program fractal (input,output,remotefile,prntr); uses applestuff, turtlegraphics, transcend; const {memory locations for low level turtlegraphic routines} xhi = 3449; {the most significant byte in the x coordinate} xlo = 3450; {the least significant byte in the y coordinate} ylo = 3452; {the turtlegraphics y coordinate} color = 3453; {the color which is currently being plotted} base = 8192; {the base of the page 1 hires screen} {basic constants} maximumint = 32767; {maxint for 16 bit integers} squaredradius = 4; {faster than testing for sqr(2)} maxiter = 100; {maximum number of iteritions} pi = 3.14159; {everyone's favorite number} {initial parameters} horizontal = 560; {number of horizontal screen points} vertical = 192; {number of vertical screen points} mina = -2.25; {default minimum real value of the region} maxa = 0.75; {default maximum real value of the region} minb = -1.5; {default minimum imaginary value of the region} maxb = 1.5; {default maximum imaginary value of the region} {constants for fractal mountain routines} xs = 0.04; {scaling constants} ys = 0.04; zs = 0.04; hr = 0.52359; {pi / 6} vt = 0.62831; {pi / 5} type map = array [0..64,0..32] of integer; {matrix of topograph data} coor = packed array [1..horizontal,1..vertical] of boolean; {DHR graphics screen} imaginary = record {an imaginary number i.e. a + bi} a : real; b : real; end; region = record {a rectangle on the imaginary plane} max : imaginary; min : imaginary; hor : integer; ver : integer; end; screen = record {the data that describes a file} where : region; con : imaginary; name : string; bitmap : coor; end; byte = 0..255; {tricks for low level peeks and pokes} memloc = packed array [0..1] of byte; access = record case boolean of true: (address:integer); false: (pointer: ^memloc); end; var graphed:boolean; {is the fractal graphed} fraccalc:boolean; {is there a valid fractal in memory} choice:char; {generic var} pages:screen; {the current fractal} {mountain fractal vars} levels:integer; {the resolution of the mountain fractals} xlast,ylast:integer; {the previous point graphed to the screen} y3:real; {just had to be global} function peek (addrs:integer):byte; var memory:access; begin memory.address:=addrs; peek:=memory.pointer^[0]; end; procedure poke (addrs:integer;val:byte); var memory:access; begin memory.address:=addrs; memory.pointer^[0]:=val; end; procedure dhrenable; {turns on double hires graphics - grafmode} begin poke (-16302,0); {full screen} poke (-16297,0); {hires on} poke (-16371,0); {80 col on} poke (-16304,0); {graphics on} poke (-16258,0); {IOUdis on} poke (-16290,0); {DHR on} poke (-16383,0); {80 store on} poke (-16300,0); {page 2 off} end; procedure dhrclear; {clears both hires screens - initturtle} begin dhrenable; initturtle; poke (-16299,0); {access aux mem} initturtle; poke (-16300,0); {return to main mem} end; procedure txtmode; {sets text screen use - textmode} begin poke (-16384,0); {turn off 80 store softswitch} poke (-16289,0); {turn off the double hi resolution softswitch} poke (-16300,0); {turn on text page 1} poke (-16303,0); {turn on the text screen} end; (*$I-*) {turn off input/output status checking - for speed} (*$R-*) {turn off range checking - for speed} procedure line (x,y:integer); {draws a line from current point to point (x,y)} var {in the array but not on the screen - similar} ang:real; {to moveto (x,y)} i,j,k,p,q,clr:integer; begin