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If you pick the correct meaning of the displayed word your player gets a hit. If you are wrong you get an out."T"3. You have a choice of two games. A short game for one inning or one for three innings."`U:"4. You al:10:"THE VOCABULARY GAME"::OS"The following are the rules of this game"T"1. The object of this game is to get as high a score as possible. The high scorers will have their scores recorded until a new high score is reacheACHER ROUTINES.":103,0:104,64:16383,0:D$"RUN TEACH"mRA(F2$):B1A:(F2$,B,1)" "F2$(F2$,B1):BAsRR:"What is your last name? ";NI$RNI$""Ģ13:1160R(NI$)10NI$(NI$,10)R:IN1R(7)9İ1900:7,0:2500:1280Sre":SC$(A,AA)"0":AA,A2QVBAD4:216,0:::2000nQ`4:10::"THE VOCABULARY GAME"::13:"Senior Version"Qj8:"Welcome to the Vocabulary Game."::Qt:"What is your first name? ";F2$Q~F2$""Ģ11:11406RF2$"TEACHER"ė:10:"LOADING TEA(Z$):(20(A2)):Z$:NP$CO$(15,2),QQ%(3,500),SC$(2,4),NI$(2,4),CW$(15,2)ZP.D$(4)eP81100PBD$"OPEN WORD,L80":A12:D$"READ WORD,R";A:AA14:NI$(A,AA),SC$(A,AA):AA,A:D$"CLOSE WORD":1110QLD$"CLOSE":A12:AA14:NI$(A,AA)"No scof16304,0:1700:34,20:21:A(5((1)))1FOpA890,900,910,920,930dOzZ$"Wrong, "F2$".":940OZ$"Incorrect, "F2$".":940OZ$F2$", you struck out.":940OZ$"The first baseman tagged you out.":940OZ$"Wrong answer, "F2$"."Ppp8@p `@`8`~@@`8 p> vh_QB)I>-7>/-=7M )--66??? $l-6?? l5>< -6?DCC#v-m -?G#v-E#)-56I-?6v-E#?)-=?7.-6?GI166&,??dE#)-5?G -.-mI>66?-- -66?G#$ XA q @@pp33 p@ ?? ?`@@`3@@`8p`?p p@33 qpp 77 7******************8`8********* *******`33@p@@| 8`33?3A 33 33`8p8`836336pp8@p~ `x8`8@3?333 *(((***(***((**(**@@********* **(*****`8p?              corers will have their mileage recorded until a higher mileage is reached.":"2. If you answer the question correctly your car will move 1, 2, or 3 miles. If you are wrong you get a penalty."W:"3. You have a choice of two gamNI$""Ģ13:368-t(NI$)10NI$(NI$,10)8v:IN1Sx(7)9İ498:7,0:394uz:14:"THE ANTONYM GAME"::|"The following are the rules of this game"X~"1. The object of this game is to race as many miles as possible. The high sONYM GAME":7d8:"Welcome to the antonym game."::^f:"What is your first name? ";F2$shF2$""Ģ11:358jF2$"TEACHER"F2$"teacher"502lA(F2$):B1A:(F2$,B,1)" "F2$(F2$,B1):BAnp:"What is your last name? ";NI$r,NI$(2,4)XD$(4):LA1$Z350\D$"OPEN WORD,L80":A12:D$"READ WORD,R";A:AA14:NI$(A,AA),SC$(A,AA):AA,A:D$"CLOSE WORD":352^D$"CLOSE":A12:AA14:NI$(A,AA)"- - - - ":SC$(A,AA)"0":AA,A`216,0:::500 