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Savely":M$(6)"American Languag 16,(100)100:7,4:76856,(37)3:7,6:768;::60:10:5:"Please make a note that you have":5:"worked with: ":1995::5:M$(0):150:>M$(0)"What do you want to do now?":M$(1)"Do the next exercise":M$(2)"Go to the Main Menu":M(1):7,20:76806,15020(1):7,20:7686CFX%1ıpZZ16:YY(16336)(16336)(16336)YY(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336):ZZ:~FX%ı6,100(37)3:7,10:76858:22:9:"Type YES (Y) or NO (N)";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553:KP78KP89KP110KP121825;YN1((KP78)(KP110)):FX%ı6,11020(1):7,20:7686,11020(1):7,20:7686,8020579,580,510,582,5834A11:"Now it's correct!":WB8:"OK this time, ";SF$;".":{C8:"Now it's fine, ";SF$;".":D5:"That's much better, ";SF$;".":F5:"Now that's the way to say it!":G8:"That's the way to learn.":i922:1:9:20:(16(1))521,522,523,524,525,526N 10:"That's right, ";SF$;".":d 16:"Exactly.": 8:"That's the right answer.": 14:"Good answer.": 16:"Correct.":12:"That makes sense.":?19:1:958:20:(17(1))577,578,M2:M0W$(W$,M):453.N8W$"":453>N13M1ıZN13İ400:(W$)0456N13İ410:M(W$):CHM1:868:P$:W$W$M$:MII1ĺM$(95)P$;453900:8:22:" ":FL0:EX510NT1575*1700:1775:19:1:95816368,0:M$:N(M$):N127NN128>N17N145ġ:1553WM1(N13N32)456N8(N8N13)(N13N27)(N27N32)(N32N39)(N39N65)(N90N97)(N122N128)456N27HF1:N8(36)CH456N8ĺM$;:868:(95)P$;:M)::W$WZ$:RETURNVI(W$)3:((W$,I,1))32I3::: remove trailing spacesiW$(W$,I1):oCV(37):M0:CH(36):M$"":W$""80:21:11:"Press for help."MM1:CV1:CHM:MII1ĺ(7)(7);:MM2:W$(W$,M):453&" "W$(W$,(W$)1):400Y(W$)1((W$,1)" "(W$,1)".")W$(W$,(W$)1):401ZZ1(W$):(W$,ZZ,2)" "W$(W$,ZZ)(W$,(W$)1ZZ):ZZZZ1ZZ:WZ$"":I1(W$)N((W$,I,1)):N97N39N32413NN32WZ$WZ$(N150 # 8:M$(0)::N1M: 3:N;". ";M$(N):@ | ,21:1:958:21:14:"Your choice?";:CH(36):CV(37) 616368,0:16384,128:KP(16384)128:16368,0:KP17KP145ġ:1553 ;KP49KP48M310 @CXKP48:(W$)1(W$,1)0:"Please type your answer":13:"and press ";:z dEF0EX0Ģ3:20:868:21:"Score so far: ";PC;"%":1809 e 24:1:958:24:16:"SPACE BAR"; 16368,0:16384,128:KP(16384):16368,0:KP17KP145ġ:1553 KP160KP32M$(7):150:z 220:1:958:20:15:"Press ";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553 3KP27KP15550 4 <:((40(EX$))2):EX$:L1EX$(1)""64 >((40(EX$(0)))2):EX$(0) @; P23:1:958:23:1e Academy":M$(7)"Copyright 1987":M$(5)"and Sheldon Wise"D !:d "5:(19(M$(1))2):M$(1); %9:(19(M$(2))2):M$(2); (11:(19(M$(3))2):M$(3); +12:(19(M$(3))2):YY1(M$(3)):"-";:YY .1:18:M$(4):1:M$(5):1:M$(6):1:$(3)"Stop for today":M3::33,34:32,6:200:33,40:32,0:UCX1565,1565,1580:10:3:"Just a minute, ";SF$;"...":34,12:CX11572D$"RUN STARTUP,S6"$D$"RUN MIGHT,S6",:P115:G19:A$:T30P11:10:T:A$:10:T:" ":A(16336)::10:P1:A$;:P1P11:5-G,o,o,d,b,y,e,!,!f.15:7:"Please turn off the computer.":1,0@1000:18:1:958:18:CA31604BN1(W$):(W$,N,4)"able"AF1:N(W$)C:AFĖ5:"You have to use "C$"able to."C$:1606D(15(1))1dn't":T$(18)"'s able to":T$(19)"'re not able to"&T$(1)"am able to":T$(3)"isn't able to":T$(5)"aren't able to":T$(7)"wasn't able to":T$(9)"weren't able to"&'60:8:4:"In this exercise you will complete":"10 sentences with the correct form orcise A":25%T$(0)"":T$(2)"is able to":T$(4)"are able to":T$(6)"was able to":T$(8)"were able to":T$(10)"will be able to"4&T$(11)"won't be able to":T$(12)"'ll be able to":T$(13)"can":T$(14)"can't":T$(15)"cannot":T$(16)"could":T$(17)"coulu try the ones you missed":"one more time."::"Would you like to try them again?"z$34,22:33,40:32,0::825:::$M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercise A":%::M$(1)"Grammar Mastery II -- Series B":M$(2)C$"Can"C$" and "C$"be able to"C$:M$(3)"Exe only one question that":"you're having trouble with.":"Would you like to try it again?"#TW2ĺ"This time you missed 2 questions.":"Would you like to try them again?"U$TW2ĺ"This exercise is hard, isn't it?":"I think you'll do better if":"yo":60:34,8:33,37:32,3:Q"PC%100ĺ"You're getting to be an expert!":"PC%PCĺ"This time you answered "PC%"%":"of the questions correctly,":"but your official score is "PC"%.":1960"PC%100ı\#34,8:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"There is again."p!TW3ĺ"You did pretty well, but I'm sure":"you can get 100% if you try":"the hard ones again."!TW3ĺ"You had a hard time with some":"of those questions. Let's try":"the ones you missed again.""34,16:33,40:32,0::150::: R A T U L A T I O N S!"::9:"You did a great job!":150: 34,12:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"Wonderful! You only missed one!":"Let's try it again." !TW2ĺ"You only had trouble with two":"questions. I think you'll get":"them right if you try themTW:MN2:TW0:FL0:CA0*{QQ1:Q30ıQ}B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)0QCQC1^QCQNıuB2%(E,Q,0)01915B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)01915:3035:1915:60:VT86(PC100):VT:12:"FINAL SCORE: "PC"%"> PC100ĢVT6:4:"C O N GT$(13);"................"::T$(16);".............."::T$(1);".........":<N2102:T$(N);:X(T$(N))220:".";:::::7:21:T$(14);", ";T$(15)::21:T$(17)::21:"am not able to":>N3112:21:T$(N):::150::lQC0:Q0:EF1:QNC%0:B2%(E,0,0)PC:GPC(TP100TQ):(TP100TQ)PC0.5PCPC1YB2%(E,0,0)PCPC%((TPRP)100TQ):((TPRP)100TQ)PC%0.5PC%PC%1:B60581:18116,B:7,10:768B:N:60:4:"Use one of these expressions:":7:(3)R(4)R(5)R(6)R(7):SM(9)SM(7)R(8)R(9):tM130:B2%(E,M,0)0:B2%(E,M,1)0:M:B2%(E,0,1)B2%(E,0,1)1:TQ0:TP0:RP0:N130:B2%(E,N,0)1TPTP1:TQTQ1:N:1780B2%(E,N,0)2RPRP1B2%(E,N,1)0TQTQ1NTQ0PC0:P:150:NT1ı\N08:R(10N)R(9N):N:R(1)1:1740:B2%(E,Q,1)0B2%(E,Q,0)2:}B2%(E,Q,0)1:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:NT1ıTWTW1:N08:R(10N)R(9N):N:R(1)0:1740:B2%(E,Q,1)0ıB2%(E,Q,0)0:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:1SM(7)R(1)R(2)R:"That isn't the best choice.":PX5:"That's not the right expression.":Y21:13:"Please try again.":150:18:1:958:h21:1:958:21:11:"Press ":8:"for the correct answer.":151:18:1:958 mVT:HT:868:T$(A(1));P$612,1615,1618,1621,16246FNTMNİ1725:1775:1625@I1640L6:"There is something wrong with that answer.":O7:"I'm sorry, but your answer":9:"isn't exactly correct.":R4:"That isn't the right expression.":#U6f":C$"can"C$" or "C$"be able to."C$\'13:"Do you want to read the introduction?":825l'YN2ī2050'60:3:"The modal auxiliaries "C$"can"C$" and "C$"could"C$:"have more than one meaning, but in"B("this exercise, you will use them to":"express ability.":9:"-------":9:16:"Examples":16:"--------"(11:"* I can play the guitar and the piano.":1150:14:"* Tom could ride a bicycle when he was":3:"only four years old.":1150(19:6:"CAN = present or future ability")21:6k's television wasn't working last Sunday, so he "UL$" watch the football game.":A(1)7:A(2)17:HT15:VT13:P$" watch":H7Q$"Most four-year-old children "UL$" read. They learn how when they are five o next Friday.":A(1)10:A(2)13:A(3)12:HT3:VT13:P$" pay you back":5Q$"Switzerland has four national languages.Most Swiss people "UL$" speak more than one language.":A(1)4:A(2)13:HT19:VT13:P$" speak":6Q$"Jac)17:HT1:VT15:P$" pay his rent.":4Q$"This is a long book. You probably "UL$" finish it today.":A(1)11:A(2)14:A(3)15:A(4)5:HT1:VT13:P$" finish it today.":W5Q$"Would you please lend me $10? I "UL$" pay you back Now she "UL$" read and speak four languages.":A(1)2:A(2)13:A(3)18:HT9:VT13:P$" read":'4Q$"Last month Bill spent all his money on movies and restaurants. Then he "UL$" pay his rent.":A(1)7:A(2:A(2)17:HT8:VT13:P$" understand it.":2Q$"My parents spent a week in Paris. They "UL$" see everything, but they saw the most famous places.":A(1)9:A(2)17:HT6:VT13:P$" see everything,":3Q$"Doris grew up in Europe.s studying Spanish. He hopes that he "UL$" speak it when he goes to Mexico next year.":A(1)10:A(2)13:A(3)2:A(4)12:HT18:VT13:P$" speak":,2Q$"Mark tried to read a scientific article,but he "UL$" understand it.":A(1)7:0b QCQNSM(7)7ė:10:5:"You're doing very well on this":5:"exercise, "SF$"."::3:"Would you like to stop now?":825::YN3200,30200t QCQN30200 1950:PC10015500 1900:1970:PC%10015500 YN132200 15501Q$"Charlie i/) K:OKĺ(7)(7):20:1:958:20:7:"You need to use "C$"able to."C$:150:20:1:958:3065v/+ NTNT1:PPPC/- W$T$(A(1))İ500:100:3140/0 N14:W$T$(A(N))Ă:3130/5 N4:500:100:3140/: 1600:NTMNİ100:30700D 150:EF1EX1ėe to."C$:22:"-------"A. VT:HT:UL$;P$;:868:VT:HT:450]. N27N155İ1850:3041. FOR LP = 1 TO 17: IF W$ = T$(LP) THEN LP = 17. NEXT LP.& OK1: IF NT > 1 THEN 3115.' K1317:W$T$(K)EXCACA1/( CA2W$T$(K)OK0:K17d--------":30507- EFĢ3:1:"Question #";QC:3050Y- 3:1:"Review question #";QC- QNQC0Ģ3:24:"(";QNQC;" more to go)":3050- 10:1:958:11:1:N116040:(Q$,N,40):N:1150:1150. II(T$(A(1))):CA2Ģ6:10:"Please use "C$"abl10:MN2:EF0:EX0:TW0:FL0:CA0:E1:1750:PC0>, QCQC1d, Q(113(1)):B2%(E,Q,1)03030x, N14:A(N)0:, Q4010,4020,4030,4040,4050,4060,4070,4080,4090,4100,4110,4120,4130, NT0:AF0:EFCA2- ::EXĢ3:1:"E X A M P L E":"-----r "C$"able to,"C$" but in this":"exercise, I want to be sure you practice";+"both forms. So, sometimes I will tell":"you that you have to use "C$"able to."C$:150+EX1:WC27:TW0:E1:MN2:4000::2:3041+ N110:R(N)0:2, :WC27:QC0:QN.":6:"---------------":16:"Present ability: (am, is, are) able to":1150::"Past ability: (was, were) able to"*1150::"Future ability: will be able to":1150:150:1850N+60:8:5:"It usually doesn't matter if you":"use "C$"can"C$" o:"COULD = past ability":150)60:3:"You can also express ability with:":5:5:"be + able to + simple verb":5:"-- ------- -----------":9:3:"Bert is able to drive a truck.":8:"----------------"z*12:3:"He was able to buy his own truckr six.":A(1)5:A(2)14:A(3)15:HT1:VT13:P$" read. They learn how":7Q$"Fred doesn't like his job, but he is afraid to quit. He is afraid that he "UL$" find another job.":A(1)11:A(2)14:A(3)15:HT4:VT15:P$" find another job.":8Q$ժժՂЪժժժՊժժժժժժժժՊB*ՊժժժժՠժՊժժժժժժժժՊժժՀЪժժժՊժժժժժժժժՊժԪժժժժժՊԪժժժժժժժՊժժժժժժՊժժժЪժժՊժժѪժժժՊЪժժժժժժժՊԪժժժՊժժժժժժժՊ3733ժժժժժՊժՂժժЪժժՊ3333+3ЪժժժԪժժժՊժժԪՊԪժՊժժժժՊ3+3 337ժժՀЪժժժՊժժժժժժժժՊժЪժժժժժՊժժժժժժժժՊժժժժժժՊժժժՀЪժժՊժժժժժժՊժժժժժժժՊԪժժժՊժժԪժժժժՊ?3?3???