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"0'31-/*(,. )+  &%$+3/0#! " )' 1.-2(,* $&"% s #r Z!0-+/,*.)1(''0-/ ()3  2 + 1&.%,#*!"$  3*2' %#& !$ 1  /)."0(&%W O#3 $ .12( "!*')-,0+/ 3-+1%$&"# !  2/.*,')0(3+'/2( 0  !& 1.$*-), %#"%& $132'("!/0),+ #  *.- $#" !-,2( *  &3 %01+'B$"- Internal engine malfunction (seized bearing, frozen piston)":7510:B$"- Defective starter":7510:B$"- Ignition timing advanced too far":7510:990B$"* Defective starter drive":7510:990B$"* Battery is not fully charged":7510:B$ defective":7510:B$"- Starter wire is corroded or loose":7510:B$"- Engine is overheated"jQAC1|7510:B1010B$"- Oil is too thick (due to cold temperature, extremely dirty oil or incorrect viscosity oil)":AC17510:B1010ective":7510:B$"- Starter solonoid is defective":7510:B$"- Shorted or loose starter wire":7510:990^PB$"* Battery is not fully charged":7510:B$"* Battery cables are loose":7510:B$"* Outside temperature is very low":7510:B$"* Battery is(16384)13960E1250'750D$"STARTING SYSTEM - DIAGNOSIS":E$F$:C$"PREVIOUS MENU":7000:D(B$):D1300,1360,1490,1510,1630,1750jB$"* Battery is not fully charged":7510:B$"* Battery cables are loose":7510:B$"* Battery is defon":7510:B$"6) Ammeter on the instrument panel shows excessive current being drawn (needle is all the way to the left when the ignition key is turned on)":7510u(A$)01190B$A$:A$"":120080(B$)6960(B$)01230ery slowly":7510:B$"3) Starter Spins, but does not turn the engine over":7510B$"4) Starter clunks, but does not turn the engine over":AC1j7510:B1230tB$"5) Starter does not make any sound when the ignition key is turned 880,960,5050,5510,5930,1780:770*10506FD:80CE1960V7590:G1750hB$(F):1250TD$"STARTING SYSTEM PROBLEMS":C$"MAIN MENU":7900:7000:B$"1) Starter clicks when ignition key is turned on":7510:B$"2) Starter turns vone item":7000:B$"1) Engine problems":7510:B$"2) Starting system":7510:B$"3) Battery and charging system":7510:B$"4) Cooling system":7510 !B$"5) Suspension and steering":7510:B$"6) Brakes":7510:80:A$"":D(B$):D2A)ĺI$;O(A)K(I$)1:I1(I$):J((I$,KI)):(J32(J96J123));:IsP(36):AĭP(1147)P(1403)(B$)ĭP0Ė8(B$)ĺR5408:540800E1İ7590 G1750 D$"MAIN MENU":C$"EXIT":E$"Please select (B$)32B$(B$,I1)9 :P2I(33)HĺB$;" ";:B$"":\ DI1ĭ(B$,1)" "B$(B$,I1)| NPI(33)I$B$:B$"":650 XJ(33)P2:IJ bII1:Iĭ(B$,I,1)" "610 lI1IJ vI0ĺ:540 I$(B$,I1):(B$)IB$(B$,(B$)I)(200# P141B$B$I$:I$;" ":3 P149510C (I$)200t B$B$(I$,1):JJ1:(I$,1);:(I$)1I$"" (I$)I$(I$,(I$)1) 200 P155E1:: 200 : I(B$):Iı &P(36):AĭP(1147)P(1403) 0PĭI1ĭSĭNB$B$(P128):JJ1:(P);:2005 TP255390d ^Jĺ" ";:36,L:1403,L:M1:(136);:JJ1s hJ0B$"" rJB$(B$,J) |200 P136440 Jĺ" ";:36,L:1403,L:M1:(136);:I$(B$,1)I$:JJ1 J0B$"" JB$(B$,J) M1* II1:I0K1K:I5:(3263K);X 36,L:1403,L:M1:P(16384):P128250o (16287)127U1 "(16286)127T1 ,16368,0:K0:I0:UJ$(P128):B$B$I$:I$;" ": @TH$(P128):B$B$I$:I$;" ":% JP159P255ĭJ(I$)Ѡɫ嬠ɫɫɫ !7510:B$"* Poor quality brake lining":7510&= B$"- Brake cylinder seals soft or broken":7510:B$"- Brake pistons frozen or seized":AC1&x 7510:B1820& B$"- Brake cylinder seals rough or damaged":7510:B$"- Brake lining loose":AC1 fluid low":7510:B$"- Hoses soft or weak":7510:1810-&< B$"* Disc has excessive internal runout (excessive play causing chatter)":7510:B$"* Disc is not parallel with rotor (disc brakes)":7510:B$"* Disc has casting imperfections (disc brakes)":ity brake lining":7510:B$"* Bleed screw open":7510o$ B$"* Brake cylinder seals worn or damaged":AC1$ 7510:B1820$ B$"* Lines or hoses ruptured":7510:B$"* Poor quality brake fluid":AC1$ 7510:B18208% B$"- Master cylinderem":AC1# 7510:B1820\# B$"- Hydraulic connections loose or ruptured":7510:18106$ B$"* Master cylinder bore rough":7510:B$"* Hydraulic connections loose or ruptured":7510:B$"* Brake cylinder bore rough or worn":7510:B$"* Poor quald":7510:B$"* Brake pistons frozen or seized":7510:B$"* Brake cylinder bore rough