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N'i  ͭЅ?0ȱ Ѕ?iȱi lԠԠ͠ԠϠŠͮŠ SYSTEM.APPLE   L$J~HHHHHHL,~ʈƅFHHHH恥HL,0~}ʈƅ0I愊iʈؚH恥LŁ|} ƅL\ ~~8ʈƅ  ILlL, DhƁ}eʆƀƀ|ʊe~8偅z{lzhhhhhh8冐 0 h HHHL,L5IL,h h'(ʈ D.ł( Ł|} ŀ}|ƀL;~HHL,~HHY   9    ' sU7z ;|hvhwhhxylxMz|vwlvl llhzh{hƁhh-۲z0ݡߑ ع      y  &  * عteVG8  )  T uh[NA4'á +-ÍNTEGER[36]) /END; ' " "PROCEDURE FREADDEC(VAR F: FIB; VAR D: STUNT; L: INTEGER); "PROCEDURE FWRITEDEC(VAR F: FIB; D: DECMAX; RLENG: INTEGER); "  IMPLEMENTATION L E M.SWAPDISK&:(7,צ*SYSTEM.WRK.CODE[*]To what codefil $ "TYPE DECMAX = INTEGER[36]; STUNT = RECORD CASE INTEGER OF 12:(W2:INTEGER[4]); 13:(W3:INTEGER[8]); 14:(W4:INTEGER[12]); 15:(W5:INTEGER[16]); 16:(W6:INTEGER[20]); 17:(W7:INTEGER[24]); 18:(W8:INTEGER[28]); 19:(W9:INTEGER[32]); 110:(W10:IGGBgN & LONGINTIIDENT2E CHAINSTUFORMTRUN  BLANKBLANK:rGnavpa~`~arGaaaaa `zbavava@ ~ ~ avZ@ aavaea@ @ ava `ZZ@bBbBb̘`nMFil bvbbvbh~ ~ ~ .bv0b(&꽌ɪɖ'*&%&,E'зЮ꽌ɪФ`+*xH&x'8*7Ixix&&  ') + &п x) ++`FG8`0($ p,&") (jJJ>L+ "?I>  N `  ` x V Nx .x- z `V0^*^*>` aI꽌ɪVɭ&Y&&Y& 꽌ɪ\8`&L\LlL,E0LL DL\ ILlL,ELL DL\Ee8刅刪ʈʈww&~ʈƅFyʈƅ}ʈƍƎƋƊЌإLl2d|e~28ʈƅyʈƅƉ` DL?Ł|}ƅL\E||怦}ʚH恺8倅偪ʈƅ})H揥 8rhhhhhhhhhx` ʽ8% l ȱ  ȱ ȱ ȱȱ(#ȱ8  ȥ  FORMTR.UN.TEXT QFW6 &4JJ<@r&JJLP& ``BZ~ZX ^;XECommand: E(dit, R(un, F(ile, C(omp, L(ink, X(ecute, A(ssem,r  FUNCTION A2FORMAT : INTEGER;   IMPLEMENTATION E H...EH Compiling``BZ~Z/ZFORMTR.UN.CODEDE[*]&JJPz&oEPJ O>Edit: A(djst C(pP1:QFW.UN.CODE(nsrt J(mp M(rgin Q(uit R(plce S(et X(chng Z(ap ext? ( ׯ,á(+( "ˡ$ Can't find ::9 ƀ:ײ9 ƀ:צSYSTEM.SWAPDISK&:(7,צ*SYSTEM.WRK.CODE[*]To what codتPš++0تPRš&+R+P&P0&Ršز&RPز&PR,VV"6h ssembleצCompile what text? ( ׯ,á(+( "ˡ$ Can't find ::9 ƀ:ײ9 ƀ:צSYSTEM.SWAPDISK&:(7,צ*SYSTEM.WRK.CODE[*]To what cod "PROCEDURE SETCHAIN(TYTLE:STRING); "PROCEDURE SETCVAL(VAL:STRING); "PROCEDURE GETCVAL(VAR VAL:STRING); "PROCEDURE SWAPON; "PROCEDURE SWAPOFF; "  IMPLEMENTATION E :::&:(xáצAssembleצCompile what tIDENT2E IDENT2E  T h(h)hhhhxꍍ׍נ ׈0R0'0"*L*h!PPL@L (HH)H(H`   8LJa L؍`؍`:L,VSNNNNNNNNNNNYO MIHA<4-('  AH3P|v:n ƅ|L,hƀhhh8hohlhXhhhFffff80)ƅܥ#FfII懥HHL,L5hhhhhƀhh-ȑhhƀ 0ȑƀ0hJJJJ 0ȑ) 0ȑƀĆL>ʈƅ ~~擥 ~ 抦|ɥ8包~ƅLlII懩&&u`hh HHHHHL,} ei|ʽ 8襁i} l 1:| ):=BMXcFILRUX_3 `1# @ #  P LWLRJJJJ qhϠȱлȱ<г EHhHh݌47Hh݌&)Hh݌Hh݌ ȥ 1@? $ Pp7݌2݌-݌(݌#݌݌݌  צCan't find file SYSTEM.BOOTCD צ"which used to be on the Quick Fileprogram disk. Unable to formatdiskettes without this file.   צDrive 2 must now contain a blank diskette to be formatted.GBB B B B B BBBBBBBBBRyn p 1 7< BtFIMWv[cnQUICKFILA2UTIL UTILSEG MAINFM RAESEG RACUPDHRRACUPDVRUPDFH SORTSEG UPDCC RWSEG HRPRINT RWFM UPDHRENVRWUPDHR RWUPDVR  تP˼  &Ná˼O -áɡ00000--ˡ,ץOˡقٕ˼-ڮɡš q`f[LF<-$ <PáȡW١˲˼ R0ˡ*˲˼R0RNá˼ PNfVLL@L (HH)H(H`   8L( I`)a LL3ذiNؘL؍` ؠ Hɿ ȑ7iF1 á6@á7ǀá8Main.PgmNXh(h)hhhhxLɍNGH@ m۩LکvکۍکLܩܩ׍ܠ$,0P*L*h)g_RCALLSIT v`ZWTL;,)&#  spmjgdPMJGlTh`x` H(` (@4COMBULKD5MSPTR b%7WO E EHJ h    ` HxhxO 81Ii  8 bk  ds  )* `sssɪ 꽌8``HJ ݌h Hh݌`8`Hh݌`H)j JJJ(jh x`R꽌ɪ꽌ɖ*%E 꽌ɪ`8`80^݌Hh  ݌          `  {0 x v v vHh 4 LP 4 w  4  w LRx0کx` gI꽌ɪ꽌ɭVɖ:ɖ+ɖ݌ pl Ȅ؅  ݌ =P    0  4 w #԰ HHHHH(`0($ p,&" v݌HhHh    V v꩖݌$ v݌ Z  צ$Was your Quick File data diskette in &drive 2 before you started formatting?צ'If so, put the Quick File data disketteצback into drive 2 now. ƃƄDyƃ צQFDATA  צEnter a name for the diskette: ƃ  ƃ O詅Oƃ ̃@ʃ@ȡƃ ƃ ƃ" á$ Drive 2 is not connectedƃńȄ  The diskehown as [E].&Escape: This key can be used to eraseצ%an entry or leave what you are doing.O.The current file, ץ,is recorded on disk as QFF.4@   x5šReturn shown as OA-E.