b4:12::"THE ANTDFؕB( 2500,2 "Press an;ILE$"MEDIUM""] A3FILE$"HARD"B] R0:2800:2810:B(A):2820H] N] j] D$"OPEN "FILE$",L90":] D$"READ "FILE$",R"R:] D$"CLOSE":]4010]:10]"TYPE ";::"RUN";::" TO PLAY AGAIN.";A$]A$"RUN"Ĭ]4010\IN1236,152\)\0:A236267:\A,136A,162F\A:3:r\l0:12247,92:12135,36:1225,92:3:\BAD2030,123,2040,1110,1280,2060\1900:\(222)120220\CV1:250\ :1390\ A13\ A1FILE$"EASY" ] A2F(PP,R)1[2800:28109[QUEST$:A14:QQ$(A)::A1%H[D$"CLOSE"N[V[:^[6:n[@START1:50[1800:1:0:OUTS01740[A1OUTS[11227(A10),144[A[TI$(TI)[A1(TI$)[((TI$,A,1))1229(A7),136[A$)ZPM((PM$))'ZP1PL:P12P136ZPM41540FZ1466:1540jZPM1PP1:FILE$"EASY":BEB(1)ZPM2PP2:FILE$"MEDIUM":BEB(2)ZPM3PP3:FILE$"HARD":BEB(3)ZA1(78):R(1):ZR(BE((1))1)ZQQ%(PP,R)11470[QQ%8:" ";:::1390Y}::"Which level of difficulty do you prefer?":"1. all easy words":"2. harder words":"3. very hard words"Y~"4. words of varying difficulty":" (Type 1,2,3 or 4)";:PM$:(PM$)1(PM$)4CV(37):CV1:958:1406ZPL(PL:"I":Xd19 XgGY2ĺ:730/XiGY1683^Xj:"Press any key to continue.";:A$:::XnBAD6:"Which game do you wish to play:"::"1. one inning (3 outs)":"2. three inning (9 outs)":" (Type 1 or 2)";YxPL$:(PL$)1(PL$)2Ģ23:A13?;? - )- ?; ) ) - -)) -) ????? ) )- --)- )-- ??;??;;? --- --)-- ????????????? )------- ?????;?????? )- )- ;?;? )- ) ) -  ; ) - ?;; - ) )- ;??;; - ) ) ) ??;;; - -) - ;?;; )$EpM ; ;?;?;; - )- ;;;;;;;; ;?;?     any key to continue or ESC to stop";:C$::(C$)27ġ::1650DN< N :"No such question number. Please redo.":B9(218)(219)256N 2610:2100N(222)9ĺ"Disk is full.":2610NN5010N:10O"TYPE ";::"PR#6";::" TO BOOT M RP1(R5)R5İ2160:D$"PR#0":2610::2130PM RP2ĺ:(16384)155RBE]M R:2160M RP2ĺ(12):D$"PR#0":::16368,0::M 23:"Do you wish to see another set of words? ";C$::(C$,1)"Y"(C$,1)"y"2500M 1650>N2 :"Push:34,2:D$"PR#1":I103L ::FILE$" WORDS"::34,1KL R0:2130:2140:BE|L R1BE:2140:QUEST$:A14:QQ$(A)::ANS%L R". "QUEST$:" 1. "QQ$(1);:36,22I:"2. "(QQ$(2),14I):" 3. "QQ$(3);:36,22I:"4. "(QQ$(4),14I):5)"Answer = "ANS%0M"K H3FILE$"HARD"(K LI2LI5ıK H(H)::"Do you wish the questions to be listed on the 1. screen":" 2. printer (type in 1 or 2)? ";RP:RP2RP1K RP2ĺ:"Turn the printer on.":2610L RP2ė:"Press the ESC key to quit"are organized as:":" 1. EASY":" 2. MEDIUM":" 3. HARD":"Which is your choice (1, 2, or 3)";:H:Z199{J H1H32500J LI3ĺ:"Responses printed on the screen for thissection only may be shortened.":J H1FILE$"EASY"K H2FILE$"MEDIUin this question. Please