or worn":7510"C B$"* Metering valve not working":7510:B$"* Brake lining loose: IF NOT COL80 THEN SCREENFULL = 1 ":7510:B1820 # B$"- Air in hydraulic systsidual pressure check valve defective":7510:B$"- Push rod on master cylinder out of adjustment":7510:1810e"B B$"* Brake cylinder seals soft or broken":7510:B$"* Brake lining soiled with brake fluid":7510:B$"* Lines or hoses kinked or collapse":AC1 7510:B1820 B$"* Brake cylinder bore rough or worn":7510:B$"* Brake pedal pushrod and linkage binding":AC1  7510:B1820n! B$"* Metering valve not working":7510:B$"- Restricted port in master cylinder":7510:B$"- Re Power brakes malfunctioning":7510:B$"* Lining soiled with brake fluid":7510:B$"* Lines or hoses kinked or collapsed":7510:B$"* Brake pistons frozen or seized":7510:B$"* Master cylinder cups swollen":7510 B$"* Master cylinder bore roughem":7510:B$"* Hoses soft or weak":7510:B$"- Hydraulic connections loose or ruptured":7510:B$"- Brake cylinder seals worn or damaged":AC17510:B1820B$"- Bleed screw open":7510:B$"- Lines or hoses ruptured":7510:1810B$"*80(B$)61780'(B$)02040>(16384)131780KE2060T750 D$"BRAKE - DIAGNOSIS":C$"PREVIOUS MENU":E$F$:7000:D(B$):D2130,2220,2370,2490,2620,2740RB$"* Master cylinder fluid low":7510:B$"* Air in hydraulic systfades when pushed (feels mushy)":7510:B$"5) Brakes make chattering noise when pedal is pushed":AC1~7510:B1990B$"6) Brakes drag when pedal is not being pushed":7510:(A$)02000B$A$:A$"":2010B$A$:A$"":2010"BRAKE PROBLEMS":C$"MAIN MENU":7900:7000:B$"1) Excessive brake pedal travel":7510:B$"2) Brake pedal must be pushed very hard to make car stop":7510:B$"3) Car pulls to one side when brake pedal pushed":7510lEB$"4) Brake pedal ignition switch":AC1)7510:B1010ZB$"- Clutch switch misadjusted":7510:990B$"* Short inside of starter":7510:B$"- Defective starter solenoid":7510:9901860FD:80E1780&7590:G17500B$(F):2060DD$ battery":7510:B$"- Corroded or loose starter wire":7510:B$"- Defective starter solenoid":7510_B$"- Neutral safety switch misadjusted. (auto transmissions only)":7510:B$"- Fusible link melted":AC17510:B1010B$"- Defective ry thick oil (due to extremely cold temperature":AC1I@7510:B1010JB$"- Internal engine malfunction (Broken piston, seized bearing etc)":7510:990e^B$"* Battery not fully charged":7510:B$"- Loose battery cables":7510:B$"- Defective"* Battery cables are loose":7510:B$"* Defective starter":7510:B$"- Defective battery":7510:B$"- Shorted or loose starter wire":7510:B$"- Engine overheated":7510B$"- Very low outside temperature":AC1,7510:B101076B$"- Veints)":7510L6B$"* Ignition points corroded or need adjustment":AC1^67510:B29407B$"* Car out of gas":7510:B$"* Engine computer defective (cars with electronic fuel injection)":7510:B$"- Fuel vapor lock due to extremely high tempepickup in distributor is defective":7510:2920 6B$"* Idle speed set too low":7510:B$"* Idle mixture set incorrectly on carburetor":7510:B$"* Vacuum hose loose, disconnected or cracked":7510:B$"* Electronic ignition defective (cars without po"* Distributor cap contacts corroded":7510:B2940`4jB$"- Ignition coil defective":AC1r4t7510:B29404~B$"- Fuel vapor lock due to extremely hot temperatures":AC147510:B2940/5B$"- Fuel filter clogged":7510:B$"- Magnetic 510:29203.B$"* Choke not operating properly":7510:B$"* Float level in carburetor set incorrectly":7510:B$"* Air filter extremely dirty":7510:B$"* Battery weak (engine turns slowly)":7510:B$"* Ignition timing set incorrectly":751044/B$on timing set incorrectly":7510:B$"* Distributor cap contacts corroded":75102 B$"* Ignition points set incorrectly or corroded":AC127510:B2940 3B$"- Faulty ignition coil":7510:B$"- Oil is too thick (in sub-zero temperatures)":77510:B$"- Defective magnetic pickup in distributor":7510:B$"- Defective starter":7510:2920P2 B$"* Choke setting too