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Sci.M89 glee, band1500 Washington NEMplsMN55413North1XJerryJohnsonHistory Soc.Stud.AlgebraM89band1475 Redrock CtMplsMN55407East2gJeanWalters English 1HealthAlgebraF89baseball, t 42In recent years, the methods used in business and 53industry to process information have been changing /-quickly. The "roaring mouse" that is largely +)responsible for this rapid cha"O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===<"ence with my checking account Fyou are somewhat wary of my ability to stay on top of my finances. LJThe budget figures below should demonstrate that I am able to afford this loan: Friday, you questioned whether I could afford OMto buy a car better than yours. I assured you that I had the money both for KIthe down payment and for the subsequent costs of owning a second car. I OMrealize that since your last unfortunate experi UFebruary 23, 1986TO: Herbert Grinwald; Biggest U.S. Federal Bank and Trust, Loan Dept.FROM:%RE: Application for Auto LoanOMAt my loan review meeting lastZ"O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===2" hysicsF89volleyball, soccer4562 NE BanakerMplsMN55413North1lsMN55407East3nTamara HogetvedtTypingAlgebraGerman 2F89swimming, track, glee4398 Sherman Ave NMplsMN55411North3[Samuel DamyanovichPhysics English 2PEM88soccer3065 Race Ave NMplsMN55411North1cAngelaYatesFoods 1TypingP08East3MAnthonyNelsonFoods 1PEGerman 2M89 1900 20 Ave SMplsMN55407East1aAngela Washington US HistoryAlgebraP.E.F88 chess, glee3569 Simpson CtMplsMN55409West2UTiquanDavisPEBusinessTypingM89 basketball3126 Morton CnMpezDrawing US History English 2M88swimming1604 Chicago Ave SMplsMN55407East1bArtWongBiology Soc.Stud.AlgebraM88art, chess, band1342 W. Havana St.MplsMN55408West2NAntigoneRowe English 1ShopP.SciF885290 Cherry LnMplsMN554rack2411 Aldridge Ave NMplsMN55411North2YFredJohnsonTyping ChemistryHome EcM88rugby2126 Harriet Av SMplsMN55408West2eDominic HebzynskiFrench 1PELogicM88football, equestrian3410 NE BucknerMplsMN55413North2bDavidBosqunge is the 42typewriter. The typewriter is not only appearing 42in business and industry, but it is also becoming "popular in homes and classrooms.53Due to this change in technology, business classes 53are updating the content and methods u10,577433476724500) MassachusettsN East8,25738297200*MichiganN Cent58,2163126732736000+ MinnesotaN Cent84,0682315747447000. MississippiS East47,71651488264401570,MissouriS Cent69,686383381213400161'Mo Cent36,2914029766540000'IowaN Cent56,29031227617399000(KansasS Cent82,2643330811587600*KentuckyS Cent40,3954437781490000*LouisanaS East48,5236456832409735"MaineN East33,21542216800)MarylandN EastawareN East2,057463777150230)FloridaS East58,5605256821798518*GeorgiaS East58,87649458069000165#HawaiiS Pacif6,45021727900%IdahoN West83,55711277568200+IllinoisN Cent56,40033277514525400)IndianaNWest586,41214135700+ArizonaS West113,90911508645501613*ArkansasS Cent53,1044742823185620/ CaliforniaS West158,693155573357503500+ColoradoS West104,2471331741082300' ConnecticutN East5,00940277400(Del*AlabamaS East51,60954458034100418$AlaskaN U nCHSALL CATEGORIES    !Corn/mitedg*1000/cCot./mitedi*1000/cCottonreg production     !  U nCHSStateory 1RegionionAreaipitation Precipitatione Winter Temp.me Summer Temp.