redo"::2190FID$"UNLOCK"FILE$:2130:2150iIQUEST$:A14:QQ$(A)::ANS%uI LI5ıI 2160I D$"LOCK "FILE$I :"Do you wish to change another word? ";C$I (C$,1)"Y"(C$,1)"y"2100I$ 1650iJ :"Words .":2610:22824H::"Is the above correct? ";C$VH(C$,1)"Y"(C$,1)"y"2284fHLI5İ2610HLI5ĉ::"Redo question."::2220H:2100H%I(QUEST$)(QQ$(1))(QQ$(2))(QQ$(3))(QQ$(4))83ĺ"There are too many letters used sG:"Which number is the correct choice for the answer? ";A2$:ANS%(A2$):ANS%1ANS%4Ģ((37)2):958:2240{G:GXP1:240H(QUEST$)(QQ$(1))(QQ$(2))(QQ$(3))(QQ$(4))83ĺ::"Too many letters in entire question. Please redoe the question you wish to change? ";C$:(C$,1)"Y"(C$,1)"y"2215PF2100zFCV(37):34,CV3::A139:"-";::F"What is the new word":QUEST$::LI5Ĺ34,CV2F"Give the 4 choices for definitions.":A14:"Choice # "A". ";:QQ$(A):".":"Start over.":2610::2100)EH2170DERD$"OPEN"FILE$",L90":^E\D$"READ"FILE$",R"R:yEfD$"WRITE"FILE$",R"R:EpD$"CLOSE":Ez2130:2140EQUEST$:A14:QQ$(A)::ANS%E2160EXP1::240EAA$"":4000FF::"Is the abov:"Which category is the word in:":" 1. Easy":" 2. Medium":" 3. Hard":"Which is your choice (1, 2, OR 3)? ";CH$:H(CH$):H1H3ė:2103D8R2R:2506:2130:R0:2140:BE:2160:RR2D9LI5ıE;R1RBEĺ:"Words begin at # 1 and end at # "BE50fC:10:"The Vocabulary Game is coming. Please wait.":103,0:104,64:16383,0:D$"RUN BASEBALL"lC*C4:"What is the number of the question you wish to change (type END to quit)? ";M1$:R(M1$):3000C5(M1$,1)"E"(M1$,1)"e"1650D7:" 5. Add new words":" 6. Quit? ";A/BuLIAOBvA1660,2090,2500,2000,6000YBw5000cBx1650B|D$"UNLOCK WORD":D$"DELETE WORD"BD$"OPEN WORD,L80":D$"CLOSE"B:"High scores have been erased!"BA12000::1950B:2610C16 Ar4000As:::12:"TEACHER OPTIONS":::"Which number option is your choice:":" 1. Delete names and scores of high scorers."&Bt" 2. Change a word and its meanings":" 3. List a group of words? ":" 4. Return to Vocabulary Game"4@20 @ (4)"SAVE TEACH":+@40005@1060N@"Word is "QUEST$"."w@" Choices:":A14:5)A". "QQ$(A)}@@"The answer is "ANS%". ";@@ 40196,189:40197,158:@$CO$(15,2),CC$(2),SC$(2,4),NI$(2,4)@.D$(4)@L1650A      $:(A$,1)"Y"(A$,1)"y"Ĺ7,9:1900::5IN 40196,189:40197,158:4000ON>NH::5:"The game has ended since you have used a majority of the words in a category. You deserve an A+ for effort.":15NR"Press any key to continue";:A$::680+O missed ";:A$:(A$,1)"Y"(A$,1)"y"7844M790vM::13:"MISSED WORDS":::A1XX:CW$(A,1);17);CO$(A,1):MA12Ģ24:" Hit any key to continue";:A$::::13:"MISSED DEFINITIONS"::M:23)N34,0:"Do