The Apple IIgs Complete and Current Error Codes Listing September 19, 1999 Compiled, Edited and Copyright © 1999 by Ben Johnston (MacProber) and GS WorldView During the past 13 years the Apple IIgs has evolved through a number of stages enhancements, improvements and operating systems; DOS, Pascal, ProDOS 8 and 16 then to GS/OS with several versions up to the last 6.0.1 release. During this span of time it's aquired several specific (error code reference) programs, online ftp archives and WWW sites, with many useful reference and technical files, manuals, magazine articles, programming publications, monthly disks, CD collections and dozens of informative books -- collectively having an extensive, complete and current list of all the known Apple IIgs error codes to date. By collecting, comparing and compiling all of this into one location within this issue of GS WorldView - as standard text files, IIgs users can have a central source to visit, review and understand all of the error codes, what each relates to, defines and means - whenever they encounter such when using their computer. Several different text file styles of error code listings are presented in this folder for public review and reference needs. Each file has different error code listings. Some have more than others. But, all together they cover every known error code, the operating system and what each relates to defines and means. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error Code - Operating System - What each relates to, defines and means ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0001 OS:bad call number / dispatcher:toolset not found 0002 OS:function not found 0004 OS:bad parameter count 0007 GS/OS is busy 0010 GS/OS:device not found 0011 GS/OS:bad device number 0020 GS/OS:invalid driver request 0021 GS/OS:invalid driver control or status code 0022 GS/OS:bad call parameter 0023 GS/OS:character device not open 0024 GS/OS:character device already open 0025 OS:interrupt table full 0026 GS/OS:resources not available 0027 OS:I/O error 0028 OS:no device connected 0029 GS/OS:driver is busy 002B OS:device write protected 002C GS/OS:invalid byte count 002D GS/OS:invalid block address 002E OS:disk switched 002F OS:no disk 0040 OS:bad pathname 0042 OS:max number of files already open 0043 OS:bad file reference number 0044 OS:directory not found 0045 OS:volume not found 0046 OS:file not found 0047 OS:duplicate filename 0048 OS:volume full 0049 OS:volume directory full 004A OS:incompatible file format 004B OS:unsupported storage type 004C OS:end of file encountered 004D OS:position out of range 004E OS:access not allowed 004F GS/OS:buffer too small 0050 OS:file is open 0051 OS:directory damaged 0052 OS:unknown volume type 0053 OS:parameter out of range 0054 GS/OS:out of memory 0055 P8:volume control block table full 0056 P8:bad buffer address 0057 OS:duplicate volume name 0058 GS/OS:not a block device 0059 GS/OS:file level out of range 005A OS:bad bitmap address (block # too large) 005B GS/OS:invalid pathnames for ChangePath 005C GS/OS:not an executable file 005D GS/OS:Operating System not supported 005F GS/OS:too many applications on stack 0060 GS/OS:data unavailable 0061 GS/OS:end of directory 0062 GS/OS:invalid FST call class 0063 GS/OS:file doesn't have a resource fork 0064 GS/OS:invalidFSTID 0065 GS/OS:invalid FST operation 0066 GS/OS:fstCaution 0067 GS/OS:devNameErr 0068 GS/OS:devListFull 0069 GS/OS:supListFull 006A GS/OS:fstError (generic) 0070 GS/OS:resExistsErr 0071 GS/OS:resAddErr 007E GS/OS:unknown file server user 007F GS/OS:unknown file server group 0088 network error 0101 toolNotFound 0102 toolFunctionNotFound 0103 StartStop record invalid 0104 tool can't be loaded 0110 toolVersionErr 0111 messNotFoundErr 0112 no messagenumbers are available 0113 srqNameTooLong 0120 reqNotAccepted 0121 duplicateName 0122 invalidSendRequest 0201 memErr (couldn't allocate memory) 0202 emptyErr 0203 notEmptyErr 0204 lockErr 0205 purgeErr 0206 handleErr 0207 idErr 0208 attrErr 0301 badInputErr 0302 noDevParamErr 0303 taskInstlErr 0304 noSigTaskErr 0305 queueDmgdErr 0306 taskNtFdErr 0307 firmTaskErr 0308 hbQueueBadErr 0309 unCnctdDevErr 030B idTagNtAvlErr 034F mtBuffTooSmall 0381 invalidTag 0382 alreadyInQueue 0390 badTimeVerb 0391 badTimeData 0401 alreadyInitialized 0402 cannotReset 0403 notInitialized 0410 screenReserved 0411 badRect 0420 notEqualChunkiness 0430 rgnAlreadyOpen 0431 rgnNotOpen 0432 rgnScanOverflow 0433 rgnFull 0440 polyAlreadyOpen 0441 polyNotOpen 0442 polyTooBig 0450 badTableNum 0451 badColorNum 0452 badScanLine 0510 daNotFound 0511 notSysWindow 0520 deskBadSelector ------------------------- Event Manager 0601 emDupStrtUpErr 0602 emResetErr 0603 emNotActErr 0604 emBadEvtCodeErr 0605 emBadBttnNoErr 0606 emQSiz2LrgErr 0607 emNoMemQueueErr 0681 emBadEvtQErr 0682 emBadQHndlErr --------------------------- 0810 noDOCFndErr 0811 docAddrRngErr 0812 noSAppInitErr 0813 invalGenNumErr 0814 synthModeErr 0815 genBusyErr 0817 mstrIRQNotAssgnErr 0818 sndAlreadyStrtErr 08FF uncleamedSntIntErr 0910 cmndIncomplete 0911 cantSync 0982 adbBusy 0983 devNotAtAddr 0984 srqListFull --------------------------- Integer Math Tool Set 0B01 imBadInptParam 0B02 imIllegalChar 0B03 imOverflow 0B04 imStrOverflow ---------------------------------- 0C01 badDevType 0C02 badDevNum 0C03 badMode 0C04 unDefHW 0C05 lostDev 0C06 lostFile 0C07 badTitle 0C08 noRoom 0C09 noDevice 0C0B dupFile 0C0C notClosed 0C0D notOpen 0C0E badFormat 0C0F ringBuffOFlo 0C10 writeProtected 0C40 devErr 0E01 paramLenErr 0E02 allocateErr 0E03 taskMaskErr 0F01 menuStarted 0F02 menuItemNotFound 0F03 menuNoStruct 0F04 dupMenuID 1001 wmNotStartedUp 1002 cmNotInitialized 1003 noCtlInList 1004 noCtlError 1005 notExtendedCtlError 1006 noCtlTargetError 1007 notExtendedCtlError 1008 canNotBeTargetError 1009 noSuchIDError 100A tooFewParmsError 100B noCtlToBeTargetError 100C noFrontWindowError 1101 idNotFound / segment not found? 1102 OMF version error 1103 idPathnameErr 1104 idNotLoadFile 1105 idBusyErr 1107 idFilVersErr 1108 idUserIDErr 1109 idSequenceErr 110A idBadRecordErr 110B idForeignSegErr 1210 picEmpty 1211 picAlreadyOpen / badRectSize? 1212 pictureError / destModeError? 121F bad picture opcode 1221 badRect 1222 badMode 1230 badGetSysIconInput 1301 missingDriver 1302 portNotOn 1303 noPrintRecord 1304 badLaserPrep 1305 badLPFile 1306 papConnNotOpen 1307 papReadWriteErr 1308 ptrConnFailed 1309 badLoadParam 130A callNotSupported 1321 startUpAlreadyMade 1401 leDupStartUpErr 1402 leResetErr 1403 leNotActiveErr 1404 leScrapErr 150A badItemType 150B newItemFailed 150C itemNotFound 150D notModalDialog 1610 badScrapType 1701 badPromptDesc 1702 badOrigNameDesc 1704 badReplyNameDesc 1705 badReplyPathDesc 1706 badCall 1901 nsAlreadyInit 1902 nsSndNotInit 1921 nsNotAvail 1922 nsBadGenNum 1923 nsNotInit 1924 nsGenAlreadyOn 1925 soundWrongVer 1A00 noRoomMidiErr 1A01 noCommandErr 1A02 noRoomErr 1A03 startedErr 1A04 noNoteErr 1A05 noStartErr 1A06 instBndsErr 1A07 nsWrongVer ------------------------- Font Manager 1B01 fmDupStartUpErr 1B02 fmResetErr 1B03 fmNotActiveErr 1B04 fmFamNotFndErr 1B05 fmFontNtFndErr 1B06 fmFontMemErr 1B07 fmSysFontErr 1B08 fmBadFamNumErr 1B09 fmBadSizeErr 1B0A fmBadNameErr 1B0B fmMenuErr 1B0C fmScaleSizeErr -------------------------- 1C02 listRejectEvent 1D01 aceIsActive 1D02 aceBadDP 1D03 aceNotActive 1D04 aceNoSuchParam 1D05 aceBadMethod 1D06 aceBadSrc 1D07 aceBadDest 1D08 aceDataOverlap 1E01 resForkUsed 1E02 resBadFormat 1E03 resNoConverter 1E04 resNoCurFile 1E05 resDupID 1E06 resNotFound 1E07 resFileNotFound 1E08 resBadAppID 1E09 resNoUniqueID 1E0A resIndexRange 1E0B resSysIsOpen 1E0C resHasChanged 1E0D resDiffConverter 1E0E resDiskFull 1E0F resInvalidShutDown 1E10 resNameNotFound 1E11 resBadNameVers 1E12 resDupStartUp 1E13 resInvalidTypeOrID 2000 miStartUpErr 2001 miPacketErr 2002 miArrayErr 2003 miFullbufErr 2004 miToolsErr 2005 miOutOffErr 2007 miNoBufErr 2008 miDriverErr 2009 miBadFreqErr 200A miClockErr 200B miConflictErr 200C miNoDevErr 2080 miDevNotAvail 2081 miDevSlotBusy 2082 miDevBusy 2083 miDevOverrun 2084 miDevNoConnect 2085 miDevReadErr 2086 miDevVersion 2087 miDevIntHndlr 2110 vdNoVideoDevice 2111 vdAlreadyStarted 2112 vdInvalidSelector 2113 vdInvalidParam 21FF vdUnImplemented 2201 teAlreadyStarted 2202 teNotStarted 2203 teInvalidHandle 2204 teInvalidDescriptor 2205 teInvalidFlag 2206 teInvalidPCount 2208 teBufferOverflow 2209 teInvalidLine 220B teInvalidParameter 220C teInvalidTextBox2 220D teNeedsTools 2301 msAlreadyStarted 2302 msNotStarted 2303 msNoDPMem 2304 msNoMemBlock 2305 msNoMiscTool 2306 msNoSoundTool 2307 msGenInUse 2308 msBadPortNum 2309 msPortBusy 230A msParamRangeErr 230B msMsgQueueFull 230C msRecBufFull 230D msOutputDisabled 230E msMessageError 230F msOutputBufFull 2310 msDriverNotStarted 2311 msDriverAlreadySet 2380 msDevNotAvail 2381 msDevSlotBusy 2382 msDevBusy 2383 msDevOverrun 2384 msDevNoConnect 2385 msDevReadErr 2386 msDevVersion 2387 msDevIntHndlr 2601 mcUnimp 2602 mcBadSpeed 2603 mcBadUnitType 2604 mcTimeOutErr 2605 mcNotLoaded 2606 mcBadAudio 2607 mcDevRtnError 2608 mcUnrecStatus 2609 mcBadSelector 260A mcFunnyData 260B mcInvalidPort 260C mcOnlyOnce 260D mcNoResMgr 260E mcItemNotThere 260F mcWasShutDown 2610 mcWasStarted 2611 mcBadChannel 2612 mcInvalidParam 2613 mcCallNotSupported 4201 fErrBadInput 4202 fErrFailed 4203 fErrCancel 4204 fErrDimmed 4205 fErrBusy 4206 fErrNotPrudent 4207 fErrBadBundle 42ff fErrNotImp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GS/OS no_error equ $00 ; no error has occured bad_system_call equ $01 ; bad system call number fst_load_fail equ $02 ; couldn't load FST invalid_pcount equ $04 ; invalid parameter count gsos_active equ $07 ; gsos already