Welcome to the Apple IIGS version of Little Smalltalk. It is a tty-oriented subset of Smalltalk designed to be highly portable across various platforms. I built the IIGS version using ORCA/C v1.3 in GNO 1.0, running under System 6.0 on a 6MB ROM 01 IIGS with a 10 MHZ TWGS. Little Smalltalk is a bit sluggish on my system, so the faster the accelerator that you have, the better! Somewhat like HyperCard IIGS. I tested it briefly running under the ORCA 2.0 shell, and it seemed to work fine. I didn't try re-building the C code under the ORCA shell however it should work fine as long as you have all the necessary libraries. If you will be running it under the ORCA shell, you'll have to change a couple of the methods in the tty classes. Basically all you have to do is ensure that the file delete method uses 'delete' instead of 'rm', and that the editMethod method uses the same edit command as you are. For full details look at the INSTALL.TXT file in the DOCS folder. There's a full explanation under the heading MS-DOS. (IBM'ers have to make similar changes) Speaking of documentation, there isn't a lot. Read through the file MANUAL.TXT in the DOCS folder. And then you can look at all the '.ST' files to get an understanding of the class definitions. I highly recommend that you get ahold of the book A Little Smalltalk by Timothy Budd, published by Addison Wesley in 1987, ISBN 0-201-10698-1. It is an excellent primer for learning about object-oriented languages and it describes Little Smalltalk version 1 in great detail. Unfortunately, this is version 3 and there are a few differences between the two versions. Adapting the Ice Cream Store examples from the book, required me to change the syntax a bit and use some slightly different methods than what was documented in the book. An excellent way to learn however! The first thing to try is run the shell command file "dotest". This runs "st" and executes the "test.st" and "queen.st" Smalltalk files. All tests should pass if you are using the original "systemimage" file that I created. Then you can try out the shell commands "doice1", "doice2" and "doice3". They run the Ice Cream Store simulation in an increasing complexity. I had to add in an "exit" method for the "Smalltalk" class. The docs say that typing a Control-D will exit "st", however I couldn't get it to work and I couldn't figure out why it didn't work. To exit "st" from an interactive session just send the message "exit" to the object "smalltalk". > smalltalk exit Note that case is very important! "Smalltalk" is a class. "smalltalk" is an instance of the "Smalltalk" class (i.e. an object), that is set up in the initial "systemimage" file. All Apple IIGS specific methods are defined in the "appleiigs.st" file. If you find that some new Apple IIGS functionality is required, try and code it in Smalltalk first and add it to the "appleiigs.st" file. The C code should only be modified as a last resort. Most of Little Smalltalk is written in itself, which makes it very portable, and object-oriented, if you start to think about it. If you do modify the C code, use the shell command "initsysimage" to rebuild the "systemimage" file. I noticed one bug while using the addMethod and editMethod methods with the ORCA text editor running under GNO. (They allow you to edit methods interactively by starting up the editor and then returning to "st"). When you're done editing a method and return to "st", the cursor has disappeared. I don't know if this is a problem with GNO, "st" or the ORCA editor. But everything else continues to work OK. When I get the time, I'll try and write up some documentation on writing your own classes and the syntax needed. But don't hold your breath - get a copy of the book instead. I also have acquired the stdwin windowing package mentioned in the docs and used for the X-Windows and Macintosh ports. One day I'll start looking at it to try and give the GS version a graphical interface as well. When I get ORCA/C v2.0, I'll try re-building the C code to see if it makes it any faster. ORCA/C v1.3 didn't like some of the macros, so I used functions instead. Also, not all of the optimization flags could be set for all of the C source files. Anyhow, have fun exploring Little Smalltalk. And if you create any useful class definitions, upload them! Allan Belyea GEnie: A.BELYEA CIS: 73737,1642 Internet: alb@cognos.COM