NFlv0ZZܩNFأ @/Z0Y ZSHELL/FILETYPES/FT060000prefix */ basic.launcher NFRJ@/Z1Y ZSHELL/FILETYPES/FTFC0000prefix */ basic.launcher NF)@/Z Y ZSHELL/HELP/CAT\)ۿcL6ebt B}4(2r@͛3s@G 7aڔ&#9i 9J:o@#L7,X¡ J6lI&M1Dݜi8VAN1i !&J.$B #'e:萸 1rٕohkeƦOqQUʗ1mQ`Ǐcֽ{ |We)8Dv,YkN8iu δ 1sl ޿Y#m4!Ǽi4Yd:rzl<+]إS3A9H&2B);c 1rc(r+$)A* 8(;.#HI&*ȣ30p,N3Q-l+Ă5,-ذ99(#$![1 DLA3p#) k )*Ǖl4 SQ2*Bc.Lg<ԓ? A%T NF(\@/Z Y ZSHELL/HELP/TYPEtype [file1] {file2} Prints a file to the screen, optionally redirecting output to a specified filename. Parameters: file1 The name of the file to be printed. file2 The name of an optional file to pipe output to. Notes: This command suports wildcards in the first but not the second filename. Only TXT and SRC type files can be printed with this command. NFW@/Z- Y ZSHELL/HELP/DIRdir [pathname] Catalogs a pathname. Parameters: pathname The name of the directory to be cataloged. Defaults: The default filename for this command is the pathname for the current directory. Notes: This command suports wildcards in the pathname. Use of the equals ("=") in the pathname will cause it to be used as a filter, displaying only those files that match. NFs@/Z- Y Z SHELL/HELP/LSls [pathname] Catalogs a pathname. Parameters: pathname The name of the directory to be cataloged. Defaults: The default filename for this command is the pathname for the current directory. Notes: This command suports wildcards in the pathname. Use of the equals ("=") in the pathname will cause it to be used as a filter, displaying only those files that match. NF@/ZY ZSHELL/HELP/HELPhelp [command] {file} Provides help information on a given command. Parameters: command The name of the command for which help is needed. file The name of an optional file to pipe output to. Defaults: If no command is specified a list of commands available will be printed. Notes: This command suports wildcards in the command name but not in the optional file name. Commands such as # must be spelled out (# as "pound"). NF.@/Z1ZZSHELL/HELP/GENERALi^ہGʸ)#' iܘy#M:i޸!cЀ 6 Pb7w1MnFNsÐN2 A䜎]D!C+΁SfL3i}ӠL,]:&D17ϼ:sT%))a_%"E1g󧎐DH T3`2,P0^( $aR2CX"h,vf F4X2f)M,,y8i* Sn+xi1> *#$#E i 9y%~%!P,O)ߺ'Xb*/ئ/N;9#p"6#b .5\*a&X"=" q$)2H#*7 a2!@3HC.:x7А $h4Ǥ bxB)Brb2氒1CBȩhaJ6k,b %  (C҄GxI iI0cZ 9*b 7ĸq, ܈)ғE͌##Pm.(9h:ЌLtˍɬ-HA;M!m!3Lc3B!(U XQ(t$,|0#Oq+>㚫.#AU#%MFA HT(;1DL@P3NfUTtʐ\9ܓ?tM)̃eAX}RZI<!x 6쐰/7#:a1 y#\S"c W3& dwc'aL(i" O+&"XJP3ܘ# 1Cpop\Qr NZ;0:zػN0p([|@C'8*Cfc 74k 7@ˣ&u{nsVvL&I&ϫ|0~D0i^l?[q{^sz.(MtM'ԥ`Oࢌ†+ CFeu ׁLa0ac8 )CD#);*ICT : f`C1i i{*bDV`W$a `&)JSMb=Ov1Bư esef~["i DmL*73 QpEVJΖ6:${! ;L! SPRb`]2F*#g[ 0*` tIjr HА<(2R,a,@U)hX`UG F6<:̭ L @"쀧{$):{16WF~8@2gfH@A eFX1 m2LI9( n1qTVI ۖQqw:X4z, )DS'`hNYO 2x6cmn #ڜE OU<HH ]YQEHq^E)LxB/NYU7&eªKt;`b4d <;_@FLI~4VL9ku $FLK'ȡ $l'jf9EA@S]JBAX*HnGLib/9ܳVҒ!;lz3ܤaILhb)`|%`h 'vmk|.Wtr]+&fLˌ7`1p.,^t4\w+?9CRsMU\O t0',K3vx|%R䱂jV62?Vj[THdhEOw&a|Gq(~½7y-~33,J~@OF!2A1=CQ3#0HnN@"%@fs"q$۵Ȱ'^a0dധ-b6m2wWEtZxRc'zX*xOoEV3Hf\fw!CgBj0P<Б3$A Exp@)NFl.@/Z5ZZSHELL/HELP/BATCH[(ۏb4lʀ(0nyA#eܔ@B )hʰabN8pȡ3 Q *XDXf2|kJdhҫ:S-؈2Д*ʫH: QJ` 4>VC)1J4L"6zJ5=/5$7LBI%ֈꎚx(C#HPX" ' +#8ک|RXu L`Fqտ baz P6 ~)6| 9P Bvea #pS4n@)# J.