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Yesx8B. NoPress ESC to return to the MainMenu at any point during the game.xSelect ItemYou can play the game as a(A. DISCOVERERFB. EXPLORERdC. MASTER(p- if you have not read2p the bookFp- if you know somethingPp about the bookdp- if you have readnp the bookor you can use theD. BOOK SCANNERx- to learn about thex bookxEnter your choice. [ A:F2f [ 4A:B2fZ@Z@ZtZ4Z@Z@Z@ZtZ4Z@Z@Z@Z@Z@ZtZ@Z@Z@Z @Z!t Z"@Z#@Z$t HELP Section(What Would You Like To Know?<A. What is in The Novel Approach?FB. How do I get started?PC. How do I play as a Discoverer?ZD. How do I play as an Explorer?dE. How do I play as a Master?nF. How do I use the Book Scanner?Press ESC to return to the MainMenu at any point in theinstructions.(WHAT IS IN THE NOVEL APPROACH?<A. three different gamesFB. the Book ScannerTHREE DIFFERENT GAMESDISCOVERER Game(You do not have to know the story2to play this game.FThis game has no right or wrongPanswers. Each response leads youZin a new direction so you can playdthe game many times.xYou'll discover a lot about yourselfand the adventures waiting for you inthe book.EXPLORER Game(Choose this game if you have read the2book . . .F or are reading the book . . .Z or have used the Book Scanner.nYou earn points for every rightxanswer. If you play against theclock, you earn higher scores.MASTER Game(Play this game if you have read the2book . . .F and know it WELL . . .Z and/or know the Book ScannerdWELL.xRight answers in this game earnhigher scores. Play against the clockfor a maximum score.THE BOOK SCANNER(The Book Scanner is a great source2of information about the book.FIt contains background material asPwell as specific answers to EXPLORERZand MASTER game questions.HOW DO I PLAY AS A DISCOVERER?(Discover your own thoughts and2feelings as you put yourself in<the story and join Buck in hisFstruggle for survival.ZThere are no right or wrongdanswers. Each choice you makenwill lead you down a differentxpath of questions and options.As you play this game, you learnabout the story.HOW DO I GET STARTED?(After you have booted the disk,2follow the instructions on the<screen.PYour playing options will beZdisplayed at the bottom of everydscreen.Playing Options(1. ?(HAt any point in the game,2Hyou can press this key for(H(Menu) returns you to the2Hprevious Menu.F5. ESCFH(Escape) returns to the MainPHMenu. You can use this keyZHat any point while playingdHthe games or using the BooknHScanner.6. DELH(Delete) allows you toHchange your answer beforeHpressing the RETURN key.(Most of the time the screens advance2automatically in all three fast-paced<games.HOW DO I PLAY AS AN EXPLORER?(Play this game if you know the2story or have reviewed the Book<Scanner.PEach game consists of fiveZquestions.nYou can choose questions fromxone of three categories: Characters Action and Setting IdeasPlaying Options(You can play . . .< aloneP against an opponentd against the clock - forn the highest scoreIf you play against the clock,you will have four minutes tocomplete the five question game.Answer each question as quickly asyou can. The shortest time earnsthe highest score.Each right answer is worth ( 100 points - untimed< 200 points maximum - timedxHUNTIMEDxTIMEDEXPLORERH100/quest.200 max/quest.LEVELH500 max.1000 max.Keeping Track of Your Score(Your score is automatically2recorded.FAfter you answer each question, aPrunning total is posted at the topZof the screen.nYou will always know how well you'rexdoing!High scorers will see anexciting scene from the story.What Are The Trouble Spots?(In the EXPLORER and MASTER Games your2errors are identified as Trouble<Spots and stored in memory while youFplay.ZImmediate help is available!nYou can use the Book Scanner toxcorrect your Trouble Spots. If youselect the Trouble Spotter option,the correct answers will be rightthere automatically for yourreview.HOW DO I PLAY AS A MASTER?(Play this game when you are ready2for the most challenging exploration<of the book and its themes.PEach game consists of 10 questionsZrandomly drawn from the Masterdfile.Playing Options(You can play . . .< aloneP against an opponentd against the clock - forn the maximum scoreIf you play against the clock,you have 20-75 seconds to answera question. (More time is allotted for longer questions.)You earn points for right answersand lose points for wrong answers.2Each right answer is worth F 500 points - untimed modeZ 1,000 points maximum - timed modex@UNTIMEDxTIMEDMASTER@500/quest.1,000 max/quest.LEVEL@5,000 max.10,000 max.(High scorers will see a scene from2the exciting conclusion of the<story.What Are The Trouble Spots?(In the EXPLORER and MASTER Games your2errors are identified as Trouble<Spots and stored in memory while youFplay.ZImmediate help is available!nYou can use the Book Scanner toxcorrect your Trouble Spots. If youselect the Trouble Spotter option,the correct answers will be rightthere automatically for yourreview.HOW DO I USE THE BOOK SCANNER?(The Book Scanner is a complete file2of information about The Call of<The Wild. You can use the BookFScanner in two ways: choose thePTrouble Spotter or Browser option.TROUBLE SPOTTER(The Trouble Spotter calls up2information on your Trouble<Spots - AUTOMATICALLY.PThe Book Scanner providesZspecific information - anddthe answers you need.xTo use the Trouble Spotter: 1. do not turn off your computer 2. choose the Trouble Spotter optionBROWSER(The Browser allows you to2access any information on the<Book Scanner.PThe Browser does not have to beZused immediately after playingdthe games. It is always available.xUse the Book Scanner Menu toselect items of interest to youand "browse" at your own pace.SWITCHING DISKSPInsert the other disk to useZthe Book Scanner.nPress the RETURN Key when done.SWITCHING DISKSPInsert the other disk to playZthe Discoverer Game.nPress the RETURN Key when done.SWITCHING DISKSPInsert the other disk to playZthe Explorer Game.nPress the RETURN Key when done.SWITCHING DISKSPInsert the other disk to playZthe Master Game.nPress the RETURN Key when done.P7Xpu&2_\N\;?`aD#WA)osqoMPACKC00 Br [AB "0f ZZZ Z Z [A:C2fF`HWould you like to see some exciting(scenes from The Call of the Wild<or go right to the game?d(A. Preview Scenesx(B. Play GamePSelect Item(The year is 1897.<In the Arctic darkness far to theFnorth, men have found gold.ZStrong sled dogs are needed todhaul supplies across the barrennNorthland.That means trouble is brewing fordogs everywhere.Discoverer MenuImagine that you are Buck, part St.Bernard and part Scotch shepherd.PWhat role will you play as Buck inZthis adventure?nA. favored pet on a Californiax ranchB. seasoned veteran of the NorthlandC. half-wild survivor of the YukonPSelect Item ,.( There are still many things to2 discover about Buck and his< life in the Yukon.d What would you like to do now?x A. play another game B. return to the Discoverer Menu C. return to the Main Menu Select ItemZFIGHTING FOR SURVIVALnBuck, a newcomer, faces many dangersxas he struggles to survive in theNorthland.YKYt2d2d22PGx $"%!*%!%Aqf/'3 ,_O 7* @022?`g?`o|L?/ ;~ >n @;`s@Xh? SS _? _,S,S,S _?? =8(0b< <,?