SSDRAM COMB fUNBUILD COM BUILD COM FREE COMFLASHDOCDSKFLASHDOCDSK !"#$%&'()*+,-.FLASHDOCDSK"/0123FLASHDOCTXT9:;<=>?@ABCDEFGH:,*:*.>l}2 *  ! ~#;~+w#6/:!o.W6?^n:+>i> w?#ʘʇ6 ?#6?^:+> ʓ> w?#^6?#6?#6?#6?^6?#:+6?#6?^6?#6?^:/6?^:0:A0B233ت333 $1   **>ʑ*>ʑ**>ʑ*>ʑB  2ʮʮ*ʮ6 :!66:  G~02WW :':]_R‹ :)04:2:21-02K K R!&:.J$"Ç:/X":0k g":1Gʇz|"@ :(^ʜw  /º:(2(:(~ Ç:0:1  /23>2'  /}FLASHDOCTXTXIJKLMNOPQRSREAD ME TSSDINIT COMBUVWXYZ[\gSSDFLOP COMB]^_`abcde:+L:)x% /:*7G:,L7:*x:+1K >2202z  %0802) :+=  /[:+2+%:*‘,  ʼ0h8h0!)h2*ü02  ʼ0ږ8Җ0!)ʖ2*:* :,  /:,2,ü:)GP 4 !''ͪ:G2ddl}2 :+:).>l}2 :**_!~:*.>l}2 !"!:$:>>B.¶:>B!}/_|/W*:/W."*MD* +! +~+ xj** >2~2#:2Ҝ:O  xʲ:=2ŠÀ*  CP/M vers? Insert system disk $ >12 >2K >42KG Îa >12 >1K >42KG ΁>1 >22KG Î>12KG 2.2/2021:-2 />2.2R: />2/:2R: /!+ 6?#:,^6?^6?#:+06?^:*^6?^:<2G::=26 ͆mwñw wP#â ʉ ¢w#~ʱʝPâwñ~ʱwxG#â!&6͆̐ ̐  ̐ ܐ#~@ģ!"262I2\O ~#fo^#V"~2*|}22:O$s s!4{ _d!5E:²:A2oo /²:_!~ w:2:O$! 6666'!5@uate FLASHCARD not found in slot $Do you want to try again? $Current code location is the $Transient Program Area $I/O Configuration Block $Do you want to keep it there? $Current configuration: $1 576 Kbyte Capacity Simulated Disk $or 1 432 Kbyte C :0= I  :1=6 \ " !]~_Ou !~N > !~[ > !~h > !~u > :3:]ʎ _Oʌ Cʌ Õ _LŒ :2A2!#~ʥ ¥ "x2A2:T " ~#fo":T " ~#fo"*( # #( +-> $(Y/N)$Save new SSDINIT.COM? $Install now? $Error writing file $Configured $Enter current date as mm/dd/yy $Loading FLASHCARD drive : from drive : $Select Error $Invalid Drive Error $No format match or erase prevented $FLASHCARD loaded $*} CP/M version: $2.20B, 44K $2.20B, 56K $2.23, 44K $2.23, 60K $cannot be verified $ more drive(s) may be installed $Default slot for 1st FLASHCARD is Press CR to retain, or enter slot number (1-7) $Default slot for 2nd FLASHCARD is Press RETURN:& ""͆#͵*"~^ #*"͵"~^ #*"͵"~^ #*"͵":(y y ~  !~ʊ ~ғ Ҙ ҝ Ң #ƒ !)^!6:* _!6*~2#~2 r+s~2?#~2@:r+s~28#~293r+squested $Do you want autoloading of an SSD with the contents of the default disk? $Do you want to keep this configuration? $ No space for code in i/o configuration block $Too many drives already installed $FLASHCARD already initialized or not found $apacity Simulated Disk $or 288K Kbyte Capacity Simulated Disk(s) $or 144K Kbyte Capacity Simulated Disk(s) $Possible configurations: $Allocate a 576K SSD? $Allocate a 432K SSD? $Allocate a 288K SSD? $Remainder will be $Warning: Too many drives re ( ##( # ##( #8 :G*#~¦ Á q *~2 ~2*~###^#V)=_ :/<_>W<m G:2!.%">2222!""*:T :a :k $!4: 6!4: *"*z xʚ *:T :/o|/g#   _NCY/>xO! bl! lFwv/wp02! !#~ʉ!ͪ!&Ô~# xª*@*+|g}o|g}o|g}o#! *MD!