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Z1$"El pap\a de Edgar era el ^>jefe^<. Sabemos esto porque \el compr\o el rancho y \el emple\o a los trabajadores." O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"Where was the ranch?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"In a desert":W$(1)"In a te ranch" TLį"@?Qu\e quiere decir {su pap\a manejaba el rancho?}":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"El corr\ia r\apido":W$(1)"El pap\a era el jefe":W$(2)"A \el le gustaba el rancho" ZZ$"Ed's dad was the ^>boss^<. We know that because he bought the ranch and h"Estas lineas nos dicen que \el generalmente ^>toma un autob\us^< para la escuela ."r 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"Ed's dad ^>ran^< the ranch. What does that mean?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"He ran fast":W$(1)"He was the boss":W$(2)"He liked thW$(2)"His mom drove him" TLį"@?C\omo iba Edgar a la escuela la mayor\ia de los d\ias?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Tomaba un autob\us":W$(1)"Caminaba":W$(2)"Su mam\a manejaba" ZZ$"The lighted lines tell us he usually ^>rides a bus^< to school."U Z1$el terreno y todos los edificios. El emple\o gente para trabajar en el rancho.^)";t2911:IN203500:IN834002900:TLį"People came to the ranch for their vacations. Some people hiked and fished. Others rode horses.";iTLį"La gente vdo un pueblo. Luego, toda la gente se mud\o de all\i.";Y 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:,,,3(R2):TLį"^(Ed's dad bought the land and all of the buildings. He hired people to work on the ranch.^)";S TLį"^(El pap\a de Edgar compr\o ^(Hab\ia casas y cobertizos. Hab\ia pesebres y caba~nas. Hab\ia hasta tiendas y una oficina de correo.^)"; G 2911:IN203300:IN83200 H 2900:TLį"The ranch used to be a town. Then, all the people moved away.";8M TLį"El rancho hab\ia sirancho.";* 2911:IN203200:IN83100 2900:,,,3(R4):TLį"The ranch had many buildings. ^(There were houses and sheds. There were barns and cabins. There were even stores and a post office.^)";m TLį"El rancho ten\ia muchos edificios.he class to his house.^/^/^(Ed lived on a ranch in the mountains.^)"; TLį"El autob\us escolar traer\ia la clase a su casa.^/^/^(Edgar viv\ia en un rancho en las monta~nas.^)"; TLį" His dad ran the ranch."; TLį" Su pap\a manejaba el the school bus would not take him to school.^)"; ! TLį"^(Edgar estaba esperando el autob\us escolar. Pero hoy, el autob\us no lo llevar\ia a la escuela.^)";  2911:IN203100:IN83000E 2900:,,,3(R3):TLį"The school bus was bringing t _ Rġ: ` 150: 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2e TLį"A FIELD TRIP AT HOME":0:Rı TLį"UNA EXCURSI\ON A CASA":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN2030000  2900:,,,3(R1):TLį"^(Ed was waiting for the school bus. But today, 94 CT01 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3100,3500,3200,3300,3900,3000:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC5:LW0:RW34:TW81:NL7:500:^ BC5:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1:      acostarme estaba muy cansado, pero hab\ia sido un gran d\ia de b\eisbol.";l2911:IN204000:IN83900vp2020z4000ude jugar en un tercer partido.^)";TLį,,,3(R6):" ^(This time we lost 7-2, but I had fun.^) By bedtime I was really tired, but it was a great baseball day.";KTLį,,,3(R6):" ^(Esta vez perdimos 7-2, pero me divert\i.^) A la hora deor de primera base para un partido a las 7:00 P.M. @?Pod\ia jugar Yo? ^(Mi pap\a dijo que si por esta vez.^)";2911:IN203900:IN838002900:TLį,,,3(R1):"^(So, I got to play in a third game.^)";#TLį,,,3(R1):"^(As\i, que py ended up getting a bath that night.";_ATLį"Fito termin\o esa noche d\andose un ba~no.";2911:IN203900:IN83800p2020z39000"^(Cuando Fito ten\ia sed, saltaba en la tina y ladraba.^)";TLį" One time he did that when the tub was full of water.";TLį" Una vez hizo eso cuando la tina estaba llena de agua.";;2911:IN203800:IN83700'<2900:TLį"Dandhem.";byTLį"Cuando Tom\as hac\ia un c\irculo con sus brazos, Fito saltaba y lo atravesaba.";2911:IN203700:IN836002900:TLį,,,3(R5):"^(When Dandy wanted a drink, he would jump in the bathtub and bark.^)";>TLį,,,3(R5):mself when someone sat in his favorite chair.";TLį"Trataba de hacer lugar para s\i cuando alguien se sentaba en su silla favorita.";s2911:IN203600:IN83500t2900:TLį"When Tom made a circle with his arms, Dandy would jump through t he would run around the house so fast that nobody could catch him.^)"; TLį,,,3(R4):"^(Por gusto, corr\ia por la casa tan r\apido que nadie pod\ia agarrarlo.^)";2911:IN203500:IN83400/2900:TLį"He would try to make room for hiuld run like the wind.^/^/Dandy did funny things.";M TLį"Tom\as tiraba la pelota y Fito la devolv\ia. Fito pod\ia correr como un rayo.^/^/Fito hac\ia cosas divertidas."; 2911:IN203400:IN83300G 2900:TLį,,,3(R4):"^(Just for fun, TLį"Se sentaba el las dos patita traseras. Caminaba al lado de Tom\as y nunca se escapaba. A Fito le encantaba jugar con la pelota."; G 2911:IN203300:IN832003H 2900:TLį"Tom would throw the ball and Dandy would bring it back. Dandy co TLį"^/^/Dandy would lay down and roll over.";d TLį"^/^/Fito se hechaba y daba vueltas."; 2911:IN203200:IN83100 2900:TLį"He would sit up and beg. He would walk beside Tom and never run away. Dandy loved to play catch."; era un perrito lanudo negro.^)";B  2911:IN203100:IN83000 2900:TLį,,,3(R3):"^(Tom and his family were able to teach Dandy many tricks.^)"; TLį,,,3(R3):"^(Tom\as y su familia le pudieron ense~nar a Fito muchos trucos.^)";3 1):"Tom\as siempre hab\ia querido un perro. ^(Cuando cumpli\o cinco a~nos le dieron un perrito.^)"; & TLį,,,3(R2):" The puppy's name was Dandy. ^(Dandy was a black poodle.^)";! + TLį,,,3(R2):" El nombre del perrito era Fito. ^(Fito _ Rġ: ` 150: 2900:1:,TM(BMTM118)2:2V TLį"DANDY":0:Rıp TLį"FITO":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN203000  2900:TLį,,,3(R1):"Tom always wanted a dog. ^(When he was five he got a puppy.^)";f ! TLį,,,3(R):TLį"^(He lived in a doghouse in the back yard.^) "; TLį"^(Viv\ia en una casa de perro en el patio de atr\as.^) "; ,,,3(R2):TLį"^(Ted and Barney were always together.^)"; TLį"^(Teodoro y Bernardo siempre estaban juntos.^)";and black. He had floppy ears and a long tail."; ! TLį"Teodoro ten\ia un perro llamado Bernardo. Bernardo era un sabueso. Era blanco, marr\on y negro. Ten\ia orejas ca\idas y una cola larga.";  2911:IN203100:IN83000: 2900:,,,3(R1 _ Rġ: ` 150] 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2:TLį"BARNEY THE BEAGLE":0:Rı TLį"BERNARDO EL SABUESO":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN2030001  2900:TLį"Ted had a dog named Barney. Barney was a beagle. He was white, brown, "2100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"What was not on the ranch?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Stores":W$(1)"A post office":W$(2)"A school"TLį"@?Qu\e no hab\ia en el rancho?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Tiendas":W$(1)"Un correo":W$(2)"Una escuela"MZZ$own":W$(2)"In the mountains" UTLį"@?D\onde estaba el rancho?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"En el desierto":W$(1)"En un pueblo":W$(2)"En las monta~nas" ZZZ$"We read here that it was ^>in the mountains^<."_Z1$"Leemos aqu\i que era ^>en las monta~nas^<. que hac\ia esto cuando ^>quer\ia tomar agua^<."M{2100:IN20RR1:5400|4050:TLį"Why did Dandy bite people?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Tom told him to":W$(1)"He was mean":W$(2)"The story didn't tell this"dTLį"@?Por qu\e mord\ia Fito a la gen drink"TLį"@?Por qu\e saltaba Fito en la tina?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Para ba~narse":W$(1)"Para esconderse":W$(2)"Quer\ia tomar agua""ZZ$"The lighted line tells us that he did this when he ^>wanted a drink^<."0'Z1$"La linea iluminada nos diceead that Dandy ran around ^>just for fun^<."mZ1$"Aqu\i vemos que Fito corr\ia ^>solo para divertirse^<."2100:IN20RR1:53004050:TLį"Why did Dandy jump in the bathtub?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"For a bath":W$(1)"To hide":W$(2)"He wanted ay did Dandy run around the house?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"To run away":W$(1)"For fun":W$(2)"To catch Tom" TLį"@?Por qu\e corr\ia Fito por la casa?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Para escaparse":W$(1)"Para divertirse":W$(2)"Para agarrar a Tom\as",ZZ$"Here we r(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"No se sabe por el cuento"v ZZZ$"^>Yes^<, he must have been smart to learn many tricks." _Z1$"^>S\i^<, debe haber sido muy inteligente para aprender a hacer muchos trucos." 2100:IN20RR1:5200e 4050:TLį"WhI6:C14:8002:P1:"BT03.2":N10?STQ.3:12:P2:"BT03.2"R'SN6:350:900Д"BT03.2":N10:TQ.3:12:P2:"BT03.2"XTW68:BW115:S0:E170:X25:XW3:YW13:XI0:YI6:C14:8003'SN6:350:900,6:C14:8002VS18:E176:X29:XW3:YW1S18:E176:X29:XW3:YW13:XI0:YI6:C14:8002:P1:"BT03.2":N10`STQ.3:12:P2:"BT03.2"s'SN6:350:900013:XI0:YI6:C14:8003:P1:"BT03.3":P2:"BT03.3":S18:E176:X23:XW3:YW13:XI0:YI6:C14:8002:S18:E176:X29:XW3:YW13:XI0:YSJ17:TQ.3:12:P2:"BT03.2":J7'SN6:350:900?00191CRS83:E170:X17:XW3:YW13:XI0:YI6:C6:8002:TW50:S0:E174:X25:XW3:YW13:XI0:YI6:C14:8003:P1:"BT03.3":P2:"BT03.3":S18:E176:X23:XW3:YW13:XI0:YI6:C14:8002:"listo para la clase""ZZ$"This lighted sentence tells us he was waiting with a smile, so we know ^>he was ready^< for them."'Z1$"Esta oraci\on iluminada nos dice que \el estaba esperando con una sonrisa, entonces sabemos que ^>estaba listo^<."he school bus arrived, Uncle Chuck was:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"sleeping":W$(1)"feeding the pigs":W$(2)"ready for the class"TLį"Cuando el autob\us escolar lleg\o, el t\io Carlos estaba:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"durmiendo":W$(1)"alimentando los cerdos":W$(2)nejar su:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"autom\obil":W$(1)"caballo":W$(2)"tractor"ZZ$"^>Tractor^< is the right answer, as we see here."Z1$"^>Tractor^< es la respuesta correcta tal como lo vemos aqu\i."2100:IN20RR1:5300x4050:TLį"When tr\ia que la clase visitara su granja."C2100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"Uncle Chuck let the children pretend to drive his:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"car":W$(1)"horse":W$(2)"tractor"GTLį"El t\io Carlos permiti\o que los nin~os pretendieran maarlos que la clase viniera a su granja?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice" ZZZ$"This sentence tells us ^>yes^<, Uncle Chuck wanted the class to visit his farm."&_Z1$"Esta oraci\on nos dice que ^>s\i^<, el t\io Carlos quenadas nos dicen que los ni~nos ^>aprendieron^< acerca de granjas."_ O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"Did Uncle Chuck want the class to come to his farm?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"Story doesn't say"f UTLį"@?Quer\ia el t\io Ctara una granja?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Leer":W$(1)"Ir en un autob\us":W$(2)"Aprender sobre una granja" ZZ$"The lighted line tells us the children ^>learned about farms^<. Teachers take their students on trips to learn things."B Z1$"Las lineas ilumi." 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"Why did Andy's teacher want Andy's class to visit a farm?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"To read":W$(1)"To ride a bus":W$(2)"To learn about a farm"d TLį"@?Por qu\e quer\ia el maestro de Andr\es que la clase visiteacher"| TLį"@?Qui\en era el Sr. Rojas?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Un granjero":W$(1)"El pap\a de Andr\es":W$(2)"Un maestro" ZZ$"We see here that Mr. Rojas was Andy's ^>teacher^<." Z1$"Vemos aqu\i que el Se~nor Rojas fue el ^>maestro^< de Andr\es  BT06.Q I197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,8,10,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"Who was Mr. Rojas?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"A farmer":W$(1)"Andy's father":W$(2)"A     3:XI0:YI6:C14:8002GWP1:"BT03.2":N10:TQ.3:12:P2:"BT03.2"XTW68:BW115:S0:E170:X25:XW3:YW13:XI0:YI6:C14:8003'SN6:350:9000:900900N4" N"BT02.1",I,Y,,,,,,1:F2-OYYYI:<PP1:"T1"KQ"BT02.4"kR"BT02.1",IXI,YYI,,,,,,1SN16:TQ.25:12'SN6:350:900 EISEXI(FY1YYW:Y1191Y1191ZGP1:"T1":"T1",I(I0),Y,(IXW)(IXW),Y1xH"BT02.1",I,Y,,,,,,1:F1IP2:34,120,0,188,50JIIXI:YYYIKY1YYW:Y1191Y1191L"T2":"T2",I(I0),Y,(IXW)(IXW),Y1MI20į"BT02.00:IN20RR1:55008 EX197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600d@D"BLOAD BT02.1-4.PAC,A"T9AS17:E24:Y10:XW9:YW34:XI1:YI9:P1:34,120,0,188,50B"T2",IXI,YXI,IXIXW,YYIYWCA2:B3:14:P2:"BT02.3"D"T1",I,Y,IXW,YYWte?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Tom\as le dijo que lo hiciera":W$(1)"Era malo":W$(2)"El cuento no dice esto"ZZ$"^>The story didn't tell us^< anything about Dandy biting people."Z1$"^>El cuento no dice esto^< nada de que Fito muerde a la gente."21cle Chuck for the visit. They liked Uncle Chuck and his farm." TLį"Los ni~nos le agradecieron al t\io Carlos por la visita. Les gust\o el t\io Carlos y su granja."g2911:IN204100:IN84000p2020z410064100ms new green tractor and pretend to drive it.^)";TLį,,,3(R4):"^(El t\io Carlos permiti\o que cada ni~no subiese en su tractor verde nuevo y que pretendirea manejarlo.^)";2911:IN204000:IN83900?2900:TLį"The children thanked Unvas.^)";PFTLį" They were able to pet the baby pigs and hold a chicken.";KTLį" Pudieron acariciar los cerditos y alzar una gallina.";P2911:IN203900:IN8380002900:TLį,,,3(R4):"^(Uncle Chuck let each child climb up on hi children had a good time at the farm.";eTLį" Los ni~nos pasaron un buen rato en la granja.";;2911:IN203800:IN83700<2900:TLį,,,3(R2):"^(They learned many new things.^)";ATLį,,,3(R2):"^(Aprendieron muchas cosas nueTLį,,,3(R5):"^(When the school bus arrived at the farm, Uncle Chuck was waiting with a smile.^)";TLį,,,3(R5):"^(Cuando el autob\us escolar lleg\o a la granja, el t\io Carlos los estaba esperando con una gran sonrisa.^)";(TLį" Theass come to my farm.}^)";yTLį,,,3(R3):"Los padres de Andr\es le preguntaron al t\io Carlos acerca de la visita. ^(El t\io Carlos dijo, {S\i, me gustar\ia tener la clase de Andr\es en mi granja.}^)";2911:IN203700:IN83600g2900:Sr. Rojas les pregunt\o si toda la clase pod\ia visitar la granja del t\io Carlos.";us2911:IN203600:IN83500t2900:TLį,,,3(R3):"Andy's parents asked Uncle Chuck about the visit. ^(Uncle Chuck said, {Yes, I would like to have Andy's cldel t\io Carlos.^)";52911:IN203500:IN834002900:TLį"One day Andy brought a note from his teacher. Mr. Rojas asked if the whole class could visit Uncle Chuck's farm.";TTLį"Un d\ia Andr\es trajo a casa una nota de su maestro. El ollos tambi\en.";2 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:TLį,,,3(R1):"^(Andy's teacher, Mr. Rojas, was very interested in Uncle Chuck's farm.^)"; TLį,,,3(R1):"^(El maestro de Andr\es, el Sr. Rojas, estaba muy interesado en la granja time he held a baby pig. He said that the pig ate a lot of corn. Uncle Chuck had horses, ducks, and chickens too.";M TLį"Les cont\o de la vez en que alz\o un cerdito. Dijo que el cerdo com\ia mucho ma\iz. El t\io Carlos ten\ia caballos, patos y pout Uncle Chuck's farm.^)"; TLį,,,3(R6):"^(Un d\ia de actividad en que se muestran cosas y se habla acerca de ellas, Andr\es les cont\o acerca de la granja del t\io Carlos.^)" G 2911:IN203300:IN83200u H 2900:TLį"He told about the class had learned many things about farms."; TLį"Los ni~nos y las ni~nas de la clase de Andr\es hab\ian aprendido muchas cosas sobre granjas."; 2911:IN203200:IN83100 2900:TLį,,,3(R6):"^(One day for Show and Tell Andy told ab class were going to visit Uncle Chuck's farm."; ! TLį"Andr\es estaba contento. Este era el d\ia en que los ni~nos de su clase iban a visitar la granja del t\io Carlos.";  2911:IN203100:IN83000- 2900:TLį"The boys and girls in Andy's _ Rġ: ` 150: 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2d TLį"A TRIP^/TO THE FARM":0:Rı TLį"UNA EXCURSI\ON A LA GRANJA":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN2030000  2900:TLį"Andy was happy. This was the day that the children in his4 BT06 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3500,3900,3700,4000,3800,3300:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC6:LW8:RW40:TW0:NL7:500:^ BC6:W40:BW176:NL4:550:,,,1:     "In these lighted lines, we are not told there is a ^>school^< on the ranch."Z1$"El rancho tiene muchos edificios como vemos aqu\i, pero no tiene ^>escuela^< en el rancho."2100:IN20RR1:5300K4050:TLį"Why did the class come to the :P1:"BT05.10":7,163,54,169,55:F1>HF2:P1:"BT05.11"LITQ.5:11_JN14:TQ.2:12r'SN6:350:9000900gBT05.8":7,83,52,105,80KDN1:F1:P2:"BT05.4":12:P2:"BT05.10":F2bEP1:"BT05.9",,70FF1:P2:"BT05.3":"BT05.5":"BT05.6":"BT05.7"&GF2:P1:"BT05.4":"BT05.5":"BT05.6":"BT05.7":7,97,62,126,92:F1:P2:7,97,62,136,92:F220RR1:55008 @X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600_@D"BLOAD BT05.1-9.PAC,A"T9A"BT05.10",15,0,23,55:"BT05.11",9,23,14,78B"BT05.1":N8:TQ.2:12CF1:P2:"BT05.2":"BT05.8":7,83,52,105,80:N5:12:F2:P1:"BT05.2":"ZZ$"A person is never happy to lose. The lighted lines say I had fun, so I ^>didn't feel too bad^<."Z1$"Una persona nunca est\a fel\iz de perder. Pero las l\ineas iluminadas dicen que pas\e buen tiempo y que ^>no me sent\i muy mal^<."2100:IN4050:TLį"How did I feel about losing the evening game?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Happy":W$(1)"I cried":W$(2)"Not too bad"TLį"@?C\omo me sent\i con la p\erdida del partido de la noche?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Contento":W$(1)"Llor\e":W$(2)"No muy mal"e carreras en la quinta entrada.":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"2":W$(1)"4":W$(2)"0""ZZ$"We see here that the team made ^>4 runs^< in the 5th inning."'Z1$"Aqu\i vemos que mi equipo hizo ^>4 carreras^< en la quinta entrada."{2100:IN20RR1:5400w|dijo que s\i solo por esta vez. Una vez significa que el ^>no estaba contento^<."o2100:IN20RR1:53004050:TLį"In the afternoon, we made _ runs in the 5th inning.":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"2":W$(1)"4":W$(2)"0"HTLį"En la tarde, hicimos _ent\ia pap\a de que yo jugase en un tercer partido?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Dijo que no":W$(1)"Estaba contento":W$(2)"No estaba contento"ZZ$"Notice that Dad said OK for this one time. One time means he ^>was not happy^< about it."RZ1$"Fijate Pap\a a 4 fu\e el puntaje ^>del partido de la ma~nana^<."Q 2100:IN20RR1:5200 4050:TLį"How did Dad feel about my playing a 3rd game?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"He said no":W$(1)"He was pleased":W$(2)"He was not happy about it"TLį"@?C\omo se s"| UTLį"@?Qu\e partido tuvo el puntaje de 5-4?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"De la ma~nana":W$(1)"De la tarde":W$(2)"De la noche" ZZZ$"The lighted lines tell that 5 to 4 was the score of the ^>morning^< game."4 _Z1$"Las l\ineas iluminadas nos dicen que 5 clearly says he plays ^>first base^<."t Z1$"La l\inea iluminada dice claramente que el juega ^>primera base^<." O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"Which game had the score of 5-4?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Morning":W$(1)"Afternoon":W$(2)"Evening2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"What position do I play?