AFC Ted Hi Jonah ShanoJ Hiya, Ted! AFC Ted How are things going? ShanoJ Ehh... Well, lotza work. Luckily I'm off from school this week! :) ShanoJ You? AFC DaveS Hidey Hi! ShanoJ Hiya Dave! AFC Ted I've been off this past week. Sleeping late a lot AFC Ted Hi Dave AFL Scott Yo! ShanoJ SCOTT!! AFC DaveS I'm in the second dial of the Trial by Phlegm. AFC Ted Hi Scott. How was Joizey AFC DaveS Scott! Dude! AFC DaveS dial = day AFL Scott Jonah!:) I'm sorry I missed you this week. I was busy. :( AFC DaveS Hi Exter! AFL Scott Hiya Ted, Dave! AFL Scott Hiya Exter! Exter Hi. :) ShanoJ Datz okay... Do you get the Developer CDs? AFL Scott No, I didn't... When are they due out? Exter afk ShanoJ Dunno... I wanna get a copy of CloseView.... AFL Scott Welp, I've not gotten it, so when I do, I'll let you know. :) AFC Ted I saw closeview at AFest. Neat idea. AFC Ted Hi Jim AFL Scott So, Dave and Ted... how have things been goin' here? AFL Scott Hiya Jim! DYA Jim1 Hi Ted, Scott, et al.! :) ShanoJ Jim! AFL Scott Jim = DYA Dude!:) AFC DaveS Pretty slow without you, Bossman :) AFC Tosh Hi Spuds DYA Jim1 Jonah! :) AFC DaveS Jim! Tosh! AFC Ted Okay.  AFL Scott Hiya Tosh!:) AFC Ted Hi Don AFL Scott You know, they never use the Wyrm text I specify....:) AFL Scott Hiya MDW!:) MDW Flyer Hi gang. AFL Scott Hiya Seth! AFC Ted What did you want it to say? AFC Ted Hi Kurt AFC DaveS Hi MDW, Seth, Scapino Scapino Hello, all. SethD2 Helly everyone DYA Jim1 use your digitizer [online]? that's a crazy wyrm. :) AFL Scott We'll be starting in a minute or so! SethD2 bye 'yall MDW Flyer I got my Quickie out. Where do I aim it? AFC DaveS Hi Alan! Welcome to AGR! AFC Ted Not me, please AFL Scott Hiya Alan! AFC DaveS Just don't aim in the dark, Flyer ;) AFL Scott Um... I suppose I should run the macros...:) AFC Ted Hi John AlanR50 Hi Ted & Scott Scapino I scanned my face once, but INWORDS wouldn't recognize me;) Vitesse [Hey!!] AFL Scott Just remember, we can talk about any digitizer!:) MDW Flyer Got a neat little gadget for making better aligned scans.  AFL Scott Hiya John! DYA Jim1 Hi John! ShanoJ John! AFL Scott Good evening! Welcome to the Apple II AFL Scott Art & Graphics Forum conference for  AFL Scott Friday, February 8, 1991.  AFL Scott Tonights topic is one very near and dear AFL Scott to my heart - Digitizers. Tonight we're  AFL Scott going to focus on a product that I can  AFL Scott safely say is a labor of love: Allison. AFL Scott Tonight, without reverting to major AFL Scott blatent commercialism in the form of Vitesse We can all talk about the best-selling hand scanner for the GS...can't we? :) AFL Scott advertisements and blowing my own horn I'm AFL Scott going to try answer questions about Allison that AFL Scott can be just as technical as you care to delve. AFL Scott Allison, as some of you already know is the AFL Scott control software for the Enhanced Vision Plus AFL Scott digitizer. Allison fully employs the AppleIIGS AFL Scott desktop interface while seamlessly integrating AFL Scott the Enhanced Vision Plus digitizer into one AFL Scott seamless, easy to use package. This package  AFL Scott employs some of the most powerful image processing AFL Scott techniques ever used on the Apple IIGS. I personally AFL Scott think that the combination of Allison and Jonah Stich's AFL Scott Allison/3200 are two of the packages that show the AFL Scott Apple IIGS in its true light - a very capable graphics AFL Scott machine. AFL Scott So, now that I've blown my horn for the last time AFL Scott tonight, I'd like all of us to take a moment to  AFL Scott remember in our own way, the forces engaged in  AFL Scott the liberation of Kuwait. MDW Flyer How does he type so fast? Just got my InWords today. Incredible program. AFL Scott Thank you.  AFL Scott On with the show! DYA Jim1 scott has fast fingers AFL Scott Sure, John....We can talk about Quickie... No problems there... We can even AFL Scott talk about ComputerEyes!:) AFC Tosh ? AFL Scott Or for that matter, Thunderscan...:) ShanoJ <-- Just got Quickie AND EV+. HAPPY CAMPER. :) MDW Flyer Speaking of Kuwait how can I convert some video I took over there to SHR. AFL Scott No protocol tonight!:) AFC Tosh Can I ask what your source was for you Stephanie Pic, Scott? AFL Scott Do you have a video digitizer, MDW? AFL Scott Sure, Donald... you can ask!:) MDW Flyer You mean like the VOC? AFC Tosh Video? AFC Tosh Still? AFC Tosh Its so clean and the colors are just right... AFL Scott NO, like ComputerEyes or the Enhanced Vision plus... these two products take AFL Scott video and turn them into pictures on your GS. :) MDW Flyer or do you mean like the Allison product I saw demoed out at Long Beach? AFL Scott It was from a still, Donald... using daylight balanced lighting and my  AFC DaveS *gasp* you must have seen Scott too! MDW Flyer Ok. I understand. No, to either product. AFL Scott camcorder.  