ժժժժժՊժՊժժѪժժՊ?????73ЪժժժՀЪժժժՊժժԪՂԪժժժժժժՊ?7?????3ժժՂЪժժժՊժժժժժժժժՊժЪժժժժՠժՊժժժժժժժժՊԪժժժժժՊժժժՀЪժժՊժժժժժժՊժժժժժժժՊЪժժժՊժժԪժժժժՊ33?ժժժժժՊժՊժժѪժժՊ?#3 "#$%&'()*+,-./0ժժժՀЪժժժՊժժЪՂЪժժժժժժՊ#??3ԪժժժԪժժժՊժժժՊժժՊժժժժՊ?#? ??ժժժŪժՊժժժժժժժՊ??;3?;ժժժժժՊժՂժժЪժժՊ??3#ՂժժժժբժՊժժժժժժժժՊժժժՂժժժՊժժժժժժՊժժЪժժՊԪժՊЪժժժՊժժժժժժժժՊժժժժժՊժժժժժժժՊ?333?ЪժժժժժՊժԪժՂЪժժՊ33?# ժժժժժժժժՊժժժՊժժՀЪժժժժՊ3#?3?33ժժժժբժՊժժժժժժժժՊժժժՂժժժՊժժժժժժՊժժЪժժՊԪժժЪժժժՊԪժժժժժժժՊժժժժժՊժժժժժժժՊ?33??3??ЪժժժժժՊժՀЪժՊЪժժՊ3?3??# ժժժժժժժժՊժժժՊժժՂժժժժՊ3#?;??33ժժԪժժժՊժժժժժժժժՊժժժՊժժժՊժժժժժժժՊժժժժժժՊժժЪժժՊЪժժЪժժժՊԪժժժժժժժՊժժժŪժՊժժժժժժժՊ?;33?3ժժժժժՊժՀЪժՊЪժժՊ?3?3# ԪժժժժժժժՊժժժՊժժՂժժժժՊ?# 3?;ժժԪժժժՊժժժժժժժժՊժԪժՊժժժՊԪժժժժժժժՊժժժժժժՊԪժժЪժժՊЪժժѪժժժՊЪժժժժժժժՊժժЪՀЪժժժժժժՊЪժժժՊժժՀЪժժժժՊժժժժժՊժժժժժժժՊԪժժժժժՊժԪժՂЪժժՊ3NN32*WZ$WZ$(N)::W$WZ$:PCV(37):M0:CH(36):M$"":W$""X80MM1:CV1:CHM:MII1ĺ(7)(7);:MM2:W$(W$,M):45316368,0:M$:N(M$):N127NN128N17N145ġ:1553:N8(N8N13)(N13N27)(N27N3KP48:8(W$)1(W$,1)" "W$(W$,(W$)1):400u(W$)1((W$,1)" "(W$,1)".")W$(W$,(W$)1):401ZZ1(W$):(W$,ZZ,2)" "W$(W$,ZZ)(W$,(W$)1ZZ):ZZZZ1ZZ:WZ$"":I1(W$)N((W$,I,1)):N97N39N3241ġ:1553"KP160KP32150(?8:M$(0)::N1MV3:N;". ";M$(N):\,21:1:958:21:14:"Your choice?";:CH(36):CV(37)616368,0:16384,128:KP(16384)128:16368,0:KP17KP145ġ:1553;KP49KP48M310 @CX40(EX$))2):EX$:L1EX$(1)""64E >((40(EX$(0)))2):EX$(0)K @ P23:1:958:23:10:"Please type your answer":13:"and press ";: 24:1:958:24:16:"SPACE BAR"; 16368,0:16384,128:KP(16384):16368,0:KP17KP145(3);8 +12:(19(M$(3))2):YY1(M$(3)):"-";:YYo .1:18:M$(4):1:M$(5):1:M$(6):1:M$(7):150: 220:1:958:20:15:"Press ";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553 3KP27KP15550 4% <:(($(23)"sleeping", UL$(95)(95):2000 M$(4)"By Laura E. Savely":M$(6)"American Language Academy":M$(7)"Copyright 1987":M$(5)"and Sheldon Wise" !: "5:(19(M$(1))2):M$(1); %9:(19(M$(2))2):M$(2); (11:(19(M$(3))2):M$e":T$(7)"live":T$(8)"fly":T$(9)"break":T$(10)"move":T$(11)"watch":T$(12)"sleep":T$(13)"falling":T$(14)"eating":T$(15)"raining" T$(16)"going":T$(17)"having":T$(18)"living":T$(19)"flying":T$(20)"breaking":T$(21)"moving":T$(22)"watching":T2456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNICTLY RESERVEDR 27468:SF$"":N115:SF$SF$((27448N))::FX%((768)96) B2%(20,30,1),M$(10),T$(25),EX$(2):D$(4):C$(34):EX$"POSSIBILITY with MIGHT" (27)(17) T$(1)"be":T$(2)"fall":T$(3)"eat":T$(4)"rain":T$(5)"go":T$(6)"havQ *** UNIT 2, EX B OF GRAMMAR MASTERY II--SERIES B *** CATALOG TITLE"MIGHT"t *** WRITTEN BY SHELDON WISE *** PROGRAMMED BY LAURA E. SAVELY; MODIFIED BY NANCY POST, 8/87  *** COPYRIGHT 1987 BY American Language Academy -- ALL RIGHTS STRit.":A(1)7:A(2)17:HT19:VT13:P$"":9"Q$"If you spend all your money this weekend, you "UL$" go to the concert next Friday.":A(1)11:A(2)14:HT14:VT13:P$"":"Deaf people can communicate with their hands using sign language, but they "UL$" hear.":A(1)5:A(2)14:A(3)15:A(4)19:HT6:VT15:P$" hear.":)9Q$"I looked all over town for the book you wanted, but I "UL$" find ժժժժժժՊժժժժժժժՊժժՊЪժժժՊժժժժժժժժՊ LK2)(N32N39)(N39N65)(N90N97)(N122N128)456KN27HF1:aN8(36)CH456N8ĺM$;:868:(95)P$;:MM2:M0W$(W$,M):453N8W$"":453N13M1İ400:(W$)0456M1N13ıN13İ410:" "(8)P$" ":"W$W$M$:MII1ĺM$(95)P$;+453L900:NT1B2%(E,Q,1)0ī57520:958:21:(17(1))521,522,523,524,525,526,527 10:"That's right, ";SF$;".": 8:"You understood that one.": 5:"That's the way to use MIGHT.": 14:17:"--- -----":X MF1(W$,3)"ing"((A$,3)"ing"(B$,3)"ing")FL2:1808 MF1(W$,3)"ing"āN112:(W$,7,(T$(N)))T$(N)1808 MF1(W$,3)"ing"Ă:FL1:1808 ! MF2(W$,8)"might be"((A$,8)"might be"(B$,8)"might be")(TP100TQ):(TP100TQ)PC0.5PCPC1<B2%(E,0,0)PC|PC%((TPRP)100TQ):((TPRP)100TQ)PC%0.5PC%PC%1:MF0:FL0:N1(W$):(W$,N,1)" "MFMF1 :MF2MF1ĺ(7)(7):20:958:22:5:"Please type two or three words.":SM(7)R(8)R(9):WM130:B2%(E,M,0)0:B2%(E,M,1)0:M:B2%(E,0,1)B2%(E,0,1)1:TQ0:TP0:RP0:N130:B2%(E,N,0)1TPTP1:TQTQ1:N:1780B2%(E,N,0)2RPRP1B2%(E,N,1)0TQTQ1NTQ0PC0:PC%0:B2%(E,0,0)PC:*PC8:R(10N)R(9N):N:R(1)1:1740:B2%(E,Q,1)0B2%(E,Q,0)2:`B2%(E,Q,0)1:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:lNT1ıTWTW1:N08:R(10N)R(9N):N:R(1)0:1740:B2%(E,Q,1)0ıB2%(E,Q,0)0:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:SM(7)R(1)R(2)R(3)R(4)R(5)R(6)R(7):SM(9),YPC0EF0Ģ5:34:PC"%";:868:1150nZ20:1:958:20:12:"Please try again.":150:20:1:958:h20:1:958:20:11:"Press ":8:"for the correct answer.":151:20:1:958mVT:HT:868:A$;P$:150:NT1ı?N0g verb.":1L7:"That doesn't make sense.":ZM7:"That isn't the right answer.":N2:"There's a mistake in your ";C$;"-ing";C$;" verb.":T4:"You can't use the ";C$;"ing";C$;" form.":U3:"You need to use a "C$"verb + ing"C$" form.":1725:1775:NTMN1625"F1640PG4:"There's a mistake in your answer.":H7:"I'm sorry, but your answer":9:"isn't exactly correct.":I6:"There is something wrong with that answer.": J3:"I think you chose the wronthe computer.":1,0i@1000:20:1:958:21:(W$,3)"ing"(A$,3)"ing"(B$,3)"ing"İ1620:1605A(A$,3)"ing"(W$,3)"ing"İ1621:1605BFL3FL0:1610:1605CFL4FL0:1614:1605DFL0Ĵ(15(1))1612,1613,1607,1608,1609E:10:3:"Just a minute, ";SF$;"...":34,12:CX1ė:1572UD$"RUN STARTUP,S6"l$D$"RUN SHOULD,S6",:P115:G19:A$:T30P11:10:T:A$:10:T:" ":A(16336)::10:P1:A$;:P1P11:- G,o,o,d,b,y,e,!,!.15:7:"Please turn off ake a note that you have":5:"worked with: ":1995::5:M$(0):150:M$(0)"What do you want to do now?":M$(1)"Do the next exercise":M$(2)"Go to the Main Menu":M$(3)"Stop for today":M3::33,34:32,6:200:33,40:32,0:CX1565,1565,1580=36)(16336)(16336)YY(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336):ZZ:~FX%ı6,100(37)3:7,10:7686,(100)100:7,4:7686,(37)3:7,6:768H::60:10:5:"Please m8:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553W:KP78KP89KP110KP121825u;YN1((KP78)(KP110)):FX%ı6,11020(1):7,20:7686,8020(1):7,20:7686,15020(1):7,20:768FX%1ıZZ16:YY(163;".":1D5:"That's much better, ";SF$;".":^E1:"You're really learning, ";SF$;".":F5:"Now that's the way to use ";:"MIGHT";:"!":G8:"That's the way to learn.":0922:1:958:22:9:"Type YES (Y) or NO (N)";:16368,0:16384,12"Good answer.":1 12:"That makes sense.":G16:"Perfect!":h11:"That's it, ";SF$;".":?20:958:21:(17(1))577,578,579,580,510,582,583A11:"Now it's correct!":B8:"OK this time, ";SF$;".":C8:"Now it's fine, ";SF$FL2:1808S!MF2(W$,8)"might be"āN1323:(W$,(W$)9)T$(N)FL3:1808w!MF2(W$,8)"Might be"Ă:FL4!:!B60581:ZZ115:ZZ:1811!B87861:ZZ120:ZZ!6,B:7,10:768!B:!lQC0:Q0:EF1:QNTW:MN2:TW0"{QQ1:Q30ı7"}B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)0QCQC1D"QCQNı["B2%(E,Q,0)01915"B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)01915":3040:1915":5:7:"Your final score is ";:PC;"%":#PC100İ950:12:4:"C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!"::9:"Y"(The meaning depends on":9:"the situation or context.)":1500/60:6:4:"In this exercise, you will complete":"ten sentences using "C$"might"C$" and a verb":"from the box at the top of the screen.":J1410:4:"Read carefully to see if you need":g: "C$"What is Charlie doing?"C$:1810:6:5:"He might be sleeping.":8:"-----------------"/%10:"Future":11:"meaning: "C$"When do you think":11:"he will wake up?"C$:1810:A0*14:5:"He might sleep for another hour.":8:"-----------":18:9:11:1:"She might live with her parents.":13:"(She might be living with her parents.)":12:5:"----------":14:6:"---------------":.17:6:"But sometimes there is a big":6:"difference in the meaning....":150_/ 60:3:"Present":4:"meaninilton.":20:5:"(Maybe they are staying there.)":1810x- 11:6:"----------------":19:6:"----------------":150- 60:5:1:"Sometimes these two ways of using":C$"might"C$" have the exact same meaning:":9:C$"Where does Mary live?"C$:1810:.e":"a present or future meaning:":7:"Future meaning:":"--------------",:"John might be working late tonight."::5:"(Maybe he is going to ";:"work late.)":18109-15:"Present meaning:":"---------------":18:"They might be staying at the H I might go to Boston. -----":1810:+18:"Present":"meaning: Maybe he is sick.":"-------":21:" Modal: He might be sick.":" -----":1810:+15:14:"--------":22:15:"--------":150L,60:3:"The continuous form can also hav11:"the introduction?":825:YN22250*60:5:3:C$;"Might";C$;" is a modal auxiliary verb.":"We use it with a verb in the simple":"form to express possibility:":/+11:"Future":"meaning: Maybe I will go to Boston. -------":14:" Modal: Alan will finish high school next":4:"year. He might go to college.")14:"--------":1150:15:"2) Where is your sister?"::4:"She might be getting ready to go out.";:8:"----------------":1150:150)*60:10:8:"Would you like to read"::, Exercise B":(Q30:::M$(1)"Grammar Mastery II -- Series B":M$(2)"Possibility with "C$"might"C$:M$(3)"Exercise B":25( GOTO 3000(60:6:"In this exercise, you will complete":"a sentence with "C$"might,"C$" like this:":J)11:"1)"Would you like to try them again?"'TW2ĺ"This exercise is hard, isn't it?":"I think you'll do better if":"you try the ones you missed":"one more time."::"Would you like to try them again?"'34,22:33,40:32,0::825:::(M$(0)"Unit 2stions correctly,":"but your official score is "PC"%.":1960N&PC%100ı&34,8:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"There is only one question that":"you're having trouble with.":"Would you like to try it again?"&'TW2ĺ"This time you missed 2 questions.":time with some":"of those questions. Let's try":"the ones you missed again."v%34,16:33,40:32,0::150:::%:60:34,8:33,37:32,3:%PC%100ĺ"You're getting to be an expert!":?&PC%PCĺ"This time you answered "PC%"%":"of the quey it again."$TW2ĺ"You only had trouble with two":"questions. I think you'll get":"them right if you try them again."$TW3ĺ"You did pretty well, but I'm sure":"you can get 100% if you try":"the hard ones again."Q%TW3ĺ"You had a hard ou did a great job!":150!