Description: Applesoft: Internals--Page Zero Memory Map (2 of 2) Header: Applesoft: Internals--Page Zero Memory Map (2 of 2) A3 SNGFLG Sign of FAC. Set up by FIN. A4 BITS A5-AA ARG Floating point argument (EXP,HO,MOH,MO,LO,SGN) AB,AC STRNG1 Pointer to a string or descriptor AD,AE FBUFPT Pointer into FBUFFER for FOUT AF,B0 PRGEND Pointer to the end of the program text B1-C8 CHRGET Character fetcher C9-CD RNDX Random number seed D0,D1 DX High-Res delta-X for shape and HLIN D2 DY High-Res delta-Y for shape and HLIN D3 QDRNT High-Res rotation quadrant D4,D5 E High-Res error for HLIN D6 RNONLY Run only flag D8 ERRFLG Flag set by ONERR GOTO DA,DB ERRLIN The line number where the error occured DC,DD ERRPOS Where in memory did the error occur DE ERRNUM Which error occured DF ERRSTK 6502 stack pointer from REMSTK after an error E0,E1 XO High-Res prior X coordinate save E2 YO High-Res prior Y coordinate save E4 HCOLOR High-Res color byte for HPLOT, HPOSN E5 HNDX High-Res horizontal offset save E6 HPAG High-Res page ($20 = HGR1, $40 = HGR2) E7 SCALE High-Res scale for SHAPE E8,E9 SHAPX High-Res start of shape table EA COLLSN High-Res collision counter F0 FIRST F1 SPDBYT Controls delay between printed characters F2 TRFLAG Controls TRACE mode. F3 ORMASK Controls masking for INVERSE on video output. F4-F7 ERRTO Points to the GOTO part of ONERR statement F8 REMSTK 6502 Stack pointer save area. F9 ROTBYT High-Res rotation factor for SHAPE 100-10F FBUFFR Buffer for FOUT 200-2F0 BUF Input buffer Apple Tech Notes Keywords: