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Zuchowski}{\operator Thomas James Zuchowski} {\creatim\yr2000\mo2\dy23\hr17\min16}{\revtim\yr2000\mo3\dy26\hr13\min38}{\version6}{\edmins3}{\nofpages10}{\nofwords5151}{\nofchars29366}{\*\company }{\nofcharsws0}{\vern8247}}\margl1440\margr1440 \facingp\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\noxlattoyen\expshrtn\noultrlspc\dntblnsbdb\nospaceforul\lytprtmet\hyphcaps0\formshade\horzdoc\dghspace120\dgvspace120\dghorigin1701\dgvorigin1984\dghshow1\dgvshow0 \jexpand\viewkind1\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot\bdrrlswsix\nolnhtadjtbl\oldas \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere\titlepg\sectdefaultcl {\footerl \pard\plain \s16\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\tqc\tx4680\tqr\tx8640\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {September 1999\tab }{\field{\*\fldinst {\cs17 PAGE }}{\fldrslt {\cs17\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof 4}}}{ \par }}{\footerr \pard\plain \s16\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\tqc\tx4680\tqr\tx9360\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\tab }{\field{\*\fldinst {\cs17 PAGE }}{\fldrslt {\cs17\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof 5}}}{ \cs17 \tab September 1999}{ \par }}{\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}} {\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8 \pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\f28\fs72\super The }{\f28\fs72 }{\f28\fs96 E}{\f28\fs56 amon}{\f28\fs72 }{\f28\fs96 A}{\f28\fs56 dventurer\rquote s}{\f28\fs72 }{\f28\fs96 G}{\f28\fs56 uil}{\f28\fs72 d \par }{ \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw60\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrs\brdrw60\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs36 SEPTEMBER 1999}{ \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par \sect }\sectd \sbknone\linex0\cols2\endnhere\sectdefaultcl \pard\plain \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\b News and Opinion: \par }{ \par At the time of the publishing of the last EAG newsletter, Genie's A2 forum had been unavailable for a while. Well, I finally got tired of waiting on it to reappear whi le the Genie people calmly billed me every month for something they weren't delivering, and I cancelled my Genie membership. It was a hard thing to do, after having been with them for 11 years. It was especially hard to see the library go away, as it repr e sented eight years of my long labor as a Genie library assistant sysop. We built and rebuilt that library into the finest Apple II library in history. I had literally thousands of (unpaid!) hours invested in Genie. The average user never knew how much swe at and thought we put into making Genie what it was. \par \par Now we have Delphi for community and the FTP libraries for files. But the vast majority of ISP's have discontinued their Lynx shells, which means that these days you almost have to have a PC or Mac to access those Apple II files. \par \par With one exception. I haven't personally seen it run, but I hear that, with the help of the excellent programs Marinetti, Spectrum and SIS, a muscular GS can access the WWW in the same way as more modern computers, through a TCP /IP connection. It sounds like a neat trick! \par \par The EAG newsletter has reached another landmark. With the June issue, I have re-reviewed all of the Eamons that I felt deserved it. I did not redo #37, "Quest for the Holy Grail," but there's not much to say th ere. It's not bad, and if you love Monty Python you will enjoy it. \par \par Some outside content I was planning to run has not materialized as promised. Therefore, starting with this issue, I will publish a walk-through plus whatever else looks interesting, and ma y print two or three walk-throughs if I don't have much content otherwise. I've gotten a lot of positive response about the walk-throughs, so I hope that this course will not displease you. \par \par I intend to publish more Eamon memorabilia such as the "Sanctuary " map printed in the last issue. I have several of Sam's maps, plus I have items from other authors that I will be reviewing as well, but Sam's maps are generally rather wonderful and may well get precedence. I have enough of this kind of stuff to last a c ouple of years, at least. I will endeavor to bring to you the more interesting items. I must add that I discovered that I had done the resizing incorrectly with the "Sanctuary" map and caused it to be of noticeably lower quality than was possible. Sorry. I'll see if I can't do something especially interesting to make up for it this issue. \par \par If there is anything that you would like to see in this newsletter, please let me know! \par \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs28 Letters \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par I am going to make a suggestion or two for you as food for thought. Perh aps it is of no value to you now at this point but I am only trying to keep Eamon alive. I am retired now but I have many irons in the fire. Radio controlled model airplane builder and flyer, treasure hunter (coins) using a metal detector, write some basi c computer programs, and wood working in my wood shop to name just a few of the things that take up a lot of my time. But I also find it difficult and very disgusting to decide that today I am going to get out my Eamon adventure game disks and go on an adv e nture only to get lost along the way every time and then get KILLED all the time. I don't know if all players have this trouble but I'll bet a few do and when that happens the interest goes down. Would you consider having in the next newsletter the detail s of just how one goes about making himself stronger so you do not get killed all of the time. What weapons to carry with you and what spells to get before going on an adventure. Just \par }\pard \qr \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\i (Continued on page 3) \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs24 \sect }\sectd \sbkeven\linex0\cols2\endnhere\sectdefaultcl \pard\plain \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw30\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\b\fs24 EAMON ADVENTURER'S GUILD \par }{Thomas Zuchowski, Editor \par \par \par \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par Membership/subscription fee for 4 issues: \par US-Canada: $7.00; foreign: $12.00; in U.S. funds \par This newsletter is published 4 times per year, in March, June, September, and December \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par This newsletter was composed in its entirety using Appleworks 4.3 on an Apple IIgs computer. It was then transferred to a PC for printing on a Hewlett-Packard 722c inkjet printer. \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par We are always looking for new material! If you would like to publish your own letter or article in this newsletter, feel free to send one in. \par \par If you would like to add your own Eamon adventure to the EAG list, send it on a disk to the above address. It will be assigned an Adventure number, and tested for bugs and other problems. An informal critique and disk with bu g corrections will be returned for your final comment, action and approval before release. \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }{\b BACK ISSUES: \par }{ \par }{\b NEUC 'Adventurer's Log': \par }{ Mar'84, May'84, Aug'84, Oct'84, Jan'85, Mar'85 \par May'85, Aug'85, Oct'85, Jun'86, Jan'87, Oct'87 \par \par }{\b EAG back issues:}{ 1988: - Jun, Sep, Dec \par 1989,'90,'91,'92,'93: Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec \par 1994,'95,'96,'97,'98: Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec \par 1999: Mar, Jun \par \par Price: EAG members: $1.00 each \par non-members: $2.00 each \par \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\ul Our mail-order Eamon vendor: \par }{ \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par Eamons are available online at various sites. Two that I can recommend are }{\b ground.ecn.uiowa.edu}{ and }{\b ftp.gmd.de}{ \par \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b EAG EAMON DISK OFFER \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par EAG members can obtain the complete Eamon set from the EAG. This contains both the DOS 3.3 and 80-col. ProDOS Eamon collections archived to 3.5 disks. These are ShrinkIt archives. To access the ProDOS titles, you need one 3.5 drive. The DOS 3.3 titles r equire both 3.5 and 5.25 drives. \par \par The EAG members' price for the entire set is $25.00. To take advantage of this offer: \par \par 1) This offer requires that you supply the disks. You must include }{\b 19}{ DD 3.5 floppies with your payment. }{\b NOTE}{ that these }{\b MUST}{ be }{\b DD}{ disks. My drives cannot read nor write to HD disks! \par \par 2) You must use a shipping container that I can re-use to return the filled disks to you. \par \par 3) The $25.00 price includes formatting the floppies with ProDOS If you format the disks for me, the price is $20 .00. This reflects the time savings I get from not having to do the formatting. It doesn't matter what ProDOS volume name you use since they will be rewritten. \par \par 4) If any of the above requirements are not met, the disks will be returned unfilled, and the shipping cost will be deducted from your refund. \par \par 5) Both versions of 8-bit ShrinkIt and basic instructions are included with the set. \par \par Purchasers of the set will automatically get free updates at irregular intervals. \par \par \par \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b Letters}{ }{\i (continued from Page 1)}{ \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {how do you go about beefing yourself up before you go on the adventure. Now don't just say give yourself x strength x something else x something else. Just how do you do that. Where do you get it? Let's pretend that I have never played before. I stick in the d isk and enter my name and that's all I know to do. Now I'll get killed right off the bat because I am weak for most all of the games. How do I get more strength, a spell or two, better armour and weapon before I ever start? I for one would really like to know how or what file you go to and how do you go to that file to do this? How do you map a game when you go on the adventure? How do you know how many rooms there are to find? My opinion is that the novice needs help with all of this. \par \par In one of your newsletters a member suggested to you that you print a mailing list of all of the members and you said in that newsletter that you would do that in an upcoming newsletter. I also think that would be great so if any of us wanted to correspon d with others we could. They would not have to answer if they did not want to correspond. Some of us do not have email, fax, etc., and depend of mail only. I am one that likes to hear from others and share ideas and help others in any way I can. \par \par If there is anything I can do to help keep Eamon alive, }{\b\ul please}{ let me hear from you. Thanks for your help.\tab \tab \tab \tab - Clyde Easterday \par \par }{\i It is very easy to beef up your character. There is a program on the DOS 3.3 Eamon Master Disk named }{\b\i EAMON CHARACTER FILE MAINT}{\i . The Eamon ProDOS Master has the same program but is named }{\b\i CHAR.FILE.MAINT}{\i . \par \par This program enables you to examine and modify the various characters stored on the Master Disk. Just run the program, then choose SELECT A RECORD, then NAME, then type in the name of your existing character. From there you can modify any and all of the character data in any way you wish. \par \par I recommend that you set Hardiness, Agility, and Charm to about 22, spell abilities to about 200, weapon abilities to about 75, and armor expertise to about 50. You can also add new weapons of any strength you choose. I recommend an assortment of}{ }{\i weapons that vary in strength from 1D8 to 4D8. Set the complexity to 10% for all but the 4D8 one, which should be 25%. Keep the weapon names short, no more than 10 letters in length. \par \par These changes will give you a pretty strong character who has not reached the "cheater superman" level. The range of weapons enables you to match the weapon you used to the difficulty of the combat you experience, which makes combat m ore interesting. Of course, you could pump up the numbers far beyond what I recommended. But if you do, you may become bored by the lack of challenge, and you may "break" some Eamons by winning combats that are not meant to be won, or by breaking doors th at are meant to be unbreakable. \par \par I also have another suggestion. There is a program on the Utilities Disk named FRESH SAM. This program bypasses the Main Hall altogether and launches the Eamon adventure with a "standard" character named Sam. Sam has statist ics very similar to what I recommended above, except that he is primarily a sword user who has less expertise with other weapons. Sam is in fact my own character that I use when playing Eamon. I got tired of all the wasted time spent running the Main Hall and made up FRESH SAM to get things going faster. Note that if you use FRESH SAM, you do }{\b\i\ul not}{\i return to the Main Hall at the end, because Sam did not come from there! When the Eamon says to insert the Master disk, just hit the reset button to halt the program instead. \par \par Look elsewhere in this newsletter for other items. \par \par I have discussed printing the entire EAG members list in the newsletter. Nobody came forward to say it was a great idea (except you just now) but nobody said not to do it, either. I have thou ght about it, and I am not comfortable posting people's names and addresses to the entire world without their specific permission. Meanwhile, the list I run in the newsletter includes everyone who says they are looking for correspondents. I don't know why more don't request a listing and I don't know why most of them only want their email addresses listed. \par \par I appreciate your offer to do anything you can to keep Eamon alive. I don't really know what can be done at this point. We will have fewer than 30 EAG m embers by the end of 1999. What I see online is that most of the remaining Apple II hobbyists are primarily interested in doing Neat Stuff with GS/OS, which doesn't intersect with Eamon in any way. \par \par Several EAG members, possibly even a majority, don't even use an Apple II any more, but are using an emulator on their Mac or PC. There are a few whose Apple II died on them, and they plan to do something about it if they ever find a replacement at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, Apple II's are where you fin d them, and the used-equipment outfits want absurd prices for them.\tab \tab Tom \par }{ \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs28 Tips & Techniques \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par As I promised Clyde, here are some of my favorite tricks for staying alive in an Eamon. \par \par Please remember that some Eamons are extensively modified, and these tricks may not work for them. But if you list parts of the program, you can usually find what you need to know to modify the trick to work. \par }{\b \par TAKING TOO MUCH DAMAGE \par }{ \par If I am being hammered in combat, I halt the program by typing control-C at the YOUR COMMAND? prompt. Then I type this: \par \par }{\f2 LIST 150 \par }{ \par I examine the listed program line to see how the monster arrays are named. Typically the monster data will be in an array named MD%(x,x), but sometimes they are named M%(x,x) instead. (Let's say for this example that it is named MD%(x,x).) \par \par Then I type: \par \par }{\f2 POKE51,0:MD%(0,13)=0:S2%(2)=2000 :GOTO100 \par }{ \par The above line removes all of my hit damage, jumps my Heal spell up so it will work reliably for a while without NOTHING HAPPENS, and resumes play. \par \par }{\b FINDING OUT THE NUMBER OF ROOMS \par }{ \par It is easy to find out how many data files there are in an Eamon. First, begin play normally, then halt the program by typing control-C at the YOUR COMMAND? prompt. Then type: \par \par }{\f2 PRINT NR, NA, NE, NM \par }{ \par Y ou will see four numbers printed to the screen. NR is Number of Rooms, NA is Number of Artifacts (including your personal weapons), NE is Number of special Effects, and NM is Number of Monsters. It is useful to find out what NR is when you are trying to c ompletely map an Eamon. Sometimes there are "dead" files in the database that are not used, in which case the true number will be slightly smaller than what you see above. \par \par }{\b SELF-RESURRECTION DURING COMBAT \par }{ \par More often than not, it is easy to recover from being killed. When you see the YOU HAVE DIED! message, type a control-C at HIT ANY KEY TO CONTINUE (if you type anything else, you're toast!) Then type this: \par \par }{\f2 POKE51,0:DI=0:MD%(0,13)=0:S2%(2) =2000:GOTO100 \par }{ \par This will "resurrect" you back into the combat you just left. It's not perfect, because you will find that you dropped everything you were carrying, just like any other dead monster. So grab your sword and finish the combat first! \par \par If you get killed by a death trap, this sometimes gets you back: \par \par }{\f2 POKE51,0:DI=0:R2=R3:GOTO3500. \par }{ \par If the program is extensively modified, it may blow up in your face. But hey, you're dead already, what have you got to lose? \par \par }{\b ASK ME! \par }{ \par These are just a few of the many tricks I use. \par If there is something else you would like to learn how to do, ask me! \par \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs28 Mapping Eamon \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par As you all know, Eamons are seldom laid out in a way that you can easily draw a simple map for. Here is a method of mapping that can accommodate any set of room connections. \par \par My method is to draw a series of unconnected boxes, one for each room. I number e ach box, and I print the room name inside the box. Around the periphery of the box, I print the numbers of the rooms that connect to that room in that direction. These room numbers are not necessarily the real room numbers, but are purely arbitrary and me rely serve as a way to link the boxes. Here is the basic format: \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {Up \par North \par }{\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof {\shp{\*\shpinst\shpleft1440\shptop0\shpright2881\shpbottom721\shpfhdr0\shpbxcolumn\shpbxignore\shpbypara\shpbyignore\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt0\shpz0\shplid1026 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineWidth}{\sv 25400}}{\sp{\sn fShadow}{\sv 0}} {\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 0}}}{\shprslt{\*\do\dobxcolumn\dobypara\dodhgt8192\dprect\dpx1440\dpy0\dpxsize1441\dpysize721 \dpfillfgcr255\dpfillfgcg255\dpfillfgcb255\dpfillbgcr255\dpfillbgcg255\dpfillbgcb255\dpfillpat0\dplinew40\dplinecor0\dplinecog0\dplinecob0}}}}{Room Number \par West Room Name East \par (Notes) \par South \par Down \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par Here is an example from \'93Idol of the Incas\'94: \par N N N \par 2 N N \par }{\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof {\shp{\*\shpinst\shpleft3168\shptop0\shpright3889\shpbottom721\shpfhdr0\shpbxcolumn\shpbxignore\shpbypara\shpbyignore\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt0\shpz3\shplid1027 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineWidth}{\sv 25400}}{\sp{\sn fShadow}{\sv 0}} {\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 0}}}{\shprslt{\*\do\dobxcolumn\dobypara\dodhgt8195\dprect\dpx3168\dpy0\dpxsize721\dpysize721 \dpfillfgcr255\dpfillfgcg255\dpfillfgcb255\dpfillbgcr255\dpfillbgcg255\dpfillbgcb255\dpfillpat0\dplinew40\dplinecor0\dplinecog0\dplinecob0}}} {\shp{\*\shpinst\shpleft1728\shptop0\shpright2449\shpbottom721\shpfhdr0\shpbxcolumn\shpbxignore\shpbypara\shpbyignore\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt0\shpz2\shplid1028{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}} {\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineWidth}{\sv 25400}}{\sp{\sn fShadow}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 0}}}{\shprslt{\*\do\dobxcolumn\dobypara\dodhgt8194\dprect\dpx1728\dpy0\dpxsize721\dpysize721 \dpfillfgcr255\dpfillfgcg255\dpfillfgcb255\dpfillbgcr255\dpfillbgcg255\dpfillbgcb255\dpfillpat0\dplinew40\dplinecor0\dplinecog0\dplinecob0}}} {\shp{\*\shpinst\shpleft432\shptop0\shpright1153\shpbottom721\shpfhdr0\shpbxcolumn\shpbxignore\shpbypara\shpbyignore\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt0\shpz1\shplid1029{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}} {\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineWidth}{\sv 25400}}{\sp{\sn fShadow}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 0}}}{\shprslt{\*\do\dobxcolumn\dobypara\dodhgt8193\dprect\dpx432\dpy0\dpxsize721\dpysize721 \dpfillfgcr255\dpfillfgcg255\dpfillfgcb255\dpfillbgcr255\dpfillbgcg255\dpfillbgcb255\dpfillpat0\dplinew40\dplinecor0\dplinecog0\dplinecob0}}}}{ 1 2 3 \par N Plain N 3 Before 14 4 Path 2 \par Temple \par (Exit) 1 N \par N N N \par In the above example, Room 2 (Before Temple) connects to Room }{\ul 1}{ to the South, Room }{\ul 3}{ to the West, and Room }{\ul 14}{ to the East, and all other directions have }{\ul N}{o room connection. \par \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs28 Eamon Walk-Through \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { 19 Death Trap\tab \tab \tab Mar98 \par 62 The Caverns of Doom\tab \tab Mar97 \par 77 Temple of the Trolls\tab \tab Mar99 \par 114 Thror's Ring\tab \tab \tab Dec96 \par 120 Orb of my Life\tab \tab Sep98 \par 126 Pyramid of Anharos\tab \tab Jun98 \par 127 The Hunt for the Ring\tab Dec98 \par 129 Return to Moria\tab \tab Jun99 \par 132 Rhadshur Warrior\tab \tab Jun96 \par 145 Buccaneer!\tab \tab \tab Dec97 \par 147 The Dark Brotherhood\tab Sep96 \par 150 Walled City of Darkness\tab Mar96 \par 161 Operation Endgame\tab \tab Jun97 \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par I want to make a note about Sam Ruby's best Eamons. You are not seeing Walk-Throughs in this section for Sam's best works, because these Eamons typically include very complete hints and solutions programs on the disk. For example, "Storm Breaker" has a SO LUTIONS program, and "Animal Farm" has BASIC TRAINING. Both of these programs offer fairly complete walk-throughs of their own. \par \par Always check Sam Ruby's Eamons for bonus programs on the disk! Several of the better authors have been known to do this on occasion. \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }{\b A Walk-through of Eamon #239 \par }{ \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b \'93Idol of the Incas\'94 \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par We are on a Quest to seek out the fabulous legendary Idol of the Incas. Our adventure begins as we approach an Incan temple. \par \par For those who wish to solve it on their own, I only have one good hint: this adventure makes very heavy use of multiply-embedded artifacts. By that term I mean items that are not listed in the room description but only in other artifact descriptions. For example, the room description mentions a table, and the table descriptio n mentions a plate, and the plate description mentions a knife, and the knife is a real artifact. Thus we have table, plate, and knife artifacts in the room, but only the table is revealed by the room description. Furthermore, the knife description might m ention an inscription that can be examined and read. \par \par Note: this map contains several passages that have parallel destinations. We will ignore unnecessary side trips down redundant and dead-end passages, although these passages do serve well to flesh out the temple and the dangerous Demons of Darkness. \par \par Also, many of the commands will be based on what we learned from the previous move. Be sure to read the game text as we progress, so you will understand where each move came from. \par \par Our first move is to go N t o reach the temple. Then go E twice, then N, and discover an entrance to the west. Go W twice, then U. Oops. It looks like there might be something to that legend, after all, and we will need light to progress through the temple. \par \par Go D until you stumble back into a dimly lit passageway. Then go E to exit back onto the outdoor path. Continue N twice, then W to reach the entrance. \par \par What are those tablets to the north? Go N and see. EXAMINE TABLETS. EXAMINE SLATE TABLET. READ GLYPHS. A "Path of Adventure?" This looks promising! GET SLATE TABLET. \par \par Return S, then go Up the steps and meet Penaca. Try to go W or E, and we find that only one exit is illuminated by a "suntunnel." Hmm. \par \par This art gallery may hold clues. EXAMINE FRESCOES. Aha. The suntunnel is different! EXAMINE PAINTING. READ GLYPHS and learn that the tablet is the key. This is surely our solution, so let's see what we can do here. \par \par EXAMINE the SLOT in the floor. The painting showed something here--PUT SLATE TABLET IN SLOT like the painting showed. Suntunnels open to east and west! \par \par Go W twice, then S twice into the scribe's room. GET MEDALLION. And there are more tablets strewn about here. EXAMINE TABLETS. EXAMINE BROKEN TABLET. It's inscribed with an Incan "P". EXAMINE SCRATCHED TABLET. It's marked with a "T". \par GET BROKEN TABLET. GET SCRATCHED TABLET. Hmm, all we can manage is just one tablet. That will do for now. Bring the broken tablet along. Go E three times to the library, and kill Teowamba. \par \par A library could be useful-- EXAMINE BOOK. EXAMINE PAGES. EXAMINE MAP. A map! GET ALL. \par \par READ BOOK. Something about a "P" "A" "T" "H". Hey, we've got tablets inscribed with a "P" and a "T". \par \par READ PAGES. They are pretty badly defaced, but we can make out "TABLETS" (reversed) and "PATH OF ADVENTURE." This P-A-T-H thing is looking stronger. \par \par READ MAP. Yes! A map of the temple! And the junctions are marked with P-A-T-H. But it crumbles to dust as we finish reading it! Well, at least we got some good information from it. \par \par This library looked like it might be the "P" room on the map. Let's refresh our impression and do a LOOK. The floor is inscribed with symbols. EXAMINE FLOOR. A missing tile! Let's get creative and PUT the BROKEN TABLET ( the one which is inscribed with a "P") in the FLOOR. The suntunnels extend further! \par \par Go S twice into the basket room. EXAMINE PEDESTAL. Something belongs here--an "A" tablet? EXAMINE BASKET. Hey, it looks like it is designed to carry the tablets! GET BASKET. \par \par Let's return to the scribe's room and gather up that tablet. Return N twice, then W three times. PUT SCRATCHED TABLET IN BASKET. Then return E three times to the library. \par \par Continue on E twice more to the mason's room. More tablets! EXAMINE TABLETS. EXAMINE A TABLET. EXAMINE H TABLET. GET A TABLET. PUT H TABLET IN BASKET. \par \par Return to the basket room by going W twice, then S twice. PUT A TABLET ON PEDESTAL. The suntunnel extends, revealing a passage south! \par \par Go S, then D into the armoury. EXAMINE CORNER. EXAMINE BLOW PIPE. EXAMINE DARTS. EXAMINE NET. EXAMINE SPEARS. EXAMINE GLYPHS. READ GLYPHS. EXAMINE STAFF OF LIFE. GET ALL. (Whew!) \par \par EXAMINE CORNICE. OPEN BASKET. Hey, there were jewels in here! A nice bonus. PUT SCRATCHED TABLET ON CORNICE. The suntunnel extends again! GET ALL. \par \par Go W twice to the tannery. EXAMINE POUCHES. EXAMINE BACKPACK. OPEN BACKPACK. OPEN POUCHES. Hey, what are these glowing rock chips? Is a light source involved here? GET ALL. \par \par Return E twice to the armoury, then continue E twice more to the potter's room. EXAMINE POT. OPEN POT. A key! GET GOLD KEY. Return W twice to the armoury. \par \par Go S twice to the stone cutter's room, then go W twice to the smelter. EXAMINE AMULET. GET AMULET. Note the death grip that Hiram Bingham has on those little boxes. There's something unnatural about that. Return E twice to the stone cutter's room. \par \par Continue E twice more to the Lord of Cepons' tomb. Nothing here-- go S twice. A room full of statues, and they are all holding those little boxes-- \par \par EXAMINE BOXES. OPEN DIAMOND BOX. OPEN RUBY BOX. OPEN EMERALD BOX. OPEN RUDIEM BOX. GET ALL. What's this strange cold feeling? DROP BOXES. That's better! We don't want to wind up like these others. Return N twice, then W twice to the armory. \par \par This must be our next tablet room, and the key must be that illuminated spot on the south wall. EXAMINE WALL. EXAMINE NICHE. OPEN BASKET. PUT H TABLET IN NICHE. More suntunnels! \par \par There's more to be found-- let's do a LOOK and refresh our viewpoint. What are those glowing rocks and stones? EXAMINE ROCKS. EXAMINE STONES. GET ROCKS. we can't do it! But they sparked like those rock chips-- PUT ROCKS IN POUCHES. PUT STONES IN POUCHES. \par \par Head S. EXAMINE ARCH. A secret passage down! We'll be back for this soon. \par \par Continue S. EXAMINE SCEPTER. READ GLYPHS. The scepter is a key? GET SCEPTER. It's not there!?! Look around a little. EXAMINE CONE. EXAMINE WEST WALL. EXAMINE EAST WALL. Aha! It's an illusion! GET SCEPTER. Return N. \par \par Go D twice into a snake pit. Kill the serpent. THROW NET to neutralize the cobras. Don't worry about the snakes, they're not a problem. \par \par Go S-- hey, we need more light here. OPEN POUCHES to light the room, and discover a door south. PUT STONES IN POUCHES. \par \par EXAMINE DOOR and find a bronze lock that might match that bronze key we found. OPEN DOOR and go S. OPEN POUCHES to light the room. Continue S, then go Up the steps. We must be getting close now. OPEN CHESTS. Wow! The jackpot! GET ALL. \par \par EXAMINE ALTAR. READ GLYPHS. This crevasse business looks plenty dangerous, but we laugh at danger! EXAMINE WOOD STATUE. EXAMINE HOLE. PUT SCEPTER IN HOLE. OPEN WOOD STATUE. The Idol!!! \par \par Penaca is no doubt right about the great peril here, but this is what we came for! GET IDOL. Uh, oh, earthquake! The place is falling down around us! \par \par Go E through the broken wall, and cross the rope bridge. Continue E four times until we reach the mine entrance. Oh no, we lost all our loot! But we still have the idol. Keep moving! \par \par We need to leave here NOW. (But before we do, this is a real good place to do a SAVE, and there is an option to resume play.) The cart is chocked by that stick. GET STICK. It's rolling! JUMP IN CART. \par \par This ends the text adventure and takes you to the cart ride, an arcade-like experience. You must ride the cart as it careens faster and faster, choosing the safe passages as you go. \par \par The ten-second count is to calibrate the game's speed to your computer. It would be quite impossible on accelerated machines without this feature. \par \par You get three chances to make it. (If you die, you can restart that saved game by simply typing RUN.) Get past 25 junctions, and you win the game, no richer than you started, but no poorer, either. If only that old bridge hadn't collapsed! \par \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw45\brsp20 \nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\page }{\b\fs28 Eamon Adventure Listing\tab \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 \par \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tx720\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 Column:\tab 1. Adventure Number \par \tab 2. Adventure Title \par \tab 3. Difficulty (1-easiest; 10-hardest) \par \tab 4. Last Revision Date (DOS 3.3) \par \tab 5. Speed-up Mods installed (7=uses v7.0 search) \par \tab 6. Reviewed in newsletter \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \tx2520\tx2880\tx3686\tx3960\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\sl-200\slmult0\widctlpar\tqc\tx2794\tx3067\tx3960\tx4320\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs18 ..1. Main Hall & Beginners Cave\tab 3\tab 02/11/90 \par 2. The Lair of the Minotaur\tab 5\tab 12/15/84\tab \tab Jun95 \par 3. The Cave of the Mind\tab 4\tab 12/15/84\tab \tab Jun95 \par 4. The Zyphur Riverventure\tab 5\tab \tab \tab Jun95 \par 5. Castle of Doom\tab 4\tab 12/15/84\tab \tab Jun95 \par 6. The Death Star\tab 6\tab 12/14/85\tab \tab Jun94 \par 7. The Devil's Tomb\tab 9\tab 07/06/89\tab \tab Jun99 \par 8. The Abductor's Quarters\tab 7\tab 06/21/85\tab \tab Mar99 \par 9. Assault on the Clonemaster\tab 6\tab 06/21/85\tab \tab Dec98 \par 10. The Magic Kingdom\tab 2\tab 04/18/94\tab \tab Jun94 \par 11. The Tomb of Molinar\tab 8\tab 10/16/88\tab \tab Mar95 \par 12. The Quest for Trezore\tab 8\tab 07/03/85\tab \tab Mar99 \par 13. Caves of Treasure Island\tab 6\tab 10/30/84\tab \tab Jun95 \par 14. Furioso\tab 7\tab \tab \tab Jun99 \par 15. Heroes Castle\tab 4\tab 05/28/86\tab \tab Sep95 \par 16. The Caves of Mondamen\tab 8\tab 07/18/89\tab Y\tab Jun93 \par 17. Merlin's Castle\tab 5\tab 08/27/84\tab \tab Sep90 \par 18. Hogarth Castle\tab 5\tab \tab \tab Mar93 \par 19. Death Trap\tab 9\tab 05/09/93\tab \tab Jun99 \par 20. The Black Death\tab 6\tab \tab \tab Sep93 \par 21. The Quest for Marron\tab 8\tab 05/04/89\tab Y\tab Sep93 \par 22. The Senator's Chambers\tab 3\tab 08/18/95\tab Y\tab Sep95 \par 23. The Temple of Ngurct\tab 6\tab 02/15/93\tab Y\tab Mar93 \par 24. Black Mountain\tab 8\tab 07/20/89\tab \tab Jun92 \par 25. Nuclear Nightmare\tab 7\tab 09/30/84\tab \tab Mar99 \par 26. Assault on the Mole Man\tab 7\tab 07/03/95\tab Y\tab Sep95 \par 27. Revenge of the Mole Man\tab 7\tab 07/03/95\tab Y\tab Sep95 \par 28. The Tower of London\tab 3\tab 09/29/95\tab \tab Dec95 \par 29. The Lost Island of Apple\tab 9\tab 03/27/91\tab \tab Jun99 \par 30. The Underground City\tab 7\tab 05/04/89\tab \tab Dec95 \par 31. The Gauntlet\tab 6\tab \tab \tab Dec95 \par 32. House of Ill Repute\tab -\tab 09/13/89\tab \tab Mar96 \par 33. The Orb of Polaris\tab 7\tab 08/15/91\tab \tab Mar99 \par 34. Death's Gateway\tab 6\tab 03/03/88\tab Y\tab Mar91 \par 35. The Lair of Mutants\tab 7\tab 07/04/89\tab \tab Sep90 \par 36. The Citadel of Blood\tab 7\tab 11/14/93\tab \tab Mar96 \par 37. Quest for the Holy Grail\tab 6\tab 10/07/90\tab Y\tab Aug84 \par 38. City in the Clouds\tab 8\tab 10/24/90\tab Y\tab Dec90 \par 39. Museum of Unnatural History\tab 7\tab 11/15/85\tab \tab Mar91 \par 40. Daemon's Playground\tab 5\tab 04/29/84\tab \tab Mar96 \par 41. Caverns of Lanst\tab 5\tab 06/21/95\tab \tab Mar91 \par 42. Alternate Beginners Cave\tab 3\tab 05/25/96\tab \tab Mar96 \par 43. Priests of Xim!\tab 6\tab 01/30/94\tab Y\tab Mar94 \par 44. Escape from the Orc Lair\tab 3\tab 05/03/90\tab \tab Jun94 \par 45. SwordQuest\tab 8\tab 09/13/92\tab Y\tab May85 \par 46. Lifequest\tab 9\tab 05/15/85\tab \tab Mar96 \par 47. FutureQuest\tab 7\tab 11/14/93\tab Y\tab Mar84 \par 48. Picnic in Paradise\tab 7\tab 02/08/92\tab Y\tab Mar92 \par 49. The Castle Kophinos\tab 7\tab 09/28/93\tab \tab Dec93 \par 50. Behind the Sealed Door\tab 3\tab 11/14/93\tab \tab Mar96 \par 51. The Caves of Eamon Bluff\tab 6\tab \tab \tab May85 \par 52. The Devil's Dungeon\tab 3\tab 04/07/84\tab \tab May85 \par 53. Feast of Carroll\tab 4\tab 12/14/85\tab \tab Jun96 \par 54. Crystal Mountain\tab 7\tab 07/04/85\tab \tab Jun96 \par 55. The Master's Dungeon\tab 4\tab 07/14/84\tab \tab Jan85 \par 56. The Lost Adventure\tab 7\tab \tab \tab Mar91 \par 57. The Manxome Foe\tab 4\tab \tab \tab Jun96 \par 58. The Land of Death\tab 6\tab 07/20/89\tab Y\tab Mar91 \par 59. Jungles of Vietnam\tab 1\tab 10/12/88\tab Y\tab Mar85 \par 60. The Sewers of Chicago\tab 2\tab 07/20/89\tab Y\tab Mar89 \par 61. The Harpy Cloud\tab 6\tab 05/27/86\tab \tab Jun96 \par 62. The Caverns of Doom\tab 8\tab 10/16/96\tab \tab Sep96 \par 63. Valkenburg Castle\tab -\tab 07/31/85\tab \tab Mar96 \par 64. Modern Problems\tab -\tab 07/22/85\tab \tab Mar89 \par 65. The School of Death\tab -\tab 04/04/86\tab \tab Mar89 \par 66. Dungeons of Xenon\tab 4\tab 06/26/96\tab Y\tab Sep96 \par 67. Chaosium Caves\tab 2\tab 07/04/85\tab Y\tab Dec89 \par 68. The Smith's Stronghold\tab 5\tab 02/24/91\tab Y\tab Sep96 \par 69. The Black Castle of NaGog\tab 5\tab 07/11/90\tab Y\tab Jun89 \par 70. The Tomb of Y'Golonac\tab 9\tab 06/07/87\tab \tab Sep88 \par 71. Operation Crab Key\tab 1\tab 08/26/84\tab \tab Oct84 \par 72. House on Eamon Ridge\tab 10\tab 07/22/89\tab Y\tab Dec96 \par 73. The Deep Canyon\tab 4\tab 10/07/84\tab \tab Oct84 \par 74. DharmaQuest\tab 8\tab 11/05/89\tab Y\tab Jan85 \par 75. Temple of the Guild\tab 5\tab \tab \tab Sep96 \par 76. The Search for Yourself\tab 6\tab 11/28/85\tab \tab Oct84 \par 77. Temple of the Trolls\tab 9\tab 01/01/90\tab Y\tab Jan85 \par 78. The Prince's Tavern\tab 7\tab 05/28/91\tab Y\tab Jan85 \par 79. The Castle of Count Fuey\tab 7\tab 11/03/84\tab \tab Sep96 \par 80. The Search for the Key\tab 4\tab 11/03/84\tab \tab Dec94 \par 81. The Rescue Mission\tab 8\tab 07/25/89\tab \tab Dec94 \par 82. Escape from Mansi Island\tab 5\tab 07/25/96\tab Y\tab Sep96 \par 83. The Twin Castles\tab 4\tab 12/07/86\tab \tab Sep96 \par 84. Castle of Riveneta\tab 4\tab 05/03/90\tab Y\tab Jun90 \par 85. The Time Portal\tab 5\tab 07/25/89\tab \tab Dec96 \par 86. Castle Mantru\tab 3\tab 06/05/87\tab \tab Jun91 \par 87. Caves of Hollow Mountain\tab -\tab 09/20/85\tab \tab Mar89 \par 88. The Shopping Mall\tab 1\tab 10/12/88\tab \tab Dec96 \par 89. Super Fortress of Lin Wang\tab 6\tab 10/15/96\tab Y\tab Dec96 \par 90. The Doomsday Clock\tab 9\tab 04/01/91\tab \tab Jun91 \par 91. FutureQuest II\tab 7\tab 12/04/87\tab Y\tab Aug85 \par 92. The Fugitive\tab 5\tab 11/03/88\tab Y\tab Dec90 \par 93. Flying Circus\tab -\tab 07/05/85\tab Y\tab Jun93 \par 94. Blood Feud\tab 7\tab 10/19/96\tab Y\tab Dec96 \par 95. The Maze of Quasequeton\tab 1\tab 01/16/94\tab Y\tab Mar94 \par 96. The Chamber of the Dragons\tab 1\tab 07/15/84\tab \tab Dec96 \par 97. The House of Secrets\tab 5\tab 01/16/94\tab Y\tab Jun91 \par 98. Slave Pits of Kzorland\tab 3\tab 10/01/89\tab Y\tab Dec89 \par 99. In the Clutches of Torrik\tab 8\tab 11/08/88\tab Y\tab Dec88 \par 100. Sorceror's Spire\tab 9\tab 06/03/87\tab Y\tab Sep89 \par 101. Ground Zero\tab 2\tab \tab \tab Dec96 \par 102. The Eamon Railroad\tab 2\tab 06/20/85\tab \tab Dec96 \par 103. Top Secret\tab -\tab 06/20/85\tab \tab Mar89 \par 104. The Lost World\tab 4\tab \tab \tab Dec96 \par 105. The Strange Resort\tab 1\tab \tab \tab Mar97 \par 106. Camp Eamon\tab 6\tab 07/01/85\tab Y\tab Sep93 \par 107. The Last Dragon\tab 7\tab 10/15/91\tab Y\tab Mar97 \par 108. The Mines of Moria\tab 8\tab 04/08/90\tab Y\tab Oct85 \par 109. The Forest of Fear\tab 6\tab 07/29/89\tab Y\tab Jun86 \par 110. Fire Island\tab 8\tab 12/08/87\tab Y\tab Jun97 \par 111. A Vacation in Europe\tab 4\tab 06/16/88\tab Y\tab Oct85 \par 112. Hills of History\tab 5\tab 06/16/88\tab Y\tab Jun91 \par 113. The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek\tab 8\tab 06/16/88\tab Y\tab Jun86 \par 114. Thror's Ring\tab 9\tab 03/05/90\tab Y\tab Jun86 \par 115. The Ring of Doom\tab 9\tab 01/28/94\tab Y\tab Mar94 \par 116. The Iron Prison\tab 10\tab 09/06/92\tab Y\tab Sep92 \par 117. Dungeon of Doom\tab 7\tab 08/26/86\tab Y\tab Mar97 \par 118. Pittfall\tab 6\tab 05/04/89\tab Y\tab Jun89 \par 119. Grunewalde\tab 8\tab 06/16/88\tab Y\tab Mar89 \par 120. Orb of My Life\tab 9\tab 03/17/96\tab Y\tab Jun86 \par 121. Wrenhold's Secret Vigil\tab 8\tab 11/05/89\tab Y\tab Jun86 \par 122. The Valley of Death\tab 7\tab 06/16/88\tab Y\tab Mar97 \par 123. Wizard of the Spheres\tab 4\tab 11/23/96\tab Y\tab Sep93 \par 124. Assault on Dolni Keep\tab 6\tab 11/08/89\tab Y\tab Oct87 \par 125. The Mattimoe Palace\tab 4\tab \tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 126. The Pyramid of Anharos\tab 8\tab 03/15/92\tab Y\tab Jun92 \par 127. The Hunt for the Ring\tab 9\tab 06/16/88\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 128. Quest of Erebor\tab 8\tab 06/16/88\tab \tab Dec93 \par 129. Return to Moria\tab 9\tab 12/01/91\tab Y\tab Oct87 \par 130. Haradwaith\tab 7\tab 11/27/90\tab Y\tab Oct87 \par 131. Nucleus of the Ruby\tab 6\tab 05/08/95\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 132. Rhadshur Warrior\tab 9\tab 04/18/94\tab Y\tab Dec92 \par 133. The Final Frontier\tab 3\tab 07/29/90\tab Y\tab Dec92 \par 134. Pyramid of the Ancients\tab 3\tab 06/16/88\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 135. The Tomb of Evron\tab 2\tab 05/13/87\tab \tab Sep97 \par 136. The Mountain Fortress\tab 2\tab 06/16/88\tab Y\tab Dec97 \par 137. The Ruins of Ivory Castle\tab 4\tab 06/16/88\tab Y\tab Jun88 \par 138. Starfire\tab 4\tab 07/30/89\tab Y\tab Mar94 \par 139. Peg's Place\tab 7\tab 11/30/90\tab Y\tab Jun88 \par 140. Beginner's Forest\tab 5\tab 07/18/88\tab \tab Mar98 \par 141. The Infested Fortress\tab 4\tab 01/14/94\tab Y\tab Oct87 \par 142. The Beermeister's Brewery\tab 6\tab 07/18/89\tab Y\tab Jun88 \par 143. The Alternate Zone\tab 6\tab 02/02/87\tab \tab Jun92 \par 144. Gartin Manor\tab 4\tab 10/18/88\tab Y\tab Dec97 \par 145. Buccaneer!\tab 9\tab 03/30/87\tab Y\tab Oct87 \par 146. The House of Horrors\tab 7\tab 02/20/90\tab Y\tab Mar90 \par 147. The Dark Brotherhood\tab 9\tab 11/28/89\tab Y\tab Jun88 \par 148. Journey to Jotunheim\tab 6\tab 01/18/95\tab Y\tab Mar95 \par 149. Elemental Apocalypse\tab 9\tab 01/14/94\tab Y\tab Sep89 \par 150. Walled City of Darkness\tab 10\tab 12/06/89\tab Y\tab Sep88 \par 151. Eamon S.A.R.-1 (Deneb Raid)\tab 5\tab 08/01/88\tab Y\tab Sep88 \par 152. The Computer Club of Fear\tab 6\tab 10/19/89\tab Y\tab Mar98 \par 153. Lost!\tab 4\tab 03/11/90\tab Y\tab Jun94 \par 154. A Trip to Fort Scott\tab 4\tab 06/21/95\tab Y\tab Dec93 \par 155. Tomb of the Vampire\tab 5\tab 06/21/95\tab Y\tab Mar91 \par 156. The Lake\tab 3\tab 07/04/88\tab Y\tab Mar98 \par 157. Pathetic Hideout of Mr. R.\tab 5\tab 10/11/88\tab Y\tab Mar98 \par 158. The Lair of Mr. Ed\tab 7\tab 11/06/88\tab Y\tab Sep88 \par 159. The Bridge of Catzad-Dum\tab 6\tab 05/18/92\tab Y\tab Dec88 \par 160. Monty Python & Holy Grail\tab 6\tab 08/29/88\tab Y\tab Mar98 \par 161. Operation Endgame\tab 10\tab 06/29/91\tab Y\tab Dec88 \par 162. Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure\tab - \tab 11/20/89\tab 7\tab Sep98 \par 163. The Sands of Mars\tab 4\tab 10/12/88\tab Y\tab Jun92 \par 164. A Real Cliffhanger\tab 4\tab 11/08/88\tab Y\tab Dec88 \par 165. Animal Farm\tab 8\tab 01/14/94\tab Y\tab Sep90 \par 166. Storm Breaker\tab 8\tab 10/19/93\tab 7\tab Jun89 \par 167. Expedition to the Darkwoods\tab 9\tab 06/13/89\tab Y\tab Mar98 \par 168. The High School of Horrors\tab 5\tab 03/09/89\tab Y\tab Jun98 \par 169. The Black Phoenix\tab -\tab 12/21/89\tab Y\tab Sep89 \par 170. Ragnarok Revisited\tab 9\tab 04/18/90\tab Y\tab Sep91 \par 171. The Pyramid of Cheops\tab 3\tab 07/04/89\tab Y\tab Jun98 \par 172. The Mountain of the Master\tab 3\tab 05/16/89\tab Y\tab Dec92 \par 173. The House that Jack Built\tab 2\tab 07/04/89\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 174. Escape from Granite Hall\tab 3\tab 07/04/89\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 175. Anatomy of the Body\tab 2\tab 07/04/89\tab Y\tab Sep91 \par 176. Dirtie Trix's Mad Maze\tab 2\tab 07/04/89\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 177. Shippe of Fooles\tab 3\tab 07/04/89\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 178. The Alien Intruder\tab 2\tab 07/04/89\tab Y\tab Sep95 \par 179. The Wizard's Tower\tab 4\tab 05/28/90\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 180. Gamma 1\tab 3\tab 01/14/94\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 181. The Eamon Sewer System\tab 2\tab 07/05/89\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 182. Farmer Brown's Woods\tab 1\tab 07/05/89\tab Y\tab Sep97 \par 183. The Boy and the Bard\tab 9\tab 09/18/89\tab Y\tab Sep89 \par 184. Quest for Orion\tab 6\tab 09/12/89\tab 7\tab Dec89 \par 185. The Body Revisited\tab 4\tab 06/29/94\tab 7\tab Dec89 \par 186. Beginners Cave II\tab 2\tab 06/21/95\tab Y\tab Jun90 \par 187. Batman!!\tab 1\tab 11/05/89\tab Y\tab Jun98 \par 188. Encounter: The Bookworm\tab 3-7\tab 02/11/90\tab 7\tab Jun98 \par 189. The Ruins of Belfast\tab 7\tab 01/13/90\tab Y\tab Jun98 \par 190. Shift Change at Grimmwax\tab 7\tab 01/13/90\tab Y\tab Mar90 \par 191. Enhanced Beginners Cave\tab 3\tab 02/04/90\tab Y\tab Mar90 \par 192. Mean Streets\tab 3\tab 02/01/90\tab Y\tab Jun98 \par 193. The Creature of Rhyl\tab 5\tab 02/09/90\tab 7\tab Sep98 \par 194. Attack of the Kretons\tab 7\tab 01/26/97\tab 7\tab Mar90 \par 195. The Training Ground\tab 2\tab 02/13/90\tab Y\tab Sep91 \par 196. The Cat House\tab -\tab 02/02/90\tab Y\tab Sep98 \par 197. Star Wars-Tempest One\tab 4\tab 06/21/95\tab Y\tab Jun98 \par 198. Revenge of the Bookworm\tab 4\tab 06/06/92\tab 7\tab Jun90 \par 199. Quest of the Crystal Wand\tab 3\tab 04/29/90\tab Y\tab Jun90 \par 200. The Lost Isle\tab 7\tab 04/29/90\tab Y\tab Mar96 \par 201. The Caverns of Vanavara\tab 7\tab 04/29/90\tab Y\tab Sep98 \par 202. The Plain of Srevi\tab 7\tab 06/06/90\tab Y\tab Sep90 \par 203. Lotto's Masterpiece\tab 5\tab 06/13/90\tab 7\tab Sep90 \par 204. Sanctuary\tab 7-10\tab 10/09/90\tab 7\tab Dec90 \par 205. Utterly Outrageous\tab 7\tab 01/26/91\tab 7\tab Sep91 \par 206. Curse of the Hellsblade\tab 6\tab 11/14/94\tab 7\tab Dec94 \par 207. Eamon Renegade Club\tab 8\tab 06/20/91\tab 7\tab Sep97 \par 208. Assault on Helstar\tab 7\tab 09/15/91\tab 7\tab Dec91 \par 209. Apocalypse 2021\tab 6\tab 10/04/91\tab 7\tab Dec91 \par 210. Return of Ngurct\tab 7\tab 10/04/91\tab 7\tab Sep94 \par 211. Lair of the Marauders\tab 4\tab 10/09/91\tab 7\tab Dec91 \par 212. Haunted Keep\tab 4\tab 11/17/91\tab 7\tab Sep98 \par 213. Demongate\tab 4\tab 11/17/91\tab 7\tab Dec91 \par 214. Deathstalker's Castle\tab 8\tab 02/02/92\tab 7\tab Mar92 \par 215. Treasure Island\tab 3\tab 12/31/91\tab 7\tab Mar92 \par 216. The Pirate's Cave\tab 3\tab 01/06/92\tab 7\tab Mar92 \par 217. Eye of Agamon\tab 6\tab 09/18/93\tab 7\tab Dec93 \par 218. Return to Pendrama\tab 4\tab 07/16/92\tab 7\tab Sep92 \par 219. The City of Sorcerors\tab 4\tab 08/16/92\tab Y\tab Sep92 \par 220. Catacombs of Terror\tab 9\tab 09/20/92\tab 7\tab Dec92 \par 221. Count Dracula's Castle\tab 2\tab 01/04/93\tab Y\tab Mar93 \par 222. The Halls of the Adept\tab 6\tab 01/18/93\tab Y\tab Mar93 \par 223. Time Shift\tab 3\tab 03/12/93\tab Y\tab Jun93 \par 224. Prisoner of Darkness\tab 6\tab 02/16/94\tab 7\tab Dec98 \par 225. Adventure in Interzone\tab 8\tab 10/02/94\tab 7\tab Jun94 \par 226. Bookworm 3-D\tab 3\tab 07/30/94\tab 7\tab Sep94 \par 227. B I Z A R R O\tab 6\tab 06/21/95\tab Y\tab Sep94 \par 228. Shipwreck Island\tab 4\tab 07/31/94\tab Y\tab Sep94 \par 229. Firestorm\tab 7\tab 05/25/96\tab 7\tab Mar95 \par 230. Well of the Great Ones\tab 6\tab 12/28/94\tab Y\tab Mar95 \par 231. Keep of Skull Gorge\tab 5\tab 01/21/95\tab Y\tab Jun96 \par 232. Jewel of Yara\tab 5\tab 06/08/95\tab 7\tab Dec98 \par 233. The Domain of Zenoqq (PDOS)\tab 3\tab 08/19/95\tab 7\tab Dec98 \par 234. The Forbidden City\tab 7\tab 06/30/95\tab 7\tab Sep95 \par 235. Vaalpa's Plight\tab 6\tab 09/11/95\tab 7\tab Dec95 \par 236. Search for Mack\tab 4\tab 09/23/95\tab 7\tab Dec95 \par 237. Fiends of Eamon\tab 6\tab 10/31/95\tab 7\tab Mar96 \par 238. Sagamore\tab 2\tab 06/20/96\tab 7\tab Sep96 \par 239. Idol of the Incas\tab 8\tab 01/11/97\tab 7\tab Mar97 \par 240. The Heart of Gold\tab 8\tab 05/22/97\tab 7\tab Jun97 \par 241. The Shrunken Adventurer\tab 7\tab 11/26/97\tab 7\tab Dec97 \par 242. The Dungeon of Traps\tab 6\tab 11/16/97\tab \tab Dec97 \par \par SD#137 Redemption\tab 7\tab May 1993\tab 7\tab Jun93 \par SD#152 Banana Republic\tab 7\tab Jun 1994\tab 7\tab Dec94 \par SD#156 The Curse of Talon\tab 9\tab Oct 1994\tab 7\tab Sep95 \par \par Dungeon Designer Diskette Ver.7.1\tab \tab 05/25/96 \par DDD 7.1 Multi-Disk Supplement\tab \tab 08/21/93 \par Dungeon Designer Diskette Ver.6.2\tab \tab 6/08/90 \par Eamon Utilities Diskette\tab \tab 02/28/96 \par Graphics Main Hall\tab \tab 11/08/89 \par }\pard \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0 { \par }}