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What's going on?" 61 stood up and roared triumphantly. He easily knocked down 66; then, dragged 06 back to the 09. "Get this crate ruck down 61. "I'll be back," screamed 61 as he vanished into the air. "Wait and see!" The fighting wore on furiously, and then 61 weakened and fell to the ground. 75 dropped the 70 and said, "I must spare you, because I cannot kill." Then, in a flashd destruction are past!" Then they drew their 70s. "We shall see," said 61, and the contest began. The battle was 71. 06 began to worry that 75 was losing. 61 seemed too powerful. Then suddenly, in a brilliant flash of light, 75 swung the 70 and stas though 05 was gliding on air. 05 was holding a brilliantly lit stick. "What's that?" 06 whispered to 66. "It's a 70," he said, "the greatest, most powerful weapon in the galaxy." "Release these good beings now, 61," said 75. "Your days of evil an then, a warm, bright figure appeared. "Who is that?" 06 asked 66. "It's 75!" shouted 66. "The ruler of all that is good in the 14 galaxy. Help us, 75," 66 yelled. "61 plans to destroy us, and then enslave the planet Earth!" 75 moved toward them, s caught by 61. "Where do you think you're going, coward? I need your help to destroy Earth!" 61 held 06 and 66 in his evil clutches, and said, "So, heroes, you were going to defeat me were you? I'm afraid you have lost! Next, Earth will be mine!" Just take you back to Earth. Maybe they can help you." 66 gently placed 06 in a bunk and begged 35 to hurry back to Earth. Then, 05 heard something else from behind. It was 61! 05 ran faster, but it was no use. As 05 got to the ladder of the 09, 05 wa5 ran back and fought 61! They escaped when 67. But in the battle, 06 was badly wounded in the 68. 66 carried 06's injured body back to the 09. "You can't die!" 66 said back in the 09. "You saved my life!" But 06 was hurt very badly. "I've got tod. 61 was too scary, and 06 was afraid to go back. Besides, 05 thought, if 66 was as smart as he said he was, he could find a way to escape. 06 tried not to listen to 66's cries as 05 fled. 06 was scared, but 05 knew 05 had to try to help 66. 089 117 06 was scared, but 05 felt 05 had to try to help 66. 05 ran back as fast as 05 could, and struggled hard to get 66 away from the evil emperor, but it was of no use. 61 was too powerful, and had them both now! 06 ran away as fast as 05 coul              all-around ok person give him nuclear weapons surrender the White House survives dies have a parade for you have a dinner at the White House name a candy bar after you no yes well, allright no way! yes, for the sake of drama no, they both escape lumenstaff Aurelian light rod portable bug zapper the ruler of good the evil emperor magic mind erase death trance the viewing screen georamic visualizer bravery valor being an C000F0l3083030H~0~030c0ՂՊԠժĪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪըըՀѪբբՂժՊՊՊժՊЊժԪHъՀ@ѠՊՀ <РԀŪŪѪѪ ъĢĊŢЊըՂЂРբТժтԊЪԪŪŊԢըՠբѨՈъՀ&N ` ~~>Ώfd ̂&N  |{񏨀~dH? 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If 05 ever gets to meet 50, 05 will say, "51". 06 has had a lot of interesting adventures so far in life, more than 05 ever expected or imagined. To learn more about the exciting tales of 06 07, turn to Chapter Three, where the fun is 5. The room is always very 43. They both like to keep their favorite stuff in there. 06 keeps 44 in it, and 45 keeps 46 there. 06's favorite 47 is called "48". 49 Another thing you should know about 06 is that 05 is dying to meet 50, who 05 thve to 40. The best time they ever had together was 41. That was 42! For a kid of 31, 06 is very lucky; 05 doesn't have to share a bedroom with anyone. The room is very 43. 05 keeps favorite things in the room, like 44. 06 shares a bedroom with 4ame is 35. 37 38 is 06's best friend. 06 and 37 met in 39, and they became friends very fast because 40. The best time they ever had together was 41. That was 42! 06's favorite relative is 37 38 because 39. Whenever they get together, they loEven though they fight sometimes, they have a lot of fun together; especially when they play 35. 06 comes from a big family. 