ShrinkIt 3.4 ------------ 14 Devices now fit in the device select dialog. If 14 devices were online, Shrinkit would try to remove the slot 3, drive 2 ramdisk from the system in order to use aux memory and in the process clobber the rest of the MLI global page, causing a crash. Fixed bug which caused data to not be able to be extracted. The exact problem was that if a clear code was issued by the compressor with 1 byte remaining to be compressed in a 4k chunk, the decompressor would put garbage in the output file. The decompressor has been fixed. ShrinkIt 3.3 ------------ When decompressing files onto an AppleShare fileserver, files could be corrupted because AppleShare doesn't support sparse files and when the EOF of a file is extended by a set_eof call to prodos, the blocks which get allocated aren't guaranteed to contain zeroes. ShrinkIt 3.2.3 -------------- When I mess something up, I do it right. The previous fix to make BQY and ACU files only made BQY files work. Thus, we have a new version. I hope this fixes this for a long time... argh. ShrinkIt 3.2.2 -------------- Wow. One little change can bring so much grief. I was removing some dead code from the Unsqueeze function inside of shrinkit to free some space to make room for the stuff I added in v3.2.1 -- and managed to completely break the unsqueeze function. Augh, I hate bugs like this. Assuming that everything is working ok, I hope this is the last hiccup version for a while. ShrinkIt 3.2.1 -------------- I somehow managed to break the file copying function from being able to copy entire folders. I don't know how this escaped detection, but it's been fixed. Long pathnames are now properly flagged as errors when archiving files. v3.2 used to just skip files that had bad pathnames. I originally did this to skip files that had weird names on AppleShare file servers, but accidently made shrinkit always skip files with long (longer than 64 characters) names. When archiving something which has a bad file or pathname, you'll have the option of skipping that file and continuing with what you were doing (archiving or copying, etc) or stopping. The Universal Disk Controller (UDC) will really, honestly, work correctly with ShrinkIt 3.2.1 -- special thanks to Gary Gilmore who sent me his UDC card to get ShrinkIt working right. ShrinkIt 3.2 ------------ A RENAME function is now available from the main menu. A plus sign ("+") is shown beside the filetype of files which have resource forks in both the catalog function and file selection dialogs. Lowercase filenames will be displayed for those files on a disk which were created with GSOS on System 5.0 or later. If you intend to use files with lowercase in the name, I suggest using ProDOS-8 Version 1.8 or later. When extracting, filenames will still be in UPPERCASE because ProDOS-8 does not support creating files with lowercase characters. Unless ProDOS-8 changes, it is doubtful that ShrinkIt will ever create filenames with lowercase. When a function is required of only a single directory, that directory will be the destination directory. Catalog, Rename, Delete, Type, and Create will use the destination directory for doing their thing. ShrinkIt will no longer attempt to archive the archive that it is creating. If ShrinkIt finds that a file is already open, it will skip that file and not put it into the archive which it is creating. For instance, if I were to archive every file in /A/STUFF/ and my destination pathname was /A/STUFF/MY.ARCHIVE.SHK, older versions of ShrinkIt would gag ever so nicely when trying to put the archive file which it is making INTO the archive file which it is making! This is also fixed for adding to an archive. When archiving, adding to an archive, or copying files ShrinkIt will stop when it encounters a file with a resource fork and displays a dialog. You can choose whether to continue doing what you were doing and merely skip the forked file or cancel the operation. If you cancel while making an archive or adding files to an archive the destination archive will contain what was archived to the point before the dialog was shown. When archiving, adding to an archive, or copying files ShrinkIt will skip any files which it can't access -- these include drop boxes or any folder which you don't have access to on AppleShare fileservers. Shrinkit will also skip any files which have illegal filenames. The following archives are now handled by ShrinkIt: NuFX (ShrinkIt) NuFX (ShrinkIt) inside Binary II NuFX (ShrinkIt) inside MacBinary NuFX (ShrinkIt) from Macintosh America-Online Binary II Binary II inside Binary II Binary II inside MacBinary ACU ACU inside Binary II ACU inside MacBinary SQ When any of the previous archives are opened, only the type of the innermost archive will be shown. For instance, a Binary II file inside a MacBinary file will show up as being only a Binary II file. If you need an 8-bit program which has the ability to identify archives, I suggest using AUTO-UnShrinkIt, which has a scavenge mode for damaged archives built-in as a bonus. 500 files at a time can now be extracted from an archive. Previously, only 450 at a time could be handled. 8-bit ShrinkIt still has an upper limit of dealing with archives that have up to 60,000 items. There is now an "Overwrite All" option in the rename dialog which appears if you are extracting and a duplicate file already exists. If you choose then from that point onwards while extracting ShrinkIt will automatically delete duplicate files. This saves the monotony of having to sit and hit the overwrite "button" over and over again if you usually extract the same set of files. There is now a "Skip Duplicates" option in the rename dialog which appears if you are extracting and a duplicate file already exists. If you choose then from that point onwards while extracting ShrinkIt will automatically skip duplicate files. This saves the monotony of having to sit and hit the skip "button" over and over again if you usually skip files that already exist. This also applies to copying files. If you would TAB to a drive from a disk, the first file of which was a folder, and the second drive didn't have any files on it, then if you'd press return, shrinkit would place you in the disk selection dialog. This doesn't happen any more. Unpacking is slightly faster. When unpacking the IIGS Finder, it used to take me 28 seconds. Now it takes 26. The same optimization will be incorporated into GS-ShrinkIt. Packing is marginally faster. I clocked it at about 3-5% faster. It might save someone a few seconds. Forked files in archives now show up as type "Forked" instead of "File" 800k drives no longer disappear on ROM 03 machines if a disk is removed or is in the drive, but just not formatted. 5.25" drives should appear properly if you have a multikache or a UDC card. If a lowercase period (".") appeared in a filename, the following characters would be uppercased. This no longer happens. Previously, only .QQ squeezed files would be matched in the archive selection dialog -- .SQ files will also now be matched. When copying files, the first file would have its creation date set to the current date, the second file would have the creation date of the first file copied, and so on. This no longer happens. The fast-format option that was previously only available on ROM 01 machines has been removed due primarily to space constraints and the fact that many people didn't know what it was. Disabling the ability to verify a disk is a bad thing to do in the first place in that you could format a disk, it could have bad blocks, and you would never know until you attempted to write to it. Also, it was kind of a "guru feature" that more people asked me to explain than ended up saying "that's neat, keep it."