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HmӘmᅪhiӭӭᅪ`f케C#L뭛LjH 88$h``BCB`H h {Ȋ|ӭ   zӍz`  5 HH @ ] 5ӐLd   ΉӭΊhh`,zP 멿-zӍz`zL BF B`8` Ә)_媘JJJgmӨ88` LgL8ӪӐ z ` ` i Cȱ{ |`HH hh{Ӎ|ӭ   ӝ0  8 6L 6@ ]L,vIӭᅪӭ `R ȹRIӍӮ PӍӢĭ4(؎Ӣ8ӝӐ   L'z0167f쾀#0` .Qt݆BC`L[ BBF`ff f} c`ӝӭ͍MӍ`  f}өC`  -  Lt L dLK` 5 `LdvӬw 9ȱHHH hhhxӌy izȱi` 8 HȊH %ӑȭӑhhКH h ә8L;`ӍӭӍӮf콀8 ~`;` ,vӑȌӌL7E񿍛ӭCvӭDwӭd썓ӭe썔Ӣӎӎ{ӎ|莈莇ӭ쿍ӭөzL [ Ӭ t [,vӈӥө` 89`=<ө././ /.0ք/=H 5h@ ]L ,,,,, 8 k(Ӛ`ӌөӬөH?I ?[ɪ轌ɖߠ,> )?)U?E> II0`,Ђ8`/=<&;RBSx/ & / )(a,0 L6a Ұ((8H h(` 8LR ?*`-,.?8>? >>? ,Lj /Lj 2+`+ +` "  `8`+$` ` `)ȹ0+ 2& m`0 ʊ`;>ȅ???N>?);wyz}󩽍~ F;st Ӎv` <<}=~ w* v*vtȦ*ʎuy.zs.z.yze/zyiyuss>0LM mzzmyyus 8s>@LM mzzmyy; x,ϊ ?>>w Ȑ 'Ȑ`a0. /CiЅ?>><,,(`ax+ Mdz SiШ8T8Wab +ɪɭ ΂L(8`>VE>UЮ]V]H)]V])]T]Ѯ)]hL;+ ɪhL;hU)΁L(.a`Y$D`T@l hd` lLhLdL`Hl#BC2"CA1#Á&'))+,-..o/or3tuv67w7yy:{{|<}=~@D@@@ J  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?P@@CA2C201C!N  GDDH H    H    $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|it) to suspend/restart.Put the Diagnostic Diskette back in drive one. Then hit any key to continue. You didn't replace the Master Diskette with a scratch diskette. Please do so then hit any key to continue. (Or hit to qu have been previously initial- ized. Hit any key to continue. (Hit to quit)ˮ Passes so far..... Errors so far..... Current track..... Current sector.... Last error code... Hit to quit, move the Master Diskette and insert a scratch diskette. If you don't do this, the Master Disk- ette will be ruined! Insert scratch diskette in drive 2. Any data on the scratch diskette will be destroyed by the test. The scratch disk- ette must !,hhL悥L!L0&`HJJJJ 8"h)ii@L `U"&` ACE 2200 Disk Test, V1.0 Which drive (1 or 2)? < > (Hit to quit) Sorry - only the numbers 1 or 2 are allowed. Try again. Reр ȥрL"  /"   /"   /"  ) /"  /" 憥L ,) ! !)揥)HH "hh接#L   *M12   " !L!` $# $,)` % xD""Y $"v ! !80 " #y !L " ![$0 3)   Ƈ%p $& !LQ "Y $$e ! $" ȥ "L"憥Щ)  "L" $" @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@`@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ p@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@`@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ p@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@  @@@@@@ @@@@           Test completed), ɛ,8Ƅ`,!,ɛɠ,,ɛɠ8`ӮǮLoading test picture Press Space Bar to stop/continue to abortUnable to loadPreparing to test primary pagepreparing to test secondary page 1 惥 ꥁ"L! ! 3  Ƅt !L ! LWRP L L Q @Ƅ ! LPU L L TQ ! TL   ng the paddle buttons. Hit to quit.5eiƃŢfj`*eL1!8凐e` ACE 2200 Paddles Test, V1.0 You should be able to move the cursor anywhere within the screen box by turning the paddles. You should also be able to beep the bell by pressi 3!@ $ '  '   '愥  d0e,)L a0b  ,)L)?  H' hLb !