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There may be a maximum of 8 reports on the desktop. 2. Work with one of the files on the Desktop Once reports are added to the desktop, this command lets you begin making reports. 3. Save Desktop Files to OQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopck that the proper printer is selected by using the Disk/Printer Utilities. (more...) \ Page Setup Dialogue (continued) Page 7 of 26 After changing the page size or printer setting, the number of lines down and cings are entered in inches. One decimal place of accuracy may be used. The Lines/Inch and Chars/Inch settings present menus of the settings currently defined for the currently selected printer. If the values seem incorrect, return to the main menu and che RETURN. Type a new value for the setting and press RETURN. The Paper Values settings allow you to specify the paper height and width, and select the lines per inch and characters per inch setting for the current printer. The paper height and width sett Page 6 of 26 The page setup dialogue is used to specify the sizes of the various areas of the report, as well as for selecting printer settings and paper size. To change a setting, use the TAB key to move the cursor to the setting, then pressd/Label. Tab Select next Field/Label (top-left order). -Tab Select previous Field/Label. -S Show/Hide Field definition window. Esc Abort changes to Field/Label. \ Page Setup Dialogue Page 5 of 26 Arrow Keys Move Field/Label around on the paper. -Arrow Keys Grow/Shrink Field (not Labels). -D Define Field parameters. -X Delete Field/Label. Return Accept changes made on Fiel Show/Hide Field definition window. -P Display/Modify Page Setup parameters. Esc Exit to Main Menu (more...) \ With a Field/Label selected: ta-holding area). -L Create/Edit a Label (a Label is an area of text which doesn't change from report to report). Tab Select next Field/Label (top-left order). -Tab Select previous Field/Label. -S esign Commands Page 4 of 26 Arrow Keys Moves the cursor around on the paper (one space at a time). -Arrow Keys Moves the cursor a half-page at a time. -F or Return Create/Select a Field (a Field is a da to add the file to the desktop, then press ESCAPE. To Generate a Report: Select: 1. Add files to the Desktop To add the file to the desktop, then Select: 2. Work with one of the files on the Desktop to start generating reports. \ Report Dng and selecting printer settings. (more...) \ Main Menu Commands (continued) Page 3 of 26 To Redesign a Report: Select: 1. Add files to the Desktop ed) Page 2 of 26 4. Remove Files from Desktop Use this command to remove reports that are no longer being used from the desktop. 5. Disk/Printer Utilities This command has options for organizing files on the disk and for changiDisk This command should be used when you have completed a report design or changes to an existing design and want to permanently save the new report. (more...) \ Main Menu Commands (continuharacters across on the page are calculated by multipling the page height (in inches) by the Lines/Inch, and the page height (in inches) by the Chars/Inch. The minimum number of lines per page is one, the minimum number of characters across is 80. Paper narrower than 80 columns will default to 80 columns. (more...) \ Page Setup Dialogue (continued) Page 8 of 26 Changing Region Heights Each of the items in that report generation time. This option is not available for fields in the entry area area of the report - only for those in the header, footer, title, and summary regions. Formula 4 PM 24-Hour 23:04 (more...) \ Field Definition Dialogue (continued) Page 13 of 26 Source: Keyboard The field will be filled in from the keyboard (more...) \ Field Definition Dialogue (continued) Page 12 of 26 Date: Numeric 12/22/86 (MM/DD/YY) Abbrev. Date 22 Dec 1986 Full Date December 22, 1986 Time: Regular 11:0lar sign. ($1000) , Separates digits with commas. (1,000,000) % Adds a percent sign to the end of the number. (47%) # of decimals # of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point. beginning at the leftmost side of the field. Right-Justified: Displays information ending at the rightmost side of the field. Type specific formatting options: Number: $ Precedes the number with a dol (more...) \ Field Definition Dialogue (continued) Page 11 of 26 Format: Centered: Displays information in the middle of the field. Left-Justified: Displays information Allows text characters to go into the field. Number: Allows numbers to go into the field for calculations. Date: Allows dates to go into the field for date math functions. Time: Allows times to go into the field for automatic time features. etc.) Field names must be unique and may contain up to 20 characters. Spaces may not be used as part of a field name, but underscores '_' may be used to separate words within a name. Type: Any: Allows all data types to go into the field. Text: (more...) \ Field Definition Dialogue (continued) Page 10 of 26 Field Name: This option is used to change the default name (F1, F2, etc.) to one more appropriate for the report. (Address, Sales, for the setting and press RETURN. 