lean":7510:B$"* Battery weak (engine turns slowly)":7510:B$"* Accelerator pump defective in carburetor":7510:B$"* Ignitiefective or adjusted wrong":7510S0? B$"* Electronic ignition defective":AC1e0z 7510:B29400 B$"- Carburetor float setting incorrect":7510:B$"- Fuel filter clogged":AC10 7510:B2940a1 B$"- Automatic transmission not in PARK":0,3920,4090,4160,4250,4400,4450,4500,4550,4610,4700,4780,4830,4890,4950!0> B$"* Battery is weak (engine turns over very slowly)":7510:B$"* Car out of gas":7510:B$"* Fuel pump defective":7510:B$"* Faulty coil wire":7510:B$"* Ignition points dst":7510:(A$)03270-. B$A$:A$"":3310C. B$A$:A$"":3290K. 80^. (B$)182880q. (B$)03320. (16384)132880. E3340. 750G/ D$"ENGINE PROBLEMS - DIAGNOSIS":E$F$:C$"PREVIOUS MENU":7000:D(B$):D3390,3530,3630,376"14) Engine oil pressure is low":7510:B$"15) Engine oil pressure is too high":7510:B$"16) Engine idles too fast":AC1- 7510:B3260. B$"17) Engine makes loud knocking noise":7510:B$"18) Engine will not pass state emmisions teuring accelleration (spark knock)":7510:B$"10) Engine will not shut off when key is turned off (run on)":7510:B$"11) Engine backfires":7510:B$"12) Engine overheats":AC1,X 7510:B3260-b B$"13) Engine uses a lot of oil":7510:B$ls":7510:B$"5) Engine has no power":7510+ B$"6) Engine misses on accelleration":7510:B$"7) Engine misses at high RPM":AC1+ 7510:B3260+ B$"8) Engine idles roughly":AC1+& 7510:B3260,0 B$"9) Engine pings d0 *| E2890 * 7590:G17502* B$(F):3340/+ D$"ENGINE PROBLEMS":C$"MAIN MENU":7900:7000:B$"1) Car will not start":7510:B$"2) Engine starts hard when cold":7510:B$"3) Engine starts hard when hot":7510:B$"4) Engine stal0) B$"- Disc has excessive internal runout or excessive play causing chatter (disc brakes)":7510:B$"- Disc is not parallel to the rotor (disc brakes)":7510:B$"- Disc has casting imperfections (disc brakes)":7510:1810)@ :)J 2980*h FD:87510:B$"* Brake cylinder rough or worn":7510( B$"* Restricted port in master cylinder":7510:B$"* Residual pressure check valve defective":AC1( 7510:B1820( B$"* Push rod on master cylinder out of adjustment":AC1) 7510:B182' 7510:B1820E' B$"- Brake cylinder rough or worn":7510:1810/( B$"* Brake cylinder seals soft or broken":7510:B$"* Lines or hoses kinked or collapsed":7510:B$"* Brake pistons frozen or seized":7510:B$"* Master cylinder cups swollen":$"* Oil pump screen clogged":7510:B$"* Oil pressure sending unit defective (oil pressure really OK but gauge or light says pressure is low):GOSUB 61000"#G]B$"* Oil pressure gauge defective":7510:B$"- Poor quality oil":7510:B$"- Worn main, roylinders":AC1#E47510:B2940E>B$"- Punctured vacuum pump diaphram lets oil get into intake manifold from the crankcase":7510:B$"- Poor grade of oil being used":7510:2920F\B$"* Oil level is low":7510:B$"* Oil pump defective":7510:Btor hose is crimped or bent":7510:2920EB$"* Worn piston oil rings":7510:B$"* Worn valve guides or valve seals":7510:B$"* Leaking oil from oil pan, valve covers or main seals":7510:B$"* Oil is extremely dirty":7510:B$"- Worn pistons or cgine is cold and choke is set too lean":7510:2920(DB$"* Thermostat stuck closed":7510:B$"* Fan belt loose or broken causing fan or waterpump not to turn":7510:B$"* Water level is too low":7510:B$"- Radiator is plugged up":7510:B$"- Radiares mixed up (not wired correctly from distributor to spark plugs)":7510:B$"* Ignition coil stops working for a second then restarts causing backfire":75103CB$"- Leaky or sticking intake valve or weak or broken intake valve spring":7510:B$"- Envy carbon deposits inside compression cylinders":7510:2920AbB$"* Idle speed set too fast":7510:B$"* Low octane fuel":7510:B$"* Ignition timing retarded to far":7510:B$"- Carburetor fuel mixture too lean":7510:2920BB$"* Spark plug wior more cylinders":7510:B$"- Fuel injection computer