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Pitcher":W$(1)"Catcher":W$(2)"First base" TLį"@?Qu\e posici\on juego?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Lanzador":W$(1)"Parador":W$(2)"Primera base"' ZZ$"The lighted line"@?Cu\antos partidos jugu\e?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"1":W$(1)"2":W$(2)"3" ZZ$"The lighted line says third game, so ^>three^< is the correct answer." Z1$"La l\inea iluminada dice el tercer partido. Por lo tanto ^>tres^< es la respuesta correcta." u  BT05.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,12,11,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84:4050:TLį"How many games did I play?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"1":W$(1)"2":W$(2)"3"E TLį      juega para otro equipo.";;;2911:IN203800:IN83700<2900:TLį,,,3(R4):"His team needed a first baseman for a game at 7:00 P.M. Could I play? ^(My Dad said OK for this one time.^)";qATLį,,,3(R4):"Su equipo necesitaba un jugadl puntaje final fue de 6-3.^)";@2911:IN203700:IN836002900:TLį"Just before supper I got another call. It was my best friend who plays for another team.";TLį"Justo antes de la cena recib\i otra llamada. Era mi mejor amigo quienhen we made 4 runs. They were good players but we held them. The final score was 6-3.^)";yTLį,,,3(R5):"^(El otro equipo estaba ganando hasta la quinta entrada cuando hicimos cuatro carreras. Ellos eran buenos jugadores pero los contuvimos. ETLį"I was ready in a flash.^/^/This game was close, too.";TLį"Me alist\e en un segundo.^/^/Este partido estuvo muy re~nido tambi\en.";s2911:IN203600:IN83500[t2900:TLį,,,3(R5):"^(Their team was ahead until the 5th inning w:00 P.M. Could I play? You bet!"; TLį"Despu\es del almuerzo mi entrenador mi llam\o para decirme que nuestro equipo ten\ia otro partido indemnizador a las 2:00 P.M. @?Pod\ia jugar yo? @!Por supuesto!";2911:IN203500:IN83400>2900:IN83200D H 2900:TLį"I got two hits and one was a home run.";| M TLį"Yo hice dos batazos y uno fue una carrera."; 2911:IN203400:IN83300# 2900:TLį"After lunch my coach called to say that our team had a make-up game to play at 2ed the Foxes. It was a close game but we won 5-4.^)"; TLį,,,3(R3):"^(El lunes pasado mi equipo^/ten\ia un partido se~nalado para las 9:00 A.M. Jugamos contra los Zorros. Fue un partido muy re~nido pero ganamos 5-4.^)"; G 2911:IN203300:2900:TLį"I want to tell you about my big baseball day.";~ TLį"Quiero contarte acerca de mi gran d\ia de b\eisbol."; 2911:IN203200:IN831006 2900:TLį,,,3(R3):"^(Last Monday my team had a game scheduled for 9:00 A.M. We playy day all summer. ^(I am a good hitter and I play first base.^)"; ! TLį,,,3(R2):"Mi deporte favorito es el b\eisbol. Juego todos los d\ias todo el verano. ^(Soy un buen bateador y juego en primera base.^)";  2911:IN203100:IN83000= _ Rġ: ` 150: 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2e TLį"MY BIG^/BASEBALL DAY":0:Rı TLį"MI GRAN D\IA DE B\EISBOL":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN203000B  2900:TLį,,,3(R2):"My favorite sport is baseball. I play it ever 4 BT05 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R4000,3100,3300,3900,3700,4000:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC6:LW0:RW40:TW81:NL7:500:^ BC6:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1:    BLANK 0 ՕCT02.W@>CT02.Y?CT02. zǀLJÁrCT02. a ёܷCT02.Y ͝ݝ̀Հ ؀ŕՀՀݍՀᅕՀՀ݅Հ Հ ŕՀՀ ᅕՀ ՅՀŀ Š ՀՀŀՕŕՀՀ Հ Հ ՀԃՀ Հ݀ՅՀ ݀Հ Հ ՕՀ ՀՀՀՀ Հ Յ Հ݀Հ݀ՀՠՀՀՀՔՀՁЅ݀ĄՕՀՀՀՀ݀ՀՕՀ ՀŔ݀ŔŠ  ݀Հ ՀՀ ՀԀ ݀   ЊрՅՀՕՀՁՀ Հ ՀՀՀՀՀĄՕĄĄф  ݀Ŕ ݍєĄ ՀՕՀՀ ͝ ݝՀĄ Հ Հ Հ ݀Ŕ ДǧÊ Հ Հ ՅՁ Հ ϏԀĀĿąՀǐݝфĄՁёؘՀՕĄĀĀՀՀрс𔇗ՕŀєĄˋёՀՅΎʊĀѐĀՀĀāՕÐ؀ݍߟ ϟĄĄՀϏՀՀݝŔĀÏǑ㏀LJԕՕՕĄ ĕՀԄ߿ՅĄ  ؀Ąс  Հ Ļ Ք𕕅Ձ ؀@20CT0(#ԕ."ĄՕՀ.   Ā Ą Ā  Յ           ranch?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"To learn":W$(1)"To see Ed":W$(2)"For a vacation"TLį"@?Por qu\e vino la clase al rancho?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Para aprender":W$(1)"Para ver a Edgar":W$(2)"De vacaciones""ZZ$"We see here that the class would ^>learn^< mos peque~nos petirrojos."62100:IN20RR1:5500=8 fX197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600@D"BLOAD BT04.1-2.PAC,A"T9A"BT04.1"BN14:TQ.2:12C"BT04.2"D12'SN6:350:9000Yos padres petirrojos a sus peque~nuelos?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Insectos":W$(1)"Barro":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice"ZZ$"The ^>story doesn't tell^< what kind of food the baby robins are fed."Z1$"La ^>historia no cuenta^< que clase de alimento comen l< se sabe. La historia no dice c\omo se llama el narrador."Y{2100:IN20RR1:5400|4050:TLį"What do mother and father robin feed the babies?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Bugs":W$(1)"Mud":W$(2)"Story doesn't tell"oTLį"@?Qu\e les dan de comer l0)"John":W$(1)"Robert":W$(2)"Story doesn't tell"TLį"@?C\omo se llama el narrador del cuento?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Juan":W$(1)"Roberto":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice""ZZ$"^>The story doesn't tell^< us what the narrator's name is."<'Z1$"^>No^other and father^< help feed the baby robins."Z1$"Aqu\i vemos que ambos ^>la mam\a y el pap\a^< dan de comer a los peque~nos petirrojos."2100:IN20RR1:530034050:TLį"What is the name of the person telling this story?":NW3:AW3:W$(3:AW3:W$(0)"Mother robin":W$(1)"Father robin":W$(2)"Both mother and father"TLį"@?Qui\en tiene el trabajo de dar de comer a los pichones?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"La mam\a":W$(1)"El pap\a":W$(2)"Ambos pap\a y mam\a".ZZ$"Here we see that ^>both mCasi dos semanas":W$(2)"Un mes"_ ZZZ$"It takes about 12 days, which is ^>almost 2 weeks^<." _Z1$"Se llevan como 12 d\ias, que son ^>casi 2 semanas^<." 2100:IN20RR1:5200O4050:TLį"Who does the work of feeding the baby robins?":NWLį"How long after the eggs are laid do the babies come out?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"One week":W$(1)"Almost two weeks":W$(2)"One month" UTLį"@?Cu\anto tiempo despu\es de que han puesto los huevos salen los pichones?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Una semana":W$(1)"$(0)"1 o 2":W$(1)"4 o 5":W$(2)"8 o 9"~ ZZ$"We see in this lighted sentence that the mother robin lays ^>4 or 5^< eggs." Z1$"En la oraci\on iluminada vemos que la mam\a petirroja pone ^>4 o 5^< huevos." O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:Tas iluminadas dicen que la mam\a petirroja usa ^>barro^< para hacer su nido."j 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"How many eggs do they lay?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"1 or 2":W$(1)"4 or 5":W$(2)"8 or 9"( TLį"@?Cu\antos huevos ponen?":NW3:AW2:W1)"Mud":W$(2)"Paper" TLį"@?De dice el cuento los petirrojos usan para construir su nido?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Paja":W$(1)"Barro":W$(2)"Papel" ZZ$"These lighted lines say that the mother robin uses ^>mud^< to build the nest."M Z1$"Las l\ine  BT04.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,2,23,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"What does the story say robins use to build nests?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Straw":W$(       ore about the old towns."o'Z1$"Aqu\i vemos que la clase ^>aprender\ia m\as^< acerca de los pueblos viejos."{2100:IN20RR1:5400|4050:TLį"What is a ranch?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"A job":W$(1)"A kind of farm":W$(2)"A school"^TLį"@?Qu020 z3900300!p2020+z39004nice? ^(My name is Robin.^)";c2911:IN83900mp2020wz4000 10 days they are ready to leave the nest. Now they can fly and look for food.";ATLį"Ellos crecen r\apido. En diez d\ias m\as o menos est\an listos para salir del nido. Ahora pueden volar y buscar comida.";2911:IN203900:IN83800p2pichoncitos.^)";\TLį" It is a big job because the young robins are always hungry.";TLį" Es mucho trabajo porque los peque~nos petirrojos siempre tienen hambre.";;2911:IN203800:IN83700Q<2900:TLį"They grow fast. In aboutotean y picotean el cascar\on hasta que se rompe.";T2911:IN203700:IN836002900:TLį,,,3(R4):"^(Now mom and dad robin work at feeding the babies.^)";TLį,,,3(R4):"^(Ahora los padres petirrojos trabajan dando de comer a sus by robins are ready to come out of the eggs.^)";yTLį,,,3(R3):"^(Como a los doce d\ias los pichones petirrojos est\an listos para salir de los huevos.^)";~TLį" They peck and peck at the egg shell until it breaks.";3TLį" Ellos picr and father robin take turns sitting on the eggs.";TLį"Los huevos son azul claro. El pap\a y la mam\a petirrojo toman turnos sent\andose sobre los huevos.";s2911:IN203600:IN835000t2900:TLį,,,3(R3):"^(In about 12 days the ba or 5 eggs.^)"; TLį,,,3(R2):"Pronto ella ha hecho un nido que tiene la forma de una taza peque~na.^/^/^(Cuando el nido est\a listo ella pone 4 o 5 huevos.^)";2911:IN203500:IN8340042900:TLį"The eggs are light blue. The mothe"^(Entonces es tiempo de construir su nido. La mam\a petirrojo carga barro en su pico.^)";| 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:TLį,,,3(R2):"Soon she has made a nest that has the shape of a small bowl.^/^/^(When the nest is ready, she lays 4te. Despu\es de una semana m\as o menos llegan los petirrojos hembras.";j G 2911:IN203300:IN83200 H 2900:TLį,,,3(R1):"^(Then it is time for them to build their nest. The mother robin carries mud in her beak.^)";[M TLį,,,3(R1):etirrojo m\as que todos.";; 2911:IN203200:IN83100 2900:TLį"In the spring the male robins come north first. A week or so later the female robins arrive.";I TLį"En la primavera los petirrojos machos son los primeros en llegar al nor que m\as me gusta?";6  2911:IN203100:IN83000 2900:TLį"It is the bird that tells us that spring is on the way. Yes, I like robins best of all."; TLį"Es el p\ajaro que nos avisa que la primavera est\a en camino. S\i, me gusta el plike big birds like the crow. Can you guess which bird I like the best of all?"; ! TLį"Me gustan los p\ajaros. Me gustan los p\ajaros peque~nos como el reyesuelo. Me gustan los p\ajaros grandes como el cuervo. @?Puedes adivinar cu\al es el p\ajaro _ Rġ: ` 150: 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2f TLį"THE BIRD^/I LIKE BEST":0:Rı TLį"EL P\AJARO QUE MAS ME GUSTA":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN203000Q  2900:TLį"I like birds. I like small birds such as the wren. I  4 BT04 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3400,3500,3700,3800,3000,3000:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC1:LW0:RW40:TW81:NL7:500:^ BC1:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1:         ݁9CT01.  ՕŅՂݝĀ܀݁ݝ؃¡CT01."€Ј݁5CT01.@Ъ:CT01.6 ՅՅ#CT01.>ā,CT01.DCT01." ݍ݀@CT01.bKİĢ ݀ Ą đ Āݝ¢  ‚    ՕՁŔ ՅՅ ՅÛ Ձ  ՀՁՅ ՕՀ ĄՕ ŕՀՑ ܀ԪՕ ՅՅՕ  ŕݝՕՕՠ Հ ‚ ՅՀՕ܀ ؅Հ   ՀԀ ŠĄ  Օ  ՕՀՀՕ ՕԜԁ ԂݝŀЄĄ с Ք ݝ  Ā ՅՎ ؃Ëʊ܀Є Ą ʊ ݝË Մ  Ք ЀĄ‚ݍЁ ĀԀΎ)ѕՀĄ*↎ ŕĄ) )Јݝ'(Ā ݝ ĀŠ耠ДŁє ݝ23 7‚.ĄЀ݀ Օݝ Օ  ۻĄ̎Ԅс€ʈŕՀԔԀ ÆՕő ݀ՕĄĄݝĀДŠ /ըЄ ՔՅՀŕԀՁ!ŅŀʈЂ ʈԀ р  Ձ ЀՀ‚ ԀԀԊ. Օ⨀ݍՀĄ  쨪Հݕ Հ ݅Ё@ CT0(Ր8ݝՀ9  9؅Հ Հ   ⊊ʊ Ą        he story"TLį"@?Crees qu\e la familia de Eduardo come alimentos poco nutritivos?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"No se sabe por el cuento"ZZ$"The lighted lines let us know that, ^>no^<, they do not eat much junk food."GZ1$"Estas padres, y vemos aqu\i que tiene un hermano y dos hermanas. Entonces son 5, m\as Eduardo o ^>6^<."{2100:IN20RR1:5400 |4050:TLį"Do you think Ed's family eats very much junk food?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"Can't tell from t4":W$(2)"6"rTLį"@?Cu\antas personas hay en la familia de Eduardo?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"2":W$(1)"4":W$(2)"6""ZZ$"We know Ed has two parents, and we see here he has 1 brother and 2 sisters. That's 5 plus Ed, or ^>6^<."c'Z1$"Eduardo tiene dos farming to ^>grow their food^<."Z1$"El cuento no lo dice. Pero vemos que hacen el trabajo de la granja para ^>producir sus alimentos^<."2100:IN20RR1:5300 4050:TLį"How many people are in Ed's family?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"2":W$(1)"wn food"TLį"@?Por qu\e vive la familia en la granja?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Para ir en autob\us":W$(1)"Para tener caballos":W$(2)"Para producir sus alimentos"!ZZ$"The story doesn't tell us. But from reading the story, we see that they want to doout ^>all of them^<."^ _Z1$"En esta linea, la palabra {trabajan} habla ^>de todos ellos^<."{ 2100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"Why does the family live on a farm?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"To ride a bus":W$(1)"To have horses":W$(2)"To grow their o farm?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"They all do":W$(1)"Just the kids":W$(2)"The parents" UTLį"@?Qui\en hace el trabajo en la granja?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Todos ellos":W$(1)"Solo los chicos":W$(2)"Los padres" ZZZ$"In this line, the word {they} is talking aballos y vacas":W$(1)"Cerdos y cabras":W$(2)"Ninguno"y ZZ$"This lighted line tells us they have ^>pigs and goats^<." Z1$"Esta linea nos dice que ten\ian ^>cerdos y cabras^<." O2100:IN20RR1:5100O P4050:TLį"Who does the work on thetoria nos dice que vivian ^>en una granja peque~na^<."S 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"What animals do they have?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Horses and cows":W$(1)"Pigs and goats":W$(2)"None"6 TLį"@?Qu\e animales tienen?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Cabsmall farm" TLį"La familia de Eduardo vive:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"en una granja grande":W$(1)"en el pueblo":W$(2)"en una granja peque~na" ZZ$"The first line in the story tells us they live ^>on a small farm^<."6 Z1$"La primera linea de la his9  BT03.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,0,22,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"Ed's family lives:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"on a big farm":W$(1)"in town":W$(2)"on a        \e es un rancho?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Un trabajo":W$(1)"Una clase de granja":W$(2)"Una escuela"ZZ$"^>A kind of farm^< is correct, because a ranch has animals and grows food, just like a farm."8Z1$"^>Una clase de granja^< es correcta porque un ranaseosas, papitas fritas, perros calientes.^)";O2911:IN204000:IN83900Yp2020cz4000, p2020z4000,N204000:IN839007p2020Az4000Я from the farm is better for the children than junk food like pop, chips, and hot dogs.^)";.TLį,,,3(R6):"^(El sabe que los alimentos de la granja son mejores que las bebidas ghat kind of food do you eat?";TLį,,,3(R6):"^(Ellos saben que la comida de la granja es mejor para los ni~nos que las bebidas gaseosas, papitas fritas y perros calientes.^)^/@?Qu\e clase de alimentos comes t\u?";2911:IN204000:IN83900TLį"Los padres de Eduardo quieren que sus hijos coman buenos alimentos.";m2911:IN203900:IN837002900:TLį,,,3(R6):"^(They know that food from the farm is better for the children than junk food like pop, chips, and hot dogs.^)^/^/W"It is work to save the food so they can eat it in the winter.";yTLį"Es trabajo guardar los alimentos para poder comerlos en el invierno.";2911:IN203700:IN83600<2900:TLį"Ed's parents want their children to eat good food.";LAext job is to store the food for winter. They put some food in jars. They freeze some food.";TLį"La pr\oxoma tarea es almacenar los alimentos para el invierno. Ellos congelan algunos alimentos.";s2911:IN203600:IN83500At2900:TLįps get ripe, they all work at picking."; TLį"El padre de Eduardo traza el trabajo de la granja. Todos ayudan a sembrar las semillas. Cuando la cosecha est\a madura, entre todos la recogen.";2911:IN203500:IN83400_2900:TLį"The n the farm.^)";wM TLį,,,3(R3):"Su mam\a maneja un autob\us escolar. ^( En el verano trabajan en la granja.^)"; 2911:IN203400:IN83300( 2900:TLį"Ed's father plans the work on the farm. They all help plant the seeds. When the cro Sus hermanas son Teresa y Alicia.^)";Q TLį" Ed's father is a teacher."; TLį" El padre de Eduardo es maestro."; G 2911:IN203300:IN83200H 2900:TLį,,,3(R3):"His mother drives a school bus. ^( In the summer, they work onayor parte de sus alimentos en la granja.";L 2911:IN203200:IN83100 2900:TLį,,,3(R5):"^(Ed has a big brother named Dick. His sisters are Theresa and Alice.^)";' TLį,,,3(R5):"^(Eduardo tiene un hermano mayor llamado Ricardo.(R2):"^(The farm has two pigs, three goats and some chickens.^)"; TLį,,,3(R2):"^(La granja tiene dos cerdos, tres cabras y algunas pollos.^)"; TLį" The family grows much of its food on the farm.";+ TLį" La familia cultiva la m,,,3(R1):"^(La familia de Eduardo vive en una granja peque~na.^)"; & TLį" There are fruit trees and grape vines on the farm."; + TLį" Hay \arboles frutales y vi~nedos en la granja.";  2911:IN203100:IN83000D 2900:TLį,,,3 _ Rġ: ` 150: 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2c TLį"FOOD FROM THE FARM":0:Rı TLį"ALIMENTOS DE LA GRANJA":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN203000  2900:TLį,,,3(R1):"^(Ed's family lives on a small farm.^)";G ! TLį 4 BT03 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3100,3200,3400,3000,3300,4000:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC5:LW6:RW40:TW0:NL8:500:^ BC5:W40:BW176:NL5:550:,,,1:     dog."< Z1$"Aqu\i vemos que Fito era un perro ^>negro^<."Y O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"Was Dandy a smart dog?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"Can't tell from the story"5 UTLį"@?Era Fito un perro inteligente?":NW3:AW1:W$100:IN20RR1:5000s 4050:TLį"What color was Dandy?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"White":W$(1)"Brown":W$(2)"Black" TLį"@?De qu\e color era Fito?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Blanco":W$(1)"Marron":W$(2)"Negro" ZZ$"Here we see that Dandy was a ^>black^< TLį"@?Cu\antos a~nos ten\ia Tom\as cuando le dieron a Fito?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"3":W$(1)"5":W$(2)"10" ZZ$"The lighted line tells us that Tom was ^>five^< years old." Z1$"La linea iluminada nos dice que Tom\as ten\ia ^>cinco^< a~nos." 2  BT02.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,20,17,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84:4050:TLį"How old was Tom when he got Dandy?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"3":W$(1)"5":W$(2)"10"k     Ā䄄ՀՈпр ʊĄՀ  પ Ā PBT06.7‚ ՀЀϏǟϏ    Հ ĄՀ KBT06.o܀ŝ㇐ƎBT06.i ! ΁ LJ Ņ ݝݠܐ ッƆનЄBT06.&9@BT06.A1Ā  Đđ „ ᝝Ͱ⪪៟ 焀ǟ Ä ݝ.BT06.%;‚Ā Ą $Հԕ%Յ&Ձ'Յ Հ%݀Օ Յ)ՅՕՀ&ՅŠ&݀&Հ&ՀЕŠՅ 紁 ݀ԀՀ ь Հ ăՀ ݀ՕԀ ՀԔ Ѐ߀ՀԀՀՅ ՔՀՕ ĀՀݝрՕՀŁ‚ЅՕԅĄ ŀšԕԕЁ݀ǏՁՀ աՅ ՀՀ ՕՀՀ ⊀⢀ՕԊ ՕժĄĄՀЀՕբ ݝ  ՀՀ)݀ՀĄĄՀĀ* ¢Ąс ݀Հ Յ  ǎƀ 〛 ݅ՀĈ ܝݝՀА  ՁÏપ  Ԁ ݜ́  Ϗㇷ ؇Ѐ݀ŝ܂Нߟݝ͍ȀЄ †નà Յݍ݀   񃻀 Հ݁  Ϗ˻ ݝͅŅ݀ߝ؁͏Ѐ ǧLJLJĀ݀܀ 뛛ήƎ‚ĀëחݙĄ݀͝Ǝā   ΂؁숢Ύ ݀Ą ݝ㋻ Օŝ ܀ ㇗   Օ Ą᝝² Յ ÄǟÄŅЊ ݀៟ 焀ŕ Ą؝݀@#!BT0(,Ā- ΎݍĄ  с ݍ݅Ąస  ‚        4 BT02 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3100,3100,3200,3500,3800,3000:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC1:LW0:RW40:TW92:NL6:500:^ BC1:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1:   cho tiene animales y produce alimentos como una granja."U2100:IN20RR1:5500\8 X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600@D"BLOAD CT01.1-8.PAC,A"T9A"CT01.9",0,100,10,190B"CT01.1"CN6:TQ.9:12:"CT01.9":"CT01.2 DN16:z#ӱӲ  ԰ ԰à ԰à԰Ѡ ՠ ˠ Ӡ  ԰à ԰à ԰Ѡ ԰ ԰à ԰à԰Ѡ ԰à ԰Ѡ  ԰ ԰à ԰à԰Ѡ԰ ԰Ѡ԰԰à԰à ԰Ѡ ԰԰à  렠԰ ԰à԰à  à̠ǠΠ堠렣栶԰԰Lį"4.";:LMI1:"Close the disk drive door.k-TLį"4.";:LMI1:"Cierre la puerta del disk drive.F130:IN205002:GT@FB$PR$".PAC":820:EL2100(#PR$:R0:NT%0:805'FF1:NF0:WRRO2WRRO310020'RO0:CLCL1WR2:CLy take the disk out of the disk drive.lTLį"2.";:LMI1:"Saque el disco del disk drive con cuidado.LM:TLį"3.";:LMI1:"Put the "V$" disk in the disk drive.