># x:<22# to retain, or enter new slot number, 1-7 $Now configured for only 1 FLASHCARD Press RETURN for single FLASHCARD or Enter slot number for 2nd FLASHCARD (1-7) $The 1st FLASHCARD type is: $The 2nd FLASHCARD type is: $DUAL $SINGLE $Is this correct? $Adeq~21#~22+r+s~2Q#~2RLr+s~2F#~2GAr+s:V V V ! :(z ++^#V#s#r*""^#V#"'*:::::( ^#V"*#s#r ͆{/_z/W>A:. # :/ 6 FLASHCARD installation failed. $: 576K capacity $: 432K capacity $: 288K capacity $: 144K capacity $: may have valid directory. Erase? $ Transient Program Area limit is 0H $Insert System disk, then any key to continue $ -z'{'   FLASHCARD Installation Program by *** Woodhull and Gilbert *** for Synetix, Inc., Redmond, Washington Version 2.01 rev. 10/05/83 Copyright 1983, A. S. Woodhull a :k '!4:+ 6!4:+ *"*z? x :!‘ Ç O|u OOÇ Ç Ç  :( ! "͢I*! MD! ͪ!# ~  ^#V*s#r###^#V*s#r#~ *.+!&s#r###!_^#Vs#r{#z+00:;w#!o*MD*~#fo s#r##~#fo s#r##~#fo s#r##~#fo s#r##~#fo s#r##~#fo s#r** " *"*"*"*.".*5"5*<"<*B"B*M"M*U"U*X"X*\"\*a"a#" "*"(*>2*Ϳ*#":* 6$#|E}E *">22!C":=_:"*"ڨ3   o*"!*>2"* ~#6#*#"<ʐ*1! 2~2y2o&))))i`"y2y2:>:2::8:&:o&0():_>O:O>_))))))) }|g!  n&"}o#r+K*: q*~  q*w "0= "/*O=!9 Ÿ!6UNBUILD HEADER for Subfiles are: length: records length: records length: records length: records length: records l$H"D$H"D$H"D  "D"  @!f:Ҏ *]:&y:) N#F*>͘4:]: Z:y:͞8Ҽ *y:"Z:X:y:͞8 *y:"X:*]:&y:) N#F+q#p!>s+p+q::2>O!: :8">*e"e*}"}*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"SSDINIT COM@@? ?^#V"#^#V"^#V"*|g}o"*MD͠͠$͠!~g^*"}oQ*+"}ʆ:A3*#:)=*}/_|/W* Select Error $##60" 4*#' w#"":+2!"ͫ*"!""́D*:4ͫW*:D+!6#\!"ͫ:o}*"*+"}*"*+"}!"=O͠|ʥ ~#fo^#V"#~2### $$ ! $$$$ @H$! $H !$ !B$!$ $$@I$B$ H "$  $$$D$  H!$!@DHHD$$@@ @ !$H$@"BHHB @$ A! "D"!! "ength: records length: records length: records length: records length: records length: records length: records $LDMOV ADD ADC SUB SBB AN1*.%"!~@2#~:#~=#~@2#~:#'~ \.\#Gd> \~ .u#f#fÇ> \!!6#’#*####""!6#³!00"!C" "!X"2***s#r>:0"* z Invalid Drive Error $Insufficient space on disk. Insert new disk, press any key when ready $Copy complete $ ;ͣW!E# ¡ # ¬# ·@ʴʥzʖ=ʐ=|zJz?4)z zI@@@ @ $H B@B$HH $ !@@@!B!B$$$$!"IBHD$B  B@H ! $  D"" $$" "D@D$!! $! $@BA" "@DH!$HH!@$ADDD!@$$$@ 1*.%"!~@YY2g#~:Y#8~ D.D=D#*L> D~ g.]#N#No> D~=Y#~@YY2C#~:Y8!DH!00"M!O6#ŸC!"¶  g8!hH!s6#gg< Turnke system ca b easil create an used thank t th men drive choic o wid rang o options. 6.2. CP/M Flashcard Software Ther ar tw version o th CP/ Flashcar softwar fo us d file: $͌Q!. $File not found on current disk $!2ͷQ͓͌Q!>ͷq eg͙Q:zJEËC–EQyQxQRQ*UNBUILD HEADER for Subfiles are: length: records t configur on o tw Flashcard t emulat variou 1/4 an 8 flopp disk o a Apple / compute equippe wit Microsof Softcar Z-8 adapte an th Microsof adaptation 2.20 o 2.2 o th Digita ResearS!"n*~$!DH!O6#! *! H   gC2*" **z§{§: |!6#!" g_*C length: records length: records length: records length: records length: records length: records length: records length: c Inc CP/ operatin system Th Flashcar CP/ softwar ca emulat drive o 144k 288k 432K an 576K wit th siz an numbe o emulate drive bein dependen o th numbe an capacit o Flashcard available*.+!