#Y#:60:VT86(PC100):VT:12:"FINAL SCORE: "PC"%"#PC100ĢVT6:4:"C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!"::9:"You did a great job!":150:$34,12:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"Wonderful! You only missed one!":"Let's tr"to use the continuous form or just":C$"might"C$" and a simple verb.":w1>19:8:"Now we'll try an example.":1501EX1:WC27:TW0:E2:MN2:4000::26:"Example":26:"-------"14:20:"<== (use one of":24:"these verbs)":30412 N110:R(N)0:A2 :WC27:QC0:QN10:MN2:EF0:EX0:TW0:E2:1750:PC0M2 QCQC1d2 Q = 2: GOTO 30402 Q(115(1)):B2%(E,Q,1)030302 Q4010,4020,4030,4040,4050,4060,4070,4080,4090,4100,4110,4120,4130,4140,4150(3 S$"***************":1:1:S$:1@"""|a?p ?0Q$"Janice just went to bed, and I'm not sure when she will wake up. She "UL$" for 2 or 3 hours!":A$"might sleep":B$"might be asleep":II17:HT1:VT17:P$" for 2 or 3 hours!":@"Q$"What are you going to do tonight? I don't know. ight be watching":B$"":HT4:VT15:P$" the football game":II17:>Q$"I hear a lot of noise coming from the apartment upstairs. They "UL$" a party.":A$"might be having":B$"might be giving":HT6:VT17:P$" a party.":II15:?a party tonight, so he "UL$" to the store.":A$"might be going":B$"might go":HT22:VT17:P$" to":II15:D>Q$"Where's Tony? He "UL$" the football game on Barbara's color TV.":A$"mis a photographer. If you call him and he doesn't answer the phone, he "UL$" in the darkroom.":A$"might be":B$"might be working":HT4:VT17:P$" in the darkroom.":II16:=Q$" Where is Bill going? I'm not sure. He's having s house at 6:00, he "UL$" dinner.":A$"might be eating":B$"might be having":II15:HT4:VT15:P$" dinner.":;Q$"Be careful when you are walking on the ice. You "UL$" down.":A$"might fall":B$"":II16:HT10:VT15:P$" down.":<Q$"Phil .":A$"might move":B$"might go":HT19:VT15:P$"":II15::Q$"Carl works in a hospital at night. Don't call him in the morning because he "UL$".":A$"might be sleeping":B$"might be asleep":HT4:VT17:P$".":II17:v;Q$"If we go to David'he first week of June because I "UL$"into my new house.":A$"might be moving":HT3:VT17:P$" into my new house.":B$"might move":II15:<:Q$"Roger and Bonnie don't like living in the city. They "UL$" to the countryVT15:P$" it.":II17:B$"":8Q$"Jim has a small airplane. This weekend he "UL$" his plane to Oregon.":A$"might fly":HT17:VT15:B$"might be flying":P$" his":II15:9Q$"I can't go to the beach during t10015507 YN3220,15507Q$"It's cloudy and windy. The weatherman says it "UL$" tonight.":A$"might rain":HT9:VT15:P$" tonight.":II16:B$"":8Q$"Don't let the baby play with that cup. She "UL$" it.":A$"might break":HT16:W$A$W$B$İ500:1700:1775E6; W$A$W$B$İ1600:NTMNī30706? EF0EX0PCPPĢ5:20:868:"Score so far: ";PC;"%":1809:20:"------------"6D 150:EF1EX1ė:6b SM(7)732006t QCQNī30206 1950:PC1001550 7 1900:1970:PC% 1800:MF2MF13070j5 FL1FL0:(7)(7):20:958:22:5:"Use a verb from the box above.":30705! FL2FL0:(7)(7):20:958:21:5:"This is the continuous form.":10:19:"MIGHT BE";:30:"VERB";:37:"ING":30705& NTNT15+ PPPC60 13:1:N116040:(Q$,N,40):j4 8:18:C$"might"C$" (+ verb)"::18:C$"might be"C$" (+ verb-ing)";s4 NT04 VT:HT:UL$;P$;:868:VT:HT:4504 (W$,5)"might"ĺ(7)(7):20:958:22:5:"Start your answer with "C$"might"C$" ...":307050:1:S$:N29:N:1:"*";:15:"*":Z3 N38:N:3:T$(N2);:9:T$(N4)::EX30503 EFĢ2:22:"Question #";QC:22:"------------":30503 EF1Ģ2:19:868:"Review question #";QC3 QNQC0Ģ5:21:"(";QNQC;" more to go)"!4 12:958: OQRSuvwxyzEX$(0) @_ P23:1:958:23:10:"Please type your answer":13:"and press ";: 24:1:958:24:16:"SPACE BAR"; 16368,0:16384,128:KP(16384):16368,0:KP17KP145ġ:1553 KP160KP32150  8:M$(0)::N1M:18:M$(4):1:M$(5):1:M$(6):1:M$(7):150: 220:1:958:20:15:"Press ";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553 3KP27KP15550 4 <:((40(EX$))2):EX$:L1EX$(1)""64 >((40(EX$(0)))2):a E. Savely":M$(6)"American Language Academy":M$(7)"Copyright 1987":M$(5)"and Sheldon Wise"h !: "5:(19(M$(1))2):M$(1); %9:(19(M$(2))2):M$(2); (11:(19(M$(3))2):M$(3); +12:(19(M$(3))2):YY1(M$(3)):"-";:YY2 .1TVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklopqrstRICTLY RESERVEDS 27468:SF$"":N115:SF$SF$((27448N))::FX%((768)96) B2%(20,30,1),M$(10),Q$(21),T$(25),EX$(2):D$(4):C$(34):AZ$"ABCDEFGHIJ":EX$"RECOMMENDATIONS with SHOULD" (27)(17) UL$(95)(95):2000` M$(4)"By LaurR *** UNIT 2, EX C OF GRAMMAR MASTERY II--SERIES B *** CATALOG TITLE"SHOULD"u *** WRITTEN BY SHELDON WISE *** PROGRAMMED BY LAURA E. SAVELY; MODIFIED BY NANCY POST, 8/87  *** COPYRIGHT 1987 BY American Language Academy -- ALL RIGHTS ST@#%e#bc#bc D f`1 3 s0F1~` 0Lc`0@8l<||xyAO;|xqBG\x8|8gFaG"" `C!0 x00 $&D"D" @D ~cA1 3 s`pF1 | x|GA`0\ca1g9<pN 3:N;". ";M$(N): [ ,21:1:958:21:14:"Your choice?";:CH(36):CV(37) 616368,0:16384,128:KP(16384)128:16368,0:KP17KP145ġ:1553 ;KP49KP48M310 @CXKP48: 900:NT1B2%(E,Q,1)0ī575D20:958:21:(114(1))521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528,529,530,531,532,533,534h 10:"That's right, ";SF$;".":~ 16:"Exactly!": 13:"That's the one!": 14:"Good answer!": 16:"Correct!":16:"Perfect!":11:"That's it, ";SF$;".":N:1780$B2%(E,N,0)2RPRP1>B2%(E,N,1)0TQTQ1ENjTQ0PC0:PC%0:B2%(E,0,0)PC:PC(TP100TQ):(TP100TQ)PC0.5PCPC1B2%(E,0,0)PCPC%((TPRP)100TQ):((TPRP)100TQ)PC%0.5PC%PC%1:N13 :R(1)0:1740:B2%(E,Q,1)0ı@B2%(E,Q,0)0:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:SM(7)R(1)R(2)R(3)R(4)R(5)R(6)R(7):SM(9)SM(7)R(8)R(9):M130:B2%(E,M,0)0:B2%(E,M,1)0:M:B2%(E,0,1)B2%(E,0,1)1: TQ0:TP0:RP0:N130:B2%(E,N,0)1TPTP1:TQTQ1:er.":151:22:1:958]m22:3:"The one that is NOT logical is: "(AZ$,CX,1)".":1150:iNT1ıN08:R(10N)R(9N):N:R(1)1:1740:B2%(E,Q,1)0B2%(E,Q,0)2:B2%(E,Q,0)1:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:NT1ıTWTW1:N08:R(10N)R(9N):Nothers is not logical.":AH8:"Read the paragraph again.":qI2:"You probably didn't read carefully.":Y22:11:"Please try again.":hZZ13:P(ZZ)1CXZZ:ZZ3ij19:1:958:22:11:"Press ":8:"for the correct answne is logical. --":|D6:"I'm sorry, but you chose the wrong letter.":E7:"I'm sorry, but that's one of the good ones.":F6:"That's not the best choice.":G3:"One of the 10:T:A$:10:T:" ":A(16336)::10:P1:A$;:P1P11:S-G,o,o,d,b,y,e,!,!.15:7:"Please turn off the computer.":1,0@1000:20:1:958:20:NTMNİ1725:1775:(17(1))1603,1604,1605,1606,1607,1608,1609:1625B16402C10:"That o$(2)"Go to the Main Menu":M$(3)"Stop for today":M3::33,34:32,6:200:33,40:32,0:qCX1565,1565,1580:10:3:"Just a minute, ";SF$;"...":34,12:CX1ė:1572D$"RUN STARTUP,S6"$D$"RUN HAVE,S6"<,:P115:G19:A$:T30P11:6,100(37)3:7,10:76886,(100)100:7,4:768Q6,(37)3:7,6:768W::60:10:5:"Please make a note that you have":5:"worked with: ":1995::5:M$(0):150:ZM$(0)"What do you want to do now?":M$(1)"Do the next exercise":M(1):7,20:768.6,8020(1):7,20:768L6,15020(1):7,20:768R_FX%1ıZZ16:YY(16336)(16336)(16336)YY(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336):ZZ:~FX%ı:CH:(KP);qg24:1:"Press or make another choice:";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384)jKP17KP145ġ:1553mOKKP13OK0:20:1:958::CX3ĩ120::pKP65(KP67KP97)KP99871s862FX%ı6,11020(KP110)):ROK0:TX$"Which one is NOT logical?":20:4:TX$" "(95);:CH(36):16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553XOKKP13877[KP65(KP67KP97)KP99850^KP96KP100KPKP32aCXKP64:OK1d20F$;".":.F8:"You just need practice.":SG8:"That's the way to learn.":922:1:958:22:9:"Type YES (Y) or NO (N)";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553:KP78KP89KP110KP121825;YN1((KP78):>?20:958:21:(17(1))577,578,579,580,581,582,583mA3:"That's the one that isn't logical!":B8:"OK this time, ";SF$;".":C7:"Now it's fine, ";SF$;".":D2:"That's much better, ";SF$;".": E1:"You're really learning, ";S15:"Excellent!":?8:"That's the right choice!":m3:"I can see that you understand it!":8:"You understood that one.":14:"You're right!":1:"Yes! That's the one that ";:"ISN'T";:" logical.":15:"You got it!"P(N)((1)31)" N1ī1806/ L1N1D P(N)P(L)ī1801K LcP$(N)C$(P(N)):N:23:3:"Press ";:"X";:" to see the correct modal ";:G$G$"x"G$"X"181022:958:lQC0:Q0:EF1:QNTW:MN2:TW0{QQ1:Q30ı'}B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)0QCQC14QCQNıKB2%(E,Q,0)01915oB2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)019153040:1915:60:VT86(PC100):VT:12:"FINAL SCORE: "PC"%"PC100ĢVT6:4:"C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!"::9:"You did a gr0,4020,4030,4030,4030,4040,4040,4040,4050,4050,4050,4060,4060,4060g, :2:N124040:(P$,N,40):, Q((Q3)3)1H1:C$(1)T$(1):C$(2)T$(2):C$(3)T$(3), Q((Q3)3)2H2:C$(1)T$(4):C$(2)T$(5):C$(3)T$(6)- Q3(Q3)H3:C$(1)T$(7):C$J+W1000:19:1:"No, is the one that isn't logical.":16:4:"C."Y+f150:6000p+ start Exercise C+ QC1:QN15:MN2:EF0:TW0:E3:WC27:1750+ Q(116(1)):B2%(E,Q,1)0Q((Q3)3)13030D, Q4000,4000,4000,4010,4010,4010,4020,402ne calls to Italy are too expensive."*H12:"Her friends say:":14:4:"A. You should call late at night.":4:"B. You should talk for 5 minutes.":4:"C. You should call them every day."*M850:KP132125+RCX3İ900:19:958:1:533:150:3000::"are logical, but you need to choose"::"the one that is not logical.":17:"---":150:CX1ī3000'*>:"Here's another example:":"----------------------":4:"Gabriela would like to call her family"::"more often, but they live in Italy."::"Pho in the newspaper.":4:"C. I shouldn't stay at this job.":18:1("These are logical because she can find":7:"---":"another job in the newspaper and"::"it isn't good to stay at this job .":150i):10:"Remember that two of the choices"OSUB 850: IF ASC (M$) < > 13 THEN 2055E'CX1İ900:19:1:533' CX1İ1000:19:1:"No, is the one that isn't logical.":14:4:"A."' 20:1:958:21:1:"We know that Betty wants a better job.":150C( 14:1:958:4:"B. I should lookhouldn't have a better job.":4:"B. I should look in the newspaper.":4:"C. I shouldn't stay at this job.":LB$"A":LE$"C":850*' VTAB 14: HTAB 4: PRINT "A.": HTAB 4: PRINT "B.": HTAB 4: PRINT "C.": VTAB CX + 13: HTAB 4: PRINT MID$ (AZ$,CX,1);".": G5 questions)":150%6000%:"Let's try an example:":"--------------------":4:5:"Betty is tired of her job."::"She would like to have a more"::"interesting career."::"------------------------------"&12:"Betty thinks:":14:4:"A. I s:4:"In this exercise you will read":"a paragraph and then look at some":"sentences with "C$"should"C$" or "C$"shouldn't."C$$11:4:"You will decide which sentence":"does NOT go with the meaning of the"%"paragraph.":19:4:"(5 paragraphs = 1::"Would you like to try them again?"N#34,22:33,40:32,0::825:::o#M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercise C":#Q0:::M$(1)"Grammar Mastery II -- Series B":M$(2)"Recommendations with "C$"should"C$:M$(3)"Exercise C":25:N110:R(N)0:$60:6uble with.":"Would you like to try it again?""TW2ĺ"This time you missed 2 questions.":"Would you like to try them again?")