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The boys thought they were smart too, because their trap had worked.";9TLį"Los muchachos cre\ian que ellos eran intscado para comer!";4[2911:IN204600:IN84500>p2020Hz4600004300:IN8420002900:TLį"With a big splash, the otter swam away.^/^/It was fun to see the otter.";%5TLį"Despu\es de un chapuz\on, la nutria se fue nadando.^/^/Er"%BTQ.4:I115:F:TQTQ.9:11:JCP2:"ET02.2":F:P1:"ET02.2"hDI116:F:TQTQ.9:11:nE:'SN6:350:900ySN6:350:900v350:900E:'SN6:350:9000N6:350:9006ento no lo dice"NZZ$"The ^>story did not tell us about the father cat^<."Z1$"^>La historia no nos cuenta^< del papa gato."2100:IN20RR1:55008 X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600@D"BLOAD ET02.1-2.PAC,A"T9A"ET02.100:IN20RR1:5400|4050:TLį"What color was the father cat?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"White":W$(1)"Yellow and black":W$(2)"Story didn't tell"TLį"@?De qu\e color era el pap\a gato?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Blanco":W$(1)"Amarillo y Negro":W$(2)"El cuW$(1)"5":W$(2)"6""ZZ$"They had 6 kittens, Amy kept one, and they found homes for all the rest, which is ^>5^< ^/(6 - 1 = 5 )."'Z1$"Tuvieron seis gatitos, Amelia se qued\o con uno, encontraron hogares para el resto o sea ^>para cinco^<."{21 tuvo ^>seis^< gatitos."52100:IN20RR1:53004050:TLį"Amy's family found homes for how many kittens?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"3":W$(1)"5":W$(2)"6"TLį"@?Para cu\antos gatitos encontr\o hogares la familia de Amelia?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"3": kittens did Do have?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"4":W$(1)"6":W$(2)"8"TLį"@?Cu\antos gatitos tuvo Do?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"4":W$(1)"6":W$(2)"8"ZZ$"This lighted sentence tells us Do had ^>six^< kittens."Z1$"Esta oraci\on iluminada nos dice que Do":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"una gata":W$(1)"un gato":W$(2)"el cuento no lo dice" ZZZ$"If Do had kittens, she must have been a ^>girl^<." _Z1$"Como Do tuvo gatitos, ella debe haver sido ^>una gata^<." 2100:IN20RR1:5200>4050:TLį"How manyall the names are ^>musical notes^<."m Z1$"Vemos aqu\i que todos los nombres son de ^>notas musicales^<." O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"Do was a:":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"girl cat":W$(1)"boy cat":W$(2)"story did not tell"I UTLį"Do era:12'SN6:350:900N6:350:90054":"DT06.5":N4:12W'SN6:350:9005"DT06.1":N1:12:P1:"DT06.3":N1:12|CP2:"DT06.2":N12:TQ.2:12:"DT06.5":"DT06.3":N1:TQ.5:12:P1:"DT06.4"DN5:12'SN6:350:900n00TDT06.9":N1:12:P1:I610:"DT06."(I):FN2:TQ.5:12:"DT06.4":"DT06.5":N4:\es de la escuela, lo cual ser\ia ^>en la tarde^<."P2100:IN20RR1:5500W8 X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600@D"BLOAD DT06.1-8.PAC,A"T9A"DT06.9",6,65,12,95:"DT06.10",21,80,29,90'B"DT06.1":"DT06.2":N7:TQ.3:12:P2:d?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"En la ma~nana":W$(1)"Al mediod\ia":W$(2)"En la tarde"ZZ$"The lighted sentence tells us he got his glasses after school, which would be in the ^>afternoon^<."3Z1$"La oracion iluminada dice que \el se puso sus anteojos despuejor^< y pod\ia tirarla y agarrarla mejor."H{2100:IN20RR1:5400|4050:TLį"What time of day did Dave get his glasses?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Morning":W$(1)"Noontime":W$(2)"Afternoon"LTLį"@?A q\ue hora del d\ia recibi\o los anteojos Davi3:W$(0)"Corr\ia m\as r\apido":W$(1)"Era divertido":W$(2)"Pod\ia ver mejor la pelota""ZZ$"It was more fun because ^>he could see the ball better^<, and he could hit it and catch it better."+'Z1$"Era m\as divertido porque ^>pod\ia ver la pelota m:53004050:TLį"Why did the glasses make it more fun to play baseball?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"He ran faster":W$(1)"It wasn't fun":W$(2)"He saw the ball better"WTLį"@?Por qu\e hicieron los anteojos el juego de b\eisbol m\as divertido?":NW3:AW"No se sabe por el cuento"ZZ$" If Mr. Otero had the same thing happen to him, then we know that ^>yes^<, he must have had them."Z1$" Si al se~nor Otero le pas\o lo mismo, sabemos que ^>s\i^<, \el debi\o haberlos tenido."2100:IN20RR1 zorro estaba riendose mientras trotaba de regreso al bosque.";`2911:IN204400:IN84300jp2020tz4400Є2C"ET03.2""DN8:TQ.3:121E"ET03.3"9F12HG"ET03.4"ZHN4:TQ.4:12m'SN6:350:900L3.2"DN8:TQ.3:12E"ET03.3"F12G"ET03.4"HN4:TQ.4:12'SN6:350:900-many times."sZ1$"^>S\i^<. Ellos necesitan pasar mucho tiempo juntos si su abuelo cantaba a ella muchas veces."2100:IN20RR1:55008 X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600@D"BLOAD ET03.1-4.PAC,A"T9A"ET03.1"BN12:TQ.3:1engo de Alabama con un banjo en mi rodilla.} ^(Susi sonri\o porque la canci\on le hizo recordar a su abuelo.^)";2911:IN204400:IN84300p2020z4400eЫ020z4400ntas Susi y su madre cantaron, {Oh, Susana - oh, no llores por m\i.";f/2911:IN204300:IN8420002900:,,,3(R5):TLį"I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee.} ^(Susan smiled because the song made her think of grandpa.^)";q5TLį"V?h2900:TLį"The song is more than a hundred years old.}";rmTLį"La canci\on tiene mas de cien a~nos.}";2911:IN204200:IN841002900:TLį"Together Susan and her mother sang, {Oh, Susanna--oh don't you cry for me.";ETLį"Ju900:TLį"Her mother smiled and said, { 'Oh, Susanna' is the name of the song Grandpa used to sing to you."; TLį"Su madre sonri\o y dijo, { 'Oh, Susana' es el nombre de la canci\on que tu abuelo te cantaba a ti.";g2911:IN204100:IN8400000:IN83800}2900:,,,3(R3):TLį"Susan's mother laughed and said, {Oh, Susanna.} ^(Susan said, {I am Susan.}^)";TLį"La madre de Susi se r\io y dijo, {Oh, Susana.} ^(Susi dijo, {Yo soy Susi.}^)";2911:IN204000:IN83900n2e Susi todav\ia estaba pensando en la canci\on.";R;2911:IN203800:IN83700<2900:TLį"She told her mother that it was about Alabama and a banjo.";ATLį"Ella le dijo a su madre que era acerca de Alabama y un banjo."; 2911:IN2039s written long before Grandpa was born.}^)";yyTLį"^(La canci\on fue escrita mucho antes que naciera el abuelo.}^)";2911:IN203700:IN836002900:TLį"The next day Susan was still thinking about the song.";1TLį"Al d\ia siguient Susan said, {No, it was an old, old song.";TLį"La madre de Susi le pregunt\o si su abuelo hab\ia inventado la canci\on. Susi dijo, {No, era una canci\on muy antigua.";s2911:IN203600:IN83500,t2900:,,,3(R4):TLį"^(The song wa about Susan."; TLį"Susi le dijo a su madre, {La canci\on era acerca de m\i.} Su madre no pod\ia recordar de una canci\on acerca de Susi.";2911:IN203500:IN83400-2900:TLį"Susan's mother asked her if Grandpa had made up the song.\o a su^/madre cual era la canci\on.^)";Q R TLį" Her mother did not know.";t W TLį" Su madre no sab\ia."; 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:TLį"Susan said to her mother, {The song was about me.} Her mother could not think of a songuld remember some of the tune but not all of it.";s TLį"Ella pod\ia recordar un poco del tono pero no todo."; G 2911:IN203300:IN83200 H 2900:,,,3(R1):TLį"^(Susan asked her mother what the song was.^)";( M TLį"^(Susi le preguntantaba muchas veces.^)";v ,,,3(R2):TLį" ^(Susan could remember some of the words, but not all of them.^)"; TLį" ^(Susi pod\ia recordar algunas de las palabras, pero no todas.^)"; 2911:IN203200:IN831002 2900:TLį"She co"No":W$(2)"Can't tell from the story"TLį"El abuelo de Susi ha pasado mucho tiempo con Susana.":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"No se sabe por el cuento" ZZ$"^>Yes^<. They must have spent a lot of time together if Grandpa sang to her ^>she must have liked him^<."'Z1$"Si pensando sobre su abuelo hace a Susi sonreir, conocemos que ^>ella le gusta a \el^<."{2100:IN20RR1:5400&|4050:TLį"Susan's Grandpa has spent a lot of time with Susan.":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)$(0)"She likes him":W$(1)"We can't tell":W$(2)"She can't remember him"TLį"@?Que siente Susi por su abuelo?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Lo quiere mucho":W$(1)"No se sabe":W$(2)"No lo recuerda""ZZ$"If thinking about Grandpa made Susan smile, we know r su abuelo"TZZ$"We read here that it was written ^>before Grandpa was born^<."Z1$"Aqu\i leemos que fu\e escrito ^>antes que naciera el abuelo^<."2100:IN20RR1:5300I4050:TLį"How does Susan feel about her Grandpa?":NW3:AW1:W2100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"The song was made up:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"for Susan":W$(1)"by Grandpa":W$(2)"before Grandpa was born" TLį"La canci\on fue compuesta:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"para Susi":W$(1)"por su abuelo":W$(2)"antes de nacema":W$(2)"Su nombre estaba en ella" ZZZ$"She said the song was about her because ^>her name was in it.^< Susanna is almost like Susan." _Z1$"Ella dice que la canci\on se trata de \ella por que ^>su nombre estaba all\i^<. Susana es como Susi."usan say the song was about her?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"She plays banjo":W$(1)"She was from Alabama":W$(2)"Her name was in it"$ UTLį"@?Por qu\e dijo Susi que la canci\on era acerca de ella?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Ella tocaba el banjo":W$(1)"Ella era de Alaba1)"algunas de las palabras":W$(2)"nada de la canci\on"{ ZZ$"Here we see that Susan remembered ^>some of the words^<." Z1$"Aqu\i podemos ver qu\e Susi recuerda ^>algunas de las^< palabras." O2100:IN20RR1:5100{ P4050:TLį"Why did S supuesto Susi es ^>una ni~nita^<."