defective":7510:B$"- Spark plugs dirty or gapped incorrectly":7510:2920B$"- Distributot":7510:B$"* Defective coil":7510:B$"- Carburetor dirty":7510:B$"- Weak accelerator pump in carburetor":7510<B$"- Valves worn, pitted, or burned":7510:2920=@B$"* Spark plugs are corroded (fouled) or gap is incorrect":7510:B$"* Dis"- Lack of engine compression (bad rings, valves, blown head gasket, or worn cylinder walls)":7510;B$"- Timing chain slipped a notch":7510:2920v<B$"* Spark plugs are fouled (coroded) or gap is incorrect":7510:B$"* Ignition timing incorrec940p:B$"- Carburetor throttle valve not opening all the way":7510:B$"- Exaust system plugged up":AC1:7510:B2940e;B$"- Excessive rolling resistance resulting from: dragging brakes, tight wheel bearings, underinflated tires.":7510:B$ misadjusted":7510:B$"* Spark plugs corroded or gap set incorrectly"|9Q7510:B$"- Vacuum advance not working":AC197510:B29409B$"- Defective ignition coil":7510:B$"- Defective accellerator pump on carburetor":AC1:7510:B2y":AC1827510:B2940O8<B$"- Air filter extremely dirty":7510:2920G9PB$"* Ignition timing incorrect":7510:B$"* Air filter extremely dirty":7510:B$"* Distributor cap and rotor contacts corroded":7510:B$"* Ignition points coroded orratures":AC1!7 7510:B2940 8B$"- Incorrect float level adjustment in carburetor":7510:B$"- Ignition wiring incorrect or defective :GOSUB 61000":B$"- Accessory battery cable corroded on positive side of batter or looseness in steering":7510:B$"6) Erratic steering when braking":AC1dV7510:B6210VB$"7) Steering wheel does not return to center easily after making a turn":7510:B$"8) Suspension noisy on bumpy road":AC1W7510:B62ENU":7900:7000:B$"1) Poor directional stability (car wanders)":7510:B$"2) Hard steering":7510:B$"3) Front wheels shimmy and steering wheel shakes back and forth":7510RVB$"4) Car pulls to one side":7510:B$"5) Excessive playermostat is stuck closed":7510:B$"* Damper doors jammed or out of alignment":7510:B$"- Blower bearing worn or seized":7510:5540T*:T46030TRFD:80TfE5940Tp7590:G1750TzB$(F):6290UD$"SUSPENSION AND STEERING":C$"MAIN Mostat is stuck closed":7510SB$"- Water hose is kinked, obstructing water flow":7510:B$"- Outside of radiator is plugged with bugs, leaves etc.":7510:B$"- Defective water pump":7510:5540TB$"* Fan belt broken or slipping":7510:B$"* ThSTEM - DIAGNOSIS":E$F$:C$"PREVIOUS MENU":7000:D(B$):D5800,5880SB$"* Fan belt is loose or missing":7510:B$"* Radiator water is low":7510:B$"* Poor water circulation because of rust, dirt or sludge in the radiator:GOSUB 61000":B$"* ThermMENU":7900:7000:B$"1) Water-cooled engine overheats":7510:B$"2) Air-cooled engine overheats":7510:(A$)05690Q&B$A$:A$"":5700Q:80QD(B$)25510QN(B$)05730QX(16384)135510QbE5750Ql750ERvD$"COOLING SY connection on accessory battery cable positive side":7510:B$"- Alternator fan belt loose":7510:B$"- Defective alternator or regulator":7510:5080P5600PFD:80:E15510P7590:G1750PB$(F):5750}QD$"COOLING SYSTEM":C$"MAIN gulator defective":7510:5080O,B$"* Alternator fan belt is loose or missing":7510:B$"* Alternator is defective":7510:B$"* Wires going to alternator are loose":7510:B$"* Voltage regulator is defective":7510:5080P^B$"* Corroded or loose is defective":7510:B$"* Battery water very low":7510:B$"* Battery cables are loose or corroded":7510:B$"* Fan belt is loose on alternator":7510:B$"- Heavy drain on battery from an accessory when engine is off":7510OB$"- Alternator or re7510:(A$)05240)MdB$A$:A$"":52501Mx80CM(B$)35050VM(B$)05280mM(16384)135050zME5300M750MD$"BATTERY AND CHARGING SYSTEM - DIAGNOSIS":E$F$:C$"PREVIOUS MENU":7000:D(B$):D5350,5420,5470NB$"* Battery750LB$(F):5300MD$"BATTERY AND CHARGING SYSTEM":C$"MAIN MENU":7900:7000:B$"1) Battery will not hold a charge":7510:B$"2) Alternator light stays on when the engine is running":7510:B$"3) Lights are