AFL Scott Yes, MDW!:) AFL Scott Dave... one day... one day... I promise!:) AFC Tosh Was the still kindof Hi contrast or full color? AFL Scott Full color, Donald... Not really high contrast. AFL Scott I was digitizing the picture of Stephanie at Applefest. :) AFC Ted Hi Frank AFC Tosh How about the settings on the contrast and brightness in allison... AFL Scott Hiya Frank! BCS Frank Hi, Ted, et al :) AFC Tosh were they custom? BCS Frank Scott :) AFL Scott Default settings with green brightness turned down slightly.  AFC Ted Hi Marty DYA Jim1 Marty!! AFC Tosh I've noticed I've had to turn down the green too. ShanoJ Marty!!! AFL Marty {S oink} AFL Scott At Applefest, I tried brightness at about 8 for all three primaries and was AFC Tosh It's a little heavy at times. AFL Scott getting better pictures than the Stephanie here. :) AFL Scott Marty! Dude! BCS Frank Is the light/dark thumbwheel the "green brightness" to which you refer? AFL Scott Green is usually a product of the lighting. :) Scapino Maybe you were shooting under florescent lights? AFC Ted Florescent lights will do that AFC Tosh I'm getting alittle too much green from vieo tapes too. AFL Scott No, Frank.. we're talking about Allison... No thumbwheel. :) AFC Tosh video. AFL Scott Really? Hmm... That's interesting... are these from broadcast sources? BCS Frank Ahh. NIC... AFL Marty I tried turning the brightness knob once when a news program was showing. AFL Marty Didn't work. AFL Scott ROTFL, Marty!:) AFC Tosh :) AFC Ted You have to stop watching Dan Blather AFC DaveS :) AFL Scott Hiya HsBoyElroy! :) AFL Marty sigh HsBoyElroy Hi all! AFL Scott Digitizers is the topic of conversation tonight!:) AFC Tosh When you say primaries....are you refering to brightness or contrast? AFC Ted Hi Bob AFL Scott Brightness.. seldom do I ever adjust contrast. AFL Scott Hiya Bob!@ BobJ19 Hello AFL Scott sorry about the "@" AFC Ted Topic is digitizers AFL Marty sigh AFC Tosh So Brightness could be called color saturation ? AFL Scott Tamira...:) AFC Tosh or Chroma? AFL Marty <-- doing impressions tonight :) AFC Ted Hi Bevan Bevan Wang Hello All! AFL Scott No, it's more whiteness level. AFC DaveS Hey bevan AFL Scott Hiya Bevan! ShanoJ Still having XCMD problems, Bevan? AFL Scott Hiya Burr1...We're talking digitizers... :) Bevan Wang Nope.... did you happen to get that fade in to work? ShanoJ Actually, I never even worked on it... Been a bit busy. If you'd send me mail AFL Scott The only thing I use the contrast controls for are situations where the  ShanoJ telling me EXACTLY how you'd like it to work, I'll try to add it in tomorrow. AFL Scott source picture is overly saturated and has blooming in it. Typically, I  Bevan Wang ok ...thanks! ShanoJ "Blooming"? Like flowers? :) AFL Scott digitize a monochrome picture with the first setting and see if it blooms.. AFL Scott if it does, I adjust the contrast... After getting it just right, I'll switch AFL Scott to color and move all the contrast scrollbars to match the red scrollbar... AFC Ted Hi AeoliusWe're talking digitizers... Scapino I only came to say, I must beeeeeee.......going. Bye! AFC Ted Hi Matt DYA Matt Hi all:) AFL Scott then I digitize in color... this usually works.... Aeolius <-- has the enhanced VisionPlus ShanoJ Matt! AFC DaveS (I'm feeling kind of woozy...signing out. Sorry guys :( AFL Scott However, with computerEyes... you'll notice they have an auto calibrate feature Vitesse <--- Needs to split. AFC Ted Bye Dave AFC Tosh I do that too......Pick the shot in B&W and then switch to color to and adjust. MDW Flyer I think I'll go InWords some more. Goodnight all. Vitesse {Ping!!} DYA Jim1 bye dave!! [zz zz zz!] ;) Bevan Wang Later dave, DYA Jim1 Matt!! AFL Scott that is pretty neat, too... the software calibrates itself, however, the AFL Scott color selection method isn't that hot, IMHO. Bevan Wang hmm that sounds like a fishy oppinion. :) Aeolius say, Scott, still planning to experiment with software for Apple's VOC? AFC Tosh Any chance of having a full video preview? Real video image? AFL Scott Yes, I'm still going to play with it... I'm just involved in another project AFC Tosh That was a big help in CE. BobJ19 I saw a demo of inwords the other day. Does it work if the settings are right? AFC Tosh Something to compare to. AFL Scott at the current time and I need to get it done first...:) AFL Scott Hmm... I don't know if that's possible, Tosh.. the board doesn't have a  MauriceG1 Anything you can talk about Scott? AFL Scott way to monitor the output of the A-D converter. AFL