05 has 27 named 34. Their ages are 36. Even though they argue occasionally, they have a lot of fun together. Their favorite gnd doesn't want to have other kids around. 06 doesn't have any brothers or sisters. 05 33 because 34. If 06 did have brothers or sisters, 05 would play 35 with them. 05 hopes that maybe someday 05 will. 06 has 27 named 34 who is 36 years old. 16 27 The years passed quickly for 06, and soon 05 was 31 and quite mature. When people meet 06 now, they are very impressed because 32. 06 doesn't have any brothers or sisters. 05 33 because 34. 06 thinks things are fine just the way they are, a         01 02 presently lives at 89. In the future, 01 hopes to be 88. a 06 was sure they had met before, but couldn't remember where or why. Standing before the class, arms folded, the teacher said, "Hello. My name is Gene. Shall we begin?" And 06 was almost sure 05 saw the teacher wink. The greatest novelist of all time,s 78? You better wake up. The teacher's coming." It was 90, shaking 06 on the shoulder. 06 realized it was all just a dream! It had seemed so real! 05 started to tell 90 about it, but then the teacher walked in. The teacher looked familiar somehow. said 78, "but I didn't say I couldn't make a wish about you. What if I wished that you could go back to being exactly who you were? Then, if you work hard enough, you can become what you want to be on your own." "42! Can you do that, 78?" "Do what? Who' the way you expected." "No, they haven't, 78. I wish I never had three wishes. I wish I had just stayed being me. Now it's too late. I've used up all three wishes, and you can't give me anymore." The genie could see that 06 was very sad. "That's true," ed your help! There's a bomb in the school, an escaped convict on the loose, aliens attacking, and that's just the beginning!" 06 began to realize just how hard it was to be 91, when 78 appeared. "So, 06, I guess your three wishes didn't turn out quiteday's work. 05 decided to fly home and rest for a while. 05 had prevented 86, and was tired. Being a superhero was hard work! So many people depended on 06 to save them. But no sooner did 05 get home than the phone rang. "06! It's Mayor 87, and I nest! Magically, 78 appeared. Flying high above 81, 06 looked down and spotted trouble: 82 was trying to 83! Soaring to the scene of the crime, 05 stopped 82 by using 84 to 85! 05 dropped 82 off at jail, and sped back up to the sky. All part of a ished into thin air. The kid's family is worried sick." 06 began to think: 10 eyes, 11 hair, 31 years old, just vanished... Then 05 realized 05 was the missing kid! "Is it the 07 family?" 05 asked. 81 nodded. Oh no! 06's family thought 05 was loolve the Police's toughest cases. "That's what it says on the door," replied 06. "I'm Officer 81. I need to solve the Case of the Missing Kid. 05 has 10 eyes, 11 hair, and is about 31 years old. We've looked everywhere, but 05 seems to have just vans 06, meet Prince 83, you're husband," said the King. 06 said "NO WAY," and ran out of the castle. Then 78 appeared. A police officer barged into 06's office. "Are you Private Eye 06?" 06 was the best detective in the world, and was often asked to s Prince 83, of course," said the servants. "The King arranged the marriage when you were a baby. Now that you're both of age, you're to marry tomorrow." Just then, the King walked in with the wierdest looking guy 06 ever saw. he looked like 84. "Princesthrone in a big castle. Her dress was 81. 82. There were servants all around her, fussing with her clothes and hair. "You must be beautiful today, for the King brings your prince soon." "What prince?" 06 said, wondering if she made the right wish. "Why,nd. 81 got up and ran away. "Oh Sir 07! You are so brave. Thank you for saving me. You have won the right to my hand in marriage." "What!" 06 said. But I'm only 31! I've never even been on a date!" Luckily, 78 appeared. 06 found herself sitting on a er 06 galloped after the evil knight. "Well, we meet at last, Sir 07," said 81. "Prepare to defend yourself!" The Evil Knight drew a mighty sword. 