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"Americans."5$@ "During the post World War II period long hair in males was a(n) _____________"5%@ "for most Americans."5t@ "IMPROVIDENT"6v@ "NOT CAREFUL IN PROVIDIN,0,13,0,55,0,64,0T4> "The sight of a woman in pants is still a(n) _____________ "s4> "to some older persons."4> "If any man love not the Lord, let him be _____________."4\? "Communism is _____________ in most Christian nations."F5? "After 2o to bed early for I want to break a(n) _____________ cold."30> "He showed that _____________ smile which is apt to accompany agreeable"31> "recollections."3> "ANATHEMA"3> "THING THAT IS DETESTED OR CONDEMNED"3> 1,0,0,1,14> 44,0,41th of which were acquiring a foothold in his country."2= "The _____________ phase of a urinary infection is often marked by a high fever."2h= "A medical examination of the earliest symptoms showed _____________"2i= "tuberculosis."<3= "I will g___________ than hungry tigers or"81=< "roaring seas."J1< "INCIPIENT"c1< "JUST BEGINNING"s1< 1,0,1,0,11< 52,0,4,0,54,0,48,0,15,01< "Dictator Franco undertook a crusade to rid Spain of _____________ communism and"62< "liberalism, bo the gout, she was the queen of diseases, and _____________."0; "Although he suffered many defeats during the primaries, Jimmy Carter never"0; "deviated from his _____________ goal; the Presidency.""1<< "As a fighter he is more fierce and more __LESS AND UNYIELDING"$/: 1,0,0,1,1B/: 4,0,13,0,64,0,18,1,40,0/: "The _____________ march of years decrees that this is the last convention I"/: "will attend."/; "How entirely _____________ is the nature of facts."=0t; "The Greeks said ofelf as the _____________, if not the sole actor,"W.9 "in the world tragedy of 1914.".H: "The earth shaker Poseidon, the sea-god, appears as a subordinate in many".I: "scenes, and as a(n) _____________ in others.".: "INEXORABLE"/: "RELENTzen."\-9 "The devil in Spanish plays is generally the _____________ of those in which he"s-9 "is introduced."-9 "Even today Adolf Hitler remains the evil force and major ___________"-9 "of World War II."1.9 "France began to look upon its,U8 "the cognizance of the FBI."6,8 "PROTAGONIST"`,8 "LEADING FIGURE OR MAIN CHARACTER"p,8 1,1,1,1,1,8 23,0,44,0,57,0,40,0,20,1 ,8 "Lyndon Johnson was the _____________ in a Vietnam drama that engaged the"-8 "interest of every citin of Hastings, who had been charged"@+7 "with _____________."+7 "In doing an act which a person ought not to do, he was found guilty of"+7 "_____________."+T8 "The corruption, breach of trust, and _____________ in public affairs came under""d _____________ in public affairs came under the cognizance of the"R*6 "judge."*(7 "The same law which applies to cases of _____________, also governs cases of"*)7 "negligent execution of a trust."$+7 "An attorney was assigned for the protectio "You could not have passed Caesar on the road without feeling his great"~)a6 "physical force and his ____________ will.")6 "MALFEASANCE")6 "OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND WRONGDOING")6 1,1,1,1,1)6 15,0,39,0,5,1,0,1,37,0C*6 "Corruption ane and"(55 "ill will."k(5 "He is so inflated with the sense of his own importance that he adopts a(n)"(5 "_____________ manner towards his subordinates."(5 "She is a(n) _____________ domineering woman who wears the pants in the family."J)`6 ING AND OVERBEARING"%'4 1,1,1,0,1D'4 4,0,24,0,0,1,12,0,23,1'4 "His _____________ manners indicated that he had long been accustomed to"'4 "assuming command."(45 "They had a multitude of _____________ demands that were met with reluctanc"Q&4 "We took one look at our teacher's face and realized she was not in a(n)"z& 4 "_____________ mood this morning."&l4 "It was hard to imagine that such a(n) _____________ spirit had ever known"&m4 "sorrow."&4 "IMPERIOUS"'4 "DOMINEER%2 35,0,7,0,7,0,0,1,38,0`%2 "After winning the contest, she was _____________ as a lark."%@3 "Herb's _____________ disposition makes him a welcome addition to any group."&3 "Always _____________ and uncomplaining, Pam cheered all her friends.be in readiness for the arrival of the guests of the"L$2 "_____________."$x2 "It has been hard work to dine and entertain all the people"$y2 "invited to the _____________ ."$2 "BLITHESOME"$2 "JOYFUL, CAREFREE, OR CHEERFUL"%2 0,0,0,1,1rd and we did not leave until well":#0 "past midnight."#L1 "Many pleasant _____________(s) have been ruined by an excess of alcohol."#1 "I had a wonderful _____________ last night and received many compliments."5$2 "The host and hostess must out-of-date, and that it is"W"0 "mostly political arguments and __________ gossip."f"0 "SOIREE""0 "AN EVENING PARTY FOR ENTERTAINMENT OR PLEASURE""0 1,0,0,1,1"0 23,0,14,0,18,0,0,1,15,1##0 "We had a regular merry _____________ on boahan those who never leave the borders of their own country."! 0 "Even so great a historian as Pirenne is __________ compared with Mr. Toynbee,"!!0 "who has literally taken the world has his province.""0 "Small wonder that the news is so often y native France."i X/ "The President was able to reconcile the __________ demands of the country and" Y/ "the larger needs of the nations of the world." / "People who travel extensively are much less _________ in their attitudes" ";:8000:Z$;#W!Z$(27)ġ6\!Z$"Y"ī8500~]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! 8000Z$(13)Z$IN$:0Z$" "ī81309Z$;NIN$IN$Z$:8130U4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N)"" 1002:3+@ZP0:ZC32NJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010^LZOLD(" ")jOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""D$;"DELETE ";N$#D$;"OPEN ";N$7D$;"WRITE ";N$=D N7000T[ rN$"MAIN DATA HW1"xD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N"$"P"ĺ:::73456:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"N8000:Z$" "6170T.lX8000:Z$" "7000v]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111#".";.PLACEM(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";oHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEwI2}I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3Z ";HPLACE14I1591403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;NHPLACEHPLACE10m(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";tI|:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(REEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81008:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" 5);VPLACE:1403,LPLACE)FAILED1/Z"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000iJ150:Js8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)0"RESULTS TO SCELPLACE1CH2ī5055)CH2:5010N(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)X8000yFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(210:(11)I2I21<ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)GIAB`IAULINEVPLACEI2lCT$(I)xI2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$; LPLAC XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)- LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)D ULINECV%(DEXX,1)\ NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)b i sI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" :"DO YOU WANT TO:" : 1403,40:"A. 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"_____________ of a healthy environment."4? "There is a(n) _____________ of oranges because of the extreme frost."5$@ "The critic said that there was no shortage of writers, onl 57,0,4,0,48,0,14,0,61,0r3> "Sometimes such signs in heaven are presages of miserable _____________(s) and"3> "scarcities."3> "The _____________ of skilled labor compelled the employers to open trade"3> "schools."?4\? "In the homes of i= "against it."a2= "That simple medicine alone has not strength enough to _____________ the"r2= "disease."20> "He never hesitated to openly _________ the evils of either party."2> "DEARTH"2> "IN SHORT SUPPLY"2> 1,1,1,0,13> it was mightily _____________(ed) by the Christians, was"e1< "strongly defended by the Saracens."1= "He was induced to _____________ the Emperor Henry by arms."1h= "Parliament may not only lawfully resist, but _____________ all forces raised"2 Fitzgerald."T0; "Every man has a tendency to think of himself as _____________."0<< "John McEnroe is the __________ of tennis."0< "OPPUGN"0< "TO OPPOSE OR RESIST"0< 1,0,1,1,00< 38,0,18,0,45,0,54,0,29,0:1< "The town of Achon, asy of Truth, Pavlov was thescientist":/: "___________."/; "People are apt to think of their children as _____________, the sole object"/; "deserving admiration and regard." 0t; "She was a(n) _________ at writing news reports, but certainly no______(s) were accountable for the taxes that were collected from"c.I: "their several provinces."u.: "NONPAREIL".: "A PERSON OR THING HAVING NO EQUAL".: 1,1,0,0,0.: 0,1,45,0,12,0,48,0,20,0$/: "In his devotion to the discoverion at war."d-9 "She must have shuddered at the thought of a republican assembly substituted for"-9 "those faithful _____________(s), her bishops."-9 "Louis XIV acted on England through the use of subsidized _____________(s)."B.H: "The _______"manner of his predecessors and lives spaciously as an entertainment"c,8 "_____________ should.",9 "Even the most cynical media _____________ present was touched by the beginning" -9 "of communication between two nations that have spent a generatthat flight of"M+U8 "dim-seen birds a(n) ____________ of evil for my life."\+8 "SATRAP"w+8 "THE RULING FIGURE"+8 2,1,1,0,1+8 0,2,28,0,15,1,57,0,4,0+8 "John Ringling North, the present head of the family, subscribes to the grand"E,8 present boom"0*7 "would continue unabashed."*7 "The father took the victory in the debate tournament as a(n) _____________ of a"*7 "successful career as a lawyer for his son."