Scott No, I AFL Scott I really would prefer not to talk about it, now.. it's all experimental  AFL Scott at this stage... but if it works... WOW!:) AFL Scott Inwords.. MauriceG1 ok, just being nosey ;) AFC Tosh Perhaps I'll just split the video IN to the video part of my Monitor. :) AFL Scott Hmm.. I don't have it, Bob... yet... I will be getting it as soon as I can ShanoJ <-- got InWords two days ago! :) AFL Scott get some time on this end... I hear it's really neat... Just a reminder... ShanoJ (missed question, though... :( _ AFL Scott APR has an Inwords Direct Connect Area where you can talk directly to reps.. BobJ19 The person that showed it to me typicaly has problems. just wondered if it was BobJ19 him or the program AFL Scott from the publisher! AFL Scott Probably him, though I'd really be pressed to say that with certainty as I  ShanoJ It works pretty well. It ISN'T, of course, 100% accurate, but then again it's ShanoJ a LOT faster than typing... :) AFL Scott don't have the product to see just how easy it is to use.  BobJ19 Great, I will check it out. AFL Marty The inWords area isn't quite ready yet. ShanoJ It does use the dumb AppleWorks style interface, though, which IMHO is a BIG AFL Marty Until it is, you can post your questions in the Vitesse area, where you'll ShanoJ minus. :( AFL Marty find a folder for just that topic. AFL Scott Donald, your problem with Green has me at odds.... Some of the beta testers AFC Tosh Scott have you ever thought of supporting 640 with Allison? BCS Frank hmmm, AppleWorks interface is a major plus, IMHO. AFL Scott noted that green gave them a problem. To be 100% honest, the program does AFL Scott weight green heavier than the other primaries, but this is standard. AFL Scott It will eventually support 640. Aeolius just IM AFL Marty IMHO too :) AFC JohnC Hi all AFC Ted Hi John ShanoJ Frank: on a GS? Ugghh... That's what the desktop is for!! If it were a IIe it AFL Scott ed me with a good thing to knock around...  ShanoJ would be okay, but to go text on a GS is a MAJOR, MAJOR detractor. It AFL Scott Video digitizing and a modem connection...  ShanoJ eliminates all of my NDA's and other nifty installed stuff. People who write AFC JohnC Hi all Aeolius :) GS ViewPhone!! yeah! AFL Scott Interesting concept.. teleconferencing on the GS!:) ShanoJ text programs for the GS shoudl be shot (particularly in cases like this where BCS Frank Shano, I work on my gs, & save the pretty pictures for where there's  ShanoJ he's not going to take a bath on the speed because of the desktop. MAYBE in a BCS Frank something to illustrate. ShanoJ text editor you can get away with only having one arm severed... :) AFL Marty But inWords works on all Apple II's. AFL Scott Aeolius suggestion has one major drawback, though... it would require high AFL Marty It's not a GS specific program. AFL Scott speed transmission for it to work in real time... at speeds of 2400 baud, ti ShanoJ Ya, but I think there should be a GS specific version. From the manual it looks AFL Scott it can take up to three minutes to transmit a picture. ShanoJ like it's aimed mainly at GS people... DYA Jim1 Maybe if you only update a portion of the screen, like 1/4, scott.. AFL Scott inWords doesn't use the desktop? Aeolius didn't think of that, Scott....oh well! ShanoJ Frank: I work on my GS, too. I also like to have access to all of the installed ShanoJ stuff (like the other 4 partitions on my HD!) AFL Scott That's a possibility, Jim! :) Hell, I do it now in Allison!:) ShanoJ Scott: Nope. :( AFC Tosh Yeah.....a tiy little picture in the corner of the screen......Nice. AFL Scott That's a sin. AFL Marty Repeating: inWords works on IIe, //c, IIGS AFC Tosh tiny picture. AFL Scott Yes, but how much memory can it use? ShanoJ That's what I think, Scott. AFL Marty Dunno. ShanoJ Scott: you can only scan up to 37k worth of text into one file. Then you have BCS Frank Inwords needs the Quickie, right? That'd rule out the IIc. ShanoJ to save that and make another file. Theny you have to got to a REAL word  Aeolius <-- will be getting InWords, and a Quickie for that matter, next week! ShanoJ processor and paste all of the files together. It seems a bit silly to be AFL Marty Right Frank. My mistake. AFL Scott How big is the raw data area for that 37k? Or is _that_ the 37k area? ShanoJ limited to 37k on a 2.25 Meg GS... :( DYA Matt bleah... AFL Marty complain complain complain AFL Marty whine groan AFC Ted Yeah, but 37K is a goodly chunk of a //e AFL Marty sigh Aeolius LOL! AFL Scott That's not good, Jonah... that's not good at all. So where talking a P8  AFL Marty mutter AFL Marty sigh AFL Scott program? AFL Scott UGH. AFL Marty Yes Scott. ShanoJ Yup, P8. Looks