%Control: This key is used to request%many of the special features of Quick $File //. For example, you can go to צ'the end of the list by pressing E while צ$you hold down Control. This will be s  x5šצ(Open Apple: This key is used to request%many of the special features of Quick $File //. For example, you can go to צ'the end of the list by pressing E while צ'you hold down Open Apple. This will be צ}jFá!Disk formatter#&:$0<> Z   %  ʄ2צ&Quick File is now compacting the files"on the data disk. "Get a file" toצ continue using the current file. ̄ʄȡۤ ̄ʄʄʄˡɡ6ܩ28ʄڂ"ˡܩ28ڂ"ˡqܩ28ڕʄڂ"ˡMܩ28ڕڂ"ˡ3ʄٚ؂ʄٚ"ˡʄisk. The largest files are:̄ʄȡkƄšWNƄ O.Ƅd %  ʄ2צ&Quick File is now compacting the files"on the data disk. "Get a file" todisk on drive z is  % full. ʃʃš %At least one of the files on the disk (is larger than the remaining space. You צ(should move at least the largest file to )a different d횲뚹$š횲뚶킸á7šŶč šD\   á  For your information, the datadʃ ššš٢צQFF.٢@šh횲뚹rš@ zڸ@z1(z2z3  z4 ˡ"ˡ&"   ȡ ȡve 2 motor is too fastתO#[: ˡ& Formatting was NOT successfulFormat another disk? (Y/N) Yáߓƃ DzQN"زڮ"á+ ɄצData disk successfully createdOyꥄצDrive 2 isn't a Disk ][Oꥄ(Insert blank disk, close door, try againתOꥄThe diskette is write protectedתOꥄצ$The diskette is physically defectiveO_צDrive 2 motor is too slowO<Driˡƃ ƃ  ƃ ƃ  ߓ M AM̃@ʃ@ȡ+N l50ƃ#5:QF.FC" ƃM" ƃ" ˡߓ M޹tte in drive 2 has beenƃ>formatted previously as תO>>. >>צOK to destroy O>>? (Y/N) >Yˡ  &Now formatting the diskette in drive 2 áƃ#4:SYSTEM.BOOTCD" Accept צ#Tab Go to next category צ'OA-Tab Go to previous category צUp/Down arrows Go up or downצ%OA-Up arrow Back up a full screenצ(OA-Down arrow Go forward a full screenReturn Accept צ#Return Go to next category צ'<-- Go to previous category צ$; (Semi-colon) Go to preceding line/ (Slash) Go to next line%, or < Back up a full screen(. or > צ ߳8HXx5šF LjNJNjǕǼǾǿϼȡ;!"#$%Nj(NJ)*+ , -lj. / ' å:2}97(5 š39Ǩaá7Ljń1}77 2}99ǀN@N;9;2tצ -r r PáJ& and ת & or ת & through ת 6&and ת &or ת &thru ת   &'x5šǿ t blankr צcontainsr צ begins withr  ends withתr  צdoes not containr  צdoes not begin withr  does not end withתr  צequalsr צis afterr צ is beforer containsתr r PRתZצMAYZJUNתZצJULZAUGתZ צSEPZ OCTתZ צNOVZ DECתr צequalsr צis greater thanr is less thanתr is not equal toתr צis blankr צ is noצ*SYSTEM.MISCINFOH>~n@nAnBnCnDn n n n ٻ ZצJANZFEBתZצMARZAther diskצ(2. Create a new file catalog on drive 2! 5áˡ  y5>HL E1 QKxxx6ɡI0|0x6šP(x8ë́ʁȡnZ̄Ä,2yצ#5:QF.FCF1"á( צDisk drive for file catalog? O "á  )Quick File still can't find file catalog. 1. Try anocord, Zoom Outto many records :$ ?QF.FCתOu1#4תOJ2צ#5O33 #11תO4 #12תOˡצ:QF.FC"ńOutצto many recordsצ[L] Change record layout '[P] Print the current screen contents #[R] Change record selection rules $[S] Set/remove standard values forצ a category%[Z] Zoom In to one re  x5šצOA-L Change record layout צ(OA-P Print the current screen contents $OA-R Change record selection rules צ%OA-S Set/remove standard values forצ a category&OA-Z Zoom In to one record, Zoom file [D] Delete records צ[E] Go to end of fileצ([F] Find all records that contain.....#[I] Insert new records before thecurrent recordצ"[K] Make a duplicate copy of thecurrent record Find all records that contain....צ$OA-I Insert new records before thecurrent recordצ#OA-K Make a duplicate copy of theצcurrent record%[A] Arrange (sort) on this category [B] Go to beginning of Go forward a full screen 6 JצHelp#: x5šצ&OA-A Arrange (sort) on this category OA-B Go to beginning of file צOA-D Delete records צOA-E Go to end of file(OA-F 2*_   ȡ0$0   Quick File //צ$Copyright 1982, Apple Computer, Inc. Version 1.0 By Rupert Lissner x6ɡSThis version of Quick Fileצwill not run on the Apple ][+8xx7á5>HL1Eˡ*M50[J,4  INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND RE-BOOTx6ɡ@Pascal users may press $צto go to the command line.$á1Eá צThe alternate disk must צnow be in the correct drive. 