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"The ___________ of the storyteller is pleasant to the ear as long as the stories are true."6? "His rambling __________ about trivial things caused the audience to become bored and restless."97$@ "The _______> "EXCESSIVE AND LENGTHY TALKING"95> 0,1,0,0,1^5> 50,0,62,0,4,0,13,0,4,05> "Mencken was sparing of his words, and an enemy to ______________."5> "When a preacher was once in the pulpit, the only limit to his ___________"on was much more limited than her bankroll."x4= "Many people were sick of her ______________ jewelry and clothing."40> "A(n) ____________ team of ballroom dancers performed more41> "gymnastically than artistically."4> "LOQUACITY"&5al hero is never ______________."v3= "Like monkeys in a zoo, many people are given to ______________ behavior to"3= "attract an audience."3h= "The ______________ furniture was chosen by a woman whoseknowledge of",4i= "interior decorati; "found to have a sister and a niece on his payroll."2<< "The spirit of __________ still prevails in their personnel department."2< "OSTENTATIOUS"2< "FOND OF SHOWING-OFF"2< 0,1,1,0,12< 21,0,48,0,4,0,29,0,5,0!3< "A rehat advancement"G1; "was based on __________ rather than ability."1t; "Rulers of the church were often said to show __________ when making"1u; "appointments."1; "When the charges of __________ were investigated, the congressman was":20Q0: "'My nephew,' said the Governor, 'is a highly qualified lawyer, and my"0: "appointment of him as administrative assistant should not be criticized as"0: "__________.'"1; "John left his position with the company because he felt them the laughing stock of London."k/H: "Years of nothing but menial drudgery can _____________ a mind."~/: "NEPOTISM"/: "UNDUE FAVORITISM SHOWN TO RELATIVES ESPECIALLY IN TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT."/: 2,1,1,1,00: 0,2,13,1,45,0,20,0,14,9 "been properly exploded."r.9 "The immorality of the press has gone near to _____________ the people of".9 "England.".9 "The Bermonsey guardians took upon themselves utterly to ignore and""/9 "_____________ this law that made tAPPEAR FOOLISH OR INCONSISTENT."2-8 0,1,1,1,0T-8 48,0,50,0,45,0,0,1,41,0-8 "By changing your opinion at this time, you will _____________ yourself."-9 "The principle that... a man shall not be heard to _____________ himself, has".easily be refuted by what they eat at the annual foodfest.",T8 "She grimly resigned herself to the _____________ patterns of suburban living,",U8 "but how she longed for the cultural enrichment of Boston.",8 "STULTIFY" -8 "CAUSE TO rinks almost as weak as water."h+7 "Manufacturers of foods and drinks carefully monitor what most"+7 "of us view as _________ teenage fads."+7 "The fact that the poor people are best pleased with suca(n) _________ diet,";,7 "may *6 1,1,1,1,16*6 61,0,33,0,14,1,63,0,35,0*6 "The Africans are distended and full, yet their appetites are _____________ and"*6 "empty."*(7 "Natives of Pakistan are poor and ___________ people who are accumstomed to"+)7 "d) __________ that first"C)5 "appeared in his great-grandfather.")`6 "Lombroso developed the doctrine that criminality is a(n) _________")a6 "due to a reversion through heredity.")6 "JEJUNE")6 "LACKING NOURISHMENT; VOID OF SUBSTANCE" in times of stress is a(n) __________ whichtends to"T(55 "occur in all cultures."(5 "A reoccurring __________ among foreigners is an eagerness to return to"(5 "the country in which they were born.")5 "The brattish temper of Uncle John is a(n_________(s)."'4 "ATAVISM"J'4 "REVERSION TO AN EARLY TRAIT OR TYPE"Z'4 1,1,1,1,1x'4 0,1,43,0,14,0,42,0,57,0'4 "He was a throwback to the Roman gladiator; a magnificent"'4 "__________, a man so purely primitive."5(45 "Human barbarism Germans tend to be _________(s)."v&4 "He eyed it with the despair of a suddenly toothless __________ confronting"& 4 "a life of strained carrots and peas."&l4 "Wives treat their husbands like gourmets only to find them responding"'m4 "like __d the notion that the proof"E%2 "of the pudding is in the eating."%@3 "Since the Major was somewhat of a(n) ___________, it was not necessary"%A3 "that the food and wine be of the highest quality.""&3 "I dare way their table is always good, for"U$x2 "'May God _________ you for your kindness,' the little old lady exclaimed."f$2 "GOURMAND"$2 "A PERSON WHO IS EXCESSIVELY FOND OF EATING AND DRINKING"$2 1,1,0,1,1$2 5,0,37,0,62,0,52,0,5,1%2 "A(n) ___________ must have originated) by the ".#N1 "straight-laced minister."x#1 "Time _______(s) unfulfilled intentions with unbearable regrets."#2 "Drake ________(d) the wrongs inflicted by the Inquisition on English seaman"$2 "by severely defeating the Spanish navy.""0 0,2,0,1,05"0 15,0,48,1,5,0,8,0,9,0f"0 "How many of us _______ evil with good?""L1 "Years of frustrated misery, not to mention the death of his wife, would pass" #M1 "before the love of a devoted secretary would be _______( "once considered ___________ are no longer frowned upon."}!0 "Both his disease and his demise were the products of"!0 "a(n) ________________ appetite of the type found in menhalf his age."!0 "REQUITE""0 "TO MAKE REPAYMENT FOR the rabbit family are remarkably ___________." / "'Frat' parties have developed a reputation for lasciviousness,__________(ness)" / "and drunkenness." 0 "The moral values of our culture have changed dramatically and activities"=!!0 . "SALACIOUS">. "INTENDED TO INCITE SEXUAL DESIRE"S. 1,0,1,1,1y. 52,0,45,0,63,0,16,1,5,1. "Porn star Marilyn Chambers was arrested during a(n) ___________ stage". "show in New Jersey."/ X/ "Animals of,2)L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC:V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1A`'ILj'I04`t'CV%(SBASEI,0)t~'CV%(SBASEI,1){'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I'SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP!"<(# INSERT ERROR FLAG^2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1~<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04B'CV%(SBASEI";:8000:Z$;W!Z$(27)ġ0\!Z$"Y"ī8500x]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! 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"qualities!"7$@ "Peals of laughter mingled with loud, _____________ jokes filled the nightclub."7t@ "SPECIOUS"7v@ "HAVING A FALSE LOOK OF TRUTH OR GENUINENESS"7x@ 1,1,1,1,17z@ 4,0,53,0,0,1,39,0,54,0M8@ "T___ and offensive."N6> "I loathed the _____________ humor of the barracks."6\? "Their backs shook with the loose laughter that punctuates a(n) _____________"6]? "joke of Joan Rivers."7? "Foul, _____________ talk, and loathsome drunkenness wertake the _____________ task of arranging these thousands of"Z51> "books on the shelves?"i5> "RIBALD"5> "OBSCENE AND FOUL-MOUTHED LANGUAGE"5> 0,0,1,1,05> 44,0,14,0,63,0,6,0,37,06> "Humor on television's late shows has become __________women among savage tribes involves many wearisome"B4= "duties."4h= "The tyranny of a majority might be more ____________ than that of a dictator."4= "No task is _____________ if it is directed toward a worthwhile purpose."<50> "Who is to underOUS"'3< "LABORIOUS AND DISTASTEFUL"73< 1,1,0,0,1U3< 0,1,4,0,40,0,11,0,24,03< "Ronald Reagan has formed a permanent agreement which removes"3< "_____________ taxes off the back of the American tax payer."24= "The _____________ life of __________ the memory of Voltaire, whose"E2u; "very name he hated."2; "Thus he spoke, not to honor Christ, but to _____________ him."2<< "The biography was an unprincipled attempt to _____________ a widely admired"2=< "personality."3< "ONER1: 37,0,5,0,35,0,43,0,45,0t1: "He was a philosopher and inclined to _____________ ideas in literature as being"1: "of little value."1; "They _____________ the reputation of those that oppose them.")2t; "Napolean paid writers for years to ___litics is a(n) _____________ profession like some poisonous insects."0H: "Many people have learned the hard way that drugs can have _____________ effects"0I: "to both mind and body."0: "DENIGRATE"0: "TO BELITTLE OR SLANDER"0: 1,0,1,0,1 nature of the gas and continued examining the"i/9 "tunnel with the awareness that it might kill him."/9 "In some places, those plants which are entirely poisonous at home lose their"/9 "_____________ quality by being carried abroad."E09 "Po8 "DELETERIOUS"3.8 "HURTFUL TO HEALTH OR LIFE"C.8 1,1,1,0,1`.8 0,1,15,0,0,1,17,0,58,0.8 "Although penicillin has produced outstanding cures, in some instances it causes".8 "_____________ side effects."//9 "He ignored the _____________ary of State Schultz had every right to take __________ about the way"-7 "he was uninformed of the shipment of arms to Iran."-T8 "How often do men sneakingly forsake their friends for fear of giving"-U8 "_____________ to the superior party?". true Southerner took ________ at our saying that Jefferson Davis, the",)7 "President of the Confederacy, was outstandingly dumb.",7 "It will not be convenient to give him any _____________, by seeing me with",7 "another person."F-7 "Secret"&+a6 "starting with their leader."6+6 "UMBRAGE"o+6 "SUSPICION THAT ONE HAS BEEN SLIGHTED OR INJURED"+6 0,1,1,1,1 +6 33,0,27,0,42,0,51,0,0,1+6 "I was flabbergasted when he took _________ at my whimsical remarks." G,(7 "Everydent everywhere."a*5 "A wave of bombings, suicide grenade attacks and shootings from speeding"*5 "motorcycles have __________(d) the top ranks of the clerical leadership."+`6 "The Roman army had a standing order to _________ the conquered army,ation in automobile accidents than we do"9)4 "in war.")45 "If the examiner's intention was to _____________ the class, he succeeded; many")55 "students will not return next semester."*5 "That the island's population was __________(d) was evithe Black"X(m4 "Widowers', depend for their intellectual excitement on _____________."i(4 "DECIMATE"(4 "TO RANDOMLY SELECT AND KILL EVERY TENTH PERSON"(4 1,1,0,1,1(4 14,0,35,0,33,0,17,1,39,0))4 "We do more to _____________ our populto another in a long,">'3 "complex, even tortuous process."'4 "In present use, _____________ often carries the humorous connotation of"' 4 "tediousness or of logic chopping." (l4 "Isaac Asimov's masterpieces of detection, like the 'Casebook of gh"F&2 "a step-by-step intellectual process called ____________."&@3 "There are some truths so plain and evident that they do not need any"&A3 "______________ to support them."'3 "_____________ suggests a mind moving from one conclusion lphi even though many of those amazing insights proved false."T%2 "RATIOCINATION"{%2 "EXACT REASONING AND THINKING"%2 1,1,1,1,1%2 43,1,0,1,0,0,16,0,55,1&2 "Every great mystery story permits the reader to identify the murderer throuproblem."^$2 "Steven exclaimed that he was transported beyond all thought of peril by that"$2 "divine _____________ made possible only by prayer."$x2 "The Greeks probably all sincerely believed in the _____________ of the">%y2 "Oracle of Dem, decided to write a"b#M1 "history of ancient Rome. This is the sort of _____________that can"}#N1 "transform a life."