a lot like AppleWorks (surprize!) AFL Scott I wonder why they didn't use GS/OS? ShanoJ :( AFL Marty I like AppleWorks. MauriceG1 Me too Marty ShanoJ I think AppleWorks is nice...for a IIe. For a GS, it's WAY behind the times. AFL Scott I mean, hell, they have an innovative product, why not have a version that ShanoJ Also the P8 is SO limiting it's not even funny. :( AFC Ted Hey it does something I wouldn't have thought possible on any small computer BCS Frank They didn't use GS/OS because they wanted to imprt to AW and run on the IIe, AFL Marty Ahem AFL Scott is smart enough to use the entire processor? It's almost like the GS version' BCS Frank as does the Quickie. AFL Marty You obviously don't use AppleWorks on a GS the same way I do ;) AFL Scott of America online in that respect. ShanoJ Frank: There are two versions of the Quickie software. Why not two versions of ShanoJ this? AFL Marty Not exactly Scott... inWords is 100% 8-bit code. :) AFL Scott (rather the memory of the processor) ShanoJ Marty: Well, no matter how I use AW, I can't get at the extra 4 partitions on AFL Scott UGH again! ShanoJ my HD. I also can't get at my NDAs. :( AFC Ted Maybe there will be. This version is fresh from the oven:) AFL Marty extra 4 partitions? BCS Frank No need for it, Shano... all it does is output ASCII or equiv. AFL Marty You're such a showoff :) AFL Scott Let's hope, Ted.. GS/OS offers so much more to the application programmer. ShanoJ Ya, I've got 6 partitions. I like to be able to use them! :) DYA Jim1 (shoulda bought a vulcan! ;) AFL Scott In doing so, it offers so much more to the user. Aeolius vulcan?? blech! ShanoJ Frank: what does outputting of ASCII text have to do with whether it should be BCS Frank So how many Vulcans can you Daisy-Chain? ShanoJ a desktop program? Just because it output's ASCII text doesn't mean I won't get AFL Marty I suppose their top priority was to get software out that worked well... ShanoJ an important phone call while I'm using it and have to pop into my notepad NDA. DYA Jim1 (as FTA would say.. ": Joke!!") AFL Marty perhaps they'll do a GS version later. AFC JohnC Frank...1....100meg...chains big enough DYA Jim1 Plus, as many partitions as you like.. all recognizable from ProDOS 8 BCS Frank The important function was to give AW OCR capability. ShanoJ Also, it seems to have a few BIG bugs left (it keeps on freezing on me). AFL Scott That's probably true, Marty... any indication that they will be making a GS AFL Scott specific version? ShanoJ No, the important function was to give _APPLES_ OCR... AW is only one of the AFL Marty I have no indication of that. That's just a guess on my part. ShanoJ hundreds of programs used on Apples. BCS Frank A future gs version might have some nice extra features... AFL Marty They certainly know how to do a desktop interface... witness Plat Paint. DYA Jim1 hundreds? thousands! BCS Frank but I remember being told not too long ago BCS Frank that there was no way a gs could ever handle OCR. BCS Frank I'm a happy customer. AFL Marty There were people who said that of the IIe. ShanoJ Well, then you were obviously talking to the wrong person. I never doubted that AFL Scott If an 8 bit Apple II can handle it, a GS can handle it better. ELECTMUSIC Whats "OCR" ShanoJ it could do OCR. I just wish it was living up to it's FULL potential. Don't get BCS Frank Agreeed, Scott. AFL Marty Optical Character Recognition AFC Ted Optical Character Recognition ShanoJ me wrong, it's a GREAT product, but it could have been better. :( AFL Scott Optical Character Recognition.. ELECTMUSIC Thanks....  AFC JohnC optical character recognition BCS Frank But I'm delighted with progress, even if it isn't perfection. AFL Marty Well, I was sort of taken by surprise at the negative comment.... ELECTMUSIC (Sorry about that...) AFL Scott I'd like to see someone make a "Font Scanner"... it's my opinion that BCS Frank This way we'll have something to look forward to at the next AppleFest. AFL Marty especially considering that all the comments I've seen so far have AFL Marty been positive (from message boards)> AFL Scott some good fonts can be made in 320 mode thereby eliminating the problem with MauriceG1 For the first effort in this field for the Apple II's it is pretty good. BCS Frank Scott, most of that's already in InWords, if you AFL Scott clutzy printing in 320 mode and making that mode more useful for things other BCS Frank write an application that can read InWords special font learned files. AFL Scott than pretty pictures. AFL Scott No, I mean...something that can scan a font and save it as a GS font. :) BCS Frank Right... the InWords system does roughly that already, AFC Tosh That would be swell! AFL