#TLį"3.";:LMI1:"Ponga el disco "V$" en el disk drive./(LM:Ted to use the "V$" disk.^/"WTLį,,RM10:"Necesita usar el disco "V$".^/":,,RMaI125 LM:TLį"1.";:LMI1:"Open the disk drive door.TLį"1.";:LMI1:"Abra la puerta del disk drive.&LM:TLį"2.";:LMI1:"Carefulltoria del codigo "PT$". Chequ\e con su profesor y pruebe de nuevo."Y 130:IN203320c 3005s216,0:198460:4,266,12,266,140:VV05003:3135:5110TLV$"WHITE master"TLV$"principal con el rotulo BLANCO"TLį"You neNU,V"V:216,0:198 3300@ 197:D"VERIFY"PR$:216,0:198R FI$PR$:8000[ 198f 216,0o 460 TLį"Sorry, "NF$". I don't have story code "PT$". Check with your teacher and try again."D TLį"Lo siento, "NF$". No tengo la his)"ET05"TLVV04:V$"YELLOW":3190] Q LV$"T0"(A)"ET05"TLVV04:V$"AMARILLO":3190x V TLV$"BLACK":VV05 X TLV$"NEGRO":VV05 v TLV$V$" story":NQ0 { TLV$V$" historia":NQ0 | GT3200 5000 197:D"VERIFYMEV01:TLV$"VERDE":3190O D LV$"T0"(A)"CT03"VV02:TLV$"BLUE":3190 F LV$"T0"(A)"CT03"VV02:TLV$"AZUL":3190 I LV$"T0"(A)"DT04"VV03:TLV$"RED":3190 K LV$"T0"(A)"DT04"VV03:TLV$"ROJO":3190% N LV$"T0"(A):PR$PR$(A):9 & LV$(PR$,1,1):LV$"A"LV$"F"3320a 0 A$(PR$,2,1):(PR$,2,1)"T"3320 5 A((PR$,3,2)):A1A63320 8 SN2:350:3135:3200 ? LV$(PR$,1,1):LV$"T0"(A)"BT02"VV01:TLV$"GREEN":3190 C LV$"T0"(A)"BT02"V desea leer?^/":LM10:600:LM,Y14 TLį"C\odigo de la historia":40,BM1422:0:"Escriba el codigo.^/Despu\es presione ^[Return.^]":L4:TY3:200:IN203005:PT$IN$:(PT$)43320  PR$"":I14:A((IN$,I,1)):AA32(A96):AA31(A79a comenzar!^/"N TLį"Which story would you like to read?^/":LM10:600 TLįLM,Y14:"Story code":50,BM1422:0:"Type the story code.^/Then press ^[Return.^]":L4:TY3:200:IN203005:PT$IN$:(PT$)43320& TLį"@?Qu\e historia  MENU "ES1:FF0200003AC110000b 460:FFTLį"Ok, "NF$", let's go on.^/" FFTLį"Bueno, "NF$", Listos para comenzar.^/" FFTLFF1:"Ok, "NF$", we are ready to begin!^/" FFTLFF1:"@!Bueno, "NF$", listos par    4 CT02 EH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000O PR$ R3200,3200,3400,3800,3000,3900:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC1:LW0:RW40:TW0:NL7:500:^ BC1:W40:BW176:NL4:550:,,,1:          T01.8":"CT01.1":N8:TQ.8:122'SN6:350:900:900N6:350:900350:900350:900qTQ.1:12E"CT01.3"$FN4:12fGP1:"CT01.2":N3:TQ.3:P2:"CT01.3":"CT01.8":"CT01.4"xHN5:TQ.3:12IP1:"CT01.5"JN4:12KP2:"CT01.2":"CT01.3":"CT01.5":N3:12:P1:"CT01.6":"CT01.7"LN14:12MF2:P1:"Cons.^/"X LM:"2.";:LMI2:"Use the ^[Space Bar^] to choose the right answer.^/" LM:"3.";:LMI2:"Press ^[Return^] when the box is around the right answer." 130  202310:ARAR1: D8W1:.  D8W128:= BA1İ450C 01R1:] D8W1:l  D8W128:r " W11:2500(1)91:SN4:350:130: u understood the story.^/":I225 LM:"1.";:LMI2:"You will be asked six questi^]";:IN132185, fIN8WW1:W0WNW1; pIN82140U zWW1:WNWW0:2140_ 2140r A8((1)4)4 0,,,3:LM,Y15W:"^( "W$(W)" ^)";:LN2:DC1:455:144,TM:WAW1įMA83TL:130:IN202310:2000 MA81TL:SN4:350:130:IND4 TSUBS2 >RR1:Y128QHI0NW1:LM,Y15I:0,,3,0:" "W$(I);:YRW0yTD8127WD8128:D80:2190VD8WD81:D80 \LM,,RM:LM,Y15W:0,,3,1:"^[ "W$(W)" ^]";:170:IN202300:LM,,RM:LM,Y15W:0,,3,0:"^[ "W$(W)"  like to read the story again, "NF$"?"c TLį"@?Le gustar\ia leer la historia otra vez, "NF$"?" 300:IN202023:CH2įPR$:2100 FI$PR$".Q":AL2100:EL4000:810 TSUBS1 l197:PR$,2100:198::2500:197:PR$".Q",2100:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:450:IN0:2900:1:,TM(BMTM18)2:2:TLį"THE END"TLį"FIN"0:150:IN86010:IN202020BA12030& 450:TLį"Would you You are a very good reader."W TLį"@! Felicitaciones! Usted es un buen lector."| SN5:350:130:IN202603:PR$ "BLANK",2000,2720:24096:PM:P1:F2:MS0:KS,0:8000"ARST2700t 2 TLį"Take your time and read more carefully. Make sure you understand what the story is about." 3 TLį"T\omese su tiempo y lea con mucho cuidado. Trate de entender mejor." 7 130:IN202603 < 900 TLį"Congratulations!( RWSUBS $) ST4:NQ6:2603.* NQR2S+ 460:A$"":ARSTTLA$"only "q, ARSTTLA$"solamente "- TLįNF$", you "A$"had "AR" out of the "R" answers right.^/":ARST2700 . TLįNF$", de las "R" Repuestas tiene "AR" Correctas.^/":  XuSD0įG1A]uD"APPEND"TL$;TF$".TEXT":D"WRITE"TL$;TF$".TEXT"buI0SD1:SD$(I)","AR%(I)","ST%(I)","NQ%(I)","NT%(I)","PL%(I):SD$(I)""::SD0:D"CLOSE":G1CG1Uike to read another story, "NF$"?":300:IN2020009:CH22005/NTLį"@?Le gustar\ia leer otra historia, "NF$"?":300:IN2020009:CH22005NG121000:30000RFI$"END":8000uGT30000:VV0:u5000Du197:D"VERIFYMENU,V"V:216,0:198 1:WR1-"NARSTRO(WR0)RO:RORO1:WR0f$NI010:CA18I,LV%(I)::CA31,ROWR128:CA30,CL%NSD$(SD)PR$" ":AR%(SD)AR:ST%(SD)ST:NQ%(SD)NQ:NT%(SD)NT%:PL%(SD)PL:SDSD1:SD420009&N450:G120009:30000)N450?*NTLį"Would you l1CL1'CL6CL6H$'LV%(CL1)LV%(CL1)1:LV%(CL1)6LV%(CL1)1t8'PR$(CL64)"T"("00"(LV%(CL1)),2)~j'3110 NNL$"Student"20009:NQ0ĴAC120009:LV%(CL1)LV%(CL1)16(LV%(CL1)1):20009!NAC120005:ARSTRO(WR1)RO:ROROYa que ^>siempre estaban juntos^<, seguro que a Teodoro le gustaba Bernardo."j O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"What was ^>not^< part of the doghouse?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"A light":W$(1)"A heater":W$(2)"A rug"X UTLį"@?Qu\e no era parte de s together" TLį"@?C\omo sabes que Teodoro quiere a Bernardo?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"El lo dice":W$(1)"El di\o de comer a Bernardo":W$(2)"Siempre estaban juntos" ZZ$"Since ^>they were always together^<, we know that Ted must like Barney."M Z1$"bemos que Bernardo ten\ia una casa bonita, y era l\ogico que durmiese en ^>su casa^< de perro."| 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"How do you know that Ted likes Barney?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"He said so":W$(1)"He fed Barney":W$(2)"They were alway"In a doghouse" TLį"@?D\onde dorm\ia Bernardo?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"En la casa":W$(1)"En un \arbol":W$(2)"En una casa de perro" ZZ$"We know Barney had a nice doghouse, and it would make sense that he would sleep ^>in his doghouse^<."_ Z1$"Sa~  CT02.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,0,49,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"Where did Barney sleep?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"In the house":W$(1)"In a tree":W$(2)     ";omTLį"Finalmente, encontraron a Teodoro y a Bernardo. Ambos se hab\ian dormido en la casa del perro.";2911:IN204200:IN84100p2020z4200 Ip2020z42002m\a no pod\ian encontrar a Teodoro. Bernardo se hab\ia ido tambi\en. Ellos los buscaron por todo el pueblo por dos horas.";g2911:IN204100:IN84000h2900:TLį"At last, Ted and Barney were found. They had both been asleep in the doghouse.DTLį"Entonces Bernardo se iba a su casa y dejaba de ladrar.";e2911:IN204000:IN839002900:TLį"One day Mom and Dad could not find Ted. Barney was gone, too. They looked all over town for two hours.";} TLį"Un d\ia pap\a y maed would say, {Go to bed, Barney.}^)";ATLį"^(Teodoro entren\o a Bernardo que no ladrara. Teodoro dec\ia, {Anda a la cama, Bernardo.}^)";2911:IN203900:IN838002900:TLį"Then Barney would go inside his doghouse and stop barking.";900:,,,3(R4):TLį"^(Ted's mom and dad didn't want all that noise.^)";TLį"^(Al pap\a y a la mam\a de Teodoro no lo quieren ese ruido.^)";;2911:IN203800:IN83700&<2900:,,,3(R6):TLį"^(Ted trained Barney to stop barking. TN203600:IN83500yt2900:TLį"He would bark at cars and the mailman. He also barked when he heard other dogs.";yTLį"El ladraba a los carros y al cartero. Tambi\en ladraba cuando o\ia otros perros.";2911:IN203700:IN83600L2rillo.";)2911:IN203500:IN834002900:TLį"Mom said, {That doghouse is better than our house.}^/^/Barney liked to bark.";TLį"Mam\a decia {La casa del perro es mejor que nuestra casa.}^/^/A Bernardo le gustaba ladrar.";s2911:I del perro ten\ia una ventana.^)";C 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:TLį"That kept Barney cool in the summer. The doghouse was made of bricks."; TLį"La que mantiene a Bernardo fresco en el verano. La casa del perro estaba hecha de ladput a soft rug on the floor. There was a heater to keep Barney warm in the winter. The doghouse had a window.^)";"M TLį"^(Pusieron una alfombra suave en el piso. Hab\ia un calentador para que Bernardo se mantuviera abrigado en el invierno. La casa! 2911:IN203200:IN83100j 2900:TLį"Barney's doghouse was big. Ted and his dad made it."; TLį"La casa de Bernardo era grande. Teodoro y su pap\a la hicieron."; G 2911:IN203300:IN83200s H 2900:,,,3(R3):TLį"^(They - Ѐą ,ϰЂ'&٘ݝՕ&膮ԕ%øʂؘŅԕ( 좪 ѕՀ  Հ ĄݍٕՕŠՀ & ćܞݝąԔ Ё݀΀ ݍݍ͜ԇ ՀԁՀ  @ BT0(___3ՕՕՕ/Д̜*Šܼ ՅܑЀ     1:TQ.2:11:P1:"CT02.6":"CT02.7":"CT02.4":"CT02.5":N4:12:"CT02.6":"CT02.1":N11:TQ.1:12|'SN6:350:9002.1-5.PAC,A"T9?A"CT02.6",4,87,9,99:"CT02.7",10,89,22,136B"CT02.4":"CT02.5":N4:TQ.2:12:N2:TQ.3:12:"CT02.6"C"CT02.1":N22:TQ.1:12:"CT02.2":N10:TQ.2:12:"CT02.3":12:"CT02.4":N5:TQ.4:12iDP2:"CT02.6":"CT02.7":Ns tell us that ^>yes^<, Ted did teach Barney to stop barking."Z1$"Las l\ineas iluminadas nos dicen que ^>s\i^<, Teodoro le ense~n\o a Bernardo a no ladrar."2100:IN20RR1:55008 X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600@D"BLOAD CT0|4050:TLį"Did Barney learn to stop barking?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"The story didn't tell"TLį"@?Aprendi\o Bernardo a dejar de ladrar?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice">ZZ$"These lighted linee story doesn't tell us, but we know that people live in ^>houses^<, not in barns or doghouses."'Z1$"La historia no nos dice a nosotros, pero sabemos que la gente viv\ia en ^>casas^< no en graneros o en casas de perros."