From NISC.SRI.COM!unix!Teknowledge.COM!uw-beaver!rice!!!ucbvax!EN.ECN.PURDUE.EDU!wscott Thu Apr 19 18:55:34 PDT 1990 Article 778 of comp.binaries.apple2: Path: NISC.SRI.COM!unix!Teknowledge.COM!uw-beaver!rice!!!ucbvax!EN.ECN.PURDUE.EDU!wscott >From: wscott@EN.ECN.PURDUE.EDU (Wayne H Scott) Newsgroups: comp.binaries.apple2 Subject: [eldorado: DHR fractal generator] Message-ID: <> Date: 18 Apr 90 01:22:26 GMT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Lines: 773 Date: Tue, 17 Apr 90 19:30:09 -0500 >From: eldorado (David D Jansen) To: wscott Posted: Sat Apr 14 00:17:00 EST 1990 Newsgroups: comp.binaries.apple2 Subject: DHR fractal generator Keywords: fractals This is a program that I have worked on off and on. It is a UCSD Pascal program that generates Mandelbrot, Julia and Cantor sets. Some aspects of this program are not fully supported but I better get this off now before summer. About the only thing that does not work correctly is the option to change the current region by selecting a point on the graphics screen, but the region can be changed by entering two points. There are two graphics file types implemented. One is a file of booleans and the other is a text file. The text file is about 4k and the boolean file is about 16k. Use which ever you wish. The reason for two types is I have a copy that I run on unix which I then download and plot to the screen. I do have to say that this program is extremely slow unless you have an accelerator. Enjoy it. If you have any bug reports or make any great modifications send me mail. Also a sample data file is included (the first line should begin with 0F). Just a student trying to slip through the cracks of Our Great Education System. _______________________________________________________________________________ Dave Jansen | INTERNET: Electrical Engineering | BITNET: Purdue University | UUCP: {purdue, pur-ee}!!eldorado cut here------------------------------------------------------------------------ program fractal (input,output,remotefile,screenfile,prntr); uses transcend,turtlegraphics; const base = 8192; maximumint = 32767; squaredradius = 4; maxiter = 100; {the maximum number of iteritions} hor = 560; {the number of points on the screen horizontally} ver = 192; {the number of points vertically} mina = -2.25; maxa = 0.75; minb = -1.5; maxb = 1.5; type imaginary = record {an imaginary number i.e. a + bi} a : real; b : real; end; region = record case integer of {a rectangle on the imaginary plane} 0: (min : imaginary; max : imaginary); 1: (lownum : imaginary; highnum : imaginary); end; screen = record {the data that describes a screen} where : region; bitmap : packed array [1..hor,1..ver] of boolean; end; store = record where : region; line : packed array [1..hor] of boolean; end; bitarray = array [0..5] of boolean; byte = 0..255; memloc = packed array [0..1] of byte; access = record case boolean of true: (address:integer); false: (pointer: ^memloc); end; var prntr:text; remotefile:text; screenfile:file of store; graphed:boolean; fraccalc:boolean; userdone:boolean; name:string; pages:screen; choice:char; con:imaginary; memory:access; function peek (addrs:integer):byte; begin memory.address:=addrs; peek:=memory.pointer^[0]; end; procedure poke (addrs:integer;val:byte); begin memory.address:=addrs; memory.pointer^[0]:=val; end; procedure dhrenable; begin poke (-16302,0); {full screen} poke (-16300,0); {page 2 off} poke (-16297,0); {hires on} poke (-16371,0); {80 col on} poke (-16258,0); {IOUdis on} poke (-16290,0); {DHR on} poke (-16304,0); {graphics on} poke (-16383,0); {80 store on} end; procedure dhrclear; begin initturtle; poke (-16383,0); {80 store on} poke (-16299,0); {page 2 on} initturtle; poke (-16300,0); {page 2 off} end; procedure dhrscreen (var pages:screen;var graphed:boolean); var a,b,c,d,e,i,j,k,p,s,t:integer; x,y,scalex,scaley:real; begin dhrenable; scalex:=hor / 560; scaley:=ver / 192; y:=0; for j:=1 to 192 do begin c:=trunc (y / 64); e:=trunc (y - (c * 64)); b:=trunc (e / 8); a:=e - (b * 8); d:=(1024 * a) + (128 * b) + (40 * c) + base; x:=0; for i:=1 to 80 do begin if (i mod 2)=0 then poke (-16300,0) else poke (-16299,0); t:=0; for k:=6 downto 0 do begin if pages.bitmap[trunc (7*x+k+1),trunc (y+1)] then p:=1 else p:=0; s:=p * trunc (exp (0.6931471806 * k)); t:=t + s; end; poke (((i-1) div 2) + d,t); x:=x+scalex; end; y:=y+scaley; end; graphed:=true; end; procedure