ݜ w1F07JES&ۇ L+ORʘ 賯cιmTA9P0&@Lp4QVlg uGGn!c2ن^{W|}=NFK$@/ZZZSHELL/HELP/RMDIRrmdir [file1] Deletes a specified file or files. Parameters: file1 The name of the file to be deleted. Notes: This command suports wildcards. The command is synonymous with "rm." NFر{@/Z;ZZSHELL/HELP/MKDIRmkdir [file1] {filetype} Creates a file of a given file type. Parameters: file1 The name of the file or directory to be created. filetype The file type to make the file Defaults: The default filetype for this command is DIR. Notes: A limitted number of filetypes (such as BAS, SYS, BIN, DIR, TXT, S16) are supported by name. Other types should be specified in the form "$xx," where xx is a hexadecimal number. NF @/ZZZSHELL/HELP/LOCKlock [file1] Locks a specified file or files. Parameters: file1 The name of the file to be locked. Notes: This command suports wildcards. NF8@/ZZZSHELL/HELP/UNLOCKunlock [file1] Unlocks a specified file or files. Parameters: file1 The name of the file to be unlocked. Notes: This command suports wildcards. NFعV@/ZZZSHELL/HELP/PAUSEsspause This command is currently no implemented for general use. Parameters: none Notes: Do not use. NFL@/Z#ZZSHELL/HELP/COPYcopy [file1] [file2] Copies one file to another. Parameters: file1 The name of the source file. file2 The name of the destination file. Defaults: none Notes: This command suports wildcards. NF؞c@/Z#ZZ SHELL/HELP/CPcp [file1] [file2] Copies one file to another. Parameters: file1 The name of the source file. file2 The name of the destination file. Defaults: none Notes: This command suports wildcards. NF@/Z"ZZSHELL/HELP/MACBINffmacbin [file1] [file2] Copies one file to another, but skips the first 128 bytes of the first file. Parameters: file1 The name of the source file. file2 The name of the destination file. Defaults: none Notes: This command suports wildcards. The purpose of this command is to strip headers off of MacBinary II files. NFؐ[@/Z&ZZ SHELL/HELP/CDcd [file1] Changes the current prefix to that specified or displays the current prefix. Parameters: file1 The name of the directory to be the pathname. Defaults: none Notes: If no file name is given, the current one will be shown. Two dots following the "cd" command will cause it to back up to the next higher directory level, for example, from "/fruit/banana/orange" to "fruit/banana." NFإ@/Z3ZZSHELL/HELP/CDUPcdup Causes the prefix to change to the next higher directory level, for example, from "/cider/apple/coke" to "/cider/apple." Parameters: none Defaults: none Notes: none NF @/Z4ZZSHELL/HELP/ Causes the prefix to change to the next higher directory level, for example, from "/cider/apple/coke" to "/cider/apple." Parameters: none Defaults: none Notes: none NF3@/Z5ZZSHELL/HELP/SSAVEssave [file1] Saves the super high resolution screen to disk under the specified file name. Parameters: file1 The name of the file to save the screen to. Notes: none NFl @/Z6ZZSHELL/HELP/SLOADsload [file1] Loads a previously saved super high resolution screen from disk. Parameters: file1 The name of the file to load to the screen. Notes: none NF@/Z8ZZSHELL/HELP/QUITwwquit Causes the stand-alone version of the Shell to do a ProDos quit. Parameters: none Notes: none NFh@/Z9ZZSHELL/HELP/PREFIXprefix [file1] Changes the current prefix to that specified or displays the current prefix. Parameters: file1 The name of the directory to be the pathname. Defaults: none Notes: If no file name is given, the current one will be shown. Two dots following the "cd" command will cause it to back up to the next higher directory level, for example, from "/fruit/banana/orange" to "fruit/banana." NF؟t@/ZZZSHELL/HELP/FILETYPEfiletype [file1] {filetype} Converts a file to a specified file type. Parameters: file1 The name of the file to be converted. filetype The file type to make the file Defaults: The default filetype for this command is DIR. Notes: A limitted number of filetypes (such as BAS, SYS, BIN, DIR, TXT, S16) are supported by name. Other types should be specified in the form "$xx," where xx is a hexadecimal number. This command supports wildcards. NF\@/ZZZSHELL/HELP/AUXTYPEauxtype [file1] {filetype} Converts the aux type of a file to a specified type. Parameters: file1 The name of the file to be converted. filetype The aux type to make the file Defaults: none Notes: A limitted number of aux types (such as CCOM, EXEC, etc.) are supported by name. Other types should be specified in the form "$xx," where xx is a hexadecimal number. This command supports wildcards. NFZ@/ZZZSHELL/HELP/CHANGEchange [file1] {filetype} Converts the aux type of a file to a specified type. Parameters: file1 The name of the file to be converted. filetype The aux type to make the file Defaults: none Notes: A limitted number of aux types (such as CCOM, EXEC, etc.) are supported by name. Other types should be specified in the form "$xx," where xx is a hexadecimal number. This command supports wildcards. 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(0 *I*$"!p#҈'$r (`'P2HB : #ܳO#ӈ9 5cAO"sL=# "S5h=͔bB H")CM((\pBJ'%Š9`L#!DL(<2SIB52[[EetK+4Z+UX"!0#bPӈmp^r`^GJ(8vHy"9()HS&lX7v'S[ %x4JzNj0 c08AV (%p.*0C[fu"h~p&ZYAuv p˾ylV[G+"h6wF W~ n"@b1ʘcm@4('h "8^/284::f/À5@c28x3(C\ h+$#2*7.^>kdd' [K·%TV~(H@*Fd"aFT"{ ;w:1< `z4 g рV8#! !<| #Hh*^ B |O-6R1phHE 0<]L Adl H+-v4ClT\ ~). ]3/## c\  WdڬJ$4@U*0qV H+@X|eb}"Z~_U&bL0 @2 8!*2 d#4`(aw pCT׼8! #. x4 .8!t H(ЇFsI`C6` hC@2 $ nʀ́r\*ycxܐ= ShTڍ! fH\`! m7TLu*Tnh-PV`tqYZR1ΧeCnJ 3-)\U%, 2/#)Ԟ0xؐ!cXCT֡yEAUU d`A7 ]]bTEmYrT7вy=mPijXr׻ky`X tpԮuA 7i0Qhx-K6EJ[ofPGʁ sp+p`4Јm@aBx#L?!lЀ-{]Bd(#LAA|\DZR(D*IKFB]|&/$hI& LA,Zh (!J@hw:J6` - ZѲLAdZɰ0-iv0S V9~`gkBֲŭA]vokIskM[wkSkiim[B-~>u*k̻ܩt*e-*ȷ\6 ~NᜎuNN#4~~;iHa$d B/0|(4\AzҌf ۊbFrɍ3&TTEΥ)yG-ڐY [|udM:`=dYɉ?c![q4`#6JaWHeW 4o H=0 8P \B0 8P \B0 8P \B0 8P \B0 8P \B0 8P \B0 8P \B% 8P \!Y 9f  ,hOA= EЪM'. PQc @0jTFgX " +^`1 U'|,` # SSAFLGA.}̪TϬbWɰ7 V0M0٩GLejԳ08ukí6FjӡQ:W" 2%ylɐL^Ja=6S=ٝdL檰۪S`C%)l'[Wź:> hgJN/߿Gq`x%`IG(| )) " c˿G.dPH8bJy 0W1). 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