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Not much feeling there.3. I like it. 4. It really turns me on. 5. It's orgasmic!k!u!!!!!!!!! Feet Ears Back of Neck or Hair Nipple/Breast Navel Genitals Inner Thighs Back Buttocks Anus response tostimulation of the other zones.On the following screen, indicate your relative sensitivity to each specified erogenous zone by entering a number from the list of choices.For each zone, indicate your preference1. Forget it.Ea HW!X! "v2  3 "! "v2 3 " 4!8JhhHȊ1aEaХh` Erogenous Zones are parts of the bodywhich are especially sensitive toerotic stimulation. Each person hashis or her own favorite zone, plusvarying levels ofndage Games Vibrator Erotic Photos/Movies Massage Special Clothes Mirrors Voyeurism/Masturbation Unusual PositionsH` $)hH h`H "!O "!L when ready to proceed t X "! Ea` $)J 8ng a number from the list of choices.On each factor, indicate your preference1. Should not include.2. It's okay.3. I'm neutral. 4. I'd like that. 5. Please, please include it! 1>S`| Unusual Places Oral Sex Borotica are activities oraccessories that enhance an Interlude.These may include such things asspecial clothes or places, props, andsexual toys. On the following screen, indicate your relative preference for each specified factor by enteri }' "! L0 when ready to interview t ``h`ccH` $)h` "! "!_L when ready to proceed t Ea "!$` $)J 8Ea H "v2  3 "! "v2 3 " 48hhHȊaEaХLL EH8a`HJ 3hhm`Hh`Jaм x#` $)Ȉ0 x#L@`` #LZ x# X`(8`JH }' }'h }' }'LHHH .(hhhh`d Select H`` ;<(8JiH Xh  }'L x#)8hHH "$hah ( ? `H ^#8` ^#`'<(<`` $`LB` x#`  #` x# x# x#`` }' }' x#L "! q'`` " 4`H x# x#h8`a  #aa )Hh7` 3 hHȭ`y` 0 }'L ܩ }' # #L }'L # ``h` X` x#ɀFa``@`m?````7`  +``8` ` LH Eaa a $)8hH "$Ea $H`hH)hd you a really good one!You won't be disappointed!The best is worth waiting for!Expectation is the best part!You're really horny, huh!Hot and bothered, are you? Well, let's go! Let's get on with it!H`` # x# 1' 1ɘH .(hhh "v2 3 3L^ "!; "c "!: 1'F M g L-8FJJI`cccL "!; 1'S L g Le8LJJI`` $)``/`0"`0`0 "!U` "!3` "!` "!``0"`0`0 "!` "!` "!` "!v`Ah, let's finp`i( * 4`Ά```d` "#`` "#`````H x#`h x#) x# x#``p`L4`@ x#`P` * 4`&`A```P * 4` 4` 4```Ώ`` '<(<͐`` x#ΐ`  }'hh` # x#` x#` x#`~` }'` }'` }'` 1'8005 1Hi0 h```8`0m`~``` }'L,4 }'LB4 x#)80 08` 4 ` 4m``H`` }' ^# }' ^# }' # }'L4``h`( * 4`p`{`e``8c}`(8}`J z3 ""c "!`3L2c}`(8}`J 3 ""c`c}`(8}`J z3 ""c "!