@ 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"Susan could remember:":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"all the words":W$(1)"some words":W$(2)"none of the song"8 TLį"Susi pod\ia recordar:":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"todas las palabras":W$(aba Juan basqu\etbol cuando estaba en la secundaria?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"No se sabe por el cuento" ZZ$"^>Yes^<, this lighted sentence says he did play in high school." Z1$"^>S\i^<, estas oraciones iluminadas dicen que \el juguan estaba en el primer grado, pues ^>6^< a~nos es la mejor respuesta."d 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"Did John play basketball when he was in high school?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"Can't tell from the story"w TLį"@?Jug"p TLį"Juan ha jugado basqu\etbol desde que ten\ia _____ a~nos:":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"6":W$(1)"12":W$(2)"18" ZZ$"The lighted lines tell us John was in first grade, so ^>6^< years old is the best answer."G Z1$"Las l\ineas iluminadas dicen que J :@197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,0,46,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"John has been playing basketball since he was:":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"6":W$(1)"12":W$(2)"18                   zorro estaba riendose mientras trotaba de regreso al bosque.";`2911:IN204400:IN84300jp2020tz4400Є5):TLį"^(All King could do was watch and whine.^)";v5TLį"^(Todo lo que pudo hacer Rey fue mirar y gemir.^)";:,,,3(R6):TLį" ^(I am sure that the fox was smiling as he trotted back into the woods.^)";??TLį" ^(Estoy seguro que el"ET04.5"FCN11:TQ.3:12:P2:"ET04.1":"ET04.2":P1:"ET04.7"cD"ET04.1":N5:TQ.3:12v'SN6:350:900 comido su comida."02100:IN20RR1:550068_X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600~@D"BLOAD ET04.1-6.PAC,A"T9A"ET04.7",17,58,20,73 B"ET04.1":"ET04.2":N6:TQ.3:12:"ET04.4":N10:TQ.1:12:"ET04.6":N4:TQ.2:12:"ET04.3":nti\o el zorro al final del cuento?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Apenado":W$(1)"Asustado":W$(2)"Feliz"ZZ$"The fox would be ^>happy^< that he tricked the dog and ate his food."Z1$"El zorro estaba ^>contento^< de que \el hab\ia enga~nado al perro y hab\iaells us King ^>whined^<."T'Z1$"Esta linea iluminada nos dice que Rey ^>gemia^<."q{2100:IN20RR1:5400|4050:TLį"How did the fox feel at the end of the story?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Sorry":W$(1)"Afraid":W$(2)"Happy"]TLį"@?C\omo se seg do while the fox ate his food?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Barked":W$(1)"Whined":W$(2)"Wagged his tail"TLį"@?Qu\e hizo Rey mientras el zorro se comi\a la comida?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Ladr\o":W$(1)"Gimi\o":W$(2)"Movi\o la cola""ZZ$"This lighted line tstado":W$(1)"Enfurecido":W$(2)"Amigable"xZZ$"If King wagged his tail, he was acting ^>friendly^< toward the fox."Z1$"Si Rey mov\ia la cola, \el estaba ^>amistosamente^< con el zorro."2100:IN20RR1:5300a4050:TLį"What did Kina hora m\as apropiada."42100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"How did King act when he first saw the fox?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Afraid":W$(1)"Mad":W$(2)"Friendly"*TLį"@?C\omo actu\o Rey cuando v\io al zorro al principio?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Asu0)"Al mediodia":W$(1)"6:00 P.M.":W$(2)"7:00 A.M." ZZZ$"Since the story took place at supper time, ^>6:00 P.M.^< is the only time that would make sense."_Z1$"Ya que la historia se llev\o a cabo la hora de la cena las ^>6:00 P.M.^< ser\ia la unica su \arbol^<.", O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"About what time of day did this story take place?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Noon":W$(1)"6:00 P.M.":W$(2)"7:00 A.M."4 UTLį"@?C\omo a que hora del d\ia se llev\o a cabo la historia?":NW3:AW2:W$(u taza de comida de perro:":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"cerca a un \arbol":W$(1)"en la casa":W$(2)"en el bosque" ZZ$"This line tells us King eats his food while ^>tied to a tree^<." Z1$"Esta linea nos dice que Rey come su comida mientras est\a ^>amarrado oria vive ^>cerca del bosque^< y por supuesto su perro tambien."] 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"King was fed his bowl of dog food:":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"near a tree":W$(1)"in the house":W$(2)"in the woods"g TLį"A Rey le daban de comer s2C"ET03.2""DN8:TQ.3:121E"ET03.3"9F12HG"ET03.4"ZHN4:TQ.4:12m'SN6:350:900L3.2"DN8:TQ.3:12E"ET03.3"F12G"ET03.4"HN4:TQ.4:12'SN6:350:900-many times."sZ1$"^>S\i^<. Ellos necesitan pasar mucho tiempo juntos si su abuelo cantaba a ella muchas veces."2100:IN20RR1:55008 X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600@D"BLOAD ET03.1-4.PAC,A"T9A"ET03.1"BN12:TQ.3:1 4:>H197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000H PR$ R3100,3300,3500,3700,3600,3800:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC1:LW0:RW40:TW69:NL8:500:^ BC1:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1: _ Rġ"DT04.7":"DT04.8":11,0,91,38,1Kih,K'SN6:((((xen(U=8{f350:9008":11,0,91,38,149:,98,85,140,143:PM4:F2'SN6:350:9005A"DT04.6",5,63,13,143:"DT04.7",0,40,5,90:"DT04.8",20,105,22,140cB"DT04.4":N8:TQ.3:12C"DT04.1":"DT04.2":"DT04.3":N1:12:P2:"DT04.1":"DT04.2":"DT04.3"DN1:12:P1:"DT04.5":N4:12:P2:"DT04.5":N5:12@E"DT04.6":ted lines make it clear that the otter ^>did not like the light^<."Z1$"Estas l\ineas demuestran que a la nutria ^>no le gustaba la luz^<."2100:IN20RR1:55008 X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600@D"BLOAD DT04.1-5.PAC,A"T9Fwim away?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"He was full":W$(1)"He hated fish":W$(2)"He didn't like the light"TLį"@?Por qu\e se fue nadando la nutria?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Estaba llena":W$(1)"No le gust\o el pescado ":W$(2)"No le gust\o la luz"CZZ$"These ligh their stringer so they could find out who was taking their fish."'Z1$"Los muchachos pusieron una ^>campanilla^< en su ensartador para descubrir quien se estaba llevando sus pescados."{2100:IN20RR1:5400_|4050:TLį"Why did the otter se otter?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"A cage":W$(1)"A box":W$(2)"A bell"TLį"@?Qu\e hicieron los muchachos para {entrampar} la nutria?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Una jaula":W$(1)"Una caja":W$(2)"Una campanilla"B"ZZ$"We read here that the boys used a ^>bell^< on used for tying fish together to ^>hold them^< after they are caught."Z1$"Vemos aqu\i que se usa un ensartador para ^>sostener los^< pescados juntos antes de cogerlos."2100:IN20RR1:5300?4050:TLį"What did the boys use to {trap} thr?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"To hold fish":W$(1)"To catch otters":W$(2)"To catch fish"TLį"@?Para qu\e se usa un ensartador?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Para sostener pescados":W$(1)"Para atrapar nutrias":W$(2)"Para pescar"FZZ$"We see here that a stringer isomer pescado":W$(2)"Libertar a los pescados"l ZZZ$"In these lines we find out that otters ^>eat^< fish." _Z1$"En estas l\ineas descubrimos que las nutrias ^>comen^< pescado." 2100:IN20RR1:5200P4050:TLį"What is a stringer used fo20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"Why did the otter take the fish?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"To play a trick":W$(1)"To eat":W$(2)"To let the fish go"- UTLį"@?Por qu\e se llev\o los pescados la nutria?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Para jugarles una broma":W$(1)"Para cado?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Pedro":W$(1)"Miguel":W$(2)"Ambos muchachos" ZZ$"Here we read that {they} caught the fish, so that would mean ^>both of the boys^<." Z1$"Aqu\i leemos que ellos pescaron, por lo tanto son ^>ambos muchachos^<." O2100:IN Estas l\ineas nos dicen que los muchachos estaban de vacaciones en el Gran Lago de Arena."x 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"Who caught the fish?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Pete":W$(1)"Mike":W$(2)"Both of the boys"D TLį"@?Qui\en cogi\o el pesc2)"Story doesn't say" TLį"@?Viv\ian Pedro y Miguel en el Gran Lago de Arena?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice" ZZ$"^>No^<. These lighted lines tell us the boys were on vacation at Big Sand Lake."[ Z1$"^>No^<. U  DT04.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,18,37,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"Did Pete and Mike live at Big Sand Lake?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(     į"And, they still had their fish to eat!";hTLį"@!Y, todav\ia ten\ian sus pescados para comer!";[2911:IN204600:IN84500p2020z46006аeTLį"And, they still had their fish to eat!";TLį"@!Adem\as todav\ia ten\ian peIN84300c2900:TLį"The boys thought they were smart too, because their trap had worked.";TLį"Los muchachos cre\ian que ellos eran inteligentes tambi\en, porque su trampa hab\ia funcionado.";2911:IN204500:IN84400,2900:TL2911:IN204300:IN8400002900:TLį"With a big splash, the otter swam away.^/^/It was fun to see the clever otter.";5TLį"Despu\es de un chapuz\on, la nutria se fue nadando.^/^/Era divertido ver el h\abil nutria."; 2911:IN204400:he light where he had put the stringer. ^(Sure enough, it was an otter! The otter didn't like the light.^)";TLį"Miguel enfoc\o la luz donde hab\ia puesto el ensartador. ^(@!Efectivamente, era una nutria! A la nutria no le gust\o la luz.^)";/ll woke up Pete in the middle of the night.";TLį"^(Pero esta vez tambi\en ataron una campanilla al ensartador.