ł`d,)Lpd!et to them. Begin the test now by hitting the key or hit to quit. ACE 2200 Keyboard Test Key to type:  Last key was  Last keycode was OK BADLast key wasTest is done: Keyboard is Hit any key to continue...ee beeps with a different tone. Hit any key to continue, to quit.Make sure the and lights are on before you start and then skip those keys in the test. Also skip the , , and keys when you gyboard Test, V1.0 To run the test, hit every key, starting at the key. Go from left to right. When you finish the 1st row, go on to the 2nd, then the 3rd, etc. If a key is correct, you'll hear a short beep. If a key is incorrect, you'll hear thrIIOOPP[[]]DEL778899--Askip CTRL, then ASSDDFFGGHHJJKKLL;;'' RETURN445566++\\Zskip SHIFT, then ZXXCCVVBBNNMM,,..//`skip SHIFT, then `112233 skip ALT, then SPACEBAR0skip CAPS LOCK, then 0.. ENTER ACE 200 Ke`,)` !`L%L$%L$HJJJJ /!h)ii@L !F2"F3#F4$F5%F6&F7'F8(F9)F10*F11+F12OPEN-FCLOSED-FBREAKskip RESET, then ESC11223344556677889900--==BACKSPACEskip NUM LOCK, then PAUSE TABQQWWEERRTTYYUU  " $ ! $K $ !H;! %R ! hL L %k !   LP &ɀ,0a,0 b !H%{ !hHŃ ! 6L !  Ƅ% ! h &!L9 % !% ! !L !% ! !L  tinue.(___________________________________ Bit# = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chip 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 5G 5H OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK _______________________________________Test done - RAM is OK. RAM is bad. Hit any key to con short test will take about 23 minutes, a long test will run forever. Type is you want the long test, any other key if you want the short. ( to quit.) ˠ򠭠þ Test still running - errors so far: ____` "0`8Hh`  (` HJ) h)i ` *" /"' *" " /"Lw"(` "L"` ACE 2200 Memory Test, V1.1 Do you want a short test or a long test? ALC!L<  t" 9"$ "$ʤ$ "$ "l # !  &&  "(` ` ``  t"# " + ! 9"F ! " `ˠ   ! t"" ",ɛL  ! Q! !  ! !䭁E E Q! ! !E E Q  ! ! Q!ܠ " C%(#Od !(O,)    again.ERROR - can't load test file! ACE 2200 Diagnostics, V1.0 1.) RAM test 2.) Keyboard test 3.) Paddle test 4.) Graphics test 5.) Disk test to quit Enter your selection < >Mistake - you may only type the numbers 1-6. Try 0`8Hh`  (` HJ) h)i ` ( -' (  -Lu(`Hȱh 7 L` ;(` H h`H)? @h,),`ĮǠӮǠӮǠˮǠHL>H HH   ȱ  H$h  +JJJJ hh)   ȥ   h8H ȑ ȥ h 8    8   ` LkL<LL LL(L-L7L;LSLrLLLLLLLL;LL5+ƍIVQXZ]_ϭ  r  7 H" h rL16    Lx)i ; rL    LxͮǠ      `ĠŠάԠβ*Lkilj08kkllkȱk8ooppko0ĥopst8op  " Lq " stopoʈ ij iekjelkemlen Lנ L opoLopLsȱȱp*o" 8ooppoo` `ee` L Ġβ stijkl0 ȱ  gަnmv0[ȱVqȥqȢ ȥe e ee    gHeheLEopklmn opo8mknlo \ J&#ȑ;#JJJJ&J&#ȑ$ȑ;$ȑn#JJJ n$` (08@HPX`hpx from the Wombats at Franklin Computer Corp, all wrongs reserved mber to boot from or RETURN for slot 6 :+P) +V ` +ɪɵ*%ŀĦ+ɪɭ᠚Y!"Y!o#Y!Я2"JJJJ&J&o##JJJJ& o`+ X 0 L )$ ) I0 L + &!o$ M!JJJ悩 M!急ŀ񩠍+l---------------------- 13 Sector Disk Boot version 1.0 Franklin Computer Corp ---------------------- Enter slot nu     -sided or ESC to return to DOSChecking track The disk is good! Error when checking trackonetwoy Disk Verify V2.0 Franklin Computer Corp.Which drive, one or two (1 or 2) or ESC to return to DOS? Insert the disk to be checked into drive XXX. Press: 1 for 35 tracks 2 for 40 tracks 3 for double_  p` YL.P NL y©P åPJÐ 'LW  y ¤ U潥i L.