ЙCornon&\T]DD/2     sed in their 53courses to make sure that students have experience in working with typewriters./-The typewriter is commonly being used in the following applications:-+1. Accounting I and Accounting II use the /-typewriter to work ntanaN West147,1381314628500*NebraskaN Cent77,2272623798027000$NevadaS West110,54012327001) New HampshireN East9,30437206900* New JerseyN East7,836403375123750, New MexicoS West121,666934799000127)New YorkN East49,5764233757440001North CarolinaS East52,58637397314091094, North DakotaN Cent70,66515972415530&OhioN Cent41,2223229743600000*OklahomaS Cent69,9193037823850410&OregonN West96,9814040692750F~~~^GsBcB6f`CBwJUNGVC~A>A~8xjGsBBCFB;FJ*NGY@|@@jGsB`B0`Ca]a}}JUNGYABAjGsBgB0gC.5B;J*NGKGsBsB63Cwx{JUNGKGsBs600p00CBnJ*NGKGsBcB6c`@BO@`]GOFx~J~xHBBX}- CFJ*NGVAGOE Dy]GOH@NHxBByB{CFJUNGVA|BOBBONLLBO]GsBBqCFJ*NGYp`Bg`pEgcqxpcg]Gs00{C3ACFJUNGYB<Ex]GsvC6ACFJ*NGVAA?C>C~C>8x]GQF@`Dp`@HB@@_BY_CFJ*NGYBDE@~@]GOG|L|HBFACFJUNGY ssDsBg]GOD@CAAGA <]GO~x`FGA>B~BBBYCFJUNGVA~D>A8BC@B`ABpAB8ABAABBGlo`OCFJ*NGYBjGO~x`FBAQB oBlOCFJUNGYd@DIjGP?D@B`ABpAB8ABAABBLBlOCFJ*NGY By  yyO3yyBy]GOaHBAQBBOB`OCFJUNGYNCL D~L BL LOO[GQ|0T??C*B*B***B*AB*C*BBB3CFJ*NGKGJ`@UCUBUBUUUBUABUCUBOBfFCFJUNGXE?lGN~C*B*B* FBC BBB CFJ*NGVAC~AjGOCUBWBB@B`@CFJUNGYBsjGOC    ^B0xXCFJ*^037B6ACFJU^BC3ACFJ*XA_BBC3ACFJUN[]??B/++*C*BB3?>CFJ*NGKGO?_WUUUBUABUCUBB>0CFJUNGTvGJ((((((((((((((((PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP                    BC#< |t=>0)?><@=0)?><@=@ |t>0BDHt&cu'Ch&BDBBC`((((((((((((((((t56,1542622713780000'WyomingN West97,9141626705060067,3394554841275305820$UtahS West84,91615277716500#VermontN East9,60932187000)VirginiaS East40,817433878562501+ WashingtonN West68,192324166128750- West VirginiaS East24,18145367562560+ WisconsinN Cen0. PennsylvaniaN East45,3333633751344000( Rhode IslandN East1,214402971002South CarolinaS East31,055465182333060165. South DakotaN Cent77,0472514751806000, TennesseeS Cent42,24447428155040315+TexasS Cent2CtwutJUNGKGsBsB63CCnJ*N[sBc600`CFJUOZs``wBfgC{9{{ J*^ MBlLC8W0W8JU^BgBlgC k { J*^BC AC|~}~JUCe! H$q!r! c&L*!M8tl # ) y!s!(&s!t! c&E )?  @ e!l!0 $l!0u!v! c&-) &ύw!x! c&Эb)0I0 ( d!N)Gi/ h!4 آ <B*IBGF08Lé'+8H <(h`@؍L3<>=?<>CAB@?A` / L  <>` ڢF]PL8i m L   4< L  BLRAM' hLDLHB-4F 1"aɿ LL@ Nϰ H  @h( L Lh  @`bLJCAB@=?,<ʆ>*=?BC8 é&'112` ( < *? ( < (? ( < (? ( <*? * **? *? *? ( < *? 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Major purchases  Vacation !-!-!- Total Expenses Monthly SavingsBALANCE Q@Other !-!-!- Total Income EXPENSES% House loa n & insur. @# House mai ntenance K@# Car loan & insur. 8@! Car maintenance W@ Utilities ^@FoPJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalAverage3!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!- INCOME Paycheck #1 Qߔ@ Paycheck #2 Q]@ CA1NHNHU nSL5LLL"L  KN)_ `@S8` ԠŬLL<[B?I>孓`仫6VtCicQĿUKqtVt Nʮq$6,⨁ K6, VtI=v!gNVt Vt  lg~TŠӠŠҠüϠž(+@ABCDEFGHIKLMNPSV     T[fouu~ՠٯ* PWN*]ĿNTz @n6VC/+A>@I5gN Oz @n[Dz @nd0,~z @`$仫@v$⩔,CTORENAMEBRUNLOCKCHAIN#FLUSHREADPOSITIONOMONPR#PREFIXCLOSEAPPENDx{[{0ǭ0hЫ}wA Xw­孶׭fl@@ -!S    !C- !ABELSDFRV@@ !$(19@E(8mȾȾmɾɾʾiʾ` Lpl8l:/[ҝƬƀ#(ZZV4D\-:% >M CgIY2m*b6>BSAVERIFYBLOADELETECATALOGOPENWRITEXECREATEFRES p` y־ǾҾ,G 8`׾ؾ  p жۥs׾tؾE` y ( о(־Ǿ,G 8`_`W)H־Jjjjh p̭ L;Ǿ ..8 ۭ Stateory 1RegionionAreaipitation Precipitatione Winter Temp.me Summer Temp.