Subject: Re: help with XGS From: Paul Seemann Date: Tue, Sep 29, 1998 04Ç11*8Ê Message-id: <> I am currently using WinImage 4.0 to make disk images upto 2.88 megs in size on Win '95 that contain .shk & .sdk files. I then convert the .IMA file to .2MG using Revival. Then, I boot XGS with my virtual hardrive which has GSOS 6.0.1 installed with the MSDOS device driver which mounts these images as DOS disks. Next, using GSHK 1.1, I unshrink the files to blank.2mg disks. Not too complicated, but it is a pain. It would be nice if XGS could access my C: drive directly. You can download GSOS 6.0.1 from: and create the disk files with XGS. The only real bummer is that the .shk & .sdk file names have to be 8+3 characters long and contain absolutely NO upper case letters. Otherwise the image won't mount on the GS desktop. What I would like to know how to do now is create actual GS disks out of .shk files on either my PC or MAC. If you put .2mg disk files into one of the smartport slots instead of slot5 or slot6 it will work better. Paul Marco wrote: > > I'm just getting started with the XGS emulator (win95), but I'm running > into many problems, complicated by the fact that (1) I haven't used an > Apple IIgs in about 10 years, and (2) many ftp sites with useful FAQs seem > to be down or missing. > > First of all, I can't mount another disk image in one of the 5.25" drives. > I can boot up with GS/OS, but if I try to start up with GS/OS and another > disk image (in *.2mg format) in slot 6, every time I double click the > 5.25" drive icon, I'm told it's not initialized. > > The accompanying documentation says that this always occurs the very first > time you run XGS because it hasn't yet created a RAM file, and everything > should work normally the next time you run XGS. Unfortunately, this > doesn't seem to be working for me no matter how many times I restart. > (This same documentation also says something about the 3.5" drives not > being implemented yet) > > My other question: can anyone help me convert those pesky *.SHK files > into an image I can read? I saw a FAQ that explained how to convert > small SHK files that were less than 140 Kb, but there was no way to do so > for larger files. This would basically mean I can't play any of the games > that were designed specifically for the IIgs. > > I'd appreciate any input. > > Marco. > >