@ @??x9s213p06`0$ 0 8?{0?nmmm@m@@Tt @@8?@ؾ$%3 ``f7p<8 070hD$B (>@N V:x6zH J\Q 2@~$D??  111bx;x<8<8Ȉ`0А `/,!T(<dTTpp@88`08Hx00 pPqu|  0c0`<`(000 0 ` 0 ` 0 0#4p`p 0x`0!&nL@8x`p0p0p0 0` |p?q< >0Ǡ@@@0A??bq=q ppo`@`@ 00`;@@ AP?Qr 00": x / ` ?x?;? >8`` `Pppp8h !c0x` `~`x   8p0p`p``!c0 L;8,0@ @0!p8`80@`  `@  @ x: 59<   P8p <|?B .9"tb?? : 59<   P8p H<xx}9>{|c` x|D 00101p1h ><8px ltth?7/?p``80`>@0<|?'gG>| 3@- 0x@`0`9 Hd$2o108pp`00`@~ @ q0ZCC@ [ABC2fG Z @H Z @4ZC E2fZC C2fGZZZ C ABC2 A C C2fZC C2fGZZZ C ABC2 A ZZZ C ABC2 A C C2fZC C2fGZZZ C ABC2 A ZZZ C ABC2 A ZZZ C ABC2 A Z!Z" Ck#KRRR#0 KZ&C'C!#0  KZ$!#0  KZ* C+<>Z,!"0  KZ%   `B CZ- C.ABCDE#0 DZ/C0D!Z4 Ci5KRZ6`B DZ7C 8D2fZ:Z; C)<ABCZ=Z9Z>C?D`B E(You live on Judge Miller's ranch in2California's Santa Clara Valley.FLife is comfortable and easy.ZThe house is large.nThe Judge's children love you.You are the ruler of all you survey.   But one night a servant named Manuelwants you to go "through the orchardon a stroll" with him.FWhat will you do?ZA. go with ManuelnB. stay home and keep warm near thex fire%* ,7 Manuel takes you to town where hemeets a stranger.(You hear money clink between them.2Then Manuel puts a rope around your<neck.PThe stranger takes the rope andZpulls it tight to choke you! Manuel coaxes you. Finally he tiesa rope around your neck!(He drags you off and hands you over2to a stranger!%Hߡ JN You are furious with the anger ofa "kidnapped king."(You are tied up until you're bought2by a man in a red sweater.FHe puts you in a "cagelike crate"Pwith other dogs. He holds a club.d"I'll train you," he snarls. "Comenon, you red-eyed devil!"( What will you do?A. leap to bite him(B. bark at him in rage2C. try to run past him to escape<D. give up and obey the man As you leap, the man hits you hardwith the club.<You have never been struck by a clubFin your life. The pain is terrible.ZYou are bleeding!( What will you do now?A. leap to attack him(B. submit and obey the man(B E@ You snarl and growl like a wildanimal.(The man swings the club and2deliberately hits you hard.FNow what will you do?ZA. attack himdB. submit and obey him(xS { You rush to get around the man in thered sweater, but he is fast.(He crashes his club into your ribs,2knocking you against the wall.FWhat will you do now?ZA. attack himdB. submit and obey him(y { You will always hate this man, butyou know you must obey him or die.("Well, Buck, my boy," he says,2"... you've learned your place."FNot really. You have learned thatPa man with a club is a master whoZmust be obeyed.(r4 Soon two French-Canadians, Francoisand Perrault, buy you for their dogteam.FPerrault knows you are, "One damPbully dog!"dYou are put aboard a ship, thenNarwhal, bound for the Yukon.%" &". With you are three dogs:Dave, a gloomy and morose dogF Curly, a friendly Newfoundlandn0Spitz, a strong white HuskyHow will you deal with thesetraveling companions?#(l!Q"y Arrange the dogs in the order youwill approach them.(A. Dave2B. Curly<C. Spitzx #S!U9"T(You approach Dave in a friendly way.<He stares at you as if annoyed,Fyawns, and goes to sleep. He showedPyou that "there would be troubleZif he were not left alone."nAfter a lonely trip, you arrive atxthe snowy port of Dyea.  # w As your owner moves you ashore,thirty fierce Huskies attack Curly!F"It was the wolf manner of fighting,Pto strike and leap away . . . . TheyZclosed in upon her, snarling anddyelping."!"+ Type K to KEEP the action you willtake.(Type R to REMOVE the other three2choices.F Fhelp Curly fight the attackersPattack Curly with the HuskiesZignore the battledfind a safe place to watch the fight You learn the wolf way of fighting -leap in, strike, leap away.(Poor Curly is lost, but you have2learned the law of club and fang.d"No fair play. Once down, that'snthe end of you .... You'll see toxit that you never go down...."!@ Good idea. You are no match for 30half-wild huskies.(But you know that there will not2always be a safe place in this<harsh world.POne day soon you'll have to learnZto stand and fight. You leap to Curly's defense.<Although you are strong, you are noFmatch for 30 half-wild Huskies.ZSoon Curly is dead. Then the Huskiesdturn on you. !) What will you do?A. fight them all(B. surrender It's no use. They close in.It's too bad your career in the(North was so short.<Maybe cooperation doesn't workFhere? You give in. Perrault sees you anddrives the Huskies away.(This humiliating scene will trouble2your sleep for many months.FNow you know that next time youPmust fight like a wolf.0` Unlike Curly, you realize the newworld is different from the old.(Dogs like Curly, who don't adapt,2pay with their lives.!@$ How much have you learned aboutthis new place?(Use the left and right arrow keys to2make a list of things that belong in<the Yukon.PBELONGPDON'T BELONGd d n@ nPsnowxPsavageryPstaminaPgentlenessPfair playPstrengthP courtesy You survived this far and havelearned a lot.(Can you meet the challenges2that lie ahead? Curly is a friendly, good-tempereddog. To your relief, you have afriend on the voyage.FUnfortunately, as soon as your shipPdocks Curly is attacked and killedZby savage, half-wild Huskies.nOnce on land, your new owner,xPerrault, fastens "an arrangementof straps and buckles on you."You feel insulted to be "made adraft animal."But you're "too wise to rebel."!) & Five dogs are in the team. Wherewill you fit?<Arrange the dogs in the order youFwould prefer from lead dog backPto the weakest sled dog.dA. Sol-leks, an angry dognB. Spitz, the fiercest dogxC. Joe, an experienced dogD. Buck (you)E. Dave, a new dog 4e3~ In the book Buck wants to be firsttoo.<But Spitz also claims the lead spot.FPerrault places Spitz, the trainedPdog, at the head of the team.xHe puts you in front of Dave. "Zb#" What will you do to gain the leadposition?(A. fight Spitz2B. work hard and learn<C. become good friends with Perrault In camp you attack Spitz.Spitz fights back savagely until(Perrault forces you apart.<You realize that you will have toFget tougher before taking on thePfierce white dog again."\ Perrault carries governmentdispatches over the ruggedYukon territory.FYou learn how to pull hard, how toPfight for your share of the food, andZhow to sleep without freezing.nYou're becoming a tough, shrewdxveteran of the Yukon.&!433K(Perrault is not like Judge Miller.<He thinks your efforts to be friendlyFand sleep in his tent show weaknessPand lack of spirit.dHe bombards you with curses andncooking utensils to show hisxdisapproval.You begin to realize that you willhave to make it on your own in thisnew life.Now you know why Dave is a loner.&  You take your position in the team.2The others quickly let you know when<you make a mistake; they nip at you!PYou are fed very little. The poundZand a half of dried salmon that isdyour daily ration is not nearlynenough.You are always hungry. #"ր Here are some ways to get morefood.(Type K to KEEP the ones you will2try.FType R to REMOVE the others.Z Zsteal from Perrault's packdsteal from other dogsndrive weaker dogs away from foodxhunt rabbits and other gamebeg for more food from humansbeg for more food from dogs Not only do you "learn byexperience, but instincts longdead become alive again."2Dogs who cannot adapt soon die in<the Klondike.