you wish to play again";:A81LSC$(PL,PM)(TITAL),LNI$(PL,PM)NI$L D$"OPEN WORD,L80":A12:D$"WRITE WORD,R";A:AA14:NI$(A,AA):SC$(A,AA):AA,A:D$"CLOSE":GY2ĉ::1300L :"Press any key to continue";:A$:+MBAD1:::"Do you wish a review of the words you "SC$(PL,PM):"runs scored by the "NI$(PL,PM)" team.":"Come back and try again."mKTITAL(SC$(PL,PM))730vK781K"This is a new record. Your name will go in the hall of fame until someone beats your high score."K23LGY2GY0:7M(PM$)`JTITAL(SC$(PL,PM))GY2:::23:"SCORES ARE BEING COMPARED. PLEASE WAIT!"::760tJ::GY1:1300zJJ"The "NI$" team scored "TITAL" run";:TITAL1ĺ"s.":700J"."PKTITAL(SC$(PL,PM))ĺ"This does not beat the record ofI0S10500!I5TITALTITAL(Y1)-I:Y(X1)9IDX(W1)EINW(T1)YIPW1ĕ12247,92mIRX1ĕ12135,36ITY1ĕ1225,92IXTIb1700Ig23Il"Hit any key to go on - ESC key to stop";:C$:Iv(C$)27680I{I16368,0:110JP137:YW142:XY247:YY92:XZ135:YZ36:XH25:YH92:S0HXWXW11:YWYW5:XYXY10:YYYY5:XZXZ10:YZYZ5:XHXH11:YHYH5:SS1HW1ĕ12XY,YYHX1ĕ12XZ,YZHY1ĕ12XH,YHHT1ĕ12XW,YWH!QZ1QZ0:560H&A150:A:QZ1:510 34,20:680GG110cG16304,0::21:A138:" ";:::" A hit! Your hitter moves to ";{GHIT$"1"ĺ"first."GHIT$"2"ĺ"second."GHIT$"3"ĺ"third."GT1(HIT$)GW1ĕ12247,92GX1ĕ12135,36GY1ĕ1225,924HXW00F|P13400=FOUTS3ININ1:OUTS0:IN4OUTS3:IN3F16368,0:OUTS3Ģ22:"The game is over. Press any key for a final wrap-up of the game.";:C$::680F16368,0F23:"Hit any key to go on - ESC key to stop";:C$: G(C$)27s "CC$"."ETOUTS3410^E^:"Press any key to return to ballfield";:C$:::16304,0:21pE`OUTS3İ1900EaOUTS3INP1Ė7:"A new inning is starting."EcOUTS3INP1W0:X0:Y0EhP12380FrOUTS3ININ1:OUTS0:IN3OUTS3:IN2:4CV1:A136:" ";::1:250/DCV(37):AA$""?DCHANS450QD:OUTSOUTS1yDXXXX1:CO$(XX,1)CC$:CW$(XX,1)WD$D870:D:"To see correct answer press any key";:C$:::34,0:16303,0ECV2::"THE ANSWER IS";::" "ANS::WD$" mean/C"=======================================":SCANSA1%:CC$QQ$(A1%):WD$QUEST$yC"The definition of "QUEST$" is:"CA14:3)A". "QQ$(A):CXP1XP0:CPM$"4"İ1466DCV(37):"Which number is your choice? ";CH$:CH(CH$):CH0Ģiple (a very hard word) ?";M$:PM(M$):B}:PM1PM3123NB~SI(PM)SI(PM)1XB1466hBPP1HIT1xBPP2HIT2BPP3HIT3BHIT$(HIT)BQ2Q21BBAD3::16303,0BZ1R:37)Z1B"Question number "Q2" for the":NI$" team.":estion";:C$:AnPM$"4"121FApA13:SI(A)(B(A)15)A3::840MArAmAyQ2(B(PM)15)PM$"4"840AzPM$"4"130A{:16304,0:21%B|BAD2:"Do you wish to try for a:":" 1. single (an easy word)":" 2. double (a hard word)":" 3. tr% @2000*@ BAD1: J AND S SOFTWARE@@(7)9ĉ::1060S@(64435)632k@(4)"BLOAD IIE-II"v@47721~@ :@"1060@216301,0:16304,0:16297,0@P1700@UPM4110 AZSTART1START0:23:" Press any key for the first qu       D$"BLOAD PIC.INTRO"]8048+b16304,0AlA14000::::j::4:16:"BIOLOGY":16:"-------"q8"What is your first name?";A$:A$""2010"What is your last name? ";A1$:A1$""Ģ10:2040 A$(A$,12)O$(20),M left off start at question # ";Q1" next time."GC$(QUEST$,5)"2"YD$;"OPEN";C$m&D$;"APPEND";C$0D$;"WRITE";C$:A$:A1$:P:Z$:D$;"CLOSE";C$D2330N::S12:6::"BIOLOGY PROGRAM IS LOADING.":UD$;"BLOAD PACK"X70E"Excellent grade!! You know this":"material very well "A$"."TP701810"It appears that you need to study more.":"After studying come back and try this":"exercise again. See you soon!"Q318100W110ĺ:"To continue where youO$(PROB)6PROB!@ANS2110*J5100T@^PROB1V1OhV$(PROB);Ur_|PROBh110v34,0::P((C100)(CW)):12:A$", Your grade was "P" percent."::Z$"ALL"W31YT1YT1Z$(T2):1790P8617r, "A$".":940)E$"Incorrect.":940SE$"Incorrect response, "A$".":940sE$"Whoops a wrong answer."AA(E$):(20(AA2)):E$:PROB1S1:PROB11520S$(PROB);PROB540"PROB1O1,Super answer "A$"!!!":8501>"Right!!!!!":850KH"Fantastic!!! "A$"!"UR::\:R3(7((1)))1:R3870,880,890,900,910,920,930fE$"Wrong, "A$".":940pE$"Sorry wrong answer.":940zE$"Incorrect, "A$".":940E$"Wrong answeY1(222):Y1255Ĺ216,0:2330A"Error-input a numeral only"Q222,0:600:::8:R3(7((1)))1:R3780,790,800,810,820,830,840 "Very good, "A$"!!":850"Great!!!":850 "Excellent!!!!!":850*"Correct, "A$"!!":8504"YPIC$""610[A99610A]16927,0:16301,0:16304,0J^566pbA11ė:"What is the answer? ";A{l216,0v(A)(R2)680770A10670CC1:W10110860A11ī7101620W11:WW11560B$"FALSE"1PIC$""569-3B$"99"569O516927,0:16301,0:16304,06A120:::" Press any key to return to question.";7C$:::16303,0:5209(B$,4)(R$,4)640:A11ė:"What is the answer? ";B$D680N730XA P2$PIC$ 14706 A11::15::"TRY AGAIN!":Q "What is the answer";Z 550k PIC$""545 8::"(TYPE 99 TO SEE PICTURE)": !"--------------------------------------":CV(37):34,CV &16368,0 (R2999590 0B$:B$"F""S1S:S20 rS |SS1. O120:O$(O)I O$(O)"END"O1O:O20P OY OO1h ANS2490t V120 V$(V) V$(V)"END"V1V:V20 V VV1 80 PIC$""500 P2$PIC$500 62450 D$"BLOAD";PIC$ 8048 TT1:W10 A10J 12:2::"QUESTION IS BEING LOADED FROM DISK.":n "(7)9BRANCH0İ90:100:320 ,BRANCH0W10İ90:100:320 6RECQ:60:70 @ANS,R$,BRANCH,PIC$ JR2999:(R$)0R2(R$) TS120 ^S$(S) hS$(S)"END(C$)271680 (C$)42PIC$""ĉ::16927,0:16301,0:16304,0:23:"Press any key to continue";:C$::16303,0:::10:110 YT0:W10180 BRANCH0220 Q3220 1680 : T2T21 