clr:=peek (color); {get current parameters} i:=256 * peek (xhi) + peek (xlo); j:=peek (ylo); if (x > i) or ((x = i) and (y > j)) then {set increment} k:=1 else k:=-1; if (i = x) then {determine if vertical or sloped line} begin j:=j + k; {vertical line} while (j <> (y+k)) do begin if (clr = 15) then pages.bitmap[i+1,j+1]:=true else if (clr = 0) then pages.bitmap[i+1,j+1]:=false; j:=j + k; end; j:=j - k; end else begin p:=i; {draw a sloped line} q:=j; ang:=(y - j) / (x - i); i:=i + k; while (i <> (x+k)) do begin j:=round (ang * (i-p) + q); if (clr = 15) then pages.bitmap[i+1,j+1]:=true else if (clr = 0) then pages.bitmap[i+1,j+1]:=false; i:=i + k; end; i:=i - k; end; poke (xlo,i mod 256); {store new coordinates} poke (xhi,i div 256); poke (ylo,j); end; procedure test (ax,ay,mx,my:integer;var bx,by:integer); begin if (ay > my) then begin by:=mx + 1 - ay; bx:=mx - ax; end else begin by:=ay; bx:=ax; end; end; procedure landscape (mx,my,sk,ib:integer;l:real;var darray:map); var {creates random topograph} xe,ye:integer; d1,d2:integer; bx,by:integer; begin ye:=0; while (ye <= mx-1) do begin xe:=ib + ye; while (xe <= mx) do begin test (xe-ib,ye,mx,my,bx,by); d1:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe+ib,ye,mx,my,bx,by); d2:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe,ye,mx,my,bx,by); darray[bx,by]:=round ((d1 + d2) / 2.0 + random / 32767.0 * l / 2.0 - l / 4.0); xe:=xe + sk end; ye:=ye + sk; end; xe:=mx; while (xe >= 1) do begin ye:=ib; while (ye <= xe) do begin test (xe,ye+ib,mx,my,bx,by); d1:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe,ye-ib,mx,my,bx,by); d2:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe,ye,mx,my,bx,by); darray[bx,by]:=round ((d1 + d2) / 2.0 + random / 32767.0 * l / 2.0 - l / 4.0); ye:=ye + sk end; xe:=xe - sk; end; xe:=0; while (xe <= mx-1) do begin ye:=ib; while (ye <= mx - xe) do begin test (xe+ye-ib,ye-ib,mx,my,bx,by); d1:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe+ye+ib,ye+ib,mx,my,bx,by); d2:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe+ye,ye,mx,my,bx,by); darray[bx,by]:=round ((d1 + d2) / 2.0 + random / 32767.0 * l / 2.0 - l / 4.0); ye:=ye + sk end; xe:=xe + sk; end; end; procedure adjust (var x0:integer;var xx,yy,zz:real); var clr:integer; xp,yp:integer; temp:real; ra,r1,rd:real; begin xx:=xx * xs; yy:=yy * ys; zz:=zz * zs; if (xx <> 0.0) then begin ra:=atan (yy / xx); if (xx < 0.0) then ra:=ra + pi; if (yy > 10000.0) then yy:=10000.0; if (yy < -10000.0) then yy:=-10000.0; end else begin if (yy <= 0.0) then ra:=-pi / 2.0 else ra:=pi / 2.0; end; rd:=sqrt (xx * xx + yy * yy); r1:=ra + hr; xx:=rd * cos (r1); yy:=rd * sin (r1); if (xx = 0.0) then ra:=pi / 2.0 else begin ra:=atan (zz / xx); if (xx < 0.0) then ra:=ra + pi; end; rd:=sqrt (zz * zz + xx * xx); r1:=ra - vt; xx:=rd * cos (r1) + xx; zz:=rd * sin (r1); temp:=yy * 0.625 * 2; if (temp >= -32768.0) and (temp <= 32767.0) then xp:=round (temp) else if (temp > 32767.0) then xp:=maxint else xp:=-maxint; temp:=33.14 - 0.663 * zz; if (temp >= -32768.0) and (temp <= 32767.0) then yp:=round (temp) else if (temp > 32767.0) then yp:=maxint else yp:=-maxint; if (x0 = -999) then begin xlast:=xp; ylast:=yp; x0:=0; end; if (ylast <= 191) and (ylast >= 0) and (yp <= 191) and (yp >= 0) then begin clr:=peek (color); {get current color} poke (color,16); {set color none} line (xlast,ylast); poke (color,clr); {set color to previous color} line (xp,yp); xlast:=xp; ylast:=yp; end; end; procedure calc (x0:integer;var xx,yy,zz,x,y,z:real); var temp:boolean; xt,yt,zt:real; w3,x3,z3:real; begin if (x0 <> -999) then begin temp:=(z < 0.0) and (zz < 0.0); if (z > 0.0) and (zz > 0.0) or temp then begin x:=xx; y:=yy; z:=zz; if temp then zz:=0.0; exit (calc); end; end else begin x:=xx; y:=yy; z:=zz; if (zz < 0.0) then begin poke (color,15); {darkblue - actually white because this is B&W} zz:=0.0; end else poke (color,15); {white} exit (calc); end; if (y3 > 10000.0) then y3:=10000.0; if (y3 < -10000.0) then y3:=-10000.0; if (zz <> z) then w3:=zz / (zz - z); x3:=(x - xx) * w3 + xx; y3:=(y - yy) * y3 + yy; z3:=0.0; xt:=xx; yt:=yy; zt:=zz; xx:=x3; yy:=y3; zz:=z3; adjust (x0,xx,yy,zz); if (zt <= 0.0) then begin poke (color,15); {darkblue - actually while since this is only B&W} xx:=xt; yy:=yt; zz:=0.0; z:=zt; end else begin poke (color,15); {white} xx:=xt; yy:=yt; zz:=zt; z:=zz; end; x:=xx; y:=yy; end; procedure graph3d (var mx,my:integer;var darray:map); var x0:integer; ax,ay:integer; bx,by:integer; ex,ey:integer; xx,yy,zz:real; x,y,z:real; begin for ax:=0 to mx do begin x0:=-999; for ay:=0 to ax do begin test (ax,ay,mx,my,bx,by); zz:=darray[bx,by]; yy:=ay / mx * 10000.0; xx:=ax / mx * 10000.0 - yy / 2.0; calc (x0,xx,yy,zz,x,y,z); adjust (x0,xx,yy,zz); end; end; for ay:=0 to mx do begin x0:=-999; for ax:=ay to mx do begin test (ax,ay,mx,my,bx,by); zz:=darray[bx,by]; yy:=ay / mx * 10000.0; xx:=ax / mx * 10000.0 - yy / 2.0; calc (x0,xx,yy,zz,x,y,z); adjust (x0,xx,yy,zz); end; end; for ex:=0 to mx do begin x0:=-999; for ey:=0 to mx-ex do begin ax:=ex + ey; ay:=ey; test (ax,ay,mx,my,bx,by); zz:=darray[bx,by]; yy:=ay / mx * 10000.0; xx:=ax / mx * 10000.0 - yy / 2.0; calc (x0,xx,yy,zz,x,y,z); adjust (x0,xx,yy,zz); end; end; end; procedure mountfrac (var levels:integer;var fraccalc:boolean); var {driver for fractal mountains} mx,my:integer; i,j:integer; sk:integer; ib:integer; l:real; darray:map; begin for j:=0 to 32 do for i:=0 to 64 do darray[i,j]:=0; l:=2.0; for i:=1 to levels do l:=l + exp ((i - 1) * 0.693147); mx:=round (l - 1); my:=mx div 2; randomize; for i:=1 to levels do begin l:=10000 / exp (i * ln (1.8)); ib:=round (mx / exp (i * 0.693147)); sk:=ib * 2; landscape (mx,my,sk,ib,l,darray); end; graph3d (mx,my,darray); fraccalc:=true; write (chr (7)); end; procedure display (var bitmap:coor;var graphed:boolean); var {copies the boolean matrix to the DHR graphics screen} a,b,c,d,e,i,j,k,s,t:integer; begin dhrenable; j:=1; while (j <= pages.where.ver) and (j <= 192) do begin c:=j div 64; e:=j mod 64; b:=e div 8; a:=e mod 8; d:=(1024 * a) + (128 * b) + (40 * c) + base; i:=0; {convert 7 booleans to a char to poke in video RAM} while (i < (pages.where.hor div 7)) and (i < 80) do begin t:=0; s:=64; k:=7; while (k > 0) do begin if bitmap[(7*i)+k,j] then t:=t + s; s:=s div 2; k:=k-1; end; poke (-16299 - i mod 2,0); {select correct screen} poke ((i div 2) + d,t); {store bit pattern} i:=i+1; end; j:=j+1; end; graphed:=true; write (chr (7)); end; (*$I+*) {turn on input/output status checking} procedure dhrprinter (var pages:screen); const {copies boolean matrix to printer for hardcopy} numlines = 32; type printhead = record case boolean of true : (bool:packed array [1..24] of boolean); false : (c:packed array [1..3] of char); end; var x,y,nl,i,row,rep,col:integer; val:array [1..4] of char; pixel:printhead; prntr:text; begin