-H-H-I -I Spitz is a leader like you, but hehas the experience you lack.(Perrault places Spitz at the head2of the team.FYou try to avoid a fight with Spitz,Pbut on your first night ashore heZsteals all your food!"f What will you do?A. attack Spitz(B. beg for more food from Perrault2C. just let Spitz have the food Perrault swears at you and kicks you.You will find no sympathy here.<Spitz grins at you. You realize youFwere too trusting.nNow you know that you must survivexon your own in this land of ice andsnow.&"Q---- You fight Spitz and punish him forstealing your food.(But Perrault separates you before2either of you gets really hurt.FSpitz snarls with hatred. ThePleader of the dog team is now anZenemy!"\ A sled dog must learn to adapt.How should you behave toward the(others?4,3,% Match the best reaction for Buckz#?toward each member of the team.(A. fierce, distrustful, and cunning2B. obedient, innocent, and dedicated<C. protective, firm, and instructiveZ1. Billee, a weaker dogn2. Perrault, the master3. Spitz, the treacherous leader!N8&h"u< You are learning fast!But this hostile environment(demands a great deal.<"Swift and terrible death" awaitsFthose who cannot adapt.ZAre you ready for the hardshipsdthat lie ahead? Maybe Spitz is starving. You lethim have the food and don't make afuss.2But the next morning he takes your<food again.PYou hunt a rabbit for your breakfast,Zbut Spitz tries to take that fromdyou as well!"p1sx What will you do?A. run away from Spitz(B. fight Spitz alone2C. fight Spitz and bark for help You get away, but you are growingweak from hunger.(A weak dog cannot survive alone in2the Yukon.FYou'll have to do something fast.ZGood luck! u You fight Spitz, but hunger has madeyou weak.<Perrault cannot hear you so far fromFcamp.ZWill you survive?"3 The others come to watch the fight.When you wound Spitz, the others(fall on him like wolves.<It looks as if you have foughtFyour way to the leadership ofPthe team.4V3V DID YOU KNOW?This is what author Jack London(says about Buck's first day in2the Yukon:FIt "was like a nightmare. EveryPhour was filled with shock andZsurprise. He had been suddenlydjerked from the heart of civil-nization and flung into the heartxof things primordial."Will Buck survive?You'll find out when you readThe Call of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?The life of a sled dog is a hard one.2". . . Buck staggered along . . .<as in a nightmare . . . . when heFcould no longer pull, he fellPdown and remained down till blowsZfrom whip or club drove him todhis feet again."xCan Buck survive such an ordeal?Is he strong enough to become theleader of the team?You'll find out when you readThe Call of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?Do you believe in the survival of(the fittest?<Is Buck strong enough to survive?PWill he get any help from otherZdogs or from humans?nYou'll find out when you readxThe Call of the Wild.ZJC KE2fGHI [ABC2fG Z @H Z @4ZLC MD2fZNC OC2fCPCZS CTABCD2 AZUZVZWZXZY CiZKR #1f Z[@G!Z\ `B Z]C ^C2fZ_Z`CaD`B ZeC fC2fZg Ch<>ZiCjC`B ZmZnC oC2fZpC qD2fZtZuCvCZrZsZyZzC qD2f Ci|KR "2f Z} "0f Z~ "1f ZZCC `B Z C<> #1f ZC C2fZZ CABCDZZC C2f CABCDZ C<> #2f Z!Z  `B !C C2f CiKR #5f Z!ZZC C2fZCCZCC `B  You spend a few hard months in theYukon learning the law of club andfang.2Now you lead a team of sled dogs<and have worked for many masters.4G3G If you could choose your master(s),which would you want?(A. Perrault and Francois, experienced2 government couriersZB. Hal, Charles, and Mercedes, Ԡ򠠠x Π- ҠҠd newcomers searching for goldC. John Thornton, a young prospector who knows the Yukon&=%=$o2o(o) Sometimes on the trail you dream ofthe past when your ancestors werewolves.FThese dreams make you yearn to runPfree. You hear the call of the wild.dBut you feel loyal to Perrault. Andnyou are the only one who can controlxthe other dogs.0 & What will you do the next time youwant to run free?(A. ignore the feeling and stay2 with PerraultAB. obey the call and run awayK from campZC. go away for a little whiled and hunt wild game Perrault needs you. He is tryingto set a speed record to a towncalled Skagway.F"The trail was in excellentPcondition, well packed and hardZand there was no new-fallen snowdwith which to contend. Thentemperature dropped to fiftyxbelow zero and remained therethe whole trip.".).) As the leader of the team, whichtrail do you think is best?(A. over a frozen river - level2 running<B. along a ridge - firm footing Your team runs behind you as you flylike the wind. The ice is smooth andhard underfoot.FBut then you hear a crack. The icePis breaking!dWhat will you do?xA. get the team and the sled to the river's edgeB. wait for Perrault's orders}/B The couriers work frantically."Behind the sled was Francois,(pulling til his tendons cracked."ZAs the team reaches safety, Perraultdunharnesses the sled.xAlthough Perrault, Francois, and theteam are safe, the sled and allthe dispatches sink.Oh oh. You can tell from his voicethat Perrault is angry with you.%3&p The ice snaps with an alarmingsound.(Perrault cries out - but too late.<The weight of the sled drags youFinto the icy water. The dispatchesPwill not arrive - and perhaps neitherZwill you! You lead the team along the ridgethrough a glittering crust of snow.(As you run, you must be alert for2dangers. Here are some dangers of thetrail.(List them from the MOST dangerous2to the LEAST dangerous.FA. avalanchePB. grizzly bearsZC. wolvesdD. Indians +s<0s\'s} As you run, the snow underfoot feelssofter and softer.<Finally, although Perrault urges youFon, you bring the team to a halt.ZThen, only yards away, the wholedtrail slides down in an avalanche.xYour instincts have saved everyone!}?B]@ Near a dense pine thicket, you catcha strong scent.(Neck bristling, you halt the team2and begin to howl. Perrault<unharnesses the team.PJust then a marauding grizzly bearZcomes charging out of the trees.You and the other sled dogs drivethe bear away.Perrault can't wait to get to Skagwayto tell everyone, "Nevaire such adog as dat Buck!"+dr&" ̈́ As night falls, your ears prick up.There is an eerie howling in thedistance.2A wolf pack!FPerrault urges you on. EvenPthough you're tired, you run withZgreater speed than ever.nLate that night, exhausted, you allxmake camp.Thanks to you, the team is safe,and the wolves are far away.0%0%0&0&* The Yeehat Indians resent theinvasion of their territory byoutsiders.FUp ahead you see a Yeehat besidePthe trail.dJust as the Yeehat lets his arrownfly, you turn the team.The arrow misses Perrault by inches!Now the Yeehat will go back to hisvillage and tell of the Ghost Dogwho spoiled his aim.'#\''#u  Days later, tired but happy, theteam arrives in Skagway.<The whole town turns out toFcheer you.ZThe team has set a new speeddrecord. "Each day for fourteenndays they had averaged forty miles."Congratulations!..4x_3xw Type K to KEEP the two mostimportant lessons you have learned.(Type R to REMOVE the others.