#TW2ĺ"This exercise is hard, isn't it?":"I think you'll do better if":"you try the ones you missed":"one more time.""You're getting to be an expert!":!PC%PCĺ"This time you answered "PC%"%":"of the questions correctly,":"but your official score is "PC"%.":1960!PC%100ı0"34,8:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"There is only one question that":"you're having trot I'm sure":"you can get 100% if you try":"the hard ones again." TW3ĺ"You had a hard time with some":"of those questions. Let's try":"the ones you missed again." 34,16:33,40:32,0::150::: :60:34,8:33,37:32,3:%!PC%100ĺeat job!":150:l34,12:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"Wonderful! You only missed one!":"Let's try it again."TW2ĺ"You only had trouble with two":"questions. I think you'll get":"them right if you try them again."D TW3ĺ"You did pretty well, bu(2)T$(8):C$(3)T$(9) - NT0q- 11:958:12:1:"---------------------------------------"::QC;". ";Q$(Q)- 1800:15:958:16:4:"A. ";P$(1):17:4:"B. ";P$(2):18:4:"C. ";P$(3)- 850:KP133090-& NTNT1.0 P(CX)1İ500:1700:1775:3140#.: 1600:NTMNİ150:30806.D 150:EF1ė:.b SM(9)9H3ė:10:5:"You're doing a good job on this":5:"exercise, "SF$"."::5:"Would you like to stop now?":825::YN3200,3188.t QCQNH3QQ1:QCQC1:3048/v QCQNH3QCQC1:303to be friendly.":Q$(11)"Her brother says:":T$(4)"You shouldn't need help."&9T$(5)"You should meet my friend Tom.":T$(6)"You shouldn't stay at home alone.":Q$(12)"Karen thinks:":T$(7)"I should be quieter.":T$(8)"I should go out more often.":T$(9)LL!X0L X`[Y Z X  YZ [`:27468::C$(34):D$(4):T$(25):FX%((768)96):(1004)140x >16368,0:ZZ130:(16384)128Ă:16368,0:65 ?ZZ30:16368,0:130 A(1004)170,140 FD$;"BLOAD LOGO,A$2000,S6":16297,0:16300,0:16302,0:16304,0$ H16368,0:ZZ1? *** 'STARTUP' FOR DISK 1 OF 'GRAMMAR MASTERY--SERIES B' *** WRITTEN AND PROGRAMMED BY DAVID H. WYATT; MODIFIED BY NANCY POST*** COPYRIGHT 1987 BY AMERICAN LANGUAGE ACADEMY: VERSION 7.9( *** ALL RIGHTS STRICTLY RESERVED2:B <r time at home alone. She has one or two friends, but she would like to have more. She needs help with this problem."N8Q$(10)"Her best friend says:":T$(1)"You shouldn't have any friends.":T$(2)"You should talk to people.":T$(3)"You should try :T$(6)"You should study with me.":Q$(9)"Randy thinks:":T$(7)"I should take more tests.":T$(8)"I should try to pass this year.":T$(9)"I should take notes in class.":}7P$" Karen is very shy. She is afraid to talk to people. She spends most of hebably won't."5Q$(7)"His teachers say:":T$(1)"You shouldn't study so much.":T$(2)"You should try harder.":T$(3)"You should listen in class.":Q$(8)"His brother says:":T$(4)"Your friends shouldn't graduate."6T$(5)"Your friends should help you."e some money.":T$(9)"I should find a cheaper apartment.":5P$" Randy hates school. He never does his homework. He doesn't pay attention in class. He gets bad grades on tests. His friends will graduate from high school next year, but he proshouldn't go out so much.":Q$(5)"Her best friend says:":T$(4)"You should make more friends."=4T$(5)"You should find a better job.":T$(6)"You should find a roommate.":Q$(6)"Helen thinks:":T$(7)"I should buy some clothes.":T$(8)"I should try to savut she lives alone and pays a lot of rent. She always buys nice clothes and goes out with her friends. She never saves any money."`3Q$(4)"Her parents say:":T$(1)"You shouldn't have a problem.":T$(2)"You shouldn't spend so much.":T$(3)"You lose weight.":T$(6)"I should play soccer after work.":Q$(3)"Jeff's friends think":T$(7)"He should get fat.":T$(8)"He should take care of himself.":T$(9)"He should be more active.":2P$" Helen has one big problem: money. Her salary is low, barting to get fat and feel old."0Q$(1)"His doctor says:":T$(1)"You should watch sports on T.V.":T$(2)"You should stop smoking.":T$(3)"You should get some exercise.":Q$(2)"Jeff thinks:":T$(4)"I should go to high school."1T$(5)"I should try to0/ 1950:PC10015508/ 1900:1970:PC%1001550H/ YN1ī3220R/ 1550"0P$" When Jeff was in high school, he was on the soccer team and he went swimming often. Now he never exercises, and he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day. He's st"I shouldn't be afraid of people.":9P$" George and Michael are studying architecture. They want to go to Spain this summer. They don't have much money,but they want to see everything they can. They don't speak any Spanish.":Q$(13)"Their professor says:":T$(1)"You shouldn't see anything.":T$(2)"You should learn some Spanish.":T$(3)"You should go to Barcelona.":Q$(14)"Their girl friends say:":T$(4)"You should forget us.";T$(5)"You should write us often.":T$(6)"You shouldn't sFy Fa8DBB "F0 @00 ddd'd'`|<@@`x`|c?xCgpyG;|0b0L FaA1 3 s`0 F1  0 ^`0@*D""D""D"$D*||ap`DDB B >G0 `00with ";:"SHOULD";:"."zC:"These are not logical because they use"::C$"should"C$" in the wrong way.":17:"-----"D12:5:"It is very cold outside."::5:"You should get sick if you go out.":1810:14:9:"MIGHT";:" ":1150:16:7:"(will, can50:14:7:"I don't make enough money. My boss should pay me more.":1150B18:7:"Women and men should get equal pay for equal work.":1150:150C:2:4:"Now I will show you some mistakes"::"that other students made 3:"too fast. It's better":13:"to drive more slowly.":150A:2:5:"You can use ";:"SHOULD";:" to give advice"::"to your friends (or to yourself) and"::"to express your opinions:"XB10:7:"I'm getting fat.":7:"I should go on a diet.":11ad for him.":150:N624:N:11:868:@7:12:(34);"You should buy a new car.";(34):1150:10:13:"He thinks that Joe needs a":13:"new car.">A14:11:(34);"You shouldn't drive so fast.";(34):1150:17:13:"He thinks that John drives ":1ould study.";(34):1150:10:3:"Meaning: John knows that it is"?3:"------- good for him to study.":14:"Joe said, ";(34);"I shouldn't drink so much.";(34):1150*@17:3:"Meaning: Joe knows that he drinks too":3:"------- much and it's bim.":T$(9)"Mark should let her go places.":>p:8:5:"Do you want to read a short"::5:"explanation of the meaning"::5:"of ";(34);"should"(34)"?":825:YN2ıD?z:2:14:"S H O U L D":4:"Examples":"--------":7:"John said, ";(34);"I sht without me.":Q$(17)"Julie tells Mark:":T$(4)"You should work late."/>T$(5)"You shouldn't be so jealous.":T$(6)"We should do things together.":Q$(18)"Their psychologist says:":T$(7)"Mark should stop working.":T$(8)"Julie should be patient with h a lot. Mark works late every night, so Julie feels lonely. She can't go out with friends because Mark gets jealous."I=Q$(16)"Mark tells Julie:":T$(1)"We should argue some more.":T$(2)"We should discuss our problems.":T$(3)"You shouldn't go outay there long.":Q$(15)"George and Michael think:":T$(7)"We should spend a lot of money.":T$(8)"We should stay at cheap hotels.":T$(9)"We should try to save money.":}<P$" Mark and Julie got married 5 years ago. Now they are starting to argue @*|"D""Dxp# D*0bcLaLqyLcLA1F`0 @` cA1 3 s`0F1  0 @`016368,0:16384,128:KP(16384):16368,0:KP17KP145ġ:1553[KP160KP32150ax8:M$(0)::N1M3:N;". ";M$(N):,21:1:958:21:14:"Your choice?";:CH(36):CV(37)616368,0:16384,128:KP(16384)128:163":( CW$W$M$:MII1ĺM$(95)P$;0 E45 d23:1:958:23:10:"Please type your answer":13:"and press ";: x:((40(EX$))2):EX$:L1EX$(1)""124 z((40(EX$(0)))2):EX$(0) | 24:1:958:24:16:"SPACE BAR";C13)(N13N32)(N32N39)(N39N65)(N90N97)(N122N128)47W 4M1N3241l 7N8(36)CH47 9N8ĺM$;:868:(95)P$;:MM2:M0W$(W$,M):45 ;N8W$"":45 =N13M1İ25:(W$)047 ?M1N13ı AN13İ33:" "(8)P$" ,I,1)):N97N39N3239' %NN32C 'WZ$WZ$(N)::W$WZ$:i )CV(37):M0:CH(36):M$"":W$""r +100 -MM1:CV1:CHM:MII1ĺ(7)(7);:MM2:W$(W$,M):45 /16368,0:M$:N(M$):N127NN128 1N17N145ġ:1553F 3N8(N8N(27)(17)% UL$(95)(95):2000S (W$)1(W$,1)" "W$(W$,(W$)1):25 (W$)1((W$,1)" "(W$,1)".")W$(W$,(W$)1):27 ZZ1(W$):(W$,ZZ,2)" "W$(W$,ZZ)(W$,(W$)1ZZ):ZZZZ1 ZZ: !WZ$"":I1(W$) #N((W${}~CTLY RESERVEDQ 27468:SF$"":N115:SF$SF$((27448N))::FX%((768)96)l U1:U(1)0U(1)U:14 N19:U(N)U15 N:N29:U(N)0U(N)U:14 N B2%(20,30,1),M$(10),T$(25),EX$(2):D$(4):C$(34):EX$"HAVE TO vs. SHOULD" P *** UNIT 2, EX D OF GRAMMAR MASTERY II--SERIES B *** CATALOG TITLE"HAVE"s *** WRITTEN BY SHELDON WISE *** PROGRAMMED BY LAURA E. SAVELY; MODIFIED BY NANCY POST, 8/87  *** COPYRIGHT 1987 BY American Language Academy -- ALL RIGHTS STRI@CC`G`GcA1 3 C`00F1 " a F`0aa#fC  CA1 3 c`0F1  p @`0@*"2DdB2x"$F *p10 d@0DDx`CaC""F1 $@00 $$ " "$68,0:KP17KP145ġ:15533;KP49KP48M310B@CXKP48:c900:NT1B2%(E,Q,1)0ī57520:958:21:W$T$(AC)Ĵ(17(1))521,522,523,524,525,526,527W$T$(BC)Ė1:"Yes. ("C$T$(AC)C$;:BC1BC5ĺ" is another answer.)":22:" is another answer.)":: 10:"That's right, ";SF$;".":P 16:"Exactly.":u 8:"That's the right answer!": 14:"Good answer!": 16:"Correct.":16:"Perfect.":11:"That's it, ";SF$;".":?20:958:21:(16(1))577,5784PC(TP100TQ):(TP100TQ)PC0.5PCPC1FB2%(E,0,0)PCPC%((TPRP)100TQ):((TPRP)100TQ)PC%0.5PC%PC%1:B60581:ZZ115:ZZ:1811B87861:ZZ120:ZZ6,B:7,10:768B: lQC0:Q0:EF1:QNTW:R(7):SM(9)SM(7)R(8)R(9):aM130:B2%(E,M,0)0:B2%(E,M,1)0:M:B2%(E,0,1)B2%(E,0,1)1:TQ0:TP0:RP0:N130:B2%(E,N,0)1TPTP1:TQTQ1:N:1780B2%(E,N,0)2RPRP1B2%(E,N,1)0TQTQ1NTQ0PC0:PC%0:B2%(E,0,0)PC:IN08:R(10N)R(9N):N:R(1)1:1740:B2%(E,Q,1)0B2%(E,Q,0)2:jB2%(E,Q,0)1:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:vNT1ıTWTW1:N08:R(10N)R(9N):N:R(1)0:1740:B2%(E,Q,1)0ıB2%(E,Q,0)0:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:SM(7)R(1)R(2)R(3)R(4)R(5)R(6)igation.":8YPC0EF0Ģ5:36:PC;"%";:868:1150hZ22:1:958:22:13:"Please