4"áP Oá xȡN 4O Nȡ+N l5on 3 or 5. E1$t1 P ءM The original file catalog must צnow be in the correct drive.   Oˡ=צFound a file catalog,צbut not the original. ESave on Alt. Disk#OzǶǷ/ ǵʁȡ/Q A"ˡ2N2N4 ԩ4gl4Hخl  "Insufficient room for your file on צ'the disk. Use Save File optiHO?  C8šƁƁOHá: E1  F1 ت4OE1 Saving the filezfZh́ʁȡ$29fȡi )/š/z6/////pצ Save File# The file catalog will show the צ#last time that this file was saved.Enter date or press Return.́ʁȡ)7Iق[ٚǷ/P1ǵʁȡ926.6.65é627ō<  <٫gN2],/"ˍ,/25؞5ġ>ˡJn =0Find occurrences of תO>5@  =$צPress OA-F to change "Find." : Y255á<%55+<25<N#P # Ų# Ä#&ٲ#3>DáتP+-+-ȡU+,,Tá :,Aá .,Há",Dá,Ná ,Cá++^Xt  HDNC׮ You have run out of memory צspace for this file. Youצ can continue to review the file. :͸ & Can't read file catalog Oá Fث1 MצRead other disk#á2%&Oá1EáOȡN   g1EáY Alternate Catalog#3á334N4 1Eá2 %ث4Y2F1$ ( ƁA:ع" v FLNdN 8 (\$0B$L> he correct drive. D & Can't read file catalog Oá Fث1 MצRead other disk#á2%&Oá1EáOȡN   g1EáY Alternate Catalog#3then add the fileto the current file catalog.צYou must not remove theצQuick File program disk.! PE1Eá The alternate file catalog must now be in the correct drive. DO3"áF1$  צ#1. You can switch to and work with צan alternate file catalog. #2. You can load into memory a file that is in an alternate file צcatalog, and 2ȡN  C14*Create a new file#% E1$IZ Erase a File#3áN3 O.The entire contents ofץ3YˡuN3 2%ON3 l3ԩ3٥lOá:٥á/ צ#There are no files in this catalog. "!   ˡ 3X8c<  File Catalog#3á,342N4 %1EáM1F1$\  צ!File Name Records DateOPá- ȡN á(á  )ؚN Ošá.ɡ륄>O O> O>š9>á.>>> ˡN >N Ok4The above new fileץ3*צAll changes made inצthe above file3Yá2 1EáE1$ v}TH3 ášá Íá%1EázO4áˡȡN   4ث4z1Eá٫4OOצ šOȡV>Nle onto disk ANDsave a copy of the "old" file.צ4. (Not available)צ&5. Save the file onto alternate disk.; vצ Save File#z<x6éx7Í  F1 O!4  ةmȡ  @iáثع'fȡ[áع!>ةfɡ5IIá 7ɡ7n[ ɡxmȡW Mn% Oš#^pfȡB;ˡ-;á< )J Zث gȡ r9< 50ء/áָ$خ'  /á!%׮ [خ / )?/á 07n[ ˡ ˡֹ#á ֹ%צ Print Screen#ٮ#= ȡ/ á/$ $;p&/-;Y2C*s8 #- $  ѩgšgѩѫ gȡ, á. áء,5ѹ ȡf áR/$# š$ ˡѹ:  No records match your request >:TAHDNC׮֭a ## mȡġ򥅀% ;ˡ\  2񂥄zš?š#e records.! á1á!, AHDNC׮: ,":=צ Find Records#= >OEnter comparison.  > !x > RáS gȡ s#2rá1 5צAHDNC #You are able to delete many records at one time. צ%1. Delete all records that match the צ current selection rules (above). 2. Enter new selection rules toצdeletTAHDNC׮: !:צY to delete current record.צ#R to specify record selection rulesצ"that will delete multiple records.צEnter your selection (Y/R) Yá gšRˡ צDelete Recordete all צmatching records.! áá$ gȩgń6 R gš1 You have reviewed all records. S𫅮6 Delete this record? (Y/N) Yá  XRá'Record Additional:<==>/á$ $1$12r" á:  צ1. Review each record before צit is deleted. 2. Without review, del[ ;ˡ)?tO>n[ O>: >>#7>$  צAHDN fȡ87In[ :@  tYɡ76ǖɡ 멄fɡ٫$7568؆56ǖ톫ɡ  ( /fȡ  .צ Print Screen#٩ /fȡIˡ I-Oġ+ # gȡ6O  of g>O >O#gš<#Fullg"c5ɡ؆;ˡ< )<=ff폩8 2합2g폞6킫6g 0 //áDNY2< 7n[ I خ[ ;ˡ)?  &ث š   $á/Dáѫ ˡ( HgšCfgˡ폩8 22합g폞6핫6ggצTADNCY2R+<fȡ4I  (/á R4/mȡ聾%á צAHDN0 X)iá[ˡ9ˡ ع&á𫅮֩fצDNd*D 𫅮ˡ /$P+U á-צ -- End of list --𫅮/$|,:R:צSet standard valu  ȡtx5š--> or <-- Move cursor % > OA < Switch category positions --> OA <-- Change column width OA-D Delete this category צ'OA-I Insert a prev. deleted cat."1ƩYáֹ3á g̹3á⩂3á֩3á#֩3á  Rá)ĩ1 =Į ⩂3é3Í3!Í e3áM.áD𫅮ֹ'iá[fɡةfɡ1!3 DHbS?S^Vdfhjlnprt:2"Dک1!צTAHDNC:2:*0  0 N 0Dh.Fx0Z(V n$\>"6Vl^ d 2Í*P3"á-D3ágȡ"1ƩYáֹ3á g̹3á⩂3á֩3á#֩3á  Rá)ĩ1 =Į ⩂3é3Í3!Í e3áM.áD𫅮ֹ'iá[fɡةfɡ1H⩁׶ˡ3á ,ˡ׹ˡ ׹ ʥ33)áˡE.Щ3(á ̹ҩ3%á)ԩ3&é3-Í3/Íȹo3 ác3.é3,Í*P3"á-D3ágȡ)3 á&3,á)áá+ֹ3"á-x3áCgá"1צTAHDNCYáòÄֹ̹-3ág ֮ѹ3áι' ⩅x6ɡ1jRá(á,ˡ֡% ˡ 3 6 (Ráز 𫅮ॄ33)á ̹䩂3(á̹橂3.áFˡ ׹3áá+׹ֶ׹詂3/áڹꩂ3&á޹쩂3-áܹ3%á rules. Therefore the rules will be cancelled.: :=,TAHDNC׮𫅮 0ȡDN׮áE. 