Aftp-DOS From: Tony Baechler Ref: I found the C source for this with some hacks to support standard disk image formats in the main utilities directory at Asimov. What I've done is to compile the program for DOS from the C source. Aftp-dos is not bothered by Po or Do and lets me get entire disks with no problem and rewrite them on other disks for the emulator I use ("Apple emu" which simulates a 48k Apple II or II+ and uses .nib images). As the docs (included) say, Aftp-DOS works just like traditional command line ftp for UNIX. Also, if run under Windows 95, it has built-in LFN support. Contents of aftp.c cwsdpmi.exe readme.dos aftp.doc dos.c aftp.exe Makefile aftp.h pro.c aftp.simiie.c Readme Tony Baechler