+T8 "I felt there was a mysterious meaning in that moment, and in "He interpreted the Syrian peace moves as a(n) __________ of hope.")(7 "His smashing victory in the primary is a(n) _____________ for his success in"))7 "the coming election."*7 "A host of economic indicators provided a(n) _____________ that the a(n) _____________ assent from the listener."(`6 "We must learn to dismiss all _____________ and unfruitful contemplations of"(a6 "the causes of cancer."(6 "AUGURY"(6 "A SIGN OR OMEN"(6 0,1,1,1,1(6 46,0,44,0,44,0,61,0,20,1D)6 me cultures possess _____________ and needless letters."'5 "Our policy in Turkey has now dwindled into a(n) _____________ support of the"'5 "Government; we provide neither financial or military assistance.".(5 "Such stories require no more thanING THAT HAS NO PURPOSE"(&4 1,0,1,0,1G&4 13,1,39,0,48,0,39,0,29,0&4 "Britain was right to bomb Germany in 1942, to continue to do so in 1945,"&4 "however, was _____________, it was no longer necessary for survival."8'45 "The alphabets of sofit of angry resentment or of high"^% 4 "indignation provoked by opposition to one's views."%l4 "The actress stalked out of the theatre in high _____________ when she learned"%m4 "she was not being given star billing."%4 "OTIOSE "&4 "SOMETHo be termed the brother of a scoundrel."n$@3 "I drink to thee, you scoundrel, in __________ and hostility."$3 "Nixon had no right to be in a(n) __________ since he knew in his heart he was"$3 "guilty."#%4 "_____________ applies chiefly to a g pompous speech than by ___________ ." y#x2 "The General received all her approaches with lighthearted _____________."#2 "DUDGEON"#2 "ANGER OR RESENTMENT"#2 0,0,1,1,1#2 20,0,35,0,33,0,0,0,47,0($2 "He took it in great _____________ ttic."W"L1 "He greeted our remarks with playful _____________, but I could see he was"o"M1 "becoming angry.""1 "The ordinary reasons of war and peace are little better than _____________ and""1 "paradox."(#2 "I know no better way of answerin0 "Did you see any sleight of hand, any _____________ at the show?"T!0 "BANTER"!0 "TO SPEAK OR ACT IN A JOKING MANNER"!0 0,1,1,0,0!0 18,0,36,0,61,0,57,0,58,0"0 "They resented his _____________ because they thought he was being sarcasby masters of"% Y/ "_____________."v / "Beware the _____________ of the skillful trickster who deceives our very" / "senses." 0 "The professors of _____________ from our village pull out yard after yard of" !0 "ribbon from their mouths."E!'. "LEGERDEMAIN"/. "SLIGHT OF HAND"?. 1,1,1,1,0]. 37,0,0,1,11,0,18,0,37,0. "The true art of juggling consists of _____________; the nimble conveyance of". "the hand." X/ "The names of magicians have been assumed and abused BASEI,2)!L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC@V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1G`'IRj'I04ft'CV%(SBASEI,0)z~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I!"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP'"B(# INSERT ERROR FLAGd2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04 B'CV%(S ? -> ";:8000:Z$;#W!Z$(27)ġ6\!Z$"Y"ī8500~]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! 8000Z$(13)Z$IN$:0Z$" "ī81309Z$;NIN$IN$Z$:8130U4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N)"" 1002:3+@ZP0:ZC32NJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010^LZOLD(" ")jOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""D$;"DELETE ";N$#D$;"OPEN ";N$7D$;"WRITE ";N$=D N7000T[ rN$"MAIN DATA HW1"xD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N"$"P"ĺ:::73456:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"N8000:Z$" "6170T.lX8000:Z$" "7000v]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111#".";.PLACEM(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";oHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEwI2}I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3Z ";HPLACE14I1591403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;NHPLACEHPLACE10m(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";tI|:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(REEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81008:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" 5);VPLACE:1403,LPLACE)FAILED1/Z"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000iJ150:Js8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)0"RESULTS TO SCELPLACE1CH2ī5055)CH2:5010N(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)X8000yFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(210:(11)I2I21<ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)GIAB`IAULINEVPLACEI2lCT$(I)xI2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$; LPLAC XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)- LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)D ULINECV%(DEXX,1)\ NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)b i sI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" :"DO YOU WANT TO:" : 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"a 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"y 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500 Z$" "ī1120oPN0t48000:Z$" "1420DZ$"Q"ī97JQ _CTXT04mWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10 1403,20 CONTEXTS":80002000" 2WF(I2)0ıDI2WZ1PN1QIWS(I2)\(12)}12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000 j(12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":~ :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN  @I20WZ1:1000:I2- ELPELNLD0< JWV0WZ1c OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  B NLD1 PN0 :! (12)X 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,ī5150 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"; c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL MMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")F 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)U 7RS%(50,4)d 8CV%(50,4)p RWS(10)| VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C"0 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30UmD$;"CLOSE LISTING"sy  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT CO                    ,4,0,1,2,3,4D3,4,0,1,2,3,4,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4L:RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4r a long time before the saleswomen _______ to wait upon you."8A "To think that Harry, the great football hero, actually _____________(ed) to nod"8A "to us on the street!"8B "That old dog will hardly _____________ to bark at you."!9 N 0,1,2,d through the garden, never"]7@ "so much as ______(ing) a glance at his uniformed guide."7@ "He didn't _____________ to reply to his colleague's accusation."7PA "In Russian stores where only foreigners can shop, you stand at the">8QA "counte___ scheme for reforming society by methods which"U6%@ "have no chance of working."c6t@ "DEIGN"6v@ "TO CONSENT TO DO SOMETHING BELOW ONE'S DIGNITY"6x@ 1,0,1,1,06z@ 11,1,10,0,42,1,55,0,25,07@ "The King marched hastily out of the room anndrei":5^? "Sakharov--seems particularly _____________."5? "Jimmy Carter's notion about how to govern the country were _________ and naive; he "5? "seemed unaware of the forces that control our government."26$@ "He has hatched a(n) __________meone is _________ who is motivated by extravagantly chivalrous devotion"g4> "to visionary ideals."4\? "The whole attempt at a frontal attack on the Soviet system of censorship--in"5]? "the light of the exiling of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate A3> 2,1,2,1,113> 8,2,11,0,29,2,56,0,20,03> "The economic notion that our present population can live on this island and"3> "produce a real income that will give them a rising standard of living is"3> "utterly _____________."I4> "So _____________ muscles."o2= "My sedentary job, since it demands little physical exertion, leaves my muscles"2= "_____________."20> "The more _____________ one is, the more one needs exercise."2> "QUIXOTIC"2> "IDEALISTIC AND IMPRACTICAL",37,0,0,1,9,0]1< "His mouth, pink and _____________, trembled like the underlip of a cow."1= "Now, in swift collapse, he was as _____________ as a sick hound and as"1= "disgusting as an aged drunkard."2h= "His sedentary life had left him withs access."N0; "In Greek mythology, the ________ bearer was Zeus, protector"c0; "of all gods."0<< "Collective action was taken under the _____________ of the United Nations."0< "FLACCID"0< "LACKING FIRMNESS"0< 0,1,0,1,0 1< 20,0,34,0der Caesar's _____________ they"O/: "find themselves constantly enriched." /; "We are under the unfailing ___________ of the law."/t; "For the American in a foreign country, the American Embassy is a(n) ______" 0u; "to which every citizen haer excuse was a(n) _____________ smoke screen of deceitful hints and outright"\.I: "lies."j.: "AEGIS".: "ANYTHING THAT PROTECTS OR SHIELDS".: 1,0,1,1,0.: 59,0,27,0,22,0,24,0,38,0 /: "They make their valuable contributions, but unto discern the meaning it contains."q-9 "The water was _____________ after the children had waded through it."-9 "The stream-of-consciousness technique in fiction has been likened to a(n)"-9 "_____________ merging of fact and passion."N.H: "H0W,8 "Not even the fact that in some homes the new water was slightly _____________",8 "for the first few hours dampened their enthusiasm.",9 "His style is so ponderous and _____________ that one has to read every sentence"$-9 "several times s to _____________ extremes of climate along its shores."+T8 "The governor would not _____________ the death penalty sentence of the"+U8 "convicted murderer."+8 "TURBID"+8 "MUDDIED AND DISORDERED"+8 1,1,0,1,1,8 64,0,30,0,14,0,0,1,20,The doctor was a proponent of rehabilitative therapy to _____________ the"}*)7 "aftereffects of strokes and heart attacks."