BRANCH0W10270 QQ1 :Q2REC:HA1: PD$;"CLOSE":B ZD$;"OPEN";QUEST$;"1,L";850:v dD$;"READ";QUEST$;"1,R";BRANCH:Q2BRANCH:HA2: n:"Hit any key to continue or ESC to stop"; xPIC$""ĺ" (Press * to see picture again.)"; C$: 34,0:TRY0:YT1 Ǎ印印印印印ˍٍ䍱Ǎ獳Ǎԍč䍵Ӎč:SI(A)11A3:312 $A/ &Q210PM4312= (PM452Q *:16304,0:21 ,"Do you wish to try for:":" 1. an easy word":" 2. a hard word":" 3. a very hard word ?";M$:PP(M$) .:PP1PP342 0SI(PP)SI(PP)1 2444 4PP1HIT  500  (7)9ĉ::342*::D10:"Please wait..."[(4)"BLOAD VG.P2"d34216301,0:16304,0:16297,0476PM432START1START0:23:" Press any key for the first question";:C$: PM438 "A13   宠宍čԠӠΠύӠӠƠ׮č宠렭讍č博퍚렠ččč堲􍲮却ččŠΠٍӮčвŠ婠󍱮č젍ᮠ쮠젭ԍб䠧殍č䭍󮍵􍚠כֿ䮍)"Y"Ĭ342(643A,163'A:3:' 'e':5:"Do you wish to delete high scores? ";I$:(I$,1)"Y"512|'D$"OPEN WORD,L80"'D$"CLOSE WORD"'D$"DELETE WORD"':"High scores have been deleted." (:"Do you wish to play the game? ";I$:(I$,1R1&QUEST$:A14:QQ$(A)::A1%,EX$(1),EX$(2)@&D$"CLOSE"F&N&:V&:f&START1:24r&492:0&OU$(OUT)&(OU$)1236,142&TI$(TI)&A1(TI$)&((TI$,A,1))1229(A7),152&A&&0:A236267'A,1L1ND3%PL2ND9%%PM44703%444:470<%RF1K%PM1PP1Z%PM2PP2i%PM3PP3%A1(78):R(1):%FILE$"ANT1":R(((13((1))))3)PP%QQ%(RF,R)1444%QQ%(RF,R)1%D$"OPEN"FILE$",L140"&D$"READ"FILE$",R"ll easy antonyms":"2. harder antonyms":"3. very hard antonyms"$"4. antonyms of varying difficulty":" (Type 1,2,3 or 4)";:PM$:(PM$)0(PM$)4CV(37):CV1:A138:" ";:::CV1:428$PL(PL$)$PM((PM$))$P1PL:P12P13%Ptinue.";:A$:::#"Which game do you wish to play:"::"1. A maximum of 3 penalties":"2. A maximum of 9 penalties":" (Type 1 or 2)";#PL$:(PL$)0(PL$)2Ģ23:A138:" ";:::422@$::"Which level of difficulty do you prefer?":"1. a;20)SC$(1,3);25);NI$(2,3);37);SC$(2,3)"A139:"-";:::::"MIXED";::9)NI$(1,4);20)SC$(1,4);25);NI$(2,4);37);SC$(2,4):A139:"-";::"5:A113:7:"I";:23:"I":"19"GY2ĺ:276"GY1262#:"Press any key to conLES"q!1:"WORDS";::7:A132:"-";:::::"EASY";::9)NI$(1,1);20)SC$(1,1);25);NI$(2,1);37);SC$(2,1)!A139:"-";:::::"MEDIUM";::9)NI$(1,2);20)SC$(1,2);25);NI$(2,2);37);SC$(2,2))"A139:"-";:::::"HARD";::9)NI$(1,3) (4);"BLOAD VG.S,A$900":232,0:233,9S :"Press any key to continue";:C$:k 3:0:1:11209,30q  :4:"STATISTICS FOR BEST RACING TEAMS.":: :9:"3 PENALTY";:25:"9 PENALTY"!11:"GAME";:18:"MILES";:27:"GAME";:35:"MIes. A short game for 3 penalties or a long game for a maximum of 9 penalties.":"4. You also have a choice of easy antonyms (1 mile), hard antonyms (2 miles), very hard antonyms (3 miles) or antonyms of varying difficulty.")to