𫅮֭5J1gá/Rá0   "Rá צ any information. Therefore, you will automatically go into the צInsert New Records feature.: :g86M.gáR /ˡgˡ  צNo records match your record selection"'<miá[fɡةfɡȡީˡ Má٫ګ$<AHDNC׮":(:KY *D. /   This file does not yet contain׳ "ة3%á"Rá/׹"3)áܹ橂3(áš 詅3-Í3/Íꩂ3 á쩂3.é3,Í*𩅮ɡ ۫U3"á-<ة /043á۫&3áܫ3á<خ.::ԩNáԩ <֮:Insert New Records#R+<"f.6.6gMá%.8 2.2g.gá 0" (⥄3'<9iá[fáةfág /ث٫ګ:צAHDNC$ -Eá : צ You are now past the last record of your file and may now startצ entering new records at the endes#g ;ˡ) ;g 0צEnter standard category values. ( r33-Í3/Í]Q3.é3,Í7iá[ááع Gצ--> or <-- Move cursor צ > or < Change column width צ [D] Delete this category '[I] Insert a prev. deleted cat.צ(Use options shown above to change layout0   צ What direction should the cursor go when you press Return? 1. Down (standard) 2. RightjDj!áRjjˡY2۶۶Ʉ ۶ȡ $ عUˡVɡGɡ6š%ɡ  ]NA2#r áعá  Iġ[ n[ :ةfɡIá7[ )?š fȡIá 4 f[ fȡOˡAIá2ڥ7ġ%ۥ7n[ ȡVfȡ*Iá7á 4D7Išnة횭,Y2fšfȡfȡOIIȡ1IIɥ77ɍˡ+ϩáع áϫإ7I[ۥn x5šZReturn or arrows Move cursor'OA and arrows Move category locn.XI J K or M Move cursor'[I] [J] [K] [M] Move category locn.צ(Use options shown above to change layoutةө*éө.Íө+éө/Í}ӶéӶ Í gӶéӶ Í QӶéӶ Í<Ӷ éӶ Í'өáөámfġ   צChange record layout#צ-----P77ȡ x5š ǕLjǼ ǾǬ Ǯ .,> < &:'x5š fš$ :n dpB,b& ׭< ӫ1ө'áө*éө.Íө+éө/Í}ӶéӶ Í gӶéӶ Í QӶéӶ Í<Ӷ éӶ Í'өáөámfġ   צChange record layout#צ-----P77ȡ %%%%횥킚׮ ˡ,שmȡ#ש׶ɡ׸׭< ӫ1ө'áש׶ɡ ׸ .máשmšY2ˡ׮mȡ핚ו%%mm׮ q שmɡ~Y2׮m$:< שmšáȡW׮mȡ6áY2׮ H שmȡ   4ˡ fȡQmȡ%á륄n ! áY2ו%%mȡ %ɡn     ضá2 ˡ <--- More  ----------ةmš צ ----------( צ More ---> خ I צInsert a category# 0ȡ.تPšR0gġث / )?. %ةmá2MARGINJáC  Iá7á 77e]7n[ ġ5 77aY2ٸڸ %Z ifȡ[ˡ  iáDCursor direction is left toright, top to bottom.KCursor direction is order inצwhich you defined categories.צ$Is above cursor direction OK? (Y/N) OYáiF12E1z   4 Create a new file#צChange name/category# $$g8f6 0x`@  33áĩfɄ梅fȄ3á&š!n 梅fȄfń 3-Í5án š3,é3*Í ˡfÍyo Y2á%&n  1Eá n ɡ,ffgf86Y21o& D N"áZצEnter file name. O/.(áš  n Oϼ33áĩfɄ梅fȄ3á&š!nȡ/;ˡ ˡ&All entries in:ץn 3Yˡf梅fˡ4n n f؞nf f; gȡF/梅fˡ؞f;ff0f gf86+<٫6fn n 폞n -,;؞g ġ=/؞;f0ff ff鉶Y21^ 1Eá g YˡE1,há#282968986h6hO f1Eá~6 gf86+<6\n ;g  ġ-fš/;f0ff f1E1E1Eá6˥%ˍ7ˍIˍ[ˍؓ há #If you add or delete category nameshˡ4&Report formats for file will be erasedء,צ#Record layouts will be standardized nextO3צReturn to nextOBK q\G1إ "? צCategory names ȡ0 fȡn C nF1fȡQtתO\OA-D to deleteתOD Down arrowתO0 Down arrowתOBK |lV@.צ Change nameO Enter nameתO Change nameתOצ<-- to precedingOyצ [I] to insertOb [D] to deleteתOKצReturn toצBJ Mn  CGת 2DGת ɡKfɡHfšI AOptions:š詅x5š Change nameתOצ Enter nameOצ Change nameOUp arrowתOtOA-I to inserȡ &#Inserting a category would make the(file too large for Quick File to handle.  pצ File Menu4 fÍ Main Menuת &áA áiiiˡY2 ! 6    ˡ  ˡ    ө'á{Ӷ á mӶ á _Ӷá QӶá CӶá 5Ӷá 'Ӷá Ӷá ө&á x5š"  Nj NJ LjǕIMJK  Change record layout#:7I fš  :$ "B or direction OK? (Y/N) OYáiáiiiˡY2 ! 6    ˡ  ˡ    ө'á{Ӷ á mӶ á _Ӷá QӶá CӶá 5Ӷá 'Ӷá Ӷá ө&á 梅fȄfń 3-Í5án š3,é3*Í ˡfÍyo Y2á%&n  1Eá n ɡ;áإPe2ǀȡJ AتOPá/Q*RNá**ȡRiRإRP%R ~Your file will be arranged onthis category: תOn   Arrangement order: צ1. F-  &Há~ˡQצ Group totalsOYáצ onlyצ on: n ˡ*צ Calc. rules:7    &5'"  צ$Was your Quick File d  No records match the conditions.  Thl~צSelect records#:$ (.*xT 9ˡ-áá)ˡ  צandצorˡئthrough5! áAá z 5gš! gȡ6ѹ6K޶š4á%۶-z޶ˡHDá-8ˡ#Tá-9ˡ-áá)á6á ,5#۶-á,۶-5! á  á۶-6޶Í--á 5OEnter comparison. Fˡ9۶۶-޶H  1LˡASelect all records? (Y/N) ꩁNˡ,5,åÄ צ Selection:5!f  fȡn 2  ˡ& ȡr  Dȡr  ȡr !Ai ޶á%á áÍ Í̩gɡmKD~.ǀ8؂.ǀ.6ġp6ġ 6.2].2 52  ة.ǀgɡm צArrange (sort)#  áE Arranging the fileY2f. gšgǀš$~ L2].4.2]ٞ22]2ٞق킸킸킸킸@á؂ةgɡmKD~.ǀ8؂.ǀ.6ġp6ġ 6.2].2 52  ة.ǀgɡm צArrange (sort)#  áE> >5 >52 >2   > : > ,2].4.2]ٞ22]2ٞق킸킸킸킸@á؂ە].2.۞Lˡ .2 5ٶ.ە22.۞]2.; F.؏8ق.ق6ġ6ġ 6.2 52 2ة.-5 #2ٲ].2ة2٩.]2ة.ة.