*7 "My prompt apologies and my explanation of why I had been late _____________(d)"*7 "his anger."9+7 "A large lake tend______ laws govern the sale of guns."6)6 "MITIGATE"^)6 "TO MAKE LESS SEVERE OR INTENSE"n)6 1,1,1,0,1)6 38,0,56,0,62,0,22,0,23,0)6 "The city tried to develop programs to _____________ the disruptive effects of")6 "slum living."J*(7 "."Z(5 "The Dean imposed a curfew at 7:00, the most _____________ curb on the student's"(5 "liberty that she felt she could supervise."(5 "This was the most _____________ regulation the broker had ever encountered."%)`6 "In most states, _______mbat crime is not so much new laws as more _____________"j'4 "enforcement of the laws we already have."'45 "A(n) __________ interpretation of the constitution may be more restrictive in"(55 "its effects than the letter of the constitution warrents& 4 "in so _____________ a person?"q&l4 "I was ardent in my temperament; quick, _____________, and impetuous."&4 "STRINGENT"&4 "IMPOSING RIGOROUS STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE"&4 1,1,1,0,0&4 61,0,5,0,44,0,18,0,16,09'4 "What we need to co3 "A(n) _____________ person is volatile, quick-witted, and changeable."%3 "It seems impossible that her bright and ________ figure"%3 "is no longer among us."%4 "Just now he is enthusiastic about our project, but how can we have confidence"$CURIAL"D$2 "SOMETHING OR SOMEONE THAT CHANGES RAPIDLY OR QUICKLY"U$2 1,0,1,1,0s$2 17,0,5,0,40,0,6,1,39,0$2 "Picasso was a(n) _____________ artist who completely transformed the artistic"$2 "possibilites of every medium he worked in."I%@d not"##1 "be so _____________."u#2 "No one understood the teacher's _____________ remark about huge four-leaf"#2 "clovers growing along the highways."#x2 "Her disappearance is very _____________--the police simply cannot solve it."$2 "MERfamous riddle of the Sphinx was so _____________ that only one person could"b"0 "interpret it.""L1 "Despite all attempts to decipher the code, it remained _____________."#1 "If he allowed his actors to act like normal human beings, his plays wouleemed as _____________ as open sewers."p!0 "I could never stand the _____________ atmosphere surrounding the"!0 "slaughterhouses."!0 "ENIGMATIC"!0 "SOMETHING THAT PUZZLES AND BAFFLES"!0 1,0,1,1,0!0 39,0,55,0,6,1,32,0,26,0L"0 "The s emptied into these 25 acres of swamp and morass, stagnant,"s Y/ "_____________, and crawling with huge snakes." / "It is my unpleasant duty to call attention to a(n) _____________ case of" / "political corruption."'! 0 "The canals of Venice s'. "NOISOME"B. "OFFENSIVE TO THE SMELL OR OTHER SENSES"R. 1,1,1,0,1o. 7,1,0,1,51,0,31,0,24,0. "The reporter was admitted to the presence of an official whose job was to". "handle _____________ correspondents."= X/ "Four sewerBASEI,2)!L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC@V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1G`'IRj'I04ft'CV%(SBASEI,0)z~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I!"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP'"B(# INSERT ERROR FLAGd2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04 B'CV%(S ? -> ";:8000:Z$;#W!Z$(27)ġ6\!Z$"Y"ī8500~]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! 8000Z$(13)Z$IN$:0Z$" "ī81309Z$;NIN$IN$Z$:8130U4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N)"" 1002:3+@ZP0:ZC32NJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010^LZOLD(" ")jOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""D$;"DELETE ";N$#D$;"OPEN ";N$7D$;"WRITE ";N$=D N7000T[ rN$"MAIN DATA HW1"xD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N"$"P"ĺ:::73456:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"N8000:Z$" "6170T.lX8000:Z$" "7000v]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111#".";.PLACEM(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";oHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEwI2}I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3Z ";HPLACE14I1591403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;NHPLACEHPLACE10m(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";tI|:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(REEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81008:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" 5);VPLACE:1403,LPLACE)FAILED1/Z"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000iJ150:Js8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)0"RESULTS TO SCELPLACE1CH2ī5055)CH2:5010N(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)X8000yFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(210:(11)I2I21<ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)GIAB`IAULINEVPLACEI2lCT$(I)xI2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$; LPLAC XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)- LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)D ULINECV%(DEXX,1)\ NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)b i sI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" :"DO YOU WANT TO:" : 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"a 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"y 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500 Z$" "ī1120oPN0t48000:Z$" "1420DZ$"Q"ī97JQ _CTXT04mWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10 1403,20 CONTEXTS":80002000" 2WF(I2)0ıDI2WZ1PN1QIWS(I2)\(12)}12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000 j(12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":~ :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN  @I20WZ1:1000:I2- ELPELNLD0< JWV0WZ1c OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  B NLD1 PN0 :! (12)X 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,ī5150 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"; c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL MMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")F 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)U 7RS%(50,4)d 8CV%(50,4)p RWS(10)| VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C"1 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30UmD$;"CLOSE LISTING"sy  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT CO                               ,2,3,4!;RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4D,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5A84N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7p8>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,48HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,48RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,48RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4_____ indications of his doubts but prudently refrained from"^7A "open statements of them."7B "_____________ signs and handclasps are part of the ritual of lodges and all"7B "fraternities."7 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0&8*N 3mment left us all uncertain as to what he really meant."6@ "The _____________ one-word clue was too brief to be understood."6PA "You had to intercede, with your _____________ innuendos and mysterious"6QA "head-waggings."=7A "He gave ________o the poor."Z5$@ "The social worker tried to reduce the number of poor who lived on the"5%@ "_____________ of public assistance."5t@ "CRYPTIC"5v@ "HAVING A HIDDEN MEANING"5x@ 0,0,1,1,15z@ 4,0,4,0,32,0,8,0,0,0 86@ "His _____________ co_________ of Octavius."e4> "He gave me the dime with the air of one bestowing _____________ on an"4> "impoverished peasant."4\? "For years she subsisted on the _____________ of a well-to-do aunt." 5? "Lady Bountiful distributed _____________ tb, recommendation by his"O31> "Congressman was _____________ to appointment."_3> "LARGESS"{3> "A GIFT OR DONATION"3> 1,1,0,0,13> 0,1,50,0,31,0,27,0,0,13> "The people of Rome contrasted the meager bounty of Anthony with the"4> "_______________ to a threat."j2h= "Abandoning the property was _____________ to relinquishing all rights of"}2i= "ownership."2= "The suspect's explanation was _____________ to a confession of guilt."30> "In the case of Smith's application for the jong people shall be present."/1< "TANTAMOUNT"V1< "TWO THINGS THAT ARE EQUIVALENT"f1< 0,0,1,0,11< 25,0,38,0,28,0,30,0,16,11< "Such a movement would be _____________ to a confession of failure."2= "Refusal to prolong the truce would be __U0; "The telephone operator told us of the many _____________ calls, and when she"0; "mentioned some words used by the callers, we were aghast."0<< "Forewarn him that he should use no _____________ words in his songs, especially"1=< "since youto express himself was terribly _____________ and uncalled"H/: "for."/; "In the movie 'The Exorcist,' some very _____________ acts were filmed."/t; "They attacked the passengers with all kinds of _____________, vulgar and"0u; "indecent terms."its sent to"].I: "_____________ in it, if we have no duties except to make our escape from".J: "contaminating surroundings.".: "SCURRILOUS" .: "ABUSIVE AND INDECENT".: 1,0,1,1,1.: 53,0,39,0,47,0,43,0,35,0;/: "The language he used _______ in Europe, we returned home to face the"j-9 "realities of life in a small town in the Midwest."-9 "The congressman _____________(s) in Washington while congress is in session." .H: "For what purpose was the world created, and immortal spir 0,1,1,0,2(,8 18,0,10,0,19,0,16,0,0,1h,8 "Cross the sea and _____________ in a land of strangers.",9 "After his _____________ in Florida, he began to long for the colder climate of",9 "his native New England."0-9 "After a delightful _____________(ed) life, where he would be 'removed from the actions and"a+7 "passions of our time.'"+T8 "To exile a person is to send him away, to _____________ him is to separate him"+U8 "from the group."