try again.":h22:1:958:22:11:"Press ":9:"for the correct answer.":151:20:1:958mAC2:3:T$(AC):VT:HT:868:T$(AC);P$:NT1ı ----- ":aRFL1:9:"It should be negative. --------":SFL1:3:"Don't use a negative in this case. ----- ":TFL1:5:"Remember: You're giving advice. -------- ": UFL1:8:"It isn't an oblct."::L2:"The sentence isn't correct like this.":cM5:"That isn't the right choice.":N5:"It isn't correct like this.":PFL1:3:"Don't use the third person singular. -----":QFL1:3:"Use the third person singular form. (6))İ16190EAC6(W$T$(2)W$T$(4))İ1620TFAC5(W$T$(1)W$T$(3))İ1621GFL1Ĵ(15(1))1610,1611,1612,1613,1614H1725:1775:NTMN1625I1640J3:"That isn't the correct expression.":K3:"I'm sorry, but that isn't corre,0$@FL0:20:1:958:1000:20]A((AC1BC1)W$T$(3))((AC2BC2)W$T$(4))İ1616B((AC3BC3)W$T$(1))((AC4BC4)W$T$(2))İ1617C(AC2W$T$(1))(AC4W$T$(3))(AC6W$T$(5))İ1618 D(AC1W$T$(2))(AC3W$T$(4))(AC5W$T$ust a minute, ";SF$;"...":34,12:CX1ė:1572HD$"RUN STARTUP,S6"]$D$"RUN MUST,S6",:P115:G19:A$:T30P11:10:T:A$:10:T:" ":A(16336)::10:P1:A$;:P1P11:-G,o,o,d,b,y,e,!,!.15:7:"Please turn off the computer.":1at you have":5:"worked with: ":1995::5:M$(0):150:M$(0)"What do you want to do now?":M$(1)"Do the next exercise":M$(2)"Go to the Main Menu":M$(3)"Stop for today":M3::33,34:32,6:200:33,40:32,0:CX1565,1565,15800:10:3:"J)3:7,6:768\xX019:1:(20X):S$;:(20X):S$;:23:(20X):S$;:(20X):S$;c{XX011:1:(12X):S$;:1:(12X):S$;:40:(12X):S$;:40:(12X):S$;X:33,36:34,3:35,22:32,2::;::120:10:5:"Please make a note th20(1):7,20:768(FX%1ıUZZ16:YY(16336)(16336)(16336)YY(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336):ZZ:~6,100(37)3:7,10:7686,(100)100:7,4:7686,(372:1:958:22:9:"Type YES (Y) or NO (N)";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553:KP78KP89KP110KP121825;YN1((KP78)(KP110)):U6,11020(1):7,20:7686,8020(1):7,20:7686,150,579,580,581,5821A11:"Now it's correct!":TB8:"OK this time, ";SF$;".":yC8:"That's the way to learn.":D5:"That's much better, ";SF$;".":E1:"You're really learning, ";SF$;".":F1:"That's the way to use "C$W$C$"!":q92MN2:TW0{QQ1:Q30ıD}B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)0QCQC1QQCQNıhB2%(E,Q,0)01915B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)01915:3040:1915:120:VT86(PC100):VT:12:"FINAL SCORE: "PC"%"2 PC100ĢVT6:4:"C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!"::9:"You did a great job!":150: 34,12:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"Wonderful! You only missed one!":"Let's try it again." TW2ĺ"You only had trouble with two":"questions. I think you'll get":"them right if you try them again."d!CA2ĺ"I think you understood the introduction"::"perfectly, ";SF$;".":10:"Now I'll show you an example just like"::"the questions in the exercise.":150:2250.CA2ĺ"Would you like to read the introduction"::"again, ";SF$;"?":825/YN1īe a number --> ";:A$>-z(A$)1(A$)2ĺ(7)(7):2160X-(A$)2İ900:CACA1k-(A$)1İ1000-7:9:"don't have to get visas":1150:16:958:18:"It means that visas aren't necessary"::"in many countries for Americans.":150.:5:5:C$"shouldn't"C$" or "C$"don't have to"C$"?":6:"--------- -------------":5:"Ruth and Charlie are American citizens,"::"so they ";UL$;UL$;" get visas"-p:"for many countries.":13:9:"1. shouldn't":15:9:"2. don't have to":20:5:"choos15:9:"2. should":20:5:"Choose a number --> ";:A$_+R(A$)1(A$)2ĺ(7)(7):2120y+\(A$)1İ900:CACA1+a(A$)2İ1000+c7:17:"have to":1150:16:958:18:5:"In this case, we're talking"::5:"about an obligation.":150,f:------- to walk alone at night.":150t*>::10:C$"have to"C$" or "C$"should"C$"?":11:"---- -- ------"*C5:"Ruth and Charlie are going to Europe"::"next year. They ";UL$;UL$::"get passports before they leave."8+H13:9:"1. have to":estions.")*9:"* You should learn more about computers.":1150:12:" Meaning: I think it's good for you ------- to learn about computers.")*417:"* You shouldn't walk alone at night.":1150:20:" Meaning: I think it's bad for you don't have to go to school.":1150(16:" ":19:" * He doesn't have to pay his rent on the first day of the month.":150 ) :10:C$"should"C$" and "C$"shouldn't"C$:1810:5:"These words are used to give":"advice or sugg'16:"* George has to pay his rent during the first week of every month.":150'1:3:C$"don't have to"C$" and "C$"doesn't have to"C$:1810:6:1:868:"that there is no obligation.":15:"--"4( 9:" ":12:" * Three-year-old children .":16:8:"Do you want to read it?":825:YN22250g&CA0::11:C$"have to"C$" and "C$"has to"C$'1810:5:"These words are used to express":"obligation or necessity.":9:"* Children between 6 and 16 years old have to go to school.":1150ZD":5000%::120:5:5:"Sometimes students of English"::"confuse the meanings of ";C$;"have to";C$::"and ";C$;"should,";C$;" or ";C$;"don't have to";C$;" and"6&:C$;"shouldn't.";C$" The introduction explains"::"how to use these expressionsnes you missed":"one more time."::"Would you like to try them again?"o$34,22:33,40:32,0::825:::$M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercise D": %Q30:::M$(1)"Grammar Mastery II -- Series B":M$(2)C$"Have to"C$" vs. "C$"should"C$:M$(3)"Exercise uestion that":"you're having trouble with.":"Would you like to try it again?"#TW2ĺ"This time you missed 2 questions.":"Would you like to try them again?"J$TW2ĺ"This exercise is hard, isn't it?":"I think you'll do better if":"you try the o4,8:33,37:32,3:F"PC%100ĺ"You're getting to be an expert!":"PC%PCĺ"This time you answered "PC%"%":"of the questions correctly,":"but your official score is "PC"%.":1960"PC%100ıQ#34,8:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"There is only one qTW3ĺ"You did pretty well, but I'm sure":"you can get 100% if you try":"the hard ones again."!TW3ĺ"You had a hard time with some":"of those questions. Let's try":"the ones you missed again."!34,16:33,40:32,0::150:::":120:32020r/YN2ė:12:958:1:"OK then, I'll show you an example"::"like the questions in the exercise.":150/EX1:WC27:TW0:E4:MN2:4000::5:22:"Try this example":22:"----------------"K0T$(0)"":T$(1)"have to":T$(2)"don't have to":T$(3)"has to":T$(4)"doesn't have to":T$(5)"should":T$(6)"shouldn't":3041`0 N110:R(N)0:0 :WC27:QC0:QN10:MN2:EF0:EX0:TW0:E4:1750:PC00 QCQC10 Q(117(1)):B2%(E,Q,1)030300 Q = 1551 Q4010,4020,4030,4040,4050,4060,407,M):2606N8W$"":2604@N13(W$)0270@JN13ıZTW$W$M$:MII1ĺM$;c^260h21:4:"If you make a mistake, press <-":4:"to erase and type it again.": print instructions at bottom of screen & gosub 400 for input3r19:4:"Do * input-getting routine *P MM1:MII1ĺ(7)(7);:MM2:W$(W$,M):260 16368,0:M$:N(M$):N8(N8N13)(N13N45)(N46N49)(N50N65)(N90N97)270 N20ġ:2000 "N8(36)CH270 ,N8ĺM$;:" ";:M$;:MM2:M0W$(W$(16384):16368,0:KP160KP32180/ @ 22:1:958 22:5:"Type for YES or for NO";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384) KP78KP110KP89KP121200 WC1((KP78)(KP110))  M0:CH(36):M$"":W$"": (1004)İ3000: NAME IS STORED IN 27448 - 27468. 1004 IS EITHER 0 OR 1 DEPENDING ON WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS A NAME IN MEMORY SF$"":N115:SF$SF$((27448N)): 600 ZZ1Z:: 23:1:958) 24:16:"SPACE BAR";:16368,0:KP30:(16384)128Ă:16368,0:75= IZZ30:16368,0:130 KD$"BLOAD TITLE.PAGE.B,A$4000,S6":5000:16297,0:16302,0:16300,0:16304,0 P16368,0:ZZ130:(16384)128Ă:16368,0:125 RZZ30:16368,0:130 }ZZ13000::16301,0:180m2:BC0:HT16:VT15:P$" pay":II15:7Q$"You can't talk to your friends while you are taking a test. You "UL$" be quiet.":AC1:BC0:HT5:VT17:P$" be quiet.":II15:_8Q$"Mark is working as a waiter in a restaurant. Hlane ticket to Florida for only $99, but you "UL$" pay for it two weeks before you fly.":AC1:HT23:VT15:P$" pay":BC0:II13:&7Q$"Most of the museums in Washington, D.C. are free. You "UL$" pay to visit them.":ACives alone. I "UL$" call him and ask if he needs anything.":AC5:HT3:VT15:P$(Q$,45,23):II13:BC1:5Q$"Every language has bad words that you "UL$" use.":AC6:HT10:VT15:BC0:P$" use.":II13:6Q$"You can get a p0:PC1001550.4 1900:1970:PC%1001550>4 YN1ī3220H4 15504Q$"Chocolate has a lot of calories. When you are on a diet, you "UL$" eat it.":AC6:BC0:HT5:VT17:P$" eat it.":II13:z5Q$"My neighbor is sick. He l150:30703& NTNT1"3+ PPPCR30 W$T$(AC)W$T$(BC)İ500:1700:1775:3135n3; 1600:NTMNİ150:30703? EF0EX0Ģ5:22:868:"Score so far: ";PC;"%":1809:22:"------------"3D 150:EF1EX1ė:3b SM(7)7ī32003t QCQNī30204 195QC0Ģ4:24:"(";QNQC;" more to go)"W2 12:958:13:1:N116040:(Q$,N,40):`2 NT02 18:1:958:VT:HT:UL$;P$;:868:VT:HT:41 3 N16:W$T$(N)Ă:(7):20:1:958:20:5:"Use a word from the box above."::12:"Type carefully!":0,4080,4090,4100,4110,4120,4130,4140,4150,4160,41701 1:1:"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%":10:1:"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%":N29:N:1:"%";:19:"%"::3:N16:3:T$(N):1 EF0EX0Ģ2:24:"Question #";QC(2 EF1Ģ2:22:868:"Review question #";QC:QNn't forget to press ";:"";:VT:6:250:hXT$"GRAMMAR MASTERY II -- Series B: DISK 2":NL5x](27)(17)bT$(1)C$"Can"C$" and "C$"be able to"C$:T$(2)"Possibility with "C$"might"C$:T$(3)"Recommendations with "C$"should"C$/lT$(4)C$"Have to"C$" vs. "C$"should"C$OvT$(5)"Logical conclusions"T$(6)"Try another Grammar Mastery II disk":T$(7)"Stop for today":T$(8)"E"::T$::15:"Main Menu":15:"---- ----"::MXNL2:N1MX:N;". ";T$(N)::N:24:1 if you want to get a good table.":AC1:BC5:HT5:VT15:P$" make reservations":II15:;Q$"Microcomputers are very easy to use. You "UL$" know anything about computer programming to use them.":AC2:BC0:HT5:VT15:P$" know any want to learn English, you "UL$" spend all your time with people from your own country.":AC6:BC0:HT5:VT15:P$" spend all your":II14:_:Q$"This restaurant is always very busy. You "UL$" make reservations e "UL$" work every Saturday night.":AC3:BC4:II15:HT18:VT15:P$" work":8Q$"My final exam in chemistry is tomorrow. I can't go out tonight because