active dev_not_found equ $10 ; device not found invalid_dev_num equ $11 ; invalid device number drvr_bad_req equ $20 ; bad request or command drvr_bad_code equ $21 ; bad control or status code drvr_bad_parm equ $22 ; bad call parameter drvr_not_open equ $23 ; character device not open drvr_prior_open equ $24 ; character device already open irq_table_full equ $25 ; interrupt table full drvr_no_resrc equ $26 ; resources not available drvr_io_error equ $27 ; I/O error drvr_no_dev equ $28 ; device not connected drvr_busy equ $29 ; driver is busy & not available drvr_wr_prot equ $2B ; device is write protected drvr_bad_count equ $2C ; invalid byte count drvr_bad_block equ $2D ; invalid block number drvr_disk_sw equ $2E ; disk has been switched drvr_off_line equ $2F ; device off line / no media present bad_path_syntax equ $40 ; invalid pathname syntax invalid_ref_num equ $43 ; invalid reference number path_not_found equ $44 ; subdirectory does not exist vol_not_found equ $45 ; volume not found file_not_found equ $46 ; dup_pathname equ $47 ; create or rename with existing name volume_full equ $48 ; vol_dir_full equ $49 ; volume directory full version_error equ $4A ; bad_store_type equ $4B ; bad storage type end_of_file equ $4C ; out_of_range equ $4D ; position out of range invalid_access equ $4E ; access not allowed buff_too_small equ $4F ; buffer too small file_busy equ $50 ; file is already open dir_error equ $51 ; directory error unknown_vol equ $52 ; unknown volume type parm_range_err equ $53 ; parameter out of range out_of_mem equ $54 ; out of memory dup_volume equ $57 ; duplicate volume name not_block_dev equ $58 ; not a block device invalid_level equ $59 ; specified level outside legal range damaged_bitmap equ $5A ; bad_path_names equ $5B ; invalid pathnames for change_path not_system_file equ $5C ; not an executable file os_unsupported equ $5D ; operating system not supported stack_overflow equ $5F ; too many applications on stack data_unavail equ $60 ; data unavailable end_of_dir equ $61 ; end of directory has been reached invalid_class equ $62 ; invalid FST call class res_not_found equ $63 ; file does not contain req. resource invalid_fst_id equ $64 ; invalid_fst_op equ $65 ; FST does not handle this type of call fst_caution equ $66 ; FST handled call, but result is weird resource_exist equ $70 ; Cannot expand file, resource exists res_add_err equ $71 ; cannot add res fork to this type file network_error equ $88 ; Generic network error. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fatal Errors unclaimed_irq equ $01 ; unclaimed interrupt sd_scm_dealloc equ $02 ; deallocation error sd_scm_alloc equ $03 ; allocation error wrong_os_ver equ $11 ; wrong operating system version bad_queue equ $77 ; the notification_queue is corrupted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General References: NiftyList, Ground Apple2 ftp site Apple II - IIgs Error Code FAQS URL: Source References: NiftyList Data File; Last Modified on March 4,1992 -- DAL Based on Apple IIgs System Disk 6.0 + UserTool - 1 and 22 Apple IIgs Toolbox Reference Vol. 1 and 2 Apple IIgs Hardware Reference -- Addison-Wesley MASTERING THE APPLE IIGS TOOLBOX -- COMPUTE! LIBRARY SELECTION By Dan Gookin and Morgan Davis