06 pulled out his own sword and charged 81. With a single blow of his blade, 06 knocked 81 to the groute stallion under 06 galloped toward the evil knight. "Help! Help!" Cried a beautiful young lady running toward her castle. A big guy in a black suit of armor, riding a huge bay horse, was chasing her. "The evil knight is after me!" The white stallion und 05 thought, there's no one here. Then 78 appeared before 06. "Help! Help!" cried a beautiful young lady, running toward her castle. A big guy in a black suit of armor, riding a huge bay horse, was chasing her. "The evil knight 81 is after me." The whi,2,1---BLASTOFF!" And 06 soared into space at 82 miles per hour, headed for planet 83. After 84 days in space, 06 approached 83, and safely landed the 81. 05 climbed out and walked around, but all 05 could find was rocks, dust and 85. How boring,down." 06 looked around. 05 was sitting in the cockpit of a space ship! 05 found the microphone and switched it on. "Uh? I guess so...," 06 said, and 05 immediately heard over the communication device, "10,9,8,7,6,5..." "But where am I going?" "...4,3have to make a wise choice. 06 thought for a long time about what 05 wanted to be most, and finally said, "All right, 78. I wish I was 91." "This is NASA control calling the USS 81. Are you ready for takeoff, Captain 07? We are waiting to begin countsed your second wish to return to being yourself when you decided you didn't like your first wish. I only have the power to grant three wishes, and this will be your third." 06 had to admit that the genie was right; and with only one wish left, 05 would "You better be more careful this time, and make your last wish a wise one, as you can't wish yourself back this time." "What do you mean last wish!" 06 protested. "I only used one wish. I still have two left!" "Ah, you forget 06," said the genie. "You unow any! 06 kept making mistakes, and the director kept yelling, "Can't you get anything right, 06?" Finally, 06 wished 05 could just quit! Magically, 06 was back with 78. "I see things didn't work out as you thought they would, 06," said the genie.ere have you been? The play starts tomorrow! We've got to rehearse!" All the other actors and actresses were waiting onstage for 06. 05 didn't even know what 79 was about! 06 soon learned that all the other people knew all their lines, but 05 didn't klways wanted to star in a big Broadway musical." Instantly, 06 appeared in front of a huge playhouse in New York. There was a sign above the door that said, "06 07 starring in 79!" "42!" 06 said. When 06 walked in the door, some people ran over. "Wh fans were shouting, "Come on Casey! A home run will win the game!" 06 realized what had happened. 78 had sent 06 back in time as Mighty Casey, and everyone knows that Mighty Casey struck out. "Help!" 06 yelled. "Get me out of here, 78!" "Well, I've an a huge baseball stadium called 79, with bases loaded. The pitcher hurled a fastball right past 06. "Steeee-rike twooo!" 05 heard the umpire scream. 05 looked at the scoreboard. Oh No! It was the last inning, with two outs, and two strikes on 06! Thed 06 to decide what to do, and 05 didn't have any idea! "I wish I never made this wish," 05 cried. "Three wishes! Wow!" 06 cried. "Let's see...I wish I could be a famous baseball player." 78 waved his arms and suddenly 06 was standing at home plate iesk in a big office. Then about ten people burst into the office, all shouting things like, "Our factory burned down, 06! Our products don't work! What do we do?" 06 realized that 05 must have been made the rich boss of a big company! Now everyone wanteuse 75. Sure enough, 05 found a splinter in the ogre's foot, and pulled it out. Then, right before 06's eyes, the ogre turned into a GENIE! "I am 78. I will grant you three wishes." No sooner did 06 say those words than 05 was sitting behind a huge deard what sounded like someone crying. 05 followed the sound, and came upon a big OGRE limping along the path. 06 wanted to run away, but the ogre said, "Please don't go away. My foot hurts, and I don't know what to do." 05 decided to help the ogre beca~(?