{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1 \deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\f28\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03040902040508030806}Old English Text MT;} {\f174\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE;}{\f175\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr;}{\f177\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek;}{\f178\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur;} {\f179\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew);}{\f180\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic);}{\f181\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255; \red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green0\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;\red128\green128\blue0; \red128\green128\blue128;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 \snext0 Normal;}{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}}{\info {\title The Eamon Adventurer\'92s Guild}{\author Thomas J. Zuchowski}{\operator Thomas James Zuchowski}{\creatim\yr2000\mo2\dy23\hr17\min32}{\revtim\yr2000\mo3\dy26\hr13\min49}{\printim\yr1998\mo5\dy17\hr10\min10}{\version4}{\edmins2}{\nofpages10} {\nofwords6296}{\nofchars-32766}{\*\company }{\nofcharsws0}{\vern8247}}\margl1440\margr1440 \widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\noxlattoyen\expshrtn\noultrlspc\dntblnsbdb\nospaceforul\lytprtmet\hyphcaps0\formshade\horzdoc\dghspace120\dgvspace120\dghorigin1701 \dgvorigin1984\dghshow1\dgvshow0\jexpand\viewkind1\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot\bdrrlswsix\nolnhtadjtbl\oldas \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2 \pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6 \pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\f28\fs56\super The }{\f28\fs56 Eamon Adventurer\rquote s Guild \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw60\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrs\brdrw60\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs36 JUNE 1998}{ \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par \par \sect }\sectd \marglsxn1080\margrsxn1080\margtsxn1008\margbsxn1008\sbknone\linex0\cols2\colsx432\endnhere\sectdefaultcl \pard\plain \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 { News and Opinion: \par \par Gosh. Not a lot has gone on since the last newsletter. I checked with everyone and updated the \'93Correspon- \-dent's Corner\'94 listing. And somehow I managed to get the bulk of the newsletter written an entire month early this time around. It's weird how time flows dif\-ferently at different times. \par \par Online, Genie gets a little less active every week, and IDT appears to finally be making good on its promise to move Genie off of GEIS. The move is in transition, so I don't have any opinions on it just yet, but with over 11,000 files, Genie remains }{ \ul the}{ place to find Apple II downloads. \par \par Delphi isn't picking up much of Genie's message slack, and Delphi's library remains sparse. Usenet is the usual hatefest mingled with an occasional message actually worth reading. The APPUSER forum still exists on CompuServ e, but it is down to about a half-dozen messages per week, and is now under a new leadership who seemed to think that APPUSER is an appropriate place to announce MACUSER uploads. Sheesh. \par \par It appears that the bottom line for online Apple II activities is th at few are willing to pay to participate any more, and that leaves us with little information and interaction. I found myself strangely saddened by the announcement of the Twilight II upgrade, as excitement about it con\- stituted the bulk of online message traffic for a week or so. We've come to the point where an upgrade of a screen saver is cause for ecstatic excitement. Alas. \par \par It's my hope that somewhere, sometime down the line, a moderated Apple II newsgroup will surface. The present unmoderated group is dominated by four or five people who spend all their energies trashing each other and anyone who butts into their tirades. (This is, by the way, a very common scenario in Usenet news\-groups.) Meanwhile, we all suffer. \par \par But there is a good bit of Apple II software available on the Internet. Here is a rundown of good Eamon sites: \par \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {http://www.ecnet.net/users/mumbv/pages/eamon/ \par index.shtml (also has emulators) \par \par ftp://ftp.gmd/de/if-archive/games/appleII/eamon/guild/ (also has emulators in ftp.gmd.de/emulators/) \par \par ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/doc/mi sc/if-archive/games/ \par appleII/eamon/guild/ \par \par http://ground.isca.uiowa.edu/eamon/ \par ftp://ground.isca.uiowa.edu/eamon/ \par \par ftp://babylon.caltech.edu/Zocalo/pub/apple2/8bit/ \par games/eamon/ \par \par http://www.lysator.liu.se/eamon/ \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {If you are looking for Apple II emulators, you can find them on the two sites listed above. \par \par Last but far from least, the center of Apple II Internet activity is http://www.syndicomm.com/a2web/ which has links to just about every Apple II site that there is. \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par If this page looks a little bit different to you, it\rquote s be\-cause I changed the title font. Back in the old days when the EAG newsletter was started, my 8-pin Ep\-son MX-80 printer was hopeless at printing attractiv e titles, so I made up a title with Pres-a-Ply rub-on let\- tering and photocopied it onto the page. But now that I am printing the newsletter with a higher-quality printer, I looked around and found a font that looks very much like the old title. This saves me the hassle of photocopying the title onto the master page before printing. \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs24 EAMON ADVENTURER'S GUILD \par }{ Thomas Zuchowski, Editor \par \par \par \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par Membership/subscription fee for 4 issues: \par US-Canada: $7.00; foreign: $12.00; in U.S. funds \par This newsletter is published 4 times per year, in March, June, September, and December \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\hyphpar0\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par This newsletter was composed in its entirety using Appleworks 4.3 on an Apple IIgs computer. It was then transferred to a PC for printing. \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par We are always looking for new material! If you would like to publish your own letter or article in this newsletter, feel free to send one in. \par \par If you would like to add your own Eamon adventure to the EAG list, send it to the above address. It will be ass igned an Adventure number, and tested for bugs and other problems. An informal critique and disk with bug corrections will be returned for your final comment, action and approval before release. \par }{\b \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b