^)^/^/La campanilla despert\o a Pedro en medio de la noche.";2911:IN204000:IN83900n2900:,,,3(R6):TLį"Mike aimed t";}ATLį"Esa noche los chicos pescaron de nuevo. Esta vez cogieron seis mas. De nuevo los pusieron en el ensartador.";2911:IN203900:IN83800-2900:,,,3(R5):TLį"^(But this time they also tied a bell to the stringer.^)^/^/The beLas nutrias son animales peque~nos de piel muy fina y son expertos nadadores y comen pescado.^)";;2911:IN203800:IN83700<2900:TLį"That night the boys fished again. This time they caught six more fish. Again they put them on a stringer.er qui\en se hab\ia llevado sus pescados. El due~no del lago dijo que pod\ia haber sido una nutria.";2911:IN203700:IN836002900:,,,3(R3):TLį"^(Otters are small furry animals that are expert swimmers and eat fish.^)";aTLį"^(mostrarselos a su mam\a. @!Pero los pescados se fueron!";[s2911:IN203600:IN83400t2900:TLį"Mike and Pete wondered who took their fish. The owner of the lake said that it might have been an otter.";fyTLį"Miguel y Pedro queri\an sablos en el agua otra vez.^)";= 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:TLį"The next day Pete went to get the fish. He wanted to show them to his mom. But, the fish were gone!";:TLį"Al d\ia siguiente Pedro fue a recoger los pescados. Quer\ia fish on a stringer. ^(A stringer is a cord used to tie fish together so they can be put back in the water.^)"; M TLį"As\i que, pusieron los pescados en el ensartador. ^(El ensartador es una cuerda que se usa para ensartar los pescados y poder poner TLį"^(En menos de una hora cogieron#cinco pescados.^)";t TLį" It was too late to clean the fish then."; TLį" Era ya muy tarde para limpiar los pescados."; G 2911:IN203300:IN83100p H2900:,,,3(R4):TLį"So, they put thehed the first night.^)"; ! TLį"^(Pedro y Miguel estaban de vacaciones en el Gran Lago de Arena.^) Ellos pescaron la primera noche."; 2911:IN203100:IN83000 2900:,,,3(R2):TLį"^(In less than an hour, they caught five fish.^)";< _ Rġ: ` 150X 2900:1:,TM(BMTM118)2:2:TLį"THE MISSING FISH":0 TLį"LOS PESCADOS DESAPARECEN":0 SN1:350:131 IN203000  2900:,,,3(R1):TLį"^(Pete and Mike were on vacation at Big Sand Lake. They fis4 DT04 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3100,3300,3800,3400,4000,4300:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC1:LW1:RW39:TW0:NL7:500:^ BC1:W40:BW176:NL4:550:,,,1:        "Then the fox calmly walked over to King's dish of food and ate every bite.";TLį"Luego el zorro calmadamente camin\o hacia el plato de la comida de Rey y se comi\o hasta el \ultimo pedacito.";/2911:IN204300:IN84200702900:,,,3(RЭIN84000kh2900:TLį"In no time King's rope was wrapped around the tree. King could hardly move.";mTLį"En un minuto la soga de Rey estaba envuelta en el \arbol. Rey casi no pod\ia moverse.";2911:IN204200:IN84100O2900:TLoga.";'2911:IN204000:IN839002900:TLį"Then the fox ran circles around the tree with King running after him."; TLį"Luego el zorro corri\o en c\irculos alrededor del \arbol con Rey corriendo detr\as de \el."; g2911:IN204100:)";VATLį"El zorro se acerc\o a Rey actuando jugueton. ^(Rey movi\o la cola.^)";w2911:IN203900:IN838002900:TLį"He got as close to the fox as the rope would let him.";TLį"Se acerc\o al zorro tanto como se lo permiti\o la scoming out of the woods.";xTLį"Cuando me asom\e por la ventana, v\i un peque~no zorro rojo. Sal\ia del bosque.";;2911:IN203800:IN83700<2900:,,,3(R4):TLį"The fox came close to King and acted playful. ^(King wagged his tail.^use to eat my supper.^)";yTLį"^(El lunes, como a la hora de la cena le d\i a Rey su taza comida. Luego entr\e a la casa a cenar.^)";2911:IN203700:IN836002900:TLį"When I looked out of the window, I saw a small red fox. It was to the tree.^)";mTLį"^(Le doy a Rey su taza de comida de perro mientras est\a amarrado al \arbol.^)";s2911:IN203600:IN83500t2900:,,,3(R3):TLį"^(Monday, about supper time I gave King his bowl of food. Then I went into the hoon a long rope. The rope is tied to a tree."; TLį"A menudo pongo a Rey afuera con una soga larga. La soga esta atada a un \arbol.";2911:IN203500:IN834002900:,,,3(R2):TLį"^(I give King his bowl of dog food while he is tiednd other animals. He wags his tail and wants to play with them."; M TLį"A \el le gustan los conejos, ardillas y otros animales. El mueve su cola y quiere jugar con ellos."; 2911:IN203400:IN83300. 2900:TLį"I often put King outside xed}?^/^/King likes to be outside."; TLį"@?Pero el lunes pasado vi como lo enga~naron, o m\as bi\en yo dir\ia como lo {engatusaron}?^/A Rey le gusta estar afuera."; G 2911:IN203300:IN83200B H 2900:TLį"He likes the rabbits, squirrels aį"I used to think that King was the smartest animal in the world."; TLį"Yo cre\ia que Rey era el animal m\as inteligente del mundo."; 2911:IN203200:IN83100$ 2900:TLį"But last Monday I saw King get fooled, or should I say {out-foLį"^(Vivo cerca del bosque como a cinco millas del pueblo.^)"; & TLį" I have a dog that is five years old. His name is King."; + TLį" Tengo un perro que tiene cinco a~nos. Su nombre es Rey.";  2911:IN203100:IN83000E 2900:TL: _ Rġ: ` 150Y 2900:1:,TM(BMTM118)2:2:TLį"WHO'S SMARTER?":0 TLį"@?QUIEN ES MAS INTELIGENTE?":0 SN1:350:131:IN203000  2900:,,,3(R1):TLį"^(I live near a woods about five miles from town.^)";@ ! Tv4 ET04 IH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000S PR$ R3100,3600,3700,3900,4400,4400:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC6:LW0:RW30:TW81:NL7:500: ^ BC6:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1      BLANK 0 You are a very good reader."W TLį"@! Felicitaciones! Usted es un buen lector."| SN5:350:130:IN202603:PR$ "BLANK",2000,2720:24096:PM:P1:F2:MS0:KS,0:8000SARST2700t 2 TLį"Take your time and read more carefully. Make sure you understand what the story is about." 3 TLį"T\omese su tiempo y lea con mucho cuidado. Trate de entender mejor." 7 130:IN202603 < 900 TLį"Congratulations!( RWSUBS $) ST4:NQ6:2603.* NQR2S+ 460:A$"":ARSTTLA$"only "q, ARSTTLA$"solamente "- TLįNF$", you "A$"had "AR" out of the "R" answers right.^/":ARST2700 . TLįNF$", de las "R" Repuestas tiene "AR" Correctas.^/":   ons.^/"X LM:"2.";:LMI2:"Use the ^[Space Bar^] to choose the right answer.^/" LM:"3.";:LMI2:"Press ^[Return^] when the box is around the right answer." 130  202310:ARAR1: D8W1:.  D8W128:= BA1İ450C 0L h] D8W1:l  D8W128:r " W11:2500(1)91:SN4:350:130: u understood the story.^/":I225 LM:"1.";:LMI2:"You will be asked six questi^]";:IN132185, fIN8WW1:W0WNW1; pIN82140U zWW1:WNWW0:2140_ 2140r A8((1)4)4 0,,,3:LM,Y15W:"^( "W$(W)" ^)";:LN2:DC1:455:144,TM:WAW1įMA83TL:130:IN202310:2000 MA81TL:SN4:350:130:IND4 TSUBS2 >RR1:Y128QHI0NW1:LM,Y15I:0,,3,0:" "W$(I);:YRW0yTD8127WD8128:D80:2190VD8WD81:D80 \LM,,RM:LM,Y15W:0,,3,1:"^[ "W$(W)" ^]";:170:IN202300:LM,,RM:LM,Y15W:0,,3,0:"^[ "W$(W)"     like to read the story again, "NF$"?"c TLį"@?Le gustar\ia leer la historia otra vez, "NF$"?" 300:IN202023:CH2įPR$:2100 FI$PR$".Q":AL2100:EL4000:810 TSUBS1 l197:PR$,2100:198::2500:197:PR$".Q",2100:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:450:IN0:2900:1:,TM(BMTM18)2:2:TLį"THE END"TLį"FIN"0:150:IN86010:IN202020BA12030& 450:TLį"Would you XuSD0įG1A]uD"APPEND"TL$;TF$".TEXT":D"WRITE"TL$;TF$".TEXT"buI0SD1:SD$(I)","AR%(I)","ST%(I)","NQ%(I)","NT%(I)","PL%(I):SD$(I)""::SD0:D"CLOSE":G1CG1Uike to read another story, "NF$"?":300:IN2020009:CH22005/NTLį"@?Le gustar\ia leer otra historia, "NF$"?":300:IN2020009:CH22005NG121000:30000RFI$"END":8000uGT30000:VV0:u5000Du197:D"VERIFYMENU,V"V:216,0:198 1:WR1-"NARSTRO(WR0)RO:RORO1:WR0f$NI010:CA18I,LV%(I)::CA31,ROWR128:CA30,CL%NSD$(SD)PR$" ":AR%(SD)AR:ST%(SD)ST:NQ%(SD)NQ:NT%(SD)NT%:PL%(SD)PL:SDSD1:SD420009&N450:G120009:30000)N450?*NTLį"Would you l1CL1'CL6CL6H$'LV%(CL1)LV%(CL1)1:LV%(CL1)6LV%(CL1)1t8'PR$(CL64)"T"("00"(LV%(CL1)),2)~j'3110 NNL$"Student"20009:NQ0ĴAC120009:LV%(CL1)LV%(CL1)16(LV%(CL1)1):20009!NAC120005:ARSTRO(WR1)RO:ROROLį"4.";:LMI1:"Close the disk drive door.k-TLį"4.";:LMI1:"Cierre la puerta del disk drive.F130:IN205002:GT@FB$PR$".PAC":820:EL2100(#PR$:R0:NT%0:805'FF1:NF0:WRRO2WRRO310020'RO0:CLCL1WR2:CLy take the disk out of the disk drive.lTLį"2.";:LMI1:"Saque el disco del disk drive con cuidado.LM:TLį"3.";:LMI1:"Put the "V$" disk in the disk drive.#TLį"3.";:LMI1:"Ponga el disco "V$" en el disk drive./(LM:Ted to use the "V$" disk.^/"WTLį,,RM10:"Necesita usar el disco "V$".^/":,,RMaI125 LM:TLį"1.";:LMI1:"Open the disk drive door.TLį"1.";:LMI1:"Abra la puerta del disk drive.&LM:TLį"2.";:LMI1:"Carefulltoria del codigo "PT$". Chequ\e con su profesor y pruebe de nuevo."Y 130:IN203320c 3005s216,0:198460:4,266,12,266,140:VV05003:3135:5110TLV$"WHITE master"TLV$"principal con el rotulo BLANCO"TLį"You neNU,V"V:216,0:198 3300@ 197:D"VERIFY"PR$:216,0:198R FI$PR$:8000[ 198f 216,0o 460 TLį"Sorry, "NF$". I don't have story code "PT$". Check with your teacher and try again."D TLį"Lo siento, "NF$". No tengo la his)"ET05"TLVV04:V$"YELLOW":3190] Q LV$"T0"(A)"ET05"TLVV04:V$"AMARILLO":3190x V TLV$"BLACK":VV05 X TLV$"NEGRO":VV05 v TLV$V$" story":NQ0 { TLV$V$" historia":NQ0 | GT3200 5000 197:D"VERIFYMEV01:TLV$"VERDE":3190O D LV$"T0"(A)"CT03"VV02:TLV$"BLUE":3190 F LV$"T0"(A)"CT03"VV02:TLV$"AZUL":3190 I LV$"T0"(A)"DT04"VV03:TLV$"RED":3190 K LV$"T0"(A)"DT04"VV03:TLV$"ROJO":3190% N LV$"T0"(A):PR$PR$(A):9 & LV$(PR$,1,1):LV$"A"LV$"F"3320a 0 A$(PR$,2,1):(PR$,2,1)"T"3320 5 A((PR$,3,2)):A1A63320 8 SN2:350:3135:3200 ? LV$(PR$,1,1):LV$"T0"(A)"BT02"VV01:TLV$"GREEN":3190 C LV$"T0"(A)"BT02"V desea leer?^/":LM10:600:LM,Y14 TLį"C\odigo de la historia":40,BM1422:0:"Escriba el codigo.^/Despu\es presione ^[Return.