ `̋ ȭ͋ `I1) Ћ`) Ћ`ËiËċ`ՋՋ  L +Le`ŋiŋƋËNj /? 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