BACK ISSUES: \par }{ \par }{\b NEUC 'Adventurer's Log': \par }{ Mar'84, May'84, Aug'84, Oct'84, Jan'85, Mar'85 \par May'85, Aug'85, Oct'85, Jun'86, Jan'87, Oct'87 \par \par }{\b EAG back issues:}{ \tab 1988: - Jun, Sep, Dec \par }\pard \qj \fi720\li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { 1989,'90,'91,'92,'93: Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec \par }\pard \qj \li720\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin720\itap0 { 1994,'95,'96,'97: Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { 1998: Mar \par \par Price:\tab EAG members:\tab $1.00 each \par }\pard \qj \fi720\li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {non-members:\tab $2.00 each \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }{\ul \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\ul Our mail-order Eamon vendor: \par }{ \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par . \par \par Eamons are available online at various sites. Some I can recommend are }{\b Genie, ftp.gmd.de, ground.isca.uiowa.edu, }{and}{\b http://www.ecnet.net/ users/mumbv /pages/eamon/index.shtml}{ \par \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b EAG EAMON DISK OFFER \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par EAG members can obtain the complete Eamon set from the EAG. This contains both the DOS 3.3 and 80-col. ProDOS Eamon collections archived to 3.5 disks. These are ShrinkIt ar chives. To access the ProDOS titles, you must at least one 3.5 drive. The DOS 3.3 titles require both 3.5 and 5.25 drives. \par \par The EAG members' price for the entire set is $25.00. To take advantage of this offer: \par \par 1) This offer requires that you supply the disks. You must include }{\b 19}{ DD 3.5 floppies with your payment. }{\b NOTE}{ that these }{\b MUST}{ be }{\b DD}{ disks. My drives cannot read nor write to HD disks! \par \par 2) You must use a shipping container that I can re-use to return the filled disks to you. \par \par 3) The $25.00 price includes formatting the floppies with ProDOS If you format the disks for me, the price is $20.00. This reflects the time savings I get from not having to do the formatting. It doesn't mat\- ter what ProDOS volume name you use since they will be rewritten. \par \par 4) If any of the above requirements are not met, the disks will be returned unfilled, and the shipping cost will be deducted from your refund. \par \par 5) Both versions of 8-bit ShrinkIt and basic instruc\-tions are included with the set. \par \par Purchase of the set puts you on a mailing list that automatically gets free updates about twice per year. \par \par \par \par \par \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs28 Eamon Walk-Through \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par A Walk-Through of Eamon #126 \par \par "Pyramid of Anharos" \par \par This is a worthy quest for the hardened Adventurer! It's a puzzle-rich outing with minimal combat. Not only are there plenty of puzzles to solve, but you are on a tight timeline no longer than the contents of your water bag. \par \par Everything hinges on water consumption, and there is very little margin for error. Normally, anyone could ex pect to die and restart several times before winning. Your armor and your companions are also a drain on your water. So here are the hints for those who wish to solve it themselves: \par \par Hire the best guide and follow his suggestions. Any\-thing you see off the guide's recommended path is likely a mirage. Get off his path, and you become lost and will waste much water before you find your way again. \par \par You and your guide will consume one unit of water per turn. If you are wearing armor, you will sweat so much that water consumption might double or more. There is only one place in the entire adventure where armor is desirable, so take it off until you need it. \par \par You will be unable to find your way in the desert until you get Anharos to show you the way. \par \par The protection of Terza should be sought as well. \par \par Let's get started! \par \par First things first. You're sweating all your water away in your armor, so take it off! DROP your armor, then GET it again for later use. \par \par Follow Omar's (you did get the best guide, right?) advice and go east, then SE. Kill the Dust Devil. Again follow his advice and go S, E, and E. \par \par A great pyramid! Read the glyphs on the door. SAY FOR ANHAROS, then go east. GET a torch. (Actually, there are two torches. I only found a need for one, but fee l free to grab both if you wish.) Light the torch and go east. Uh, oh. Those flattened bodies and dark stains indicate that there is probably a heavy deadfall trap ahead, so we'll just turn around right now. Go back outside and around to the south side of the pyramid. \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\hyphpar0\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { Once you reach the south side, take a LOOK around. That loose stone looks interesting. It's far too large and heavy to move yourself, so let's try the same trick that got us in the main entrance: SAY FOR ANHAROS. It opens! \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par Go north, then west. Kill the guards and get the pike. \par \par Go east twice. That rope looks like it might be useful\endash EXAMINE it to see if it's real\endash it is! GET the rope, then return west to the center chamber. Go north three times. \par \par Go west into the storeroom and LOOK around. Get the tunic. Go east twice and LOOK around again. Get the amulet, and WEAR it. Go back west to the center chamber. \par \par Go north. A huge statue! Maybe there's something up there? EXAMINE it. Maybe you could hook one of the teeth? THROW ROPE. Climb UP the rope, then go south into the statue's mouth. \par \par Hmm. That moat looks fishy, and the corpse with the flesh eaten away is a clear warning of danger. EXAM\-INE the moat to get a closer look at it. Whatever it is, it isn't water, so let's play it safe and not try swimmi ng in it. That pike should make a pretty good vaulting pole, so let's use it to JUMP across the moat. (Simply type JUMP.) \par \par A wall of flame! You don't want to end up like the burned corpse. That tunic you found is a real heavy fabric and should offer some brief protection from the flames, so WEAR TUNIC, then go south into the fire. \par \par Yeah, that worked well. DROP the tun ic to conserve your water consumption. Go south. But now we're facing some sort of electrical discharge, and that corpse bears signs of electrocution. Perhaps that amulet will offer some protection? Let's try it! Go south. It works! \par \par Oops, another corpse, this one clawed badly. Read the glyphs engraved in the floor. They say, THOSE WITHOUT HONOR PASS AT THEIR PERIL. Now go south. You face an avatar of Alaxar! If you don't get the answer right, your Quest ends here. It's looking for a worthy trait, so your answer is HONOR. \par \par A stair! Go up, then north. A