#1 "In non-directive psychological therapy a dramactic ________ occurs which" $1 "reveals to the patient the cause of his "0 "EPIPHANY"*"0 "SUDDEN INSIGHT";"0 1,2,1,1,1Z"0 48,0,45,1,51,0,7,1,50,0"0 "Sometimes in fatigue truth reveals itself; a(n) _____________seen through""0 "bloodshot eyes."#L1 "Gibbon, while loitering on the steps of the Colosseuies to throttle the lust for angling until March."! 0 "I am sorry to find my _____________ from town caused you so much regret and"!!0 "uneasiness."!0 "Members of the People's Temple followed Jim Jones in a mass _____________"!0 "to Guyana."Egypt."] X/ "The Islamic new year, starting Islam's 15th century, marks the _____________," Y/ "or flight of Mohammed from Mecca." / "In the Northeast, the angler who is unable to spend the time or money for a"2!/ "winter _____________ south tr. "HEGIRA"H. "ESCAPE FROM A DANGEROUS OR UNDESIRABLE ENVIRONMENT"Y. 1,1,1,1,1w. 22,0,63,0,7,1,22,0,60,0. "Moses led the 40 year _____________ from Egypt to the Promised Land" . "where they were free from the continued dangers of ,2)L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC:V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1A`'ILj'I04`t'CV%(SBASEI,0)t~'CV%(SBASEI,1){'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I' SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP!"<(# INSERT ERROR FLAG^2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1~<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04B'CV%(SBASEI";:8000:Z$;W!Z$(27)ġ0\!Z$"Y"ī8500x]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! "0Z$(13)Z$IN$:*Z$" "ī81303Z$;HIN$IN$Z$:8130O4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$ R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? -> 1002:3%@ZP0:ZC32HJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010XLZOLD(" ")dOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""800ELETE ";N$D$;"OPEN ";N$1D$;"WRITE ";N$7> H7000NU lN$"MAIN DATA HW1"rD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N""":::73450:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"H8000:Z$" "6170N.fX8000:Z$" "7000p]7050zb7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$ D$;"DLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111".";(PLACEG(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";iHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEqI2w~I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3 Z$"P" HPLACE14I1531403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;HHPLACEHPLACE10g(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";nIv:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(IDEX,PPRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81002:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";VPLACE:1403,LPLACE#FAILED1)T"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000cJ150:Jm8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)*"RESULTS TO SCREEN, CE1CH2ī5055#CH2:5010H(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)R8000sFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0y| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(25);(11)I2I216ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)AIABZIAULINEVPLACEI2fCT$(I)rI2I21yIVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$;LPLACELPLAPT%(DEXCTXT,2)' LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)> ULINECV%(DEXX,1)V NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)\ c mI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"10:YOU WANT TO:" 4 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"[ 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"s 1403,40:"C. QUIT"y  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500  X"ī1120oPN0t.8000:Z$" "1420>Z$"Q"ī97DK YCTXT04gWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10  1403,20:"DO EXTS":80002000 ,WF(I2)0ı>I2WZ1PN1KIWS(I2)V(12)w12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000jZ$" (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":~ :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE TO BEGIN CONT  @I20WZ1:1000:I2- ELPELNLD0< JWV0WZ1c OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  B NLD1 PN0 :! (12)X 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,ī5150 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"; c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL MMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")F 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)U 7RS%(50,4)d 8CV%(50,4)p RWS(10)| VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C"3 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30UmD$;"CLOSE LISTING"sy  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT CO                      ǠӠƠŢ߬󢍱ߨ䬠ߠ򢍱客Ţ箢䠧ߠ姠ˢߠߠ𢍱󮢍ߨᢍ󮢍ӢԠǠΠϠ򢍱ߨ󩮢ߨ󮢍󢍱ߨ堶󮢍梍ߨ󩬠謠ߠɠ߬客͢٠ϠΠϠҠߨ墍ߠ梍⊊Ҡ΢߬󢍱󮢍ߠ客廠߮߮߮仠笠䢍ߠ좍ԍ͢ΠŠϠӠΠŠŠƠӢ              "Her Highness can __________ to play sometimes with her servants."7@ "All the reply that Tito __________(d) was to wear a pleased smile of defiance."7PA "One _____________(s) something prayed for or begged for when one grants it to a"&8QA "pers_______ of the seasoned expert."w6$@ "The _____________ of President Kennedy was acquired through years of training."6t@ "VOUCHSAFE"6v@ "TO GRANT OR FURNISH IN A CONDESCENDING MANNER"6x@ 0,0,1,1,16z@ 17,0,24,0,4,0,42,0,18,0D7@ ith _____________."f5> "Although he never dueled before, he faced his opponent with _____________."5\? "________ emphasizes a total lack of self-doubt and may suggest a carefree or"5]? "uncritical exuberance." 6? "He performs with the ___________________"'42> "ear-to-ear grin."64> "APLOMB"Z4> "SELF-CONFIDENCE AND POISE"m4> 1,0,1,0,0 4> 29,1,60,0,0,0,21,0,4,04> "It is native personality, and that alone, that endows a man to stand before"5> "Presidents and generals w kind, quiet, near-sighted eyes, which his round spectacles magnified"h3= "into _____________ moons."30> "The merriest time of all is being had by the real spoke of the party wheel, the"41> "silver-haired figure in the dark blue suit wearing a(n) ,0,4,0,5,1,56,1f2< "The _____________ humor of Stephen Leacock shines through his familiar essays."2= "The _____________ firelight filled the room with dancing shadows."2h= "The _____________ flame of genius lights up the universe."F3= "He had1; "a straight course or of many twists and turns."1<< "By means of a(n) _____________ of channels it was found possible to avoid the"1=< "flooding of the lowlands."1< "LAMBENT"1< "GENTLY GLOWING OR FLICKERING"1< 0,0,0,1,22< 4,0,4; "lost in it."^0t; "I tried to make out my tax return without help, but before long I was"0u; "hopelessly lost in the _____________ of entries and deductions."0; "_____________ implies structural intricacy, the result of many divergances from"5GEWAYS"/: 1,1,1,1,15/: 42,0,26,0,23,1,0,0,18,0/: "He was trying to find his way through the _____________ of passion through"/: "which he was wandering."/; "The Pentagon is such a(n) _____________ of passages that visitors often get"0aching shortages here are apparently the _____________ of what the".I: "National Center for Educational Statistics predicts will be a favorable job".J: "market for teachers by the late 1980's.".: "LABYRINTH"/: "A PLACE FULL OF INTRICATE PASSA party to arrange for"0-9 "food and lodging."t-9 "The sinister white owl is the ____________ of destruction."-9 "A(n) _____________, dressed in the royal livery, had been sent on to"-9 "announce the approach of the Princess."C.H: "The te "A PERSON OR THING THAT TELLS THE APPROACH OF A CHANGE"M,8 0,1,0,1,2 o,8 28,0,10,0,30,0,5,0,47,0,8 "The excellent soup was a(n) __________ of the delicious meal to follow."-9 "The royal _____________(s) traveled ahead of the royalch is literally worn out in service, as an overworked"E+7 "horse."+T8 "_____________ is applied to phrases that were once full of meaning but have"+U8 "become vulgarized and meaningless in the service of ordinary writers."+8 "HARBINGER"9,8e did not like the _____________ jargon of movie romance magazines."*7 "This _____________ melodrama sets its tone in the first few minutes with talk"*7 "about home and families being 'the heart of this heartland.'"6+7 "That is _____________ whi_________ the pain of his enemy."3)6 "HACKNEYED"Y)6 "OVERUSED AND THUS CHEAPENED" k)6 1,0,1,1,1 )6 56,0,21,0,5,0,8,0,0,0)6 "The English teacher criticized his story because of its __________ plot")6 "and trashy writing."D*(7 "Sh "Their action _____________(d) the situation; all hope of a solution seemed"[(5 "lost."(5 "She was at first _____________(d) and finally maddened by the continual crying"(5 "of the sleepless infant."!)`6 "He poured salt into the wound to ____'4 1,1,1,1,0.'4 11,0,15,0,13,0,17,0,33,0'4 "She was so _____________(d) by his snoring that she went out and slept on the"'4 "sofa."'45 "The father was _____________(d) by his daughter's extravagance but concealed"'55 "his anger."M(5 even though many were close to starvation."w&4 "His body was dreadfully _____________(d) by fatigue and suffering."&l4 "He went on the diet and lost so much weight he looked _____________(d)."&4 "EXACERBATE"&4 "TO MAKE SHARPER OR HARSHER"e in a few months changed to _____________(d),"I%2 "dejected objects."%@3 "Tuberculosis may _____________ the round, dimpled cheeks."%3 "The __________(d) residents of the Warsaw Ghetto managed to win several",&3 "skirmishes form the Naziscs."W$x2 "Many felt that Nixon was a man of _____________; but the Watergate episode"$y2 "completely dispelled such feelings."$2 "EMACIATE"$2 "MAKE VERY LEAN"$2 1,0,1,0,0$2 56,0,17,0,4,0,24,0,54,0/%2 "Many who went in healthy ar"collecting of rents."d#1 "_____________ in domestic policy and wise judgment in foreign policy"#1 "are necessary strengths of a President."#2 "Integrity, _____________ and rectitude all imply a strict adherence to a stern"$2 "code of ethiAND INTELLECTUAL HONESTY"+"0 1,1,1,1,1J"0 46,0,25,0,0,0,11,0,34,0"0 "'Situational ethics' do not occur when men of _____________are""0 "elected to office.""L1 "As a man of indisputable _________, Jones was entrusted with the"#M1 0 "considered __________; under Reagan's leadership it has become a fact"m!"0 "rather than a fantasy."!0 "The fire of purgatory may rightly be termed _____________ if it is mere"!0 "fiction invented by Dante."!0 "PROBITY""0 "MORAL Poe's _____________ stories are sometimes too scary for reading in bed." / "A universal institutional Church is as _____________ an idea as a universal" / "empire." 0 "Any radical overhauling of the federal or state taxing system was once"L!!. "CHIMERICAL".. "IMAGINARY AND UNREAL"?. 1,0,1,2,1`. 16,1,6,0,39,0,11,1,44,0. "Twenty years ago the notion of our cooperating with communist Russia was". "considered a(n) ___________ phantasy of one-world liberals."H X/ ",2)L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC:V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1A`'ILj'I04`t'CV%(SBASEI,0)t~'CV%(SBASEI,1){'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I'SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP!"<(# INSERT ERROR FLAG^2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1~<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04B'CV%(SBASEI";:8000:Z$;W!Z$(27)ġ0\!Z$"Y"ī8500x]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! "0Z$(13)Z$IN$:*Z$" "ī81303Z$;HIN$IN$Z$:8130O4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$ R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? -> 1002:3%@ZP0:ZC32HJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010XLZOLD(" ")dOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""800ELETE ";N$D$;"OPEN ";N$1D$;"WRITE ";N$7> H7000NU lN$"MAIN DATA HW1"rD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N""":::73450:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"H8000:Z$" "6170N.fX8000:Z$" "7000p]7050zb7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$ D$;"DLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111".";(PLACEG(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";iHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEqI2w~I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3 Z$"P" HPLACE14I1531403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;HHPLACEHPLACE10g(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";nIv:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(IDEX,PPRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81002:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";VPLACE:1403,LPLACE#FAILED1)T"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000cJ150:Jm8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)*"RESULTS TO SCREEN, CE1CH2ī5055#CH2:5010H(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)R8000sFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0y| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(25);(11)I2I216ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)AIABZIAULINEVPLACEI2fCT$(I)rI2I21yIVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$;LPLACELPLAPT%(DEXCTXT,2)' LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)> ULINECV%(DEXX,1)V NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)\ c mI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"10:YOU WANT TO:" 4 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"[ 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"s 1403,40:"C. QUIT"y  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500  X"ī1120oPN0t.8000:Z$" "1420>Z$"Q"ī97DK YCTXT04gWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10  1403,20:"DO EXTS":80002000 ,WF(I2)0ı>I2WZ1PN1KIWS(I2)V(12)w12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000jZ$" (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":~ :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE TO BEGIN CONT  @I20WZ1:1000:I2- ELPELNLD0< JWV0WZ1c OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  B NLD1 PN0 :! (12)X 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,ī5150 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"; c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL MMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")F 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)U 7RS%(50,4)d 8CV%(50,4)p RWS(10)| VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C"82 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30UmD$;"CLOSE LISTING"sy  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT CO                                 ,H: "The teaching shortages here are apparently the _____________ of what the",I: "National Center for Educational Statistics predicts will be a favorable job",J: "market for teachers by the late 1980's.",: "LABYRINTH" -: "INTRICATE PASSAGEWA 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7C:>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4r:HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4:RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4 in the Jet age."c9B "Hector's quoting of Aristotle was a(n) _____________ because Hector was a"9B "character developed centuries earlier by Homer."9 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,09*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5:4N ivil War times is a(n) _____________."x8PA "An 18th century Chippendale chair is a(n) _____________ in a 17th century"8QA "Jacobean room."8A "His good manners and gentility were appropriate in the Victorian era, but were"9A "a(n) _____________NACHRONISM".7v@ "HISTORICALLY OUT OF PLACE">7x@ 1,0,1,1,1[7z@ 0,0,65,0,42,0,5,1,39,07@ "_____________ implies a mistake in associating things which do not belong to"7@ "the same time or age."&8@ "An automobile in a story of the American C."V6? "In a(n) _____________ the characters and incidents are made interesting and"6? "exciting in order to teach unpleasant truths."6$@ "In a(n) _____________ Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to the growth of a"6%@ "mustard seed." 7t@ "A> "story it tells."l5> "When the _____________ is very short and simple and conveys a spiritual truth,"5> "it is called a parable."5\? "Swift's Gulliver's Travels is a(n) _____________ designed to expose the vices"6]? "and follies of the day___________ designed to enhance the French bargaining position."Q4> "ALLEGORY"{4> "A STORY DESIGNED TO TEACH A MORAL"4> 1,1,1,1,14> 5,0,9,0,35,0,8,0,8,04> "A(n) _____________ veils its true meaning by leaving it to be deduced from the"5 closer to Russia's borders."o3= "If a stranger just ahead drops a rosary don't take any notice. That's the"3= "opening _____________ of the skilled con-man."30> "Nobody could be sure the anti-market talk was real, or simply a Gaullist"@41> "__ion began, the owner's ______ was a presentation"2= "of economic forecasts that showed declining demand for news for new automobiles."2h= "The Germans 'gift' to the Russians of eastern Poland was a(n) _________ aimed"3i= "at getting their armyVE AWAY SOMETHING IN ORDER TO GAIN AN ADVANTAGE"A1< 1,1,1,1,1a1< 0,0,50,0,62,0,8,1,0,11< "________ in chess denotes an opening that risks a pawn or minor piece"1< "to gain an advantage in position."12= "As negotiations with the unbut of developing a(n) ___________"R0; "based upon the works of many writers."0<< "A(n) _____________ is a literary or artistic composition imitating, often"0=< "caricaturing, the work of previous writers or painters."0< "GAMBIT"01< "TO GIor partial copies,",/: "after Rembrandt."j/; "His style is a(n) _____________ like that of Picasso."/t; "No one knew whether the opera was a(n) _____________ or the work of a single"/u; "writer."#0; "Mr. Jones is not accused of plagiarism, able to describe the _________"K.I: "beauty and wonder of the universe."\.: "PASTICHE".: "A MIXTURE OF DIFFERENT PIECES OR WORKS".: 1,0,1,1,1.: 45,0,18,0,39,0,63,0,5,0/: "The surface of the dish is covered with a(n) _____________ , 9RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4D4,1,7,2,5D94N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7t9>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4Dodness is its own"#8B "reward."S8 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,08*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,584N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,78>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,48HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4endos and mysterious",6QA "head-waggings."6A "He gave _____________ indications of his doubt but prudently refrained from"6A "open statements of them."6B "_____________ signs and handclasps are part of the ritual of lodges and all" 7B "fraUZZLING; UNCLEAR"!5x@ 0,0,1,1,1=5z@ 4,0,30,0,32,0,8,0,0,05@ "His _____________ comment left us all uncertain as to what he really meant."5@ "His doctrine was open and non-_____________."6PA "You had to intercede, with your _____________ innu a well-to-do aunt."R4? "Lady Bountiful distributed _____________ to the poor."4$@ "The social worker tried to reduce the number of poor who lived on the"4%@ "_____________ of public assistance."4t@ "CRYPTIC"5v@ "EXPRESSED IN A WAY THAT IS P of Rome contrasted the meager bounty of Anthony with the"]3> "_____________ of Octavius."3> "He gave me the dime with the air of one bestowing _____________ on an"3> "impoverished peasant."4\? "For years she subsisted on the _____________ oflt."R20> "In the case of Smith's application for the job, recommendation by his"21> "Congressman was _____________ to appointment."2> "LARGESS"2> "THE MONEY OR ITEM BESTOWED; GIFT"2> 1,1,0,0,12> 0,1,50,0,31,0,27,0,0,1:3> "The peoplefailure."R1= "Refusal to prolong the truce would be _____________ to a threat."1h= "Abandoning the property was _____________ to relinquishing all rights of"1i= "ownership."2= "The suspect's explanation was _____________ to a confession of gui_ words in his songs, especially"N0=< "since young people shall be present."a0< "TANTAMOUNT"0< "TWO THINGS THAT ARE EQUIVALENT; EQUAL"0< 0,0,1,0,10< 25,0,38,0,28,0,30,0,16,1 1< "Such a movement would be _____________ to a confession of _____________, vulgar and"2/u; "indecent terms."/; "The telephone operator told us of the many _____________ calls, and when she"/; "mentioned some words used by the callers, we were aghast."!0<< "Forewarn him that he should use no ____________0,39,0,47,0,43,0,35,0m.: "The language he used to express himself was terribly _____________ and uncalled"z.: "for.".; "In the movie 'The Exorcist,' some very _____________ acts were filmed."/t; "They attacked the passengers with all kinds of was the world created, and immortal spirits sent to"-I: "_____________ in it, if we have no duties except to make our escape from"-J: "contaminating surroundings."-: "SCURRILOUS"-: "GIVEN TO ABUSIVE LANGUAGE; VULGAR"-: 1,0,1,1,1.: 53,gland."X,9 "After a delightful _____________ in Europe, we returned home to face the",9 "realities of life in a small town in the Midwest.",9 "The congressman _____________(s) in Washington while congress is in session."4-H: "For what purpose "+8 "TO STAY FOR A TIME; VISIT"2+8 0,1,1,0,2P+8 18,0,10,0,19,0,16,0,0,1+8 "Cross the sea and _____________ in a land of strangers."+9 "After his _____________ in Florida, he began to long for the colder climate of",9 "his native New Enot wish to lead a"b*7 "_____________(ed) life, where he would be 'removed from the actions and"*7 "passions of our time.'"*T8 "To exile a person is to send him away, to _____________ him is to separate him"*U8 "from the group."