I "UL$" study.":AC1:BC5:II13:HT3:VT17:P$" study.":9Q$"If you$:10:11:"Is this all right?":200:WC2ė:3010: q778,169:779,64:780,133:781,61:782,169:783,32784,133:785,63:786,160:787,0:788,132:789,60790,132:791,62:792,177:793,60:794,145:795,62796,200:797,208:798,249:799(W$,LP1)(((W$,LP,1))32)(W$,LNLP)mv ((W$,1))46((W$,1))91W$(W$,LN1)(((W$,1))32)u : N115:27448N,0::I1(SF$):N((SF$,I,1)):27448I,N:I :8:NS132304 8:(40(15(SF$)))2:"I'll call you ";C$;SF$;C2LN6)((1004)1LN11)3160\D (1004)1LN10Ė3:"No more than ten letters, please"N 16:1:959:170::(1004)3040,3070X L((W$,1)):L96W$(L32)(W$,((W$)1))b LP2LN:LT((W$,LP))g LPLN3200,l LT45LT46LT91W$ond student."::"What's your first name? (5 letters) -----":VT13:360m 3120:SF$(2)W$& SF$SF$(1)" and "SF$(2):3210: * concatenate 2 names into one0 LN(W$):LN2Ė6:"Please type more than one letter.":3150 : ((1004)Ќ :1004,2:6:"OK, let's start with the first student."::"What's your first name? (5 letters) -----":VT13:II5:360 3120:SF$(1)W$::6:"Hello, ";SF$(1);"!"::"That's an interesting name!"Y :6:"Now I want to meet the secumber of students working today * :1004,1:6:"Hi, there!"::"What's your first name? -----":VT13:II11:360 3120:SF$W$ :8:"Aha! So you are the famous ";SF$;"!":10:"That's an interesting name!":170:3210----------------"i 6:"How many people are going to use":8:"this disk -- 1 or 2?":VT13:II1:360 W$"1"W$"2"ė:9:(7);"How many students are working here?"::"Please type the number -- 1 or 2.":170:3000# NS(W$):NS23070: * ns=n:8:"On this disk, the sounds are turned ";:SO$(FX%);:"."11:"Would you like to turn them ";:SO$(FX%);:"?":200:WC1FX%FX%768,7620FX%:: NS0:::"-----------------------------":"Hello! It's nice to see you.":"-------------14:10:"and press the ."n16368,0:16384,128:KP(16384):16368,0:KP32KP16093034,23::D$"RUN STARTUP,S6"SO$(0)"ON":SO$(1)"OFF": offer chance to change sound status; line 115 pops to here if ctrl-t is typed>ment, please.":34,23:CX810,820,830,840,850,900,6000M*D$;"RUN CAN,S6"d4D$;"RUN MIGHT,S6"|>D$;"RUN SHOULD,S6"HD$;"RUN HAVE,S6"RD$;"RUN MUST,S6"::8:"Take this disk out of the disk drive,"11:5:"insert the new disk,")5:"Your choice?";Y16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP49KP48MX670sN1MX:KP48NNMXzNCXKP48:CXNL800CX5Ĺ900,CX(769)6ĺD$"BLOAD G,A768,S6"2000SF$""Ĺ1004,0:1308 :10:12:"One mothing about":II15:;Q$"In many states in the U.S.A. you "UL$" be 21 years old to buy beer or wine.":AC1:BC2:HT5:VT15:P$" be 21 years old":II15:h<Q$"Roberto is not planning to go to an American college, so he "UL$" take the "(34)"TOEFL."(34):AC4:BC0:II15:HT4:VT17:P$(Q$,18):="Q$"Tomorrow is George Washington's birthday. Cindy is happy because she "UL$" go to work.":AC4:BC0:II15:HT5:VT17:P$" go to woT *** UNIT 2, EX E & F OF GRAMMAR MASTERY II--SERIES B *** CATALOG TITLE"MUST"w *** WRITTEN BY SHELDON WISE *** PROGRAMMED BY LAURA E. SAVELY; MODIFIED BY NANCY POST, 8/87  *** COPYRIGHT 1987 BY American Language Academy -- ALL RIGHTS $$ # #$` > fA1 3 s`00F1  0 LA`0"B `OGgsmsmcsy<^=<py@&D@!00 Ap pCaLaLAa0L  @ c`0`<|`<G@00 `0 xp~0 xc8 FA1 3 c`00F1  1 C`0x"AB" CA1 3 c`0F1  `1 A`0`kx8l\~X9>l@p8GC k@00 `088bAb >G1 f`00rk.":=,Q$"The mailman comes to our house. We "UL$" pick up our mail at the post office.":AC2:BC0:II15:HT4:VT15:P$" pick up our mail":=>6Q$"The policeman said, "(34)"When the traffic light is red, you "UL$" sSTRICTLY RESERVEDU 27468:SF$"":N115:SF$SF$((27448N))::FX%((768)96) B2%(20,30,1),M$(10),T$(25),EX$(2):D$(4):C$(34):AZ$"ABCDEFGHIJ":EX$"LOGICAL CONCLUSIONS" (27)(17) UL$(95)(95):2000S M$(4)"By Laura E. Savely":5:EX$"Exercise E":2020S#MV2MV0:CX2:E6:EX$"Exercise F":EX$(0)"":2200%::CX0:8:"This is the last exercise on this disk."::"Would you like to start the exercises"::"for Unit 3?":825::YN1574,1566^&8:"Remove this disk from theM$(1)"Do the next exercise":M$(2)"Go to the Main Menu":M$(3)"Stop for today":M3::33,34:32,6:200:33,40:32,0:CX1565,1565,1580:CX1ė:1994:157010:3:"Just a minute, ";SF$;"...":34,12D$"RUN STARTUP,S6""MV0CX1:E6336):ZZ:~FX%ı66,100(37)3:7,10:768R6,(100)100:7,4:768k6,(37)3:7,6:768q::60:10:5:"Please make a note that you have":5:"worked with: ":1994::5:M$(0):150:x::M$(0)"What do you want to do now?": FX%ı+6,11020(1):7,20:768H6,8020(1):7,20:768f6,15020(1):7,20:768lyFX%1ıZZ16:YY(16336)(16336)(16336) YY(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(1KP100KPKP32#aCXKP64:OK17d22:CH:(KP);g24:1:"Press or make another choice:";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384)jKP17KP145ġ:1553mOKKP13OK0:22:1:958:pKP65(KP67KP97)KP99871s853ROK0:TX$"Which one is most logical?":22:4:TX$" "(95);:CH(36):16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553UEXLE$"D"(KP68KP100)CX4:22:1:958:XOKKP13877[KP65(KP67KP97)KP99850^KP96onclusion! ------ ":GG8:"That's the way to learn.":922:1:958:22:9:"Type YES (Y) or NO (N)";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553:KP78KP89KP110KP121825;YN1((KP78)(KP110)):7(1))577,578,579,580,581,582,583DA12:"Now it's correct!":hB10:"OK this time, ";SF$;".":C9:"Now it's fine, ";SF$;".":D4:"That's much better, ";SF$;".":E1:"You're really learning, ";SF$;".":"F4:"Now that's a logical c0:"That's right, ";SF$;".":J 5:"That's the logical conclusion.":g 12:"That's the one!": 7:"That's the way to use MUST.": 16:"Correct!":8:"That's the right choice.":11:"That's it, ";SF$;".":%?20:958:21:(1ȹ16368,0:16384,128:KP(16384)128:16368,0:KP17KP145ġ:1553_ ;KP49KP48M310n @CXKP48: 900:1700:1775:NT1ī575 EFĢ2:22:868:"Score so far: "PC"%":1809 20:958:21:(17(1))521,522,523,524,525,526,527 1( 24:1:958:24:16:"SPACE BAR";o 16368,0:16384,128:KP(16384):16368,0:KP17KP145ġ:1553 KP160KP32150 8:M$(0)::N1M 3:N;". ";M$(N): ,21:1:958:21:14:"Your choice?";:CH(36):CV(37)H 61:M$(5):1:M$(6):1:M$(7):150: 220:1:958:20:15:"Press ";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553 3KP27KP15550 4 <:((40(EX$))2):EX$:L1EX$(1)""64 >((40(EX$(0)))2):EX$(0) @M$(6)"American Language Academy":M$(7)"Copyright 1987":M$(5)"and Sheldon Wise"[ !:{ "5:(19(M$(1))2):M$(1); %9:(19(M$(2))2):M$(2); (11:(19(M$(3))2):M$(3); +12:(19(M$(3))2):YY1(M$(3)):"-";:YY% .1:18:M$(4): disk drive."::"Insert disk number 3, and"::"press when ready.":150::1566,:P115:G19:A$:T30P11:10:T:A$:10:T:" ":A(16336)::10:P1:A$;:P1P11:-G,o,o,d,b,y,e,!,!.15:7:"Please turn off the computer.":1,0d@1000:FL0:1725:1775:20:1:958:PC0EF0Ģ2:22:868:"Score so far: ";PC;"%":1150E20:(14(1))1611,1614,1617,1618:1625K6:"That isn't a logical conclusion.":N7:"That's not the best choice.":Q2:"You probably didnise you will read"::"a dialogue and choose the ending that"::"makes a logical conclusion with MUST."&12:4:"The introduction will tell you more"::"about logical conclusions."&18:8:"Do you want to read it?":825&YN1İ6000['4Q30:E"3. Go to the Main Menu"|%16368,0:20:1:868:"Type a number and press RETURN ==> ";:A$:A$;:G$:G$(13)ī2011%A$"1"A$"2"A$"3"ĺ(7):2011%(A$)12020%(A$)22200%(A$)3ĉ::1565j&::60:6:4:"In this exercstery II -- Series B":M$(2)"Logical Conclusions":M$(3)"Exercises E & F":25$::3:"Which exercise do you want?":8:"1. Exercise E - Logical conclusions":17:"for dialogues":12:"2. Exercise F - Logical conclusions":17:"for paragraphs"%16:%(E,0,1)0M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercise E":MV2j#MV2B2%(E1,0,1)0M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercises E & F":MV3#E6B2%(E,0,1)0M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercise F":MV3#MV3B2%(E1,0,1)0M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercises E & F":MV3#O$Q0:::M$(1)"Grammar Maou like to try them again?""TW2ĺ"This exercise is hard, isn't it?":"I think you'll do better if":"you try the ones you missed":"one more time."::"Would you like to try them again?""34,22:33,40:32,0::825:::"Eı,#MV0:E5B2rrectly,":"but your official score is "PC"%.":1960E!PC%100ı!34,8:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"There is only one question that":"you're having trouble with.":"Would you like to try it again?""TW2ĺ"This time you missed 2 questions.":"Would y some":"of those questions. Let's try":"the ones you missed again."m 34,16:33,40:32,0::150::: :60:34,8:33,37:32,3: PC%100ĺ"You're getting to be an expert!":6!PC%PCĺ"This time you answered "PC%"%":"of the questions con."wTW2ĺ"You only had trouble with two":"questions. I think you'll get":"them right if you try them again."TW3ĺ"You did pretty well, but I'm sure":"you can get 100% if you try":"the hard ones again."H TW3ĺ"You had a hard time with019153040:1915P:60:VT86(PC100):VT:11:"FINAL SCORE: "PC"%"PC100ĢVT6:4:"C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!"::9:"You did a great job!":150:34,12:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"Wonderful! You only missed one!":"Let's try it agai):N:+B60581:ZZ115:ZZ:1811HB87861:ZZ120:ZZ\6,B:7,10:768eB:lQC0:Q0:EF1:QNTW:MN2:TW0{QQ1:Q30ı}B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)0QCQC1QCQNıB2%(E,Q,0)01915B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)%(E,0,0)PC:@PC(TP100TQ):(TP100TQ)PC0.5PCPC1RB2%(E,0,0)PCPC%((TPRP)100TQ):((TPRP)100TQ)PC%0.5PC%PC%1:N13 P(N)((1)31) N1ī1806 L1N1 P(N)P(L)ī1801 LP$(N)C$(P(N),1)0ı*B2%(E,Q,0)0:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:mM130:B2%(E,M,0)0:B2%(E,M,1)0:M:B2%(E,0,1)B2%(E,0,1)1:TQ0:TP0:RP0:N130:B2%(E,N,0)1TPTP1:TQTQ1:N:1780B2%(E,N,0)2RPRP1B2%(E,N,1)0TQTQ1NTQ0PC0:PC%0:B2N1(C$(1))1:"-";::3rZZ13:P(ZZ)1Ăs22:1:958:21:7:"The logical conclusion is ";:(AZ$,ZZ,1)".":1150:NT1ıB2%(E,Q,1)0B2%(E,Q,0)2:B2%(E,Q,0)1:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:EFSMSM1NT1ı TWTW1:B2%(E,Q't read carefully.":DR4:"That isn't the most logical one.":{YNTMNĢ22:1:958:22:12:"Please try again.":h150:E61650i18:1:958:20:5:"Now it's a ";:"LOGICAL";:" conclusion.":VT:HT:868:C$(1):1150jVT1:HT:868:F1:EX1:TW0:E5:MN2:LB$"A":LE$"C":4000::2:"E X A M P L E":"-------------":3044'>P(CX)1NT1Ģ8:"You did well on the example."::"I hope you learn a lot"::"from this exercise!"G(HP(CX)1NT1Ģ8:"You had trouble with the example,"::"so remember to read very carefully"::"when you do the exercise."V(f150:3000(:2:4:"Exercise F is similar to Exercise E."::"You will read a paragraph, then choose"::"the sentence with ";:"MUST";:" that makes the"):"best logical c뿩 8!