Marty Maybe they're planning something like that. BCS Frank but stores its info about a font in a different BCS Frank file format, not $C8. MauriceG1 Suggest it to them! AFL Marty Certainly they know what their software does already... I bet they will AFL Scott No, Frank... that's called learning a font... what I mean is something pretty AFL Marty take advantage of it. BCS Frank The multiple sample info in the learned font file should be able to BCS Frank become the basis for a new $C8 file. AFL Scott dumb that will just allow a scanned image to be divided into fonts and save AFL Scott a font. AFL Scott I BCS Frank If you had that translator you could scan an article, and derive DYA Jim1 basically a "you cut out the characters out of a picture and it will copy them AFL Scott I have already suggested it to them...:) DYA Jim1 into a font file" type deal? BCS Frank the font from it, and use it as a gs font. AFL Scott Yup, Jim. :) AFL Marty Yeah Jim! AFL Marty Excellent! DYA Jim1 hmm.. :) AFL Marty [[[fonts]]] DYA Jim1 I've always looked for something like that too.. Macs have tons of things like DYA Jim1 that.. :( AFL Marty [[[scantily clad women]]] Aeolius ditto, marty!! ShanoJ [[[pigs]]] DYA Jim1 lol AFL Marty LOL Jonah! BCS Frank And you like to edit both, Marty, eh? Aeolius (and after all, isn't that what scanning is all about!) ;) AFL Marty :) AFL Scott BTW, the new SI swimsuit issue is out!:) BCS Frank As do we all. :) ELECTMUSIC Question about scanners: ShanoJ I wanna know what type of magazines Scott subscribes to that he's always AFL Marty Question about scanners too ShanoJ uploading the digitized women...and does his wife know? :) DYA Jim1 LOL! ELECTMUSIC Are there any scanners available for the GS that recognize SCSI AFL Scott Scanners: A movie staring Michael Ironsides... he had a hole in his head..:) DYA Jim1 Excellent question! ;) ShanoJ Uggh! Scott--that was THE grosest movie I've EVER seen!! :) BCS Frank Mostly, it's the Congressional Record, illustrated edition, Shano. AFC Ted lol AFL Scott I subscribe to SI, inCider, and Ski!:) MauriceG1 LOL Frank! BCS Frank :) DYA Matt Wanna see gross? Rent "Bad Taste":) ELECTMUSIC and If so... is there any software that will work with SCSI and a Scanner? AFC Ted It's the stuff he picks up at the newsstands.... AFL Scott Yes, there is a SCSI scanner... it's called the Apple Scanner.. it is a flatbed BCS Frank I was told the Apple Scanner would work with the gs if they'd just write AFL Scott and is very expensive... there is beta software for a driver and a little BCS Frank the driver. Aeolius nahhhh....THE groosest movie: Andy Warhol's "Frankenstein" in 3-D!! blech! Aeolius groose = gross AFL Scott applicaton for it available from APDA... unfortunately, because the driver is AFC Tosh Great Movie Aeolius! AFL Scott beta, you have to be a member of APDA.. Additionally, Apple SCSI supports AFL Scott SCSI scanners already, however, you are right.. for models other than Apple AFL Scott software has to be written... A little worm tells me that it won't be too  AFL Scott much longer when you'll have more scanning capability, but I won't go much AFL Scott further than that since that would get your hopes up, maybe too much at this AFL Scott stage. AFL Scott Again, like the penatagon briefings... We don't talk about future operations.:) DYA Jim1 Like Apple Co. AFL Scott Funny, everytime I hear that, I think of a certain computer company!:) BCS Frank Scott, you're always keeping our hopes up. :) AFL Scott GMTA, Jim!:) AFL Marty ? ELECTMUSIC Scott... do you know if the SCSI scanner driver is very functional on the GS... ELECTMUSIC assuming I can get an Apple Scanner from school? MauriceG1 Speaking of Scantily clad women, Has anyone heard of GIFf files, note the "f" AFL Scott It's supposed to work... I don't know all it does, though. ELECTMUSIC Thanks AFL Scott GIFf is the filetype assigned to Macintosh GIF files created with VisionLab AFL Scott and some other Macintosh GIF programs. AFL Marty SteveB and I are going to start a HyperCard IIGS "magazine" of sorts... AFC JohnC got to run...thanks.... AFL Marty which will be available online for anyone who wants to DL it... AFC Ted seeya MauriceG1 OIC, any reason why SHRConvert won't read them? AFL Scott The format of the files is identical to all GIF files, though?:) Aeolius another scantily clad women question...does anyone besides PDE distribute adult ShanoJ Can HCGS import text files into 'fields'? DYA Jim1 what in it, Marty? Aeolius apple software? AFL Marty I'd like to include some scanned clip art and I was wondering what's the best AFL Marty scanner to use for that sort of thing? AFL Marty Don't know yet Jim. Right now it's in my head. ShanoJ Maurice: if you downloaded 'em from AOL, you might have to strip off a header. AFL Scott Yup.. there is a header on the file... you need to locate the words GIF87a or AFL Marty You can write a script to do that Jonah. ShanoJ Use Joey Schoober's GIFStripper to do it... AFL Scott GIF89a and strip off all the stuff before those characters... DYA Jim1 The Stipper is better. :) DYA Jim1 strip's everything. :) MauriceG1 Aeolius_> For what it is worth, you can "Steal" MAC files from the PDE MAC ... MauriceG1 disks using A2FX ShanoJ Well, GIFStripper does it automatically... AFL Scott I think probably Quickie for 640 mode, right now, Marty... however, there is  AFL Scott video scanner that is going to do some really good 640 mode digitized pictures AFL Marty What's your opinion of Thunderscan (the one that goes into the IW II)? DYA Jim1 "The Stripper" is better. it replaces GIFStripper. AFL Scott in monochrome and is going to convert 320 mode raw images into the best 640 MauriceG1 GIFStripper says that they are valid GIF viles with header at 0$ or something AFL Scott color pictures available anywhere. :) ShanoJ Stip-ity-do-da, Strip-ity-a, my oh my, oh, never mind. MauriceG1 Jim-> I hadn't heard of that is it online? AFL Scott SHRCOnvert can still barf on really large GIF files, Maurice... Mac files AFL Marty Okay... what would you suggest as good sources of clip art to scan? AFL Scott with SHRConvert is an iffy thing. DYA Jim1's mainly an updated GIFStripper that will also strip off Mac AO AFC Tosh Are you talking Hardware or Software Scott? DYA Jim1 headers and a couple other things. I don't think the GIF header strip portion DYA Jim1 of it has changed tho. But it is nice in that it will also allow you to AFL Scott Thunderscan is ok... It does good line art, Marty. DYA Jim1 specify how many bytes to strip.. yes, it's online. AFL Scott Well, your source would depend on your needs. MauriceG1 Also tried BIG GIF. 3200 which has no problems with Large GIFs AFL Marty Well AFL Marty What I need is a variety of clip art... AFL Scott Both, Donald... AFL Marty but I'd also like topical stuff... MauriceG1 Thanks Jim, I'll have to DL it. AFL Scott The hardware can do 640 mode mono, now... but I didn't put it in.  AFC Tosh :)( AFL Marty Valentine's day, St. patrick's day, etc. AFL Scott Why not use a program like TGE to convert some of the Print Shop Clip art AFL Scott here to GS format, Marty? There is an abundance of that sort of thing here DYA Jim1 good idea! Would they have to be majorlly smoothened and fixed for 640 tho? AFL Marty Hey that's a good idea! AFL Scott online. Additionally, you can download Mac Clip art that's not ESPF format AFL Scott and convert it, too!:) AFL Marty I wouldn't have thought of that. AFL Marty I was ahead of you on the Mac clipart though :) AFL Scott Maybe enlarged a bit, Marty..... Nuzz Hi Ya-all ShanoJ Mike! AFC Ted Hi Mike DYA Jim1 Hey mike! AFL Scott Additonally, you can always talk to Mr ClipArt himself... AFC Tosh!:) AFL Scott Hiya Mike!:) AFL Marty LOL AFL Marty Mister Clipart BCS Frank Mike, Hi :) AFL Scott Tosh's ClipArt is really great! AFC Tosh Thats Master to you. :) AFL Marty You are 100% right there! AFL Marty Master? AFL Marty  AFL Scott Additionally, Mike's company, Triad Venture has a Clip Art set out!:) AFC Tosh Mooster? AFC Ted Monster? AFL Marty I just hope your last name isn't Bates :) AFC Tosh :P ShanoJ Oink! AFL Marty Yep... great clip art too from Triad. AFL Scott I had a room mate named Jim Bates... I would call him Master at times...:) MauriceG1 Boo Hiss! Nuzz  ShanoJ Anyone want a pretzel? DYA Jim1 sure.. I'm hungry.. :) AFL Marty Comes with some neat XCMDs and NDAs too. Aeolius "my name is Norman Bates...I live in a hotel!" AFL Marty That icon button NDA is excellent! AFL Scott Mike "Mr. Utitilty" Nuzzi!:) AFL Marty And of course, 20 screens of clipart AFL Marty Mister NDA MauriceG1 That reminds me, I haven't bugged my Apple Dealer to get HCGS, lately! Nuzz and a set of ginsu knives AFL Marty (and Mister XCMD) AFC Tosh Mr. ClipIt (the best) AFL Marty but wait AFL Marty how much would YOU pay? Aeolius I stopped going to my local apple dealer...too depressing! AFC Tosh Don't answer yet! Nuzz Shucks, you saw my "Amazing Discoveries" show AFL Marty Order now and we'll throw in this nifty glow-in-the-dark combination AFL Marty keychain and dog whistle. AFL Scott Well, I read the latest inCider in three minutes and decided I don't like the DYA Matt I wanna mend some leather:) AFL Marty Matt! AFL Marty LOL! AFL Scott large Ad, especially the glossy Ad Apple put in it for the damn LC and Classic. ELECTMUSIC Thanks Everyone for your help tonight... gotta move on...Nite AFC Tosh I liked the part when they lit your disk labels on fire. MauriceG1 I only keep going back because the salesperson is a really cute blonde ;) AFL Marty That's a very good reason Maurice! AFC Ted They got under my skin too... Nuzz bye Greg MauriceG1 Besides, it is an INFAMOUS Apple Dealer AFL Marty inCider... the CNN of the Apple II world AFC Tosh <---hate the Icider Apple ads. DYA Jim1 it seems 20% of the InCider is an AD!! DYA Jim1 the ad is longer than their articles! Nuzz I haven't seen it yet BCS Frank Nifty Chat tonight! Bye, :) AFL Scott Take care, Frank!:) BCS Frank Gotta run............ AFL Marty I wonder when Apple will put its logo on inCider. MauriceG1 Ah, well, off to AUT, later all, good chat, as usual! :) AFC Tosh The Big Lie...The LC runs all past and present Apple II software! ShanoJ Q: Why did my March InCider come on Feb. 2? A: Because it's InCider. DYA Matt 'Specially those Roger Coats ads, mm mm good:) AFC Ted Do you think they realize how insulting those ads are? Do they care? AFL Marty Time compression, Jonah. DYA Jim1 I am still amazed at the size.. AFL Scott The LC is a joke. It's a real joke. I can't believe people are falling for AFL Scott their hype. AFL Marty I can. DYA Matt like my friend who wants to buy one in a few months:( AFL Marty Most people are very gullible. AFC Tosh :( AFC Ted What's so humerous about the LC? DYA Jim1 :) AFL Scott That was an incredulous "I can't believe", Marty!:) AFL Marty :) ShanoJ <-- Want's color NeXT cube as next computer... :) AFL Marty Well, I know ONE school system that won't be buying any LC's :) DYA Jim1 <-- Wants Cray X-MP . :) AFL Scott <---Wants to be sedated..:) AFC Ted there, there AFL Marty ::percocets for Scott:: o o o o AFC Tosh 20 20 20 4 hours ago....... Aeolius <-- likes my there! :P AFL Scott I wanna be sedated... AFC Tosh Right on Aeolius AFL Marty <-- loves GS... it is the only thing he will own DYA Jim1 <-- GS is first and only computer. :) Aeolius granted, come next week, my GS will be full!! oh well! AFL Marty ::more percocets for Scott:: o o o o o o o AFC Ted Full of what? Aeolius peripheral cards! ShanoJ <-- Loves GS, want's NeXT as doorstop. AFC Tosh <----looking up percocets in the dictionary. DYA Jim1 <-- too lazy to look it up. :) AFL Marty Those are pain killers Tosh. AFL Scott Then again... we could all get some new video games and then we'll be... AFC Tosh oooodowners? AFL Scott Turning Japanese I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so.. AFL Marty You take one and then go to la-la land to float for a few hours. DYA Matt Easy Scott:) Aeolius has anyone played Blockout yet? talk about confusing! :) DYA Matt I'll get the doctor, to take a picture...:) AFC Ted See what New Jersey will do to a person? AFC Tosh :) AFL Marty NJ did that?! AFL Marty wow AFL Marty Scott AFL Marty Is it true that nobody lives in NJ? ShanoJ <-- lives in NJ. ShanoJ <-- Nobody. AFC Tosh I feel better now....I feel better than James Brown...I feel better. Aeolius I thought that was "Nobody walks in LA" ? AFL Marty I heard that everyone leaves NJ at 6 pm and they close the state down AFL Marty until 6 am the following day. AFL Scott Nobody lives in the Meadowlands that's for sure... I spent a week there... DYA Jim1 lol Nuzz Nobody can drive in NJ AFL Scott there is no intelligent life at the Meadowlands...  ShanoJ <-- Can't drive (in NJ) ShanoJ <-- Not intelligent life AFL Scott I did, however, get caught in Bush Lock Wednesday night. AFL Marty Bush Lock? AFL Marty Sounds kinky. Aeolius "Fresno? Nobody goes to Fresno anymore!" oh...nevermind! Nuzz Did you tell your wife Scott :) ShanoJ That'll teach you to go through the tunnels... :) DYA Jim1 BushLock.. good name! DYA Matt Who sings that Tosh... I've heard that somehwere before... AFL Scott President Bush landed at Newark and they closed the NJ Turnpike and all  AFL Marty Does she have a sister? :) AFL Scott access roads to the Lincoln Tunnel... I was stuck in traffic for three hours. AFC Tosh Was Not Was! Great group! AFL Scott I was at the head of the line, too. DYA Matt Ah... didn't know it was them! Nuzz 3 hours, musta been off peak ShanoJ They completely cleared out the Lincoln tunnel! Imagine! AFL Scott No, it was at Rush hour... I was the just the fourth car in line on RT 3 at AFC Tosh Matt you need a really big antenna to get WFNX. AFL Scott route 9. I saw the motorcade. DYA Matt WSMU... the college station:) AFL Scott Helicopters, everywhere. ShanoJ He probably wasn't even IN the car... :) DYA Jim1 lol AFL Scott I just saw the neatest Ad in inCider.. the programs plus ad has Triad Ventures DYA Jim1 didn't it have Triad last month too? DYA Jim1 Triad= Triad featured AFL Scott HyperStuff Collection advertised!:) It's