+8 "SOJOURN"+8 "A TEMPORARY VISIT" ,8."T*7 "Although he had hoped for a long time to _____________ himself in a small"*7 "community, he never was able to drop his busy round of activities in the city."*7 "Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. said that he did not wish to lead a"B+7 "______)6 "He _____________(ed) himself for the summer in an oceanfront"m)6 "cottage to write his first novel.")(7 "Colonel Qaddafi, who once freely walked the streets of Lybia, playing soccer"*)7 "with children, had virtually _____________(ed) himself0(5 "they will always be resisted with vigor."(`6 "Their savage attacks are confined to _____________ nations that once were"(a6 "their parent country."(6 "SEQUESTER"(6 "TO REMOVE OR ISOLATE"(6 1,1,1,2,1(6 3,0,29,1,41,0,0,1,42,0Cay"''55 "the freedoms of the people."u'5 "The more similarities there are between theological parties, the more"'5 "_____________ they are toward each other."'5 "The policies of Communism and Russia are _____________ to our social system and"16,0,9,0,0,1,41,0,37,0i&4 "The jealous and _____________ feelings that formerly subsisted between the"&4 "privileged classes and the mass of the people were now gone."'45 "A prince _____________ to civil and religious liberty, he tried to take awd their virgin""% 4 "resources."r%l4 "His whole life showed the stupidity of _____________; no sooner had he"%m4 "acquired one possession than he set about gaining another."%4 "INIMICAL"%4 "HOSTILE AND UNFRIENDLY"%4 1,1,1,1,1&4 His _____________ was a result of having no interests except money."$@3 "American income taxes do not foster _____________."$3 "The sight of so much wealth aroused his _____________."%4 "In California, the vast _____________ of business preemptet and _____________ person and rolled considerably in her"H#2 "gait."#x2 "He was continually out of health, and much too _____________ to dance."#2 "CUPIDITY"#2 "GREEDY DESIRE FOR WEALTH"#2 0,0,0,1,1#2 4,0,36,0,40,0,24,0,39,0D$2 "8,0,23,0,27,0,47,0O"0 "The _____________ man resolved to reduce his weight.""L1 "He saw a smiling, _____________ Buddha.""1 "G.K. Chesterton was so _____________ that it was difficult for him to climb""1 "stairs.":#2 "Mrs. Byron was a shor _____________ behavior."p!0 "Whenever her young son broke a neighbor's window or tortured a neighbor's dog,"!0 "she told us of how _____________ he had been as a baby."!0 "CORPULENT"!0 "HAVING A LARGE BULKY BODY"!0 0,0,1,1,0"0 4,0,1r misbehaved."e / "Teenagers may not be the most _____________ creatures imaginable, but they are" / "more amenable to guidance than most parents think." 0 "Since I had expected him to be unruly, I was pleasantly surprised by his"!!0 "gentle,'. "DOCILE"0. "EASILY LED OR MANAGED"@. 1,0,1,1,1]. 3,0,22,0,30,0,8,1,19,1. "As _____________ as he seems today, that old lion was once a ferocious,". "snarling beast." X/ "He had a classroom of _____________ pupils who neveBASEI,2)!L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC@V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1G`'IRj'I04ft'CV%(SBASEI,0)z~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I!"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP'"B(# INSERT ERROR FLAGd2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04 B'CV%(S ? -> ";:8000:Z$;#W!Z$(27)ġ6\!Z$"Y"ī8500~]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! 8000Z$(13)Z$IN$:0Z$" "ī81309Z$;NIN$IN$Z$:8130U4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N)"" 1002:3+@ZP0:ZC32NJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010^LZOLD(" ")jOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""D$;"DELETE ";N$#D$;"OPEN ";N$7D$;"WRITE ";N$=D N7000T[ rN$"MAIN DATA HW1"xD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N"$"P"ĺ:::73456:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"N8000:Z$" "6170T.lX8000:Z$" "7000v]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111#".";.PLACEM(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";oHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEwI2}I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3Zz#     ԠDzĠ2ԠDzĠ3 Ǡ ϠԠDZĠ3ԠDZĠ5ԠDZĠ4ԠDzĠ2"ԠDzĠ2 ԠDzĠ33,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0P9*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5k94N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,79>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4DPA "_____________ people lack foresight and thrift and do not see ahead."7A "Those _____________ in youth can be expected to be welfare cases in their old"7A "age."8B "The _____________ grasshopper in the fable, unlike the industrious ant, ha RESUME";:Z$ Z$" "ī3000 "": CTL-A6 TO RESUME";:Z$! Z$" "ī3002 "": CTL-A8 KER DISK":u 1403,31:"AND PRESS SPACE TO RESUME";:Z$ Z$" "ī300 "": CTL-A SINED DISK ERROR.." :1403,31:"CHECK FOR PROPER DISK": 1403,31:"AND PRESS SPACE TO& (4);"RUN CONTEXT PROG";SE;" ND"> ,3: GET OUT OF DOSI 1216,0a 6(12):12:1403,30 @(222)6ĺ"FILE FOR SET ";SE;" NOT FOUND":400 J"UNDETERMINED DISK ERROR.." :1403,31:"CHECK FOR PROPER DISK": 1403,31:"AND PRESS SPACE ISK IS IN DRIVE":1403,25:" THEN PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"D Q 1403,25 " (HIT 'D' IF YOU WANT A DIFFERENT SET)";:Z$ Z$"Q"ė:"DONE": Z$"R"Ĭ Z$" "Ĭ 300 "";: CTL-A FOR DOS 0:0:1002: CLEAN UP FOR DOS A.. SETS 17-24" 1403,30:d 1403,17:"ENTER NUMBER OF SET YOU WANT AND THEN HIT RETURN KEY"v 30:"-> ";SE SE1SE32Č198:: NOT A VALID SET # :1403,25:" YOU HAVE CHOSEN SET ";SE;" .."> :1403,25:" MAKE CERTAIN PROPER D9 3Qd THIS IS THE MASTER MENU PROGRAM ("HELLO") FOR CRIST'S CONTEXT 2...kf(12): CLEAR SCREENxg1403,17h"BUILDING VOCABULARY THROUGH DEFINITIONS AND CONTEXTS":k:1403,25:" JUNE 1986":: x1403,30:"DISK 2, SIDE     ";HPLACE14$I15?1403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;THPLACEHPLACE10s(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";zI:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03 TO SCREEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:8100>:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ: "WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" (25);"VPLACE:1403,LPLACE/FAILED15`"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000oJ150:Jy8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)6"RESULTSLPLACELPLACE1 CH2ī5055/CH2:5010T(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)^8000FAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD); --"10:(11)I2I21BACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)MIABfIAULINEVPLACEI2rCT$(I)~I2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$;  XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)3 LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)J ULINECV%(DEXX,1)b NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)h o yI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"------------------------------------------------------------------------------403,20:"DO YOU WANT TO:" @ 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"g 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET" 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500jZ$" "ī1120oPN0"t:8000:Z$" "1420JZ$"Q"ī97PW eCTXT04sWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10 1 BEGIN CONTEXTS":8000 2000( 8WF(I2)0ıJI2WZ1PN1WIWS(I2)b(12)12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000 H (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS": :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO9 , " @I20WZ1:1000:I23 ELPELNLD0B JWV0WZ1i OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300 L NLD1 PN0 :' (12)^ 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī19Z$"C"ī5156 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"A c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBEXT COMMAND APPEARS"$ 1ZOLD(" ")L 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)[ 7RS%(50,4)j 8CV%(50,4)v RWS(10) VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ a1 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30[11000sD$;"CLOSE LISTING"y  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL N                t _____________."b&l4 "The University of Chicago's greatness can be traced in large measure to"&m4 "the ___________ gifts of John D. Rockefeller."&4 "RECONDITE"&4 "NOT EASILY UNDERSTOOD"&4 1,1,1,1,1&4 59,0,14,0,10,1,64,0,0,0J'4 tomer was assured"-%A3 "_____________(ly)."u%3 "Caesar had been most ___________ with his soldiers; he doubled"%3 "their ordinary pay."%4 "If riches increase, let thy mind hold pace with them, and think it not enough"& 4 "to be liberal buCENT"0$2 "VERY LIBERAL IN GIVING TO OTHERS"A$2 1,1,1,1,1_$2 32,0,0,1,21,0,18,1,4,1$2 " Many private schools depend on _____________ gifts from former students to"$2 "keep them afloat."%@3 "The stereo comes free with the car, the cusren to remain quiet."_#2 "The church _____________(s) certain duties from its parishioners."#x2 "St. Peter _____________(s) us to be ready always to give an answer to every man"#y2 "that asks us a reason for the faith that is in us."$2 "MUNIFIroad workers were _____________(ed) from striking for a period of"W"0 "ninety days.""L1 " The owners of the company asked the court to _____________ the union from""M1 "picketing the plant."#1 " During church, parents _____________ their childorality of the Restoration drama cannot be _____________(ed) since it is"z!0 "based upon orthodox Christian morality."!0 "it."!0 "ENJOIN"!0 "TO ORDER SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING"!0 1,1,0,0,1!0 27,0,46,0,24,0,11,0,10,0B"0 " The railbelieves the actor to have been a largely asexual figure who was deeply" / "wounded by a press that _____________(ed) his manhood." 