_z{4 &0:1w# Current Transient Program Area limit is 0H $ "*"g9 Select Error $ w#Jx__  Directory full $Invalid Drive Error $Insert a source disk, press any key when ready or Ctrl-C to abort $Copy complete $Ready to rea CP/M Disk Emulation Software 6. CP/M Disk Emulation Software 6.1. Introduction & Summary Thi sectio describe interfac softwar whic allow th use records length: records length: records length: records $!;,!Ù!;qz8O! !;,z;qyO! ͣͣW_͕qyO! ͣ͒qy wit th Microsof implementation o CP/M Thes tw version are contained on the following files: SSDFLOPConfigur th Flashcar t loo exactl lik flopp diskette Thi include th al i thi configuration. 576KTh 576 configuratio unde SSDFLO provide fo a emulatio o Singl Sided/Dua Den- sit 8 disk Unde thi configuration 56 (8 Singl Sided/Singl Density dis emulation Ob- viously thi doe no mak us o th ful capacit o mode 220 (dual Flashcard 6.3. Possible Configurations Flashcards memory blocks possible configurations 2 duals 8x64K + 4x16K 576K or 432K + 144K tio o 2ˠ extent doe no utiliz storag efficiently. 432KTh 432 configuratio i incompatibl wit mos flopp dis formats an ther ha bee Unde th SSDFLO drivers th 144 config- uratio provide yo wit approximatel 128 o usabl space. Unde th SSDRA drivers th 144 configura-locatio o syste tracks. SSDRAMConfigur th Flashcar t us al th RA͠ available Thi optio i not compatibl wit standar flopp dis formats an i som circumstangger) i use wha i know a a extent Thes extent ar normall 1 i length bu i dis siz get large tha 256 (a i th cas o Th reaso fo thi i twofold: 1. 256K is the standard size for 8" disks. 2. Whe CP/ need t "grow fil (tha is mak i bi or 2x288K or 288K + 2x144K 1 dual, 6x64K + 3x16K 432K 1 single or 288K + 144K n attemp mad t plac syste track o th Flashcar unde thi configuration Bot th SSDRA an SSDFLO driver functio identic- all tio provide yo wit approximatel 144 o usabl space. 288KUnde th SSDFLO drivers th 288 configu- ratio provide yo wit 2ce ma no b desir- able. Th Flashcar softwar i intende t accomodat al possibl combination o o 220 (single o 220 (dual Flashcards configurin the i severa ways: th SSDRA drivers) the mus b allo- cate i segment o 2K Thi mean tha fo man smal files th alloca- CP/M Disk Emulation Software 6.4. Configuration Notes A wa mentione above ther ar tw version o th CP/ soft- ware Th effec thi ha i a follows: Configuration Notes 144K or 3x144K 1 dual or 4x64K + 2x16K 288K 2 singles or 2x144K 1 single 2x64K + 16K 144K 1 approximatel 512 ar availabl fo data. Unde SSDRAM th ful 576 o RA i avail- abl fo dat storage. 