pool, and none too soon! Get water from the pool to refill your water bag, then return back south for a look around. Try south into the black room. Whoops, that's no good at all. Return north and relight your torch. \par \par Examine that pedestal. Remember that the desecration involved the theft of the Diamond of Purity, so that depression in the pedestal is certainly where it must belong. Read the glyphs. They say to "follow the light of the spectrum and reach he who lies above." That's the key here. Go into each of the colored rooms, in this order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Now, go back north into the white room. \par \par A column of water reaches to the room above! SWIM, and it will carry you up there. Go north. \par \par Looking around, you find that this Inner Chamber contains the Queen's remains. We're looking for An\-haros, so continue north. \par \par This sarcophagus bears the Seal of Anharos-- pay dirt! Take a LOOK around, and find a hidden door in the mural. Open it. Read the glyphs on the reliquaries. Yep, as you would expect, they contain Anharos' in\- ternal organs. (If you don't know, this really was stan\-dard procedure for mummification.) \par \par You remember that Pindar Rambis said that Anharos will "reveal the gem when he is made whole again." Open the sarcophagus, and put the reliquaries inside. \par \par Anharos awakes! Listen to what he says, and make note of the map he etches on the sarcophagus lid. \par \par Now we know where we are going! SWIM back down the waterspout and refill your water bag, then leave the pyramid, using all the protections you used while getting in. (Don't forget to take the tunic off after passing the flames.) \par \par The map departed from the east side of the pyramid, so that's where you'll want to start from; go east and north to get there. Then from that point, go east six times. Ignore the crazed hermit if you can, or kill him if you must. \par \par You arrive at the Obelisk of Terza. If you've been paying attention, you've noted that you are walking in the Desert of Terza, and that she is the goddess of pain and purification. It could do no harm to get her protection. Read the glyphs on all four sides, enduring the pain. Her protection comes at a price, but you can stand it! Heal yourself when done. \par \par Now go south five times, to the Riff camp. It is your option whether to aid Farouk along the way, but I would do so. Pat, er, Alaxar, has a history of reward\- ing good behavior. Be warned, the aid will cost you 20 units of water, but you should be able to afford it if you've been sticking to the plan here. \par \par A spring! Refill your water bag. You can expect some fighting here too. With the spring nearby, here is an excellent place to don your armor for combat. \par \par There are a couple of ways to go from here. If you go to the west then south, you have to kill all the Riff children (which is rather distasteful to classy Adven\- turers.) If you go straight south, you have to kill the women. If you go east, then south, you have to kill the men. The choice is yours. I've tried them all and prefer dealing with the women; it's the straightest path to your goal. \par \par Kill the sheik and his aide. You're through fighting now, so drop your armor to remove it and conserve water. Examine that carpet. Read it. It says, "SOAR WITH ALAXAR." What's this, a magical flying car\-pet? Get it! \par \par Still nothing to be found. LOOK closer. You find an onyx case! Get the case and open it. The Diamond of Purity! Get it! (Just so you know, if you aren't enjoy\- ing Terza's protection at this point, the diamond will sap your strength and kill you in three or four moves. Remember the Sheik's sickly condition?) \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\hyphpar0\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {Your water is probably running low by now, so go back to the spring and refill your water bag. Now it 's time to try out that carpet. SAY SOAR WITH ALAXAR, and return to the pyramid. \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par Re-enter the pyramid, and return to the Pedestal Room. Put the Diamond of Purity in its niche on the pedestal. Order is restored in the universe! Your Quest is complete! \par \par But you're not done yet. Return to the pyramid's se\-cret entrance (use the carpet), and SAY FOR AN\-HAROS to re-seal it. \par \par Then use the magic carpet to go home! \par \par \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs28 Eamon Reviews \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par #168 The High School of Horrors \par \tab \tab by Michael Haney and Aaron Hunt \par \par Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski \par \par MAIN PGM Version: 4 \par Extra Commands: OPEN, CONSUME, READ \par Deleted Commands: None, no SAVE \par Special Features: None \par Playing Time: 30-60 min. \par Reviewer Rating: 3.0\tab Average Rating: 3.5/2 \par \par Description: "You find yourself at the entrance to a very old high school: St. Marquis de Sade. It has no windows or other exits that you can see. The only door is the one before you. You recall that you've been told that the Senior class is missing, a gu est speaker gone, and the whole school overtaken by hor\-rifying creatures. \par \par "Feeling a sense of duty, you enter the school. A cold shiver runs up your spine as you realize the doors have locked behind you. Your adventure has begun. Good luck, you'll need it!" \par \par Comment: Here we find ourselves locked in a very boring, nearly empty high school building peopled by a handful of incongruous monsters and bad men. I personally find it rather poorly done to run into, say, Adolph Hitler with a machine gun without ever seeing an explanation for what he is doing alive and well in a modern U.S. high school. \par \par You will almost certainly achieve the dual Quests of freeing the class and the speaker in the normal course of exploring, so your real goal here is to find an exit. This bit is somewhat clever and almost raised the rat\-ing all by itself. \par \par Here is a hint that may allow you to see a special without really spoiling anything for you: "time." \par \par Difficulty of (5). \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {#171 The Pyramid of Cheops\tab by Robert Parker \par \par Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski \par \par MAIN PGM Version: 5 \par Extra Commands: None \par Deleted Commands: None \par Special Features: None \par Playing Time: 30-60 min. \par Reviewer Rating: 5.0 \par \par Description: "'To speak the name of the Dead is to make them live again.' - inscription on wall in King Tut's tomb - \par \par "It has been many months since you have left the Guildhall. You have traveled far to reach . . . \par \par "The Pyramid of Cheops" \par \par Comment: I think that the intro, printed above in its entirety, does a pretty good job of summing up this Eamon: simple. \par \par There's not a lot to see and do here, even though there are 71 rooms to explore. This is primarily a "mapper's dungeon", as there are a couple of un\-marked secret passages that can only be found by trying every direction. \par \par This is a really easy foray. The mapping is straight\-forward and the bad guys are tuned for Marcos' stan\-dard weapons. Difficulty of (3). Probably a good pick for the Young Eamonaut. My overall rating is for that target group. A dvanced campaigners will likely be bored. \par \par One very minor hint: don't ignore the signs. \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {#187 Batman!!