dim when engine is idling":s dirty":7510:B$"- spark plug wires defective":AC1KK7510:B2940KB$"- Ignition timing incorrect":7510:B$"- Engine needs major work (bad valves, worn pistons or cylinder walls )":7510:2920K5140KFD:80:E15050L7590:G1lve tappet adjustment loose":7510:B$"* Hydraulic valve lifter frozen":7510:29209KVB$"* Air filter dirty":7510:B$"* Spark plugs dirty":7510:B$"* Distributor and rotor corroded":7510:B$"* PCV valve needs replacing":7510:B$"* Carburetor i conditioner fast idle switch is defective (engine idles fast even when air conditioner is off":7510:B2940wI2920TJB$"* Fuel pump defective":7510:B$"* Main bearing worn":7510:B$"* Piston slap (piston or cylinder wall worn)":7510:B$"* Vag to stiff":7510:2920HB$"* Fast idle screw on carburetor linkage is set too high":7510:B$"* Choke not opening when car is warm":7510:B$"* Vacuum hose disconnected or leaking":7510:B$"* Ignition timing advanced too far":7510mIB$"- Aird or camshaft bearings":7510:2920HB$"* Oil pressure gauge is defective":7510:B$"* Oil pressure sending unit defective":7510:B$"* Oil is extremely dirty or too high a viscosity (too thick)":7510:B$"- Oil pump relief valve defective or sprinfG0:fB$"2"7860$fG1:6fB$"3"7590?f768lfE$"Which symptom does your car have?":ait, I didn't mean it. Go back to where I was":530:::B$"2) I want to find the solution to another problem. Go to the beginning of the program":530:::B$"3) I am all done. Exit the program":530::::B$"":80eB$"1"7820eE7830PRESS RETURN FOR MORE ";::80:A$B$:C0:37,(VQ)::958:E17460Wd(A$)07470_d$B1gd.:dVB0:530:::7340:d(49152)13G1:dC0:::5::418AdB$" YOU ARE ABOUT TO EXIT THIS PROGRAM":530:e10:::B$"1) No w______________":23:E$:7260|c 22:"________________________________________":23:R1:G$B$:B$E$:530::R0:B$G$:7280c\35,21:7290cp35,20cz5:cV(37):A7390cQ3:CıcO25:21:7420cCıcQ3:O8:20EdO::" _________________________________________________________________________":7130bD$::"USE SPACE BAR FOR ";C$::"________________________________________"b34,4:A7200c22:"_________________________________________________________________ial gears worn":7510:B$"* Transmission gears worn":7510:B$"- Snow tires whining (normal)":7510:5970aB$"* Shock absorbers are worn out":7510:B$"- Coil springs are worn out":7510:5970aX::A7090PbD$;:36,60::"ESC:";C$::"_____* Tie rod ends worn":7510P`sB$"- Wheel bearings worn or too loose":AC1b`7510:B5990`B$"- Suspension bolts loose":7510:B$"- Wheel nuts loose":7510:5970kaB$"* Wheel bearing defective or needs lubrication":7510:B$"* Different":7510:B$"- Steering linkage needs lubrication":7510:5970`rB$"* Ball joints and / or steering linkage need lubrication":7510:B$"* Ball joints worn badly":7510:B$"* Worn or loose shock absorbers":7510:B$"* Stabilizer bar loose":7510:B$"ak":7510:B$"- Front shock absorber defective":7510:B$"- Front end alignment bad":7510:5970>_6B$"* Steering gear adjusted too tight":7510:B$"* Front end alignment bad":7510:B$"* Power steering defective":7510:B$"- Worn idler arm bushingSteering gear adjusted too loose":7510:B$"* Steering linkage worn":7510:B$"- Worn ball joints":7510:5970b^B$"* Brakes improperly adjusted or lining soiled with brake fluid":7510:B$"* Front tire has low pressure":7510:B$"- Front spring we:7510:5970\B$"* Tire pressure low on one side":7510:B$"* Front end alignment bad":7510:B$"- Front wheel bearing too tight or needs lubricant":7510:B$"- Front brake dragging":7510:B$"- Broken or weak rear springs":7510:5970p]B$"* 0:B$"- Steering gear adjusted too tight":7510:5970 \ZB$"* Front tire out of balance":7510:B$"* Front tire out of round":7510:B$"- Front end out of alignment":7510:B$"- Front wheel bearing loose":7510:B$"- Front shock absorber defective"Z7510:B5990|Z B$"- Bind in lower or upper control arm shaft":7510:B$"- Rear spring shackles binding":7510:59706[(B$"* Tire