ġ  5  5 Rˡ1Lá$ٶە2.2.۞Rˡ!.]  ٩.ە]2.۞Lˡ2Rá%ٶrom A to Zצ2. From Z to Aצ3. From 0 to 9צ4. From 9 to 0!  á   ö Í  ĸ 786.2ٶ 5٩.2ض   / 5#2ٲ].2ة2٩.]ata diskette in $drive 2 before you started printing?צ'If so, put the Quick File data disketteצback into drive 2 now. ȡǀɡǀ"2[á[[١Z-"ˡRá-3--"ˡ #ȡBġ0!!ٸZظ[NE ^׸Zظ[TWc  P| @]^ .Vá<<ȡákšá*Pá צ #########O򥅀 )?) PáPéQǫá ˼ǭá ˼ǯá;˼  '˼  ˼' '''''d __ ǫǭǪǯáөӳ@ PšxAɡ詁@ضšضá ;áš9Yá_ ө٥ ȡ  b   P ȡ$ ǀǭˡǫá PƲ ˡRD  ]-&_$%Yáٲ- ٲ- `\Háɲk  ɶؕš-(á - ɡ-, ` M̶͕00000--ˡ.ץOˡقٕ˼-ڮɡš X  ȶ˕ġ- ˡ)PáȡW١˲˼ R0ˡ*˲˼R0RNá˼ تP˼  &Ná˼O -áɡ!á  !!4!ەɡٶ!!!(ٶ!۞ ڸ!š ڞء nٮ>O >خ"kk}ɡ<ت-ٶɂ"+ Insufficient space on the disk 8Z[R#ȡ:!YY9폂Y8폂WZԸ[RB ##Wp ٶ!ǀ1NáM !áá""% 1MˡVáHI  Report Format#D11áQ צ Report Format#1á 1'á$Yá1áO31!áYѸ1 áB1Eˡ$Háo :2r R%&%צ Report Menu# $2r-X^d0| X@ 1NáM !áá""% 1MˡVáHI  Report Format#D11áQ צ Report Format#1á bles" format צ3. Create a new "labels" format צ4. Duplicate an existing formatצ5. Erase a format&1#6. Keep working with current format צGo to File Menu( há1Mác* WRRzɡ ֹ[Z[Z[TۻUڻ RRT ۸ڸٸZظ[ZZ[    1. Get a report format צ2. Create a new "taˡ&Yá0O PɩQlˡJ˼__˼ +PéQ>צ #########O&Yá tOTɡ==O&š!ˡ==Yáܮ Sˡ Tá ^<> <<ȡ==ȡ}á )?&YátOá,n may create a new report format: Tables formatצ Labels formatCˡ!& Which do you wish to duplicate? 3"  C$3áF3%Rh%&O &a&NYǎ2ǎr Y2SéhɄ3 Report Catalog#hš_ڡ Current report formats:hȡ&2 h 7"You don't have any report formats. ړ hڡrצ#Youkkkkfȡ,k}4 %RáG2ٲaǎ&aCЩ2ǎrá 2r-%QNá&2٩26ٕ6688ha2 Calculatedת ٥P Y%N&F1 B6fȡ9}k kfkf fBBVHk$ }9 OType report name.  O  Y dOE1&a&Yk fPPHNSYYNYYYNΫVá šġ ؓ  쩅_`   gȡh gȡ[6 Cá򥅀 )Х*Yá R ˡ*Yá_Zˡ צ*** ` `(^]!ˡ  \5n5Ŕ!ƀṔ"ʁ"ȡƀƀD6<>xr p .n* )ХO`ΫVá šġ ؓ  쩅_`   gȡh gȡ[6 Cá򥅀 )Х*Yá R ˡ*Yá 4HáFȡ8_ˡ]^Writing^)ȡˡ )ХO`ȡááˡkġЪO?&Yá tOTɡO&š!ˡR ^ Yá]šˡ  --Ȟ Sˡ   68YT4تPX++ȡGˡ2%˲  Tá ]TxYˡ> ȡˡ 4> Há--Ȟȡkáġaá O n Ok}ɡ-- ɡO&cin-M#٥ ٮ ^`šȡ YˡHáO.צFile: Page תO7ʥš צReport: &ʥ>š i: i^@@ Gá ˡ ɕ k^ءٓYá  ^%š Yá<<ȡ ޭ4}S1E1d S$3á+3hš3hN13%R M1F1F hɡ4 !There is room for only 8 reports. F176Xšt56,ša  צ#The size of your file doesn't allow צ space for another report format. F1;h%á 1Eá!1Eáá%M1 D$3ˡ23>This report format:ץ>3Yá_3%á%&%322ة6ؕ6688hhY2%33צIs this OK? (Y/N) Nˡ Y ת צ(Type the required keystrokes (^ = End). &^áׯ  3 ɡ#ӿ Y \ YáNYצType the new all entries are blank YáW'צ!16. Keep number of lines the sameצwithin each recordT ȶɕ˕ʭ̶͕ϕέ &Current printer control characters are  Stop at the end of each page'&13. Print report header at top of page'צ&14. Printer accepts form-feed commandsHá;'$15. Single, Double or Triple spacing'צ&15. Omit line if  8. Page length% ̮  NӹYө'  9. Send special codes to printer' % צ10. Line feed needed by printer'&צ%11. Print dash when an entry is blank'צ 12.ɮ צ 2. Char printʮ  צ 3. Rt. margin ˮ  צ4. Printer size Ȯ   5. Top margin%ͮ 6. Print lines%ή  צ7. Bot. margin% Ϯ  צNoneȡөө'áצ Escape v á Space \ө&áצ Return @ũ Ʉ) Control-@     1. Left margin]1EáYá<^5   >`  gȡK6 3F1_ٲ`. צNothing to printE1\}  Is there aצDOS disk in drive 2? ZOצ already existsUse a different name or disk #B׻Bػ F1E1  ! צPrint the report#`_^]^ *(!_ F1  צAn example: NEW CUSTOMERSצEnter file name. 򩅵 צPlace a DOS disk in drive 2 now \OצIs the door open? do you want to print the report? 1. The screen צ 2. A printerצ3. A DOS file on diskVá/#4. A DOS Apple Writer file on disk!LˡLȡL L  L L"0`'_ ɲB#ōؓ[չV>B-$->>Ǡˡ>>Ǡá>>>[[ء=-$ -Ǡ --B$RGW" :\ צ&Wherete. >2Z[RòÄG#ȡ:9폂Y8폂YY!GvT ֶZ׶[ح*Z[[ġRȡ #B#B While the report is printing צyou may use these keys: צ!Escape to stop printing and צreturn to report format`_=Space Bar to pause to continue printing>OצEnter report daš%% Ɓ.ع   WP >DJ@&Z re is room for only 8 reports. F176Xšt56,ša  צ#The size of your file doesn't allow צ space fvalue "צPrinter options#  !á ɡ ?