rewrite (prntr,'PRINTER:'); writeln (prntr); writeln (prntr,'Fractal: ',; writeln (prntr); row:=(24 * numlines) div vertical; rep:=1280 div pages.where.hor; col:=pages.where.hor * (1280 div pages.where.hor); for i:=4 downto 1 do begin val[i]:=chr (col mod 10 + 48); col:=col div 10; end; nl:=1; while (nl <= numlines) do begin write (prntr,chr(27),'j'); write (prntr,chr(27),'C',val[1],val[2],val[3],val[4]); y:=(24 div row) * (nl - 1); x:=1; while (x <= pages.where.hor) do begin for i:=1 to 24 do pixel.bool[i]:=pages.bitmap[x,y + (i div row)]; for i:=1 to rep do write (prntr,pixel.c[1],pixel.c[2],pixel.c[3]); x:=x+1; end; writeln (prntr); nl:=nl+1; end; with pages do begin writeln (prntr); writeln (prntr,'Fractal coordinates are: '); write (prntr,where.max.a:12:5,' + ',where.max.b:12:5,'i to '); writeln (prntr,where.min.a:12:5,' + ',where.min.b:12:5,'i'); writeln (prntr,'Julia Constant is: '); writeln (prntr,con.a:12:5,' + ',con.b:12:5,'i'); end; close (prntr); write (chr(7)); end; procedure julia (var pages:screen;var fraccalc,graphed:boolean); var h,v,n:integer; a,b,temp:real; dval,z:imaginary; begin dval.a:=(pages.where.max.a - pages.where.min.a)/(pages.where.hor - 1); dval.b:=(pages.where.max.b - pages.where.min.b)/(pages.where.ver - 1); v:=1; while (v <= pages.where.ver) do begin h:=1; while (h <= pages.where.hor) do begin z.a:=pages.where.min.a + (h - 1) * dval.a; z.b:=pages.where.min.b + (v - 1) * dval.b; n:=0; a:=z.a*z.a; b:=z.b*z.b; while (a + b <= squaredradius) and (n < maxiter) do begin temp:=z.a; z.a:=a - b + pages.con.a; z.b:=2 * temp * z.b + pages.con.b; n:=n + 1; a:=z.a*z.a; b:=z.b*z.b; end; if (a + b <= squaredradius) then pages.bitmap[h,pages.where.ver - v + 1]:=true; h:=h+1; end; gotoxy (40,23); write (v/pages.where.ver*100:5:2,'% done'); v:=v+1; end; fraccalc:=true; graphed:=false;'None'; end; procedure mandelbrot (var pages:screen;var fraccalc,graphed:boolean); var h,v,n:integer; a,b,temp:real; dval,z,val:imaginary; begin dval.a:=(pages.where.max.a - pages.where.min.a)/(pages.where.hor - 1); dval.b:=(pages.where.max.b - pages.where.min.b)/(pages.where.ver - 1); v:=1; while (v <= pages.where.ver) do begin val.b:=pages.where.min.b + (v - 1) * dval.b; h:=1; while (h <= pages.where.hor) do begin val.a:=pages.where.min.a + (h - 1) * dval.a; n:=0; z.a:=0; z.b:=0; a:=0; b:=0; while (a + b <= squaredradius) and (n < maxiter) do begin temp:=z.a; z.a:=a - b + val.a; z.b:=2 * temp * z.b + val.b; a:=z.a*z.a; b:=z.b*z.b; n:=n + 1; end; if (a + b <= squaredradius) then pages.bitmap[h,pages.where.ver - v + 1]:=true; h:=h+1; end; gotoxy (40,23); write (v/pages.where.ver*100:5:2,'% done'); v:=v+1; end; fraccalc:=true; graphed:=false;'None'; end; procedure loadfrac (var pages:screen;var fraccalc,graphed:boolean); var temp,last,x,y:integer; temp2:char; remotefile:text; begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('What is the name of the file to load? '); readln (; reset (remotefile,; with pages do begin readln (remotefile,name); readln (remotefile,where.hor); readln (remotefile,where.ver); readln (remotefile,where.max.a); readln (remotefile,where.min.a); readln (remotefile,where.max.b); readln (remotefile,where.min.b); readln (remotefile,con.a); readln (remotefile,con.b); end; if (pages.where.hor > horizontal) or (pages.where.ver > vertical) then begin writeln ('Error: graph too large for current screen size'); writeln ('Please change