main menu";:A$::D$"RUN HELLO"Y ,:"No students have used this program yet.":295;:36,34:Z$(A) L2ĺ' L2270` A17(A17)ĺ:"Press any key to continue ";:Z$:g At 0:34,0 43114 ":"Do you wish to delete all student names and grades?";A$:(A$,1)"Y"ĺD$"DELETE PHOTO2"# ':"Press any key to return 216,0 D$;"CLOSE";FILE$:3 L2Ċ1:(9);"K"E 10);NAME$: "Name";:36,21:"Grade";:36,28:"# Questions":36,30:"answered":"----";:36,21:"-----";:36,30:"---------":34,4 L2ĺ A1D1 A$(A);" ";B$(A);:36,22:C(A);" %" printing on the 1. screen":(28):"2. printer?";A$:A$"2"L2:110W dA$"1"90 nD$;"OPEN";FILE$:D$;"READ";FILE$:A$:D$;"CLOSE";FILE$ x180 D$;"OPEN";FILE$ D$;"READ";FILE$ D1 A$(D),B$(D),C(D),Z$(D) DD1:160 Z J& S SOFTWARE; TO READ STUDENT BIOLOGY GRADESb::10:10:"STUDENT RECORDS"::(A$(400),B$(400),C(400),Z$(400)2300<D$(4):D$;"NOMON C,I,O":(37):868FNAME$"BIOLOGY DEMONSTRATION"PFILE$"PHOTO2"G Z:"Are you危宍即卲廠宍䍱宍宍宍宍危宍宍宍却􍳍仍宍썲宍獱宍􍴍宍宍䍳宍宍䍲宍宍򍱍宍荴썳뻍宍危宍         򍷵ٍ͍̍ҍ̍! ȍٍӍ绍宍䍲宍󍳍軍宍㍴宍󠍱绍宍宍滍宍宍危󍳍宍䍱宍䍳宍即컍宍宍宍컍宍퍲宍宍썱廍宍䍴 UP ANY DISK.";A$(OA$"PR#6"ĺD$"PR#6"2O5010>Op:2103QOz:RBE1:2220sOR2R:R0:2150:R2:2160:RR2OD$"LOCK "FILE$O:"Do you wish to add another word to the list of "FILE$" words";:C$:(C$,1)"Y"(C$,1)"y"BEBE1:6010P20@`8pxq]o @"DA|@?Dp p 4q!0po8wqwGo=|bG8pB /n@8p00p "Dx D @ `w\{x{;^{<0p  8p    `^;qc;~p   Dp 0  xaAC `p A  $0<bCx @!p     @ D `p A  0p"D@ @!p  2@Dp_}n]o`@$B~(p 0 4 "@@po^?wnwown]{!@"2`  4 x"pp/_?p~wown|{P @2p``~@DA@@p "D D  `{wn_=w{[_o]{"  p    `wn];n];wn}p   Dp k_o_{<x@  |p    `wo];n]w~}p   Dp    @ F `0p xA  0Hq#Dp ` 1Dp_}f]o`@ 3@p("Dp?p  1Dp_}~Ao`@ 3(p   4 pbHps{"@1"3@`@ @90Hp *Dqa  `CW<{AC_ox 1` Dp    `wo]:xn]+w~p   Dp    @ @ ``w A` 0np   8p    @ @ `p A  p"D@@ip  @`Dp_}~]o@"2p`Dp   4 @"Hpo]?w~wowN]o@ "$2 p   5 P"`Hpo]znwown]{""F`@@Hp &D"0  `{gn_;u;_o_{ 8pP18p     @`wo]:wn]3w0p "("Dp  0@`{wn_;n;_o]{?|p    @`wn9wn];wn} p    @ @ `p P@  p?!D@Ip ` Px@ Dp_}~]p  pc p p?A`C  Hq   P$p@ 8p_xa]@D1@0 p   5 x pa< px}qAGo=|ppa>8pBG`@3`D? 2 @ p   A@` p p ]@c88p@p "xp!w  @`w|pnC^{@p    @`^;xq];~ p    `AG `` ,@C  p p @0`xp   @ ` `  p     `p   p    `q   P$0` @!p          ͍Ӎ̍ȍ΍ȍٍӍ1650DFؕB( 2500,2 "Press anDy Apple ":"computer and prints on the screen and on":"paper in both upper and lower case. Both":"The Biology and Chemistry Test Makers"OI:"are available for $75.00 each."::1000ON:60P16368,0::7);"Press any key to continue";:I$:" "; ":"Questions can also be deleted.":1000N::" Tests can be printed in normal or"::"reverse order. With