#!/bin/csh # # This shell script removes all lines above 'CALL -151' and all # lines below 'E00G' in an executioner converted Usenet posting. # It also appends 2 linefeeds after 'E00G' and proceeds to convert # all linefeeds to carriage returns which apple 2's prefer. # Wildcard filenames are allowed with each extracted file having # a '.exec' tail added. # The shell script is a kludge, but it works fine. # Tested with an Apple //c using kermit and xmodem on a microvax # running Ultrix 2.0-1. # Written by Paul Nakada This program is free. Please distribute freely # if ($#argv == 0) then echo 'usage: stripexec filename' exit endif foreach file ($argv) set newfile=`echo $file .exec | tr -d ' '` echo '...stripping header and trailer from' $file '...' echo '... placing extracted file in' $newfile '...' awk '/CALL/, /E00G/ { print $0 ; if ($0 == "E00G") printf ("\n\n"); }'\ $file | tr '\012' '\015' > $newfile end