< <survival in the woodsFloyalty to a masterPteamworkZthe routine of trail lifedself-protection from other dogs You've learned a lot of importantlessons.(But what are the TWO most important?<Remember, only TWO. These lessons are crucial tosurvival.(Congratulations. You've become a2veteran of the Northland. One still, cold night, under a fullmoon, you dream of ancient timeswhen hairy men roamed the forests.FYou point your "nose at a starPand howl long and wolflike."dLater you steal away from camp tonrun free like your wild ancestors./)/)/)0y After two days you are hungryand cold.(You smell fresh meat near a2snowbank.FWhat will you do?ZA. dig into the snow for itdB. investigate carefully first Ouch! Steel jaws clamp aroundyour foot.(You are caught in a wolf trap!<Your only hope is that a trapperFwill come before it's too late.ZGood luck. Carefully you push the snow asideand find a sharp-toothed trapmade of metal.2You leave this dangerous meal<and hunt for game instead.PYou soon come upon a trail thatZleads to an animal's home in adlarge hollow log. What will you do?A. go into the log(B. wait for the animal to come out2C. hunt for something else You creep into the log. It'sdark inside.(You hear a menacing snarl.<You've crawled into a den ofFwildcats.ZGet out fast before they have youdfor dinner! You hide and wait.A wildcat comes out of the log,(and you know you are outmatched.<Hungry and cold, you edge away.PYou'll have to find somethingZelse to eat - very soon. You leave the hollow log. Soonyou find a rabbit.(It makes a good meal - but a very2small one.FYou'll need more food very soon.1T" You can't hunt very much becausePerrault is always on the move.(But you do learn to hunt small2game: rabbits, beavers, even <chipmunks. One day, not far from camp, youbring down a young deer.(What will you do now?<A. I will drag the deer to campF to share with Perrault.UB. I will keep the deer for_ myself.*c! Perrault is delighted with thefresh venison!<He cooks some for himself andFFrancois and gives the dogsPa share.dNaturally, you get the largestnportion.& u*so You feel a strong loyalty toPerrault, though he is not aloving master.FWhat does Perrault do for his dogs?ZUse the left and right arrow keysdto list the most important rewardsnPerrault offers.MOST IMPORTANTLESS IMPORTANT  @ Psource of foodPprotectionPdisciplinePcompanionshipPworkPshelter&  You keep the deer for yourselfand soon have a full stomach.(Then you hear a strange howling.2Wolves are coming for their<share of your dinner.0J0J0J50JN What will you do?A. head back to camp for safety(B. stay to protect your kill Perrault scolds you good-naturedlywhen you return.(Satisfied and warm, you curl up2to sleep.FYou may dream of running free,Pbut for now it's good to comeZback and be safe with Perrault.&h Wolves, gaunt and grey, come intothe clearing.(They are starving, and there2are a lot of them.FYou growl and prepare to defendPyourself, but you are hopelesslyZoutnumbered!nGood luck. You'll need it!0}<0}U0}o0} A sled dog usually has manymasters.(One day you are bought by Charles,2his wife Mercedes, and her brother<Hal.PThey are new to the North, andZthey are heading into the wilderness.2h (f$g As you watch them load their sled,you realize they are making ittoo heavy with tents, stoves,(pots, pans, and other luxuries. Some men standing nearby suggestthe load is too heavy. Charlesdisagrees.FWhat will you do?ZA. refuse to pull such a loaddB. try my best to pull it2 Hal curses and whips the teamwith savage fury.<The other dogs growl and snapFat him. You do not move, evenPwhen he beats you.dEventually Hal understands thatnhe will need more dogs to pullxthe heavy sled.$L Hal buys more dogs and is ready toleave.(He cracks the whip. The dogs pull2at the traces. But the sled does<not move.dOnlookers make several suggestions.xWhich suggestion do you think Halshould follow?A. break out the sled runners from the iceB. lighten the loadC. let the team rest for a while4=3= Hal removes an iron cooking stove.When he tries to take off the tent,(Mercedes protests.<"`Unheard of!' cried Mercedes,Fthrowing up her hands in daintyPdismay. `However in the worldZcould I manage without a tent?'"nWhat will become of you with thesextenderfeet?(>8 Hal lets the dogs rest for an extraday but does not increase the rationsfor the team.2"The poor dears!" says Mercedes.FShe turns to Hal and adds, "Now youPmust promise you won't be harshZwith them ... or I won't go a step."n"Precious lot you know about dogs,"xHal sneers.Will one day's rest be enough?What will become of you with thesetenderfeet?(S$ Hal throws his weight against eachside of the sled.(He breaks the runners out of the2ice!FNow the team is ready to move. HalPcracks his whip in the air, and theZsled moves slowly down the trail.}F_@ After a few days on the trail theteam is exhausted and cannot move.2Hal is furious. He begins whipping<you and calling you lazy brutes.dJust when you think you can't takenany more of it, a stranger rushesxacross the snow and makes Hal stop.43-$G) Hal orders you to attack theintruder.(What will you do?<A. obey HalFB. do nothing You are weak from lack of food,and the man pushes you aside.You fall in the snow.2Soon Hal and the others leave,<and you are alone with the man.PHe strokes your neck and talksZsoftly to you.nMaybe you have found a kindxmaster.)}Y The man fights with Hal and driveshim away.(Then the man turns to you.<In a kind voice he says, "YouFpoor devil."ZYou have the feeling that thisdman could be your friend.)s_ The sled is piled high with acrushing load.(Hal yells, "Mush!"<The team strains at the harness,Fbut the sled won't move.ZHal beats the dogs with a whip,dand they start moving to avoidnthe blows.$Ƣ}OG@ The sled inches forward, but youknow it will tip over at the firstcorner.4N3e What should you do?A. slow the pace to keep the( sled upright7B. decide to let it fall toA teach Hal a lesson Hal is angry with the slow pace.Finally he unloads some of thesupplies from the sled.2Now, as lead dog, you must<encourage the others, especiallyFthe new dogs, to do their best.ZType K to KEEP the ways you willdencourage the team.xType R to REMOVE the rest.@ Pshare foodPbite lazy dogsPbe a good examplePsnarl at othersPsteal food from shirkersPkill weaker dogsPattack Hal Unfortunately, the dogs ignoreyour tactics. The going is veryslow.2"Some days they did not make ten<miles. On other days they wereFunable to get started at all."ZIt looks as if this will be adlong, hard trip!4k3k Your encouragement seems to work!The sled picks up speed.(Maybe all tenderfeet need a smart2lead dog to help them.}?D The other dogs resent you.You keep them in line, but they(may turn on you. There's no2telling what these dogs will do.FThe Arctic has made them toughPand cruel.dBe careful! As you round a corner, the sledtips over, spilling half the load.(The old-timers laugh and point2at the three tenderfeet.FHal angrily beats the dogs whilePMercedes and Charles look on.$](^2^; Your harness breaks as you struggleto avoid Hal's blows.(What will you do now?