Subject: Re: modem woes From: (Supertimer) Date: Mon, Nov 30, 1998 2328 Message-id: <> (Adalbert Goertz) wrote: >modem woes: > >re: PT3.1 (Apple//GS). >Hi: >I cannot get my BocaModem 14.4kbps V.32bis to connect to >BBSs. It dials ok,gets stuck when contact is made, and then >does nothing. Apparently there is no interaction between the Boca >and the BBS. > >I dont have the same problem with my Hayes Optima 144 V.32bis >which does fine. > >What is going on here? ProTERM 3.1 can handle V.32bis compression just fine. Why one modem works and the other does not is because ProTERM does not recognize the connect MESSAGE of some modems. Since it does not understand the connect message, it continues counting down. Do this: listen to the modem. Listen to it handshake, then connect, then fall silent. Give it 7 to 10 additional seconds after falling silent. Finally, hit escape twice, then press Option-T to go into terminal mode and hit Return. Surprise, you are logged on. ;-) Good luck!