@8` MNЩUMܩ  L 5   8 0 8 `0 / x X$$%&%0`ŠӠЭ[ V7 c L '0%O '8O JmO * ʈ0  0ŠϠĠ͢Š͠͠ϠŠŠϠĠخ͠ ͍B B(8`;YLLL"7"Y"/"ll"*# HQ$WON!-PB}OBiB ,m# m# J Qڨ)̰n]e мȱ ; ̀𩠙< iO P F V >Z SY ɘL` X _ )f 8'  )ɀ)4,- U JNT)  !N)Gi/ "4 "" " " iL X%!L!ΠΠҠ`C! $ " " &#M8nf $ ) L! " " &J, )7(P0  ( @p !"0 *%"0"" &/) )"" &ЭL!)0I0 (Щ ߍ now?":825::YN3200,3188-/t QCQN3020D/ 1950:PC1001550b/ 1900:1970:PC%1001550t/ YN3220,1550'0P$"Kevin: I called Beth, but nobody answered the phone. Mike: She must":C$(1)"be out.":C$(2)"come back.":C:HT:868:UL$:3080+.= E6İ150:3080.? IF EF = 0 THEN VTAB 2: HTAB 22: CALL - 868: PRINT "Score so far: ";PC;"%": GOSUB 1809.D 150:EF1ė:.N SM(7) = 7/b SM8ė:8:2:"You're doing well on this exercise."::2:"Would you like to stop1:"-";::3090_- 14:4:"A. ";P$(1):16:4:"B. ";P$(2):18:4:"C. ";P$(3):850: E = 6- CX212:4:(AZ$,CX,1);"."- KP13ĴE43082,3087-& NTNT1-+ PPPC-0 P(CX)1İ500:3135-; 1600:NTMN3135.< E5İ150:VT1:HT:868:VT more to go)"<, 4:958:5:1:N116040:(P$,N,40):R, E5ĢVT:HT:UL$[, NT0|, 1800:14:1:958:E63085, 15:9:"A. ";P$(1):16:9:"B. ";P$(2):17:9:"C. ";P$(3):850: E = 5- VT:HT:868:P$(CX):VT1:HT:868:N1(P$(CX)),5060,5070,5080,5090,5100,5110+ 1:1:"---------------------------------------":3:1:"---------------------------------------":2:1:" ":EF0Ģ2:1:"Question #";QC;, EF1Ģ2:"Review question #";QC;:QNQC0Ė25:"(";QNQC;"10* N110:R(N)0:O* :QC0:QN10:MN2:EX0:EF0:TW0:1750:PC0:WC27\* QN = 1h* QCQC1* Q(111(1)):B2%(E,Q,1)03030* Q = 2* E5ĴQ4010,4020,4030,4040,4050,4060,4070,4080,4090,4100,4110 + E6ĴQ5010,5020,5030,5040,5050onclusion.":11:4:"If you didn't read the introduction"::"to Exercise E, you might want to read"::"it now.":18:8:"Do you want to read it?":825)YN1İ6000*EF1:EX1:Q30:TW0:E6:MN2:5000::2:"E X A M P L E":"-------------":3044:21ԠŠҬîʎ1DžϠl&8f ZHH)hh8JhJJJJJ j&Hk&8H) 12 (j21 h!hH h %)Ђ12H)M0 h10200I20h2 |&`L($_l&j"L  <8# ȱ)ɀ  )t& ` (Xp< @t& )mt&t&.t&w& Mt&i  ``rȱȱȱȱ0]cȱeem(ȱ(ȱ((ȱ 밯ZF[G 밠S%܈P" X)Im'܅F(܅G)܍^*܍Q 4 䭐 $H %HFFHGHG 됨`R8`)` QH_` :R(5IHH__Ѝ_@`8 e ͙_ʈ@}ȱ@oȱ@y{|rZ[_)7_I0ܢܽ \'Q*ܩu 7pqFG (ST L܅I^ mQIH` } }Y0\F]G Q_HZF[G` G8`F@ 0 e LK8`F GI8`FHGH hGhF܌ բFܽܕF芝ܝ 밶FFGG H܅I mIIHHyHȘI Lܝ` @o@ w@Ю׍_)m0JHi 뎑`C8` @ 3N@) d莽 ⭺i`0 v0GF #0 W,0 ).H hȑNWȮّNW8`ٍّNθ0NN,뎞׮Б` L` @>_)I38Ypqם`K8`@Nȱ@O@ IiNȽבN)/ȩ/N`@[ WHJjjjhA <'KI؍'P0ōҍJJJJ ɺi) ɺiLD )?      `l@Hȱ@IױHXATȱH ɯȩ׍̞5H)/@a)_ .0 :A[8@`@~@}J@` ߩ%S @ ~`E hhhߺ0 h ߐ# ߐ ߐ ߐ 0 HϭߍLпllllhh8` QSTV،h@ihAiȱ@JJJJq@)@evȱ@Hȱ@Ah@@cee J) LxL LxJiB LxJ) GxNhHHHHL(  ްƠx@BEOD  ް(`( C)CJJJlBJ,~آ <B*IBGF08Lé'+8H <(h`@ڍL3<>=?<>CAB@?A` 1 L  <>` ڢF]PL8i m L   6< L  BLRAM' hLDLHB-9F 3"aɿ LLB Nϰ H  @h( L Lj  @`bLJCAB@=?,<ʆ>*=?BC8 é&'112`݁(݉(`}(`e`H)hJJ?(0JJ)` (< ( < *? 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It was a lot of work! Sarah: I know. You must":C$(1)"be tired.":C$(2)"move again.":C$(3)"like to move.":HT26:VT9:1P$"Becky: Did you realize LLwLLL) `8` ԠŬLLʮq$6,⨁ K6, VtI=v!gNVt Vt  lg~TV     T[fouu~ՠٯ* PWN*]ĿNTz @n6VC/+A>@I5gN Oz @n[Dz @nd0,~z @`$仫@v$⩔,C[B?I>孓`仫6VtCicQĿUKqtVt Nֵ#ح#׮2}q :IC@@ -!S    !C- !ABELSDFRV@@ !$(19@EüϠž(+@ABCDEFGHIKLMNPSsƬƀ#(ZZV4G_0=( A P FjL\5p-e9ABSAVERIFYBLOADELETEBYECATALOGOPENWRITEXECREATEFRESTORENAMEBRUNLOCKCHAIN#FLUSHREADPOSITIONOMONPR#PREFIXCLOSEAPPEND6D(!쫂8 ( 8о(־Ǿ,G 8`_`W)H־Jjjjh p̭ fLᶢǾ ת..8 ۭ (8mȾȾmɾɾʾiʾ` Lpl8l:/,s`\"׾پӾؾھ pD`־ǾY׾ؾOW)ݩȾɾʾ pD`8`W)CB) 5W) =)W)@! pZ}ȾȾ󰹩 p` ־ǾҾ,G 8`׾ؾ f p vۥs׾tؾE` `޾Lp h־Ҿ,G0^W)TP) ecfdپھ׾ؾӾ p$c d pccddީ 8`ȾɾʾNfne}ȾȾI>Ie f`8` P־ǾҾ,G0C f=W)_`:_`蹀:`V)8`MN; b;`;C b N8` G)̀#:蹀:`V)R ޾,N0MHhHh p' L,N HCNh`M`M N N `9V) ` V) ޾ p`  (8` 8`8`(W)`_V)Ij!؍Í`_ FjЭW)`_ Ͼ pH Lh8`jGMоM  G)p pY)ικ`lP *,N!ǾȾɾʾ pǾ~H h8`8`,C  8` ȾɾM$ mHݓǾ phϾ pH Lh8`Ͼо־ǾҾ_` 볩Ӿ pW) "LEC`C )莼 з l6 7= /& /8Hh /` 6Y׾ؾ+پھ p|پɾʾ`HV)jh츾$-#Ͼ p о־޾Ǿ` 8` 8`ɾ)ɾ̸ ɾɾ0miȾ that Annette has over 250 record albums? Anita: She must":C$(1)"love music.":C$(3)"sell them.":C$(2)"have a lot of records.":HT17:VT9:e2P$"Nancy: My aunt and uncle stay at home all the time. They never go out. Terry: They must":C$(1)"watch a lot of T.V.":C$(3)"like to go out.":C$(2)"not go out anymore.":HT18:VT9:2P$"Sue: I learned French in high school and Spanish in college. Now I'm taking Japanese classes. Lee: Really? You must"W3C She is usually at home all the time. I'm starting to get worried.":C$(1)"She must be visiting somebody."@C$(2)"She must be at home.":C$(3)"She must answer the phone later today.":AP$" Joan is a marathon runner. She runs aily. They have a horse, two dogs, and three cats.":C$(1)"They must love animals."?C$(2)"He must be an animal doctor.":C$(3)"They must get some more animals.":p@P$" Margaret isn't answering her phone today. I don't understand it. ust spend a lot of time studying.">C$(2)"She must take difficult courses.":C$(3)"She must get some help with her classes.":W?P$" Dr. Farley is a veterinarian. He lives in the country with his famildren."Y=C$(2)"Billy must be able to read.":C$(3)"Billy must not go to school.":/>P$" Jane is in her first semester of college. She's taking calculus, physics and chemistry. She wants to get good grades in all her courses.":C$(1)"She mzing cold.":C$(3)"You must not live there.": =P$" Billy started talking before he was two years old. At age three, he could already read. His parents are sending him to a special school.":C$(1)"It must be a school for smart chk."K;C$(2)"He must not be tired.":C$(3)"He must not want to play.":;P$" The state of Montana has beautiful mountains. It is very cold in the winter and it snows often.":C$(1)"It must be a good place to ski."0<C$(2)"It must be freen vacation."\:C$(2)"They must not like newspapers.":C$(3)"They must be very quiet.":;P$" The baby is crying and he won't eat anything. He doesn't want to play with his toys. He didn't sleep well last night.":C$(1)"He must be getting sic1)"be angry.":C$(2)"get a ticket.":C$(3)"stay 10 minutes.":HT24:VT11::P$" There are four or five newspapers by the Smiths' front door. The house is completely dark and quiet. Their car is gone. What happened?":C$(1)"They must be away o You must":C$(1)"be in love.":C$(2)"think about her a lot.":C$(3)"go out with her.":HT17:VT11:M9P$"Paul: I parked my car here less than 10 minutes and I got a ticket! Mark: I know. The police are really strict. You must":C$(ally expensive. Your neighbors must":C$(1)"be rich.":C$(2)"drive a lot.":C$(3)"need a car.":HT28:VT11:f8P$"Allen: I can't stop thinking about Linda. I dream about her every night! Fred: mmon with Jim because I always lose. Pete:":C$(1)"He must be a good player.":C$(2)"He must win.":C$(3)"You must play better.":HT8:VT9:{7P$"Maria: My next-door neighbors just bought a new Mercedes-Benz. Wendy: They are re: Charlie usually drinks a lot at parties, but tonight he isn't drinking at all. Tom: He must not":C$(1)"feel well.":C$(2)"drink tonight.":C$(3)"like to drink.":HT19:VT11:6P$"Bill: I don't like to play backga$(3)"She must have a boy.":HT8:VT11:4P$"Cindy: I just called David and the line is still busy! Tony: He must":C$(1)"be talking to his mother.":C$(2)"not call you.":C$(3)"not answer the phone.":HT16:VT9:5P$"Tina$(1)"like languages.":C$(3)"learn German.":C$(2)"speak 3 languages.":HT23:VT11:*4P$"Ellen: My brother called last night. His wife is going to have a baby!Anne: That's wonderful!":C$(1)"You must be happy.":C$(2)"He must be married.":Cbout 50 miles a week. She usually runs in the morning. She plans to run in the Boston Marathon next April.":C$(1)"She must be in good physical condition."BC$(2)"She must not drive a car.":C$(3)"She must do most of her running after lunch.":BP$" Bruce is going to get his passport this afternoon. Then he needs to stop by the travel agency. He'll be back home by 4:00.":C$(1)"He must be planning to take a trip."^CC$(2)"He must be going out 11:HT17:VT17:P$" in a":nts.":A$"might be living":B$"might live":II16:HT4:VT17:P$" with his parents.":B6Q$"Are you going to get an apartment when you go to college? I don't know. I "UL$" in a dormitory.":A$"might live":B$"":II If I don't go out, I "UL$" an old movie on T.V.":A$"might watch":B$"might be watching":II15:HT3:VT17:P$" an old movie on T.V.":WA,Q$"Where is Jack living now? I'm really not sure. He "UL$" with his pare5:7:"Please turn off the computer."01,0,230:800,61:801,230M802,63:803,165:804,63:805,41:806,31:807,208b808,239:809,96m778:{p::P115uG19zA$T30P1110:T:A$:10:T:" ":A(16336):10:P1:A$;:P1P11: G,o,o,d,b,y,e,!,!'1future.":10:5:"In this exercise, they are all":K"in the present. In the next course,"::C$;"Grammar Mastery--Series C,";C$;" you will"::"learn how to use ";C$;"must";C$;" in the past.":150lL5:958:7:1:"Situation":"---------":10:"Maclusion. ---":17:5:"Don't choose a sentence with this"J:"kind of meaning in this exercise because":"we're looking for logical conclusions.":1505K:2:"IMPORTANT:";:" Logical conclusions with"::C$;"must";C$" are never in the 5:"Sometimes, especially in writing,"::"you will see ";C$;"must";C$;" in a sentence like"::"this:":9:C$;"You must be 21 years old to buy wine.";C$:1150IJ12:4:"In this case, ";C$;"must";C$;" means ";C$;"have to.";C$:"This is not a logical conf you are 100%"::"sure that something is true.":7:5:"If you know that Mary has a big"::"family, you don't say:":13H"-----":13:6:C$;"Mary must have a big family.";C$:16:"You say:":19:7:C$;"Mary has a big family.";C$:900:150I:2:that Mary lived in France,"Gz:"you can say:":15:9:C$;"Mary must speak French.";C$:1810:18:"Meaning: You think that she probably ------- speaks French because she lived in France."