^]":L4:TY3:200:IN203005:PT$IN$:(PT$)43320  PR$"":I14:A((IN$,I,1)):AA32(A96):AA31(A79a comenzar!^/"N TLį"Which story would you like to read?^/":LM10:600 TLįLM,Y14:"Story code":50,BM1422:0:"Type the story code.^/Then press ^[Return.^]":L4:TY3:200:IN203005:PT$IN$:(PT$)43320& TLį"@?Qu\e historia  MENU "ES1:FF0200003AC110000b 460:FFTLį"Ok, "NF$", let's go on.^/" FFTLį"Bueno, "NF$", Listos para comenzar.^/" FFTLFF1:"Ok, "NF$", we are ready to begin!^/" FFTLFF1:"@!Bueno, "NF$", listos par           oods"t TLį"El perro Rey viv\ia cerca de:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"el lago":W$(1)"la ciudad grande":W$(2)"el bosque" ZZ$"The person telling the story lives ^>near a woods^< and, of course, so does his dog."@ Z1$"La persona quien nos cuenta la histx  ET04.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,14,42,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"The dog, King, lived near a:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"lake":W$(1)"big city":W$(2)"w       2900:,,,3(R4):TLį"^(John has been a coach for 10 years.^)";{yTLį"^(Juan ha sido entrenador por 10 a~nos.^)";~TLį" His teams have won many games. Many of his players have become very good. Some are coaches now.";|TLį" Sus eo learn the game.^)";TLį"Si \el no pod\ia ser un jugador profesional, \el pod\ia ser un entrenador. El podr\ia continuar disfrutando del basqu\etbol. ^(El podr\ia ayudar a los chiquitos a aprender el juego.";s2911:IN203600:IN83500Dt^/But, John had another idea.";K TLį"^/^/Pero, Juan tuvo otra idea.";l2911:IN203500:IN834002900:,,,3(R5):TLį"If he could not be a pro player he could be a coach. He could still enjoy basketball. ^(He could help young kids tpre hab\ia so~nado en ser un profesional.";L 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:,,,3(R3):TLį"^(He was sad when he found out that he was not that good.^)"; TLį"^(Se puso triste cuando descubri\o que no era muy bueno.^)"; TLį"^/3200H 2900:TLį"He helped his team win 20 games one year. John played basketball in college. He had always dreamed of being a pro.";+M TLį"Un a~no el le ayud\o a su equipo ganar 20 partidos. Juan jug\o basqu\etbol en la universidad. El sieml.^)"; TLį"El jug\o basqu\etbol con el equipo de la escuela primaria. ^(Jug\o cuando estaba en la escuela secundaria.^)"; TLį" He was able to make many baskets."; TLį" El pod\ia hacer muchas canastas.";G 2911:IN203300:IN8basqu\etbol en el invierno. El jugaba en el verano y en el oto~no. Siempre estaba jugando basqu\etbol."; 2911:IN203200:IN83100 2900:,,,3(R2):TLį"He played basketball on the grade school team. ^(He played when he was in high schooa tirar el bal\on. Aprendi\o a saltar para agarrar el bal\on.";a  2911:IN203100:IN83000 2900:TLį"John played basketball in the winter. He played in the summer and in the fall. He was always playing basketball.";j TLį"Juan jugaba e him a basketball of his own.^)" ! TLį"A Juan le encantaba el basqu\etbol. ^(Cuando el estaba en el primer grado su pap\a le di\o un bal\on.^)"; & TLį"He learned to shoot the ball. He learned to jump for the ball.";@ + TLį" El aprendi\o : ` 150Q 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2:TLį"A BASKETBALL STAR":0} TLį"UNA ESTRELLA DE BASQU\ETBOL":0 SN1:350:131 IN203000!  2900:,,,3(R1):TLį"John loved basketball. ^(When he was in first grade his dad gavrl"Z TLį"Susi era:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"la madre":W$(1)"la abuela":W$(2)"una ni~nita" ZZ$"This lighted line tells us Susan asked her mother, so Susan must be ^>the child^<."# Z1$"Esta linea iluminada nos dice que Susi pregunta a su mam\a, poro  ET03.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,2,26,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"Susan was:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"the mother":W$(1)"grandmother":W$(2)"a little gi 8р8Ǘ;ŕу:ŠFF ԀЀՁ Հŕ‚Վ燇͍ Ѕݍ7ԀƎ聕Ž7ЃĄݍԀЂԀ Ԃ  ĄŠ Օݝݝ Š ݀Ŝ݅ŅՕ Յ Čݝ݀Հ Հ Հ ݀݀݀  ՅՕՅ Յ ՕՀՅՀ Ā݀ݝ؊ݝᏀՕᕀДŁՁՅЇ * PՀ :Հ . Š ܁)ՕՀ Օ Հ # Ą ݝŅ  ЃՕÁᡁ ǗLJĀ ݀͝Հ Ѓ!* Ɓ ÛՀ ĄЀݝؘ݀   Ђ݁ĄĄݍ݇ܝĄƎ讎ЇՕ Ђ€ Ą؀ؿݝ " ݈"ĄՅՕ老􀗗􀡕 Ā݀@ } DT0( LJ + ݀ "ĄήՕ "Օ $݈ #燷 &Օ&ܜŅՅ           ŢѠШԪժժԪժժpDT06.!kժժժժժժժШѨѢѢŢŊŊ ժժժժժ ժժժ4Ղ^^ՁK +ՅࠂDT06.n ' ЀЀ!#! ՕѨԪժŠ ШԪժժժժժᅕՕšѨłŢժժՊ0Օ݀E鹻đđ>Օ5.(@)DT06.* *DT06.1 ÛήݟODT06.C؝مܝ讎$DT06.P DT06.PDT06._ aܴŅ  _ Rġ: ` 150[ 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2:TLį"SUSAN SINGS A SONG":0 TLį"SUSI CANTA^/UNA CANCION":0 SN1:350:131:IN203000  2900:TLį"Susan was trying to sing a song. It was a song her grandpa used to sing to4 ET03 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3400,3200,4000,3700,4400,3200:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC5:LW0:RW40:TW105:NL5:500: ^ BC5:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1:      "DT05.2"'SN6:350:9009000,",I,8:F1:P2:"DT05.6",I,8:F2:P1:H11,200,8,264,55:F1:P2::"DT05.4":F2:TQ.3:11:P1:"DT05.4":F1:P2:"DT05.7":F2:P1:"DT05.7"IF1:P2:"DT05.5",27,160:F2:P1:"DT05.5",28,160:P205.2":"DT05.1":VDI1001308:"DT05.5",15,I:F1:P2:"DT05.5",15,I:F2:P1:EI1301006:"DT05.5",15,I:F1:P2:"DT05.5",15,I:F2:P1::6,105,95,170,155:"DT05.6":"DT05.8":F1:P2::"DT05.1":"DT05.2" FF2:P1::"DT05.1":emos aqu\i.")2100:IN20RR1:550028 [X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600z@D"BLOAD DT05.1-5.PAC,A"T9A"DT05.6",8,8,22,55:"DT05.7",28,95,36,142:"DT05.8",11,56,16,140B"DT05.2":"DT05.1":11,84,8,158,64CF1:P2:"DT de basqu\etbol?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Es alto":W$(1)"Hace muchos puntos":W$(2)"Es un buen entrenador"ZZ$"He is a star because he is such a ^>good coach^<, which we read here." Z1$"El es una estrella porque \el es un ^>buen entrenador^<, lo que leda habla que \el entrena ni~nos jovenes, no adultos."R{2100:IN20RR1:5400|4050:TLį"Why is John a basketball star?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"He is tall":W$(1)"He scores points":W$(2)"He is a good coach"dTLį"@?Por qu\e es Juan una estrellaW$(0)"Primaria":W$(1)"Secundaria":W$(2)"Profesional""ZZ$"^>Grade school^< kids is the right answer. This lighted sentence tells us he coaches young kids, not teens or adults."5'Z1$"^>Primaria^< es la respuesta correcta. Esta oraci\on iluminaan ahora es un ^>entrenador^<."<2100:IN20RR1:53004050:TLį"What age are the players that John coaches?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Grade school":W$(1)"College":W$(2)"Pro"7TLį"@?Qu\e edad tienen los jugadores que entrena Juan?":NW3:AW1:a:":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"player":W$(1)"coach":W$(2)"fan"TLį"Ahora Juan es un:":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"jugador":W$(1)"entrenador":W$(2)"aficionado"ZZ$"This lighted line tells us John is now a ^>coach^<."Z1$"Esta linea iluminada nos dice que Ju"10 a~nos":W$(2)"Ninguno"i ZZZ$"^>Not at all^<. As we read here he was not good enough to be a pro." _Z1$"^>Nada^<. Como leemos aqu\i, \el no era bastante bueno para ser un profesional." 2100:IN20RR1:520064050:TLį"Now John is aba en la secundaria."3 O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"How long did John play pro ball?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"5 years":W$(1)"10 years":W$(2)"Not at all" UTLį"@?Cu\anto tiempo jug\o Juan como profesional?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"5 a~nos":W$(1):IN203800:IN83700><2900:TLį"What do you think?";]ATLį"@?Qu\e crees t\u?";~2911:IN203900:IN83800p2020z3900390090t, too. Many people agree that John is a basketball star.^)";TLį"A Juan todav\ia le gusta el basqu\etbol. ^(El ha ayudado a muchos otros a amarlo tambi\en.^/^/Mucha gente est\a de acuerdo con que Juan es una estrella de basqu\etbol.^)";;2911quipos han ganado muchos partidos. Muchos de sus jugadores han llegado a ser muy buenos. Algunos son entrenadores ahora.";2911:IN203700:IN83600>2900:,,,3(R6):TLį"John still loves basketball. ^(He has helped many others to love iϟ߀*🟀+ **ࠂՔхŕĀĀĀԔхŅԅԑЁѕπࠂπďĀĄЁЅŕфЁĄՕԁԀЁπՕЁՔЁхЁЅŕĀĀՕՕՄՄĀĀĄЅՕŕՕՕĀĀ̀/ 󹀀 ćЀŕŕŕŕŕѕՕѕՕŕ7  8Ք Ձ 7Ք Յ 7 6‚ą6 5 65(54‚5Ņ.ĀÁ ЕՁЈє3ԁՕѕ48Ā9  8 8Ā āՕĄąՕɁ݉ ‚ЂՅ ĔՕĄ Օ  ݝŁ 䔀"˛ !Ύ ƀՀԁ"ՕՕՀяԀՕՕŀԎ ՕՕՕՁՀ ՔՁ  Հԕ ՅՅ Ņё ŕՕՀ@X V DT0(K݀K(ʊ( ݝՅՕՅ  Օ Յ ՔՀ Ս݅ Օ      ЁՕŠՁ  ԀՔՅ ‚  āхЀĐłŅՕĐԐŠŅDT05.  =ʊ Օ ՅըDT05._ 0ՕՕҐБԄՕссԄЀ@)DT05.8(   DT05.6W˛ Ύ ƀ ʪą ʊ݉ŠŅʊʪ.DT05.V4050:TLį"Amy named the kittens:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"colors":W$(1)"after her friends":W$(2)"musical notes" TLį"Amelia nombr\o a los gatitos:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"colores":W$(1)"como a sus amigos":W$(2)"notas musicales"% ZZ$"We see here that got a kitten after they moved to a house with a big yard, ^>their other yard must have been too small^<." Z1$"Como ten\ia un gatito despu\es que ten\ia un patio grande, su otro patio debe haber sido muy ^>peque~no^<." 2100:IN20RR1:5000o dogs":W$(1)"it was too cold":W$(2)"their yard was too small" TLį"Cuando Amelia era peque~na, ella no pod\ia tener un gato porque:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"ella ten\ia perros":W$(1)"hac\ia mucho fr\io":W$(2)"su patio era muy peque~no"j ZZ$"Since she  ET02.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,4,20,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84:> 4050:TLį"When Amy was small, she couldn't have a cat because:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"she had    p2020z410000(p20202z41000with Do and Re. She still talks about cats most of the time."; TLį"Amelia pas\o muchos ratos alegres con Do y Re. Ella todav\ia habla acerca de gatos la mayor\ia del tiempo.";g2911:IN204100:IN84000p2020z4100 100:IN84000st of the kittens.^)";TLį"Finalmente, Amelia escogi\o el que se parec\ia m\as a Do. ^(Se quedo con Re. Ellos encontraron buenos hogares para el resto de los gatitos.