öHÄ1ӳYӸҹ˂ɡɮɂšɡʶȶɕʕ˹ɂɡˮɶ˂ɡȮςɡͮ͂šɡζ̶͕ΕϹ͂ɡϮ϶͂ɡu̮f`%X&PӮHԮ@֮8׮0خ( @(n횶   á } ŶƶÍˡ.ˡ{}Oˡ צ Right Justify#$ Y k}ŶV :"Decimal places for this category:     "Blank spaces after this category: kkšث}  6ˡ ɡ   .ášY ˡ ƶġ:  Calculatedתƶš ƹƲkkȡkk핚 šk ákšá%k} ȡ\Y ȡ:ákkkkI ˡ   re ---> خK :: צInsert a category# fȡSȡá륄n ! á/Yƶġ$ث:} š!ɡ      ˡS "V ض á2  ˡ <--- More  ----------ضš  ----------(   MoO  L e n   k}ɡ aá *-* n *@* ˡצ 9999999999Oš.צ9999kȡ .   تP šR0 gġ;ث / )?&YátO J k ضá_k&k}ȡkk }S k  k۶۶Ʉ ۶ 4  3'&Ya%& ٪O$Enter title line at cursor position. Y٥P $v ضض&ضضOA-P Print the reportצ#OA-R Change record selection rulesצ OA-T Add/remove category totals --> or <-- Move cursor $(rצ Change Name#:צEnter report name.& &Olculated category צOA-D Delete this category OA-G Add/remove group totals%OA-I Insert a prev. deleted category!OA-J Right justify this category%OA-N Change report name and/or titleOA-O Printer options: Use options shown on Help screen2צHelp# :x5šצ--> or <-- Move cursorצ% > OA < Switch category positions צ--> OA <-- Change column width צOA-A Arrange on this category "OA-C Define a caVRLF@:4.Y ɡ  ɡ  $$.6`<Bá\L t&YӸҹ˂ɡɮɂšɡʶȶɕʕ˹š Yˡ9aˡ}Oá צCategory Totals#$ YˡNNöō :NNצ Group totals#צPrint group totals only? (Y/N)  sYáYթNáNNáPצ#New page after group totals? (Y/N) # YáYNáN$(& ٪O$Enter title line at cursor position. Y٥P $v ؕ ث gȡ6   (ث š6  צ'[V] Print category name AND entryצ'[Z] Zoom between cat. name, entry :  Dצ Change Name#Enter report name.& &O 򩅴3'&Ya%r a previously deleted category$[J] Left justify this categoryצ&[N] Change report name and title[O] Printer options[P] Print the reportצ'[R] Change record selection rulesJ K M] Move category location ! > or < Next or previous record &[A] Arrange (sort) this category צ([B], [E] Go to beginning or end of file ([D] Delete this blank line or cat. צ"[I] Insert a blank line oA-O Printer optionsצOA-P Print the report'OA-R Change record selection rules'OA-V Print category name AND entry'OA-Z Zoom between cat. name, entryI J K M Move cursor locationצ [I eginning or end of file צ(OA-D Delete this blank line or cat. "OA-I Insert a blank line or a צpreviously deleted categoryצ$OA-J Left justify this category&OA-N Change report name and titleצOצ!Use options shown on Help screen 0 :x5šצArrows Move cursor location OA-arrows Move category location צ! > OA < Next or previous record צ&OA-A Arrange (sort) this category (OA-B OA-E Go to béөÍө!ÍRNөá@өá4өöȄƶ˄өá өá #:P̀ʀȡ*צ-----PSצ=====P̀ʀȡ**SS̀̀̀̀x5š"Ǖ}Lj|ǼǾ~Ǭ̀Ǯ̀.},|>̀<̀~:'s bV& " V b L :PrV:詁ӶéӶÍꩁөá쩁ө#áөáөá&ũfŶũföÄ hө éөÍө!ÍRNөá@өá4өöȄƶ˄өá өá #:P̀ʀȡ*צ-----PSצ=====P̀ʀȡ**SS̀̀̀̀ӫ1ө'áܹީө*éө.Íੁө+éө/Í⩁Ӷ|éӶÍ䩁Ӷ}éӶÍ橁Ӷ~éӶÍ詁ӶéӶÍꩁөá쩁ө#áөáөá&ũfŶũföÄ hө á ƶáƲkkkk킚 ˡ-ȡ# ɡ <1Dˡ8ȡt kculation rules:    OC "   ˡ $ ضضضض횭4ɡY }ƶˡƶáK ƶ ˡ a}Y:צDefine Calculated#Calculated name:  O򩅵ө&á2( ˡ  Cal &ȡ,}áká 7 Hˡ$ɡɡɡǴɡ  h ةة횭, šȡȡU}}ȡ5}}ɲkkɍˡ>϶ á  áϸ Yk }     ũfؓٓ : I ~ n &@nؾZˡ@á@@ á @@ á6ȡ , ٫wثv wv   ' x6 Nj NJ Lj Ǖ ǾǼǮǬ$I MJK .,><: ':"V ^ F(r.詁Ӷáꩁө&á쩁өáӶéӶÍFӶéӶÍBөöRÄ FөöRÄ gBөá  ˡwsөágөá [өá OөáCө$á7ө éө!ÍөÍ!ө%áHáRHح  "$(,x5š6 ӫ1 ˡ}  ө'áֹکӶ áܩӶ áީӶ áੁӶ á⩁Ӷ á䩁Ӷá橁Ӷá詁Ӷáꩁө&á쩁өáӶéӶÍFӶéӶÍB}  áƸwá|dk  EǴšF.k  AuYٸڸ %@ /ˡ$ˡˡˡ rcT  á1 Í ÍڸN  áYعá}  áˡ <--- More  ---------- צ More ---> צ ----------mعˡɡġ xǴɡgšVɡ< ġ ˡ ضá|á'-- -Pá!Each record will print תOצO7צ linesƥ+ ȡ}á   ȡ ġ ɡ } ˡ  n i )?&YátOá: Ráiá<ɡš jȡ}áȡlȡ-}š}}ƶ ƶġYh2Rá"Fá ˡ2k  kɡ 9x ˡ7Yá  }JáuškY k}ȡ"}á (ɡġ욲k} : $1pzj áaá @ȡ2}! á襅YZšbá=ȡ-}ġ}};ȡ-}š}}ȡ:}á#kökÍ ;Ǵɡnsert a category# fȡSȡá륄n ١yb$A spacing line above cursor positionɡ:cצ$A spacing line below cursor positionšB OA-? for Help #OA-?0APáB#BEá Erase entryת)RáצRestore former entryPéRˍEscape: ɡ צEsc: Pá4!Rá: SáAB CتPTتP צ. R8تP :AvwR(vצIs this OK? (Y/N) $تPɡ(ōO ?>4 áSelection: All records4>áV5/ڤڤڤ ڤ  ڤ ھ ޫÍ P š á  ɡ 0  f;á: á;$?