ժŏһ `Ǫ?JG2ժՠďһ( ` (FJQ T `@`p<<ԪՊѪP TJjPdďĈ+U"UbT*U*|'U*U*U*U*e(U*U*U*%JI*eT*UJ*e(+T*U*U*U*U*T*U*U*U*U R*U@*U R*U*U*U*U*T*U* oXPVge2*U*U*eT*@*U)Up)*%).T*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*T*U*U*U*U R*U@*U R*U*U*U*U*T*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U* &U<*U*U*T*U*Up?|pg~x~x~x*U*U*T OBJ*U*@P*UBJbUbS*T*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*%'Ir*U$eS*UBb)T*U*Upgysgy?~|?~|*U*U*T O @@RbS*Tƪժ0 䣙| 'U*U*U*U*U*T*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U**.@)@*U*U*U*U*U*U*T ժO*U*U*U*Ub`S*T|ѪՊƪǪղS*U*BG2*U*U*T*U*U @*U*U*T ժՂO*U*Uݛ*U*UbCow |`S*?HL{T*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*T*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U* )K T STL** U*T O*U*U*U*UbS*4  ԪѪU*U*U*U*U*T*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*UP U +jRS T*U*U*U*T 睯O*U*UĈĈ*U*Ub;Uf5fS*                                    5 would drift aimlessly and eventually 32. 06 looked at the crowd below through the 09's viewing screen. With the hatch closed, 05 couldn't hear them, but 05 could see them waving. Then, 05 stopped worrying. 05 had to come back, to show them it coulyed the pilot's seat, and considered the chances of misfortune. Out of the hundreds of instruments 06 saw, only one had to malfunction to send the 09 veering off course, toward a planet with a deadly atmosphere, or worse, into the void of space, where 0 rose to the top of the 09. 05 pressed the start button. 26! No one noticed it ascend. When the elevator stopped, 06 entered the 09 and looked around. Everything looked right, but 05 wondered if 05 could be sure. So many things could go wrong. 05 eent in honor of 06 when 05 returned. 05 thanked the President and then got on the elevator that rose to the loading platform. 31 had come to make a speech. As the crowd watched the President, 06 crept to the launching pad and entered the elevator that 05 spotted the whole 07 family. There were soldiers and police all over the place, and technicians in white coats racing around, scribbling on notepads. Even President 31 was there! 31 had come to congratulate 06, and said there would be a special ev26 41 Morning had arrived. At last the big day was at hand! When 06 arrived at the launch site, thousands of people were already there to watch the liftoff, and people were selling souvenirs, like 29 and posters of the 09. 06 saw 30 in the crowd. ThenL{ ng in a puff of smoke. "In fact, that's just what I will do," 06 said, as 05 walked out of class. "I've always wanted to explore the woods. Who knows what I'll find there?" 05 walked out of school, taking a path that led deep into the woods. Then, 06 huse you have freed me, I will grant you three wishes." 06 couldn't believe it! Three wishes! "Well, I've always wanted lots of money, so I can buy anything I want," 05 said. "For my first wish, I want 79!" "Your wish is my command," said 78, disappearibat say. "There are many things yet to find," and it pointed toward a big rock door. 06 tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. "Open sesame," 05 said. Nothing happened. "76," 05 said, and the door creaked open. Inside was a big GENIE! "I am 78. Becaked into the forest and soon discovered a cave! 05 was afraid to go in at first, but then decided to because 75. 05 explored the cave for a while, and then decided to go home. But suddenly a funny little bat appeared. "What's your hurry?" 06 heard the aster," said the genie, "and have chosen you because of your kindness. I am ready to grant you three wishes. Your wish is my command, 06." "That's exactly what I will do," 05 said, walking out of class. "I've always wanted to explore the forest." 06 wal home!" That wasn't exactly what 06 had in mind, but 05 decided to help her because 75. Afterwards the woman said, "06, since you were kind to me, I'll be kind to you." Then, right before 06's eyes, she turned into a genie! "I am 78. I wanted a new m05 got up and walked out of school. It was a cool autumn day, and leaves were falling and blowing around in the wind. Outside, 06 noticed a strange old woman standing on the sidewalk. She was screaming, "Help! The wind is too strong for me! Please walk me here yet," 90 said when 06 sat down. "I wonder who it will be?" Who cares, thought 06. School is school. Boring is boring. And 05 began to