horizontal and/or vertical constants to'); writeln (pages.where.hor,' * ',pages.where.ver); writeln ('Please press '); pages.where.hor:=horizontal; pages.where.ver:=vertical; readln; end else begin last:=0; y:=1; x:=1; repeat readln (remotefile,temp); if (temp < 0) then begin temp2:='F'; temp:=-temp; end else temp2:='T'; while (x - last <= temp) do begin pages.bitmap[x,y]:=(temp2='T'); x:=x+1; if (x > pages.where.hor) then begin temp:=temp - (x-last-1); last:=0; x:=1; y:=y+1; end; end; last:=x-1; until eof (remotefile); close (remotefile); fraccalc:=true; graphed:=false; write (chr (7)); end; end; procedure savefrac (var pages:screen); var i,j,x:integer; prev,cur:char; remotefile:text; begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('What do you want to name this file? '); readln (; rewrite (remotefile,; with pages do begin writeln (remotefile,name); writeln (remotefile,where.hor); writeln (remotefile,where.ver); writeln (remotefile,where.max.a:12:5); writeln (remotefile,where.min.a:12:5); writeln (remotefile,where.max.b:12:5); writeln (remotefile,where.min.b:12:5); writeln (remotefile,con.a:12:5); writeln (remotefile,con.b:12:5); end; x:=0; prev:='F'; j:=1; while (j <= pages.where.ver) do begin i:=1; while (i <= pages.where.hor) do begin if pages.bitmap[i,j] then cur:='T' else cur:='F'; if (cur = prev) and (x < maximumint) then x:=x+1 else begin if (prev = 'T') then writeln (remotefile,x:1) else writeln (remotefile,-x:1); x:=1; prev:=cur; end; i:=i+1; end; j:=j+1; end; if (prev = 'T') then writeln (remotefile,x:1) else writeln (remotefile,-x:1); close (remotefile,lock); write (chr (7)); end; procedure invert (x,y:integer;var bitmap:coor); var bit,clr,a,b,c,d,i,j,k,l:integer; begin y:=192 - y; c:=y div 64; {calculate byte of point (x,y)} d:=y mod 64; b:=d div 8; a:=d mod 8; i:=x div 7; j:=(1024 * a) + (128 * b) + (40 * c) + base + (i div 2); l:=1; {mask to set correct bit} for k:=1 to (x mod 7) do l:=l*2; poke (-16383,0); {set 80 store} poke (-16299 - i mod 2,0); {sets the correct screen} bit:=peek (j); if (ord (odd (bit) and odd (l)) = l) then poke (j,ord (odd (bit) and not (odd (l)))) {plot black point} else poke (j,ord (odd (bit) or odd (l))); {plot white point} end; (*$R+*) procedure findpoint (var h,v:integer;var bitmap:coor); var dir:char; page,point:boolean; x,y:integer; begin point:=false; while not point do begin invert (h,v,bitmap); page:=peek (-16356) > 127; {determine which screen is displayed} poke (-16300,0); {turn on main screen} read (dir); dhrenable; if page then poke (-16299,0); if (dir='P') or (dir='p') then point:=true else begin x:=0; y:=0; if (dir=chr (11)) then y:=1 else if (dir=chr (8)) then x:=-1 else if (dir=chr (21)) then x:=1 else if (dir=chr (10)) then y:=-1; invert (h,v,bitmap); if (h+x >= 0) and (h+x <= 559) then h:=h+x; if (v+y >= 1) and (v+y <= 192) then v:=v+y; end; end; invert (h,v,bitmap); write (chr (7)); end; procedure status (fraccalc:boolean;var pages:screen); begin writeln; with pages do begin writeln ('Name of current fractal: ',name); writeln; writeln ('Current region set at:'); write (where.max.a:12:5,' + ',where.max.b:12:5,'i to '); writeln (where.min.a:12:5,' + ',where.min.b:12:5,'i'); writeln ('Current Julia Constant: ',con.a:12:5,' + ',con.b:12:5,'i'); end; writeln; write ('This region has '); if not fraccalc then write ('not yet '); writeln ('been calculated.'); writeln; end; procedure changescreen (var choice:char;fraccalc:boolean;var pages:screen); begin page (output); status (fraccalc,pages); repeat writeln; writeln; writeln (' (E)nter new values for the region'); writeln (' (S)elect the new region from the graph'); writeln (' (T)ype in a new Julia Constant'); writeln (' (C)hoose a new Julia Constant from the graph'); writeln (' (D)o not change region or constant'); writeln; write (' Enter your choice: '); read (choice); writeln; until choice in ['c','C','d','D','e','E','s','S','t','T']; end; procedure selectregion (var pages:screen); var temp,i,h,v,x,y:integer; tempregion:region; begin writeln; writeln ('Use arrow keys to move cursor and push (P)'); write ('to select both points. Press .'); readln; dhrenable; h:=pages.where.hor div 2; v:=pages.where.ver div 2; findpoint (h,v,pages.bitmap); x:=h; y:=v; findpoint (x,y,pages.bitmap); if (h < x) then begin temp:=x; x:=h; h:=temp; end; if (v < y) then begin temp:=y; y:=v; v:=temp; end; for i:=y to v do invert (h,i,pages.bitmap); for i:=h downto x do invert (i,v,pages.bitmap); for i:=v downto y do invert (x,i,pages.bitmap); for i:=x to h do invert (i,y,pages.bitmap); with pages.where do begin tempregion.max.a:=min.a + (h-1)*(max.a-min.a)/(hor-1); tempregion.max.b:=min.b + (v-1)*(max.b-min.b)/(ver-1); tempregion.min.a:=min.a + (x-1)*(max.a-min.a)/(hor-1); tempregion.min.b:=min.b + (y-1)*(max.b-min.b)/(ver-1); end; pages.where:=tempregion; poke (-16300,0); {turn on page 1} readln; poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} end; procedure selectconst (var pages:screen); var h,v:integer; begin writeln; writeln ('Use arrow keys to move cursor and push (P)'); write ('to select the point. Press .'); readln; dhrenable; with pages do begin h:=round ((where.hor-1)*(con.a-where.min.a)/(where.max.a-where.min.a)+1); v:=round ((where.ver-1)*(con.b-where.min.b)/(where.max.b-where.min.b)+1); findpoint (h,v,bitmap); con.a:=where.min.a+(h-1)*(where.max.a-where.min.a)/(where.hor-1); con.b:=where.min.b+(v-1)*(where.max.b-where.min.b)/(where.ver-1); end; poke (-16300,0); {turn on page 1} poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} end; procedure enterregion (var pages:screen); var userdone:boolean; choice:char; temp:real; begin repeat writeln; write ('Type the maximum imaginary '); writeln ('number in the region. ie. 4.5 -3.4i'); with pages.where do begin readln (max.a,max.b,choice); writeln; writeln ('Now type the minimum imaginary in the region.'); readln (min.a,min.b,choice); if (max.a < min.a) then begin temp:=max.a; max.a:=min.a; min.a:=temp; end; if (max.b < min.b) then begin temp:=max.b; max.b:=min.b; min.b:=temp; end; end; with pages do begin if (con.a < where.min.a) or (con.a > where.max.a) or (con.b < where.min.b) or (con.b > where.max.b) then begin writeln; write ('Invalid coordinates. Press .'); readln; userdone:=false; page (output); end else begin write ('Is this correct? (Y)es or (N)o '); read (choice); case choice of 'N','n': userdone:=false; 'Y','y': userdone:=true; end; end; end; until userdone; end; procedure enterconst (var pages:screen); var userdone:boolean; choice:char; begin repeat writeln; write ('Type the new Julia Constant '); writeln ('for the region. ie. 4.5 -3.4i'); with pages do begin readln (con.a,con.b,choice); writeln; if (con.a < where.min.a) or (con.a > where.max.a) or (con.b < where.min.b) or (con.b > where.max.b) then begin writeln; write ('Invalid