+8 "SOJOURN",1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,47:RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4U9B "championship."E9 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0u9*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,594N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,79>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4 :RN 0,1,2,n"+7QA "active part in public affairs."7A "These _________ truths of science are based upon empirical data; not the"7A "intellectual meanderings of armchair philosophers."8B "We were taught to accept as ___________ the fact that go___ that the Arab is religious, which is to say that he stands in"t6@ "fear of the God his ancestors gave him."6@ "It is _________ that absolute power corrupts."7PA "It is _________ that democracy can be successful only if the people take a? "which he 'said' his poems."v5$@ "George's good-tempered, _____________ manner made him pleasant company."5t@ "AXIOMATIC"5v@ "SELF-EVIDENT; NEEDING NO PROOF"5x@ 1,0,1,1,15z@ 6,0,6,0,6,0,6,0,28,0 B6@ "It is ______lly ____________ means capable of being spoken"V4> "to, i.e., easy to approach."4\? "When not stirred by passion or anger he was ________ with all men."4? "The easy, __________ manner of Robert Frost endeared him to the audiences to""5SE IN TALKING WITH OTHERS".3> 1,1,0,1,0 Q3> 58,0,15,0,44,0,10,0,24,03> "Although he held a position of responsibility,he was a(n) __________ individual"3> "and could be reached by anyone with a complaint."/4> "Etymologicaormal study group was actually a(n) _______"c2= "to seize control of the entire organization."20> "The dark plots and underhanded schemes were hatched by members"21> "of the _____________."2> "AFFABLE"3> " BEING PLEASANT AND AT EA______ was defeated when their scheme was discovered by the FBI."1h= "I never cease to be amazed at those few among us, who spot a controversy"1i= "under every rock, a(n) __________ around every corner.",2= "What was represented as an inf_____."0< "CABAL"G0< "A SMALL, SECRET GROUP OF CONSPIRATORS"Z0< 1,0,1,1,1z0< 47,0,4,0,23,1,66,0,7,10< "It was at a time that he began to organize the ______ which would"0< "later try to depose the king."A1= "The __ned of his_____________ in"g/; "this affair for he had always seemed honest and straightforward."/<< "Only when we learned that he had deliberately sought to cast suspicion"0=< "on an innocent man did we realize the extent of his ________of _________ can long"Q.; "flourish without the help of vocal falsehoods." .t; "Unable to attain his ends by straightforward means, he resorted to all kinds".u; "of _____________."/; "People were shocked and dismayed when they lear-: "DUPLICITY"H-: "DELIBERATE DECEPTION IN ACTION OR SPEECH"Z-: 0,1,1,1,1|-: 32,0,51,0,3,1,58,0,52,1-: "Much has been written about the _____________ of Communists.".; "Godfrey was not sufficiently aware that no sort ty of learned professors opposed to her conduct.",9 "The devil!--I am loath to do him wrong; he might be some___________ saint.",H: "The captains were not yet skilled in managing their men, and the"-I: "men were __________ to be commanded."no"-+8 "one could tolerate his presence."+9 "The _____________ college students of the 1950's are today's model citizens."+9 "The ____________ planet persistently continued her course, notwithstanding"1,9 "that she had a whole universin, there is a consensus"G*U8 "on the existence of a supreme being."Z*8 "UNTOWARD"*8 "DIFFICULT TO GUIDE, MANAGE OR INFLUENCE"*8 1,0,1,0,1*8 21,0,4,0,4,0,57,0,9,1+8 "The young man was so ___________ in his disposition that (7 "When diseases haunt an entire country, they are termed __________.")7 "It is unique and exceptional-- it will never be _________.")7 "Bad manners and vulgar language have become _________."*T8 "Although there is no __________ religioof the water.""(6 "PANDEMIC"F(6 "WIDESPREAD AND UNIVERSAL"Y(6 1,0,0,0,1|(6 30,0,55,0,48,0,44,0,21,0(6 "We are face to face with a(n) _________ outbreak of cholera similar to"(6 "that which fell upon Europe in 1830."K)nce."W'5 "That child has been ____________(ed) several times to curb his temper,"'5 "but a spanking seems the only solution."'`6 "Because several sharks had been seen near shore, the vacationers"(a6 "were _____________(ed) to stay out z#     !ԠdzĠ3 Ǡ! ԠDzĠ4 ԠDzĠ &Ϡ ԠDzĠ4 ԠDzĠ5ԠDzĠ4ԠDzĠ5ԠdzĠ4ԠdzĠ3e"P*U8 "become vulgarized and meaningless in the service of ordinary writers."b*8 "HARBINGER"*8 "SOMETHING THAT PRECEDES; FORERUNNER"*8 1,1,0,0,2*8 43,0,10,0,25,0,22,0,47,0+8 "'In a few minutes would appear the train's _____________--a94N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7L9>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4|9HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4D梍ߠߠߠ߬嬠󮢍ԠҠ΢ߠ󮢍ߠ󮢍䬠ߠ客̢̠e is sometimes attended with _____________ depression."8@ "The eyes that looked so gentle and ____________ were now aflame"8@ "with sudden wrath."8PA "When she emerged from the theater, her red-rimmed eyes proved that she"9QA "had spent___ of Hubert Humphrey was legendary; he always exceeded"k7%@ "by half the time alloted for his speech."7t@ "LACHRYMOSE"7v@ "GENERATING OR SHEDDING TEARS"7x@ 0,1,1,1,07z@ 51,0,35,0,12,1,34,0,54,078@ "Disease of this natur RESUME";:Z$ Z$" "ī3000 "": CTL-A6 TO RESUME";:Z$! Z$" "ī3002 "": CTL-A8 PER DISK":u 1403,31:"AND PRESS SPACE TO RESUME";:Z$ Z$" "ī300 "": CTL-A SINED DISK ERROR.." :1403,31:"CHECK FOR PROPER DISK": 1403,31:"AND PRESS SPACE TO& (4);"RUN CONTEXT PROG";SE;" ND"> ,3: GET OUT OF DOSI 1216,0a 6(12):12:1403,30 @(222)6ĺ"FILE FOR SET ";SE;" NOT FOUND":400 J"UNDETERMINED DISK ERROR.." :1403,31:"CHECK FOR PROPER DISK": 1403,31:"AND PRESS SPACE ISK IS IN DRIVE":1403,25:" THEN PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"D Q 1403,25 " (HIT 'D' IF YOU WANT A DIFFERENT SET)";:Z$ Z$"Q"ė:"DONE": Z$"R"Ĭ Z$" "Ĭ 300 "";: CTL-A FOR DOS 0:0:1002: CLEAN UP FOR DOS A.. SETS 25-32" 1403,30:d 1403,17:"ENTER NUMBER OF SET YOU WANT AND THEN HIT RETURN KEY"v 30:"-> ";SE SE1SE32Č198:: NOT A VALID SET # :1403,25:" YOU HAVE CHOSEN SET ";SE;" .."> :1403,25:" MAKE CERTAIN PROPER D9 3Qd THIS IS THE MASTER MENU PROGRAM ("HELLO") FOR CRIST'S CONTEXT 2...kf(12): CLEAR SCREENxg1403,17h"BUILDING VOCABULARY THROUGH DEFINITIONS AND CONTEXTS":k:1403,25:" JUNE 1986":: x1403,30:"DISK 2, SIDE     HPLACE14I1531403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;HHPLACEHPLACE10g(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";nIv:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(IDEX,PPRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81002:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";VPLACE:1403,LPLACE#FAILED1)T"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000cJ150:Jm8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)*"RESULTS TO SCREEN, CE1CH2ī5055#CH2:5010H(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)R8000sFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0y| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(25);(11)I2I216ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)AIABZIAULINEVPLACEI2fCT$(I)rI2I21yIVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$;LPLACELPLAPT%(DEXCTXT,2)' LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)> ULINECV%(DEXX,1)V NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)\ c mI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"10:YOU WANT TO:" 4 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"[ 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"s 1403,40:"C. QUIT"y  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500  X"ī1120oPN0t.8000:Z$" "1420>Z$"Q"ī97DK YCTXT04gWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10  1403,20:"DO EXTS":80002000 ,WF(I2)0ı>I2WZ1PN1KIWS(I2)V(12)w12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000jZ$" (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":~ :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE TO BEGIN CONT  @I20WZ1:1000:I2- ELPELNLD0< JWV0WZ1c OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  B NLD1 PN0 :! (12)X 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,ī5150 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"; c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL MMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")F 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)U 7RS%(50,4)d 8CV%(50,4)p RWS(10)| VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C"i3 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30UmD$;"CLOSE LISTING"sy  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT CO               "I&3 "Every parent wants their children to be ___________; be mature"k&3 "beyond his or her years."&4 "The incredibly ______________ Mozart composed music before he was"& 4 "eleven years old."%'l4 "A telling argument against genetic eQ%2 "The word _____________ was first used in English to describe plants that"%2 "blossomed or produced fruits prematurely."%@3 "Children who show undue signs of intellectual development and maturity"&A3 "are invariably labeled ___________.ally."Y$x2 "A(n) _________ is someone who, after having wasted all of his substance,"$y2 "returns home in repentance."$2 "PRECOCIOUS"$2 "EXCEPTIONALLY EARLY IN DEVELOPMENT OR OCCURRENCE"$2 1,1,1,1,1$2 9,0,23,1,40,0,15,0,37,1is difficult for a(n) ____________ such as Marie Antionette to be"r#1 "concerned with the needs of peasants."#2 "One of the great talents of the American theatre was John Barrymore,"$2 "truly a(n) ___________, financially as well as artisticAGANCE""0 0,1,1,1,17"0 5,0,32,0,25,0,11,1,5,0m"0 "A(n) ___________ son needs a wealthy father.""L1 "Our economy cannot sustain a(n) _____________ government; we must learn""M1 "to spend only what we take in through taxes."B#1 "It ther kids his own age, Tom was convinced"_!!0 "the allowance received was a(n) ___________."!0 "Tax write-offs are so prevalent among the wealthy as to render"!0 "their taxes ____________(s)."!0 "PRODIGAL""0 "GIVEN TO RECKLESS EXTRAV X/ "It was ironic that so beautiful a restaurant should be named the _________." / "In China, most parents want their only allowable child to be a boy; girls" / "are considered to be _____________(s).")! 0 "In comparing his allowance with o. "BAGATELLE";. "A THING OF NO VALUE OR IMPORTANCE"L. 1,0,1,1,1l. 38,1,65,0,21,1,32,1,12,1. "The famed actress cut him deeply when she threw his expensive diamond gift". "on the table as though it were a mere _____________."S,2)L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC:V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1A`'ILj'I04`t'CV%(SBASEI,0)t~'CV%(SBASEI,1){'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I'SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP!"