^)";2911:IN204000:IN83900?2900:TLį"Amy had many happy times quedarse con uno de los gatitos. Fu\e dif\icil escoger con cu\al se iba a quedar.";v2911:IN203900:IN838002900:,,,3(R5):TLį"Finally, Amy chose the one that looked the most like Do. ^(She kept Re. They found good homes for the rebr\o a los seis gatitos, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti.^)";V;2911:IN203800:IN83700<2900:TLį"Amy's parents said she could keep one of the kittens. It was hard to decide which one to keep.";UATLį"Los padres de Amelia le dijeron que pod\iaem play.";hyTLį"Do era buena mam\a para sus gatitos. Ella les daba de comer y los miraba jugar.";2911:IN203700:IN836002900:,,,3(R2R4):TLį"^(Amy named the six kittens Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, and Ti.^)";5TLį"^(Amelia nomer stayed up to help Do.";TLį" La noche en que nacieron los gatitos, Amelia y su pap\a se quedaron hasta tarde para ayudar a Do.";s2911:IN203600:IN83500 t2900:TLį"Do was a good mother to her kittens. She fed them and watched thermoso gato.";/2911:IN203500:IN83400x2900:,,,3(R3):TLį"^(When Amy was seven, Do had kittens.^)";TLį"^(Cuando Amelia ten\ia siete a~nos, Do tuvo gatitos.^)";TLį" The night that the kittens were born Amy and her fathasa que ten\ia un patio grande. Muy pronto Amelia tuvo su propio gatito.^)";n 2911:IN203400:IN83300 2900:TLį"Amy named her kitten Do. Do grew up to be a beautiful cat."; TLį"Amelia nombr\o a su gatito Do. Do lleg\o y a ser un hun gato.";+ G 2911:IN203300:IN83200 H 2900:,,,3(R1):TLį"^(Amy was five when her family moved to a house that had a big yard. Very soon Amy got her own kitten.^)";MM TLį"^(Amelia ten\ia cinco a~nos cuando su familia se mud\o a una c2900:TLį"Sometimes Amy's friends get tired of hearing about her cats.^/^/When Amy was small, she could not have a cat."; TLį"A veces los amigos de Amelia se cansan de oir acerca de sus gatos.^/^/Cuando Amelia era peque~na, ella no pod\ia tener her books are about cats. She has cat pictures on the wall of her room."; TLį"Ella tiene una frazada de gato. La mayoria de sus libros son sobre gatos. Ella tiene dibujos de gatos en la pared de su cuarto."; 2911:IN203200:IN83100} ts on them."; ! TLį"A Amelia siempre le han gustado los gatos. A ella le gusta hablar y cantar canciones acerca de gatos. Amelia tiene almohadas con dibujos de gatos.";  2911:IN203100:IN83000K 2900:TLį"She has a cat blanket. Most of _ Rġ: ` 150V 2900:1:,TM(BMTM118)2:2:TLį"DO AND RE":0:Rıs TLį"DO Y RE":0:Rı SN1:350:131:IN203000  2900:TLį"Amy has always liked cats. She loves to talk and sing about cats. Amy has pillows with ca 4 ET02 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3400,3800,3600,3800,4000,3000:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC1:LW0:RW40:TW93:NL6:500:^ BC1:W40:BW79:NL5:550:,,,1:     z# ӱ Ӳ ԰԰à ԰à԰Ѡ ՠ ˠ Ӡ  ԰à԰à԰Ѡ ԰԰à԰à԰Ѡ ԰à԰Ѡ԰԰à԰à ԰Ѡ԰ ԰Ѡ԰԰à԰à԰Ѡ ԰ ԰à  렠   ԰ ԰à!԰à à̠ǠΠ堠 렣栶԰԰ vid que \el hab\ia tenido el mismo problema cuando se puso anteojos por primera vez.^)";y2911:IN204400:IN84300p2020z4400^Оsses.^)";!5TLį"^(El Se~nor Otero le dijo a David que \el hab\ia tenido el mismo problema cuando se par quitarse el gorro. El y el Se~nor Otero se rieron.";Y/2911:IN204300:IN8420002900:,,,3(R4):TLį"^(Mr. Otero told Dave that he had the same thing happen to him when he first got glasses.^)";X5TLį"^(El Se~nor Otero le dijo a Da^/^/David se toc\o la cabeza. Todav\ia llevaba puesto el gorro.";c2911:IN204200:IN841002900:TLį"Now his glasses had made him forget to take off his cap. He and Mr. Otero laughed.";8TLį"Ahora, los anteojos le hab\ian hecho olvidSe~nor Otero dijo, {David est\a bien que uses los anteojos nuevos.";eg2911:IN204100:IN84000h2900:TLį"But, you will have to take off your cap.}^/^/Dave felt his head. His cap was still on!";BmTLį"Pero tienes que quitarte el gorro.}:IN839002900:TLį"When Dave sat at his desk, his teacher, Mr. Otero, came over to him. Mr. Otero said, {Dave, you may wear your new glasses.";D TLį"Cuando David se sent\o en su escritorio, su maestro, el Se~nor Otero, se le acerc\o. El co!^)";(2911:IN203900:IN838002900:TLį"Something funny happened to Dave the first day he wore his glasses to school.";TLį"Algo chistoso le pas\o a David el primer d\ia que us\o los anteojos en la escuela."; 2911:IN204000IN83700<2900:,,,3(R5):TLį"^(He noticed it when he played baseball, too. He could catch and hit the ball better. That was great!^)";ATLį"^(Lo notaba cuando jugaba b\eisbol tambi\en. El pod\ia agarrar y batear mejor. @!Qu\e fant\astie could see better with his glasses. He noticed it when he was reading. The words were much more clear.";TLį"David pod\ia ver mejor con los anteojos. Lo notaba cuando estaba leyendo. Las palabras eran mucho mas claras."; ;2911:IN203800:83500st2900:TLį"If he touched them with his fingers, they would get smeared. That made it hard to see.";yTLį"Si los tocaba con los dedos, se ensuciaban. Eso lo hac\ia dif\icil ver.";2911:IN203700:IN83600k2900:TLį"Dav0:IN834002900:,,,3(R3):TLį"^(It was hard to keep the glasses clean.^) It seemed like they were always dirty.";TLį"^(Era dif\icil mantener los anteojos limpios.^) Le parec\ia que siempre estaban sucios.";s2911:IN203600:IN203400:IN83300 2900:TLį"Dave would reach up to feel his cap and he was not wearing one. The glasses fooled him."; TLį"David se tocaba para sentir el gorro, pero no lo llevaba puesto. Los anteojos lo enga~naban."; 2911:IN20350200w H 2900:TLį"It was strange to wear glasses for the first time. It made him feel like he was wearing a cap."; M TLį"Era raro usar anteojos por primera vez. El hecho era que lo hac\ia sentir como si estuviera usando un gorro."; 2911:IN said that he did need glasses.^/^/^(Dave got his new glasses one Friday after school.^)"; TLį"El doctor dijo que David necesitaba anteojos.^/^/^(David recibi\o los anteojos nuevos un viernes despu\es de la escuela.^)"; G 2911:IN203300:IN83rouble seeing words on the chalkboard.^)"; TLį"David ten\ia que usar anteojos. ^(Su mam\a lo llev\o al m\edico porque ten\ia dificultad en ver las palabras de la pizarra.^)"; 2911:IN203200:IN83100Z 2900:,,,3(R6):TLį"The doctor: ` 150K 2900:1:,TM(BMTM118)2:2:TLį"NEW GLASSES":0k TLį"ANTEOJOS NUEVOS":0 SN1:350:131:IN203000* 2900:,,,3(R1R2):TLį"Dave had to get glasses. ^(His mom took him to the doctor because he was having t:6,190,160,268,191''SN6:350:9000:900ll֖Ƃ Հ ݝՕŅՀŕӓ  Ç ݝ ե Ǘ Յ Յ兡 '݅ݝ݀'Հ܅'Յ(Ѐ ( (ݝՁ ŕՕՕ@  ET0(KŠRDՅՕCՕՕ ,  ʊ-Ą Օ(Հ Օŕ'     ET01. ժՀ@!hET01.ݝݝݢ͡vET01.wIà ƂЊ#"H#ET01. ʊʊʊ ensuciaban.^<",2100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"Did Mr. Otero ever have glasses?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"Can't tell from the story"TLį"@?Hab\ia tenido anteojos el Se~nor Otero?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)s":W$(1)"Se ensuciaban":W$(2)"No pod\ia agarrar la pelota" ZZZ$"Here the lighted lines tell us the problem Dave had: his glasses ^>always got dirty.^<"_Z1$"Aqu\i las l\ineas nos dicen que el problema que David ten\ia: sus anteojos siempre ^>se20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"What problem did Dave have with his new glasses?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Too tight":W$(1)"They got dirty":W$(2)"He couldn't catch a ball"< UTLį"@?Qu\e problema ten\ia con los anteojos nuevos?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Muy apretado)"Ojos":W$(1)"Oidos":W$(2)"Pies" ZZ$"Since he was having trouble with his eyes, we know he would go to an ^>eye doctor^<." Z1$"Ya que estaba teniendo problema con sus ojos, sabemos que ir\ia a visitar un ^>doctor de los ojos^<." O2100:IN."> Z1$"Vemos aqu\i que \el ^>no pod\ia ver la pizarra^<."[ 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"What kind of doctor did Dave go to?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Eye":W$(1)"Ear":W$(2)"Foot"# TLį"@?A qu\e clase de doctor fue David?":NW3:AW1:W$(0eyes hurt":W$(2)"Couldn't see the chalkboard" TLį"@?C\omo supo David que necesitaba anteojos?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"No pod\ia leer":W$(1)"Le duelen los ojos":W$(2)"No pod\ia ver la pizarra" ZZ$"We see here that he ^>couldn't see the chalkboard^< :@197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,16,25,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84:. 4050:TLį"How did Dave know that he needed glasses?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Couldn't read":W$(1)"His           uso anteojos por primera vez.^)";B2911:IN204400:IN84300Lp2020Vz440000gp2020qz4400(aestro.^)";,;2911:IN203800:IN83500<2900:,,,3(R2):TLį"^( I am eight years old^/ and am in second^/ grade at^/ Simon Bolivar School.^)";ATLį" ^(Tengo ocho a~nos^/ y estoy en el segundo ^/ grado en la^/ Escuela 833002900:,,,3(R1):TLį"^(We wrote notes to tie to our balloons. My note said,^/^/ My name is Bill^/ Masters."; TLį"^(Nosotros escribimos notas para amarrarlas a nuestros globos. Mi nota dec\ia,^/^/ Mi nombre es Guillermo^/ Med the idea. Our teacher got balloons for us. She also got some gas to put in the balloons."; TLį"A nosotros nos gust\o la idea. Nuestra maestra nos consigui\o globos. Tambi\en consigui\o gas para ponerlo en los globos.";2911:IN203500:IN TLį"^(El puso un gas especial en globo que hizo que el globo se elevara hacia el cielo.^) Flot\o en el aire muchas millas. Una ni~na encontr\o el globo y la nota y le escribi\o una carta."; G 2911:IN203300:IN83200] 2900:TLį"We lik a un globo.^)";1 2911:IN203200:IN83100 2900:,,,3(R5):TLį"^(He put a specal gas in the balloon which made the balloon rise higher in the sky.