coordinates. Press .'); readln; userdone:=false; page (output); end else begin write ('Is this correct? (Y)es or (N)o '); read (choice); case choice of 'N','n': userdone:=false; 'Y','y': userdone:=true; end; end; end; until userdone; end; procedure error (num:integer); begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('Please calculate the fractal before '); case num of 1: writeln ('displaying it.'); 2: writeln ('saving it.'); 3: writeln ('printing it.'); end; writeln; write ('Press to continue '); readln; end; procedure change (graphed,fraccalc:boolean;var pages:screen); var choice:char; begin changescreen (choice,fraccalc,pages); case choice of 'C', 'c' : if graphed then selectconst (pages) else error (1); 'D', 'd' : ; 'E', 'e' : enterregion (pages); 'S', 's' : if graphed then selectregion (pages) else error (1); 'T', 't' : enterconst (pages); end; end; procedure init (var pages:screen;var fraccalc,graphed:boolean); begin with pages do {set inital region} begin where.min.a:=mina; where.max.a:=maxa; where.min.b:=minb; where.max.b:=maxb; where.hor:=horizontal; where.ver:=vertical; con.a:=(where.max.a + where.min.a) / 2; con.b:=(where.max.b + where.min.b) / 2; name:='None'; end; fraccalc:=false; graphed:=false; fillchar (pages.bitmap,round ((horizontal / 8.0) * vertical),chr(0)); page (output); dhrclear; poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} end; procedure mainscreen (var choice:char;var pages:screen; var fraccalc,graphed:boolean); begin repeat page (output); writeln (' Fractal Generation Program v2.1'); writeln (' by Michael Rifani and Wayne Scott'); writeln (' Modified for the Apple II by David Jansen'); status (fraccalc,pages); writeln (' (M)andelbrot fractal calculation for current region'); writeln (' (J)ulia fractal calculation for current region and point'); writeln (' (F)ractal mountain landscape'); writeln (' (C)hange current region or Julia Constant of fractal'); writeln (' (D)isplay fractal on a graphics screen'); writeln (' (P)rint hardcopy'); writeln (' (L)oad fractal'); writeln (' (S)ave fractal'); writeln (' (Q)uit'); writeln; writeln; write (' Enter your choice: '); read (choice); until choice in ['C','c','D','d','F','f','J','j','L','l','M','m', 'P','p','Q','q','S','s']; end; begin {main} init (pages,fraccalc,graphed); repeat mainscreen (choice,pages,fraccalc,graphed); case choice of 'C','c': change (graphed,fraccalc,pages); 'D','d': if fraccalc then begin dhrenable; if not graphed then begin dhrclear; display (pages.bitmap,graphed); end; readln; poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} end else error (1); 'F','f': begin repeat page (output); writeln; write ('Enter number of levels (1 - 6) : '); readln (levels); until (levels > 0) and (levels < 7); mountfrac (levels,fraccalc); end; 'J','j': begin dhrclear; fillchar (pages.bitmap,round ((horizontal / 8.0) * vertical),chr(0)); poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} julia (pages,fraccalc,graphed); write (chr(7)); end; 'L','l': loadfrac (pages,fraccalc,graphed); 'M','m': begin dhrclear; fillchar (pages.bitmap,round ((horizontal / 8.0) * vertical),chr(0)); poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} mandelbrot (pages,fraccalc,graphed); write (chr (7)); end; 'P','p': if fraccalc then dhrprinter (pages) else error (3); 'S','s': if fraccalc then savefrac (pages) else error (2); end; until (choice='Q') or (choice='q'); txtmode; end.