most printers"::"subscripts in chemical equations are ":"lowered only half a line from the main":OD"equation. Each set works with an Samples of all the questions can ":"easily be previewed in the looseleaf ":"binder that comes with each set, or on ":"the screen. Once a test is made":)N0"questions can be added from your own ":"test bank or from the master test bank.e test. You":"can add your own questions to the test"::"bank to create a test bank of an":1000:L"unlimited size. This is possible since ":"both your tests and the test bank ques-"::"tions you make are saved on copyable ":"disks.":M&" Each package is composed of at least"::"750 multiple choice question on 4 disks"K:"divided into the main course areas."::"Teachers can use this test bank to make"::"any size test. Questions from different":cL"areas can be mixed on the samocal distributor or J & S software."-J34,0gJ20:7);"Press any key to continue";:I$:" "::8:J::3::"THE BIOLOGY/CHEMISTRY TEST MAKERS"::RK"A demo of these programs is not on this"::"disk. The test makers work as follows:"::" @ (4)"RUN HELLO"- ! @ (4)"RUN HELLO"- i t`H2 h LhL! 0L@` g RgƖ8PgPQhQghe Ӣi  g y  gh^_8^eP^ȱ^ eQ^^_Ll8ePeQ`L6:"Demonstration disk $5.00"::6:"The actual program $39.95"::"(Add $2.00 for shipping and handling.)":~Q1000::60: P:7P5::"HEARTBEAT/HEARTWORK/HEARTFLOW"::P"This heart tutorial by Roy Alexander, ":"winner of the 1983 grand prize for the ":"American heart Association's courseware ":"contest, can be ordered and viewednQ:"as follows:":::@ (4)"RUN HELLO"- "@ (4)"RUN HELLO"- "u.";:A$::D$"RUN HELLO"7 ,216,0:D$;"DELETE";FILE$h 6:"No students have taken this program yet"n @ --------";35)"-----"% L2ĺ(10)2 A1D1_ A$(A)" ";B$(A);27);Z$(A);35);C(A);"%"o L2ĺ(10)| L2270 A18(A18)ĺ:"Press any key to continue ";:Z$: A 0:34,0 43114 ":"Press any key to return to main men$ D1% A$(D),B$(D),Z$(D),C(D)4 DD1:160? 216,0W D$;"CLOSE";FILE$:m L2Ċ1:(9);"K" 10);NAME$::34,3 L2ĺ "NAME";24)"QUESTIONS";35)"GRADE" L2ĺ(10) 24)"COMPLETED" L2ĺ(10) "----";24)"-NAME$"NEWTONS LAWS"* PFILE$(NAME$,3) Z:"Are you printing on the 1. screen":(27):"2. printer";:A$:A$"2"L2:110 dA$"1"90 nD$;"OPEN";FILE$:D$;"READ";FILE$:A$:D$;"CLOSE";FILE$ x180 D$;"OPEN";FILE$ D$;"READ";FILEo J& S SOFTWARE| TO READ PHYSICS FILES 30 HOME : VTAB 10: HTAB 10: PRIN "STUDENT RECORDS": PRINT : P ::10:10:"STUDENT RECORDS"::(A$(200),B$(200),C(200),Z$(200)2300<D$(4):D$;"NOMON C,I,O":(37):868 F