{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f3\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 \f2 \fs24 Blockade GS\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab by Brutal Deluxe, Dec 1994\par ___________________________________________________________________________\par \par Original version on Macintosh™ by Christer Ericson (1991).\par Unix™ - XWindow adaptation (Xblockade) by Der Mouse (1992).\par Apple IIgs™ GS/OS adaptation by Brutal Deluxe (1994).\par ___________________________________________________________________________\par \par \tab The 80 scenes are taken directly from the original version. The scenes designers are :\par \par \tab \tab Carl Baltrunas, Christopher Kempke, Alan Teague, Andrew Kepert, Mike Ames, Terry Monks et Peter & Cai Lewis.\par ___________________________________________________________________________\par \par Game installation :\par \par \tab Copy the “Blockade” folder on your hard drive, put the “Blockade.Icons” file into your boot device Icons folder. To launch the game, just double click on the “Blockade” file.\par \par The game has been tested on ROM 01 & 03, it is compatible with System 5.0.4 to 6.0.1.\par It is not supposed to be compatible with any multitasking environment (Gno™, The Manager™, SwitchIt™, MultiGS...).\par \par The game includes RAM to DOC routines that may not work with your software environment (see options below).\par ___________________________________________________________________________\par \par Blockade GS :\par \par \tab Tinies was a little bit easy and Cogito a little bit difficult... :-)\par Here is Blockade, a new reflexion game. Its aim is to remove all the colored shapes of the 80 levels.\par \par \tab We invite you to launch the game and read the internal documentation\par which you can access by pressing OpenApple-? during the game.\par \par Blockade GS is a freeware, you can freely distribute it to your friends.\par \par \par You can remove some options :\par \par \tab - Pressing Option while launching will not play the animation.\par \tab - Pressing OpenApple while launching will not start music&sound routines.\par __________________________________________________________________________\par \par All our last productions:\par \par \tab Bille Art, The Tinies, Opale Demo, Cogito, PicViewer, Convert2dg, Blockade GS et Tinies Construction Kit.\par \par should be available on ccosun.caltech.edu FTP site. If you are a ShareWare Solution II subscriber, you can ask Joe Kohn for these software.\par ___________________________________________________________________________\par \par You can reach us at the following address :\par \par \tab \tab \tab Brutal Deluxe Software\par \tab \tab \tab 11, rue Emile Fourcand\par \tab \tab \tab 33000 Bordeaux\par \tab \tab \tab FRANCE\par \par \tab \tab Internet: zardini@ixl.u-bordeaux.fr\par ___________________________________________________________________________}