0 "No one cares to _____________ a fool; no one dares to _____________ a captain" !0 "of industry."I!0 "The m:I '. "IMPUGN":. "TO FORCEFULLY CONTRADICT"J. 0,0,1,1,2i. 17,0,10,0,24,1,16,0,48,0. " No one dared to _____________ the word of the venerable statesman."X/ " I cannot _____________ your honesty without evidence."H / " He CV%(SBASEI,2)'L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOCFV'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1M`'IXj'I04lt'CV%(SBASEI,0)~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2)! '"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP-"H(# INSERT ERROR FLAGj2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04B' OR N) ? -> ";:8000:Z$;)W!Z$(27)ġ<\!Z$"Y"ī8500]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:"" 8000$Z$(13)Z$IN$:6Z$" "ī8130?Z$;TIN$IN$Z$:8130[4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y" ""1002:3"1@ZP0:ZC32TJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010dLZOLD(" ")pOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$$D$;"DELETE ";N$)D$;"OPEN ";N$=D$;"WRITE ";N$CJ T7000Za xN$"MAIN DATA HW1"~D$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131NZ$"P"ĺ:::7345<:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"T8000:Z$" "6170Z.rX8000:Z$" "7000|]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";NRS%(IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111)".";4PLACES(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";uHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACE}I2I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3of his"6? "neighbor."l6$@ "Her affliction seemed to produce occasional _____________(s) of intellect."~6t@ "CONTUMELY"6v@ "INSOLENT AND EXTREME DISRESPECT"6x@ 1,1,1,0,06z@ 21,0,25,0,65,0,12,0,33,017@ "It is clear that the _________morass, or throw him over a"/5> "precipice."5\? "The very pins on her pincushion were stuck in a pattern from which she was"5]? "careful to allow no _____________(s)."6? "The infallible standard by which each man measures the _____________(s) anything he wanted into them."14> "ABERRATION"S4> "STRAYING FROM THE NORMAL"c4> 0,1,1,1,04> 4,0,14,0,20,1,55,0,44,04> "The _____________(s) of his youth had long been forgotten."5> "The slightest _____________ would plunge him into a re him a"3i= "retreat."r3= "There was perhaps no word in the language of more _____________ effect than the"3= "word 'or.'"30> "During the primary campaign Carter's political speeches were so _____________"41> "that the listener could read se"22< "_____________ and misleading language."2= "The _____________ use of 'democracy' by persons who apply it to popular"2= "governments of every type is commonplace." 3h= "He takes care that his answers be so _____________ as always to secu is"J1=< "the _____________ of the actors when changing their costumes."\1< "EQUIVOCAL"1< "CAPABLE OF MORE THAN ONE MEANING"1< 1,1,1,1,11< 0,1,4,0,37,0,50,0,64,02< "To say that the Greek religion as it grew old improved, would be to uarrying within a month after"90u; "his father's death."0; "The ungainly look of an ostrich is belied by the _____________ with which it"0; "can outdistance its more graceful enemies."1<< "Perhaps the most admirable aspect of 'The Laundry Hour'/: 49,0,0,1,29,0,49,0,4,1e/: "She could, when she chose, work with astonishing _____________."/; "The human brain, we are reminded, acts at times with extraordinary"/; "_____________."0t; "Hamlet resented his mother's _____________ in rems or playing in the warm sands."p.H: "Sexual activities among Congressmen have caused the public to feel that".I: "politicians go to Washington to _____________ rather than to make laws.".: "CELERITY".: "DONE WITH GREAT SPEED"/: 0,1,1,1,1all year were playing holidays, to _____________ would be as tedious as to"Y-9 "work."-9 "A tiny fish _____________(ed) himself with me in the tub."-9 "All the freedom and grace of healthy young animals, _____________(ing) in the" .9 "shallowng a golf ball accurately is made difficult by strong, _______ winds."V,8 "DISPORT",8 "ENGAGE IN EXERCISE OR ACTIVITIES AS A PLEASURE",8 0,1,0,1,1,8 17,0,38,0,12,0,52,0,32,1,8 "See the children _____________ upon the shore."K-9 "If "The _______ night's sleep was punctuated by periods of wakefulness"\+7 "and sleeping."+7 "For the student who can concentrate on his studies, it is extremely difficult"+7 "to study with someone whose study habits are _______."F,T8 "Hitti _____________ attempts, he decided to postpone the start of the"o*6 "project until he felt more energetic."*(7 "It would destroy confidence and choke off whatever _____________ starts there"*)7 "have been toward general economic recovery."E+7 tresses difficulty resulting from the profundity of the subject")a6 "matter or its remoteness from ordinary human interest.")6 "FITFUL")6 "GOING ON AND THEN STOPPING AWHILE")6 1,1,1,1,0)6 14,0,51,0,4,0,45,1,60,0 A*6 "After severalnual gives ample homely advice to appease the student who does not care"(5 "about the _____________ theories of bridge play."(5 "Even for physicists, Einstein's theory of relativity poses some _____________"(5 "problems."@)`6 "_____________ s" The programs on television range from slapstick comedy to _____________"'4 "discussions of social and philosophical problems."'45 " He read many _____________ books in order to obtain the material for his"'55 "scholarly thesis."H(5 " This mad"98B "failed to lay in supplies against the winter."h8 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,08*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,584N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,78>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1mlet."59 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0d9*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,594N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,79>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4Dbehavior seemed to be a manifestation of the __________"e8QA "that many Americans find offensive."8A "He bore the _____________ of the unthinking mob with patience."9B "The law's delay and the proud man's __________ were equally repugnant to Ha_ of the Russian czars was the main cause of the"p7@ "revolution and the subsequent emergence of communism."7@ "One would think that the _____________ McEnroe shows on the tennis court"7@ "would alienate the fans."88PA "General MacArthur's ";HPLACE14 I15;1403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;PHPLACEHPLACE10o(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";vI~:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RSSCREEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:8100::Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" (25);VPLACE:1403,LPLACE+FAILED11\"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000kJ150:Ju8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)2"RESULTS TO ACELPLACE1CH2ī5055+CH2:5010P(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)Z8000{FAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);10:(11)I2I21>ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)IIABbIAULINEVPLACEI2nCT$(I)zI2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$; LPL  XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)/ LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)F ULINECV%(DEXX,1)^ NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)d k uI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"20:"DO YOU WANT TO:" < 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"c 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"{ 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500 Z$" "ī1120oPN0t68000:Z$" "1420FZ$"Q"ī97LS aCTXT04oWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10 1403,IN CONTEXTS":80002000$ 4WF(I2)0ıFI2WZ1PN1SIWS(I2)^(12)12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000jD (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS": :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEG  @I20WZ1:1000:I2. ELPELNLD0= JWV0WZ1d OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  NLD1 PN0 :! (12)X 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,ī5150 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"; c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL MMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")F 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)U 7RS%(50,4)d 8CV%(50,4)p RWS(10)| VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C""3 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30UmD$;"CLOSE LISTING"sy  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT CO                  tant than the _____________ of the objects"|&A3 "that are being sold--why an object was produced where it was could be a"&B3 "better story than the big bucks version."'3 "He would have some difficulty in guessing its _____________, and naming theNCE".%2 "PLACE FROM WHICH SOMETHING COMES">%2 1,2,1,1,1]%2 27,0,49,0,46,0,60,0,41,0%2 "I am not interested in its _____________; I am more concerned with its"%2 "usefulness than with its source."+&@3 "The art market should be less imporarish."V$2 "He could not even get a high school education because his parents were"m$2 "_____________."$x2 "The purpose of this program is not merely to help the _____________ but also to"$y2 "remove the causes of their poverty."%2 "PROVENAnd it hard to make ends meet on a pension,"R#0 "keep their home neat and tidy."#L1 "Because he was _____________, he was sent to the county poor house."#1 "Money was collected to provide Thanksgiving dinners for the _____________ of"$1 "the ply on the go."V"0 "It seems the __________ who walked before her was a watchman"t"0 "in the neighborhood.""0 "INDIGENT""0 "EXTREMELY POOR AND NEEDY""0 1,0,1,1,1"0 4,0,15,0,60,0,0,1,54,0+#0 "The _____________ old couple, who fi philosophy derives its name from the fact that"!