daydream. What if I just walk out that door, and do what I want.... "I think I'll just do that," 06 said, and 57 104 "Here's your desk, 06," said 90 as 06 walked into the classroom. "It's right next to mine." It was the first day of a new school year, and 06 was in a bad mood. 05 just didn't feel like going to school anymore. It was boring! "Our teacher isn't                  d it didn't mind it couldn't stand it it got a hollow leg something to eat a new diaper politician circus barker radio disc jockey very early about the normal time very late favorite possession as a baby nickname as a baby rattle stuffed animal blanket bottle cutie pie chubsy-ubsy shortie likethe Tales of Me the Adventures of Me he she blue green brown hazel blonde brown black red in a hospital at home in an ambulance in a taxicab eat a lot sleep all the time cry all the time behave like an ordinary kid a human food processor got a bottomless preally want to be when you grow up? to: What super-power does 06 have? And 06 stops the crime by using his 84 to: What are some other crimes that 06 prevented this day? What is the name of the mayor of 81? In real life, what is your address, 01? This is the last question. What do you an evil knight. What is the knight's name? A police officer bursts into 06's detective agency. What is the officer's name? What city does 06, the superhero, protect? 06 sees a person committing a crime. What is the name of this criminal? Was 82 trying: "Her dress was..." Princesses usually wear jewelry. Write a sentence describing Princess 06's jewels. 06 is about to get married to a prince. What is his name? The prince is a creep! 06 says, "This guy looks like..." Sir 06 is challenged to a duel byame? How many days of space travel does it take to get to 83? 06 finally gets to 81, but all 05 finds there is rocks, dust, and one other boring thing. What other thing does 05 find? Princess 06 has a beautiful dress on. Finish this description of it out, and had to use the second wish to return to what 05 used to be. Is 06's last wish to be: 06 appears inside a spaceship. What is the name of the spaceship? How many miles per hour can it go? The 81 is headed toward a planet. What is the planet's n ask to be: 06 is now the richest kid in the world. How much money does 05 have? 06 is up at bat. What is the name of the stadium 05 is playing in? What is the name of the broadway show that 06 is starring in? 06 didn't like how the first wish turned finds a big rock door inside the cave. 05 says "open sesame" but nothing happens. What does 05 try next? The door opens up, and behind it is a room with a genie in it! What is the genie's name? 78 grants 06 three wishes. For 06's first wish, does 05 because..." The cave is dark and scary, but 06 decides to go in anyway. Finish this sentence: "06 decided to enter the cave because..." The old woman turns into a genie! What is the genie's name? The ogre is really a genie! What is the genie's name? 06The poor old woman needs 06's help. Finish this sentence: "At first 06 didn't want to bother, but then 05 decided to help her because..." The scary ogre is hurt and needs 06's help. Finish this sentence: "Even though 05 was afraid, 06 decided to helpSummer is over, and 06 has to start a new year of school. 05 has a new homeroom, a new teacher, and a new desk. What is the name of the kid whose desk is next to 06's? 06 decides to leave school and go exploring. Is the first thing 05 discovers a(n): z#?       ͮ ͮ ͮ ͮ ŮŮ"Э̠N  àà) ͠ à ààà  ٮҠҮҠ  ҮҠҮҠ ҮҠà à ήϠJ ƠǠààààls wear on their feet in the rain? Ghoul-oshes. Why did count dracula visit the orthodontist? For his bite. What disease does count dracula fear most? Tooth decay. Why does a vampire brush its teeth? To prevent bat-breath. What does a werewolf put on at thHow do you make a skeleton laugh? Tickle its funny bone. What does a skeleton serve his dinner on? Bone China. How can you make a witch scratch? Take away its W. What do evil witches have for dessert at chinese restaurants? Misfortune cookies. What do ghouossessed. Who's small, lives underground, and solves crimes? Sherlock Gnomes How does a book about a Zombie begin? With a dead-ication What do werewolves call a fur coat? Darling What kind of story does a gravedigger like? One with a cemetery plot. Where does the frankenstein monster go when he loses a hand? To a second-hand store. What always follows a werewolf? Its tail. What kind of pictures does Count Dracula sketch? He likes to draw blood. What happens if you don't pay your exorcist? You get repf A` `u ͑{ ˏm| u ͑{ ˏL^ Xr| ˏ w| ˏ {  کZ{ ˏ || ˏ {  ک{ u ͑{ ˏm| u ͑{ ˏ|| ˏ !