<(# INSERT ERROR FLAG^2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1~<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04B'CV%(SBASEI";:8000:Z$;W!Z$(27)ġ0\!Z$"Y"ī8500x]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! "0Z$(13)Z$IN$:*Z$" "ī81303Z$;HIN$IN$Z$:8130O4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$ R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? -> 1002:3%@ZP0:ZC32HJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010XLZOLD(" ")dOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""800ELETE ";N$D$;"OPEN ";N$1D$;"WRITE ";N$7> H7000NU lN$"MAIN DATA HW1"rD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N""":::73450:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"H8000:Z$" "6170N.fX8000:Z$" "7000p]7050zb7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$ D$;"DLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111".";(PLACEG(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";iHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEqI2w~I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3 Z$"P"___________ we mean that he is a stern master"_6> "and a stickler for detailed discipline."6\? "The apparent success of punishment in solving discipline problems has"6]? "caused many young teachers to become ______________(s).",7? "A true b"MARTINET"+5> "A STRICT DISCIPLINARIAN"<5> 1,1,1,0,1^5> 19,0,24,0,37,1,12,0,23,15> "Ann's father, a(n) _____________ who rules his family with an iron hand,"5> "staunchly refuses to pay the ransom.".6> "When we call a man a(n) _ildren with infirmities must not be _________(ed) else they will"o4= "develop into notoriously bad adults."40> "After speaking out against the classroom ___________(ing)of star athletes with"41> "fourth-string grades, she was demoted." 5> in large part to a tendency to be soothed"V3< "and ___________(ed) by his mother."3= "Nature is no sentimentalist; it does not _________ or pamper us."3h= "We _________ the short-haired female cat more than her long haired brother."A4= "Ch_____(s) for America's youth; for that reason"j2=< "their notorious use of drugs cannot be tolerated."z2< "COSSET"2< "TO FONDLE AND TREAT AS A PET"2< 1,0,0,1,12< 4,1,41,0,3,0,38,0,42,0*3< "His effeminate mannerisms were traced s a man of proven virtue; his is the _______________ for everyone"i1u; "aspiring to be a politician."1; "Maria Callas was the ________________ of the prima donna at her most graudiose"1; "and tempermental.".2<< "Baseball players are _____ 0,0,14,0,47,0,21,0,22,0 i0: "______________ usually applies to something set before one as worthy"0: "of imitation and, therefore, inherently good."0; "Christ is the ________________ that all preachers ought to follow."B1t; "Lincoln wa"7/9 "moon contains no _________________ minerals."/H: "Although our religions and legal system have their roots in Europe, our"/I: "music is ___________________."/: "EXEMPLAR"/: "ONE THAT SERVES AS A MODEL"/: 1,0,1,1,10: ld; we have no ______________ songs."w.9 "The melting glacier produced ___________________ minerals and rocks that".9 "had never been seen anywhere else on earth."/9 "Minerals brought back from the moon also exist on earth, and it appears theG WHERE FOUND"-8 1,0,1,1,1>-8 15,1,53,0,29,0,17,1,9,1-8 "There are still frequent charges of arrest, torture, and disregard for the"-8 "welfare of the __________________ Indian population."%.9 "Our poetry is dominated by the Old Worbest of the slogans suggested had already been"d,7 " _____________(ed) by a rival manufacturer.",T8 "Your attempt to ________________ this land before it is offered to the public",U8 "must be resisted.",8 "AUTOCHTHONOUS"-8 "ORIGINATINsually on more favorable terms."q+(7 "Prose has ____________(ed) a lion's share of the territory once held on"+)7 "equal terms by poetry."+7 "They arrived early at the theatre so as to ______________ the best seats."/,7 "Tom found that the inds."*6 "PRE-EMPT"Z*6 "TO ESTABLISH A PRIOR CLAIM TO SOMETHING SOUGHT BY OTHERS"k*6 1,1,0,1,1*6 14,0,10,0,43,0,1,1,16,0*6 "Historically, _____________ implies the right to purchase or acquire something" +6 "before others, and, u shocking poverty whilst"L)5 "a handful of owners wallowed in millions.")5 "They lie - the fifty corpses - ______________(ing) in their blood.")`6 "The sails were blown away, leaving the ship and its crew to ________"*a6 "in the fierce walities were so numerous that the victims"z(4 " _____________(ed) in their blood while waiting for medical attention."(45 "His body lies beneath the _____________(ing) of the restless tide.")5 "The mass of the people were _____________(ing) inxplanations for intelligence is that"j'm4 "brilliant parents do not always have ___________ children."z'4 "WELTER"'4 "TO ROLL AND TOSS ABOUT HELPLESSLY"'4 1,0,1,0,1'4 1,1,26,0,28,0,31,0,60,0*(4 "At the height of the battle, casu5);VPLACE:1403,LPLACE)FAILED1/Z"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000iJ150:Js8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)0"RESULTS TO SCELPLACE1CH2ī5055)CH2:5010N(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)X8000yFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(210:(11)I2I21<ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)GIAB`IAULINEVPLACEI2lCT$(I)xI2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$; LPLAC XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)- LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)D ULINECV%(DEXX,1)\ NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)b i sI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" :"DO YOU WANT TO:" : 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"a 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"y 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500 Z$" "ī1120oPN0t48000:Z$" "1420DZ$"Q"ī97JQ _CTXT04mWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10 1403,20 CONTEXTS":80002000" 2WF(I2)0ıDI2WZ1PN1QIWS(I2)\(12)}12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000 j(12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":~ :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN  @I20WZ1:1000:I2- ELPELNLD0< JWV0WZ1c OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  B NLD1 PN0 :! (12)X 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,ī5150 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"; c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL MMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")F 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)U 7RS%(50,4)d 8CV%(50,4)p RWS(10)| VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C"2 10D$(4),D$;"OPEN LISTING"DD$;"WRITE LISTING"O33,30UmD$;"CLOSE LISTING"sy  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT CO                 1,1,1,0,1,8z@ 22,1,4,0,12,1,27,0,18,1u8@ "One word that is associated with Richard Nixon's final days as"8@ "president is the word ________________."8@ One _______________ act of deception followed another until the total",9@ "desorn ____________ never thinks he is severe."7$@ "No officer in Napoleon's army could mold a group of recruits into a fighting"7%@ "force as could Captain __________."7t@ "UNCONSCIONABLE"7v@ "NOT GOVERNED OR RESTRAINED BY CONSCIENCE" 8x@14:1403,HPLACEI204+IDEXI5I2:PLACE03]RS%(IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111g".";rPLACE(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";HPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEI2I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I(::)%1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:I"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";WHPLACE14bI15}1403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;HPLACEHPLACE10(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";I:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE;Z$(27)Z$"D":%p 0z(12)t"RESULTS TO SCREEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:8100|:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":5515;8:1403,H:DF$(WRD);G(25);`VPLACE:1403,LPLACEmFAILED1s"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000I150:I8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āI150:I:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)80001(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037:Z$;NLPLACELPLACE1^CH2ī5055mCH2:5010(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)8000FAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)!CTXT4Ģ8----------------------------------------------------------------"P10:(11)\I2I21ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)IABIAULINEVPLACEI2CT$(I)I2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED0( Z$"B"ī9822 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":<< 2500C Y XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)q LPLACECV%(DEXX,0) ULINECV%(DEXX,1) NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)  I210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21A"----------------5000WURD CT!6000( 7 (12):10W 1403,20:"DO YOU WANT TO:"] ~ 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN" 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET" 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:N1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070%BWD$(I)4LI150:I>`8000QjZ$" "ī1120ZoPN0`tx8000:Z$" "1420Z$"Q"ī97 CTXT04WURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040001040 LP U (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE TO BEGIN CONTEXTS":8000_ 2000f  v WF(I2)0ı I2WZ1PN1 IWS(I2) (12) 12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2) $DF$(I) )::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):I150:I.PWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0- mI20WZ1> rWTWTWF(I2)F wI2V |WT0ī300]  (12):12:1403,30:" NOW READY TO TEST" :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97] Z$" "ī199d , } @I20WZ1:1000:I2 ELPELNLD0 JWV0WZ1 OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELmpt for them by leaving the room while they voiced their complaints."t9 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,09*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,594N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,79>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4:HN 0,1,2,3,4,0on beneath one in dignity or station."t8A "To show his disdain for his son, the King __________(d) him the most"8A "decrepit horse in his stable."8B "The Russian czar __________(ed) an audience with the peasants, but showed his"E9B "conte reign as King, none was rich but treasurers and collectors,"p:B "none in favor but ______________ lawyers.: N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0:*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5:4N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7;>N 0,1,2,3,4,0truction of the 'good guys' seemed at hand."s9PA "As a scientist he was a man of integrity, but as a politician"9QA "he was a(n) _____________ liar."9A "Occupancy is judged by men _____________, the best title to property."=:B "During hiswhich it was brought."k&4 "That is an interesting legend, yet no one seems to know the _____________ of"w& 4 "it."&l4 "The archeologist found beads of doubtful _____________, though some of them may"&m4 "be considered Egyptian."&4 "COMITY"-_____ of the objects"i%A3 "that are being sold--why an object was produced when it was could provide a"%B3 "better story than the big bucks version."%3 "He would have some difficulty in guessing its _____________, and naming the"&3 "race from SOMETHING COMES; ORIGIN"($2 1,2,1,1,1G$2 27,0,49,0,46,0,60,0,41,0$2 "I am not interested in its _____________; I am more concerned with its"$2 "usefulness than with its source."