pressure too low":7510:B$"* Power steering defective or fluid low":7510:B$"* Front end out of alignment":7517510:B$"* Steering gear worn or adjustment too loose":7510:B$"* Front end alignment bad":7510:B$"- Ball joints and or steering linkage need lubrication":7510YB$"- Front wheel bearings loose":7510:B$"- Defective shock absorbers":AC10X~E6290X750XD$"SUSPENSION AND STEERING - DIAGNOSIS":E$F$:C$"PREVIOUS MENU":7000:D(B$):D6340,6440,6490,6550,6610,6650,6710,6770,6870,6920,4500,4550,4610,4700,4780,4830,4890YB$"* Low or uneven tire pressure or tires worn badly":10WB$"9) Whining or grating noise while car is rolling":7510:B$"10) Car does not ride smoothly on bumpy roads":7510:(A$)06220W8B$A$:A$"":6260WBB$A$:A$"":6240WL80W`(B$)175930Wj(B$)06270Xt(16384)13593(17680):A$:A$::D$"CLOSE":1140SyA$"Q"A$"q"ĉ::3100:770,255:2768:zA$"D"A$"d"Ģ23:1:868:"Type DELETE to confirm, RETURN to abort:";:"";A$:A$"DELETE"A$"delete"ĺD$"DELETELLANAGRAMS":17680,0:D$"BSAVE"VS$",A$4000,L$511":11)uit:":1120\xV"Anagram Editor: (L)ist Anagrams, (A)dd anagrams, (D)elete file, (Q)uit:"x`I13840(CL80):"=";::34,2(CL40)xj23:1:958xt1(CL40):3340(CL80):A$::$y~A$"L"A$"l"ĺD$"OPENLLANAGRAMS":D$"READLLANAGRAMS":I10):"=";::?w."Score"5)"Name"18)"Level":I138:"-";::jw8I09:S$(I);:11:N$(I);:35:L(I):wB:"Press RETURN to continue:";:A$::3100:770,255:2768: xL::CL80ĺ"Anagram Editor: (L)ist Anagrams, (A)dd anagrams, (D)elete file, (Qthen press RETURN to select choice.";Ev23:HT11:SP13:SEL5:1660UvSEL1ī180kvSEL2İ1060:900vSEL3İ1240:900vSEL4İ1100:900vSEL5990v::D$"EXECFP" w$::"The greatest of the labyrinth wanderers:":I13840(CL8960Lu"Play game( ) See score( ) Fix game( ) Anagrams( ) Quit game( )"Uu980u"Play Scores Change Anagram Quit"u"Use <- & -> to select, RETURN to accept";:23:HT1:SP8:SEL5:1660:1000%v"Use left & right arrows to move cursor, t3100:770,255:2768::21:CL80ĺ"Lethal Labyrinth: Designed & Programmed by John Romero, copyright (C) July 1987":I179:"=";:::920t"Lethal Labyrinth: by John Romero (C) 87":I138:"=";::tRNRN1:770,254:2768:2771uCL40I12000:XsRI1(A$):720(CL80)I:(A$,I,1);:0,40:1,(1)3020:2786:2801:rs\16368,0:0,100:1,8sfI11000::2786:2801:(16384)141870sp0,30:1,5:24:1420(CL80):"-here we go!-";tzI12000::I125::2786:2801::r"* by *"6r "* John Romero *"Rr*"* Copyright (C) 87 *"nr4"*==================*"r>:I16:A$:J20I71:J:1020(CL80):A$::868:0,J:1,(7I)3:2786:2801:J:I8:868:I sHA$"press RETURN to continue"::::68:1320(CL80):"Creating maze...";q2789:2774:2771Wq3100:770,255:2768:}qLOC(22784J)(22832J)256I:q162,33,160,3,134,54,132,55,76,234,3,201,224,144,2,233,32,76,240,253q"*==================*"q "* Lethal Labyrinth *")::I4647:22784I,0:22832I,80::jp49247,0::6:I039:0,39I::7:I0393:0,39I:0,39I:~p2792:RN2720pRN2:21:720(CL80):"Randomizing...press RETURN:";:16368,0pX%((1)(3)320):(16384)141710%q:21:1:8Y28:YL8192Y240YS128YR1024:24576I,(YL256):24832I,YL(YL256)256:go"Almost there..."oI192255:24576I,255:24832I,255:o"Get ready..."'pLOC20480:J045:22784J,(LOCJ46)((LOCJ46)256)256:22832J,((LOCJ46)2561:LP560)nDHTHT1:HNHN1:21:31:HTInN2801:I1500::2783:310nX24:1:"You chose to quit. Press RETURN";:2801:A$:900nb::I790809:J:I,J::(64435)6Č790nl"Initializing..."PovI0191:Y1(I8):YRIY18:Y2(Y18):YSY1"CLOSE"6mI782784:I,0::785,1:LV1:786,16:900HmRCODE3600\mHTČ2810:590wm21:9::(AN$,HN);:mI0(AN$)1:A$(I)(AN$,I1,1):IHNA$(I)"."m&:LP(AN$)HNm0J((1)(AN$)):A$(J)"."560 n:A$(J);:A$(J)".":LPLP1100:K,I:"Type your name (20 chars)"Pl":";N$:(N$)20Ģ22:1:868:470lI8J1:S$(I1)S$(I):N$(I1)N$(I):L(I1)L(I)::S$(J)S$:L(J)LV:N$(J)N$mD$"DELETELLSCORES":D$"OPENLLSCORES":D$"WRITELLSCORES":I09:S$(I):N$(I):L(I)::D$4302k"Thou may have better luck next time. ";Yk868::"Press RETURN";:2801:A$}kI09:S$S$(I)JI:I9::460k::22:220(CL80):"You didn't make the high score list.":I11500::500(l:21:1:"A high score! ";:I15:2801:K2510 jr22:1:CL80Ģ22:707j|868:"Game Over"jI13:A(I)(781I)::S$"":I13:S$S$((A(I)16))(A(I)(A(I)16)16):j23:1:(782)ĺ"A valiant fight, mighty warrior!";:430k(783)ĺ"A valiant fight! Thou should practice!";:]LDάάH ]hLDaUuiH ! ]h   nu/ua%! ] !] `` ]iίP ήC ]   ]xy |  L <  Պ !q8Ji qyH8 ! ]hL` ]yyՊ ]` LD]% ٙ!