ЙCornons in the district are summarized in the table below:MKNote the great disparity of resources from building to building within our district. UAugust 25, 1986/TO: The Board of Education, District 27FROM:RE: Computer ResourcesGEThe results of my survey of computer resources in each of the school >buildingV"O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===2" aS West110,54012327001) New HampshireN East9,30437206900* New JerseyN East7,836403375123750, New MexicoS West121,666934799000127)New YorkN East49,5764233757440001North CarolinaS East52,586373973140910948,2163126732736000+ MinnesotaN Cent84,0682315747447000. MississippiS East47,71651488264401570,MissouriS Cent69,686383381213400161'MontanaN West147,1381314628500*NebraskaN Cent77,2272623798027000$Nevad82,2643330811587600*KentuckyS Cent40,3954437781490000*LouisanaS East48,5236456832409735"MaineN East33,21542216800)MarylandN East10,577433476724500) MassachusettsN East8,25738297200*MichiganN Cent5aS East58,87649458069000165#HawaiiS Pacif6,45021727900%IdahoN West83,55711277568200+IllinoisN Cent56,40033277514525400)IndianaN Cent36,2914029766540000'IowaN Cent56,29031227617399000(KansasS Centt53,1044742823185620/ CaliforniaS West158,693155573357503500+ColoradoS West104,2471331741082300' ConnecticutN East5,00940277400(DelawareN East2,057463777150230)FloridaS East58,5605256821798518*Georgi*AlabamaS East51,60954458034100418$AlaskaN West586,41214135700+ArizonaS West113,90911508645501613*ArkansasS CenCottonALL CATEGORIES    !U nCHS"O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===0" h"O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===4"plan to call 'you soon so that we can get together.*Thank you again for being so thoughtful! Sincerely,May 25, 1998Dear,HFThanks for the retirement gift. The you sent me was just what I need "to begin my new life of leisure!HFIt has been far too long since we last met for lunch. I R"O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===," ersity will be happy to send a 53representative out to your Business Management and Administration Classes. Sincerely, P. Larson Business Management InstructorPL:bbat business graduates are still in very high @>demand. In fact, the hottest jobs right now are in computers >speaker who visits the Business Management and Administration class each year.97The Placement Office for the School of Business at the ?=University of Minnesota sends out a representative who talkSpace Shuttle High School100 Milky WayAstroville, Mn 55599 6-23-89Mr. Ken HansonRocket High School8002 Star AvenueRocket, Mn 55588Dear Mr. Hanson:=;At the meetin  To: School BoardFrom: Negotiating team Re: Salary Schedule ProjectionHFThe Negotiating team has been negotiating for the past 6 months and a A?tenative schedule has been reached. I ;91:00 All passengers must be checked in at the airport. :8Each passenger is permitted two pieces of luggage. All <:luggage must have Funshine Tours tags. Passengers should <:attach a Funshine Tours s\"O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===6" hine Tour begins as you land in 1/Waterloo. We hope you enjoy your tour of Iowa /-which includes one overnight in Manchester. 42Sorry, no meals are included due to the abundance "of vending machines in the city.s scheduled for takeoff. It is 42recommended that you eat well before arriving and 42carry a snack with you. There will be no food or 31beverage served during the flight. Be patient. (Fog, wind, and rain may delay takeoff.1/5:00 Your Funstendance is taken will risk having their ticket 53sold to the highest bidder on the waiting list for this exclusive tour.312:15 Boarding will begin. You will be standing 0outside so dress warmly and bring an umbrella.422:45 The flight ine Tours 31tags. Passengers should attach a Funshine Tours 0.sticker to their forehead so that they can be (easily identified by the travel agent..,2:00 You must be at