a neat ad! Mentions HyperCard IIGS AFL Scott and HyperStudio products!:) Great job, Mike! Nuzz And they said it couldn't be done :) DYA Matt I think the programs plus ads are the only things I look at in Incider now... Aeolius I still can't find a way to install Hyperstudio's hardware!! :) Nuzz I look at them too, they cost enough DYA Jim1 This InCider was pure trash.. not an ounce of good stuff in it.. :( AFL Scott Jump Back! What's that sound? Aeolius what about the article about Pipe Dreams ? AFC Ted That was last month Aeolius (or whatever) AFL Marty Well I must go. AFL Marty Goodnight all. AFL Scott Anyone seen Space Ace? inCider says it's hot!:) DYA Matt Bye Marty! AFL Scott Night, Marty! AFC Ted goodnight DYA Jim1 Later Marty!! Enjoy your vacation!! AFL Scott Take care, Dude! Nuzz he's fast DYA Jim1 GS+ also had a review of Space Ace.. AFC Tosh Is it really 8 or so disks? AFL Scott Reach down between my legs and ease the seat back... AFL Scott Has GS+ reviewed Allison, yet? Nuzz Jim, when was the last GS+ delivered AFL Scott they were supposed to. DYA Matt Incider, September 1987, *152* pages. sigh. DYA Jim1 I got my sample issue about 2 days ago... I think I'll suscribe.. Nuzz Is that the latest issue DYA Jim1 Matt: no way! DYA Jim1 Mike; it's the Jan/Feb I believe. AFL Scott Drop Dead Legs... DYA Matt Think the first issues of Incider will be hot collectors items?:) AFL Scott No. :) DYA Matt aw, why not? DYA Matt :) AFL Scott I think the last issue will be a collectors item.:) AFC Ted There will probably be some idiot who will pay money for it AFC Tosh Icider is sending mailers to Mac owners..... Aeolius has anyone ever hooked up Apple's VOC and the VisionPlus at the same time?? AFC Ted You can find a collector for just about anything Aeolius heeheehee talk about confusing! :) AFC Tosh A freind got one......said "Why the hell would I want this magazine? DYA Jim1 darn.. gotta run.. later all!! Nice chat.. DYA Matt Later Jim:) AFL Scott Thanks, Jim... Take care and have a good night!:) AFC Ted See you later Jim DYA Jim1 You too, Scott! :) Nuzz bye JIm AFL Scott I gotta head out, too... I'm being err...a... paged....:) AFC Tosh Ted....Great answer to that HUGE question in the boards! AFC Ted Goodnight Scott ShanoJ Those magazines again, Scott? :) DYA Matt Later Scott:) AFC Tosh Night Scott! Nuzz Nite Scott ShanoJ (get it? Paged? Magazines? No? Oh, well, goodnight.... :) AFC Ted Thanks...huge question needed a huge answer AFL Scott Y'all have a wonderful night! And Ted... yes, that was a terrific answer! AFL Scott Good job! AFC Tosh :) DYA Matt I should be heading out also... later everybody... AFL Scott Jonah... real things are better than paper..:) AFC Ted Thanks AFL Scott Night!:) AFC Tosh Night Matt ShanoJ Dropping like flys.... :( AFC Tosh Soon for me too. Aeolius well, folks....gotta run.....Be seeing you. Nuzz Flys fly, pidgeons drop AFC Tosh Thanks for coming.  AFC Tosh and pigs..... ShanoJ Gosh golly, when I was young these things used to run until 1-2 AM... :( AFC Tosh ? AFC Ted Can someone explain to me the Marty/pig connection? ShanoJ That's a REALLY bad joke that Marty and I started a while ago... I don't even ShanoJ REMEMBER where it came from... :) AFC Ted blocking it out? ShanoJ Probably if you look in the old AGR logs you can see it evolving... (unless ShanoJ some sane person edited it out... :) AFC Tosh :0 Nuzz Guess I'll head to the utility chatty thing. Gnite AFC Tosh Night Mike. AFC Ted Goodnight ShanoJ Nite Mike! ShanoJ ...and then there were three.... AFC Ted Did you see the Iraqui missile launcher file? AFC Tosh Ted...check channel 7 the next few days for a promo about Sex, Violence and AFC Tosh Censorship......Mine. AFC Ted OK AFC Ted Standard Channel 7 stuff? AFC Tosh It will for a week. AFC Tosh Not standard....:) ShanoJ Welp, I should probably go do something productive, like sleep.... :) AFC Ted If it bleeds it leads... AFC Tosh Night Jonah ShanoJ Night Tosh, Ted! AFC Ted Goodnight AFC Tosh I better run too.....Night guy. AFC Ted See you later Don. I'll look for the promo. AFC Tosh Take Care. APPLE II ART AND GRAPHICS FORUM -- (CONF) -- 10 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------ Allison, this Friday! ------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Allison? What does Allison do? This Friday at 10PM Eastern, tune in to the Apple II Art & Graphics forum conference to find out about the hottest new digitizing system for the Apple II GS! AGR... We've got the answers. Path: IIGS Desk Accessories/ColorIt Subj: Ted 91-02-06 22:45:52 EST From: AFL Floyd The radio buttons don't change the colors until you use the "Set all open windows". At least on my ROM 01 anyway. :) Floyd