Well heres my lastest and last update to the CD Audio Player. If you have a previous version (I think I had uploaded v0.2 to the ftp sites) please kill it, since this version is a 'major' step up. As you can tell from the archive, I have rolled all the commands into one program. The program is pretty straight forward, but if you can't figure it out, there are help screens to follow, which gives somewhat detailed help as to how to use the program and options. ** Please note, this program uses the Media Control Toolkit, so you must have a Media Control Device Driver for your CD Rom Drive or, this program will not work. ** Many thanks to Jawaid Bazyar (hope I got your name right) for providing drivers for the RamFast card....too bad I have an Apple HS Scsi card... :-( I did have some really great ideas for this program, but due to lack of interest out there, I have cancelled them all. Some of the features were; CD DataBase, PlayList, HyperStudio/HyperCard XCmds, and Video Titling for CDV and LDs (this one would of also been able to use as a Karaoke system for regular Audio CDs). Anyways...there should be no bugs in the program, but if you do find any, please report them to 'cmoore@acs.ucalgary.ca' This program (like all my others) is freeware, so you can do what you wish with it. -- Michael Searl