2) Use the arrow keys to select an option from the drop-down menu and press RETURN. After all changes have been made to the field definition, press ESCAPE to accept the new information. data for a field, as well as to specify field type and formatting options. To change a setting, use the TAB key to move the cursor to the setting, then press RETURN. Depending on the setting selected for change, you may now either: 1) Type a new valueight. For example, if a region contains a field on line one, and another on line 10, the minimum region height that may be entered is 10. \ Field Definition Dialogue Page 9 of 26 This dialogue is used to setup the source of mmary Page regions may not exceed the Paper Height in lines. The sum of Page Header, Entry Area, and Page Footer region heights may not exceed the Paper Height in lines. When changing the height of a region, all fields and labels must fit into the new hee Region Heights area of the dialogue are used to set the height of the individual regions. On entry to the dialogue, the values are set to the current region heights. The minimum height of the Entry Area is one line. The height of the Title Page and Su The field will derive its value by calculating a formula, usually based on the values in other fields. File The field will be filled with information stored in an AppleWorks database or spreadsheet file. (more...) \ Functions that may be used in Formulas Page 14 of 26 Number Functions: @ABS(n) Absolute value of the argument. @INT(n) Integer portiondate, Date2 = ending date Incr = DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, or YEARS. Returns the difference in Incr units between the two dates. @DATE Inserts the date entered when program was first run. Time Functions: @MAKETIM MONTHS, or YEARS. Adds n Increments to date. @DATEDAY(n) Extracts the day portion of a date. @DATEMO(n) Extracts the month portion of a date. @DATEYEAR(n) Extracts the year portion of a date. @DIFFDATES(Date1,Date2,Incr) Date1 = starting (more...) \ Functions that may be used in Formulas (continued) Page 18 of 26 Date Functions: @ADDDATE(Date,n,Incr) Date = starting date, n = number to add, Incr = DAYS, WEEKS,field, fm = "H12" or "H24" @UPPER(n) Changes everthing in field n to upper case. @LOWER(n) Changes everthing in field n to lower case. @FIRSTCAPS(n) Changes every word in field n to begin with a capital letter. elds to text in long, abbreviated, or short form. n = field, fm = "LONG", "ABBREV", or "SHORT" @TIMETEXT(n,fm) Converts time in time-type fields to text in 12-hour or 24-hour format. n = \ Functions that may be used in Formulas (continued) Page 17 of 26 Text Functions: @NUMTEXT(n,x) Converts numbers in number-type fields to text. n = field, x = # of decimal places @DATETEXT(n,fm) Converts dates in date-type fi Running total number of entries Functions beginning with "p" refer to fields in the headers or footers. Functions beginning with "r" refer to fields in the entry area only. (more...)ver the entries on a page. @pSUM(n) Sum of values in field n over the headers or footers. @rSUM(n) Current running total of field n. @PAGES Total number of pages. @ENTRIES Total number of entries on a page. @rENTRIES @rMIN(n) Current running minimum value for field n. (more...) \ Functions that may be used in Formulas (continued) Page 16 of 26 @SUM(n) Sum of the values in field n or footers. @rMAX(n) Current running maximum value for field n. @MIN(n) Minimum value in field n over the entries on a page. @pMIN(n) Minimum value in field n over a field in the headers or footers.ears in the headers or footers of the report. @rCOUNT(n) Current running count for field n. @MAX(n) Maximum value in field n over the entries on a page. @pMAX(n) Maximum value in field n over a field in the headers oG(n) Average of field n over all entries on each page. @pAVG(n) Average of a field that appears in the headers or footers. @COUNT(n) Total number of times field n appears on a page. @pCOUNT(n) Total number of times field n apprrent page number. @NA Value not yet available, treated as invalid. (more...) \ Functions that may be used in Formulas (continued) Page 15 of 26 Range Functions: @AV of the argument. @FRAC(n) Fraction portion of the argument. @SQRT(n) Square root of the argument. @RNDUP(n,x) Value of n rounded up to x decimal places. @RNDDOWN(n,x) Value of n rounded down to x decimal places. @PAGENO CuE(n) Converts number n to a time. n must be in 24-Hour format. @TIME Inserts the time entered on program startup or current time if a clock card in installed. (more...) \ Functions that may be used in Formulas (continued) Page 19 of 26 Special Functions: @IF(n,y,z) Returns y if n is true, or z if n is false. @CHOOSE(n,x1,x2,x3...) n = a number 1 through 10, x1,x2... = value to return. Returns the nth x value. @MATCH(n,x1,x2,x3...) nt View Criteria View criteria may contain most of the functions and operators valid for formulas. (more...) \ View/Sort Criteria Dialogue (continued) Page 26 of 26 Sortincriteria may be given a descriptive name and stored for later use in a view criteria library. To Retrieve a Previously Saved View Criteria: Select: 2. Get View Criteria from the Library To Make Changes to the Current Criteria: Select: 1. Edit the curre" AND AGE > 25 would only display those records that passed both tests. (more...) \ View/Sort Criteria Dialogue (continued) Page 25 of 26 For convienience, up to 10 view g different view criteria. For example, if a report is generated with a field called STATE, a view criteria of STATE = "California" will generate a report of all entries in California. View criteria may be multi-leveled, for example: STATE = "California used to specify which subset of the data gathered for the report will be displayed or printed. When a report is first generated, all data that is obtained from the AppleWorks files is displayed. Subsets of this group of data may be displayed by applyinDefine View/Sort criteria for entries. -R Redesign the report. -P Print the report. Esc Return to the Main Menu \ View/Sort Criteria Dialogue Page 24 of 26 The view criteria dialogue is (more...) \ Report Generation Commands (continued): Page 23 of 26 -B Build the report (do file lookups and calculations). -C Clear the report. -V b Scroll to next page. -Tab Scroll to previous page. -T Scroll to the Top of the report. -K Fill in Keyboard fields. -N Show the field Names in their positions on the page. (more...) \ Report Generation Commands: Page 22 of 26 Arrow Keys Scrolls the paper (one space at a time). -Arrow Keys Moves the paper a half-page at a time. Ta to <> Is not equal to Begins With Text begins with Ends With Text ends with Contains Text contains Is Part Of Text is part of Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT May be used to connect other logical expressions ions that may be used in Formulas (continued) Page 21 of 26 Logical Operators: > Is greater than < Is less than = Is equal to >= Is greater than or equal to <= Is less than or equalddition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division ( ) Ordering of operations & Text concatenation (more...) \ FunctHR(n) Creates ASCII character n. Used for printer commands. (more...) \ Functions that may be used in Formulas (continued) Page 20 of 26 Math Operators: + A n = field to match, x = values to match with. Matches n with an x value and returns the index or zero if no match. @ISBLANK(n) Returns true if field n is blank. @ISINVALID(n) Returns true if field n is invalid. @Cg: ReportWorks allows you to sort your report on any field in the entry area. Sorting may be either ascending or decending, and up to three levels of sort are allowed. Typed fields (Text, Number, Date, Time) have implied sorting orders. For type Any fields, you may specify how the data is to be treated for sorting (either as Text, Number, Date, or Time). \ & T&&& V8 jjj&&8'0&6&L    u & 6 `v E  vE`  `0L L 8JJJ9eʈ ʩ`  LLL0  &&f  u&&&v&E&&&&ƥк8}`0$ LL LI8 &I&8&&&&&LL'0C#&ʆȵ&&&& '0 &6&'}&&&`   ` { t)?ʵ**6vE! ,L6% L⮸IL L 88 莱    & & &? u&-v&E&&&&&8}L..8f'k)Il0MEͻ:,) )@E `8mmiL0 6}`I&&ʈ&`L,{0( ` μL80Ңȹީ`   .Jȱ .J ":6..& 8&' 0  'L& C `0;--)*8  && `LL?& &&0)I&ʆ'N[&(   Ai) ''ݩ0 &@%'E'' ((`Lȱs )k ީmmR') &&*&&6&&u&& 8&' )&u&  ` &` &&` آ . .`&& && ʩ&` ```L ⬹`hhHHȌȄi qstuvwxyz{|} , 0 9HH, l ,`%)hhPhhN ENhhHHHH``````) LL-` &` hhh)J:h,LC0JJJ) Ehh,p -J hhJ;J- HH 61 L ⭸ L)@ MHH`8i0 V Z ZF: FiI6  L8i &LC譸L ⮹L } nnn &&+F&&&&6&&&'&&&&u&&u&&U&&&&&LC0,K  II 0OUX?E-͵0)/ͶԨЩԇ⩏Ԋ ԅ ԨЩ 㩊̧븅ԨЩhh HH`>||4{{Xbk00@ 51_1 .@*焑+P'$@C$! 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