%@3 "The art market should be less important than the ________ven get a high school education because his parents were"P#2 "_____________."#x2 "The purpose of this program is not merely to help the _____________ but also to"#y2 "remove the causes of their poverty."#2 "PROVENANCE"$2 "PLACE FROM WHICH on a pension,"5"0 "keep their home neat and tidy.""L1 "Because he was _____________, he was sent to the county poor house.""1 "Money was collected to provide Thanksgiving dinners for the _____________ of""1 "the parish."9#2 "He could not e monk had _____________ habits, which were favorable to meditation."U!0 "INDIGENT"!0 "STATE TO WHICH THE POOR ARE REDUCED; POVERTY"!0 1,0,1,1,1!0 4,0,15,0,60,0,0,1,54,0"0 "The _____________ old couple, who find it hard to make ends meet ame from the fact that"g / "Aristotle walked with his pupils while discussing philosophy with them." 0 "When used in reference to people, _____________ is often used humorously" !0 "to imply restlessness or being constantly on the go."D!0 "TheAs the son of an electrician, Mr. Hirsch spent a(n) _____________ childhood"Y/ "in the West Bronx, where his family changed addresses some 13 times before"Z/ "he entered the second grade." / "The _____________ school of philosophy derives its n9:PT%(I,0):I('I049:PT%(I,1)0:IA'I049:PT%(I,2):IG'[. "PERIPATETIC"}. "TO WALK UP AND DOWN; PACE". 0,2,1,1,0. 42,0,52,0,4,0,34,0,13,0. "She had so many things to do she was a(n) _____________ young lady."LX/ "LLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD).3'SBASEWD598'I04MB'CV%(SBASEI,2)eL'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOCV'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1`'Ij'I04t'CV%(SBASEI,0)~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I04" "ī8545c!10021d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!=f!7050:D! e"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SPk"(# INSERT ERROR FLAG2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCWR!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? -> ";:8000:Z$;gW!Z$(27)ġz\!Z$"Y"ī8500]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE" a!8000:Z$P0ZP1:ZC95:)~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD:0 AZ$"":IN$""K8000bZ$(13)Z$IN$:tZ$" "ī8130}Z$;IN$IN$Z$:81304! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$.; N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0];*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5x;4N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7;>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4;HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4;RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4Dis essential that it"h:A "appear outwardly true and sincere even though it is actually the reverse.":B "The audience seemed willingly to accept the speaker's _____________ arguments,":B "even though they knew he was only speaking half-truths." a ___________ hour or two."f9A "Her voice was strong but her eyes __________ as she recounted"9A "the death of her beloved husband."9B "I want something now in the way of sentiment; tender, _____________." : N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8LACE14I15-1403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;BHPLACEHPLACE10a(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";hIp:{I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03 RS%(IDEX,PLACE)R, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:8100,:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";HPACE:1403,LPLACEFAILED1#N"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000]J150:Jg8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)$"RESULTS TO SCREEN, PRINTECH2ī5055CH2:5010B(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)L8000mFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0sz| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(25);VPL I2I210ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2);IABTIAULINEVPLACEI2`CT$(I)lI2I21sIVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$;LPLACELPLACE1XCTXT,2)! LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)8 ULINECV%(DEXX,1)P NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)V ] gI210~WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"10:(11)NT TO:"  . 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"U 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"m 1403,40:"C. QUIT"s  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500  XPT%(DE0 oPN0t(8000:Z$" "14208Z$"Q"ī97>E SCTXT04aWURD09}WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10 1403,20:"DO YOU WA80002000 &WF(I2)0ı8I2WZ1PN1EIWS(I2)P(12)q12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)}$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000jZ$" "ī1122):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":x :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE TO BEGIN CONTEXTS":@I20WZ1:1000:I2' ELPELNLD06 JWV0WZ1] OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  < (1 PN0 : (12)R 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,  * bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"5 c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL NLD1APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")@ 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)O 7RS%(50,4)^ 8CV%(50,4)j RWS(10)v VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C"ī5152 10D$(4)&,4,0,1,2,3,4>D$;"WRITE LISTING"I33,30OgD$;"CLOSE LISTING"ms  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT COMMAND                  e persons in authority."k / " Brutal and arrogant when winning, they are bootlicking and disgustingly" / " ___________ when losing." 0 "People who are excessively ___________ have feelings of low self-esteem"+!!0 "which they reveal by fa'. "OBSEQUIOUS"4. "COMPLIANT TO EXCESS"E. 1,0,1,1,0f. 21,0,31,0,0,1,27,0,36,0. "The serfs bowed with _____________ politeness to members of the". "King's court." X/ "The commoners were notoriously _____________ to thBASEI,2)!L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC@V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1G`'IRj'I04ft'CV%(SBASEI,0)z~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I!"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP'"B(# INSERT ERROR FLAGd2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04 B'CV%(S ? -> ";:8000:Z$;#W!Z$(27)ġ6\!Z$"Y"ī8500~]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! 8000Z$(13)Z$IN$:0Z$" "ī81309Z$;NIN$IN$Z$:8130U4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N)"" 1002:3+@ZP0:ZC32NJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010^LZOLD(" ")jOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""D$;"DELETE ";N$#D$;"OPEN ";N$7D$;"WRITE ";N$=D N7000T[ rN$"MAIN DATA HW1"xD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N"$"P"ĺ:::73456:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"N8000:Z$" "6170T.lX8000:Z$" "7000v]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111#".";.PLACEM(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";oHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEwI2}I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3Z ";HPLACE14I1591403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;NHPLACEHPLACE10m(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";tI|:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(REEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81008:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" 1002:3@ZP0:ZC32BJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010RLZOLD(" ")^OZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""8000";N$D$;"OPEN ";N$+D$;"WRITE ";N$18 B7000HO fN$"MAIN DATA HW1"lD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N""" 7345*:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"B8000:Z$" "6170H.`X8000:Z$" "7000j]7050tb7095~g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$D$;"DELETE 1ĺ"1";:6111".";"PLACEA(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";cHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEkI2qxI:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3Z$"P"ĺ:::official who accepts it."c*(7 "The gangster had a(n) __________ arrangement with the police." *7 "In the Greylord trials, the _____________(ity) of the judge was in question." +7 "His pride and _____________(ity) had made him unpopular withtle was completely _______________ ."5)6 "VENAL"k)6 "CAPABLE OF BEING BOUGHT; OPEN TO CORRUPTION"})6 1,0,0,0,0)6 56,0,22,0,28,0,14,0,47,0)6 "The citizen who offers a bribe is just as guilty as the _____________ public"*6 "he defense called the charges ____________and misleading."(5 "There are several _____________ kinds of berries whose pulp is not properly a"(5 "part of the fruit, but originates from some other organ."%)`6 "The 'baron' was unmasked. His tiuld detain the client on such a(n)"C'4 "_____________ excuse."'45 "Thus, the document on which we had depended to prove our case turned out to be"'55 "________________; it was not consistent with the actual facts.":(5 "The lawyer for t he had any"J&m4 "idea of the amount of burdensome detail it involves."]&4 "SPURIOUS"&4 "NOT GENUINE OR TRUE; LACKING IN AUTHENTICITY" &4 1,1,0,1,0&4 0,1,0,1,46,0,18,0,52,0#'4 "They wondered how long the supervisor co"My job is no _____________; I work long hours and have much responsibility."%4 "Royal blood seems to have been thought an ample excuse"% 4 "for a complete _____________ life." &l4 "He would not refer to my job so glibly as a(n) __________ if0M$2 "After the election the party faithful were rewarded with suitable"$2 "_____________(s) on the public payroll."$@3 "To Comrade Pushkin we drink a toast because he's gained a(n)"$A3 "_____________ doing crossword puzzles."M%3 ___(ity), the newly reconstructed home leads the list."#x2 "____________ buildings are better for a stranger to look at than to pay for."#2 "SINECURE"#2 "A JOB WITH FEW DUTIES BUT GOOD PAY" #2 1,1,0,1,1$2 0,1,0,1,13,0,15,1,47,After living in ________ splendor in Italy, it was hard to"u"M1 "return to our three room apartment in Brooklyn.""1 "The _____________ imperial residence of Caesar Augustus stood on a hill""1 "overlooking Rome."7#2 "In point of __________ the rose out the window,"H!0 "hoping it would hit him in the face."[!0 "PALATIAL"!0 "SPACIOUS AND ELABORATELY DECORATED"!0 0,1,1,0,0!0 33,0,16,0,4,0,12,0,0,0 !0 "He proudly showed us through his ________ home.";"L1 "we may excuse the patient's _________ behavior, we"Z / "certainly do not welcome it." 0 "The Englishman is very ________ and precise about his" !0 "accommodations at inns, and on the road." !0 "With a(n) __________ gesture she hurled"PETULANT";. "UNREASONABLY IRRITABLE OR ILL-TEMPERED"N. 0,0,1,1,1n. 25,0,4,0,34,0,23,0,10,0. "The feverish patient was __________ and restless."X/ "The _________ child seriously disturbs his family's routine."3 / "While L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC4V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1;`'IFj'I04Zt'CV%(SBASEI,0)n~'CV%(SBASEI,1)u'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I' . 