{  L㋩K{ z +멍 4&eȄ`Ml%00 00 ` `ꥥ`ҥ %L ΅8ȱ hhHH ΅ȱ΅F`PQQPlPPQɑ=ɐ))Q&&Q*$0P`IPQIiQP`QߩPQ`5l쥢0"ɁɉɈ )*```5l0L[5l \`ﺽ}%} (i `(i!lHHHHHlhhi L+ihihi1lhihii㚽ʊi ꥢ뺽 纽 +뺊i $0 0il 0l`il쥝@Ɂ:L}}{낊+!]Ӆ^_ Aۢ%܅^_ AlJ ? \۽^ \(j e lwxL·͠ɠŠhihihEhhhhhlPQQPPQP`hihi r륝HHHHHHlhhʚHH芠L+hihi{ G { ک{ 󆩑{ G͠{ 󆩑{ Gܠ{ G !{ کܠ{ G +{ LLRZ[MLo ႍF ںvΤύZ[F3R L{ φ$0k}} G{ 󆩑{ G͠{ 󆩑{ G 膩 膩 PQ ⩑{ OL{ 󆩑{ G͠{ 󆩑{ GL XҠ{ G rנ{ G { کi{ G GLф{ 󆩑{ G{ 󆩑{ G{ 󆩑{ Gà{ 󆩑{ GLф Z{ s HH# ۃ HHsHZ{ x HHȠ{ ۃ HHxH | : :LI{ 󆩑{ Z G Lф{ 󆩑{ G{ d +멠{ F +멥{ i +멪{ P +Z{ n +멠{ Z +Le~{ 󆩑{ G{ 󆩑{ G{ 󆩑{ G{ 󆩑{ :;;;=<=>;@?@ABCD'kP - "!<"" A"!($#(#%)%/&1('3P(5<)7%=&?<'-A<( C() -E(*GO-"Q+S<,W<.#Y/^(0`P1b$2gx3p&'((()++,)*)/.--.//05/1234:/6789 06's: Was 06's favorite thing a: Why was the 25 06's favorite thing? OK. What was 06's nickname? Why was 06 called 25? How did 06 feel about being called 25? How come? were babies, like "Why?" What was 06's? How old was 06 when 05 could walk and talk pretty much like a normal person? By the age of 23, something important has usually happened in a kid's life. What happened in 06's? Now, would you like to write aboutarned to say a few words? What words were they? (Remember to put a "," after each word, and an "and" before the last one.) And how old was 06 by the time 05 could talk well enough to ask questions? All kids had a question that they always asked when theywoke up, what did 05 usually want? Since 05 was so noisy all the time, 06's parents thought 05 would grow up to be a: 06's mom and dad had to change 06's diapers a lot, but they didn't mind. Why not? Did 06 learn to talk: How old was 06 when 05 les darling little girl? Was 06 born: In what town and state did this happen, 01? (Don't forget to put a "," after the name of the town) When 06 was a baby, did 05: So people said 06's: What was 06's favorite food then? What a delightful kid! When 06 Now we need to get a description of 06 when 05 was a baby. What color eyes did 05 have? My favorite color! And what color was 06's hair? How much did 06 weigh when 05 was born? What was the height of this bouncing baby boy? What was the height of this the first name of your hero, 01? (You can use yourself as the hero if you like.) Very good. What is 06's last name? On what date was 06 born? What time of day was it? (Remember to say if it was morning or night; you can use "AM" or "PM" if you want.) What is your first name? What is your last name? How old are you? You can pick one of these titles for your story, or make up your own. Pick "other" to make up your own. Who would you like to dedicate your story to, 01? Is the hero of your story a: What i       "!#$% #,$&`"$"$ .$ .& ( ,$ .$ .02&$4-@&B,D&-FH&J Q S' X Z( \ ^P `".l&n<&-o&)q<)#s,u<u   e beach? Moon-tan lotion. no other kids a brother a sister likes it that way wishes there were other kids best friend favorite relative go places make up games tell stories cool excellent awesome have a bedroom alone share a bedroom neat and clean messy and sloppy book movie tv shoN)))ONRRPQRSS(*+STUVWWWXYX,,,,ZY-.e[13[24[\_]bb`bbb76b55b88bcdeeZ/0.56 7 P8P9(:%P;'<<) ,>= ,C<>E(?-GP@IgLeft Bit of All Characters Set to 10Initialization Sequence (in Hex): A8;fNSfNefNzfNfN@Nf6KafaNaf'+QfMPL@QL:f RfJPL@QL:f S(Printing MenuPrinter Configuration MenuPlease Choose A8 G6Ka`)e``) AeR,PL+ ءd +]ؓd`eR+֞deeR+vd6Ka`R`d) jeR,aLXdeR+deR+6Ka`R`f) 6Ka`e`h) @)g'6Ka`cj) 7z6KҌNc *ҌN d *ҌN@f6KaAdaNa&d'+ acPd։c Qmce։c tc R؀cf։c S؉cfbX. Display Current SettingsX. Change End of Line SequenceX. Change Left Bit SettingX. Change Printer Initialization StringX. Return to =G: г8=<>b Ӌ :b( A8@*Ub=G+ ( +гK'& b&ѳ Ӵ -Ӌ b@)֚b ) جb&ѳ ֖b *b *&ѳ wb6@?G7z0123456789ABCDEF A8A،cB*cNcN *ҌNc *Yes2. 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