the gate for the final ,*briefing. Any passenger not present when 42ats classes can help prepare 42you for the role that the typewriter will play in your future.1/1:00 All passengers must be checked in at the 31airport. Each passenger is permitted two pieces 42of luggage. All luggage must have Funshiriter.534. If you register for Personal Money Management, -+Consumer Economics, Business Law, Business -+Management, or one of the cooperative work /-experience programs, you will probably use a typewriter.42As you can see, busineswith business records and to produce reports.202. Recordkeeping and Office Procedures use the "typewriter in payroll exercises.313. Students in Typing II, Shorthand, and Office /-Procedures will have an opportunity to use a typewhope that you will act favorably on this action.2The projection for the first year is as follows: 3The projection for the second year is as follows: 1The projected cost for all years is as follows:ticker to their forehead so that 4they can be easily identified by the travel agent.=;2:00 You must be at the gate for the final briefing. Any ;9passenger not present when attendance is taken will risk 86having their ticket sold to the highest932187000)VirginiaS East40,817433878562501+ WashingtonN West68,192324166128750- West VirginiaS East24,18145367562560+ WisconsinN Cent56,1542622713780000'WyomingN West97,91416267050600002South CarolinaS East31,055465182333060165. South DakotaN Cent77,0472514751806000, TennesseeS Cent42,24447428155040315+TexasS Cent267,3394554841275305820$UtahS West84,91615277716500#VermontN East9,60, North DakotaN Cent70,66515972415530&OhioN Cent41,2223229743600000*OklahomaS Cent69,9193037823850410&OregonN West96,98140406927500. PennsylvaniaN East45,3333633751344000( Rhode IslandN East1,214402971le //eAP-2Apple Computer Inc.AP-29344-233-E84F 7850.00AVYTPrinter--Apple ImageP-2Apple Computer Inc.AP-2344-23444-33-P84H 4417.00AVYKApple MacintoshM-1Apple Computer Inc. APM-2344-343284H 41946.00AVYerAP-2Apple Computer Inc.AP-29342-232-E83F15950.00111NNever repaired]Printer--Apple DMPP-1Apple Computer Inc. AP-1742-693-G83J27650.00111NNever repairedKApple Duo DiskDD-4Apple Computer Inc.AP-29348-234-D84F 7556.50AVYF App3-5783E23600.00312N bad chipsfApple Disk ][ DriveDD-2Apple Computer Inc.AP-28394-834-D83F15450.00111NReplace pressure pad`Apple Disk ][ DriveDD-3Apple Computer Inc.AP-28394-835-D83F15450.00111NNever repaired_Apple //e Computc.AP-94857-236-M83B14225.0045NNever repairedNMegga 2 monitorMG-M3 MeggaMegga 34-37APA36-8883E23250.00312N bad tubesL Megga 2 driveMG-D3 MeggaMegga 23-35EAP36-8383E23300.00312N worn headOMegga 2 computerMG-C3 MeggaMegga 43-12LKJ24-51APE32-1381A14210.00222N worn headSMegga 1 computerMG-C2 MeggaMegga245-32DXJ34-3281A14800.00AVN faulty wiringTMegga 1 computerMG-C1 MeggaMegga835-21LTD74-1381A14850.00222N faulty wiring\Apple monitor ///M-1Apple Computer Inour of Iowa which includes one =;overnight in Manchester. Sorry, no meals are included due 3to the abundance of vending machines in the city.e arriving and carry a <:snack with you. There will be no food or beverage served ;9during the flight. Be patient. Fog, wind, and rain may delay takeoff.?=5:00 Your Funshine Tour begins as you land in Waterloo. We 64hope you enjoy your t bidder on the 'waiting list for this exclusive tour.><2:15 Boarding will begin. You will be standing outside so %dress warmly and bring an umbrella.422:45 The flight is scheduled for takeoff. It is <:recommended that you eat well befor