`3L2 Please leave the room.H "!3h L3H "!3h }'`You will now receive my instructions. when readyHH ahh`HH }'` # #8|` &2 x#'2|` "6)` X "v2 #l`m`  "!9y` "!:Ld2 "!':y`Hy` "v2 hLJ(H }' ^# }' ^# }'h` X`` x#)86cmci}`(8}`J 3 ""c "!!< ""c "!3 t `8?c}`(8}`J 3 ""c`HhL0 "#z`1y`L08Fa :101;111 "!Fa lo888299HHH .(hhh`)8Fa `````````Lr171Ȍa $080 ")1L1Ea "1Hha ")1EaܭaЪ11 #` x#Lr1|iA "!e t hi ` Please turn to other side of diskette 2 "1&```2H "!9 "!: "!9h &" "v2 J(H }'h`H /H }' "!9h &" "!9HHH .(hhhh o x# x#y` x#z`{`z`{`0 x#0 "-2aH x#h to continue HL` #D`E`HM`N`P`Q`P`Q`h 77F`ȱG`H`ȱI` "#H`F`I`0J` #J`׮D`E`h`8 #L& K` x#L& &K` # #L&HH # # ࠐᡠϒϜࠁĂā ᠁ ‚ ఈ 䆤䧲‚ „ c cPRWU`~c@'& (/0 Vc& pc Vc Vc& pc0` (` ]cH hᒡσ iA ` @ )   D  + $  /8Fa O J P K "!l77787`QSTV`H }' }'h`` 1' `` * 4` 4```8D` cۅL cJEa8EaH }' }'h }'ȱ }'`cJEa!8EaaH x#h for next page, X to exit,Are there one or two players for thisgame of Interlude? (1/2) May I have your name, sir? And your name, madam? Sorry, but I must ask -- are you maleor femed, you know?Let me see what else I can dredge up.Look, turkey, all I get to do is readthis stuff. You get one more chance.Aw, go play Trivial Pursuit. I quit!I have selected Interlude #Your instructions will appearin a moment fun . . . Loosen up!!! Enjoy your Interlude . . .Copyright 1986 Recreational TechnologyRelease 2.0Gee, I thought that one was pretty good. Let me try again.Didn't like that one either? My you're picky!My RAM's getting tirh``P * 4 x#΍```hh #` x#H`h``P * 4 x#Ύ```΋`L5`````` Have fun . . . I'm glad you like this one. Enjoy . . . I was starting to worry. Relax and have#L5HH`H x#`h` x#`(```P * x#) x# A ,Δ`3)8`H # h x#`(`L6)8``LM6L76 x# x# x# x#``P * x#) x# L6Ό`© x#``hh #HH`H x#`ŶƵðijķð°İŰư°ðŰİðİôĹðƳİŰŰ´ưð°ððŰð                    㴘 ఘఘ‚ఘ頠°ƹŰðıŵŸƱư°ððİưŰưİİ°ư÷İűưư°ððİưŰ°°ŰƹŰ°ư³÷ưİİŰİưð°ð°ðð°ðưŵŰƸðŰư°İ°¸ðóķİİŰưƳưð°±ðòİİðİưƠĹðƲƸİŰưŰŰðİŰŰԿɧ塍󡍠嬠󡍠򡍠塍롍͡塍󿍠򮍠塍栱ᠵ謠ɧɠ󡍠翍󡍠忍ɠɠ䡍忍迍硍󿍠嬠塍򡍠ɠ졍嬠𡍠箍衍𡍠笠迍     ñĴ²İŰưưİð°ððŰŹİݱŰİıưɧ塍塍嬠塍塍塍ç𡍠졍塍䡍ɧ塍䮍鍠ɧ򡍠塍衍宍謠졍ᅪ㡠򡍠󡍠󡍠䡍謠塍ɧ쬠塍宍忍ɠ󿍠󡍠ӡ硍򡍠䡍쬠ᡍﮍɠ󡍠򿍠䬠䮍䡍󡍠謠塍䡍ɠɠ塍嬠衍ﬠ졍嬠衍桍ﮍ졍㡍㡍細硍箍塍ᡍ䠠嬠塍翍塍迍򡍠򡍠򡍠衍쮍쿍塍衍鸸嬠蠠ɠ򮍠ɠ쮍ﮍ宍宍±ñıűƍ俍􍠠占ŮԮ占፠İŰƱ贮ɧ󮍠ɧ嬠ɧ󮍠ɧ֮宍󮍠°Í堿䮍ɠ塍ɠ宍ɠﱲﬠ                   桍迍塍쿡謠ɧ򮍠ĵµÍ箍宍ɠ󮍠󿍠򡍠뮍󮍠ŴƵõ쿍뮍󮍠󮍠´ôč֬젠笠򿍠讍箍󮍠³óijųƴ򮍠ﮍ󮍠󮍠󮍠ﮍ򮍠òIJŲƳŲ嬠򍠠򍠠忍򍠠򍠠占쮍·÷ķŵŷƸ俍젨򩍠䩍頨󩍠䠨䩍ðôč򮍠󍠠􍠠占䍠󍠠ƶ¶öĶŶƷ忍宍䮍㮍󮍠宍򿍠򮍠򿍠箍Ŵƶɠ宍ﬠﬠﬠɠ忍嬠ɠ󮍠ñóıĸűŹƱƳ±¶ñóıķŰŷƱƲ°µ           !!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!""Ź堨련󩍠𩍠퍠´øĵƸƹ썠썠덠俍썠쮍󮍠ƹðöİĹŰŶƱƶ°³ñ÷İijŰŶƱƹ°¹ñôİıŰŹƱƴ°¸ð÷İĵŰŴưƳ°±ñòİĶűŷƱƵ°´ñóııűŸƱƱ°¹ðòıĸŰŹƱƴ±²ðöİĸŰŵƱƹ°¸" " V02:Y((A$,I2X7,1))485 Y9YY7U ZZ16Y:X:LKI1M,Z:I] 50t D$;"CLOSE I2.HEX" D$;"BSAVE I2,A";M;",L$3800" (7): :"DOES YOUR DISPLAY SUPPORT" "LOWER CASE? 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