` _ Lw    `8``$` 8 LHihi` P`ĆàHȱêh iiL2 hH h`l``  L  '(9   X81281ƹh'P}   X 8L1#2(3ЩPũ!  y  U3 '(Ő5  y y 椪(`   Lhhi 2HH` CL6`  XH { h`H)? @h,),` I8 !ű pƲL {Ʋ {L ` / XL0`, 0H 6`QKKKKK膹L H 1hHJJJJ :h)ii@ $ {$ L8Hh`)? @)?L  {L ? (,` Y0` Ʃ (ƪ` 橥HJ) h)i `  'ODCOPY.RELHh `ܽ݌ T TL7݌LBHhHhƞL7`x U: ei Uƣɪɭ Ơг(8`Y ȄY  ʽɪи报)ƢLe(e  V L! YV ݌륟YV ݌   V Ll YV ݌륟YV ݌ (`Hh݌`L݌ꩪ LV ݌    愥)`݌HhLJ  V L! YV ݌륟YV ݌   V Ll YV ݌륟YV ݌   V L YV ݌륟YV ݌ Ln't REL filebad object cod  V L! YV ݌륟YV ݌   V Ll YV ݌륟YV ݌   V L YV ݌륟YV ݌ L`mnst 8`HJJq  V L! YV ݌륟YV ݌   V Ll YV ݌륟YV ݌   V L YV ݌륟YV ݌ LLhZhY` #qsȥrsnz  V L! YV ݌륟YV ݌   V Ll YV ݌륟YV ݌   V L YV ݌륟YV ݌ Li } `yzrx e4Di榥˦ LQ  V Lr YV ݌륟YV ݌   V L YV ݌륟YV ݌ L{y`iL}y    `Hh݌`  0  U `8`Ɯƛ8`0 ŋ `Ɨ y L[8` e`     ` m 8` y `  y`Lr L L݌Hh s s݌    t t tEEJ ꝍ݌    `J ꝍ݌ Hh݌` ݌HhHh    V Y V ݌륕Y V ݌ ꪽV uH u v hx w  y (  >L%  L> %+ƅƆ愥 惥 y ((8H _ h(`'Ő6ŕ  擤ĕ L L >`9.'#  ` Ɛ`)ȹ 0 >`Yɪɖ*%E"ɪ0Ċ `ƘЌ8` bɪɭUY ȄY  ɪ `8` U i ƙ8` 4 `(?`J> J> VU )? `V0 ^ *^ *` `0 ` ݌HhHh ݌ŏ((  >  (`8`Ɠ emȥfm kmȥlmvmxm` bK k  m m ? L!  bm \ L  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>j e ZERO PAGE BASE = w e ?  LJ B U898L Aijefwv e *PASS 1*  Lf Q e ADDITIONAL FILE(S) 2 .2 Lf J   e= H mhm L `  . ! t L 4 4  m  mkLst T 894'L  ӝo  nөX89]^ Q e LINK Version 6.0 Copyright 1984 by Franklin Computer WX e INPUT FILES = 2 .2 LXk e OUTPUT FILE = < .< G e CODE BASE ADDR = i             RETURN to continue or ESC to quit. hSorry, but this is a forty trackPress ESC to abort the copy, R to retry, or S to skip over the problem. diskette and your disk drive can't read all of it. Press ESC to restart this program.Strike any key to restart.Then press he destination disk. The disk has been copied. There has been an error. This isn't an FDOS disk! I can't copy it. I had an error writing to the disk. Either the disk is bad, or it is write protected. Sorry, but this is a double sided h &'Hȱh iiL@;V!y One Drive Copy Program v3.0 Copyright (c) 1984 by Franklin Computer Corp. This program will copy any FDOS disk.Please insert the source disk. Please insert tL{  # ~`  # ~` 꿥← ȥP P( 45 h ~`)6&' '  8  8hhhhL)_SR8 (` 8 `HH hLH   8t   8L0 6d#(e L{  8L  L ƽ ƼLƵ  L 9 ƿƾ   8LŽܥhhi HH` #L`  8H [ h`H)? @h,),` )8 !ť PƦL [Ʀ [Lb ` / XL0`,0H 6hH h`l `` Ԣ膭LH hHJJJJ h)ii@ $ [$ L8Hh`)? @)?Li  [L ? (,` 90` Ɲ (ƞ` 来HJ) h)i `  '椞(`   L    `Hh݌`  0  U `8`Ɯƛ8`0 ŋ `Ɨ y L[8` e`     ` m 8` y `  y`Lr L L݌Hh s s݌    t t tEEJ ꝍ݌    `J ꝍ݌ Hh݌` ݌HhHh    V Y V ݌륕Y V ݌ ꪽV uH u v hx w  y (  >L%  L> %+ƅƆ愥 惥 y ((8H _ h(`'Ő6ŕ  擤ĕ L L >`9.'#  ` Ɛ`)ȹ 0 >`Yɪɖ*%E"ɪ0Ċ `ƘЌ8` bɪɭUY ȄY  ɪ `8` U i ƙ8` 4 `(?`J> J> VU )? `V0 ^ *^ *` `0 ` ݌HhHh ݌ŏ((  >  (`8`Ɠ emȥfm kmȥlmvmxm` bK k  m m ? L!  bm \ L  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>j e ZERO PAGE BASE = w e ?  