/ "Aristotle walked with his pupils while discussing philosophy with them."! 0 "When used in reference to people, _____________ is often used humorously""!0 "to imply restlessness or being constantntial terrorist."e X/ "As the son of an electrician, Mr. Hirsch spent a(n) _____________ childhood" Y/ "in the West Bronx, where his family changed addresses some 13 times before" Z/ "he entered the second grade."0!/ "The _____________ school of'. "PERIPATETIC"O. "WALKING OR MOVING ABOUT FROM PLACE TO PLACE"a. 1,2,1,1,1. 21,0,52,0,4,0,34,0,13,0 . "Airports demand a(n) ___________ guard; one who must see the passengers" . "from all angles to identify the pote(SBASEI,2)#L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOCBV'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1I`'ITj'I04ht'CV%(SBASEI,0)|~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I #"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP)"D(# INSERT ERROR FLAGf2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04 B'CV%N) ? -> ";:8000:Z$;%W!Z$(27)ġ8\!Z$"Y"ī8500]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! 8000 Z$(13)Z$IN$:2Z$" "ī8130;Z$;PIN$IN$Z$:8130W4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR "" 1002:3-@ZP0:ZC32PJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010`LZOLD(" ")lOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""D$;"DELETE ";N$%D$;"OPEN ";N$9D$;"WRITE ";N$?F P7000V] tN$"MAIN DATA HW1"zD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N"Z$"P"ĺ:::73458:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"P8000:Z$" "6170V.nX8000:Z$" "7000x]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$%(IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111%".";0PLACEO(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";qHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEyI2I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3does not sound strongly convincing; but it is really"h6> "_____________ and the conclusion is sound."6\? "His _____________ argument convinced us beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was"6]? "right."'7? "Societies' commands must be obeyed only iCOGENT"/5> "APPEALING FORCIBLY TO THE MIND"?5> 1,1,1,1,1[5> 0,1,0,1,4,0,19,1,59,05> "The remarks of Gibbon on universities and their degrees are still"5> "_____________, even though things have changed."56> "So expressed, the argument _______(ed) to cut off the duke by assassination."4= "In the days of slavery, Freedmen were _____________(ed) against their patrons."40> "Any person who attempts to _____________ another person to commit an offense"41> "will be punished."5> " his phone, or _____________ his maid."w3= "The new generation of railroad desperadoes of the 1950's and 60's again"3= "_____________(ed) Government officials, this time to destroy the passenger"3= "trains."24h= "Different persons were ___________ makes no difference at all."12< "SUBORN"]2< "TO INDUCE TO DO AN UNLAWFUL THING"m2< 1,2,0,0,12< 37,1,0,1,23,0,38,0,27,02< "There is nothing in Hong Kong law which says the Governor cannot steam open an"'3< "individual's mail, tap_______ enough to recall Dr.":1u; "Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."1; "One of the most alarming facts of today's world is that material wealth between"1; "the rich minority and the poor majority is grossly _____________.""2<< "That their ages are ________lose the power of moving"W0: "together and move about in a(n) _____________ manner."0; "It is difficult, if not impossible, to organize these _____________ elements"0; "into a coherent whole."1t; "The two facets of his personality were ______to _____________ the captives of war at the tombs"a/I: "of those who had been slain in battle."s/: "DISPARATE"/: "DIFFERENT AND DISTINCT"/: 1,1,1,1,0/: 32,1,54,0,39,0,51,1,20,00: "After the retina is destroyed the eyeballs gradually "attempt to _________ himself for the benefit of others.".9 "France _____________(d) a whole generation of her youth in the fires of war.".9 "They will cut themselves to _____________ the blood to their idol."2/H: "The Aztec Indians were known THE SAKE OF SOMETHING ELSE",-8 0,1,0,0,1M-8 27,0,11,1,7,0,28,0,32,0 -8 "The tribal king offered to _____________ his daughter to quiet the angry gods."-9 "His self-destruction was an exemplary one, and can even be understood as an";.9outh."=,7 "The _____________ beauty of a warm summer day.",T8 "Fortifications, a great rarity in that blessed _____________ time in England,",U8 "towered imposingly over the restful countryside.",8 "IMMOLATE"-8 "TO DESTROY OR RENOUNCE FORe _____________ days of summer the sea appeared to be soft blue stone."+(7 "The _____________ days of autumn and Indian summer passed much too swiftly."+7 "The _____________ years are the later years, when life is less hectic than it",7 "is in ywhere you can."d*`6 "He was given no rights or privileges in other States beyond those secured to"*a6 "him by the laws and _______ of the States."*6 "HALCYON"*6 "CALM AND TRANQUIL"*6 0,0,1,0,1*6 11,0,4,0,4,0,4,0,47,0G+6 "During this Times News poll"])55 "offered evidence of the economic recession's threat to ________.")5 "The ambassador carefully observed all the rules and conventions of diplomatic")5 "_____________."*5 "It is the rule of mere _____________ to agree ."(4 "COMITY"Q(4 "COURTEOUS CODE OF BEHAVIOR BASED ON MUTUAL FRIENDSHIP"b(4 0,1,1,0,1(4 12,0,55,1,0,1,23,0,20,1(4 "A spirit of _____________ should exist among nations.")45 "The white attitudes toward black Americans measured in th")'3 "race from which it was brought."~'4 "That is an interesting legend, yet no one seems to know the _____________ of"' 4 "it."'l4 "The archeologist found beads of doubtful _____________, though some of them may"(m4 "be considered Egyptian,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4+9RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4D______ smile."=7 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0l7*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,574N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,77>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,47HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,48RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4s land became"/:B "increasingly productive."^: N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0:*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5:4N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7:>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4;HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1anslated books."O9PA "Christ commands us to be _____________ in our prayers."9A "The _____________ Thomas Edison labored long hours to bring about his many"9A "inventions.":B "His _____________ struggle against the untamed land paid off as hiTION TO THE BUSINESS AT HAND"-8x@ 0,1,0,1,1J8z@ 38,0,14,0,25,0,4,0,4,08@ "One can only speak French fluently by _____________ practice."8@ "Even the most _____________ critic can scarcely hope to keep abreast of the"9@ "growing flood of trn the second instance, because society"]7? "is less real, less _____________ than Nature."7$@ "To these views of interest were added the motives, no less _____________, of"7%@ "passion and resentment."7t@ "ASSIDUOUS"8v@ "CONSTANT IN APPLICA ";HPLACE14I1591403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;NHPLACEHPLACE10m(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";tI|:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(REEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81008:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" 5);VPLACE:1403,LPLACE)FAILED1/Z"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000iJ150:Js8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)0"RESULTS TO SCELPLACE1CH2ī5055)CH2:5010N(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)X8000yFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(210:(11)I2I21<ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)GIAB`IAULINEVPLACEI2lCT$(I)xI2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$; LPLAC XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)- LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)D ULINECV%(DEXX,1)\ NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)b i sI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" :"DO YOU WANT TO:" : 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"a 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"y 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500 Z$" "ī1120oPN0t48000:Z$" "1420DZ$"Q"ī97JQ _CTXT04mWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10 1403,20 CONTEXTS":80002000" 2WF(I2)0ıDI2WZ1PN1QIWS(I2)\(12)}12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000 j(12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":~ :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN  @I20WZ1:1000:I2- ELPELNLD0< JWV0WZ1c OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  B NLD1 PN0 :! (12)X 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,ī5150 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"; c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL MMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")F 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)U 7RS%(50,4)d 8CV%(50,4)p RWS(10)| VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C" 2 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30UmD$;"CLOSE LISTING"sy  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT CO                oth an unwillingness to let go whatever wealth of"t&m4 "property one has acquired and an unending greed for more."