<A. run away - These three don'tF deserve a good sled dog.UB. stay - They don't know the_ trail, and you are the leaderi of the team. You soon escape into the alleywaysof the town.<Later, you see the three leave.FGood riddance!ZBut will your next master bedany better?.a. You stay. But you are angry aboutyour treatment.(If you had the chance, you'd be2happy to leave these ignorant<tenderfeet.$I2KX(Ku John Thornton is different from theother masters you have had in theYukon.2John takes care of his dogs as if<they were his own children.PHere at last is a master worthyZof your loyalty.)h" You and John spend a lot of timetogether in town as well as onthe trail.2Use the left and right arrow keys<to list the qualities that would beFmost appropriate in each place.ZTOWNZTRAILn n x@ xPloyaltyPintelligencePstrengthPhumorPcouragePcommon senseP skill One day John gets into a fight witha bully known as Black Burton.<"Thornton was sent spinning, andFsaved himself from falling only byPclutching the rail of the bar."d"Those who were looking on heardnneither a bark nor a yelp, butxsomething that is best describedas a roar, and they saw Buck'sbody rise up in the air as he leftthe floor for Burton's throat.")2  You have attacked a man.What do you think John will do(now?<A. punish youFB. forgive you);@ < The miners agree that Burtonprovoked the attack.<Your loyalty to your master makesFyou famous in every camp in Alaska.ZJohn doesn't punish you. He isdproud of you."Never was there such a dog," hesays.2)f , You are often left alone whileJohn is out buying supplies.(There is a lot of time to daydream.2What would you most like to dream<about?PA. the safety and comfort of yourZ first home, the ranch ind CaliforniasB. the danger and excitement that} lie ahead with John As you think about life in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley, what doyou miss the most?2Arrange these comforts in order --<from the one you miss MOST to theFone you miss LEAST.dA. warm sunshinenB. children for playmatesxC. leisure and comfortD. security at night  Yes, life was much easier back inCalifornia.(But you can't recapture the past.2And there IS an exciting adventure<before you. What do you, as lead dog, wantMOST in the future?<Use the left and right arrow keysFto list things that are importantPto you.dVERY IMPORTANTdLESS IMPORTANTx x @ PgoldPJohn's safetyPmy safetyPfreedomPteam leadershipPJohn's respectP comfort  Hmm, you're thinking carefully.You and John make a great team. A@)@- Hmm, you expect a lot.Maybe John's experience and your(great strength can bring you2everything you want.dGood luck! FP)E9 A miners' meeting decides thatBurton provoked the attack.<There is no need for John toFforgive you. Your loyalty to himPmakes you famous.dYour "name (is) spread throughnevery camp in Alaska."2 |)z Now John wants to go prospecting forgold.(He takes a job in town to earn2enough money for the supplies<he'll need.)@* While John is working, you're freeto do as you please.(Arrange these activities in the2order you would like to do them.FA. rest in the sunPB. stay with John at his jobZC. run free and huntdD. look for wolvesx  This is like a vacation!You should enjoy your leisure.(Once John goes prospecting, you2may not have as much free time.FGood luck on the trail! John and his partners set out insearch of the Lost Cabin mine.("They found, not the Lost Cabin,2but a shallow placer in a broad<valley where the gold showed likeFyellow butter across the bottomPof the washing pan."dA placer is a sandy deposit rich innvaluable minerals, in this case,xgold.Now John will be busy panningfor gold.What will you do?A. stay with JohnB. go into the woods)-- - Life in camp is easy, and you havemost of the day to yourself.(Type K to KEEP the things you like2to do best.FType R to REMOVE the others.Z Zdoze by the firedthink about life at the ranchnplay "tom-fool" with Johnxgo hunting nearbyexplore the forestlisten to the wolves callthink about running away You're not used to being lazy.A life of ease can be difficult!2You'll have to find something to<do before long. Fv These are happy days.John is the best master you've ever(had.PWouldn't it be nice to stay inZcamp forever?)*-`-`-`ˀ You enjoy being on your own in thewild.(As you hunt, you strike the trail of2a giant bull moose -- the biggest<game you have ever found!,H What will you do?A. track the huge animal and hope( to kill it<B. return to camp and avoid suchF a strong opponent,R After days of tracking, you find themoose.(He has been wounded by an arrow and2is weak, but he is many times your<size.,Ak What is your next step?A. attack the moose and try to( kill it quickly<B. chase the moose and try toF exhaust and weaken it You leap at the moose, snarling.But the cunning old animal tosses(his head and catches you with his2antlers!FAs you tumble through the air, youPrealize you still have a lot toZlearn about big game hunting.,i^ You never let the moose rest. Fordays you pursue it.(Finally it collapses, so weak that2you kill it easily.FNow you're a real hunter!,Ub You return to camp and discover thatthere is nothing for the dogs to do.(You spend your free hours by the2fire.FYou dream, and behind you "are thePshades of all manner of dogs, halfZwolves and wild wolves ... dreamingdwith you."The call of the wild is growingstronger.0e0e0eĀ What will you do now?A. remain loyal and stay close( to John7B. answer the call of the wild)00s You stay close to camp for a fewdays. Then you get restless again.("From the forest came the call ...2a long-drawn howl, like, yet unlike,<any noise made by a husky dog."PYou know the call.dHow long can you resist it?-s'-tw-s-s0u݀ Now you are a creature of the wild.You are alone and must use your(instincts to survive.-9-9-9-:  DID YOU KNOW?Jack London spent part of his life(in the Yukon prospecting for gold.<He knew the terrible challengesFthat a sled dog faces. He knewPhow hard it is to survive in theZwilderness.nWill Buck master these challenges?You'll find out when you readThe Call of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?Jack London says, "Mercy was a(thing reserved for gentler climes."<Does this mean that Buck mustFlearn to become vicious and savagePin order to survive?dHow much will Buck change in thenYukon?You'll find out when you readThe Call of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?Buck has many masters.2How does Buck react when they are<cruel?PWhat does Buck do when they areZkind?nYou'll find out when you readxThe Call of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?"Tenderfoot" is the term used for(any inexperienced newcomer to the2Arctic.FWhat will happen when three foolishPtenderfeet become Buck's new owners?dWill they put him in unnecessaryndanger?Will their ignorance kill him?You'll find out when you readThe Call of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?John Thornton is the best master(Buck has in the Northland.