^) It floated in the air for many miles. A girl found the balloon and wrote a letter back."; clase mand\o unas cartas ayer. @!Las mandamos por globo!";]  2911:IN203100:IN83000 2900:,,,3(R3):TLį"^(We read a story about a boy who tied a note to a balloon.^)"; TLį"^(Le\imos una historia de un ni~no qu\e amarr\o una nota: ` 150T 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2:TLį"A LETTER^/IN THE SKY":0{ TLį"UNA CARTA^/EN EL CIELO":0 SN1:350:131:IN203000  2900:TLį"My class mailed some letters yesterday. We mailed them by balloon!";< ! TLį"Mi 4:>H197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000H PR$ R3800,3900,3200,4400,3300,4600:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC5:LW0:RW40:TW0:NL6:500:^ BC5:W40:BW176:NL4:550:,,,1: _ RġO  ݅ #ԕՅԀ $ %ݍ&Ǝ)Ë (Ž .-EЂ Š ݄  ՀᎀЏՅёՁՀՕᡁ ݀  Օ!3V"8Z#0ՕZՕ*˜ʊŠʊՅ ԃՁՕ 聕թ À ՕЂ  ЅՅ Ԃ Օ ‚ Օ  Օ ŠՁ6ʊ Š!ԕхՅ Ą"ԁՕՕ ՅЂ Ԃр ըՅՀՕ Հ    Ҙ܁Ք+ Ђ讎+ ӡ >WQՕTՕMM 'Օ'ՕT01."(I):KHTQ.1:I601216:8004:11:F1:P2:8004:11:F2:P1:^'SN6:350:900d1.7",,I3CD"ET01.8",,I63:"ET01.9",,I67:"ET01.10",,I62:YEI9606:8003uFF1:P2:8003:F2:P1:GI14:"ET01."(I):HTQ.1:I601216:8004:11:F1:P2:8004:11:F2:P1:'SN6:350:90020:900s900g"E"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600<@D"BLOAD ET01.1-4.PAC,A"T9A"ET01.5",3,12,11,70:"ET01.6",16,32,24,76:"ET01.7",27,11,37,70:"ET01.8",5,73,12,111:"ET01.9",17,77,26,134:"ET01.10",27,73,35,120B8005 C"ET01.5",,I:"ET01.6",,I22:"ET0":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"No se sabe por el cuento"vZZ$"^>No^<. We see here that Bill is still waiting for an answer."Z1$"^>No^<. Vemos aqu\i que Guillermo todav\ia est\a esperando para una repuesta."2100:IN20RR1:55008 X197:R1:5400|4050:TLį"At the end of the story, had Bill heard from his balloon?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"Can't tell from the story"-TLį"Al final del cuento, @?Habia recibido noticias Guillermo de su globo?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"S\ion":W$(1)"Gas":W$(2)"Se cayeron del techo""ZZ$"This lighted line tells us they rose up into the air because they were full of ^>gas^<."'Z1$"Esta linea iluminada nos dice que ellos se elevaron porque fueron lleno de ^>gas^<." {2100:IN20Rs^<.""2100:IN20RR1:53004050:TLį"What made the balloons rise into the air?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"An airplane":W$(1)"Gas":W$(2)"They fell off the roof",TLį"@?Qu\e hizo que los globos se elevaran en el aire?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Un avi\ec\ian peque~nos"ZZ$"We see here that the balloons were going way up in the sky. ^>They looked small because they were getting far away^<."Z1$"Vemos aqu\i que los globos se iban hacia el cielo. ^>Ellos se miraban peque~nos porque estaban lejo3:W$(0)"they had dots":W$(1)"they were big":W$(2)"they looked small far away"TLį"@?Qu\e quizo decir la historia con, {...los globos eran s\olo unos puntitos} quiere decir:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"ten\ian puntos"TLW$(1)"eran grandes":W$(2)"pare lo hizo"T ZZZ$"We read here that they read a ^>story^< about balloon letters." _Z1$"Aqu\i leemos que ellos leen una ^>historia^< sobre notas por globo." 2100:IN20RR1:5200P4050:TLį"{The balloons were tiny dots} means:":NW3:AWthe idea to send balloon notes?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"From TV":W$(1)"From a story":W$(2)"Another class did it" UTLį"@?C\omo se le ocurri\o a la clase mandar notas por globo?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Por la television":W$(1)"Por una historia":W$(2)"Otra clas2:W$(0)"Primero":W$(1)"Segundo":W$(2)"Cuarto"q ZZ$"This lighted line tells us he is in ^>second^< grade." Z1$"Esta linea iluminada nos dice que \el es en ^>segundo^< grado." O2100:IN20RR1:5100l P4050:TLį"How did the class get esta correcta. Guillermo es su nombre. Y este es un nombre de ni~no."b 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"What grade was the person in?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"First":W$(1)"Second":W$(2)"Fourth"1 TLį"@?En qu\e grado estaba la persona?":NW3:AWt TLį"@?Qui\en escribi\o la historia?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Un ni~na":W$(1)"Un ni~no":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice" ZZ$"^>Boy^< is the right answer. We see here that his name is Bill Masters, and Bill is a boy's name."E Z1$"^>Ni~no ^their other yard must have been too small^<." Z1$"Como ten\ia un gatito despu\es que ten\ia un patio grande, su otro patio debe haber sido muy ^>peque~no^<." 2100:IN20RR1:5000o dogs":W$(1)"it was too cold":W$(2)"their yard was too small" TLį"Cuando Amelia era peque~na, ella no pod\ia tener un gato porque:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"ella ten\ia perros":W$(1)"hac\ia mucho fr\io":W$(2)"su patio era muy peque~no"j ZZ$"Since she  ET02.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,4,20,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84:> 4050:TLį"When Amy was small, she couldn't have a cat because:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"she had    her.";t ! TLį"Susi estaba tratando de cantar una canci\on. Era una canci\on que su abuelo le cantaba a ella.";  2911:IN203100:IN83000 2900:,,,3(R6):TLį"^(Her grandpa sang it to her many times.^)"; TLį"^(Su abuelo se la c _ Rġ: ` 150[ 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2:TLį"SUSAN SINGS A SONG":0 TLį"SUSI CANTA^/UNA CANCION":0 SN1:350:131:IN203000  2900:TLį"Susan was trying to sing a song. It was a song her grandpa used to sing to4 ET03 FH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000P PR$ R3400,3200,4000,3700,4400,3200:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC5:LW0:RW40:TW105:NL5:500: ^ BC5:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1:     +晀#"̳̳̳̳̳̳̳̳̀#݇ Н" Ձ#€"̳̳ij̳̳̀#*݀"Յ̲̳̳!҂݀!時҂晆! ʊ!̳Š̳̳̳̳̳"݀"Հ"晆晀΃!̳̃"Ռ̳̳ȳ̀ ݗ搅ʊ Օ ̳̳̳챕Յݝ ԑƋ ̳̲̰ՕՔ̳̳̳ 晀Յ̳̳̳́ՅݝՁ̳̳̳̳̃̌̀ӗՕ̳̳ŝͅՀ̳̳̱ɉؘݷ ĄȈ̌所晀 ˃ǼٙΛ ̳̳̳ї÷ƈΘ焇񱱁̳̳̳̓̀ 怂ݣ晆Ąա ̳̳̳̒Օ݀܀Օ̳̳̳̀ݷНݝ̬Ѐ扨バ ̳̀ ՀՓ̳̰ ݷ 所Ɛ尖ՅЅ ̳˛ՕЕű̲̳̀ʊݝݍ̀恰 ՐĄܘ݀ՕպՁՀ ̳̳̰ Օ ՔՀ̳̳̳ЅՕ  ǀ񀪨 晢 ݝǀ 򀪪Š ΎЀ̀ 책 ՠ΋΋ΛՀЀ ՁŅՅՅсʊ Ą Ąǁ 晪ʊʊʂ Ԁ ՀՅՕ  ݝ܀ŕ _ET03.e踎ȌƎ8ET03.z FŁՐŠҊՕ肊ՕŇݝ Օ  Օ  Հ@ET03.S¢񓇗ݿꁃݝݍӁpET03.a܀ƎÛ"No":W$(2)"Can't tell from the story"TLį"El abuelo de Susi ha pasado mucho tiempo con Susana.":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"No se sabe por el cuento" ZZ$"^>Yes^<. They must have spent a lot of time together if Grandpa sang to her ^>she must have liked him^<."'Z1$"Si pensando sobre su abuelo hace a Susi sonreir, conocemos que ^>ella le gusta a \el^<."{2100:IN20RR1:5400&|4050:TLį"Susan's Grandpa has spent a lot of time with Susan.":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)$(0)"She likes him":W$(1)"We can't tell":W$(2)"She can't remember him"TLį"@?Que siente Susi por su abuelo?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Lo quiere mucho":W$(1)"No se sabe":W$(2)"No lo recuerda""ZZ$"If thinking about Grandpa made Susan smile, we know r su abuelo"TZZ$"We read here that it was written ^>before Grandpa was born^<."Z1$"Aqu\i leemos que fu\e escrito ^>antes que naciera el abuelo^<."2100:IN20RR1:5300I4050:TLį"How does Susan feel about her Grandpa?":NW3:AW1:W2100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"The song was made up:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"for Susan":W$(1)"by Grandpa":W$(2)"before Grandpa was born" TLį"La canci\on fue compuesta:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"para Susi":W$(1)"por su abuelo":W$(2)"antes de nacema":W$(2)"Su nombre estaba en ella" ZZZ$"She said the song was about her because ^>her name was in it.^< Susanna is almost like Susan." _Z1$"Ella dice que la canci\on se trata de \ella por que ^>su nombre estaba all\i^<. Susana es como Susi."usan say the song was about her?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"She plays banjo":W$(1)"She was from Alabama":W$(2)"Her name was in it"$ UTLį"@?Por qu\e dijo Susi que la canci\on era acerca de ella?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Ella tocaba el banjo":W$(1)"Ella era de Alaba1)"algunas de las palabras":W$(2)"nada de la canci\on"{ ZZ$"Here we see that Susan remembered ^>some of the words^<." Z1$"Aqu\i podemos ver qu\e Susi recuerda ^>algunas de las^< palabras." O2100:IN20RR1:5100{ P4050:TLį"Why did S supuesto Susi es ^>una ni~nita^<."@ 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"Susan could remember:":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"all the words":W$(1)"some words":W$(2)"none of the song"8 TLį"Susi pod\ia recordar:":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"todas las palabras":W$(rl"Z TLį"Susi era:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"la madre":W$(1)"la abuela":W$(2)"una ni~nita" ZZ$"This lighted line tells us Susan asked her mother, so Susan must be ^>the child^<."# Z1$"Esta linea iluminada nos dice que Susi pregunta a su mam\a, poro  ET03.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,2,26,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"Susan was:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"the mother":W$(1)"grandmother":W$(2)"a little gi     /*ԄԀ218W% Ӄ ‚៿쌎Ǝ/&Ą̜ݝĔ6Ԁ *Հ Š  Ąݝ܀ŕ#Ђ  ՁѕՀ  ݀ݍݝ܍ݝݝ ĄĘݍ؜؈ݝ ǃǗՅ񻺹 ՀՀ莂΂憦"Š Ҋ Հ Ԅ Օ  Ԕ肊 Օ  ݝ ݝԔՅԔՀʊ ĄՕŁ ʊLJǴ Յ Օ Š ໸쌆"Հ݀  ݝݝ" Հ Ӄ Ї ₨   ō؆ŠՅ Յ ݍ ١Յ 𲂂 ĄҐ рݍ܀  ő  ܀Ԃ÷ㇷᅕ Օ݅Š 兕ՕԀΆՕՁ ݀Ą 鏟   Ձ ㇗ ՀՔ؂Ā ՁՄߟ ͝܃݀ݝǟ ՀՁЁȎ¢ЅՀݍՀ•ĀʊՅܝݝݝѿ ՁՅǷՕՅݍՁʔĄ烏ݝ兕ŕՕՕЅߞŠա ՅՅ(ՕԂ ՕŷՅЅ Հ&ՕՕ”Ą݁  Օݜʊ#@ET0(Օ֖ŕLՕܜܜ0쌌ʂ⊊1ʊŠ ՅݝՕő݀ݝ+Քӄ     5):TLį"^(All King could do was watch and whine.^)";v5TLį"^(Todo lo que pudo hacer Rey fue mirar y gemir.^)";:,,,3(R6):TLį" ^(I am sure that the fox was smiling as he trotted back into the woods.