{2100:IN20RR1:5400rIN20RR1:5300}4050:TLį"Where did Ted live?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"In a house":W$(1)"In a barn":W$(2)"In a doghouse"TLį"@?D\onde viv\ia Teodoro?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"En una casa":W$(1)"En un graneros":W$(2)"En una casa de perro"`"ZZ$"Thno ladrar?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Por diversi\on":W$(1)"El no lo hizo":W$(2)"Los padres no los quieren"ZZ$"We read here that ^>Mom and Dad didn't like the barking^<."Z1$"Leemos aqu\i que ^>a mam\a y a pap\a no lo quieren el ladrido^<."2100:rro, y no se habla de ^>una luz^<."@2100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"Why did Ted teach Barney not to bark?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"For fun":W$(1)"He didn't":W$(2)"His parents didn't like it"dTLį"@?Por qu\e le ense~n\o Teodoro a Bernardo a la casa del perro?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Una luz":W$(1)"Un calentador":W$(2)"Una alfombra" ZZZ$"Here we see all the things that were in the doghouse, and a ^>light^< is not talked about."#_Z1$"Aqu\i vemos todas las cosas que estaban en la casa del peݝ٘ـøᗱƀݍŜʀ Ѐ@BT02.SԂԕсԕс ( ՕѐݍА݁Ճܞݍ݁ϰՕՅԔՕՄ  ՅՕՕԕ Ո~BT02./Ђё ը ՕѕĔ ЄժՕЊԕՕ⪪Օ󄕄Ąя    BT02.m5Օ Ԁ  Յ ¢ Յр  ՕՀ @BT02. # ߷ﻎ ᅦBT02.1 #   ŕ;Օั:܍ъ:9ш9ݍݍ::=;ՀՑݝĀݝ݌ ԀŠÃ ŕՀЂԀª ݝݍЁՀ ЀՕЪ€Ր  ՀʨՕЕՔ  АŕՔЅՀՕ ʊʐŀфԕЅ ĀЁՕ ՕՅ Օ  ՀꊡԀݝЕŁѐ⊩ՕєǗǐŅ  ӔՕЈ Օ   Յ࿻ Ձ ߍ Ą  Օ" ՕЊ Հ! ՕŅ ՕŅՕ՚Յ ĔՕѕ  чՅՀ   ߝԬ&ա&Ѐݝݝ%ʊ%"Օŀ Ǝ Հ# ё" ݙ Հ ή  BT03.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,0,22,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"Ed's family lives:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"on a big farm":W$(1)"in town":W$(2)"on a 2F"BT06.5"GN8:12/'SN6:350:900;'SN6:350:9000D"BLOAD BT06.1-6.PAC,A"T9}A"BT06.1":"BT06.2":"BT06.3":N6:TQ.3:12:F1:P2:"BT06.1":"BT06.2":"BT06.3":P1:F2B"BT06.4"CN12:TQ.3:12D"BT06.6"EN8:TQ.3:12F"BT06.5"GN8:12'SN6:350:900N8:TQ.3:1os peque~nos petirrojos."62100:IN20RR1:5500=8 fX197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600@D"BLOAD BT04.1-2.PAC,A"T9A"BT04.1"BN14:TQ.2:12C"BT04.2"D12'SN6:350:900Yos padres petirrojos a sus peque~nuelos?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Insectos":W$(1)"Barro":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice"ZZ$"The ^>story doesn't tell^< what kind of food the baby robins are fed."Z1$"La ^>historia no cuenta^< que clase de alimento comen l< se sabe. La historia no dice c\omo se llama el narrador."Y{2100:IN20RR1:5400|4050:TLį"What do mother and father robin feed the babies?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Bugs":W$(1)"Mud":W$(2)"Story doesn't tell"oTLį"@?Qu\e les dan de comer l0)"John":W$(1)"Robert":W$(2)"Story doesn't tell"TLį"@?C\omo se llama el narrador del cuento?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Juan":W$(1)"Roberto":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice""ZZ$"^>The story doesn't tell^< us what the narrator's name is."<'Z1$"^>No^other and father^< help feed the baby robins."Z1$"Aqu\i vemos que ambos ^>la mam\a y el pap\a^< dan de comer a los peque~nos petirrojos."2100:IN20RR1:530034050:TLį"What is the name of the person telling this story?":NW3:AW3:W$(3:AW3:W$(0)"Mother robin":W$(1)"Father robin":W$(2)"Both mother and father"TLį"@?Qui\en tiene el trabajo de dar de comer a los pichones?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"La mam\a":W$(1)"El pap\a":W$(2)"Ambos pap\a y mam\a".ZZ$"Here we see that ^>both mCasi dos semanas":W$(2)"Un mes"_ ZZZ$"It takes about 12 days, which is almost ^>2 weeks^<." _Z1$"Se llevan como 12 d\ias, que son casi ^>2 semanas^<." 2100:IN20RR1:5200O4050:TLį"Who does the work of feeding the baby robins?":NWLį"How long after the eggs are laid do the babies come out?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"One week":W$(1)"Almost two weeks":W$(2)"One month" UTLį"@?Cu\anto tiempo despu\es de que han puesto los huevos salen los pichones?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Una semana":W$(1)"$(0)"1 o 2":W$(1)"4 o 5":W$(2)"8 o 9"~ ZZ$"We see in this lighted sentence that the mother robin lays ^>4 or 5^< eggs." Z1$"En la oraci\on iluminada vemos que la mam\a petirroja pone ^>4 o 5^< huevos." O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:Tas iluminadas dicen que la mam\a petirroja usa ^>barro^< para hacer su nido."j 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"How many eggs do they lay?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"1 or 2":W$(1)"4 or 5":W$(2)"8 or 9"( TLį"@?Cu\antos huevos ponen?":NW3:AW2:W1)"Mud":W$(2)"Paper" TLį"@?De dice el cuento los petirrojos usan para construir su nido?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Paja":W$(1)"Barro":W$(2)"Papel" ZZ$"These lighted lines say that the mother robin uses ^>mud^< to build the nest."M Z1$"Las l\ine  BT04.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,2,23,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"What does the story say robins use to build nests?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Straw":W$(          acostarme estaba muy cansado, pero hab\ia sido un gran d\ia de b\eisbol.";k2911:IN204000:IN83900up2020z4000NЫde jugar en un tercer partido.^)";TLį,,,3(R6):" ^(This time we lost 7-2, but I had fun.^) By bedtime I was really tired, but it was a great baseball day.";JTLį,,,3(R6):" ^(Esta vez perdimos 7-2, pero me divert\i.^) A la hora de or de primera base para un partido a las 7:00 P.M. @?Pod\ia jugar Yo? ^(Mi pap\a dijo que si por esta vez.^)";2911:IN203900:IN838002900:TLį,,,3(R1):"^(So, I got to play in a third game.^)";"TLį,,,3(R1):"^(As\i que pu juega para otro equipo.";;;2911:IN203800:IN83700<2900:TLį,,,3(R4):"His team needed a first baseman for a game at 7:00 P.M. Could I play? ^(My Dad said OK for this one time.^)";qATLį,,,3(R4):"Su equipo necesitaba un jugadl puntaje final fue de 6-3.^)";@2911:IN203700:IN836002900:TLį"Just before supper I got another call. It was my best friend who plays for another team.";TLį"Justo antes de la cena recib\i otra llamada. Era mi mejor amigo quienhen we made 4 runs. They were good players but we held them. The final score was 6-3.^)";yTLį,,,3(R5):"^(El otro equipo estaba ganando hasta la quinta entrada cuando hicimos cuatro carreras. Ellos eran buenos jugadores pero los contuvimos. ETLį"I was ready in a flash.^/^/This game was close, too.";TLį"Me alist\e en un segundo.^/^/Este partido estuvo muy re~nido tambi\en.";s2911:IN203600:IN83500[t2900:TLį,,,3(R5):"^(Their team was ahead until the 5th inning w:00 P.M. Could I play? You bet!"; TLį"Despu\es del almuerzo mi entrenador mi llam\o para decirme que nuestro equipo ten\ia otro partido indemnizador a las 2:00 P.M. @?Pod\ia jugar yo? @!Por supuesto!";2911:IN203500:IN83400>2900:IN83200D H 2900:TLį"I got two hits and one was a home run.";| M TLį"Yo hice dos batazos y uno fue una carrera."; 2911:IN203400:IN83300# 2900:TLį"After lunch my coach called to say that our team had a make-up game to play at 2ed the Foxes. It was a close game but we won 5-4.^)"; TLį,,,3(R3):"^(El lunes pasado mi equipo^/ten\ia un partido se~nalado para las 9:00 A.M. Jugamos contra los Zorros. Fue un partido muy re~nido pero ganamos 5-4.^)"; G 2911:IN203300:2900:TLį"I want to tell you about my big baseball day.";~ TLį"Quiero contarte acerca de mi gran d\ia de b\eisbol."; 2911:IN203200:IN831006 2900:TLį,,,3(R3):"^(Last Monday my team had a game scheduled for 9:00 A.M. We playy day all summer. ^(I am a good hitter and I play first base.^)"; ! TLį,,,3(R2):"Mi deporte favorito es el b\eisbol. Juego todos los d\ias todo el verano. ^(Soy un buen bateador y juego en primera base.^)";  2911:IN203100:IN83000= _ Rġ: ` 150: 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2e TLį"MY BIG^/BASEBALL DAY":0:Rı TLį"MI GRAN D\IA DE B\EISBOL":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN203000B  2900:TLį,,,3(R2):"My favorite sport is baseball. I play it ever 4 BT05 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R4000,3100,3300,3900,3700,4000:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC6:LW0:RW40:TW81:NL7:500:^ BC6:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1:     Հ݀ ݀ Հ  ё܀ ܌Ą Հ⮮Հ݀ݝĄ  ҂  ' ё( ݪǀǿ  Ç񼾟ݝÆ'Օ܀Ձ݀ݝŝ݀Ā Çџ Ғϟǟ  ՕՕĄԂ肨 ㏷ ō م؝ĄĀՀ󋻿ã ЀЀ㏟ϟ  ՅÏ Օχ ݝ݀͝Օ  ݝՅ ā  Յʸ̈ т̐хՅԀĄҊՅԁՅǟ ݀܀ՀĄ ՅЊЊՊ Հ$% Յ տ  ДȀ уԀԅՀȀ  ՁЊ!ՅԂĄ⊪ Łݍڊϟ؂  ՕЀ΀ ՕĄ߀ ݅Յހݼðσ܀Օ ÃԀՅՀŕЂ  ڀʊ ЊĄݝݝ ǟ Ǐ݀ Հ ՁЂЀՕ Հ Ύ  ݀Њ揠݀  ՕՕ  ĀЊ񑀈 ՁՕՕ ЄՅ  @BT0(  " 8 ĀĀ# 9 $ 7     Օ0:IN20RR1:55008 EX197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600d@D"BLOAD BT05.1-9.PAC,A"T9A"BT05.10",15,0,23,55:"BT05.11",9,23,14,78B"BT05.1":N8:TQ.2:12CF1:P2:"BT05.2":"BT05.8":7,83,52,105,80:N5:12:F2:P1:"BT05.2jZZ$"A person is never happy to lose. The lighted lines say I had fun, so I ^>didn't feel too bad^<."Z1$"Una persona nunca est\a fel\iz de perder. Pero las l\ineas iluminadas dicen que pas\e buen tiempo y que ^>no me sent\i muy mal^<."210||4050:TLį"How did I feel about losing the evening game?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Happy":W$(1)"I cried":W$(2)"Not too bad"TLį"@?C\omo me sent\i con la p\erdida del partido de la noche?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Contento":W$(1)"Llor\e":W$(2)"No muy mal"mos _ carreras en la quinta entrada.":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"2":W$(1)"4":W$(2)"0""ZZ$"We see here that the team made ^>4 runs^< in the 5th inning."'Z1$"Aqu\i vemos que mi equipo hizo ^>4 carreras^< en la quinta entrada."