:(4)"PR#3",:35)"Y2K-patcher"N:31)"Courtesy Glen Bredon"(:"This program patches the P8, PRO.FST, and BASIC.SYSTEM files to fix Y2K bugs"2"that convert 20xx dates to 19xx dates. Older ProDOS handled this correctly"K <"but newer ones, GS/OS and all BASIC.SYSTEM files did not even though some of" F"these were programmed in the 1990s! For BASIC.SYSTEM it is just cosmetic - the" P"inablility to display catalog dates in Y2K." Z d"Press RTN to patch, ESC to abort." nA$:A$(27)ĺ:, xA$(13)1102 > 44096P (4)"prefix"Y PF$e I215} (PF$,I,1)"/"200 :I(PF$) PF$(PF$,I) "Press RETURN to patch the disk "PF$", else type the name of the disk" "you wish to patch. ";IP$ (IP$)02609 (IP$,1)"/"IP$"/"IP$E PF$IP$S AD24096Y x :"Looking for P8/PRODOS" 1050 (4)"verify "PF$"system" PD$"P8":1060 PD$"PRODOS" $10000 .PD$"P8"ĺ(4)"prefix "PF$"SYSTEM" 810010/ B(4)"bload "PD$",TSYS,A$2000,L$2000": L216,0E VB3600K `\ jI03:BYTEy tBYTE(ADBI)ĂI:1180 ~BYTE(ADBI)I3:I BB1:B80001120 "Patch location not found in P8/PRODOS file.":2000 ADB2,128 10020 (4)"unlock "PD$K (4)"bsave "PD$",TSYS,A";ADB2;",B";B2;",L1"V 216,0 "P8/ProDOS Patching successful...":I11000:I 10000 :"Looking for BASIC.SYSTEM" (4)"prefix "PF$ 2220 (4)"bload BASIC.SYSTEM,TSYS,A$2000,L$2000"216,0! B3600'; I03:BYTE:IL*I03:BYTEi4BYTE(ADBI)ĂI:2140>BYTE(ADBI)I3:IHBB1:B80002070R"Patch location not found for BASIC.SYSTEM.":2200\ADB2,128f10020p(4)"unlock BASIC.SYSTEM"Jz(4)"bsave BASIC.SYSTEM,TSYS,A";ADB2;",B";B2;",L1"U216,0"BASIC.SYSTEM Patching successful...":I11000:IPD$"PRODOS"300003000"Could not find BASIC.SYSTEM." 10000 :"Looking for PRO.FST" (4)"prefix "PF$"SYSTEM/FSTS"+ 10010W (4)"bload PRO.FST,T$BD,A$2000,L$2000"b 216,0m B2000s  I07:BYTE:I I04:BYTE BYTE(ADBI)ĂI:3140& BYTE(ADBI)I4:I0 BB1:B80003070: "Patch location for PRO.FST not found.":30000,D ADB3,1288N 10020RX (4)"unlock PRO.FST"b (4)"bsave PRO.FST,T$BD,A";ADB3;",B";B3;",L1"l 216,0v "PRO.FST Patching successful.":30000@201,100,144,4J201,100,144,18T201,100,0,144,3'"Cannot find directory.":20000?'"Cannot load file.":20000$'"Error when trying to write patch. File may be corrupted.":20000 N"Aborting."0u(4)"PREFIX "PF$