\tab \tab \tab by Andrew Geha \par \par Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski \par \par MAIN PGM Version: 5 \par Extra Commands: USE, OPEN, READ \par Deleted Commands: None, no SAVE \par Special Features: None \par Playing Time: 20-30 min. \par Reviewer Rating: 2.0 \par \par Description: A wizard leaves you a bizarre outfit that turns you into Batman on Earth. As the adventure opens, you find yourself in the Batmobile, headed for the Joker's hideout. \par \par Comment: This Eamon is pretty low in content and is very unsophisticated. You will see about 30 rooms of the total 48. The rest apparently aren't used, except for one mostly useless unmarked secret passage that LOOK doesn't see. \par \par Young Eamonauts who really like Batman will enjoy this Eamon the most. That group might well rate it considerably higher than I did. Difficulty of (1). \par \par Three hints: first, Robin won't follow you unless you go E then W again to set up his friendliness. Next, you can't READ anything unless you are holding it, and the READ command may not recognize the full artifact name (e.g.: you must type READ FILES to read the POLICE FILES.) Last but far from least, you will do well to pick up everything you find. \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {#188 Encounter: The Bookworm\tab by Robert Parker \par \par Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski \par \par MAIN PGM Version: 7.0 \par Extra Commands: HINT, XTINGUISH, SUICIDE, \par }\pard \qj \fi720\li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {EAT \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {Deleted Commands: None \par Special Features: None \par Playing Time: 30-60 min. \par Reviewer Rating: 6.5\tab Average Rating: 6.5/4 \par \par Description: Hokas takes you t o the Eamon Public Library. "Inside the library, you see books thrown about, as if vandals had broken in and ransacked the place. Picking up one of the books, you see a three-inch hole through the center of it. Opening it up, you discover that all of the pages are now completely blank. \par \par "'This is the fifth library to have this happen to it.' Ho\-kas says. 'We have to stop this madman before all of the books are destroyed. Luckily, these books are easy to replace. However, if this had been a library of rare manuscripts...' \par \par "'Who did this?' you say. \par \par "'The Bookworm.' Hokas hisses through clenched teeth. 'I shall never be able to thank you enough if you defeat him. I have found out a bit about him for you. He plays an odd sort of savoir-faire. His hideout, I am told, has many "clues" or "hints" built into it. I do not know any more, so pay close attention to anything and everything.'" \par \par Comment: This is a very decent Eamon, arguably Rob's best work. It doesn't rate higher because it is a bit low on content, but the writing and mapping are excellent, and it has several novel ro om ideas. I came very close to revising my old rating upwards after replaying it for this review. \par \par One thing that knocks it down a bit is that it has a few minor glitches in presentation. One is a very long spe\-cial with no screen pauses that occurs at one of the "entrances". The other is that it displays resumed saved games in 80-column mode regardless of the screen setting when it was saved. (If you want or need to use 40-column mode when resuming a saved game, delete line 29065 before beginning the game ). \par \par Difficulty will run 3-7 depending on how much you use the HINTS command, which pretty much gives away all of the puzzles if you use it regularly. \par \par SUICIDE is a perfectly useless command that kills you and ends the game. I don't know why Rob thought that was better than simply using Control-C or reset. XTINGUISH is merely a way to snuff your torch without having to drop it (which is the standard Eamon method to put out torches). \par \par Here's a warning of sorts: the can will mess with your character's stats in an amusing way. If you feel strongly about that, don't fool with the can. But if you are using FRESH SAM or don't mind having to "repair" your character, you may get a chuckle out of it. \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {#189 The Ruins of Belfast\tab by David Sparks \par \par Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski \par \par MAIN PGM Version: 4 \par Extra Commands: SEARCH, SLEEP \par Deleted Commands: None, no SAVE \par Special Features: None \par Playing Time: 10-40 min. \par Reviewer Rating: 2.0 \par \par Description: "You teleport into the near future, sur\-rounded by the gathering clouds of war." To war-torn Ireland. \par \par Comment: This Eamon is set in some part of Belfast that has been devastated by the fighting between the two Irish factions. What isn't war-torn is poor and abandoned. In other words, this is an icky Eamon to play. It has nineteen rooms, and I didn't even bother to map it. You meet a small handful of characters, most of which are "not right" in some way. I can't imagine what I was thinking of when I gave it an ear\- lier (3) rating. I almost gave it a (1) this time around. \par \par SEARCH is only useful in the hayloft. SLEEP is an aggravating though harmless "Gotcha" trap that scat\-ters your stuff all over the map. \par \par There are three puzzles, all of which are obscure to the point of absurdity. One is that yo u get a machine gun if you find and pick up the scattered parts in the correct order. The other two give you one (1) chance to get it right, and then you fight. The first expects you to somehow know to give a needle you found to a Leprechaun. The other ex pects you to know that the secret password is "The luck of the Irish", even though you aren't told that anywhere I could find. If you know the password, you get sent back home again. If you don't, you apparently fight forever. \par \par I guess I'll leave the difficulty at (7), even though a higher number could be argued. \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {#192 Mean Streets\tab by Thomas Tetirick \par \par Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski \par \par MAIN PGM Version: 5 \par Extra Commands: RIDE, VERBOSE, BRIEF, OPEN, \par }\pard \qj \fi720\li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {READ \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {Deleted Commands: None \par Special Features: short EAMON.ROOMS record \par }\pard \qj \fi720\li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {lengths, no DOS on disk \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {Playing Time: 60-90 minutes \par Reviewer Rating: 3.0 \par \par Description: "Welcome to 'Mean Streets' Your task is a valiant one. A pimp has moved into our fair city. He has full intention of making it his own. To insure his wishes he has k idnapped my only daughter 'Tina'. He intends to turn her into one of his prosti\-tutes. \par \par "As mayor of this city I give you full power to rid our city of this vile man(pimp) by any means you see fit. Also it is rumored that a huge thug is hiding out in the s ubway killing people at any given chance. We would very much appreciate his extermination. Also be on the lookout for thieves, they are know to be lurking when you least expect them." \par \par Comment: This is a very large map of a small 5-block by 5-block city. It has 97 rooms, but there is no need to map it because it is so orderly and because there isn't much of anything to go back to after you've en\-tered a room. \par \par I was very much reminded of "The Shopping Mall" while playing this, as most of it's "rooms" are empty streets, and most of the buildings are uninteresting one-room affairs with no more to offer than a touch of combat, if that. \par \par This is an icky city, showcasing the warts and prob\-lems that any city has without offering any countering uplifting content. I found myself wondering if Thomas was a high-school student (or perhaps dropout) who was no stranger to run-ins with the Law. \par \par Having said all that, I have to add that it didn't get a higher rating for a two-pronged reason: it uses no screen pauses at all, and you will pick up as many as two entire screensfull of companions. Thomas ad\- dressed that with two new commands. VERBOSE prints everything (as if you had typed LOOK) at a slow speed that is easy to read and takes quite a while to print. BRIEF prints at normal high speed, prints just the room name, and omits the normal space be\- tween monster names. Either method will drive you nuts, though for different reasons. I found that the best way for me was to leave it in BRIEF, and to lib\- erally use the control-S key to pause printing so I could read stuff before it was shot off the top by the companion listing or the combat text. \par \par There are so many characters that I almost always had to do a SMILE to find out which one was the enemy when I entered a room, because I couldn't remember all the names of my companions. \par \par One cute special is a thief who will steal everything you have (except your ready weapon) every 10 moves or so. It got terribly annoying to see the accompany\- ing "OOOH NOOO!" message, and almost pushed me down to a (2) rating all by itself. Don't worry about your stuff; enter the dumpster at 3rd & Tyler, and you'll get it all back and do away with the thief as well. But be sure to R EADY your best weapon as soon as you start the adventure, so it won't be stolen. \par \par I was not able to get past one door without cheating. Thomas used a brute-force programming approach that gave nearly all of the artifacts no location until they were actuall y needed (for example, if monster X dies, then change weapon Y's location from zero to the room number.) I could not find any code that made the door key available. But all you will find be\-hind it is one enemy and one treasure. \par \par One very elaborate and rather stupid death trap. Diffi\-culty of (3) if you're using high-grade weapons. \par \par Here's a hint: how do you find out if an open mailbox has anything in it? Also, if you get killed and want to restart the game, be sure to type SPEED=255 before typing RUN, or else it might take 10 minutes for the game to load! \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {#197 Star Wars-Tempest One\tab by Sean Averill \par \par Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski \par \par MAIN PGM Version: 6 \par Extra Commands: None \par Deleted Commands: None \par Special Features: None \par Playing Time: 20-30 min. \par Reviewer Rating: 2.0 \par \par Description: You find yourself in front of a temple that has been converted into an Imperial stronghold. \par \par Comment: This is a very bare-bones Eamon. There is no intro text. The room descriptions do not ever list exits. The monster descriptions read like y ou already know the guy is in the room (As the game begins, the first description you see is COMPUTER TEACHER, WHO HAS JUST LOST HIS FALSE TEETH.) Many descriptions start out with nouns, they are so simple. All the names tend to have no relation to the de scription. Mapping is a bit of a chore because of the poor descriptions. \par \par The actual adventure is pretty much just 20 rooms, followed by 15 rooms of aimless wandering in YOU ARE IN SPACE rooms until you stumble on the exit. \par \par This is a straight Hack\rquote n\rquote Slash outing. The combat is tough enough that you will probably want a magic weapon or two, unless you like lots and lots of com\-bat. \par \par Difficulty of (4), partly for the combat and partly for the mapping tedium. \par \page \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs28 ProDOS Eamon Adventures \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sa120\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {EAG ProDOS Eamon Revision Dates: \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \tx2880\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {Date: 5/10/98\tab 40-col. 80-col. \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx2880\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { 1. Main Hall & Beginners Cave\tab 06/06/91 \par 5. Castle of Doom\tab 02/24/90 \par 8. The Abductor's Quarters\tab 04/21/90 \par 12. The Quest for Trezore\tab 09/03/90 \par 16. The Caves of Mondamen\tab 03/28/90 05/08/93 \par 19. Death Trap\tab 05/09/93 05/09/93 \par 20. The Black Death\tab 09/15/90 08/04/93 \par 21. The Quest for Marron\tab 08/05/90 07/03/93 \par 22. The Senator's Chambers\tab 02/26/90 \par 23. The Temple of Ngurct\tab 02/15/93 02/15/93 \par 24. Black Mountain\tab 08/29/90 02/25/92 \par 25. Nuclear Nightmare\tab 02/25/90 \par 26. Assault on the Mole Man\tab 07/08/95 \par 27. Revenge of the Mole Man\tab 07/08/95 \par 28. The Tower of London\tab 02/25/90 \par 33. The Orb of Polaris\tab 08/15/91 09/21/91 \par 34. Death's Gateway\tab 01/18/91 09/07/91 \par 35. The Lair of Mutants\tab 01/15/91 \par 36. The Citadel of Blood\tab 07/23/90 \par 37. Quest for the Holy Grail\tab 10/13/90 12/07/93 \par 38. City in the Clouds\tab 10/20/90 06/20/93 \par 39. Museum of Unnatural History\tab 01/22/91 \par 41. Caverns of Lanst\tab 01/28/91 \par 45. SwordQuest\tab 08/20/90 01/31/93 \par 47. FutureQuest\tab 07/14/90 12/01/92 \par 48. Picnic in Paradise\tab 08/08/90 \par 49. The Castle Kophinos\tab 08/11/90 09/27/93 \par 51. The Caves of Eamon Bluff\tab 10/23/90 \par 53. Feast of Carroll\tab 02/26/90 \par 55. The Master's Dungeon\tab 03/03/90 \par 56. The Lost