&4 "PUERILE"&4 "IMMATURE ACTS THAT ARE OUT OF CHARACTER IN AN ADULT"&4 0,1,0,0,1&4 34,0,35,1,34,0,4,0,48,0>'4 "The ambaHis _____________ increased with age, until it became an irrational obsession"b%3 "for wealth."%4 "Because he knew that enormous profits were to be made, his _________"% 4 "led him into the illegal sale of drugs."2&l4 "_____________ implies b$2 "AVARICE"<$2 "EXCESSIVE DESIRE FOR WEALTH OR GAIN"M$2 0,0,1,1,1l$2 12,0,31,0,4,0,59,0,0,0$2 "King Midas' _____________ has been famous for centuries."$@3 "The old miser gained even more _____________ as the years went on."N%3 "___ of mini-parties will have to be reduced to"h#1 "facilitate orderly debate in the new parliament."#2 "The economy is suffering under a(n) _____________ of capital."#x2 "The audience became restless and bored with her _____________ of words." a(n) ___________ of food and drink, the party-goers sat around"a"0 "in a state of lethargy.""L1 "The boy has a(n) _____________ of energy and inventiveness, which he sometimes""M1 "directs into mischief."/#1 "Obviously, the present __________ "to enter this country."r!0 "His former friends shunned his _____________ because he switched from one party"!0 "to another."!0 "PLETHORA"!0 "OVERFULLNESS IN ANY RESPECT"!0 1,1,1,0,0!0 17,0,17,0,23,0,36,0,48,0 @"0 "Sated byrthright, shameful surrender."q / "My political _____________ was attended with no loss of reverence for that" / "great citizen army that defended and saved the Union." 0 "The Russian sailor was accused of _________ when he left his ship"!!0'. "APOSTASY"B. "ABANDONING A CAUSE ONCE BELIEVED IN"R. 0,0,1,1,1r. 36,0,18,0,13,0,34,0,31,0. "His family considered him guilty of _________ when he refused to go to church." X/ "Marriage is to me _____________: sale of my biBASEI,2)!L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC@V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1G`'IRj'I04ft'CV%(SBASEI,0)z~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I!"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP'"B(# INSERT ERROR FLAGd2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04 B'CV%(S ? -> ";:8000:Z$;#W!Z$(27)ġ6\!Z$"Y"ī8500~]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! 8000Z$(13)Z$IN$:0Z$" "ī81309Z$;NIN$IN$Z$:8130U4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N)"" 1002:3+@ZP0:ZC32NJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010^LZOLD(" ")jOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""D$;"DELETE ";N$#D$;"OPEN ";N$7D$;"WRITE ";N$=D N7000T[ rN$"MAIN DATA HW1"xD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N"$"P"ĺ:::73456:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"N8000:Z$" "6170T.lX8000:Z$" "7000v]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111#".";.PLACEM(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";oHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEwI2}I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3Ze famous _____________ who melted down all the bronze idols"Z6? "he could lay hold of."6$@ "George Bernard Shaw was a(n) __________ who attacked man y established ideas"6%@ "and institutions."6t@ "BAILIWICK""7v@ "A PERSON'S SPECIFIC AR, which take shelter under the name of the Church, need"l5> "nothing so much as the stern _____________."5\? "A(n) _____________ riot now began--the images were torn from their alters,"5]? "chopped in pieces and burnt."<6? "The second one is thever misses a chance to"441> "_____________ them."G4> "ICONOCLAST"h4> "ONE WHO DESTROYS IMAGES"y4> 0,1,1,1,14> 56,0,29,1,5,0,29,0,29,04> "I have become a reformer, and, like all reformers, a(n) _____________."85> "Respectable vicesimbs before they _____________"-3i= "them."3= "In the comic strip 'Beatle Bailey' it is clear the Sarge goes to great pains to"3= "_____________ Beatle both verbally and physically."40> "She is violently opposed to those who misuse words and n2< 21,0,14,0,64,0,0,1,0,1j2< "The speaker tried to _____________ the heckler for his defense of the"2< "establishment."2= "The lightning _____________(d) the lower part of the head post."3h= "They compliment them on the delicacy of their l, no _____________ of legendary heroes."1<< "Young _____________(s) are then pushed from the parent stock, and instructed to"1=< "gain happier seats for themselves by their swords."1< "EXCORIATE"1< "TO WEAR OFF THE SKIN OF "1< 1,0,1,1,1r, the _____________ of a distinguished family"W0; "of savants and public servants."0t; "The farm boy felt out of place in the school attended by the _____________(s)"0u; "of the wealthy and noble families."(1; "He was no son of a kingly father: "He comes on strong in his first book as the _____________ of H.L. Mencken,"/: "adopting his master's cheerful iconoclasms."/; "The opponents in this election offer a remarkable contrast--one, risen from"/0; "poverty and obscurity; the othens union elections to an"o.I: "unlimited number of candidates from the rank and file, would that not tend to".J: "_____________ the Party's control?".: "SCION".: "A DESCENDENT OF ONE'S LINEAGE".: 1,2,1,0,1.: 44,0,38,1,61,0,37,0,6,0Q/rresponsible act that _____________(d) our claim that"o-9 "we are seeking peaceful solutions to the crisis."-9 "The company pay raises were _____________(d) by the rising cost of living.".H: "If Mr. Gierek, head of the Polish Communist Party, ope8 "TO MAKE INEFFECTIVE OR WEAK"3,8 0,0,1,0,2Q,8 17,0,36,0,47,0,28,0,0,2,8 "Party jealousies _____________(d) the whole military organization.",9 "Inapropriate and badly chosen words _____________ thought."6-9 "The leader performed an i is not _____________ but unduly"6+7 "imaginative."+T8 "In the early days of Watergate most Americans had trust and confidence in"+U8 "Nixon. When the tape recordings showed him to be _____________, that trust"+V8 "vanished."+8 "VITIATE"#,_____ and confused, but in their own way true"@*)7 "and sane."*7 "Not until I heard his _____________ statements regarding my behavior did I"*7 "realize the full extent of his depravity and hatred."!+7 "A child who relates fanciful experiences)6 "MENDACIOUS"/)6 "GIVEN TO FALSEHOOD"?)6 1,1,1,1,2^)6 63,0,24,0,22,0,48,0,49,1)6 "The lawyer produced documents and testimony that disproved the _____________")6 "claims of my former partner.".*(7 "The Pagan ages were not ____________ remark from an old man."r(5 "His _____________ pranks sometimes offended his more serious-minded friends."(`6 "Several of John's teachers were critical of his _____________ devotion to games"(a6 "and his lack of concern for serious studies."ssador was chided for his _____________ efforts to negotiate."'45 "Worse, almost, is the fact that his novel is so wretchedly written, and that"'55 "his observations are so invariably _____________."(5 "It was shocking to hear such a(n) _________ԢΠϠҠР̠Ϡ̠РΠɠЍ ԠЍ͠ԠҤԠԠԠŠԠӠŠҠϠΠӢ Ϡ͠ԠӠԧϠԢԠ ƠڤѢΠϠԠנ٠ϠנŠΠӢԠԠŠԠӠԧϠԢԠ ƠڤѢΠϠƠڤРԠҠɲϠڠԠԠƨɲԠɲƠԠΠϠ͠ԠҤ ŠԠנ٠ϠנŠΠӢԠԠŠҠɲϠڠ ԠɲƠР̠ΠĠҠ֠ϠڠƠ֠ڠΠƨ֩ĺӨ֩кϠƨ֩ƨ֠Ө֩Ө֠Ԡ֍Ơƨ̠֩Πƨ֩̍РӢԠԠӠŠŠҠϠ΢ԠԠҠѠϠԩ ƠڤѢΠϠƠڤΠϠ͠ƠڠҠڠΠϠڠڠԠՠ֠ՠ̠֍̠֠Р̍ĠΠԠԠԠҤ ŠԠՠ̠נΠΠϠƠڤעΠңΣ̠ԠҤΠϢԠҤ ŠԠӠԠԠԠҠĠΠΧ ڠ̠ڤ͠ӥ֥͠͠Ө͠ƨԠ ԠŠԠԠϠ٠ӠĠӠԠקԠԠϠ٠ӠԠç ԠڤƠڤâȍңԠҤԠԠԠŠԠŠԮŠŠӠ˧ӠήԠԠϠԠȠĠ̠ԠĠӢĠà͠ƤĤԤԥ   ir"9B "_____________."I9 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0x9*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,594N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,79>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4 :RN 0,1,2,3___."V8PA "He will not get along with others until he learns to keep within his own"m8QA "_____________."8A "A scientist should not intrude in a clergyman's _____________."9B "The tennis umpires agreed that punishing John McEnroe was not in theEA OF INTEREST SKILL OR AUTHORITY"27x@ 1,0,1,0,1O7z@ 45,0,59,0,0,1,48,0,0,17@ "The largest contemporary problems are in the _____________ of the social"7@ "scientist."8@ "That politician's influence does not extend beyond his own __________ ";HPLACE14I1591403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;NHPLACEHPLACE10m(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";tI|:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(REEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81008:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" 5);VPLACE:1403,LPLACE)FAILED1/Z"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000iJ150:Js8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)0"RESULTS TO SCELPLACE1CH2ī5055)CH2:5010N(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)X8000yFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(210:(11)I2I21<ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)GIAB`IAULINEVPLACEI2lCT$(I)xI2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$; LPLAC XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)- LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)D ULINECV%(DEXX,1)\ NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)b i sI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" :"DO YOU WANT TO:" : 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"a 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"y 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500 Z$" "ī1120oPN0t48000:Z$" "1420DZ$"Q"ī97JQ _CTXT04mWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10 1403,20 CONTEXTS":80002000" 2WF(I2)0ıDI2WZ1PN1QIWS(I2)\(12)}12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000 j(12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":~ :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN  @I20WZ1:1000:I2- ELPELNLD0< JWV0WZ1c OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  B NLD1 PN0 :! (12)X 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,ī5150 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"; c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL MMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")F 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)U 7RS%(50,4)d 8CV%(50,4)p RWS(10)| VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C"0 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30UmD$;"CLOSE LISTING"sy  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT CO                !!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!  &l4 "Never think of an excess in drinking as a small fault, a(n) _____________."e&4 "DIAPHANOUS"&4 "ALLOWING LIGHT TO SHOW THROUGH"&4 1,1,0,1,0&4 35,0,28,0,34,0,11,0,21,0'4 "Miss Green was resplendent in a(n) _____________ outfit thairtues is entitled to one _____________."}%3 "If we examine these escapades carefully, we will realize that they are mere"%3 "_____________(s) rather than major crimes."%4 "He was guilty of one _____________: smoking cigars before breakfast."RO"!$2 "MINOR FAULT OR OFFENSE"1$2 1,0,1,0,0P$2 0,1,41,0,0,1,21,0,60,0 $2 "The famous Senate courtesy did not conceal the determination to make every past"$2 "_____________ into a manifestation of gross misbehavior.")%@3 "A man of many v to please him."e#2 "No animal in the creation seems endowed with such a(n) _____________ nature"|#2 "as the Shrew."#x2 "Scrooge is pictured in A Christmas Carol as a(n) _____________ old miser,"#y2 "lacking in compassion."$2 "PECCADILL _____________ that even a slight difficulty throws him into a fury.""L1 "The lord of the manor was a peppery and _____________ old gentleman.""1 "As grandfather grew older he seemed to become more and more _____________"#1 "however we would try have sung _____________(s) to his glory--he had no friends."!0 "I sung the joyful _____________(s) clear, hoping to create a smile."!0 "IRASCIBLE"!0 "PRONE TO OUTBURSTS OF TEMPER"!0 0,0,1,1,1!0 9,0,40,0,60,0,55,0,49,0E"0 "He is so Rome."\ / "Consider the perfection of Voyager 1A, from which scientists learned more in" / "one week near Saturn than in all previous history--it was a demonstration of" / "excellence, a(n) _____________ to American ingenuity."=! 0 "Who would'. "PAEAN"1. "A SONG OF JOYFUL PRAISE"A. 0,1,2,0,0`. 10,0,28,0,17,2,20,0,18,0. "They sang _____________(s) of praise."X/ "The poet Ovid composed many _____________(s) to express thanksgiving for the" Y/ "military victories ofBASEI,2)!L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC@V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1G`'IRj'I04ft'CV%(SBASEI,0)z~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I!"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP'"B(# INSERT ERROR FLAGd2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04 B'CV%(S ? -> ";:8000:Z$;#W!Z$(27)ġ6\!Z$"Y"ī8500~]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! 8000Z$(13)Z$IN$:0Z$" "ī81309Z$;NIN$IN$Z$:8130U4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N)"" 1002:3+@ZP0:ZC32NJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010^LZOLD(" ")jOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""D$;"DELETE ";N$#D$;"OPEN ";N$7D$;"WRITE ";N$=D N7000T[ rN$"MAIN DATA HW1"xD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N"$"P"ĺ:::73456:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"N8000:Z$" "6170T.lX8000:Z$" "7000v]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111#".";.PLACEM(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";oHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEwI2}I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3Z no one would drink the _____________ beer."6PA "Even the most skillful actor could not breathe life into that _____________"6QA "dialogue."6A "He delivered an uninspired and _____________ address."7B "She lazily thanked him with a(n) _______e a woman."5t@ "VAPID"=5v@ "LACKING LIVELINESS OR FORCE"M5x@ 1,0,1,0,0l5z@ 39,0,57,0,62,0,31,0,33,05@ "The guest speaker made one of the most _____________ speeches the audience had"5@ "ever heard.",6@ "Even though everyone was thirsty,____ of the uneducated is 'visible to the eye.'"4? "Skilled writers know that the joining together of similar synonyms can"4? "result in the creation of an offensive _____________." 5$@ "'Widow lady' is a(n) _____________ because a widow has to b 0,1,0,1,0)3> 14,0,54,0,11,0,39,1,21,0m3> "The tedium of _____________ is odious to every Pen and Ear."3> "The film is about a crazy murderer (if you excuse the _____________) who"3> "keeps a newcaster imprisoned."04\? "A favorite __________ of three months when nothing was known of his"D2= "activities."20> "The ____________ which has the worse effect, is, when one word ends with the"21> "same vowel that begins the following."2> "TAUTOLOGY"2> "UNNECESSARY REPETITION" 3>when certain"c1= "links in the association of ideas are dropped down into the unconscious mind."1h= "Even after the death of President Kennedy, there was no _____________ in the"1i= "continuity of Presidential power."02= "He took a ____________N IN TIME OR CONTINUITY"*0< 1,1,1,1,1 I0< 62,0,36,0,56,0,10,0,4,00< "Charles II had been restored to his kingdom after an enforced _____________ of"0< "twelve years." 1= "We are likely to be disconcerted by _____________(es) of thought, eople."M/; "Beneath his cultivated manner and impeccable gromming was the"/; "_____________ mind of the cruel criminal."/<< "The criminal was so _____________ that he has no regard for human life at all."/< "HIATUS"0< "LOSS OR INTERRUPTIOed the killer as a(n) _____________ sadist.".; "_____________ suggests a compulsive or willful turning away from the good,".; "indicating a twisted mind.".t; "Only a(n) _____________ mind would take satisfaction in persecuting helpless"/u; "p leave him no leisure for"1-9 "_____________."-H: "His endless ts talk about himself is unexcelled for producing __________." -: "DEPRAVED"-: "MORALLY CORRUPTED OR DETERIORATED"-: 0,1,1,1,0-: 34,0,0,0,10,0,0,1,20,0,.: "They describhe monotonous routine of hospital life induced a feeling of _____________"v,9 "which made him moody and irritable.",9 "His endless talk about himself is unexcelled for producing _____________."-9 "The inexhaustable power and activity of his mind_ of the Vietnam War and Watergate years."8+8 "ENNUI"`+8 "FEELING OF WEARINESS OR BOREDOM"q+8 1,1,0,1,0+8 28,0,61,0,59,0,0,1,28,1+8 "The servants relieved their _____________ with gambling and gossip about their"+8 "masters."J,9 "T__________ of an orchestra that is tuning up."~*7 "As he left the station, all the _____________ of a great city at midday"*7 "assaulted his ears."*T8 "Protests at graduation are a dim murmur compared with the anti-government"*+U8 "____________)6 60,0,0,1,30,0,32,0,0,1o)6 "The mixture of the voices and the drums produced a horrible _____________.")(7 "Winds swirled about them, driving them to the edge of madness with their"))7 "_____________.".*7 "Some people seem to enjoy the ___y."V(5 "There were _____________ wisps of clouds that did nothing to mask the full"p(5 "force of the sun."(`6 "A spider's web is so _____________ that most insects do not see it."(6 "CACOPHONY"(6 "HARSH OR UNMUSICAL SOUND"(6 0,1,0,1,1t offered a goodly";'4 "glimpse of what lay underneath."'45 "The bottle was made of a(n) _____________ material, so the level of the"'55 "liquid could easily be seen."(5 "She wore a formal dress with a(n) _____________ outer sheath of organd ";HPLACE14I1591403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;NHPLACEHPLACE10m(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";tI|:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(REEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81008:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" 5);VPLACE:1403,LPLACE)FAILED1/Z"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000iJ150:Js8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)0"RESULTS TO SCELPLACE1CH2ī5055)CH2:5010N(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)X8000yFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(210:(11)I2I21<ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)GIAB`IAULINEVPLACEI2lCT$(I)xI2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$; LPLAC XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)- LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)D ULINECV%(DEXX,1)\ NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)b i sI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" :"DO YOU WANT TO:" : 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"a 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"y 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500 Z$" "ī1120oPN0t48000:Z$" "1420DZ$"Q"ī97JQ _CTXT04mWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10 1403,20 CONTEXTS":80002000" 2WF(I2)0ıDI2WZ1PN1QIWS(I2)\(12)}12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000 j(12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":~ :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN  @I20WZ1:1000:I2- ELPELNLD0< JWV0WZ1c OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  B NLD1 PN0 :! (12)X 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,ī5150 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"; c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL MMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")F 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)U 7RS%(50,4)d 8CV%(50,4)p RWS(10)| VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C"0 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30UmD$;"CLOSE LISTING"sy  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT CO"" " " " " """""""""