4(WD$(I)):" ";:SP"6(# INSERT ERROR FLAGX2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1x<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1~F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04B'CV%(SBASEI,2)00:Z$;W!Z$(27)ġ*\!Z$"Y"ī8500r]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! "SP01Z$(13)Z$IN$:$Z$" "ī8130-Z$;BIN$IN$Z$:8130I4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? -> ";:803,4,0,1,2,3,4D,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4L;HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4h;RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4Dc achievements won her admission "N8QA "to the law school or her choice."8A "Her _____________ grace won her the leading role in the Broadway presentation."8B "The captains' _____________ decision making ultimately won the team the state"e to addressing his " 67@ "superiors."7@ "A detailed history of the man had to be invented which would be so"7@ "_______________ that the enemy would accept its authenticity.""8PA "Barbara's virtually _____________ scholastit how the canal could be secured against the _____________ "`6%@ "scuttling of enemy ships."u6t@ "IMPECCABLE"6v@ "FREE OF FAULT"6x@ 1,1,1,0,16z@ 20,0,0,1,20,0,4,0,14,0!7@ "He was proud of his _____________ manners when it camY5\? "Weasels are very _____________ animals, which account for their success in the "x5]? "struggle to survive."5? "The young thief _____________(ly) slipped into a dark alley as the police car "5? "drove by."<6$@ "It is not apparen1,1,1(4> 62,0,19,0,17,0,16,0,62,04> "From time to time, when he thought I was not looking, he cast _____________"4> "glances in my direction."4> "The boy, with a(n) ________ motion, copied the answer from a classmate's paper."n his eyes,"I3= "and a fearless _____________ even with strangers."30> "The crew developed such an aversion to Bligh's shameful __________ that they"31> "forced him into a lifeboat."3> "FURTIVE"3> "SLY OR SECRETLY"4> 1,0,he noisy revelers."j2= "Bob Newhart is a habitually quiet man who rarely shows an agitated _________."2h= "Mary of Scotland's ______________ was calm as she faced death." 3= "The child who has been treated wisely and kindly has a frank look iMaharanees."e1<< "My ___________ errand on this occasion was to get measured for a pair of shoes."x1< "DEMEANOR"1< "OUTWARD BEHAVIOR OR CONDUCT"1< 0,0,0,1,11< 10,0,67,1,19,0,15,1,56,02< "His sober ______________ quieted tfor calling on me was to pay his respects,"g0u; "but I suspected that he wanted to ask for a loan."0; "The native's _____________ business was the repair of broken necklaces," 1; "however their real end seemed to be to raise money for angry , we are really interested in finding new markets for our products."/; "The ______________ purpose of a naval review is the celebration of a"/; "national holiday; the real reason being a mobilization for war."+0t; "His _____________ reason .I: "never solved.",.: "OSTENSIBLE"k.: "APPARENT AND PROFESSED BUT NOT ACTUALLY ITS TRUE AIM"}.: 1,1,1,1,0.: 13,0,4,0,4,0,13,0,3,0.: "Although the _____________ purpose of this expedition is to discover"D/: "new landsring the general system":-9 "of criminal procedure."-9 "The idea of their marriage had been _____________ (ed) because their"-9 "two families hated each other."-H: "The question of Church unity has often been _____________(ed), but" ___________"!,8 "question."s,9 "Appeal does not become _____________ when the alien leaves the country,",9 "since the possibility of criminal prosecution for attempted re-entry remains."-9 "Plans have been _____________(ed) for alte the voters."[+T8 "A corrupt legistature or government is full of _____________ (ity)."j+8 "MOOT"+8 "OPEN TO DEBATE"+8 1,1,1,1,1+8 61,0,23,0,16,0,36,0,44,0 ,8 "Whether civilization could survive another world war is a(n)HPLACE14I1541403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;IHPLACEHPLACE10h(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";oIw:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(IDEX, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81003:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";VPLACE:1403,LPLACE$FAILED1*U"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000dJ150:Jn8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)+"RESULTS TO SCREEN,ACE1CH2ī5055$CH2:5010I(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)S8000tFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0z| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(25);:(11)I2I217ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)BIAB[IAULINEVPLACEI2gCT$(I)sI2I21zIVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$;LPLACELPLPT%(DEXCTXT,2)( LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)? ULINECV%(DEXX,1)W NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)] d nI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"10 YOU WANT TO:" 5 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN"\ 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET"t 1403,40:"C. QUIT"z  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"PROGRAM DONE":< 2500  X "ī1120oPN0t/8000:Z$" "1420?Z$"Q"ī97EL ZCTXT04hWURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT6000  (12):10 1403,20:"DOTEXTS":80002000 -WF(I2)0ı?I2WZ1PN1LIWS(I2)W(12)x12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(I)LJ150:J`8000jZ$" (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS": :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  (12)::::1403,30:"PRESS SPACE TO BEGIN CON  @I20WZ1:1000:I2. ELPELNLD0= JWV0WZ1d OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  CNLD1 PN0 :" (12)Y 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,"ī5151 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"< c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL OMMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")G 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)V 7RS%(50,4)e 8CV%(50,4)q RWS(10)} VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C1 10,3,4,0,1,2,3,4-,4,0,1,2,3,4ED$;"WRITE LISTING"P33,30VnD$;"CLOSE LISTING"tz  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT C                     peechless, but her face expressed _____________ joy."-9 "_____________ carries a strong suggestion of a characteristic that"-9 "is so beautiful and spiritual it can't be expressed with words.".H: "Upon their return to earth, astronauts are unuty of the cathedral filled him with a(n) _____________ peace;"d,8 "he was rendered speechless.",9 "By the end of the play, the apparently passionless character had communicated",9 "to us a feeling of _____________ loneliness."5-9 "She was sP+T8 "Mrs. Clarke is now _____________ to her husband's drunken behavior which"~+U8 "has persisted for the past six years."+8 "INEFFABLE"+8 "INCAPABLE OF BEING EXPRESSED IN WORDS"+8 1,1,0,1,1+8 49,0,19,1,43,0,0,0,67,0?,8 "The bea "_____________ to it."M*(7 "He became _____________ to the Alaskan cold."*7 "A youth spent in hard work on a farm _____________ him to many of the hardships"*7 "of military life."*7 "The poor may be _____________ to drudgery and distress." found only in the _____________ of light.":)6 "INURED")6 "ACCUSTOMED TO SOMETHING UNDESIRABLE BY CONSIDERABLE EXPOSURE")6 1,0,1,0,1)6 0,1,10,0,37,0,16,0,19,0)6 "Though the food became no more palatable, he soon became sufficiently"*6 to fascinate mankind."m(5 "We were glad to see the _____________ of the sun's rays streaming through the"(5 "dark clouds."(5 "The audience was rendered speechless by the ____________ of her beauty."+)`6 "The splendor of rich color is to beE"''4 "GREAT LUSTRE AND BRIGHTNESS"7'4 0,1,1,0,0V'4 4,0,41,0,24,0,44,0,54,0'4 "The _____________ of the rising sun lit the sky."'45 "Even after the passage of centuries, the _____________ of Leonardo"(55 "da Vinci's genius continuested his architectural skill"K&3 "and personality with equal _________."&4 "There was a grandeur and _________ about everything Cyrano did."&l4 "The voluminous skin-on-skin sable wrap was modeled with appropriate _____________."'4 "EFFULGENCance, with the _____________ and glamour of a Barrymore"L%2 "or Geilgud."%@3 "The police could not catch the aristocratic jewel thief who pulls off his jobs"%A3 "with flair and _____________."&3 "Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect who flauns) are commonly substituted for words pertaining to parts of the"q$y2 "body, death, sex, and bodily functions."$2 "PANACHE"$2 "DONE WITH SELF CONFIDENCE AND STYLE"$2 1,1,1,0,0$2 39,0,15,1,27,1,25,0,68,08%2 "He gives a grand perform#1 "Instead of calling Margaret 'fat,' Peter tactfully employed the _____________"p#1 "'pleasingly plump.'"#2 "Today's young people are opposed to __________(s); they prefer instead"#2 "to call things as they see them."A$x2 "_____________("My cousin refers to himself as a 'sanitary engineer'-- a(n) __________"h"0 "for garbage collector.""L1 "In the early days of TV, the word 'toilet' was unaccepted and it was""M1 "necessary for announcers to use the __________ 'water closet.'"Twning over people they sense are superior."u!0 "The failing student was maddeningly _____________ to his teacher."!0 "EUPHEMISM"!0 "MILD AGREEABLE EXPRESSION FOR A DISAGREEABLE THING"!0 1,1,1,1,1!0 60,0,36,1,64,0,36,0,0,0 H"0 DELETE ";N$D$;"OPEN ";N$2D$;"WRITE ";N$8? I7000OV mN$"MAIN DATA HW1"sD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N"""ĺ:::73451:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"I8000:Z$" "6170O.gX8000:Z$" "7000q]7050{b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$ D$;"PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111".";)PLACEH(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";jHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACErI2xI:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3 Z$"P"N)5 "There have been no delirious prices at auction, and no scandals, to")5 "bring this artist ____________ publicity.")`6 "A(n) ____________ root is one arising at any point of the stem" )a6 "other than a normal point of origin." *6wbound by the ___________ storm, Mary had a genuine opportunity"f(55 "to learn more about Glenn."(5 "Fortunately for us the antique cabinet was speckled with those __________")5 "flaws and imperfections that make it valuable and novel."4 "ADVENTITIOUS"B'4 "OCCURRING ACCIDENTLY OR BY CHANCE"U'4 1,1,1,1,1y'4 40,0,22,0,63,0,18,1,5,0'4 "His success on that occasion was purely ____________ and I doubt that"'4 "it will ever be repeated."@(45 "Left snonscathed from a venture into the stock market."w&4 "F. Lee Bailey's legal ____________ distinguishes him from his"& 4 "other colleagues."