{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f3\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 \f2 \fs24 Brutal Deluxe & the Picture formats\par ___________________________________________________________________________\par \par Hello,\par \par This is Brutal Deluxe online!\par On the disk, you will find three folders containing:\par \par \tab - Convert2dg:\par \tab \tab A simple program that loads any picture from a directory and\par \tab \tab then converts it to the DreamGraphix™ formats.\par \par \tab - PicViewer:\par \tab \tab A FinderExtension that loads any picture format and then prints\par \tab \tab it to the screen!\par \par The programs are short, programmed in assembly language and work fine within the Finder™ or the Manager™.\par \par ___________________________________________________________________________\par \par Here are the filetypes and auxtypes of the pictures we have met during the development of the programs:\par \par FileType\tab \tab AuxType\tab \tab Description\par \par $0000\tab \tab $00000000\tab Digital Youth Alliance\par $0006\tab \tab $00000000\tab French formats\par $00C0\tab \tab $00000000\tab Paintworks 320\par $00C0\tab \tab $00000001\tab PackBytes\par $00C0\tab \tab $00000002\tab ApplePreferredFile\par $00C0\tab \tab $00000004\tab PackBytes 3200 \par $00C0\tab \tab $00008000\tab Paintworks 640\par $00C0\tab \tab $00008005\tab DreamGraphix\par $00C1\tab \tab $00000000\tab Unpacked screen\par $00C1\tab \tab $00000002\tab Unpacked 3200 screen\par $00C1\tab \tab $00000101\tab Fractal GS\par $00C2\tab \tab $00000000\tab Paintworks animation\par $00CA\tab \tab $00000000\tab Icon\par $00F1\tab \tab $00000004\tab PackBytes 3200\par \par If you have a problem viewing a picture, try to change the auxtype of the file.\par \par ___________________________________________________________________________\par \par You can contact us:\par \par Mail:\tab \tab \par \tab \tab Brutal Deluxe Software\par \tab \tab 11, rue Emile Fourcand\par \tab \tab 33000 BORDEAUX\par \tab \tab FRANCE\par \par Internet:\tab zardini@ixl.u-bordeaux.fr}