á)Pá>צ Selection: O >Sel: תO>&Oˡ>n >ˡO ˡ >r >&U& צ"You are about to permanently erase,$z 3hZh@Ohצ 0hצ00v:צ12:00 AMOA šJr1<1 249886755 5ȡn gfh%&,iDj1H 2,٪PتPצDouble-check erase# U&_ hhȡ0'0 UצOLD-( PV.ff28폂*/ff28폂"0fm/ȡC%ؚ7I؂[ؚ*+ȡ# ؤؤ =><J,ȡ ؤؤˡX*sDLrTBؤɡ7ؤ8PɡQ ؤRٿ& -šFá=P&(تPn&R"#nå&$;á O 2񂥄,)vn vצDATEvˡ srsTIMEץv˫rP*5é67dō< 65dš<RáN&צ Report: None,På& ɍצReport: &&%OPáSCL&- P'= '%&צPress Space Bar to continue.  éө'Íө&Íө'ë"N צ!Type selection and press Return. .!צ Type entries or use OA options. ." O. File: None)PåɍFile:ȡ88 š( 0 ˡȡ xQ  өY˩N˄ 8@ӭ$تP,,ɡ,,T2á/ɡ!EáSC š á SC QצXXOġȡ ӥӿө'ëө&ëP[ R$ , S̡OECRC á: ө&áө*áDө'áEáSC ߼ ө&á5šš  uӥ߼Eө*áD9ө+ȡ 6 ӿ$ ,ɡ DDDá EOתOán߼O&þR(٪P,,P,,R&0ǯáӹ á*ӭ.&   š9ө'á" áө(éө)ÍӫA \ġ )RO-OáN /(z ÍߓÍ  ˡ š ɡˡݹK ZSLۥ :3,ۥ  SNID4/*Dá ˡTá ˡoá? ȡ Lݹ5 > 3 (-- =4+$ڤߡ á áZ.|TCALLSIT Į ⩂3é3Í3!Í e3áM.áD𫅮ֹ'iá[fɡةfɡ1!3 DHbS?S^Vdfhjlnprt:2"Dک1!צTAHDNC:2:*0 2tF^`*|Hҩ3%á)ԩ3&é3-Í3/Íȹo3 ác3.é3,Í*P3"á-D3ágȡ"1ƩYáֹ3á g̹3á⩂3á֩3á#֩3á  Rá)ĩ1 =)H(H`2h(h)hh hh  )H(H`2h(h)hh hh  )H(H`2  Jlt6<R ftp | Z HxtJf$XBr>nLW LW'ʆei8 "  8 `x43-*)('OF5 nh(h)hhؠa{)ߑ)H(H`4h(h)hhhhؠ UT)H(H`HJ) h)i `~]K?h(h)hh)H(H 0 P   ȱ L L 0:> -  NLW$ +,#LW.0 , LW eview/Add/Change#=> 3'á$3á*3!á3áRá  HLrnH H h(h)h9phLiUh H q heH q'0p7 צ 3. Save file "4. Change categories or file name5. Format a blank disketteצ6. Go to Main Menu! Zplg zKG BF<2Yˡ zK1Eˡ.db_A>:1צRt:! áoU c 1Má\T 1Eˡ4 <4 . 1Fá'F\WJ,(Q2Yáצ Save file Main Menuת File Menu#  צ1. Review, add, or change צ 2. Report ain Menu( 1. Get a file 2. Create a new file צ3. Erase a file צ&4. Get file from an alternate catalogצ5. Format a blank diskette?צ"6. Keep working with current fileצ7. Quit6. Qui š צ OAڂ07# 9š8! ,=h=š%h0Iy Fy 1Eá 1Má File Menuתצ M٥7= 8šhFhɡhNOONׯ h=ášÍ>šáh0<áɡ ɡFh=áˡe>;šXFhš/hӥPá ɡ Aá šhFhɡhH&GFháh=ɡ>D>FháhH Gáh=ɡ>Fh=á šȡ>á <<> ōō*O07@Zt6تP, ,á,^07h<hšhH8<)4FhġPh ȡ1ZhťhH<8% hGg_F1 á6@á7ǀá8Main.PgmNXh(h)hhhhxLɍNGH@ m۩LکvکۍکLܩܩ׍ܠ$/0P*L*h 8 d `{>=74321RI8 xbc   ȱ L L 0:E  L-  NeLW$ +,#LW.0 , LW oLW LW`'ʆei8 b" b׶O+ 5TRUEת 5צFALSEMORE: 5צ Error: ,  -צ Remaining: endׯj h(h)hh)H(H 0 ddPe`agPTESTIT 8 d `{>=74321RI8 xbc   ȱ L L 0:E  L-  NeLW$ +,#LW.0 , LW pLW LW`'ʆei8 b" b׶O+ 5TRUEת 5צFALSEMORE: 5צ Error: ,  -צ Remaining: endׯj h(h)hh)H(H 0 ddPe`agPTESTIT oduire un format existantצ5. Effacer un format&3צ%6. Continuer avec le format pr{c{dent Aller au menu FichierD há1Mác1NáM !áá""%q`eZKE;,#      1. Charger un format de rapport $2. Cr{er un nouveau format "tableau" צ"3. Cr{er un nouveau format "liste" 4. Repr) PQiVLL@L (HH)H(H`   8L( I`)a LL3ذiNؘL؍` ؠ Hɿ ȑ7iץ)* +HP+*++Aצ#4:cored.output*T*TȡJ)U)Uȡ))))**eVh(h)hhحDEDiDEgCORE TERFAC3LABEL MOD 'NOT &OF OR (PROCEDURPROGRAM !PACKED +REPEAT RECORD -SET *SEGMENT !SEPARATE6THEN TO TYPE UNIT 2UNTIL USES 1VAR WHILE WITH ` t))))?)`vߗ߸)))@#AND 'ARRAY ,BEGIN CASE CONST DIV 'DO DOWNTO END ELSE EXTERNAL5FOR FILE .FORWARD "FUNCTION GOTO IF IMPLEMEN4IN )INe ~a{8 ~ȱa {8 LT0:A[_ ҕ~L+݈qȱi~8A ݅ȹ݅ȱ~Ɔ4i Lȱ|ȱ}|ȩȥ}ȩLݠȑȑ~uHtH`,BMcބޥHH8(iPH ۠'(hH'O'OhhmhLۭJL80%`M8$LLLhhhhhhhhץHH` ܩȑآL ܥ8Lؘ ܩ؈ȩؠ#hthuhhhheȱÈ jh`@ fנ f׭0`L` CLL۠LۥHH j ڥhhLۦ vې` ۤOȄ`( I`IH80(hI`i(L8(hI`LۥJ) )i i`¥ĥ`` - 9HL r 9 MȽ`H 9٠L rH $h`   -y6=CLjO808 0PLڥ8 0 ۥ``) Lv )? Lvۢ 8` GڅFڅl```LۥH ۠' `H 9٠ hlQ`) թ` 9 Ȣ`JJJJ ϱ` r,p 0*P$ ۤ b ۢ`H - 9٠L r׊H 9h ɢ`) 2 r׭0` r׹)` ( `) ' r׹J)?L I@L3؊  L3؎,QLxת,c*A[ Lע0H)@hILө Ъhhh(`N`hhhhhhHH)> ` Yܠ0* )` r׮ ؎`(54#ƊgƈЪ 6`י ֙QRTW = Э*0 LqŐ`8Hh`HHH)a LL3ذiNؘL[ )L3~ lJf)jjAUIL3ة0 $ڐ> L׈ ϐ8 (ֹH 7֥ +ֹP 7 7)*Ȫ`FG8`0($ p,&"VU>)Q>jj``P@J I*I `\xDŽ XׅІ X?;78H<8H  8`Ί aՍxՍՍՍե>?