^)";??TLį" ^(Estoy seguro que el"Then the fox calmly walked over to King's dish of food and ate every bite.";TLį"Luego el zorro calmadamente camin\o hacia el plato de la comida de Rey y se comi\o hasta el \ultimo pedacito.";/2911:IN204300:IN84200702900:,,,3(RЭIN84000kh2900:TLį"In no time King's rope was wrapped around the tree. King could hardly move.";mTLį"En un minuto la soga de Rey estaba envuelta en el \arbol. Rey casi no pod\ia moverse.";2911:IN204200:IN84100O2900:TLoga.";'2911:IN204000:IN839002900:TLį"Then the fox ran circles around the tree with King running after him."; TLį"Luego el zorro corri\o en c\irculos alrededor del \arbol con Rey corriendo detr\as de \el."; g2911:IN204100:)";VATLį"El zorro se acerc\o a Rey actuando jugueton. ^(Rey movi\o la cola.^)";w2911:IN203900:IN838002900:TLį"He got as close to the fox as the rope would let him.";TLį"Se acerc\o al zorro tanto como se lo permiti\o la scoming out of the woods.";xTLį"Cuando me asom\e por la ventana, v\i un peque~no zorro rojo. Sal\ia del bosque.";;2911:IN203800:IN83700<2900:,,,3(R4):TLį"The fox came close to King and acted playful. ^(King wagged his tail.^use to eat my supper.^)";yTLį"^(El lunes, como a la hora de la cena le d\i a Rey su taza comida. Luego entr\e a la casa a cenar.^)";2911:IN203700:IN836002900:TLį"When I looked out of the window, I saw a small red fox. It was to the tree.^)";mTLį"^(Le doy a Rey su taza de comida de perro mientras est\a amarrado al \arbol.^)";s2911:IN203600:IN83500t2900:,,,3(R3):TLį"^(Monday, about supper time I gave King his bowl of food. Then I went into the hoon a long rope. The rope is tied to a tree."; TLį"A menudo pongo a Rey afuera con una soga larga. La soga esta atada a un \arbol.";2911:IN203500:IN834002900:,,,3(R2):TLį"^(I give King his bowl of dog food while he is tiednd other animals. He wags his tail and wants to play with them."; M TLį"A \el le gustan los conejos, ardillas y otros animales. El mueve su cola y quiere jugar con ellos."; 2911:IN203400:IN83300. 2900:TLį"I often put King outside xed}?^/^/King likes to be outside."; TLį"@?Pero el lunes pasado vi como lo enga~naron, o m\as bi\en yo dir\ia como lo {engatusaron}?^/A Rey le gusta estar afuera."; G 2911:IN203300:IN83200B H 2900:TLį"He likes the rabbits, squirrels aį"I used to think that King was the smartest animal in the world."; TLį"Yo cre\ia que Rey era el animal m\as inteligente del mundo."; 2911:IN203200:IN83100$ 2900:TLį"But last Monday I saw King get fooled, or should I say {out-foLį"^(Vivo cerca del bosque como a cinco millas del pueblo.^)"; & TLį" I have a dog that is five years old. His name is King."; + TLį" Tengo un perro que tiene cinco a~nos. Su nombre es Rey.";  2911:IN203100:IN83000E 2900:TL: _ Rġ: ` 150Y 2900:1:,TM(BMTM118)2:2:TLį"WHO'S SMARTER?":0 TLį"@?QUIEN ES MAS INTELIGENTE?":0 SN1:350:131:IN203000  2900:,,,3(R1):TLį"^(I live near a woods about five miles from town.^)";@ ! Tv4 ET04 IH197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000S PR$ R3100,3600,3700,3900,4400,4400:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC6:LW0:RW30:TW81:NL7:500: ^ BC6:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1       :IN203800:IN83700><2900:TLį"What do you think?";]ATLį"@?Qu\e crees t\u?";~2911:IN203900:IN83800p2020z3900390090"ET04.5"FCN11:TQ.3:12:P2:"ET04.1":"ET04.2":P1:"ET04.7"cD"ET04.1":N5:TQ.3:12v'SN6:350:900 comido su comida."02100:IN20RR1:550068_X197:"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600~@D"BLOAD ET04.1-6.PAC,A"T9A"ET04.7",17,58,20,73 B"ET04.1":"ET04.2":N6:TQ.3:12:"ET04.4":N10:TQ.1:12:"ET04.6":N4:TQ.2:12:"ET04.3":nti\o el zorro al final del cuento?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Apenado":W$(1)"Asustado":W$(2)"Feliz"ZZ$"The fox would be ^>happy^< that he tricked the dog and ate his food."Z1$"El zorro estaba ^>contento^< de que \el hab\ia enga~nado al perro y hab\iaells us King ^>whined^<."T'Z1$"Esta linea iluminada nos dice que Rey ^>gemia^<."q{2100:IN20RR1:5400|4050:TLį"How did the fox feel at the end of the story?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Sorry":W$(1)"Afraid":W$(2)"Happy"]TLį"@?C\omo se seg do while the fox ate his food?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Barked":W$(1)"Whined":W$(2)"Wagged his tail"TLį"@?Qu\e hizo Rey mientras el zorro se comi\a la comida?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Ladr\o":W$(1)"Gimi\o":W$(2)"Movi\o la cola""ZZ$"This lighted line tstado":W$(1)"Enfurecido":W$(2)"Amigable"xZZ$"If King wagged his tail, he was acting ^>friendly^< toward the fox."Z1$"Si Rey mov\ia la cola, \el estaba ^>amistosamente^< con el zorro."2100:IN20RR1:5300a4050:TLį"What did Kina hora m\as apropiada."42100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"How did King act when he first saw the fox?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Afraid":W$(1)"Mad":W$(2)"Friendly"*TLį"@?C\omo actu\o Rey cuando v\io al zorro al principio?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Asu0)"Al mediodia":W$(1)"6:00 P.M.":W$(2)"7:00 A.M." ZZZ$"Since the story took place at supper time, ^>6:00 P.M.^< is the only time that would make sense."_Z1$"Ya que la historia se llev\o a cabo la hora de la cena las ^>6:00 P.M.^< ser\ia la unica su \arbol^<.", O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"About what time of day did this story take place?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Noon":W$(1)"6:00 P.M.":W$(2)"7:00 A.M."4 UTLį"@?C\omo a que hora del d\ia se llev\o a cabo la historia?":NW3:AW2:W$(u taza de comida de perro:":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"cerca a un \arbol":W$(1)"en la casa":W$(2)"en el bosque" ZZ$"This line tells us King eats his food while ^>tied to a tree^<." Z1$"Esta linea nos dice que Rey come su comida mientras est\a ^>amarrado oria vive ^>cerca del bosque^< y por supuesto su perro tambien."] 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"King was fed his bowl of dog food:":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"near a tree":W$(1)"in the house":W$(2)"in the woods"g TLį"A Rey le daban de comer soods"t TLį"El perro Rey viv\ia cerca de:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"el lago":W$(1)"la ciudad grande":W$(2)"el bosque" ZZ$"The person telling the story lives ^>near a woods^< and, of course, so does his dog."@ Z1$"La persona quien nos cuenta la histx  ET04.Q H197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,14,42,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"The dog, King, lived near a:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"lake":W$(1)"big city":W$(2)"w     ǀ Հ * pĄ݅ݍ * "xƷ     ŀ Ą UT𗇓  E ՀP@8xpr Ą芠݀ Հ*(  * Ѕ…ݜ U ŀŀ Հ UĀ"*ՀĀ *ԀЀD EUTP Ā  TŠ‚ P@xpr*(!UC эՅԀU ’ſՕP Q@P QPÀ*ĀUA|ՕՔՁՕĀUՁՁՕ*(ĄĄ Օ* pǀ ՕUUAPPQSGՀх ՕД UUQPPSCЈՕ ՕՅє €*( Ā))#/ )+#Ā UTՅЄ UՕć̅с * € Ą Ąȁ       ѾՕՔ ĄՕŅՄ΀ˆ  Հ ȘĀԀĀ ĄĄĀ ՁՁԀՀՀĄ𣠢 ĄԄ ĀՀ @ET0( €‚‚₀ĄĄĄՀ ȀՀ0*ՀՕՀՀ      C   Ą  ݁с  񱕇ԜĿ. ,ՕďʊŅĐ <ET04.: ՕՅՅՅՈ’’€QET04.tݍН􇢢¢݀Ȉ/ET04.@"ET04.à đđđđđđđđ 肈oET04.,€¢ȁĀnET04da habla que \el entrena ni~nos jovenes, no adultos."R{2100:IN20RR1:5400|4050:TLį"Why is John a basketball star?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"He is tall":W$(1)"He scores points":W$(2)"He is a good coach"dTLį"@?Por qu\e es Juan una estrellaW$(0)"Primaria":W$(1)"Secundaria":W$(2)"Profesional""ZZ$"^>Grade school^< kids is the right answer. This lighted sentence tells us he coaches young kids, not teens or adults."5'Z1$"^>Primaria^< es la respuesta correcta. Esta oraci\on iluminaan ahora es un ^>entrenador^<."<2100:IN20RR1:53004050:TLį"What age are the players that John coaches?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Grade school":W$(1)"College":W$(2)"Pro"7TLį"@?Qu\e edad tienen los jugadores que entrena Juan?":NW3:AW1:a:":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"player":W$(1)"coach":W$(2)"fan"TLį"Ahora Juan es un:":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"jugador":W$(1)"entrenador":W$(2)"aficionado"ZZ$"This lighted line tells us John is now a ^>coach^<."Z1$"Esta linea iluminada nos dice que Ju"10 a~nos":W$(2)"Ninguno"i ZZZ$"^>Not at all^<. As we read here he was not good enough to be a pro." _Z1$"^>Nada^<. Como leemos aqu\i, \el no era bastante bueno para ser un profesional." 2100:IN20RR1:520064050:TLį"Now John is aba en la secundaria."3 O2100:IN20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"How long did John play pro ball?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"5 years":W$(1)"10 years":W$(2)"Not at all" UTLį"@?Cu\anto tiempo jug\o Juan como profesional?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"5 a~nos":W$(1)aba Juan basqu\etbol cuando estaba en la secundaria?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"No se sabe por el cuento" ZZ$"^>Yes^<, this lighted sentence says he did play in high school." Z1$"^>S\i^<, estas oraciones iluminadas dicen que \el juguan estaba en el primer grado, pues ^>6^< a~nos es la mejor respuesta."d 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"Did John play basketball when he was in high school?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"Can't tell from the story"w TLį"@?Jug"p TLį"Juan ha jugado basqu\etbol desde que ten\ia _____ a~nos:":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"6":W$(1)"12":W$(2)"18" ZZ$"The lighted lines tell us John was in first grade, so ^>6^< years old is the best answer."G Z1$"Las l\ineas iluminadas dicen que J :@197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,0,46,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84: 4050:TLį"John has been playing basketball since he was:":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"6":W$(1)"12":W$(2)"18    D -d񴇇* 0ĄܜĀ  UD@ЀĄ Uу * Ā *"U ,U*   ؀͙* " ĀUEA UAAD஀쬬*(""8ఀ UTC  UTP  * #  *  Ąݝ U@D   U TTUP Ą݀ "*( 掌驁  *(( $dDE ĀݍР !aA ar quitarse el gorro. El y el Se~nor Otero se rieron.";Y/2911:IN204300:IN8420002900:,,,3(R4):TLį"^(Mr. Otero told Dave that he had the same thing happen to him when he first got glasses.