<Yet Buck is never in more dangerFthan when he is with John.ZWhat sacrifices must they makedon their journey?xWill they survive -- or fail?You'll find out when you readThe Call of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?Buck is torn between two worlds.2He "sprang upon (John) in a frenzy<of affection . . . ."P"But after two days the call in theZforest began to sound more imperiouslydthan ever."xHow will Buck choose between Johnand the call of the wolves?Which world will claim Buck?The answer lies in The Call of theWild.Z CiKR#0 KP!P [ABC2fG Z @H Z @4ZC C2fZC C2fZ CIBWZZCDZC C2fZ CiKR #1f Z@G!ZZ CIWCZ `B Z CABCD2 AC D2fZŔCCZɔCCZĔZ͔ Ci KR #2f ZϔC D2fC D2fZӔZԔZՔZ֔Zה C)ABCDZٔZє !Zה C)ABCDZٔC C2fZ۔CCZߔCCC D2fZŔCCZɔCCZĔ `B  The Arctic is a harsh teacher, butyou have learned how to survive.(Sometimes you want to strike out2on your own and run free in the<wilderness.-F]-Fn-F-F Type K to KEEP the things thatwill help you survive.(Type R to REMOVE the rest.< <live like the wolvesFfind an Indian villagePlearn to hunt big gameZfind a new masterdraid camps for foodnlearn to fish You hear a strange call in the forest.You know it is not a dog. What(could it be?<Following the call to its source,Fyou see a long, lean timber wolf.0Y+ What will you do now?A. approach slowly and try to make( friends7B. attack at once The wolf is nervous at first butallows you to approach.(Soon it accepts you as a friend.2You hunt together for many days.FFinally one night both of you hearPthe cry of a whole pack of wolves.dYour wolf friend leaves you and joinsnthe others in the pack.0}q What will you do now?A. try to join the wolf pack(B. let the wolf return alone The wolves bristle and snarl at you.You must defend yourself.(You fight well, and the wolves2accept you.FYou can learn many things fromPthem, and you can teach themZa lot too.0a0a0b0b Type B next to each thing you, asBuck, can teach the wolves.(Type W next to each thing the2WOLVES can teach you.F Fhow to raid a campPhow to cooperate in huntingZhow to hide from humansdsecret trails through woodsnhabits of wild animalsxthe dangers of traps Survival isn't easy. You'll needto learn as much as you can.(But the call of the wild is very2strong, and you want to be free.-E-E(-E9-EJ The wolf leaves you alone -- but notfor long!<Soon you hear the pack running towardFyou.ZOne wolf was a friend, but will adpack of wolves be friendly?0-0u0u0v 0v" What is your next move?A. stand to face them, ready to fight(B. try to outrun them2C. hide to see what happens  They come into a clearing, dozensof them.(The leader leaps at you! But you2have become a tough and shrewd<fighter.PWithin moments you have defeatedZthe leader, and he slinks away.dThe others look at you with respect.xYou are now the new leader. 0(00 You run until you are worn out, butthe pack follows closely behind you.(They arrive, circle you for a few2moments, and then your friend comes<forward.PThey seem to accept you. You canZjoin the wolves and run free. l0k0l0l The wolves come to the clearing,sniff about, and go away.(You have outsmarted them.<But you are alone in a dangerousFwilderness.ZSurvival isn't easy. j With a snarl, you attack the wolf.You have become very good at the(wolf style of fighting.<Soon your enemy begs for mercy.0L What is your next move?A. spare the wolf -- You have( shown that you are master.7B. kill the wolf -- Only theA strong should survive. You could join the wolves now andrun free for the rest of your life.(Will you do it? :0:0:30:N Type K to KEEP the 2 best reasonsfor joining the pack.(Type R to REMOVE the 3 less2important reasons.F FIt is safer to be in a pack.PThere is friendship in a pack.ZI could become their leader.dI could learn about the wild.nI would be free. Sorry. Think again and chooseonly two reasons. Your decision is made.Good luck in the wilderness!-/-/-/-/ You dispatch the wolf quickly.Now you are on your own, alone(in the wilderness.<Remember, only the strong survive.-M-M-M-M What survival skills will you neednow?(Next to each item type:<W if most important in the WILDERNESSFC if most important in CIVILIZATIONZ Zobedience to men with clubsdendurance and patiencencooperation with othersxself-confidencebraveryconcentration on a task The call of the wild isirresistible.(Good luck!06-7-70-4-5 Survival in the Arctic wilderness isa great challenge.(You quickly become aware of many2dangers.FWhich ones should you fear the most? Arrange these from the MOST dangerousto the LEAST dangerous threats.(A. the bitter cold2B. wild animals<C. capture by human beingsFD. snow and ice +R'T-Uv-U The weather in the Klondike is verythreatening.(For example, right now it is seventy2below zero and snowing hard.FNow that you're alone, how willPyou survive the climate?dA. I will sleep in a hollow log.sB. I will burrow into the snow.C. I will sleep in the open on the ice. You sleep in the open.Too bad! Next morning you are(frozen to the ice!<As Jack London says in anotherFstory, "It certainly is cold!" You creep into a hollow log. Toyour surprise, there is a youngwolf there, too.0/Հ What is your next move?A. drive the wolf away and take( his place7B. try to share the log with theA wolf You easily drive the wolf away andsettle in.(But it gets colder and colder.2By morning you are nearly frozen.FToo bad you didn't have anotherPsource of warmth. After a little growling, yousettle down near the wolf.(Although it is very cold, the two2of you produce enough body heat to<make the long night bearable.PWill you go off with the wolf inZthe morning?nAre you ready to answer the soundingxof the call?0-i-{-- You burrow a foot or so down beneaththe surface of the snow and curl up.(You are dry and warm in your little2cavity in the snow.FThe next morning you find the snowPhas frozen to ice over your head. What is the best way to get out ofyour ice bed?(A. leap up quickly and break the2 crustAB. bite away at the crust slowly You leap up, breaking the crust,and emerge into the cold air.(A grizzly bear is standing nearby2and stares at you in surprise.FOops! Sometimes the cautiousPapproach is best.+` You patiently bite through the crust.Soon you realize that a grizzly bear(is standing nearby. You wait2quietly, and he moves away.ZYou have learned two importantdlessons in survival.x1. conserve energy2. move cautiously+= You're right. There are many wildanimals nearby.(Which ones can you fight, and which2must you avoid? Type K to KEEP the animals you arenot afraid to fight.(Type R to REMOVE the ones you had2better avoid.F@ FPgrizzly bearPPlynxZPwolverinedPlone wolfnPmoosexPfoxPrabbitPwolf packP badgerP beaver+0N,1݀ You will do a lot of running!One morning you are very hungry.(You come across a bear eating a2freshly killed deer.+B*B You want that deer.How will you get at it?2A. bark at the bear and try to< chase it awayKB. close in and prepare to attackZC. come back later when the beard is gone+m* You wait patiently for the bear tofinish its meal.<When it is gone you help yourselfFto what is left.nThis, too, is the law of club andxfang.You've learned how to survive.+*JG The bear is irritated and lumbersafter you!<You start running, and the bearFfollows.ZWhere will you lead the bear?nA. in circles to confuse itxB. across a frozen riverC. deep into the forest+ The bear is confused all right.Soon it stops running. You race(back to the deer.<But before you can get some meat,Fthe bear crashes into the clearing.ZIt looks as if it's time to leave!+j The bear gets closer and closer asyou near the river.(It is only a few feet behind you as2you run onto the ice.ZIt is about to grab you when --nPCRACK!+?? `pp ύ?0p!#x!qpi_f 1!c` ( 9 <*8% c&~C~)CK&CHCU] x@'3` x'8??|  ? x  @#r "2"Z @7 "2"!Z @7 ! "2 eZ @7 "2"Z @7 Z @#0  B B B B B B   B  0 B 0 D B D X B X !B" B "  B `Z@"Z(You're doing very well!2Would you like to see a scene from<the story?ZA. YesdB. NoSelect ItemZON THE TRAIL WITH BUCKnBuck leads the team in a recordxrun to the town of Skagway, 560miles in fourteen days!But the wolves sing the song ofthe pack and are never far away.YKYt2d2d22-x'--N}GNH Τ   P ޤȌ$"H%"+H%B%%A%!&"s&&}0&sD&&4&2&4&&&&&'"'$'P'0''(58(2("2$(/(-@(2D(4(9(/(9(:,(2(?$(:(?H)Yؤ)Y)YK*Z<*ZK*Z(0+[(,\222"v2,3x-/?<><<OBSTACLES TO SURVIVAL#CALEARNING AND INSTINCT"C$CBUCK'S SELF-RELIANCE$C)APRIDE AND INDEPENDENCE!C.(<<><><BUCK'S GROWTHk&C41<DCABBUCK'S HUMAN MASTERSn#C4DSTRENGTH AND HEREDITY*C9ASTRENGTH, LOVE, AND DEVOTIONb!CT>(DSBDBSTHE SLED DOGSZ!CADVISIONS OF THE PASTd,C4F<DCBAHOW HUMANS FEEL ABOUT BUCK1C4I<ACDBCONTRASTING DOGS' PERSONALITIES'C4L<CBADDIALECT AND CHARACTERh2@B B `"0x  [AB "0f ZZ`Bx `"0  "2| G  Why is Buck afraid and puzzled whenhe gets to Port Dyea?(A. He has never seen snow.2B. He is afraid of crowds.<C. He has been beaten byF his new owner.PD. He is pretending in orderZ to escape.Coming from California, Buck hasnever seen snow. The strange newelement puzzles and frightens himfor a moment.Sorry. Buck is not a coward. Hefights when he is stolen.HINT: What happens on deck?Sorry. Although a trainer beatsBuck, his new owner does not.HINT: What happens on deck?Sorry. Buck has been taught obedience.He is not yet cunning enough to planan escape.HINT: What happens on deck? Buck must overcome both internaland external obstacles.(Use the left and right arrow keys2to list these obstacles.FINTERNALFEXTERNALZ Z d@ dPbitter coldnPignorancexPSpitz's rivalryPquick temperPdomesticationSorry. External obstacles existoutside Buck. Internal obstaclescome from within.Right! The internal obstaclesare harder to overcome. What is the major difference betweenBuck's behavior in civilizationand in the wilderness?2A. obedience in civilization,< freedom in the wildFB. ignorant actions in civilization,P intelligence in the wildZC. fear in civilization, boldnessd in the wildnD. love of adventure in civilization,x love of comfort in the wildBuck learns to obey men in civilization.In the wild he is eventually free andobeys no one but himself.Sorry. Buck is a very intelligentdog in both environments.HINT: Think of how Buck changes.Sorry. Buck has little to fear onthe Judge's ranch.HINT: Think of how Buck changes.Sorry. If anything, the contrastwould be the other way around.HINT: Think of how Buck changes. Buck must learn many things inorder to survive.(What is the most important lesson?<A. how to find shelterFB. how to huntPC. to discard civilized valuesZD. the dangers of the trailSorry. This lesson helps Bucksurvive, but another one is moreimportant.HINT: What does Buck learn from Pike?Sorry. This lesson helps Bucksurvive, but another one is moreimportant.HINT: What does Buck learn from Pike?In the wild, civilized values areluxuries. Buck learns that fromPike when the dog steals food tostay alive.Sorry. This lesson helps Bucksurvive, but another one is moreimportant.HINT: What does Buck learn from Pike? We know that Buck can survivealone and live on his own when(A. he kills human beings.2B. he rescues John.<C. Spitz dies.FD. gold is discovered in theP Klondike.Buck kills the Yeehats who murderJohn. Killing "the noblest gameof all" proves that Buck can surviveon his own.Sorry. This act proves Buck'sdevotion to John, not his abilityto survive.HINT: What is "the noblest game of all"?Sorry. Spitz's death shows thatBuck is a good fighter but notthat he can survive alone.HINT: What is "the noblest game of all"?Sorry. Gold brings Buck to theNorth, but it does not guaranteehis survival.HINT: What is "the noblest game of all"? Buck changes as the story develops.Use the left and right arrow keys to(describe him at the beginning and end.<BEGINNING+CCTHE LAST LINK TO CIVILIZATION?CBBUCK'S FATEAh2@B B `"0x  [AB "0f ZZ`Bx `"0  "2| G  When Buck pulls the heavy sled,John cries. "The tears werestreaming freely down his cheeks."2John weeps because heFA. fears Buck is hurt.PB. is happy to win the money.ZC. is ashamed for treating Buckd so badly.nD. realizes that Buck has cheatedx to win.Sorry. Although John may beconcerned, this is not why he cries.HINT: Buck proves his devotion to John.Sorry. John is happy to get themoney, but there is a more importantreason for his tears.HINT: Buck proves his devotion to John.John realizes that Buck has acted outof pure love. John is ashamed ofhimself for punishing Buck just towin a bet.Sorry. Buck has given his all to winthe bet. He has not cheated.HINT: Buck proves his devotion to John. Throughout the story, Buck hears"the call of the wild."(The best definition of this call is<A. the urge to be away from cities.FB. an understanding of human beings.PC. being at one with the beauty ofZ nature.dD. a primitive urge to be wild andn free.Sorry. The call of the wild leadsBuck away from cities, but this isnot the best definition.HINT: Who is the hairy man?Sorry. Buck feels no particular urgeto study the behavior or thoughts ofhumans.HINT: Who is the hairy man?Sorry. Buck does not appreciate thebeauty of nature.HINT: Who is the hairy man?The call represents a primitive urgeto be independent and free. It is theimpulse to dominate and survive. John Thornton often curses Buck,and Buck bites John.(This behavior suggests that London2believesFA. humans and animals always fight.PB. even "tame" dogs cannot be trusted.ZC. humans betray the animals theyd train.nD. feelings of love are disguised inx a harsh environment.Sorry. Neither John nor Buck reallyintends any harm.HINT: They know only the strongsurvive.Sorry. John does trust Buck.HINT: They know only the strongsurvive.Sorry. John will allow no harm tocome to Buck.HINT: They know only the strongsurvive.John and Buck are embarrassed to showtheir "softer" side. They disguisetheir tender feelings with rough playand harsh words. The tenderfeet Hal, Charles, andMercedes refuse to take advicebecause2A. they already have a guide.<B. they are arrogant.FC. they are racing against aP deadline.ZD. they are preoccupied with thed dogs.Sorry. They do not hire a guide.If they had listened to advice,they would have used one!HINT: Hal says, " ... I'll fix you."In their arrogance, the three thinkthey can survive in the North. Theyare wrong.Sorry. They are looking for gold,but no deadline is mentioned.HINT: Hal says, " ... I'll fix you."Sorry. The dogs do not keep them sopreoccupied. There is another reasonfor their behavior.HINT: Hal says, " ... I'll fix you." When Spitz dies, Francois chasesBuck with a club. Buck avoids him.