dhrprinter (var pages:screen;name:string); var i,j,v,w,x,y:integer; pixel1:integer; pixel2:integer; pixel3:integer; bit:bitarray; begin dhrenable; rewrite (prntr,'PRINTER:'); writeln (prntr); writeln (prntr,'Fractal: ',name); writeln (prntr); for w:=0 to ((ver div 6) - 1) do begin write (prntr,chr(27),'j'); write (prntr,chr(27),'C1120'); j:=6 * w; for v:=1 to (hor div 7) do begin i:=7 * v; for x:=i downto i-6 do begin for y:=j to j+5 do bit[y-j]:=pages.bitmap[x,y+1]; pixel1:=0; pixel2:=0; pixel3:=0; if bit[0] then pixel1:=15; if bit[1] then pixel1:=240+pixel1; if bit[2] then pixel2:=15; if bit[3] then pixel2:=240+pixel2; if bit[4] then pixel3:=15; if bit[5] then pixel3:=240+pixel3; for y:=1 to (1120 div hor) do write (prntr,chr(pixel1),chr(pixel2),chr(pixel3)); end; end; writeln (prntr); end; writeln (prntr); writeln (prntr,'Fractal coordinates are: '); with pages.where do begin write (prntr,max.a:12:5,' + ',max.b:12:5,'i to ',min.a:12:5,' + '); writeln (prntr,min.b:12:5,'i'); end; close (prntr); end; procedure setting (var pages:screen;var con:imaginary;var fraccalc:boolean); var userdone:boolean; choice:char; begin pages.where.max.a:=maxa; pages.where.min.a:=mina; pages.where.max.b:=maxb; pages.where.min.b:=minb; repeat page (output); writeln; write ('Real c: '); readln (con.a); write ('Imaginary c: '); readln (con.b); writeln; write ('Is this correct? (Y)es or (N)o '); read (choice); case choice of 'Y','y': userdone:=true; 'N','n': userdone:=false; end; until userdone; fraccalc:=false; end; procedure julia (var pages:screen;con:imaginary;var fraccalc:boolean); var dval,z:imaginary; h,v,n:integer; temp:real; begin dval.a:=(pages.where.max.a - pages.where.min.a)/(hor - 1); dval.b:=(pages.where.max.b - pages.where.min.b)/(ver - 1); for v:=1 to ver do begin for h:=1 to hor do begin z.a:=pages.where.min.a + (h - 1) * dval.a; {val is the value of the} z.b:=pages.where.min.b + (v - 1) * dval.b; {current point on the screen} n:=0; while ((z.a*z.a) + (z.b*z.b) <= squaredradius) and (n < maxiter) do begin temp:=z.a; z.a:=(z.a * z.a) - (z.b * z.b) + con.a; z.b:=2 * temp * z.b + con.b; n:=n + 1; end; if (((z.a * z.a) + (z.b * z.b)) <= squaredradius) then pages.bitmap[h,v]:=true end; writeln (v/ver*100:5:2,'% done'); end; gotoxy (40,24); fraccalc:=true; end; procedure mandelbrot (var pages:screen;var fraccalc:boolean); var dval,z,val:imaginary; h,v,n:integer; temp:real; begin dval.a:=(pages.where.max.a - pages.where.min.a)/(hor - 1); dval.b:=(pages.where.max.b - pages.where.min.b)/(ver - 1); for v:=1 to ver do begin for h:=1 to hor do begin val.a:=pages.where.min.a + (h - 1) * dval.a; {val is the value of the} val.b:=pages.where.min.b + (v - 1) * dval.b;{current point on the screen} n:=0; z.a:=0; z.b:=0; while ((z.a*z.a) + (z.b*z.b) <= squaredradius) and (n < maxiter) do begin temp:=z.a; z.a:=(z.a * z.a) - (z.b * z.b) + val.a; z.b:=2 * temp * z.b + val.b; n:=n + 1; end; if (((z.a * z.a) + (z.b * z.b)) <= squaredradius) then pages.bitmap[h,v]:=true end; writeln (v/ver*100:5:2,'% done'); end; gotoxy (40,24); fraccalc:=true; end; procedure textprinter (var pages:screen); var i,j,x,y:integer; begin i:=hor div 80; j:=ver div 24; for y:=1 to 24 do begin for x:=1 to 80 do if (pages.bitmap[i*x,j*y]) then write ('*') else write (' '); end; end; procedure loadfrac (var pages:screen;var fraccalc:boolean;var name:string); var i,j:integer; begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('What is the name of the file to load? '); readln (name); reset (screenfile,name); for j:=1 to ver do begin pages.where:=screenfile^.where; for i:=1 to hor do pages.bitmap[i,j]:=screenfile^.line[i]; get (screenfile); end; close (screenfile); fraccalc:=true; write (chr (7)); end; procedure savefrac (var pages:screen;var name:string); var i,j:integer; begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('What do you want to name this file? '); readln (name); rewrite (screenfile,name); for j:=1 to ver do begin screenfile^.where:=pages.where; for i:=1 to hor do screenfile^.line[i]:=pages.bitmap[i,j]; put (screenfile); end; close (screenfile); write (chr (7)); end; procedure loadfile (var pages:screen;var fraccalc:boolean;var name:string); var temp,last,x,y:integer; temp2:char; bit:boolean; begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('What is the name of the file to load? '); readln (name); reset (remotefile,name); y:=1; x:=1; last:=0; readln (remotefile,temp,temp2); while