|H150::2:5:"Don't use ";C$;"must";C$;" iads for a long time, he gets headaches.":C$(1)"He must need new glasses.":C$(3)"He must not read very much.":C$(2)"He must wear glasses.":Gp60:6:4:"A logical conclusion is a statement"::"based on information you already know."::"If you know If she needs to go out of town, she takes a bus or train.":C$(1)"She must not have a car.":C$(3)"She must buy a car."EC$(2)"She must live in a big city.":FP$" George is still wearing the glasses he got six years ago. Whenever he rest speak French very well."DC$(2)"His wife must not be able to speak English.":C$(3)"They must be living in France now.":EP$" Cynthia lives in New York City. She takes the subway to work. this afternoon.":C$(3)"He must not come back before 4:00.":-DP$" Louis is American, but he lived in France for five years. He met his wife in Paris. At that time, she didn't speak any English.":C$(1)"Louis mu)"6D19:4:"(Possibility or future result)":150D11:958:12:3:"Wendy never goes out on the weekends."::3:"She shouldn't have a boyfriend.":1810:14:7:"MUST NOT";:" ":1150:16:6:"(might not)"E19:"In this case, it's a logical conSTRICTLY RESERVEDU 27468:SF$"":N115:SF$SF$((27448N))::FX%((768)96) B2%(20,30,1),M$(10),T$(25),EX$(2):D$(4):C$(34):AZ$"ABCDEFGHIJ":EX$"LOGICAL CONCLUSIONS" (27)(17) UL$(95)(95):2000S M$(4)"By Laura E. Savely":T *** UNIT 2, EX E & F OF GRAMMAR MASTERY II--SERIES B *** CATALOG TITLE"MUST"w *** WRITTEN BY SHELDON WISE *** PROGRAMMED BY LAURA E. SAVELY; MODIFIED BY NANCY POST, 8/87  *** COPYRIGHT 1987 BY American Language Academy -- ALL RIGHTS n, not":"a logical conclusion. (Use ";C$;"should";C$;")"NLCX3ĺ"C is a statement about a future":"possibility. (Use ";C$;"might";C$;")"Nj150::3:"A.":18:3:"B.":19:3:"C.":CX16:3:(AZ$,CX,1);".":KP136110\MCX1İ900qMCX2CX3İ1000M17:3:"A":20:958:21:1:"The only logical conclusion is: ";:"A"M8150:CX1ı;NB20:958:21:1:CX2ĺ"B is really a suggestiory takes her car to the garage almost every week.":14:"Logical conclusion:":"------------------"L17:3:"A. She must have an old car.":3:"B. She must buy a new car.":3:"C. She must go to the garage again.":LB$"A":LE$"C":850MM17:&@5:(19(M$(1))2):M$(1);F@9:(19(M$(2))2):M$(2);g@11:(19(M$(3))2):M$(3);@12:(19(M$(3))2):YY1(M$(3)):"-";:YY@1:18:M$(4):1:M$(5):1:M$(6):1:M$(7):150: Susan about the surprise party we are planning for her.":AC6:BC0:II15:HT5:VT13:P$" tell Susan about":?M$(4)"By Laura E. Savely":M$(6)"American Language Academy":M$(7)"Copyright 1987":M$(5)"and Sheldon Wise"@top."(34):AC1:BC5:II13:HT19:VT15:P$" stop."(34):>@Q$"It is so hot in Texas that people can die of the heat. They "UL$" have air conditioning there in the summer.":AC1:BC5:II9:HT23:VT15:P$" have":?JQ$"You "UL$" telluse it"::"uses "C$"should"C$" in the wrong way."F18:"(In ";(34);"Grammar Mastery II -- Series C,";(34):"you will learn how to use ";(34);"should";(34):"in the past.)":150F8clusion.":150E:2:5:"All of the examples in this"::"exercise and the next one use "C$"should"C$::"and a simple verb to give advice"::"in the present or future."4F10:5:"One of the sentences in each group"::"of three is not logical becaM$(6)"American Language Academy":M$(7)"Copyright 1987":M$(5)"and Sheldon Wise"[ !:{ "5:(19(M$(1))2):M$(1); %9:(19(M$(2))2):M$(2); (11:(19(M$(3))2):M$(3); +12:(19(M$(3))2):YY1(M$(3)):"-";:YY% .1:18:M$(4):1,0d@1000:FL0:1725:1775:20:1:958:PC0EF0Ģ2:22:868:"Score so far: ";PC;"%":1150E20:(14(1))1611,1614,1617,1618:1625K6:"That isn't a logical conclusion.":N7:"That's not the best choice.":Q2:"You probably didn disk drive."::"Insert disk number 3, and"::"press when ready.":150::1566,:P115:G19:A$:T30P11:10:T:A$:10:T:" ":A(16336)::10:P1:A$;:P1P11:-G,o,o,d,b,y,e,!,!.15:7:"Please turn off the computer.":5:EX$"Exercise E":2020S#MV2MV0:CX2:E6:EX$"Exercise F":EX$(0)"":2200%::CX0:8:"This is the last exercise on this disk."::"Would you like to start the exercises"::"for Unit 3?":825::YN1574,1566^&8:"Remove this disk from theM$(1)"Do the next exercise":M$(2)"Go to the Main Menu":M$(3)"Stop for today":M3::33,34:32,6:200:33,40:32,0:CX1565,1565,1580:CX1ė:1994:157010:3:"Just a minute, ";SF$;"...":34,12D$"RUN STARTUP,S6""MV0CX1:E6336):ZZ:~FX%ı66,100(37)3:7,10:768R6,(100)100:7,4:768k6,(37)3:7,6:768q::60:10:5:"Please make a note that you have":5:"worked with: ":1994::5:M$(0):150:x::M$(0)"What do you want to do now?": FX%ı+6,11020(1):7,20:768H6,8020(1):7,20:768f6,15020(1):7,20:768lyFX%1ıZZ16:YY(16336)(16336)(16336) YY(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(16336)(1KP100KPKP32#aCXKP64:OK17d22:CH:(KP);g24:1:"Press or make another choice:";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384)jKP17KP145ġ:1553mOKKP13OK0:22:1:958:pKP65(KP67KP97)KP99871s853ROK0:TX$"Which one is most logical?":22:4:TX$" "(95);:CH(36):16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553UEXLE$"D"(KP68KP100)CX4:22:1:958:XOKKP13877[KP65(KP67KP97)KP99850^KP96onclusion! ------ ":GG8:"That's the way to learn.":922:1:958:22:9:"Type YES (Y) or NO (N)";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553:KP78KP89KP110KP121825;YN1((KP78)(KP110)):7(1))577,578,579,580,581,582,583DA12:"Now it's correct!":hB10:"OK this time, ";SF$;".":C9:"Now it's fine, ";SF$;".":D4:"That's much better, ";SF$;".":E1:"You're really learning, ";SF$;".":"F4:"Now that's a logical c0:"That's right, ";SF$;".":J 5:"That's the logical conclusion.":g 12:"That's the one!": 7:"That's the way to use MUST.": 16:"Correct!":8:"That's the right choice.":11:"That's it, ";SF$;".":%?20:958:21:(1ȹ16368,0:16384,128:KP(16384)128:16368,0:KP17KP145ġ:1553_ ;KP49KP48M310n @CXKP48: 900:1700:1775:NT1ī575 EFĢ2:22:868:"Score so far: "PC"%":1809 20:958:21:(17(1))521,522,523,524,525,526,527 1( 24:1:958:24:16:"SPACE BAR";o 16368,0:16384,128:KP(16384):16368,0:KP17KP145ġ:1553 KP160KP32150 8:M$(0)::N1M 3:N;". ";M$(N): ,21:1:958:21:14:"Your choice?";:CH(36):CV(37)H 61:M$(5):1:M$(6):1:M$(7):150: 220:1:958:20:15:"Press ";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:KP(16384):KP17KP145ġ:1553 3KP27KP15550 4 <:((40(EX$))2):EX$:L1EX$(1)""64 >((40(EX$(0)))2):EX$(0) @'t read carefully.":DR4:"That isn't the most logical one.":{YNTMNĢ22:1:958:22:12:"Please try again.":h150:E61650i18:1:958:20:5:"Now it's a ";:"LOGICAL";:" conclusion.":VT:HT:868:C$(1):1150jVT1:HT:868:N1(C$(1))1:"-";::3rZZ13:P(ZZ)1Ăs22:1:958:21:7:"The logical conclusion is ";:(AZ$,ZZ,1)".":1150:NT1ıB2%(E,Q,1)0B2%(E,Q,0)2:B2%(E,Q,0)1:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:EFSMSM1NT1ı TWTW1:B2%(E,Q:"so remember to read very carefully"::"when you do the exercise."V(f150:3000(:2:4:"Exercise F is similar to Exercise E."::"You will read a paragraph, then choose"::"the sentence with ";:"MUST";:" that makes the"):"best logical cF1:EX1:TW0:E5:MN2:LB$"A":LE$"C":4000::2:"E X A M P L E":"-------------":3044'>P(CX)1NT1Ģ8:"You did well on the example."::"I hope you learn a lot"::"from this exercise!"G(HP(CX)1NT1Ģ8:"You had trouble with the example,":ise you will read"::"a dialogue and choose the ending that"::"makes a logical conclusion with MUST."&12:4:"The introduction will tell you more"::"about logical conclusions."&18:8:"Do you want to read it?":825&YN1İ6000['4Q30:E"3. Go to the Main Menu"|%16368,0:20:1:868:"Type a number and press RETURN ==> ";:A$:A$;:G$:G$(13)ī2011%A$"1"A$"2"A$"3"ĺ(7):2011%(A$)12020%(A$)22200%(A$)3ĉ::1565j&::60:6:4:"In this exercstery II -- Series B":M$(2)"Logical Conclusions":M$(3)"Exercises E & F":25$::3:"Which exercise do you want?":8:"1. Exercise E - Logical conclusions":17:"for dialogues":12:"2. Exercise F - Logical conclusions":17:"for paragraphs"%16:%(E,0,1)0M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercise E":MV2j#MV2B2%(E1,0,1)0M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercises E & F":MV3#E6B2%(E,0,1)0M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercise F":MV3#MV3B2%(E1,0,1)0M$(0)"Unit 2, Exercises E & F":MV3#O$Q0:::M$(1)"Grammar Maou like to try them again?""TW2ĺ"This exercise is hard, isn't it?":"I think you'll do better if":"you try the ones you missed":"one more time."::"Would you like to try them again?""34,22:33,40:32,0::825:::"Eı,#MV0:E5B2rrectly,":"but your official score is "PC"%.":1960E!PC%100ı!34,8:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"There is only one question that":"you're having trouble with.":"Would you like to try it again?""TW2ĺ"This time you missed 2 questions.":"Would y some":"of those questions. Let's try":"the ones you missed again."m 34,16:33,40:32,0::150::: :60:34,8:33,37:32,3: PC%100ĺ"You're getting to be an expert!":6!PC%PCĺ"This time you answered "PC%"%":"of the questions con."wTW2ĺ"You only had trouble with two":"questions. I think you'll get":"them right if you try them again."TW3ĺ"You did pretty well, but I'm sure":"you can get 100% if you try":"the hard ones again."H TW3ĺ"You had a hard time with019153040:1915P:60:VT86(PC100):VT:11:"FINAL SCORE: "PC"%"PC100ĢVT6:4:"C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!"::9:"You did a great job!":150:34,12:33,36:32,4::TW1ĺ"Wonderful! You only missed one!":"Let's try it agai):N:+B60581:ZZ115:ZZ:1811HB87861:ZZ120:ZZ\6,B:7,10:768eB:lQC0:Q0:EF1:QNTW:MN2:TW0{QQ1:Q30ı}B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)0QCQC1QCQNıB2%(E,Q,0)01915B2%(E,Q,0)0B2%(E,Q,1)%(E,0,0)PC:@PC(TP100TQ):(TP100TQ)PC0.5PCPC1RB2%(E,0,0)PCPC%((TPRP)100TQ):((TPRP)100TQ)PC%0.5PC%PC%1:N13 P(N)((1)31) N1ī1806 L1N1 P(N)P(L)ī1801 LP$(N)C$(P(N),1)0ı*B2%(E,Q,0)0:B2%(E,Q,1)WC:mM130:B2%(E,M,0)0:B2%(E,M,1)0:M:B2%(E,0,1)B2%(E,0,1)1:TQ0:TP0:RP0:N130:B2%(E,N,0)1TPTP1:TQTQ1:N:1780B2%(E,N,0)2RPRP1B2%(E,N,1)0TQTQ1NTQ0PC0:PC%0:B2onclusion.":11:4:"If you didn't read the introduction"::"to Exercise E, you might want to read"::"it now.":18:8:"Do you want to read it?":825)YN1İ6000*EF1:EX1:Q30:TW0:E6:MN2:5000::2:"E X A M P L E":"-------------":3044:21