Ռ8T8ՌWuՌvՠ ýI꽌ɪ꽌ɭ蠪ϮәVEU]ӾV]H)]ӾV]ԙ)]ӾT]ԙ)]ӦΨ 8$hU>`ȅSϭ߅83IߐiŠرL+)H(H`:740-Zh(h)hhhhee)H(H`>Fr]tJJ]t] YZYbW ^ WECommand: E(dit, R(un, F(ile, C(omp, L(ink, X(ecute, A(ssem,צEnter location of catalog:šتO إP E1 إ |ȡ3N l=N(ERROR: Found the original catalog again  4ث41Eá٫4OOצ šOȡb>N O>šB>á6>> > ˡN >N Ok4צT the file onto alternate disk.: pצ Save File"z<x5éx6Í F1 O  šá Íá1EáO4áˡȡN ave the file onto disk.2Yá13. Throw out the changes.צ3. (Not available)ˡ^4. Save the file onto disk ANDצsave a copy of the "old" file.4. (Not available)# Saveeep working with the file.4You created the above file. צ 1. Save the new file onto disk.צ3. Throw away the new file.צ You made O2Yˡ צNO צchanges to the above file. צ1. S"áS Oá tȡN 4M Gȡ4N l41ث4#٫1 UN   2. Kin the correct drive.  Oˡ=צFound a file catalog,צbut not the original.ESave on Alt. Disk"O1Eá צThe alternate disk must צnow be in the correct drive.4AN2N4 ԩ4gl4Hخzتl  "Insufficient room for your file on צ'the disk. Use Save File option 3 or 5.E1#tJDP ءM The original file catalog must צnow be F1 ت4OE1 צSaving the filezfZh́ʁȡ$29zǶǷ/ ǵʁȡ/` P"ˡFile" The file catalog will show the צ#last time that this file was saved.Enter date or press Return.HO? D8šƁƁOHá: E1    ٫gN2_ /"ˍ,fȡ{ (/š/z@// ///צ Save vت4IE1 Loading the filefZf.h́ʁȡ%288866ǶǷ/P1ǵʁȡ>26.6.65é627ō 6x5š خצ file catalogOMF/"ˍ,6xfȡo/{á š@/55$5š5ؕ5/25؞5/؂/s now in memory.x5éx6Í    צ#Each files catalog is limited to 26 צ entries, which you already have.d خצ file catalogI/M"ˡ"ˡd.:  #Your Apple dealer has 64K auxiliary #RAM boards that double the capacityof Quick File //.z  צ#Your file is too large to load into צ$this Apple computer. Only a portion of the file ihe above new file3*All changes made inצthe above file3Yá2 1EáE1# wT>3  צ!File Name Records DateOPá- ȡN  á(á )ؚN Ošá.ɡ륄>O O>٥lOá:٥á/ #There are no files in this catalog.ggצDNY2P*<fȡ=;ˡ%<  (<=ff폩8 2합2g폞6킫6g  0 //áDNY2 7n[  (V fث gȡ   &ث š   $á/Dáѫ  ˡ( Hgš@fgˡ폩8 22합g폞6핫67n[ ɡmȡf \n% Oš"Ǡn fȡN;ˡ6;á%< 8  ةmȡ   Fiáثع*fȡ[áع% Bةfɡġ>ˡN r =0Find occurrences of תO>5@  =$צPress OA-F to change "Find."!Y255á<%55*<25<N"P " Ų"Ǡ Ä"Ǡ&ٲ"=HDáتP+-+-ȡI+,,Tá .,Aá ",Há,Dá ,Ná++RXh  HDN׮ צYou have run out of memory space for this file. You can continue to review the file. :: 2$Read other disk"áOá1EáOȡN   g1EáY צAlternate Catalog"3á334N4 1Eá2  $ث4Y2# & ƁA:ع" v FLFZR h R8 l@b(> be in the correct drive.D & Can't read file catalogOá Fث1 2$Read other disk"áOá1EáOȡN   g1EáY צAlternate Catalog"3á334N4 1Eá2  $ث4Y2# &  remove theQuick File program disk.  NE1Eá The alternate file catalog must now be in the correct drive.D & Can't read file catalogOá Fث1. You may switch to and work with צan alternate file catalog. #2. You may load into memory a file that is in an alternate file צcatalog, and then add the fileto the current file catalog.צYou may not Erase a File"3áN3 O.צThe entire contents of3YˡN3 2$ON3 l3ԩ3O3"áF1#  צ#1%    ˡ 3[Lf<  File Catalog"3á/342N4 $1EáM1F1#`2ȡ"N  C14*צCreate a new file"$ E1#M ^I خ[ ;ˡ(?-Oġ, " gȡ6O  of g>O >O#gšOEnter comparison. > !x > RáS gȡ ѹ:  No records match your request>:!צTAHDN֭c at one time. צ%1. Delete all records that match the צ current selection rules (above). 2. Enter new selection rules toצdelete records.  á1á!+ AHDN׮: .":=צ Finrd selection rulesצ"that will delete multiple records.צEnter your selection (Y/R) Yá gšRˡ צDelete Records"2rá1 5AHDN׮ #You are able to delete many recordsצ2. Do not delete the record gš1 צYou have reviewed all records.A𫅮6       : !:צY to delete current record.צ#R to specify recoá:  1. Review each record before it is deleted. צ2. Without review, delete all matching records  áá$ gȩgń6  Rצ#You may type: 1. Delete the record fȡD7In[ :L dRá'Record Additional:<==>/á# $1#12r" creen"٩ /fȡIˡI[ ;ˡ(?tO>n[ O>: >>"7Ǡ>#  צAHDNfáةfá g /ث٫ګ:צAHDN# -Eá : צ You are now past the last record of your file and may now startצ entering new records at the end.::r