&l4 "In the 19th century, many fortunes were made by men with great"&m4 "business ____________."'dge of his field."\%@3 "In no endeavor is political and social ________ more essential"%A3 "than at a Presidental press conference."%3 "It requires ____________ to solve an intricate problem in human"/&3 "relationships, or to emerge u___________ of reason."($2 "ACUMEN"Q$2 "MENTAL SHARPNESS OR ACUTENESS"d$2 1,1,1,1,1$2 66,0,39,0,12,0,22,0,9,1$2 "Einstein's honor and reputation were justly due to his scientific ____________,"%2 "and his thorough knowleon found himself ____________ of funds."^#1 "Madam, you have __________ me of all words."#2 "The tragic fire which destroyed his home left him __________ of all his"#2 "loved ones."$x2 "A man who is controlled by passion is utterly __ring the scrub." "0 "BEREFT"7"0 "DEPRIVED OF"I"0 1,0,0,1,0l"0 34,0,39,0,16,0,50,0,46,0 "0 "Devoid and empty, however, unlike __________, are used to describe""0 "the absence of physical things."(#L1 "The foolish gambler so" \! 0 "Only the most _________ newsman has the courage to doubt the integrity of the"!!0 "President at a public hearing."!0 "With the __________ woman who was his wife, he landed there, and set about""0 "building a house and cleas look upon General Custer as a(n) ________ Indian fighter while" Y/ "others see him as vain man eagerly trying to become famous." / "All honor to the _____________ and highly trained men who are exploring"!/ "the regions of outer space.. "INTREPID"3. "COMPLETE ABSENCE OF FEAR"F. 1,1,1,1,1i. 4,0,49,0,17,0,14,0,9,0. "The _________ pioneers traveled west in spite of hardships andthe". "constant danger of Indian attacks."A X/ "Some historianI,2)L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC;V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1B`'IMj'I04at'CV%(SBASEI,0)u~'CV%(SBASEI,1)|'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I'SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP""=(# INSERT ERROR FLAG_2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04B'CV%(SBASE ";:8000:Z$;W!Z$(27)ġ1\!Z$"Y"ī8500y]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! "00Z$(13)Z$IN$:+Z$" "ī81304Z$;IIN$IN$Z$:8130P4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? ->1002:3&@ZP0:ZC32IJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010YLZOLD(" ")eOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""80,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0F:*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5b:4N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7:>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4:HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4:RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4Dortress is our God, a(n) __________ never failing."8B "Reagan sees himself as a general who must __________ Europe against the"8B "menace of Russia."8 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,09*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5 economy."b7@ "Strong local governments are the surest __________(s) against the" 7@ "ever-increasing authority of the federal government."7PA "The strongest __________ for freedom is a free, unmuzzled press."38A "A mighty fnheritance taxes."$6t@ "BULWARK"[6v@ "ANYTHING SERVING AS A DEFENSE AGAINST ATTACK"m6x@ 1,1,0,0,16z@ 61,0,40,0,14,0,35,0,42,06@ "In Sicily, Mafia-controlled urban construction has been a(n) _________ of the" 7@ "depressed local "When the orphan discovered his dead parents had great wealth, he went to great"5? "extremes to obtain his __________."5$@ "President Reagan has taken measures to insure future generations of their"6%@ "deserved __________ by reducing irom our"&4> "future generations."t4> "He wanted to leave his _________ something better than he found it."4\? "Andrew Carnegie was opposed to __________, fearing that it would deprive"4]? "his children of any sense of purpose."R5? an shops are insignificant little holes,____________, shabby,poor."W3> "PATRIMONY"3> "MONEY OR PROPERTY THAT IS INHERITED"3> 1,0,1,1,13> 49,0,23,0,32,0,23,1,9,14> "Because of deficit spending, we are stealing the __________ f in":2= "public in such a(n) ___________ condition."2h= "The forest contained many _____________ paths that left the traveler"2i= "dirty and confused." 2= "The young man's bedroom was dirty and _____________."C30> "Most Russi_____ eye."1< "UNKEMPT"F1< "LACKING NEATNESS AND TRIMNESS"[1< 0,1,1,0,0 1< 25,0,20,1,27,0,38,0,51,0 1< "The beggar was dirty and _____________."2= "It is almost incredible that a pretty girl like Phyllis would appearnobody enjoyed being around them."w0; "Gore Vidal appears on TV talk shows for the primary purpose of unleashing"0; "a chain of _________ cynicisms."0<< "Tom's chronic illness caused him to look upon his neighbors" 1=< "with a(n) ______________ temperament was apparent to all who heard him rant about"`/: "his difficulties." /; "The review was not so much critical as _____________ in its vicious/; "condemnation of the book.""0t; "Both men had _____________ natures; ds and minds busy."`.H: "Ambition always carries a(n) _____________(ness) with it, which is".I: "a torment to the mind.".: "BILIOUS".: "PEEVISH AND SOUR-TEMPERED".: 1,1,0,1,1.: 4,0,39,0,13,0,11,1,10,1C/: "His ____ a fortune."a-9 "His thirst for knowledge was _____________ ; he was always in the library."-9 "J.R. Ewing has a(n) _____________ desire for wealth and power."-9 "Workaholics suffer from a(n) _____________ need to keep their".9 "hann ___________ as a result of prolonged disuse"D,8 "INSATIABLE"k,8 "INCAPABLE OF BEING SATISFIED",8 1,0,0,1,1,8 14,0,29,0,20,0,29,0,29,0,8 "Spurred on by _____________ greed, the miser devoted his life" -8 "to amassing are not exercised regularly." ^+7 "Conscience must be exercised or it will ____________"+7 "As the tadpoles legs begin to grow, it's tail begins to ____________"+T8 "The speaker emphasized that our mental and physical faculties/,U8 "ca "ATROPHY">*6 "TO WASTE AWAY FOR WANT OF NOURISHMENT"P*6 1,0,0,0,1n*6 0,1,8,0,40,0,56,0,4,1*6 "An aptitude that is not used and developed will gradually " *6 "___________ and disappear."+(7 "Muscles ____________ when theyHPLACE14I1541403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;IHPLACEHPLACE10h(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";oIw:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(IDEX, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81003:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";VPLACE:1403,LPLACE$FAILED1*U"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000dJ150:Jn8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)+"RESULTS TO SCREEN,ACE1CH2ī5055$CH2:5010I(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)S8000tFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0z| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(25);:(11)I2I217ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)BIAB[IAULINEVPLACEI2gCT$(I)sI2I21zIVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$;LPLACELPLPT%(DEXCTXT,2)( LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)? 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ELPELNLD0= JWV0WZ1d OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wI2 |WT0ī300  CNLD1 PN0 :" (12)Y 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199 ,"ī5151 bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"< c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xBLV ELV9 LPBL OMMAND APPEARS" 1ZOLD(" ")G 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)V 7RS%(50,4)e 8CV%(50,4)q RWS(10)} VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS HIT 'C'";:8000:Z$ aZ$"C1 10,3,4,0,1,2,3,4-,4,0,1,2,3,4ED$;"WRITE LISTING"P33,30VnD$;"CLOSE LISTING"tz  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN." :" DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT C!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!""" " " " " """""""""     0,10,0,20,0,5,1T&4 "'Do not misbehave again,' ____________(ed) Miss Jensen,"&4 "'or I shall have to punish you.'"&45 "'Count him not as an enemy, but ____________ him as a brother.'"'5 "Ilene was ____________(ed) for her negligew evident."P%l4 "As people grow old they find that their religion becomes an"%m4 "ever increasing __________ against sorrow and unhappiness."%4 "ADMONISH"%4 "TO CAUTION AGAINST; ADVISE OR WARN MILDLY"%4 1,0,0,1,1&4 26,0,32, "There is a potential danger in using daydreaming and fantasying"h$A3 "as _________(s) for boredom."$3 "The ___________ necklace for teething infants is commonly used today." %4 "The chief sleep-producing, ____________ virtues of opium are no"Q#x2 "His presentation was indifferent and could best be labeled __________."b#2 "ANODYNE"#2 "ANYTHING THAT SOOTHES OR LESSENS PAIN"#2 0,1,0,0,1#2 18,0,3,1,4,0,27,0,16,1#2 "Time is the only __________ of sorrow." B$@3 rains from the south."b"1 "The body, chilled with the weather , is gradually recovering its""1 "natural ___________(ness).""2 "Many young women are definitely not __________ on the abortion issue;"#2 "they are either for or against it.hell met her _________ - a mouse!"1!0 "TEPID"V!0 "MIDWAY BETWEEN HOT AND COLD"l!0 0,0,1,1,0!0 45,0,44,0,8,1,36,0,30,0!0 "Let the water stand in the sun until it grow ____________.""L1 "A cold storm bringing __________ onfiscation, a word that is so frightful; a(n) ___________ to modern ears." 0 "To us a(n) ___________ is a thing of appreciable dread, but in Wales," !0 "it was a goblin used to scare children.""!0 "Shriek after shriek ran out when Miss Mitc. "BUGBEAR"6. "AN OBJECT OF OBSESSIVE DREAD"G. 0,0,0,1,0g. 43,0,4,0,48,0,11,0,55,0. "Conjugating latin verbs has always been my ____________."X/ "The ___________ of a tax audit induces anxiety in every taxpayer."K / "CI,2)L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC;V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1B`'IMj'I04at'CV%(SBASEI,0)u~'CV%(SBASEI,1)|'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I'SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP""=(# INSERT ERROR FLAG_2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04B'CV%(SBASE ";:8000:Z$;W!Z$(27)ġ1\!Z$"Y"ī8500y]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! "00Z$(13)Z$IN$:+Z$" "ī81304Z$;IIN$IN$Z$:8130P4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? ->1002:3&@ZP0:ZC32IJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010YLZOLD(" ")eOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""80DELETE ";N$D$;"OPEN ";N$2D$;"WRITE ";N$8? I7000OV mN$"MAIN DATA HW1"sD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N"""ĺ:::73451:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"I8000:Z$" "6170O.gX8000:Z$" "7000q]7050{b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$ D$;"PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111".";)PLACEH(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";jHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACErI2xI:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3 Z$"P"