2 g th amoun o memor availabl t you programs A men option th cod ca alternatel b installe i th hig en o th "Transien Progra Area" reducin th amoun o memorirtuall an CP/ program Note: I i possibl fo advance application t us drive large tha thei emulate flopp equivalents CP/ 8 singl side singl densit flopp i 256K bu aounte complication--CP/ wa originall writte fo system wit 8 dis drives Suc drive hav approximatel twic th dat capacit o th Apple' disks Programmer wh ma neve hav dreame tha thei ma b use t creat turnke installatio file fo differen configurations Th "turnkey fil i name SSDINIT.COM an wil b des- cribe later Th patc cod ca b installe i th "I/ o syste configura- tion number an typ o Flashcard installed Th Flashcar syste ca exactl emulat 8 singl side singl densit CP/ dis format o ca tak bette advantag o th storag spac CP/M Disk Emulation Software 6.5. Why Emulate 8" Drives? Fo us wit th Apple' "native operatin system th standar configuratio o th Flashcar i entirel sO an SSDRAM.CO ar th standar version o th Flashcar CP/ dis emulatio software. Note:Fo th remainde o thi document th notatio SSDxx wil b use t designat th file SSDFLOP.CO͠ emulate 8 SSS driv ca hav u t 288 storag a you discretion. 6.6. Files Included on the Distribution Disk The following files are included on this disk: 1.SSDFLOP.C program woul b ru o a Appl hav sometime create program tha assum tha lo o dis spac i available Th dis spac requirement o progra ar no alway obvious Fo example compile ma creat an Configuratio Block" Thi i par o th CP/͠ memor reserve fo custo interfac program i th Microsof implementation o CP/M Installatio o SSDxx i th I/ Bloc doe no chan availabl t it a detaile abov i "configura- tio notes" Sinc 8 singl densit disk ar th commo mediu fo progra exchang amon CP/ users thi mean tha th Flashcar wil allo yo t ru vatisfactory Appl software whethe unde DO o Pascal i universall writte fo us o system wit 1/4 flopp disks I yo wan t us th CP/ operatin system however yo ma sometime encan SSDRAM.COM. 3 CP/M Disk Emulation Software Th SSDxx file ar men driven an ar use t configur th Flashcar system Theroble th program SSDFLO an SSDRA͠ ar pro- vided Thes program wil initializ singl o dua Flashcard s the loo t CP/ lik disk o 144Kbytes 28 Kbytes 43 Kbyte o 57 Kbyte capacity dependin up the eras file tha ar muc longe tha th sourc fil o th fina objec file an th use o th compile ma neve kno ho muc dis spac i require unti th syste fail t run. T solv thi p availabl t you programs Th reductio i avail- abl memor wil b abou 2.5 bytes 2. UNBUILD.CO͠ copie larg fil t serie o smalle files I i mean t b use fo downloadin frotio prevent erasur o th Flashcar directory allow reinstallatio wit preservatio o Flashcar contents Overrule th Autoloa flag LOAm othe storag devices suc a 8 flopp dis drives har disks o bubbl memor device i certai condition ar met Ther canno b mor tha si dis drive (includin Flashcards unde CP/ 2.20 (44 o extensio an decima numbe 00..99 3.BUILD.COM undoe th wor o UNBUILD uploadin serie o smal file t singl fil o larg capacit drive BUILĠ use th heade writtturnke file (A note on SSDINIT will follow later.) Th