(Buck's escape indicates that he will<A. be beaten.FB. become demoralized.PC. be leader of the team.ZD. become frightened of men.Sorry. Buck is now too cunning tobe caught and beaten.HINT: How does Buck avoid Francois?Sorry. Buck appears to enjoy thegame with Francois.HINT: How does Buck avoid Francois?Buck demonstrates his cunning andintelligence. When he returns, hecomes on his own terms, as leaderof the team.Sorry. Buck does not seem to befrightened at all.HINT: How does Buck avoid Francois? In the North, Buck finds himself"flung into the heart of thingsprimordial."2Press K to KEEP the words that<define primordial.PPress R to REMOVE the others.d@ dPprimarynPprimitivexPprimevalPpreliminaryPprimalPprivationSorry. Primordial refers to theearliest times. Which words mean"ancient" or "basic"?Yes! These words all come from aroot word meaning "first." In symbolic terms, Buck's storyplaces the highest value on(A. strength and individualism.2B. gold and material wealth.<C. the intellect.FD. brotherhood and humanity.Although London sincerely believedthat all people are equal, he seemedto admire the strong, independentindividual.Sorry. The story shows that thedesire for wealth corrupts humanbeings.HINT: Why does Buck survive?Sorry. Often London seems to saythat instinct is more reliable thanintellect.HINT: Why does Buck survive?Sorry. London believed all peopleare equal, but this story indicatesanother, contrasting belief.HINT: Why does Buck survive? The most important conflict in thisstory is between(A. man and animal.2B. man and nature.<C. heat and cold.FD. learning and instinct.Sorry. This conflict arises, butanother one is more important.HINT: Think about the title ofthe book.Sorry. This conflict arises, butanother is more important.HINT: Think about the title ofthe book.Sorry. This conflict never reallyarises in the story.HINT: Think about the title ofthe book.The conflict between learning andinstinct (civilization vs. thewilderness) is the most importantone in the story. Author Jack London creates suspenseby describing(A. races against time.2B. physical conflicts.<C. shadowy figures.FD. occult figures and events.Sorry. There is one race in thestory, but it is not the majorsource of suspense.HINT: Will Buck survive?Buck's physical struggles againstcruel masters, other vicious dogs,and the harsh climate create suspense.We wonder if he will survive.Sorry. Buck does have a few shadowyfears, but more immediate threatsprovide the suspense.HINT: Will Buck survive?Sorry. The Yeehats believe Buck isa ghost, but this does not createsuspense.HINT: Will Buck survive? The Yeehats will eventuallyA. capture and tame Buck.(B. all be killed by Buck.2C. track down and kill Buck.<D. make a legend of Buck.Sorry. They call him the EvilSpirit and the Ghost Dog. NoYeehat would try to tame Buck.HINT: Think about their names for Buck.Sorry. They avoid Buck, whom theycall the Ghost Dog. He could notkill them all.HINT: Think about their names for Buck.Sorry. They dread and fear the EvilSpirit, the Ghost Dog. They will nottry to track him.HINT: Think about their names for Buck.The Yeehats call Buck an Evil Spiritand a Ghost Dog. As time goes on,his legend probably will grow. If Buck had not fought Spitz,A. Spitz would have killed Buck.(B. the two would have become friends.2C. Buck would have replaced Spitz.<D. Perrault would have sold Buck.Spitz, a treacherous "devil-dog,"guards his position as leader. Intime he would have caught Buck offguard and killed him.Sorry. The two bitterly compete forleadership. They could never befriends.HINT: Spitz is a "devil-dog."Sorry. Spitz fiercely protects hisposition as leader. He would nothave allowed Buck to lead.HINT: Spitz is a "devil-dog."Perrault thinks Buck is a "bullydog" and probably would have kepthim despite the trouble with Spitz.HINT: Spitz is a "devil-dog." Each summer Buck returns to thesite of John's death.(This means that Buck<A. believes John is still alive.FB. is still searching for John'sP killer.ZC. keeps one tie with civilization,d his memory of John.nD. cannot accept John's death.Sorry. Buck knows that John isdead. You may want to re-readthis part of the story.HINT: John is Buck's best master.Sorry. Buck quickly punishes John'skillers. You may want to re-readthis part of the story.HINT: John is Buck's best master.Buck retains his memory of John,the best person he has known incivilization. This memory is thelast link to his old life.Sorry. Buck knows John is dead. Youmay want to re-read this part of thestory.HINT: John is Buck's best master. If men had not discovered gold inthe Klondike,(A. Buck would still have become a2 lead dog.<B. Buck would not have developedF cunning and strength.PC. the Northland would never haveZ been settled by humans.dD. dogs in the South would have hadn harder lives.Sorry. Buck would not have beenstolen and probably would haveended his days as the Judge's pet.HINT: Think about life on the ranch.Since Buck would never have beenstolen, he would not have developedhis cunning and strength.Sorry. Humans come to the Northlandfor other reasons. Some would havesettled in this rugged country.HINT: Think about life on the ranch.Sorry. Buck's life in the South wascomfortable and easy.HINT: Think about life on the ranch. DID YOU KNOW?Dogs were once wild animals, very(much like wolves.<Humans have tamed dogs over manyFthousands of years to make themPpets and working animals.dBut perhaps signs of those wildnancestors still exist in some dogs.How are dogs like wolves?Think about this as you readThe Call of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?What is a gold rush? When have they(happened -- and where?<It's easy to understand why men wouldFwant to get rich overnight.ZBut many prospectors -- even thedones who struck it rich -- sufferedna great deal.You'll find out more about the hardlife of a prospector when you readThe Call of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?Nature's law of survival is simple.2The strong live, and the weak die.FDoes this seem cruel and unfair?ZWhen you read The Call of the Wild,dyou'll see why survival of thenfittest is nature's law. DID YOU KNOW?Do you take civilization for granted?2What would life be like without<stores, electricity, and telephonesFto make things easier; or televisionPand films to provide entertainment;Zor laws to guarantee your safety?nLife in the wilderness is a challengexand a struggle.You'll find out when you readThe Call of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?" `You poor devil,' said John Thornton(and Buck licked his hand."<This is how a wonderful relationshipFbegins between dog and master.ZDo you have a pet?nIf you faced terrible hardships,xwould your pet be as loyal to youas Buck is to John?Think about this as you read TheCall of the Wild. DID YOU KNOW?What if your very life depended on the(cooperation of others?<Do you trust other people enough toFplace your life in their hands?ZWhat would you do if another person'sdsurvival depended on you?xAs you read The Call of the Wild,think about how men and dogs musttrust each other to survive.X(^Ucaf}xg2{>lo cC^wrkvE_M!}vdfyV_lwE8},KoN>XO }tr_s!dd`wsoQb-!)~g{0vapbzqnlmI}{v~u %mtR`qUS