not (eof (remotefile)) do begin if (temp2='T') then bit:=true else bit:=false; while (x<=temp) do begin if ((x+last)>hor) then begin temp:=temp-x+1; y:=y+1; x:=1; last:=0; end; pages.bitmap[last+x,y]:=bit; x:=x+1; end; if (x+last=hor+1) then y:=y+1; last:=((last+temp) mod hor); x:=1; readln (remotefile,temp,temp2); end; if (temp2='T') then bit:=true else bit:=false; while (x<=temp) do begin if ((x+last)>hor) then begin temp:=temp-x+1; y:=y+1; x:=1; last:=0; end; pages.bitmap[last+x,y]:=bit; x:=x+1; end; close (remotefile); fraccalc:=true; end; procedure savefile (var pages:screen;var name:string); var i,j,x:integer; prev,cur:char; begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('What do you want to name this file? '); readln (name); rewrite (remotefile,name); x:=0; prev:='F'; for j:=1 to ver do begin for i:=1 to hor do begin if pages.bitmap[i,j] then cur:='T' else cur:='F'; if (cur=prev) and (x to continue '); readln; end; end; graphed:=false; fraccalc:=false; writeln ('Please wait, initializing variables'); end; procedure deletebitmap (var pages:screen); {clear bitmap of current screen} var h,v:integer; begin for h:=1 to hor do for v:=1 to ver do pages.bitmap[h,v]:=false; end; procedure mainscreen (var pages:screen;var fraccalc:boolean); begin page (output); writeln; writeln (' Fractal Generation Program'); writeln (' by'); writeln (' Michael Rifani and Wayne Scott'); writeln (' Modified for the Apple II by David Jansen'); writeln; writeln ('Current region set at:'); with pages.where do begin write (max.a:12:5,' + ',max.b:12:5,'i to ',min.a:12:5,' + '); writeln (min.b:12:5,'i'); end; writeln; write ('This region has '); if not(fraccalc) then write ('not yet '); writeln ('been calculated.'); writeln; writeln (' (M) calculate mandelbrot fractal for current region'); writeln (' (J) calculate julia fractal for current region'); writeln (' (C)hange current region of fractal'); writeln (' (D)isplay fractal in a text screen'); writeln (' (L)oad fractal'); writeln (' (S)ave fractal'); writeln (' (P)rint hardcopy'); writeln (' (T)ext screen graph'); writeln (' (R)ead text data file'); writeln (' (W)rite text data file'); writeln (' (Q)uit'); writeln; write (' Enter your choice: '); end; begin {main} dhrclear; poke (-16303,0); deletebitmap (pages); with pages.where do begin min.a:=mina; max.a:=maxa; {set inital region} min.b:=minb; max.b:=maxb; end; fraccalc:=false; userdone:=false; graphed:=false; page (output); write (chr (7)); repeat repeat mainscreen (pages,fraccalc); read (choice); until choice in ['C','c','M','m','J','j','D','d','L','l','S','s', 'T','t','P','p','W','w','R','r','Q','q']; case choice of 'C','c': begin changeregion (pages,fraccalc,graphed); deletebitmap (pages); dhrclear; write (chr (7)); end; 'M','m': begin mandelbrot (pages,fraccalc); write (chr (7)); end; 'J','j': begin setting (pages,con,fraccalc); julia (pages,con,fraccalc); write (chr(7)); end; 'D','d': if graphed then begin dhrenable; readln; poke (-16303,0); end else if fraccalc then begin dhrenable; dhrscreen (pages,graphed); write (chr (7)); readln; poke (-16303,0); end else begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('You must calculate the fractal before you can '); writeln ('display it'); writeln; write ('Press to continue '); readln; end; 'L','l': loadfrac (pages,fraccalc,name); 'S','s': if fraccalc then savefrac (pages,name) else begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('You can''t save a fractal that has not been '); writeln ('calculated'); writeln; write ('Press to continue '); readln; end; 'P','p': if fraccalc then dhrprinter (pages,name) else begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('You can''t print a fractal that has not been '); writeln ('calculated'); writeln; write ('Press to continue '); readln; end; 'T','t': if fraccalc then begin page (output); textprinter (pages); readln; end else begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('You can''t print a fractal that has not been '); writeln ('calculated'); writeln; write ('Press to continue '); readln; end; 'W','w': if fraccalc then savefile (pages,name) else begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('You can''t save a fractal that has not been '); writeln ('calculated'); writeln; write ('Press to continue '); readln; end; 'R','r': loadfile (pages,fraccalc,name); 'Q','q': userdone := true; end; until userdone; end.