Adventure\tab 01/29/91 \par 58. The Land of Death\tab 02/07/91 \par 64. Modern Problems\tab 02/19/91 \par 68. The Smith's Stronghold\tab 02/24/91 \par 69. The Black Castle of NaGog\tab 07/11/90 09/03/91 \par 73. The Deep Canyon\tab 03/06/91 05/22/97 \par 74. DharmaQuest\tab 10/13/90 10/12/92 \par 75. Temple of the Guild\tab 03/17/91 02/06/94 \par 76. The Search for Yourself\tab 04/18/90 01/13/97 \par 77. Temple of the Trolls\tab 08/15/90 08/01/91 \par 78. The Prince's Tavern\tab 05/28/91 05/28/91 \par 80. The Search for the Key\tab 10/27/90 \par 81. The Rescue Mission\tab 10/27/90 \par 86. Castle Mantru\tab 03/23/91 \par 87. Caves of Hollow Mountain\tab 03/26/91 \par 90. The Doomsday Clock\tab 04/01/91 \par 91. FutureQuest II\tab 01/25/90 07/28/91 \par 92. The Fugitive\tab 11/02/90 06/03/94 \par 93. Flying Circus\tab 11/07/90 05/11/93 \par 97. The House of Secrets\tab 04/06/91 \par 99. In the Clutches of Torrik\tab 04/14/91 \par 100. Sorceror's Spire\tab 05/09/90 05/31/93 \par 106. Camp Eamon\tab 11/11/90 07/11/93 \par 107. The Last Dragon\tab 10/15/91 10/15/91 \par 108. The Mines of Moria\tab 04/18/90 09/29/91 \par 109. The Forest of Fear\tab 01/09/91 \par 112. Hills of History\tab 04/19/91 \par 113. The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek\tab 11/15/90 \par 114. Thror's Ring\tab 03/05/90 05/04/91 \par 117. Dungeon of Doom\tab 01/15/91 \par 118. Pittfall\tab 06/18/90 09/02/91 \par 119. Grunewalde\tab 04/28/91 \par 120. Orb of My Life\tab 06/19/91 06/19/91 \par 121. Wrenhold's Secret Vigil\tab 06/02/90 11/08/92 \par 124. Assault on Dolni Keep\tab 05/09/90 05/21/91 \par 126. The Pyramid of Anharos\tab 03/15/92 03/15/92 \par 127. The Hunt for the Ring\tab 11/20/90 \par 128. Quest of Erebor\tab 11/24/90 10/25/93 \par 129. Return to Moria\tab 12/01/91 12/01/91 \par 130. Haradwaith\tab 11/27/90 01/12/94 \par 131. Nucleus of the Ruby\tab 04/08/92 \par 132. Rhadshur Warrior\tab 10/03/92 10/03/92 \par 137. The Ruins of Ivory Castle\tab 04/26/92 \par 138. Starfire\tab 06/15/90 05/21/91 \par 139. Peg's Place\tab 11/30/90 11/28/93 \par 142. The Beermeister's Brewery\tab 04/26/92 \par 143. The Alternate Zone\tab 05/01/92 \par 145. Buccaneer!\tab 07/31/90 11/01/92 \par 146. The House of Horrors\tab 05/09/92 \par 147. The Dark Brotherhood\tab 04/11/90 05/27/91 \par 148. Journey to Jotunheim\tab 11/23/96 11/23/96 \par 149. Elemental Apocalypse\tab 01/14/94 \par 150. Walled City of Darkness\tab 01/23/92 01/23/92 \par 154. A Trip to Fort Scott\tab 06/05/90 09/30/93 \par 155. Tomb of the Vampire\tab 10/07/90 \par 158. The Lair of Mr. Ed\tab 12/25/90 \par 159. The Bridge of Catzad-Dum\tab 05/18/92 \par 160. Monty Python & Holy Grail\tab 01/25/90 03/20/93 \par 161. Operation Endgame\tab 06/29/91 06/29/91 \par 162. Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure\tab 05/26/90 \par 163. The Sands of Mars\tab 03/17/92 \par 164. A Real Cliffhanger\tab 03/18/92 \par 165. Animal Farm\tab 04/02/92 \par 166. Storm Breaker\tab 01/09/93 01/09/93 \par 169. The Black Phoenix\tab 03/15/90 11/15/91 \par 170. Ragnarok Revisited\tab 09/15/90 03/10/93 \par 183. The Boy and the Bard\tab 06/20/90 04/10/93 \par 188. Encounter: the Bookworm\tab 05/31/92 \par 191. Enhanced Beginners Cave\tab 01/27/90 \par 194. Attack of the Kretons\tab 01/26/97 01/26/97 \par 195. The Training Ground\tab 02/12/90 \par 196. The Cat House\tab 04/20/92 04/20/92 \par 198. Revenge of the Bookworm\tab 06/06/92 \par 204. Sanctuary\tab 10/14/90 03/09/92 \par 205. Utterly Outrageous\tab 06/10/92 \par 206. Curse of the Hellsblade\tab 11/14/94 11/14/94 \par 208. Assault on Helstar\tab 06/21/92 \par 211. Lair of the Marauders\tab 07/04/92 \par 213. Demongate\tab 07/05/92 05/15/94 \par 214. Deathstalker's Castle\tab 07/15/92 \par 215. Treasure Island\tab 08/16/92 \par 216. The Pirate's Cave\tab 09/20/92 \par 217. Eye of Agamon\tab 09/13/92 09/18/93 \par 222. The Halls of the Adept\tab 09/18/94 09/19/94 \par 225. Adventure in Interzone\tab 12/20/94 12/20/94 \par 233. The Domain of Zenoqq\tab 08/19/95 \par 237. Fiends of Eamon\tab 10/31/95 10/31/95 \par 240. The Heart of Gold\tab 05/22/97 05/22/97 \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {241. The Shrunken Adventurer\tab \tab 11/26/97 \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx3060\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par Dungeon Designer Diskette Ver.7.1\tab 01/31/95 \par Eamon Utilities Diskette\tab 01/30/95 \par Graphics Main Hall\tab 05/23/91 \par \par \par \par \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs28 Eamon Adventure Listing \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sb120\sa120\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 Ratings are given on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 highest. Format is R/N, where R = the adventure's overall rating; N = the number of people who have rated it. \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 Note key: \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx270\tx540\tx2430\tx2700\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 \tab a:\tab version 4 or older\tab h:\tab contemporary setting \par \tab b:\tab version 5\tab i:\tab 40/80 column capability \par \tab c:\tab version 6\tab j:\tab 80-column only \par \tab d:\tab version 7\tab k:\tab 40 & 80 col. versions \par \tab e:\tab ProDOS only\tab l:\tab 2-disk adventure \par \tab f:\tab contains a quest\tab m:\tab 3-disk adventure \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sa120\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx270\tx540\tx2430\tx2700\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 \tab g:\tab science-fiction\tab n:\tab 4-disk adventure \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \tx2794\tx3874\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 1. Main Hall & Beginners Cave\tab D. Brown\tab 4.3/6 a \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx2794\tx3874\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 2. The Lair of the Minotaur\tab D. Brown\tab 4.5/6 a \par 3. The Cave of the Mind Jacobson/Varnum\tab 3.2/7 a \par 4. The Zyphur Riverventure \tab J. Jacobson\tab 5.7/7 a,f \par 5. Castle of Doom\tab D. Brown\tab 4.6/6 a \par 6. The Death Star\tab D. Brown\tab 4.0/8 a,f,g \par 7. The Devil's Tomb\tab J. Jacobson \tab 5.0/7 a \par 8. The Abductor's Quarters\tab J. Jacobson\tab 4.7/3 a,f \par 9. Assault on the Clonemaster\tab D. Brown\tab 3.7/3 a,f \par 10. The Magic Kingdom\tab D. Cook\tab 4.0/4 a \par 11. The Tomb of Molinar\tab D. Brown\tab 3.0/5 a,f \par 12. The Quest for Trezore\tab J. Jacobson\tab 6.2/4 a,f \par 13. Caves of Treasure Island Genz & Braun\tab 4.5/6 a,f \par 14. Furioso\tab W. Davis\tab 5.3/3 a \par 15. Heroes Castle\tab J. Nelson\tab 4.3/3 a,f \par 16. The Caves of Mondamen\tab J. Nelson\tab 7.4/5 a,f \par 17. Merlin's Castle\tab R. Hersom\tab 4.5/3 a \par 18. Hogarth Castle\tab K. Nestle\tab 4.5/2 a,f \par 19. Death Trap\tab J. Nelson\tab 7.5/4 b \par 20. The Black Death\tab J. Nelson\tab 6.5/2 a,f,h \par 21. The Quest for Marron\tab J. Nelson\tab 7.0/3 b,f \par 22. The Senator's Chambers\tab J. Plamondon\tab 4.9/6 b,f \par 23. The Temple of Ngurct J&R Plamondon\tab 7.2/4 b,f \par 24. Black Mountain\tab J. Nelson\tab 7.0/4 b,f,h \par 25. Nuclear Nightmare\tab J. Nelson\tab 6.0/3 b,f,h \par 26. Assault on the Mole Man\tab J. Nelson\tab 6.0/3 b \par 27. Revenge of the Mole Man\tab J. Nelson\tab 6.0/4 b \par 28. The Tower of London\tab F.