LJ B U898L Aijefwv e *PASS 1*  Lf Q e ADDITIONAL FILE(S) 2 .2 Lf J   e= H mhm L `  . ! t L 4 4  m  m-Lst T 894'L  ӝo  nөX89]^ Q e LINK Version 6.0 Copyright 1984 by Franklin Computer WX e INPUT FILES = 2 .2 LXk e OUTPUT FILE = < .< G e CODE BASE ADDR = i           -sided copy or ESC to return to DOS Reading track Writing track The copy has been written and verified!Error when reading original!Error when writing copy!The copy disk is write protected!r  This is not an FDOS disk. You will have to choose the format that you want. Press: 1 for a 35 track copy 2 for a 40 track copy 3 for a doubleputer Corp. Insert the disk to be copied into drive one, and a blank disk into drive two. Press RETURN when you have done this, or ESC to return to FDOS. UФ Uƾ8`` _ Lw _ Lw M  M `8``$` 8 L^Hihi` P`ņĠHȱĪh iiL2 Copy V2.0 Copyright(c) 1984 by Franklin Com 0@ 4Ɛv | y " y _  p` YL'LLL "¥éP \ÅĥPJĐ ?'L} 6 y ¤ Uåɟi LT` ,¥ĥPJĐ ?&L 6 y č 潥ɟi L`Ѕ \ Č hH h`l``  L     XK 'PPP  #$4#(5 L 8L.   X1#2(3P " , _ P  " UI I> , 椪(`   Lhhi 2HH` CL6`  XH { h`H)? @h,),` I8 !ű pƲL {Ʋ {L ` / XL0`, 0H 6`QKKKKK膹L H 1hHJJJJ :h)ii@ $ {$ L8Hh`)? @)?L  {L ? (,` Y0` Ʃ (ƪ` 橥HJ) h)i `  'ODCOPY.RELHh `ܽ݌ T TL7݌LBHhHhƞL7`x U: ei Uƣɪɭ Ơг(8`Y ȄY  ʽɪи报)ƢLe(e  V L! YV ݌륟YV ݌   V Ll YV ݌륟YV ݌ (`Hh݌`L݌ꩪ LV ݌    愥)`݌HhLJ  V L! YV ݌륟YV ݌   V Ll YV ݌륟YV ݌   V L YV ݌륟YV ݌ Ln't REL filebad object cod  V L! YV ݌륟YV ݌   V Ll YV ݌륟YV ݌   V L YV ݌륟YV ݌ L`mnst 8`HJJq  V L! YV ݌륟YV ݌   V Ll YV ݌륟YV ݌   V L YV ݌륟YV ݌ LLhZhY` #qsȥrsnz  V L! YV ݌륟YV ݌   V Ll YV ݌륟YV ݌   V L YV ݌륟YV ݌ Li } `yzrx e4Di榥˦ LQ  V Lr YV ݌륟YV ݌   V L YV ݌륟YV ݌ L{y`iL}y    `Hh݌`  0  U `8`Ɯƛ8`0 ŋ `Ɨ y L[8` e`     ` m 8` y `  y`Lr L L݌Hh s s݌    t t tEEJ ꝍ݌    `J ꝍ݌ Hh݌` ݌HhHh    V Y V ݌륕Y V ݌ ꪽV uH u v hx w  y (  >L%  L> %+ƅƆ愥 惥 y ((8H _ h(`'Ő6ŕ  擤ĕ L L >`9.'#  ` Ɛ`)ȹ 0 >`Yɪɖ*%E"ɪ0Ċ `ƘЌ8` bɪɭUY ȄY  ɪ `8` U i ƙ8` 4 `(?`J> J> VU )? `V0 ^ *^ *` `0 ` ݌HhHh ݌ŏ((  >  (`8`Ɠ emȥfm kmȥlmvmxm` bK k  m m ? L!  bm \ L  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>j e ZERO PAGE BASE = w e ?  LJ B U898L Aijefwv e *PASS 1*  Lf Q e ADDITIONAL FILE(S) 2 .2 Lf J   e= H mhm L `  . ! t L 4 4  m  mLst T 894'L  ӝo  nөX89]^ Q e LINK Version 6.0 Copyright 1984 by Franklin Computer WX e INPUT FILES = 2 .2 LXk e OUTPUT FILE = < .< G e CODE BASE ADDR = i             ȑ LT ĩ 5 LT  5 ȥȥȥ ] Lp 񆅣ȥ񆅤`ĩ 5 8ȥȥȥLT  LT 9fff  T  ` \ $  Lx  $ (97   &  p  p  zК z`Q Insert SOURCEL7 Insert DESTINATION disk, press RETURN ɍ`ĩ  p ` 5 ȥ ]  `ɍ ɬ } ` sorry, bad drive Correct format is one or more of the following separated by ,'s: Lɍ` I  *No files found*8`ĩ JLp  Already exists, replace it?  8`  ] copy files K X Copy  L Copy to ĩ  Ȅ H z и  9 3&   L`I` which drive? RETURN for defaults  Ƀ4at another diskette or CTRL-C to exit: ɃɍL`O The diskette is write protected. Please remove the write protect tab. L Sorry, but there was an I/O error. Try reseating the diskette. L Ƀɍ`ՠ lot 6, drive ? then press RETURN to continue. Press CTRL-C if you wish to quit: ` ȩ!,,2ӈ, Formatting diskette, relax a minute ] ,, , L5 X The diskette has been formatted. Press RETURN to form ) !123 P(  ( 1 #,, Ӡ4Ȋ, What volume number would you like on the diskette? enter 0 - 254: 0 oɍ LɍI  ee⥘ Please place the diskette to be formatted into sX Which drive has diskette to format? enter 1, 2 or RETURN: 1 ɍIi0  ,, Ӆ, Which disk format would you like? 1) 35 tracks, single sided 2) 40 tracks, single sided 3) 40 tracks, double sided enter 1, 2 or 3: 1  sectors used in above files   sectors available for use Diskette volume id is   Lt`ɩ L8꥘ ` d'8 旪` FORMAT K kip to next file. ` ?$ Ƀ $(` I `ȱ` Show diskette catalog K X Lq  L,ƛ ɃL H  h z $"ee  $ ! x rt ESC for help Defaults: slot  , drive  , volume L Iɽɿ` Ask before processing each file? I΅y For each filename a '?' will appear. Press Y to select file, CTRL-C to abort or any other key to sad filename Enter filename of the form: up to 30 character name in which ? means any character = means any characters optionally followed by L Sn n=1-7 new slot Dn n=1-2 new drive Vn n=0-255 new volume id ` CTRL-C to abo : Ƀ ɛ x` Lock+ Unlock Delete Verify files K X $ H  9  9 T  L^` Which file(s)? RETURN for all files  ɍɬ }LɃ' ` Sorry, bŏMȱ)ȱi&扥` ɠ`H 5 hLT )`hhi l!0 ɘ $L 阅$L 恄`$ )L All done? `L 3 tte 8` can't find that file 8` bad diskette or none in drive 8`! k  Ƀg k ] X )ɿɽ X & !и! ɠЦ&i&扰8s厅t叅!L Ŏ e祘  L 8`` Hh ` ]  p `   8`H Oops, h" diskette is write protected 8`  wrong volume number 8`  file is locked 8`  no more room on diske YOU MUST LOAD FRANKLIN DOS VERSION 4.0 OR GREATER TO USE THIS UTILITY L  s ӭtӅuӅ,  JJJJȱ`Šۄȥȥȱȱɍ ɬ񄘩ɍSɬMȱȩI  es V - Verify files F - Format diskette Q - Quit Please press letter for function desired: )  La ݏ  LN H H X`STCD0LU!V?FQ ,,s Ӎ K X I8Lv,,L U,  Switch to 40 column screen1 }8 9 I K X FUD version 4.2 copyright 1982 Franklin Computer Corp MAIN MENU S - Show files on diskette C - Copy files D - Delete files L - Lock files U - Unlock file     UG"# "DIAGNOSTICS" D# "COPY"# "FUD"&# "VERIFY" Dut what each program"f " does by typing the 'H' key."l  *"You can stop this program by typing" 4" the 'Q' key." R \"You can boot an application disk by" f" hitting the RETURN key.through them all without any errors"N" being reported, then you can be"|" pretty confident that your system's" " working correctly.";@JI1NPT(3):I;" ";P$(I)hIr|(#I1NP2#P$(I)<#IF# *** DIAGNOSTICS="DIAGNOSTICS can be used to check out"k" certain parts of your system to see"" if they're working correctly.":"Not all problems can be found by running";" DIAGNOSTICS, but if you can run"$" uch programs don't work quite";P" right the first (or nth) time you try";~" them. DEBUG helps get them working.":"You'll never have to use DEBUG unless"" you're writing programs in assembly"" language."# "FUD"# "VERIFY"/# "ONE DRIVE COPY"C# "DIAGNOSTICS" Dping its number (1 thru ";NP;"):"s 8000y  "You can find out what each program" " does by typing the 'H' key."  *"You can stop this program by typing" 48,"TYPE "9,"LOCK "/10,"UNLOCK "A11,"DELETE "S12,"RENAME "YL_@T(3):"1 ";P$(1);:20:"4 ";P$(4)V(3):"2 ";P$(2);:20:"5 ";P$(5)X(3):"3 ";P$(3)r|(#I1NP2#P$(I)<#IF## "COPY" an be"4 " pretty confident that your system's"Q " working correctly."WrX DEFINE FUNCTION KEYSb1,"CATALOG,D1"(13)l2,"CATALOG,D2"(13)v3,"PR#3"(13)4,"PR#1"(13)5,(27)"4"6,(27)"8"7,"COPY "ertain parts of your system to see"K " if they're working correctly."S : "Not all problems can be found by running"; " DIAGNOSTICS, but if you can run" " through them all without any errors" " being reported, then you cke copies"6R " of diskettes if you only have one"LW " disk drive."T\ :a "If you have two disk drives, use COPY"f " instead because it's much faster."  *** DIAGNOSTICS "DIAGNOSTICS can be used to check out"# " c" data on a diskette can be retrieved."1 :b "Use VERIFY when you want to be sure that"; " all of the data on a diskette can be" " read by the system without errors."G H *** ONE DRIVE COPY M "ONE DRIVE COPY is used to maiskette":9 " * Check that the files can be read":f " * Copy files to another diskette": " * Lock and unlock files": " * Prepare new diskettes for use"  *** VERIFY "VERIFY is used to check that all of the") to maintain the files you"> " have stored on diskettes."D r "You can do any of the following things" " with FUD:": " * Display the names of all files": " * Change the names of files":  " * Remove files from the d k(22)4p"Type the 'RETURN' key to go on.";<zA$E110T *** COPY! "COPY is used to duplicate diskettes."& + "It copies all the data on one diskette"5 " to another diskette.":   *** FUD "FUD is used get an explanation of any of"B " the programs in this list:"L 8000y "Type the number of the one you'd like" " to see: "; A$ 4A$"1"1200 >A$(NP)1200 HPN(A$) R \PN3100,3200,3300,3400,3500,3600,3700,3800fof the numbers") " in this list: ";@ "(1 thru ";NP;")"J 8000T (22) "Please type the 'RETURN' key to go on." A$ 110  *** BOOT THE DISK  "Booting the disk..." 50688  *** help menu  "You can ou are now running BASIC and FDOS."-  new3 D LA$"1"1200W NA$(NP)1200d PPN(A$)w jD$;"-";P$(PN) 64482  "You typed '";A$;"', but that isn't one of" " the numbers on the list."  "You must pick from one " the 'Q' key." RB \"You can boot an application disk by"d f" hitting the RETURN key."j  "Which would you like ? "; A$ A$ A$"H"2000 A$"h"2000 (A$)131500 A$"Q"1020 A$"q"1100 # "YRP";  < "You can run any of these programs by"i " typing its number (1 thru ";NP;"):"s 8000y  "You can find out what each program" " does by typing the 'H' key."  *"You can stop this program by typing" 4E D$(4):NP5294"Defining function keys..."C670008i1100:ji1:i: diddle loop i9000nx" ACE 2200 MASTER DISKETTE""Copyright 1985 by "; "FRANKLIN COMPUTER CO         z#    ӮǠӮǠ ӮǮ" ˮǠӮǠ Ա Π β Ӡ ߠ ͮǠ ĮǠŠֱߠԠϠ ߠ͠Ġ٠ ŠŠ٠ ٠