{2100:IN20RR1:5400ap\a dijo que s\i solo por esta vez. Una vez significa que el ^>no estaba contento^<."t2100:IN20RR1:53004050:TLį"In the afternoon, we made _ runs in the 5th inning.":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"2":W$(1)"4":W$(2)"0"MTLį"En la tarde, hici se sent\ia pap\a de que yo jugase en un tercer partido?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Dijo que no":W$(1)"Estaba contento":W$(2)"No estaba contento"ZZ$"Notice that Dad said OK for this one time. One time means he ^>was not happy^< about it."WZ1$"Fijate Pque 5 a 4 fu\e el puntaje ^>del partido de la ma~nana^<."V 2100:IN20RR1:5200 4050:TLį"How did Dad feel about my playing a 3rd game?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"He said no":W$(1)"He was pleased":W$(2)"He was not happy about it"TLį"@?C\omo game" UTLį"@?Qu\e partido tuvo el puntaje de 5-4?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"De la ma~nana":W$(1)"De la tarde":W$(2)"De la noche" ZZZ$"The lighted lines tell that 5 to 4 was the score of the ^>morning^< game."9 _Z1$"Las l\ineas iluminadas nos dicen clearly says he plays ^>first base^<."t Z1$"La l\inea iluminada dice claramente que el juega ^>primera base^<." O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"Which game had the score of 5-4?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Morning":W$(1)"Afternoon":W$(2)"Evening2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"What position do I play?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Pitcher":W$(1)"Catcher":W$(2)"First base" TLį"@?Qu\e posici\on juego?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Lanzador":W$(1)"Parador":W$(2)"Primera base"' ZZ$"The lighted line"@?Cu\antos partidos jugu\e?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"1":W$(1)"2":W$(2)"3" ZZ$"The lighted line says third game, so ^>three^< is the correct answer." Z1$"La l\inea iluminada dice el tercer partido. Por lo tanto ^>tres^< es la respuesta correcta." z  BT05.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,12,11,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84:4050:TLį"How many games did I play?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"1":W$(1)"2":W$(2)"3"E TLį    @%BT03.S %BT03.1S  BT03.k Ĝ₊ʪ㇏奡ÇŇ0BT03. ; ݷݻ      s new green tractor and pretend to drive it.^)";TLį,,,3(R4):"^(El t\io Carlos permiti\o que cada ni~no subiese en su tractor verde nuevo y que pretendirea manejarlo.^)";2911:IN204000:IN83900?2900:TLį"The children thanked Unvas.^)";PFTLį" They were able to pet the baby pigs and hold a chicken.";KTLį" Pudieron acariciar los cerditos y alzar una gallina.";P2911:IN203900:IN8380002900:TLį,,,3(R4):"^(Uncle Chuck let each child climb up on hi children had a good time at the farm.";eTLį" Los ni~nos pasaron un buen rato en la granja.";;2911:IN203800:IN83700<2900:TLį,,,3(R2):"^(They learned many new things.^)";ATLį,,,3(R2):"^(Aprendieron muchas cosas nueTLį,,,3(R5):"^(When the school bus arrived at the farm, Uncle Chuck was waiting with a smile.^)";TLį,,,3(R5):"^(Cuando el autob\us escolar lleg\o a la granja, el t\io Carlos los estaba esperando con una gran sonrisa.^)";(TLį" Theass come to my farm.}^)";yTLį,,,3(R3):"Los padres de Andr\es le preguntaron al t\io Carlos acerca de la visita. ^(El t\io Carlos dijo, {S\i, me gustar\ia tener la clase de Andr\es en mi granja.}^)";2911:IN203700:IN83600g2900:Sr. Rojas les pregunt\o si toda la clase pod\ia visitar la granja del t\io Carlos.";us2911:IN203600:IN83500t2900:TLį,,,3(R3):"Andy's parents asked Uncle Chuck about the visit. ^(Uncle Chuck said, {Yes, I would like to have Andy's cldel t\io Carlos.^)";52911:IN203500:IN834002900:TLį"One day Andy brought a note from his teacher. Mr. Rojas asked if the whole class could visit Uncle Chuck's farm.";TTLį"Un d\ia Andr\es trajo a casa una nota de su maestro. El ollos tambi\en.";2 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:TLį,,,3(R1):"^(Andy's teacher, Mr. Rojas, was very interested in Uncle Chuck's farm.^)"; TLį,,,3(R1):"^(El maestro de Andr\es, el Sr. Rojas, estaba muy interesado en la granja time he held a baby pig. He said that the pig ate a lot of corn. Uncle Chuck had horses, ducks, and chickens too.";M TLį"Les cont\o de la vez en que alz\o un cerdito. Dijo que el cerdo com\ia mucho ma\iz. El t\io Carlos ten\ia caballos, patos y pout Uncle Chuck's farm.^)"; TLį,,,3(R6):"^(Un d\ia de actividad en que se muestran cosas y se habla acerca de ellas, Andr\es les cont\o acerca de la granja del t\io Carlos.^)" G 2911:IN203300:IN83200u H 2900:TLį"He told about the class had learned many things about farms."; TLį"Los ni~nos y las ni~nas de la clase de Andr\es hab\ian aprendido muchas cosas sobre granjas."; 2911:IN203200:IN83100 2900:TLį,,,3(R6):"^(One day for Show and Tell Andy told ab class were going to visit Uncle Chuck's farm."; ! TLį"Andr\es estaba contento. Este era el d\ia en que los ni~nos de su clase iban a visitar la granja del t\io Carlos.";  2911:IN203100:IN83000- 2900:TLį"The boys and girls in Andy's _ Rġ: ` 150: 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2d TLį"A TRIP^/TO THE FARM":0:Rı TLį"UNA EXCURSI\ON A LA GRANJA":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN2030000  2900:TLį"Andy was happy. This was the day that the children in his4 BT06 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3500,3900,3700,4000,3800,3300:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC6:LW8:RW40:TW0:NL7:500:^ BC6:W40:BW176:NL4:550:,,,1:      (ՕŠՕđ$Օ Օ%đđđđđđđđđđđđĐđĐĐđđđĐЁՕԀՅ ,ȁՕՀ$Օŕŕő%Օ Օ’đđđđđđՕՕՀԀՕ Ā!Օ€₊. Օфđđ ՅƊ$Օ đđđđđđđđĐĐՑǜŠőđđőđ 8ܷ݀IĕđđĐ*ՕՕGЀ ‚’’’‚ ԀE ԑđđ #=Օ ĐĐā͕ՑđđĀĀĀāБđ_Î긢滦 dĀ ԑԑĐĀ>Օť*Ѐ ส đđđđđđđėŷÅā )͗ݗœő⻢⸪\đđđđđđđĐĐĐđđđĐđđđđ ذĔЁݷՕԑԀđāđđā ՅՁЀ≮⸪ՕՅĐēė͗ݗ͓őđđđđ𝗘Օ Ёݗݓő櫢Օٱ兕рŗݷıđテ#Ք Ί̈҂ܘ櫪‚ĐĐĐՕՀ̦ԁđđđٖʊ ݷݗĐ∠# Ԕ Յőđđ̗ݷݗđđđđđĘՁ ƌ €ʂˆꉪ∢ՅՕ䄔ˆ2ёՕđđđضݗݗͷܷݳݑݕđā!Օ⺎ƣ ՕբЀ1đđфđđđđđđđđڰܔܖ֒Ȑ̔ܔѱŅđđđđđ4ˆՕ∢đđđĀ! Օ đđĐĀđđđđđ(ˆՕՀ *đđđđđĐđđđđđđđđđĐՑőđđđđđ-@BT0(&Օ:Հ  %đđđđĐ7 đđőđđđĀđđđđđ% ՕŠ&đđđđđđĐarlos que la clase viniera a su granja?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice" ZZZ$"This sentence tells us ^>yes^<, Uncle Chuck wanted the class to visit his farm."&_Z1$"Esta oraci\on nos dice que ^>s\i^<, el t\io Carlos quenadas nos dicen que los ni~nos ^>aprendieron^< acerca de granjas."_ O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"Did Uncle Chuck want the class to come to his farm?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"Story doesn't say"f UTLį"@?Quer\ia el t\io Ctara una granja?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Leer":W$(1)"Ir en un autob\us":W$(2)"Aprender sobre una granja" ZZ$"The lighted line tells us the children ^>learned about farms^<. Teachers take their students on trips to learn things."B Z1$"Las lineas ilumi." 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"Why did Andy's teacher want Andy's class to visit a farm?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"To read":W$(1)"To ride a bus":W$(2)"To learn about a farm"d TLį"@?Por qu\e quer\ia el maestro de Andr\es que la clase visiteacher"| TLį"@?Qui\en era el Sr. Rojas?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Un granjero":W$(1)"El pap\a de Andr\es":W$(2)"Un maestro" ZZ$"We see here that Mr. Rojas was Andy's ^>teacher^<." Z1$"Vemos aqu\i que el Se~nor Rojas fue el ^>maestro^< de Andr\es  BT06.Q I197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,8,10,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"Who was Mr. Rojas?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"A farmer":W$(1)"Andy's father":W$(2)"A    đđđđđđđđđđđđŕЀŠŠ%ĐőđđĐđđŕŕՀ%Օ %đđđđđđđđđđđđĐՕŠ%Հ%đđՀՕť4đđđđܷ݀8ՕԐ4 Ԁ1Յ#+!Օ€₊ʊƊՑЀ3đđđđđđĐėŷ4͗ݗœő5đđđĐĐā9Î긢滦XBT04. m’’’‚9ܘ$ рŦ2Հ ‚ݗݓő2đĐŅŅőĐذĔЁ2ˆՀՕ၀򲲂츀ݷݗĐՕ ԔՀŗ#Հ  Ⲃ9Րđđضݗݗͷ&Օ⺎ƣ Ѐőđđ̗Օʊ ˆ @0BT04.slՀqaŠWʂĐĐđđ OՕ JđđđđđđđđFՕCđđđđđđđđđ’ĐĐڰ@Օ     ome around the curve in the road. His friends were excited. He knew they would have a fun day.";TLį"Edgar vi\o venir el autob\us escolar en la curva del camino. Sus amigos estaban emocionados. El sab\ia que ellos iban a pasar un d\ia divertido.lanned to show how they brand cows. There was much to learn.";mTLį"Algunos de los ayudantes ten\ian planes de mostrarles como marcar las vacas. Hab\ia mucho que aprender.";2911:IN204200:IN84100b2900:TLį"Ed saw the school bus cranch was right in the middle of a big pine forest."; TLį"La clase tamb\ien estaba aprendiendo acerca de los bosques. El rancho estaba en el medio de un bosque de pinos.";g2911:IN204100:IN84000?h2900:TLį"Some of the ranch hands pon the ranch.";TLį"El rancho era un buen lugar para aprender m\as. La mam\a de Edgar podr\ia contarles acerca de los tiempos viejos en el rancho.":2911:IN204100:IN8390052900:TLį"The class was also learning about forests. The prender muchas cosas y divertirse tamb\ien. La clase hab\ia estado leyendo acerca de los pueblos viejos del oeste.";2911:IN203900:IN838002900:TLį"The ranch was a good place to learn more. Ed's mom could tell them about the old days nvitado a la clase a pasar un d\ia en el rancho.";S;2911:IN203800:IN83600<2900:,,,3(R5):TLį"^(The class could learn many things and have fun, too. The class had been reading about old western towns.";uATLį"^(La clase podr\ia aen\ia al rancho para sus vacaciones. Algunas personas caminaban y pescaban. Otras montaban a caballo.";s2911:IN203600:IN835002900:TLį"Ed's dad had invited the class to spend a day on the ranch.";2TLį"El pap\a de Edgar hab\ia iel terreno y todos los edificios. El emple\o gente para trabajar en el rancho.^)";t2911:IN203500:IN834002900:TLį"People came to the ranch for their vacations. Some people hiked and fished. Others rode horses.";iTLį"La gente vdo un pueblo. Luego, toda la gente se mud\o de all\i.";Y 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:,,,3(R2):TLį"^(Ed's dad bought the land and all of the buildings. He hired people to work on the ranch.^)";S TLį"^(El pap\a de Edgar compr\o ^(Hab\ia casas y cobertizos. Hab\ia pesebres y caba~nas. Hab\ia hasta tiendas y una oficina de correo.^)"; G 2911:IN203300:IN83200 H 2900:TLį"The ranch used to be a town. Then, all the people moved away.";8M TLį"El rancho hab\ia sirancho.";* 2911:IN203200:IN83100 2900:,,,3(R4):TLį"The ranch had many buildings. ^(There were houses and sheds. There were barns and cabins. There were even stores and a post office.^)";m TLį"El rancho ten\ia muchos edificios.he class to his house.^/^/^(Ed lived on a ranch in the mountains.^)"; TLį"El autob\us escolar traer\ia la clase a su casa.^/^/^(Edgar viv\ia en un rancho en las monta~nas.^)"; TLį" His dad ran the ranch."; TLį" Su pap\a manejaba el the school bus would not take him to school.^)"; ! TLį"^(Edgar estaba esperando el autob\us escolar. Pero hoy, el autob\us no lo llevar\ia a la escuela.^)";  2911:IN203100:IN83000E 2900:,,,3(R3):TLį"The school bus was bringing t _ Rġ: ` 150: 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2e TLį"A FIELD TRIP AT HOME":0:Rı TLį"UNA EXCURSI\ON A CASA":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN2030000  2900:,,,3(R1):TLį"^(Ed was waiting for the school bus. But today, 94 CT01 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3100,3500,3200,3300,3900,3000:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC5:LW0:RW34:TW81:NL7:500:^ BC5:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1:      p *UnUϯψ掮 ՑU!!( w *ݝ ԏ'##! **]*ŕԀĄ݀݁PT UTnTUՐUP *(UUnU 億 U@*!UT;U݀ JBBPQPTQEUUTP *] *̀߿ сJJbbrqqUTB*w*  *(*U;U܀ UnUU8;U!*]]\*!*ww* UU8;U UUnU  *UTB*w*  *TUTP * \]@*  U !*"* !U !UП * !* U  U*r*݀Ā *B*  * *UPU ŕŅՕ  * *(UUPU݀Օŕ Հ%)(!% **ŕ Հ#( %$** U@TU ݁T UQQQUU* Ѐ  BRRPB JTU Ą݅ݝ݀݀ ՅGSQB JJU ¢Ǝ ՀB@TT@BJ ** ݀ՅdTTPBBJ * * Ā$*ՕЕُ%!)!!UՕԀƀЇ%EeE!)!%UՐ UQQQQUT*Q@ BT0($*݀ĄĀ$*$U T$Uݝ݀Ā$* $* Ã󓇟$U ҆ήӇ$UԆ$*ݍ     own":W$(2)"In the mountains" UTLį"@?D\onde estaba el rancho?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"En el desierto":W$(1)"En un pueblo":W$(2)"En las monta~nas" ZZZ$"We read here that it was ^>in the mountains^<."_Z1$"Leemos aqu\i que era ^>en las monta~nas^<.e hires the workers." Z1$"El pap\a de Edgar era el ^>jefe^<. Sabemos esto porque \el compr\o el rancho y \el emple\o a los trabajadores." O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"Where was the ranch?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"In a desert":W$(1)"In a te ranch" TLį"@?Qu\e quiere decir {su pap\a manejaba el rancho?}":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"El corr\ia r\apido":W$(1)"El pap\a era el jefe":W$(2)"A \el le gustaba el rancho" ZZ$"Ed's dad was the ^>boss^<. We know that because he bought the ranch and h"Estas lineas nos dicen que \el generalmente ^>toma un autob\us^< para la escuela ."r 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"Ed's dad ^>ran^< the ranch. What does that mean?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"He ran fast":W$(1)"He was the boss":W$(2)"He liked thW$(2)"His mom drove him" TLį"@?C\omo iba Edgar a la escuela la mayor\ia de los d\ias?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Tomaba un autob\us":W$(1)"Caminaba":W$(2)"Su mam\a manejaba" ZZ$"The lighted lines tell us he usually ^>rides a bus^< to school."U Z1$4  CT01.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,0,11,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"How did Ed go to school most days?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Rode a bus":W$(1)"Walked":     ՕŅՕ  ܜЀ Օ Յݝ؟ՕՕ ݡ  胠ݍЕ՝ٍջЅݝЀժժŷݝ兕ŠkBT05. 5܀߇߇Ο݀?BT05.4 &x ϟݝ؟ណГŁdBT05. 8Ǘݝ݀͝ϟ៟߇ ߇ǟ߇߇ .BT05.& ݝ猻~BT05.10 ՀՕՕʊʪŕՕՅŕmBT05. >!  Ԁ      !!! ! 2AUݗ=đđĀA*B@U݇؀;đđđ (*()!(( **Օ쀏8)UU؁5đđđđđđđ(**(*Յ…đđđđđđĐĐ**()#!'UUUU@U**Օ9 UTTPPQB"# ((* @UUժժժժժժժՕőԕđđđՕTTUUT|PrBJ ** BRPTTU*၅Ņ᐀ЁԔ ʕժժժժժժժ*********( B * @TUժժժժժժժժժՕőđՅ* * đĐ͇͇̓ժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժժՀEU%%! UŊժժժժժժU UՕU U(*( *ݝ؏Ą *Յ UՀ U݁ *񁁑 *!U  Uժժժժժժժժժժ*(()!UU* * ݅ ŠĄ*((#'@UU* *ՕUTPB" (**U UՁUTPQ#(** @U U݀؟Ā( *(!(* * *)!!(* *ՔĕTTUUTPB * RTU *ՕѕՅ|rJ* BPTU *сԀ*( * @T UДŕՕB *TT U  墢UUPUՀՕՀ * *݁ą* *U%!! UEU%!! U܀ŕ ՕQPTT U;PU ݂ā* ]*Ց*w(*Ѕ UTUԄݍՀTed would say, {Go to bed, Barney.}^)";ATLį"^(Teodoro entren\o a Bernardo que no ladrara. Teodoro dec\ia, {Anda a la cama, Bernardo.}^)";2911:IN203900:IN838002900:TLį"Then Barney would go inside his doghouse and stop barking."2900:,,,3(R4):TLį"^(Ted's mom and dad didn't want all that noise.^)";TLį"^(Al pap\a y a la mam\a de Teodoro no lo quieren ese ruido.^)";;2911:IN203800:IN83700'<2900:,,,3(R6):TLį"^(Ted trained Barney to stop barking. IN203600:IN83500zt2900:TLį"He would bark at cars and the mailman. He also barked when he heard other dogs.";yTLį"El ladraba a los carros y al cartero. Tambi\en ladraba cuando o\ia otros perros.";2911:IN203700:IN83600Mrillo.";)2911:IN203500:IN834002900:TLį"Mom said, {That doghouse is better than our house.}^/^/Barney liked to bark.";TLį"Mam\a decia {La casa del perro es mejor que nuestra casa.}^/^/A Bernardo le gustaba ladrara.";s2911: del perro ten\ia una ventana.^)";C 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:TLį"That kept Barney cool in the summer. The doghouse was made of bricks."; TLį"La que mantiene a Bernardo fresco en el verano. La casa del perro estaba hecha de ladput a soft rug on the floor. There was a heater to keep Barney warm in the winter. The doghouse had a window.^)";"M TLį"^(Pusieron una alfombra suave en el piso. Hab\ia un calentador para que Bernardo se mantuviera abrigado en el invierno. La casa! 2911:IN203200:IN83100j 2900:TLį"Barney's doghouse was big. Ted and his dad made it."; TLį"La casa de Bernardo era grande. Teodoro y su pap\a la hicieron."; G 2911:IN203300:IN83200s H 2900:,,,3(R3):TLį"^(They ):TLį"^(He lived in a doghouse in the back yard.^) "; TLį"^(Viv\ia en una casa de perro en el patio de atr\as.2p>=~drpДД͔єǔƚ)"; TLį"^(Teodoro y Bernardo siempre estaban juntos.^)";and black. He had floppy ears and a long tail."; ! TLį"Teodoro ten\ia un perro llamado Bernardo. Bernardo era un sabueso. Era blanco, marr\on y negro. Ten\ia orejas ca\idas y una cola larga.";  2911:IN203100:IN83000: 2900:,,,3(R1UWf\NUyes^<, Ted did teach Barney to stop barking."Z1$"Las l\ineas iluminadas nos dicen que ^>s\i^<, Teodoro le ense~n\o a Bernardo a no ladrar."2100:IN20RR1:55008 X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600@D"BLOAD CT0|4050:TLį"Did Barney learn to stop barking?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"The story didn't tell"TLį"@?Aprendi\o Bernardo a dejar de ladrar?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice">ZZ$"These lighted linee story doesn't tell us, but we know that people live in ^>houses^<, not in barns or doghouses."'Z1$"La historia no nos dice a nosotros, pero sabemos que la gente viv\ia en ^>casas^< no en graneros o en casas de perros."{2100:IN20RR1:5400rIN20RR1:5300}4050:TLį"Where did Ted live?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"In a house":W$(1)"In a barn":W$(2)"In a doghouse"TLį"@?D\onde viv\ia Teodoro?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"En una casa":W$(1)"En un graneros":W$(2)"En una casa de perro"`"ZZ$"Thno ladrar?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Por diversi\on":W$(1)"El no lo hizo":W$(2)"Los padres no los quieren"ZZ$"We read here that ^>Mom and Dad didn't like the barking^<."Z1$"Leemos aqu\i que ^>a mam\a y a pap\a no lo quieren el ladrido^<."2100:rro, y no se habla de ^>una luz^<."@2100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"Why did Ted teach Barney not to bark?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"For fun":W$(1)"He didn't":W$(2)"His parents didn't like it"dTLį"@?Por qu\e le ense~n\o Teodoro a Bernardo a la casa del perro?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Una luz":W$(1)"Un calentador":W$(2)"Una alfombra" ZZZ$"Here we see all the things that were in the doghouse, and a ^>light^< is not talked about."#_Z1$"Aqu\i vemos todas las cosas que estaban en la casa del peYa que ^>siempre estaban juntos^<, seguro que a Teodoro le gustaba Bernardo."j O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"What was ^>not^< part of the doghouse?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"A light":W$(1)"A heater":W$(2)"A rug"X UTLį"@?Qu\e no era parte de s together" TLį"@?C\omo sabes que Teodoro quiere a Bernardo?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"El lo dice":W$(1)"El di\o de comer a Bernardo":W$(2)"Siempre estaban juntos" ZZ$"Since ^>they were always together^<, we know that Ted must like Barney."M Z1$"bemos que Bernardo ten\ia una casa bonita, y era l\ogico que durmiese en ^>su casa^< de perro."| 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"How do you know that Ted likes Barney?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"He said so":W$(1)"He fed Barney":W$(2)"They were alway"In a doghouse" TLį"@?D\onde dorm\ia Bernardo?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"En la casa":W$(1)"En un \arbol":W$(2)"En una casa de perro" ZZ$"We know Barney had a nice doghouse, and it would make sense that he would sleep ^>in his doghouse^<."_ Z1$"Sa~  CT02.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,0,49,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"Where did Barney sleep?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"In the house":W$(1)"In a tree":W$(2)"" " " " " """"""""