& S. Smith\tab 5.5/3 a,h \par 29. The Lost Island of Apple\tab D. Brown\tab 2.0/1 a \par 30. The Underground City\tab S. Adelson\tab 2.0/1 a,g,h \par 31. The Gauntlet\tab J. Nelson\tab 5.0/1 b \par 32. House of Ill Repute\tab Anonymous\tab 1.7/3 a,h \par 33. The Orb of Polaris\tab J. Nelson\tab 6.7/3 b,f \par 34. Death's Gateway\tab R. Linden\tab 6.5/2 a,h \par 35. The Lair of Mutants\tab E. Hodson\tab 6.9/4 a,f,g \par 36. The Citadel of Blood\tab E. Hodson\tab 6.0/4 a,h \par 37. Quest for the Holy Grail\tab E. Hodson\tab 7.0/2 a,f \par 38. City in the Clouds\tab E. Hodson\tab 7.2/3 a,f,g \par 39. Museum of Unnatural History\tab R.Volberding\tab 5.5/4 b,f \par 40. Daemon's Playground\tab R.Volberding\tab 4.7/3 b \par 41. Caverns of Lanst\tab R.Volberding\tab 5.7/3 b \par 42. Alternate Beginners Cave\tab R.Volberding\tab 5.0/6 b \par 43. Priests of Xim! M & E Bauman\tab 5.7/3 b \par 44. Escape from the Orc Lair\tab J. Hinkleman\tab 3.8/4 b \par 45. SwordQuest\tab R. Pender\tab 7.8/4 b,f \par 46. Lifequest\tab D. Crawford\tab 3.0/2 b,f \par 47. FutureQuest\tab R. Pender\tab 7.8/6 b,f,g \par 48. Picnic in Paradise\tab J. Nelson\tab 6.0/5 c \par 49. The Castle Kophinos\tab D. Doumakes\tab 7.0/2 b,f \par 50. Behind the Sealed Doo\tab T. Berge\tab 4.7/3 b \par 51. The Caves of Eamon Bluff\tab T. Berge\tab 6.8/3 b \par 52. The Devil's Dungeon\tab J. Merrill\tab 6.0/3 a,h \par 53. Feast of Carroll D&J Lilienkamp\tab 5.7/3 a \par 54. Crystal Mountain\tab K. Hoffman\tab 5.0/1 b \par 55. The Master's Dungeon\tab J. Allen\tab 6.5/4 a \par 56. The Lost Adventure\tab J. Allen\tab 6.0/1 a,h \par 57. The Manxome Foe\tab R. Olszewski\tab 5.5/2 b \par 58. The Land of Death \tab T. Berge\tab 6.0/1 b \par 59. Jungles of Vietnam\tab J. Allen\tab 2.1/4 a,h \par 60. The Sewers of Chicago\tab J. Allen\tab 3.2/4 a,h \par 61. The Harpy Cloud\tab A. Forter\tab 4.0/3 b \par 62. The Caverns of Doom \tab M. Mullin\tab 3.0/2 b,f \par 63. Valkenburg Castle\tab J. Weener\tab 2.5/2 a,f \par 64. Modern Problems Anderson/Barban/Thompson\tab 6.2/2 a,f,h \par 65. The School of Death \tab K. Townsend\tab 5.5/2 b,f,h \par 66. Dungeons of Xenon \tab S. Bhayani\tab 5.0/1 a,f \par 67. Chaosium Caves\tab S. Bhayani\tab 3.0/1 a,f \par 68. The Smith's Stronghold\tab A. Porter\tab 6.0/1 b,f \par 69. The Black Castle of NaGog\tab D. Burrows\tab 7.5/2 b,f \par 70. The Tomb of Y'Golonac R. Romanchuk\tab 6.0/2 a,f \par 71. Operation Crab Key\tab J. Vercellone\tab 1.0/1 a,h \par 72. House on Eamon Ridge\tab T. Berge\tab 4.5/2 b \par 73. The Deep Canyon\tab K. Blincoe\tab 7.0/3 a \par 74. DharmaQuest\tab R. Pender\tab 7.9/6 b,f \par 75. Temple of the Guild\tab D. Doumakes\tab 7.0/1 b \par 76. The Search for Yourself\tab D. Doumakes\tab 7.5/2 b,f \par 77. Temple of the Trolls\tab J. Nelson\tab 7.3/3 c,f \par 78. The Prince's Tavern\tab R. Davis1\tab 9.0/3 a,f \par 79. The Castle of Count Fuey\tab D. Brown\tab 5.8/6 a,f \par 80. The Search for the Key(80a)\tab D. Brown\tab 4.0/4 a,f \par 81. The Rescue Mission (80b)\tab D. Brown\tab 6.7/3 a \par 82. Escape from Mansi Island\tab S. Starkey\tab 5.0/1 b,f \par 83. The Twin Castles\tab J. Tankard\tab 6.3/3 c,f \par 84. Castle of Riveneta\tab R. Karsten\tab 5.0/1 b,h \par 85. The Time Portal\tab E. Kuypers\tab 5.0/2 b,g \par 86. Castle Mantru\tab S. Constanzo\tab 6.0/1 c,f \par 87. Caves of Hollow Mountain\tab J. Nelson\tab 6.3/3 c \par 88. The Shopping Mall\tab A. Porter\tab 1.0/4 c,h \par 89. Super Fortress of Lin Wang\tab S. Bhayani\tab 3.9/4 c,f \par 90. The Doomsday Clock\tab J. Tankard\tab 6.0/1 c,f,h \par 91. FutureQuest II\tab R. Pender\tab 8.0/5 b,f,g \par 92. The Fugitive\tab D. Doumakes\tab 7.0/1 c,f \par 93. Flying Circus\tab R. Krebs\tab 7.0/1 b \par 94. Blood Feud\tab R. Krebs\tab 5.0/1 b,f \par 95. The Maze of Quasequeton\tab B. Kondalski \tab 3.2/4 a,f \par 96. The Chamber of the Dragons\tab B. Kondalski\tab 2.3/3 a \par 97. The House of Secrets\tab G. Gunn\tab 6.0/1 a \par 98. Slave Pits of Kzorland\tab R. Hersam\tab 3.0/1 a \par 99. In the Clutches of Torrik\tab J. Nelson\tab 5.3/3 c,f \par 100. Sorceror's Spire\tab J. Nelson\tab 7.5/5 c \par 101. Ground Zero\tab Sam\tab 1.5/2 a,g \par 102. The Eamon Railroad\tab Sam\tab 2.2/5 a,h \par 103. Top Secret\tab Sam\tab 1.5/2 a \par 104. The Lost World\tab Sam\tab 1.5/2 a,g \par 105. The Strange Resort\tab Sam\tab 1.0/2 a,h \par 106. Camp Eamon\tab R. Slemon\tab 7.0/2 b,f,h \par 107. The Last Dragon\tab R. Pender\tab 7.7/3 c,f \par 108. The Mines of Moria\tab S. Ruby\tab 8.2/4 c,f \par 109. The Forest of Fear\tab S. Ruby\tab 6.3/3 c,f \par 110. Fire Island\tab G. Gioia\tab 5.0/1 c,f \par 111. A Vacation in Europe\tab D. Smith\tab 4.5/2 c,h \par 112. Hills of History\tab D. Smith\tab 6.0/2 c \par 113. The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek\tab R. Volberding\tab 6.0/3 c,f \par 114. Thror's Ring\tab T. Zuchowski\tab 9.0/6 c,f,i \par 115. The Ring of Doom\tab S. Ruby\tab 5.0/1 c,f \par 116. The Iron Prison\tab S. Ruby\tab 5.5/2 c,f \par 117. Dungeon of Doom\tab D. Knezek\tab 8.0/4 a,f,k \par 118. Pittfall\tab S. Starkey\tab 8.0/1 c,f \par 119. Grunewalde\tab P. Hurst\tab 6.5/2 b,f,l \par 120. Orb of My Life\tab J. Nelson\tab 9.0/1 c,f \par 121. Wrenhold's Secret Vigil\tab R. Davis1\tab 8.2/2 c,f \par 122. The Valley of Death\tab S. Ruby\tab 5.0/1 c,f \par 123. Wizard of the Spheres \tab M. Elkin\tab 5.0/1 c,f \par 124. Assault on Dolni Keep \tab T. Zuchowski\tab 9.2/6 c,f,i \par 125. The Mattimoe Palace\tab J. Actor\tab 3.0/1 b,f,h \par 126. The Pyramid of Anharos\tab P. Hurst\tab 7.3/3 c,f \par 127. The Hunt for the Ring\tab S. Ruby\tab 6.8/2 c,f \par 128. Quest of Erebor\tab S. Ruby\tab 6.0/1 c,f \par 129. Return to Moria\tab S. Ruby\tab 8.6/4 c,f,l \par 130. Haradwaith\tab S. Ruby\tab 7.0/2 c,f \par 131. Nucleus of the Ruby\tab K. Somers\tab 7.0/1 c,f,j \par 132. Rhadshur Warrior\tab R. Pender\tab 7.9/5 c,f,g,h \par 133. The Final Frontier\tab R. Slemon\tab 5.0/1 c,f,g \par 134. Pyramid of the Ancients \tab J.& R. Pirone\tab 4.0/1 c \par 135. The Tomb of Evron M. Greifenkamp\tab 3.0/1 b \par 136. The Mountain Fortress M. Greifenkamp\tab 3.0/1 b,f \par 137. The Ruins of Ivory Castle M. Greifenkamp\tab 6.5/2 b \par 138. Starfire\tab E. Phillips\tab 4.8/4 c,f \par 139. Peg's Place M&A Anderson\tab 7.5/2 c,f,h \par 140. Beginner's Forest\tab M. Anderson\tab 5.0/1 b \par 141. The Infested Fortress M&P Hamaoka\tab 3.0/2 c \par 142. The Beermeister's Brewery\tab J. Actor\tab 6.0/3 b,f,h \par 143. The Alternate Zone\tab J. Actor\tab 6.0/2 b,f \par 144. Gartin Manor \tab G. Gioia\tab 5.0/1 c,f,h \par 145. Buccaneer!