٭au9L ! ] y5 ! ]1]auL 85 5I5!yI! ];|  f!8I!IIIL9L%i|d8 8!  xyL qxy xL xy` ` ]mm ]5($ ͧ !ͨ]au `ծ ]`] `LL9LMLѩȩà`L  ]?m ]( 8L <m ]% 8 ]8L2 0`8 0  ,` 0.% ,`ɛI,  ɛ   [  LT , `ɓ,8  L  :Lf  hh ,` hhLr  ~ LJLLGLL Lm LjLLLLLLELALU| ]Т  xy}9a%`    E        7  [       έ  : f`              (13)1670"SEL(HHT)SP1:A$(21)ĺ"->";:)JA$(10)ĺ"dn";:@TA$(11)ĺ"up";:U^A$(27)FL1:jh(A$)65FL2:urA$;:|HHT:EN(SEL1)SPH:16368,0:FL0ÀH:A$:A$(8)HHSP:HHTHEN【A$(21)HHSP:HENHHTA$(27)FL1: A$256I03%148I:A$:1590EFL1Ģ23::868:23:1420TFL21480kKYSI,(A$)128:}23::"Fir";I03148I:A$:1590FL1Ģ23:1450FL21540"KYS4I,(A$)128:,6FL0:A$(8)ĺ"<-";:@80ĺ"Do you want to define the key controls?: ( ) yes ( ) no";:HT33:SP8:SEL2:1660:1430~"Define key controls?: ( ) yes ( ) no";:HT24:SP8:SEL2:1660~FL1360~SEL2ı~:"Moving--> Up: Down: Left: Right: ";KYS(773)(774)779,0:1360Z}222::868:"Which slot is it in?:";:HT23:SP2:SEL7:1660g}<FL1290x}F781,192SEL}P22::868:"Turn sound ( ) on ( ) off";}ZHT13:SP7:SEL2:1660}dFL1290}n780,SEL1}x(776)ı[~22::868:CL2:1660|FLı*|776,0:SEL2Ĺ776,1| 22::868:CL80ĺ"Do you have a Mockingboard A or C?: ( ) yes ( ) no";:HT38:SP8:SEL2:1660:1310|"Mockingboard A or C?: ( ) yes ( ) no";:HT24:SP8:SEL2:1660:1310|FL1240 }(779,1:SEL2ĹPENDLLANAGRAMS":D$"WRITELLANAGRAMS":A$:D$"CLOSE":1190Y{23:1:868::868:23:1{CL40ĺ"Control: ( ) Keyboard ( ) Joystick";:HT11:SP13:SEL2:1660:1270|"Which type of control do you wish?: ( ) Keyboard ( ) Joystick";:HT38:SP13:SEL30zA$"A"A$"a"1130Vz23:1:868:"Type your anagram, or RETURN to abort"qz":";A$:(A$)101190z(A$)1130zB$A$:A$"":I1(B$):A((B$,I,1)):A$A$(A32(A95)):9{17680,(17680)1:D$"BSAVELLSHAPES,A$4000,L$511":D$"AP nƋ  L v̋LˋL`  nʎŋʎċ` nʎŋʎċ` ;  ; nm v`‹Ë cË ⥝ c‹ ⥝ L‹ c‹ ⥝ L ċŋƋ-L( ċŋƋ,L `Ȱ  ȹ̋Nj v8 ̋ʋ vi ̋ɋȋmNjmɋmʋLȋqʋɋ?L ;1Uzʋv8 ̋   nƋ  Lɋпvi ̋   nƋ  LȋL'v̋  ʠ nƋ  LNjL'vȩ̋  Y0Y. .` 8 8 Y0Y   8 i г`Y0Y`   ,0` dˋ̋̋  )ʋɋȋNj  v̋ȋ v`UTп` L,`0` P@p0` P@@@@@@AAAAABBBBBCCCCCCDDDDD iY0Y qH ih ( (`    i ɑ` 2wzz {2{LL;ٝЊ  d}8     L䧿 B+`  ,T,U@` ^_^_^`,  L`ae``,a0,b0`L L L L ` ~, m2z{2w, s, ɈLHɍ ɠW SH hLζk ~ ,`ζC Lw L;    n 寧*i` ]``` ~ ε' ~E mL󡠠 `$%L"` Ȑ`3``` Ȑ`3`RCODE1360i@770,6:768,20:769,72:2768:I11000::I20242:768,I2:770,6:2768:768,I:770,1:2768:J1700:J,I:770,6:2768iJ2771:2801:I11000:::785,(785)1:LVLV1iT(778)LV2(LV2)Ĺ778,(778)1i^2807:190jhRCODE1:HT((AN$)2)AhI(1)383:J(1)375:750:(LOC)6270hLOC,4:35721K,I:35731K,J::775,K1::21:1:"Letters:"25)"Hints:"HTh"23:1:"Score:"15)"Level:"LV;:255(VS$""):"Lives left:"(786)h,2780:2777:2783 i6RCODE(777):J:35621K,((1)20)5:35661K,((1)20)1:rgDY((1)37)6:771,39:772,DY:I41:JDY:750:LOC,5:LOC1,6gSEL((1)(17680)):D$"OPENLLANAGRAMS":D$"READLLANAGRAMS":I0SEL:AN$::D$"CLOSE"hK0(AN$)1:35741K,((AN$,K1,1))128:HN:680::3100:770,255:2768gf21:118(CL80):"Awakening the terrors of the labyrinth.":2771fK019:CS((1)5)28:35441K,CS:35421K,1:35381K,1:35401K,1fI((1)39)3:J((1)39)5:750:(LOC)6220/g35341K,I:35361K,RIFYLLSCORES":160leD$"OPENLLSCORES":D$"WRITELLSCORES":I110:"001000":"John Romero":3::D$"CLOSE"eD$"OPENLLSCORES":D$"READLLSCORES":I09:S$(I):N$(I):L(I)::D$"CLOSE":216,0e900eI782784:I,0::785,1:LV1:786,16:778,3 fdZ(779)Č2795:2798:28042dd610:830:120QdnD$"VERIFYLLANAGRAMS":130dxD$"OPENLLANAGRAMS":D$"WRITELLANAGRAMS":"LABYRINTH":"LETHAL":"DUNGEON":"MONSTERS":"SURVIVE":D$"CLOSE":17680,5:D$"BSAVELLSHAPES,A$4000,L$511"d150eD$"VE][GS version? (+ or E):";6c<V$:V$"+"V$"E"60gcFCL40:VS$".PLUS"::V$"E"VS$"":CL80:80cH:"40 or 80 columns? (4 OR 8):";cJA$:A$"4"A$"8"74cL:A$"8"CL80dPD$"BLOADLLSHAPES"VS$:D$"BLOADLL.OBJ"VS$:::CL80ĺD$"PR#3"#b (21):49247,07b779,0:780,1:781,196:776,1CbD$(4)b((104)98Ĺ104,98:103,1:25088,0:D$"RUNLETHAL LABYRINTH"b-(64435)6VS$".PLUS":CL40:80c2::"Do you wish to run the ][,][+ version or do you wish to run the //e,//c,                f@f3F2LRL UL+UL?UL+UF+5f?3vMY7MY7fLYf3F2LRL UL?UL+UL+UF+5f?3vMY7vMYM3f 3L3fL0f33@37F;7FY;7\;3f 3fL3`L3f@f 3L3f",0fb.3vn5vn5vnvn5fb.3f",0`L3f@f 3L3fL0f|?3`]{7f]{7f]{\;3f 3fL0`L3f@f 3L3fL0"|bv7f~?3fL3fL3f~?3v7b"|"|"|"|bv7f~?3fL3f~3fl3f~?3f>3?3v|f|7f<3v?3v_=3oLY7fL{fl?3fl3f~?3f>3v?37f~f~?3v?3v_=3vMY7vMY7f33f23f33f33f 3 `f3f 3f 3f@3L0L0f 36f #6f 36f 36f 3f3 `f 3f 3f@3f@0d];'dI"dI#dI#dI"d];'d 'd];'D"f 3L3fL0fL3`L3f@0fLL3f 3fL0`L3f@*U*P*U*P*U*P T*U T*U T*U*(U*(U*(Uf 3f 3f3F#D2f3f3f3F2D "FL*fL3f 3f 3d3D3F2f#f3f3D2F "fH*fL3fL3f~?3v7b"|>xx@f 3l3f~?0f~?3`l3va0f~?fl[7f~3f^=0p_=3fL}f 3l3f~?0f~?3`l3f`[7f~?vm3f~?3f^=0`^}7v_"D"D"f "F"F"F"F"F"F"f "D"Df 3L3fL0f2&3sg4?f4?f3f43f4f2&0`L3f@f 3l 3ffL16fLfLYbL]"l]"l]"l]f"l5`,,3f@D"d];'d 'URN to abort"(":";A$:(A$)1011909(A$)1130zB$A$:A$"":I1(B$):A((B$,I,1)):A$A$(A32(A95)):17680,(17680)1:D$"BSAVELLSHAPES,A$4000,L$511":D$"APPENDLLANAGRAMS":D$"WRITELLANAGRAMS":A$:D$"CLOSE":119023:1:8655:2768:A$"D"A$"d"Ģ23:1:868:"Type DELETE to confirm, RETURN to abort:";:"";A$:A$"DELETE"A$"delete"ĺD$"DELETELLANAGRAMS":17680,0:D$"BSAVE"VS$",A$4000,L$511":1130A$"A"A$"a"1130 23:1:868:"Type your anagram, or RETlete file, (Q)uit:"@`I13840(CL80):"=";::34,2(CL40)Qj23:1:958wt1(CL40):3340(CL80):A$::~A$"L"A$"l"ĺD$"OPENLLANAGRAMS":D$"READLLANAGRAMS":I1(17680):A$:A$::D$"CLOSE":1140 A$"Q"A$"q"ĉ::3100:770,29:S$(I);:11:N$(I);:35:L(I):cB:"Press RETURN to continue:";:A$::3100:770,255:2768:L::CL80ĺ"Anagram Editor: (L)ist Anagrams, (A)dd anagrams, (D)elete file, (Q)uit:":1120V"Anagram Editor: (L)ist Anagrams, (A)dd anagrams, (D)e80SEL2İ1060:900.SEL3İ1240:900DSEL4İ1100:900TSEL5990r0:0:::16368,0:1370$::"The greatest of the labyrinth wanderers:":I13840(CL80):"=";::."Score"5)"Name"18)"Level":I138:"-";::!8I080."Play Scores Change Anagram Quit"~"Use <- & -> to select, RETURN to accept";:23:HT1:SP8:SEL5:1660:1000"Use left & right arrows to move cursor, then press RETURN to select choice.";23:HT11:SP13:SEL5:1660SEL1ī1y John Romero, copyright (C) July 1987":I179:"=";:::920"Lethal Labyrinth: by John Romero (C) 87":I138:"=";::RNRN1:770,254:2768:2771CL40960"Play game( ) See score( ) Fix game( ) Anagrams( ) Quit game( )"9ing maze...""2789:2774:2771>3100:770,255:2768:dLOC(22784J)(22832J)256I:162,33,160,3,134,54,132,55,76,234,3,201,224,144,2,233,32,76,240,253>3100:770,255:2768::21:CL80ĺ"Lethal Labyrinth: Designed & Programmed biآ ~  L   L L8آ( ~ L. 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Thou should practice!";:430"Thou may have:768,20:769,72:2768:I11000::I20242:768,I2:770,6:2768:768,I:770,1:2768:J1700:J,I:770,6:2768J2771:2801:I11000:::785,(785)1:LVLV1T(778)LV2(LV2)Ĺ778,(778)1^2807:190hRCODE2510r22:1:CL80(1)383:J(1)375:750:(LOC)6270xLOC,4:35721K,I:35731K,J::775,K1::21:1:"Letters:"25)"Hints:"HT"23:1:"Score:"15)"Level:"LV;:255(VS$""):"Lives left:"(786),2780:2777:27836RCODE(777):RCODE1360r@770,635661K,((1)20)1:Z DY((1)37)6:771,39:772,DY:I41:JDY:750:LOC,5:LOC1,6 SEL((1)(17680)):D$"OPENLLANAGRAMS":D$"READLLANAGRAMS":I0SEL:AN$::D$"CLOSE" K0(AN$)1:35741K,((AN$,K1,1))128:HN1:HT((AN$)2))I55:2768O 21:118(CL80):"Awakening the terrors of the labyrinth.":2771 K019:CS((1)5)28:35441K,CS:35421K,1:35381K,1:35401K,1 I((1)39)3:J((1)39)5:750:(LOC)6220 35341K,I:35361K,J:35621K,((1)20)5:D$"OPENLLSCORES":D$"WRITELLSCORES":I110:"001000":"-----------":3::D$"CLOSE" D$"OPENLLSCORES":D$"READLLSCORES":I09:S$(I):N$(I):L(I)::D$"CLOSE":216,0 900 I782784:I,0::785,1:LV1:786,16:778,3 :680::3100:770,22798:2804 d610:1209 nD$"VERIFYLLANAGRAMS":130 xD$"OPENLLANAGRAMS":D$"WRITELLANAGRAMS":"LABYRINTH":"LETHAL":"DUNGEON":"MONSTERS":"SURVIVE":D$"CLOSE":17680,5:D$"BSAVELLSHAPES,A$4000,L$511" 150 D$"VERIFYLLSCORES":160T sh to run the //e,//c,][GS version? 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