^)";X5TLį"^(El Se~nor Otero le dijo a Da^/^/David se toc\o la cabeza. Todav\ia llevaba puesto el gorro.";c2911:IN204200:IN841002900:TLį"Now his glasses had made him forget to take off his cap. He and Mr. Otero laughed.";8TLį"Ahora, los anteojos le hab\ian hecho olvidSe~nor Otero dijo, {David est\a bien que uses los anteojos nuevos.";eg2911:IN204100:IN84000h2900:TLį"But, you will have to take off your cap.}^/^/Dave felt his head. His cap was still on!";BmTLį"Pero tienes que quitarte el gorro.}:IN839002900:TLį"When Dave sat at his desk, his teacher, Mr. Otero, came over to him. Mr. Otero said, {Dave, you may wear your new glasses.";D TLį"Cuando David se sent\o en su escritorio, su maestro, el Se~nor Otero, se le acerc\o. El co!^)";(2911:IN203900:IN838002900:TLį"Something funny happened to Dave the first day he wore his glasses to school.";TLį"Algo chistoso le pas\o a David el primer d\ia que us\o los anteojos en la escuela."; 2911:IN204000IN83700<2900:,,,3(R5):TLį"^(He noticed it when he played baseball, too. He could catch and hit the ball better. That was great!^)";ATLį"^(Lo notaba cuando jugaba b\eisbol tambi\en. El pod\ia agarrar y batear mejor. @!Qu\e fant\astie could see better with his glasses. He noticed it when he was reading. The words were much more clear.";TLį"David pod\ia ver mejor con los anteojos. Lo notaba cuando estaba leyendo. Las palabras eran mucho mas claras."; ;2911:IN203800:83500st2900:TLį"If he touched them with his fingers, they would get smeared. That made it hard to see.";yTLį"Si los tocaba con los dedos, se ensuciaban. Eso lo hac\ia dif\icil ver.";2911:IN203700:IN83600k2900:TLį"Dav0:IN834002900:,,,3(R3):TLį"^(It was hard to keep the glasses clean.^) It seemed like they were always dirty.";TLį"^(Era dif\icil mantener los anteojos limpios.^) Le parec\ia que siempre estaban sucios.";s2911:IN203600:IN203400:IN83300 2900:TLį"Dave would reach up to feel his cap and he was not wearing one. The glasses fooled him."; TLį"David se tocaba para sentir el gorro, pero no lo llevaba puesto. Los anteojos lo enga~naban."; 2911:IN20350200w H 2900:TLį"It was strange to wear glasses for the first time. It made him feel like he was wearing a cap."; M TLį"Era raro usar anteojos por primera vez. El hecho era que lo hac\ia sentir como si estuviera usando un gorro."; 2911:IN said that he did need glasses.^/^/^(Dave got his new glasses one Friday after school.^)"; TLį"El doctor dijo que David necesitaba anteojos.^/^/^(David recibi\o los anteojos nuevos un viernes despu\es de la escuela.^)"; G 2911:IN203300:IN83rouble seeing words on the chalkboard.^)"; TLį"David ten\ia que usar anteojos. ^(Su mam\a lo llev\o al m\edico porque ten\ia dificultad en ver las palabras de la pizarra.^)"; 2911:IN203200:IN83100Z 2900:,,,3(R6):TLį"The doctor: ` 150K 2900:1:,TM(BMTM118)2:2:TLį"NEW GLASSES":0k TLį"ANTEOJOS NUEVOS":0 SN1:350:131:IN203000* 2900:,,,3(R1R2):TLį"Dave had to get glasses. ^(His mom took him to the doctor because he was having t4:>H197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000H PR$ R3200,3200,3600,4400,3900,3300:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC1:LW1:RW39:TW93:NL6:500:^ BC1:W40:BW59:NL4:550:,,,1: _ Rġ       ÏLJ х  ՕݩՕ耿Ѐ܀ Ԁ  聀Ђ聑݀DT04.1ЕŅ ՀՅ啁 Ċ ՀхՑԀōЅՀǗՄ⊪ ԝ݀đ݁  ݀   Հ ՔKDT04._Ǔ݀ĕǔՀΌʊ Ĕ Ą݀ĀĀDT04.T 9؀ ąݍ ݝНDT04.@PՀՄŕՅԅЕՀ Հ @%DT04.)h Հ݀ Հ  Հ ՀąՁݝՀՀԀݝՐ ՀՀ⎬ ՀǗǗ       ensuciaban.^<",2100:IN20RR1:52004050:TLį"Did Mr. Page ever have glasses?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"Can't tell from the story"TLį"@?Hab\ia tenido anteojos el Se~nor Otero?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"S\i":W$(1)"No":W$(2)s":W$(1)"Se ensuciaban":W$(2)"No pod\ia agarrar la pelota" ZZZ$"Here the lighted lines tell us the problem Dave had: his glasses ^>always got dirty.^<"_Z1$"Aqu\i las l\ineas nos dicen que el problema que David ten\ia: sus anteojos siempre ^>se20RR1:5100 P4050:TLį"What problem did Dave have with his new glasses?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Too tight":W$(1)"They got dirty":W$(2)"He couldn't catch a ball"< UTLį"@?Qu\e problema ten\ia con los anteojos nuevos?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Muy apretado)"Ojos":W$(1)"Oidos":W$(2)"Pies" ZZ$"Since he was having trouble with his eyes, we know he would go to an ^>eye doctor^<." Z1$"Ya que estaba teniendo problema con sus ojos, sabemos que ir\ia a visitar un ^>doctor de los ojos^<." O2100:IN."> Z1$"Vemos aqu\i que \el ^>no pod\ia ver la pizarra^<."[ 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"What kind of doctor did Dave go to?":NW3:AW1:W$(0)"Eye":W$(1)"Ear":W$(2)"Foot"# TLį"@?A qu\e clase de doctor fue David?":NW3:AW1:W$(0eyes hurt":W$(2)"Couldn't see the chalkboard" TLį"@?C\omo supo David que necesitaba anteojos?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"No pod\ia leer":W$(1)"Le duelen los ojos":W$(2)"No pod\ia ver la pizarra" ZZ$"We see here that he ^>couldn't see the chalkboard^< :@197:"TSUBS2",2100,4000:198:2500:AR0:460:5000455:0,140,TM,RM,82:0,LM2,83,RM,BM2:PR$,16,25,,LM7,TM2,19,82:LM,84:. 4050:TLį"How did Dave know that he needed glasses?":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Couldn't read":W$(1)"His       : ` 150T 2900:1:,TM(BMTM218)2:2:TLį"A LETTER^/IN THE SKY":0{ TLį"UNA CARTA^/EN EL CIELO":0 SN1:350:131:IN203000  2900:TLį"My class mailed some letters yesterday. We mailed them by balloon!";< ! TLį"Mi 4:>H197:"TSUBS1",2000,2100:198:TQ1:120:R0:3000H PR$ R3800,3900,3200,4400,3300,4600:DC1:2910:TLįZZ$; TLįZ1$; 130:IN202501:T BC5:LW0:RW40:TW0:NL6:500:^ BC5:W40:BW176:NL4:550:,,,1: _ Rġ!!ŝ"ŠĀǗՀĀ  ݁ ÏŠ  Օ ՕĄƎĀŠǗ Ԁ  Ԁ   Յ 聀 Օ ՕĄƎĀŠŝ"ŠĀ Ԁ   Յ 聀ՀĀ  ݁ ÏŠ 耿Є܁¢ ݍЀ ܀ĀՕ Ԁ  Āԁ ԕŅՕՕŔĄ݀ݜՕՕ ЀĄ ā‚ĀЕԅІĄԃ!Ā! !!ĀĀ #!Ā! ĀĄĊ Ā !ĄՀĀ Ք "   Ą ĄĀ!Ѐ"Հ!Ā"!!!!!Ā!Ā $ Ј #Հ # "ĄĀ "Ā  " Ԁ " Ā"#@  DT0("+ !Ą+Ā "Ā+ "+ "Ā*Ā "+ "* "Ā+ #* #Ā+ #Ā% "% #Ā ĀĀ "!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!T01."(I):KHTQ.1:I601216:8004:11:F1:P2:8004:11:F2:P1:^'SN6:350:900d1.7",,I3CD"ET01.8",,I63:"ET01.9",,I67:"ET01.10",,I62:YEI9606:8003uFF1:P2:8003:F2:P1:GI14:"ET01."(I):HTQ.1:I601216:8004:11:F1:P2:8004:11:F2:P1:'SN6:350:90050:900s900g"E"RWSUBS",2000,7000:198:2600<@D"BLOAD ET01.1-4.PAC,A"T9A"ET01.5",3,12,11,70:"ET01.6",16,32,24,76:"ET01.7",27,11,37,70:"ET01.8",5,73,12,111:"ET01.9",17,77,26,134:"ET01.10",27,73,35,120B8005 C"ET01.5",,I:"ET01.6",,I22:"ET0":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"No se sabe por el cuento"vZZ$"^>No^<. We see here that Bill is still waiting for an answer."Z1$"^>No^<. Vemos aqu\i que Guillermo todav\ia est\a esperando para una repuesta."2100:IN20RR1:55008 X197:R1:5400|4050:TLį"At the end of the story, had Bill heard from his balloon?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Yes":W$(1)"No":W$(2)"Can't tell from the story"-TLį"Al final del cuento, @?Habia recibido noticias Guillermo de su globo?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"S\ion":W$(1)"Gas":W$(2)"Se cayeron del techo""ZZ$"This lighted line tells us they rose up into the air because they were full of ^>gas^<."'Z1$"Esta linea iluminada nos dice que ellos se elevaron porque fueron lleno de ^>gas^<." {2100:IN20Rs^<.""2100:IN20RR1:53004050:TLį"What made the balloons rise into the air?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"An airplane":W$(1)"Gas":W$(2)"They fell off the roof",TLį"@?Qu\e hizo que los globos se elevaran en el aire?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Un avi\ec\ian peque~nos"ZZ$"We see here that the balloons were going way up in the sky. ^>They looked small because they were getting far away^<."Z1$"Vemos aqu\i que los globos se iban hacia el cielo. ^>Ellos se miraban peque~nos porque estaban lejo3:W$(0)"they had dots":W$(1)"they were big":W$(2)"they looked small far away"TLį"@?Qu\e quizo decir la historia con, {...los globos eran s\olo unos puntitos} quiere decir:":NW3:AW3:W$(0)"Ten\ian puntos"TLW$(1)"Eran grandes":W$(2)"Pare lo hizo"T ZZZ$"We read here that they read a ^>story^< about balloon letters." _Z1$"Aqu\i leemos que ellos leen una ^>historia^< sobre notas por globo." 2100:IN20RR1:5200P4050:TLį"{The balloons were tiny dots} means:":NW3:AWthe idea to send balloon notes?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"From TV":W$(1)"From a story":W$(2)"Another class did it" UTLį"@?C\omo se le ocurri\o a la clase mandar notas por globo?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Por la television":W$(1)"Por una historia":W$(2)"Otra clas2:W$(0)"Primero":W$(1)"Segundo":W$(2)"Cuarto"q ZZ$"This lighted line tells us he is in ^>second^< grade." Z1$"Esta linea iluminada nos dice que \el es en ^>segundo^< grado." O2100:IN20RR1:5100l P4050:TLį"How did the class get esta correcta. Guillermo es su nombre. Y este es un nombre de ni~no."b 2100:IN20RR1:5000 4050:TLį"What grade was the person in?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"First":W$(1)"Second":W$(2)"Fourth"1 TLį"@?En qu\e grado estaba la persona?":NW3:AWt TLį"@?Qui\en escribi\o la historia?":NW3:AW2:W$(0)"Un ni~na":W$(1)"Un ni~no":W$(2)"El cuento no lo dice" ZZ$"^>Boy^< is the right answer. We see here that his name is Bill Masters, and Bill is a boy's name."E Z1$"^>Ni~no ^