\tab P. Hurst\tab 8.3/3 c,f,l \par 146. The House of Horrors\tab D. Cross\tab 6.0/1 c,f,h \par 147. The Dark Brotherhood\tab P. Hurst\tab 8.7/3 c,f,l \par 148. Journey to Jotunheim\tab T. Zuchowski\tab 8.5/6 c,f,i \par 149. Elemental Apocalypse\tab S. Ruby\tab 7.8/4 c,f,n \par 150. Walled City of Darkness\tab T. Zuchowski\tab 8.8/3 c,f,i \par 151. Eamon S.A.R.-1 (Deneb Raid)\tab D. Crawford\tab 3.5/2 c,f,g \par 152. The Computer Club of Fear\tab N. Segerlind\tab 5.0/2 c,f,h \par 153. Lost!\tab N. Segerlind\tab 4.0/2 c \par 154. A Trip to Fort Scott\tab W. Trent\tab 7.0/2 b \par 155. Tomb of the Vampire Trent/Grayson\tab 5.8/4 b,f \par 156. The Lake\tab N. Segerlind\tab 4.0/1 c \par 157. Pathetic Hideout of Mr. R.\tab N. Segerlind\tab 5.0/1 c,f,h \par 158. The Lair of Mr. Ed\tab N. Segerlind\tab 7.0/1 c,f,h \par 159. The Bridge of Catzad-Dum\tab N. Segerlind\tab 6.5/2 c,f,h \par 160. Monty Python & Holy Grail\tab N. Segerlind\tab 7.0/2 c,f \par 161. Operation Endgame\tab S. Ruby\tab 8.9/5 c,f,h,m \par 162. Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure\tab T. Zuchowski\tab (N/A) d,i \par 163. The Sands of Mars\tab T. Swartz\tab 5.7/3 a,f,g \par 164. A Real Cliffhanger\tab T. Swartz\tab 6.0/1 a,h \par 165. Animal Farm\tab S. Ruby\tab 6.8/2 c,f,h,l \par 166. Storm Breaker\tab S. Ruby\tab 8.5/2 c,f,m \par 167. Expedition to the Darkwoods\tab G. Gioia\tab 5.0/2 c,f \par 168. The High School of Horrors M.Haney/A.Hunt\tab 3.5/2 a,h \par 169. The Black Phoenix\tab R. Pender\tab 8.1/5 c,f,g \par 170. Ragnarok Revisited\tab N. Segerlind\tab 7.8/3 c,f,i \par 171. The Pyramid of Cheops\tab R. Parker\tab 5.0/1 b \par 172. The Mountain of the Master\tab M. Dalton\tab 5.2/2 a,f \par 173. The House that Jack Built\tab R. Parker\tab 2.0/2 b,h \par 174. Escape from Granite Hall\tab R. Parker\tab 3.5/2 b \par 175. Anatomy of the Body\tab R. Parker\tab 3.5/2 b,g \par 176. Dirtie Trix's Mad Maze\tab R. Parker\tab 3.0/1 b,h \par 177. Shippe of Fooles\tab R. Parker\tab 2.0/1 b \par 178. The Alien Intruder\tab R. Parker\tab 3.0/2 b,g \par 179. The Wizard's Tower\tab R. Parker\tab 4.4/2 b \par 180. Gamma 1\tab R. Parker\tab 3.5/2 b,g \par 181. The Eamon Sewer System\tab R. Parker\tab 1.0/1 b \par 182. Farmer Brown's Woods\tab R. Parker\tab 1.0/1 b,h \par 183. The Boy and the Bard\tab S. Ruby\tab 7.8/3 c,f \par 184. Quest For Orion\tab P. Gise\tab 5.4/5 d,f,i \par 185. The Body Revisited\tab R. Parker\tab 5.0/3 d,f,i \par 186. Beginner's Cave II\tab J. Nelson\tab 2.0/2 c \par 187. Batman!!\tab A. Geha\tab 2.0/1 b \par 188. Encounter: The Bookworm\tab R. Parker\tab 6.5/4 d,f,i \par 189. The Ruins of Belfast\tab D. Sparks\tab 2.0/1 a,h \par 190. Shift Change at Grimmwax\tab D&A Sparks\tab 4.5/2 a,f,h \par 191. Enhanced Beginners Cave Brown/Nelson\tab 5.0/1 c \par 192. Mean Streets\tab T. Tetirick\tab 3.0/1 c,h \par 193. The Creature of Rhyl\tab R. Parker\tab 7.0/1 d,f,i \par 194. Attack of the Kretons\tab N. Segerlind\tab 9.0/3 d,f,i \par 195. The Training Ground\tab C. Hewgley\tab 5.0/1 c \par 196. The Cat House\tab Anonymous\tab 1.0/1 b,h \par 197. Star Wars-Tempest One\tab S. Averill\tab 2.0/1 c,g \par 198. Revenge of the Bookworm\tab R. Parker\tab 6.5/1 d,f,i \par 199. Quest of the Crystal Wand\tab R. Davis2\tab 5.0/1 c,f \par 200. The Lost Isle\tab R. Davis2\tab 4.0/2 c \par 201. The Caverns of Vanavara\tab C. Hewgley\tab 5.0/1 c,f \par 202. The Plain of Srevi\tab K. Ivers\tab 4.5/1 c \par 203. Lotto's Masterpiece\tab H. Haskell\tab 5.3/3 d,f,i \par 204. Sanctuary\tab S. Ruby\tab 9.0/1 d,f,l \par 205. Utterly Outrageous\tab P. Gise\tab 6.5/1 d,f,h,i \par 206. Curse of the Hellsblade Nelson/Zuchowski\tab 7.5/1 d,f,i \par 207. Eamon Renegade Club\tab P. Schulz\tab 5.0/1 d,f,h,i \par 208. Assault on Helstar\tab P. Schulz\tab 6.0/1 d,f,h \par 209. Apocalypse 2021\tab H. Purvis\tab 5.0/1 d,f,g,i \par 210. Return of Ngurct\tab H. Purvis\tab 5.0/1 d,f,i \par 211. Lair of the Marauders\tab H. Purvis\tab 6.0/1 d,i \par 212. Haunted Keep\tab H. Purvis\tab 5.0/1 d,i \par 213. Demongate\tab H. Purvis\tab 7.0/1 d,i \par 214. Deathstalker's Castle\tab P. Schulz\tab 6.5/1 d,f \par 215. Treasure Island \tab M. Anderson\tab 6.0/1 d \par 216. The Pirate's Cave\tab M. Anderson\tab 5.0/1 d,f \par 217. Eye of Agamon\tab H. Purvis\tab 7.0/1 d,f \par 218. Return to Pendrama\tab H. Purvis\tab 6.5/1 d,f,i \par 219. The City of Sorcerors\tab R. Osgood\tab 5.0/1 a,f \par 220. Catacombs of Terror\tab P. Schulz\tab 5.0/1 d,i \par 221. Count Dracula's Castle\tab R. Parker\tab 2.0/1 b,f \par 222. The Halls of the Adept Berge/Cottingham\tab 7.0/1 b,f \par 223. Time-Shift\tab C. Sena\tab 4.0/1 a \par 224. Prisoner of Darkness\tab P. Schulz\tab 7.0/1 d \par 225. Adventure in Interzone\tab F. Kunze\tab 8.0/1 d,i \par 226. Bookworm 3-D\tab R. Parker\tab 7.5/1 d \par 227. B I Z A R R O\tab A. Porter\tab 2.0/1 b \par 228. Shipwreck Island\tab R. Ledbetter\tab 4.0/1 c \par 229. Firestorm\tab P. Schulz\tab 7.0/1 d,f \par 230. Well of the Great Ones\tab M. Ellis\tab 5.0/1 c,f \par 231. Keep of Skull Gorge\tab D. Kellogg\tab 4.0/1 d,f \par 232. Jewel of Yara\tab H. Purvis\tab 6.0/1 d \par 233. The Domain of Zenoqq\tab R. Claney\tab 4.0/1 a,e,f,j \par 234. The Forbidden City\tab R. Parker\tab 5.0/1 d,f,j \par 235. Vaalpa's Plight\tab H. Haskell\tab 5.0/1 d,f \par 236. Search for Mack\tab C. Roth\tab 5.0/1 d,f \par 237. Fiends of Eamon\tab F. Kunze\tab 8.0/1 d,e,f,i \par 238. Sagamore\tab J. Czarnik\tab 2.0/1 d \par 239. Idol of the Incas\tab C. Easterday\tab 7.8/2 d,f,i \par 240. The Heart of Gold\tab F. Kunze\tab 6.5/1 d,e,g,i \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx2790\tx3870\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 241. The Shrunken Adventurer\tab A. Myrow 7.5/1 d,e,f,j,h \par 242. The Dungeon of Traps\tab B. Guenter \tab 7.0/1 a,f \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sb120\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx2794\tx3874\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 SD#137 Redemption\tab S. Ruby\tab 9.5/1 d,e,f,j \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx2794\tx3874\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 SD#152 Banana Republic\tab S. Ruby\tab 9.0/1 d,e,f,j \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sa120\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx2794\tx3874\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 SD#156 The Curse of Talon\tab S. Ruby\tab 9.0/1 d,e,f,j \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx720\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 \tab Dungeon Designer Diskette Version 7.1 \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx720\tx2880\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 \tab DDD 7.1 Multi-Disk Supplement \par \tab Dungeon Designer Diskette Version 6.2 \par \tab Eamon Utilities Diskette \par \tab Graphics Main Hall \par \tab EAG Tutorial #1 (1988-1991) \par \tab EAG Tutorial #2 (1992-1993) \par \tab EAG Tutorial #3 (1994-1995) \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }}